The Constitution of Thinktank
The Constitution of Thinktank
The Constitution of Thinktank
Article I
The name of the representative council of the STEM student body of Central Cabarrus High School shall be the
ThinkTank of Central Cabarrus High School.
Article II
In order to promote student participation in CCHS STEM, ThinkTank shall maintain a working relationship
between the administration and students, maintain a high standard of citizenship and scholarship for students,
and promote interest in activities and the general welfare of students.
Article III
It shall be the duty of the ThinkTank
Section 1 To be the liaison between the administration and the STEM student body
A. ThinkTank will work on suggestions/grievances by student body concerning campus
facilities, student-faculty relations, special visitations, and general welfare of students.
B. All legislation by ThinkTank is subject to absolute veto of Principal.
Section 2 To promote STEM student activities and interests
A. Represent the STEM school individually and collectively within the community.
Apply the constitution and organize elections of ThinkTank.
Have regularly scheduled meetings to address all aspects of ThinkTank.
Article IV
ThinkTank will consist of at most twenty elected grade-level representatives from the STEM student body of
Central Cabarrus High School. All officers and representatives must be in good academic standing, display
qualities of a leader, and be a role model to other students.
Section 1 The four officers, including President, Vice President, Sophomore Secretary, and Freshmen
Secretary are considered members.
Article V
In the Fall semester of each school year, all members of ThinkTank shall be elected by preferential ballot by
members of the STEM student body. Election statues, as incorporated into the By-Laws, shall serve as the
authority concerning the details of the election process. All students are elected for one year. If candidates who
are running for office have been suspended, each case will be reviewed by the ethics committee.
Section 1 Members of ThinkTank will be elected by the STEM student body.
A. Any STEM student can become a candidate through the application process.
B. Any student who ran for ThinkTank in previous years and was not elected can run again.
C. Students are elected through ballots provided to interested STEM students.
D. If a representative resigns or is removed from office, the space will remain vacant for the
remainder of the school year. The only exception should be if more than quorum is removed,
if necessary, a secondary election should take place within a month of losing members.
Section 2 ThinkTank Officers will be elected simultaneously by the ThinkTank representatives.
A. Officers shall come from the following classes:
President, Senior; Vice President, Junior; 1st Secretary, Sophomore; 2nd Secretary, Freshmen
B. If the President resigns or is removed from office, voting amongst the ThinkTank
representatives will take place for a new President simultaneously.
Section 4 Installation of new members will take place during the month of September.
Commencement of all official duties of the officers shall begin after the first ThinkTank meeting.
Article VI
The ThinkTank shall host weekly meetings.
Section 1 All dates should be selected and approved through by the ThinkTank advisor.
Section 2 Only elected members shall have the right to vote on ThinkTank matters.
Section 3 If an emergency need arises, the President or ThinkTank advisor has the right to call a special
Article VII
ThinkTank officers and representatives shall perform their duties as stated.
Section 1 It shall be the duty of the President:
A. To serve in the capacity of an executive to the STEM student body and the ThinkTank,
presiding at all meetings of ThinkTank meeting and regular program assemblies.
B. To call special meeting of ThinkTank as need arises.
C. To call officer meetings and ThinkTank advisor prior to general meetings to set the agenda.
D. To be the chairman of the ethics committee.
Section 2 It shall be the duty of the Vice President:
A. To assume the duties of the President in the case of absence or removal from office.
B. To advertise all ThinkTank elections.
C. To perform any duty especially delegated by the President.
D. To be co-Chairman of the ethics committee.
E. To attend all ThinkTank activities.
Section 3 It shall be the duty of the Sophomore (1st) Secretary:
A. To assume the duties of the President in the case of absence of both President and the Vice
B. To perform any duty especially delegated by the President.
C. To keep a record of minutes of all general meetings digitally.
D. To keep a running record of member participation and points digitally.
E. To be on the ethics committee.
F. To attend all ThinkTank activities.