12 Days of Christmas Word Problems

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Solve each problem using the data you have collected in the chart. Please show your
1. Please copy the chart off of the board in
this space.

2. How many gifts did a persons true love give

them in total? (Remember only count the
gifts once)

3. Wow, it seems that there have been a lot

4. Each Maid a-Milking comes with her own

gifts given away. How many gifts were

cow. All the cows start to complain their

given away on the odd numbered days?

hoofs are cold. If all the Maids a-milking

wanted to make slipperys for their cows.
How many cow slippers will they need to

5.Challenge: Make your own word problem using the data from the chart. Are you up
for the challenge? Please make your word problem on the back of your sheet.

Lesson Plan
Name: Victoria Walsh
Grade: 5
Date: Dec. 03/2015

Topic: Math- Solving a problem with Tables

Allotted time: 50 minutes

Learning Intention:
I can build a chart to help solve a word problem.
I can use information found in a song to build a chart.
Big Ideas (what learning outcome(s)does this lesson develop)
Big Ideas
Analyzing data and chance help us to compare and interpret: graphs can be used to show many-to-one
Curricular Competence
Use reasoning and logic to explore and make connections
Use multiple strategies to engage in problem solving (e.g., visual, oral, role-play, experimental, written,
Develop, construct, and apply mathematical understanding through role-play, inquiry, and problem solving

WHY? (why is this lesson relevant to the learning outcomes above and at this time?)
Students will be building on their problem solving knowledge and strategies. Students will be analyzing the data
within the song to assist in creating a chart with will help solve word problems. Students will have a chance to use
written expression to represent data. This lesson fits well with the problem solving unit which has been taking place in
our classroom.

SAY (what will student be able to say.. new vocabulary, verbal response and able to answer questions)

WRITE (how will students use writing skills to show what they have learned; what does this look like ?)
DO (what actions or product will students complete to show they understand; what they have been taught)
S- Students will be able to explain how charts and tables are helpful during problem solving.
W- Students will be able to complete their own table by using the data provided.
D- Students will be able to use a chart to assist in organizing their data. Students will use the chart to assist in answer

Lesson Break Down:

Introductions (the hook or lead up to the lesson)
I do: I will be singing a line out of the song and asking for students to guess what song we will be singing.
Students do: Guess what song I was singing.
We do: As a class we will be singing the whole sound together.
5 minutes

Body (break down of step by step instructions for lesson)

I do: I will ask students how could be build a visual which represents the information in this song. What is the
information that we would like to represent? What would this visual look like? I will not be pre-making the chart for
the students we will have to brain storm together to make it. Students will be building the chart by directing me as to
what they would like me to do.
10 minutes
We do: Discuss how to make something which will help us collect all the data. After a discussion with the class we
will construct a chart based on the story. This is a sample of what the headings for the chart could be made with


I do: I will talk about our chart and we can use charts to assist in solving problems. I will now give the class a sample
word problem to word through so students have an understanding of how to use the chart to solve our problem. I will
show students their work sheet with problems. I will ask them to fill in the blank chart on their paper so they have the
information available as well as assisting them in practicing how to fill in the chart. I will let students know they may
work in partners but there are expectations.
15 minutes
Students do: Students will now be collecting their worksheets. They will be asked to choose a partner to work with
and begin by filling in their blank charts. Students will be given a work period.
Student teachers will circulate during this time.
15 minutes

Conclusion (how will you conclude/ wrap up your lesson to check for understanding with the

We do: We will wrap up our lesson by filling in our box on the problem solving strategies sheet. I will be asking for
student to contribute ideas as to what they think should be written in this space.
5 minutes
Charts and tables:
organize data in easy to read way
determine or find patterns

Cite sources:
Song- 12 days of Christmas http://www.41051.com/xmaslyrics/twelvedays.html
Word problems adapted from Twelve Days of Christmas created by Racheal Lynette

Resources, Materials & Preparation:

Resources & materials

12 days of Christmas song

Worksheet with word problems
Pencil/ ruler
Chart paper


Print off materials

Build worksheet
Set up chart paper

How will you plan for students who have learning/ physical / or behaviour difficulties or require enrichment?
How will you plan for students who finish fast and could improve the quality or complexity of their work?
We will be building this chart together which will support all students in understanding how to take information for a
source and build it into a table. Student who finish quickly will be encourage too build an addition work problem to
share with a friend which is based off of the material. Students will be asked to come up with an answer to their
question and to be prepared to explain it.

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One Wish


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