Middle Finger of Vecna Class Pack 2
Middle Finger of Vecna Class Pack 2
Middle Finger of Vecna Class Pack 2
Bard Colleges
The way of a bard is gregarious. Bards seek each other out
to swap songs and stories, boast of their accomplishments,
and share their knowledge. Bards form loose associations,
which they call colleges, to facilitate their gatherings and
preserve their traditions.
College of Battledancing
Graceful, exotic, and lethal, the rare bards who commit to
learning battledancing are nimble combatants, revered in
legend. Their motions appear to be as random as they are
agile, but those are the steps of a lethal dance played out
according to their own rhythm. It is a beautiful dance of
predator and prey, of whirling blades and hapless victim.
Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the scimitar.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Performance. If you
are already proficient in this skill you may choose another
skill proficiency from among those bards can choose at 1st
Dervish Dance
Beginning when you select this college at 3rd level, you
may enter a Dervish Dance as a bonus action by expending
a Bardic Inspiration die. Your Dervish Dance lasts a
number of rounds equal to the amount rolled on the die + 1.
You can't perform a dervish dance in medium or heavy
armor or while carrying a shield. During your Dervish
Dance, your armor class increases by 2 and enemies have
disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you. You must
move at least 10 feet on each on your turns to continue
Dervish Dancing, otherwise you stop when you end your
When you take an Attack action while you are Dervish
Dancing, you may make a melee attack against any number
of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll
for each target.
At 6th level, when another creature damages you with a
melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one
Bardic Inspiration die to reduce the damage by the number
you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die + your Dexterity
Thousand Cuts
At 14th level, as an action while you are Dervish Dancing,
you can attack a single creature numerous times in a flash
of blades. You suffer a -1 penalty on your attack for each
time you successfully hit. You may continue to attack until
you miss, to a maximum of 6 attacks. After using this
ability, you must complete a short or long rest before using
it again.
Primal Paths
Rage burns in every barbarians heart, a
furnace that drives him or her toward
greatness. Different barbarians attribute
their rage to different sources, however. For
some, it is an internal reservoir where pain,
grief, and anger are forged into a fury hard
as steel. Others see it as a spiritual blessing,
a gift of a totem animal.
No Time to Think
When you select this path at 3rd level, strength comes
above all else. At 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level, your
Strength score increases by 1. Your maximum for this score
is 24. At 20th level, you Strength score and its maximum
becomes 28. However, your great physical might comes at
the expense of mental fortitude. As such you suffer
disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
saving throws.
Great Swing
At 6th level, you may attack up to three creatures which are
adjacent to each other and adjacent to you when you make
an attack action on your turn. Make a single attack roll, and
compare that roll against each creature's armor class. If you
choose to Great Swing, you may not use Extra Attack for
this attack action.
Rock Throwing
At 10th level, you are proficient in throwing large rocks.
The large rocks are a heavy thrown weapon which does 2d8
damage and targets one creature with a range of 30/60 feet.
This rock must be around 30 pounds.
Divine Domains
In a pantheon, every deity has influence over different
aspects of mortal life and civilization, called a deitys
domain. All the domains over which a deity has influence
are called the deitys portfolio. For example, the portfolio
of the Greek god Apollo includes the domains of
Knowledge, Life, and Light. As a cleric, you choose one
aspect of your deitys portfolio to emphasize, and you are
granted powers related to that domain. Your choice might
correspond to a particular sect dedicated to your deity.
Apollo, for example, could be worshiped in one region as
Phoebus (radiant) Apollo, emphasizing his influence over
the Light domain, and in a different place as Apollo
Acesius (healing), emphasizing his association with the
Life domain. Alternatively, your choice of domain could
simply be a matter of personal preference, the aspect of the
deity that appeals to you most.
Each domains description gives examples of deities
who have influence over that domain. Gods are included
from the worlds of the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk,
Dragonlance, and Eberron campaign settings, as well as
from the Celtic, Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of
Massive Swing
Entropy Domain
Cleric Level
bane, witch bolt
blur, gentle repose
bestow curse, haste
fabricate, Otilukes resilient sphere
cloudkill, wall of force
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency in martial weapons.
Entropic Touch
At 2nd level, your touch can increase entropy and wither
the life from living things. Make a melee spell attack
against a creature within your reach. On a hit, that creature
takes 1d6 force damage. If one of these dice rolls a 6, roll
an additional d6, rolling again if this die rolls a 6, and so
on, to a maximum of 4d6 damage for the entire attack. This
attack's damage increases by 1d6 and its maximum damage
increases 2d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6 / 6d6), 11th
level (3d6 / 8d6), and 17th level (4d6 / 10d6).
Druid Circles
Though their organization is invisible to most outsiders,
druids are part of a society that spans the land, ignoring
political borders. All druids are nominally members of this
druidic society, though some individuals are so isolated that
they have never seen any high-ranking members of the
society or participated in druidic gatherings. Druids
recognize each other as brothers and sisters. Like creatures
of the wilderness, however, druids sometimes compete with
or even prey on each other. At a local scale, druids are
organized into circles that share certain perspectives on
nature, balance, and the way of the druid.
Circle of Concrete
Druids who join the Circle of Concrete don't make their
home in pristine forests or majestic mountains, but in the
Cities. Scrounging for scraps and sleeping in alleys have
made them experts in surviving in the heart of a metropolis
without a silver to their names. These druids are defenders
of the downtrodden and avengers of the weak, living
among the poor and stepping up when they need a
champion most.
Divine Strike
By 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your strikes with
divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to
deal an additional 1d8 force damage. At 14th level this
increases to 2d8.
Sphere of Annihilation
By 17th level, you can create a pocket of pure entropy so
energetic that it forms a hole in the multiverse, a sphere of
annihilation. This sphere is less stable than a normal sphere
of annihilation and as such behaves differently. Your
sphere is a 2-foot diameter black sphere that appears in
your square and vanishes after one minute. Non-magical
items that are wholly engulfed by the sphere are obliterated.
Anything over than a magic item that touches the sphere
but isn't wholly engulfed by it takes 4d10 force damage.
You may move the sphere 15 feet in any direction as a
bonus action. If the sphere enters a space a creature
occupies, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
or be touched by it, taking 4d10 force damage. If a creature
is killed by this damage, its body is disintegrated, its soul is
consumed, and may only be restored to life with a wish
Bonus Proficiencies
Beginning when you select this archetype at 2nd level, you
are now capable of using and are proficient in wearing
armor and using shields made of metal.
At 2nd level, you learn to speak like a long time urbanite.
You gain advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks
to learn about a person or location in a city. In addition, you
have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to
haggle the price of goods and Charisma (Deception) checks
made to lie to authorities. Finally, you know Thieves Cant.
At 2nd level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain
costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through
crowds without being slowed by them, and have advantage
on Dexterity (Hide) checks in crowds. Finally, you can
scale buildings as few can; climbing no longer costs you
extra movement and you gain advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks made to scale walls.
Urban Shape
At 6th level, you can emulate the forms of some constructs.
You can take the form of a Flying Sword when you use
Wild Shape. At 8th level, you can choose the form of an
Animated Armor, at 10th level the form of a Helmed
Horror, and at 14th level a Shield Guardian. Additionally,
you have become adept at blending into crowds and can
cast disguise self at will without expending a spell slot.
By 10th level, you are immune to the blights and dangers of
the city. You are immune to disease and to being poisoned
and have resistance on poison damage. Additionally, you
have become wary to the dangers of the streets and can't be
surprised while you are conscious.
Martial Archetype
Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting
their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you choose to
emulate reflects your approach.
The weaponsmith is a warrior who is adept at creating and
repairing arms and armor, as well as fighting with exotic
and rare weapons. Those who study the art of smithing
often customize their own weapons to be more effective in
combat, and many of them trade weapon designs amongst
themselves. The greatest weaponsmiths use intelligence
and wit to invent new, experimental weapons with which to
kill more creatively and more efficiently.
Smith Journeyman
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with Smiths tools.
Exotic Crafting
Starting at 3rd level, your experience with forging and
carving blades, bows, and other arms allows you to create
unique and custom weapons. Using the crafting rules
provided in the Player's Handbook, you may create a
weapon for which you have the prerequisites from the
Custom Weapons list in Appendix A. You are proficient
with such weapons.
At 7th level, you have become adept at quickly creating
makeshift weapons to suit your needs. If you are in a
suitable environment, you can spend one hour to make a
number of simple weapons equal to your proficiency bonus
provided you have the wood, stone, and other natural
materials required.
By 14th level, you now no longer need to scale the walls of
the city to traverse it. You may cast passwall or dimension
door without using a spell slot. After you cast either of
these spells, you must complete a short or long rest before
casting one again.
Sundering Strike
Starting at 10th level, you can use your knowledge of the
weak points of weapons and armor to strike and render
them useless. As an action on your turn, you may make a
single melee attack with disadvantage against an enemy,
targeting their weapon or armor and attempting to sunder it.
This attack cannot be made with a wooden weapon. A
weapon has 10 hit points and armor has hit points equal to
its wearer's Armor Class. Weapons reduced to 0 hit points
break and become unusable, and armor reduced to 0 hit
points offers no Armor Class bonus.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this path at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency in martial weapons that do not have the Heavy
property. Martial weapons are also treated as monk
weapons for the purposes of monk class features.
Combat Discipline
Master Craftsman
At 15th level, you have learned the secrets of forging
adamantine and mithral weapons and armor. For an
additional 500 gp to the crafting cost, you may craft a
weapon or armor set from one of these materials.
Adamantine weapons ignore resistance to their damage
type, deal an extra 1d4 damage of the same type, and are
unbreakable. Mithral weapons have the finesse property
and weigh half as much as normal, and one-handed or
versatile mithral weapons also have the light property. See
the Dungeon Master's Guide for rules on adamantine and
mithral armor.
Ultimate Weapon
At 18th level, you have created a masterpiece: an ultimate
weapon that fits your fighting style perfectly. This weapon
represents the mastery of your craft and the perfect synergy
between warrior and weapon. The specific appearance of
your ultimate weapon is your choice, but all ultimate
weapons fit one of several archetypes. You may select from
the following: Ultimate Blade, Ultimate Bow, or Ultimate
Cudgel. Statistics and descriptions of each of these appear
under the Ultimate Weapons list below.
Monastic Traditions
Three traditions of monastic pursuit are common in the
monasteries scattered across the multiverse. Most
monasteries practice one tradition exclusively, but a few
honor the many traditions and instruct each monk
according to his or her aptitude and interest. All traditions
rely on the same basic techniques, diverging as the student
grows more adept. Thus, a monk need choose a tradition
only upon reaching 3rd level.
Quick to Act
By 6th level, you are exceptionally quick to act, and have
advantage on initiative rolls.
Mystic Jaunt
At 11th level, you can strike an enemy within the span of a
moment. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 Ki points to
teleport up to 60 feet to a space that you can see adjacent to
an enemy. You then have advantage on the first attack you
make before the end of your turn.
Sublime Way
By 17th level, you have mastered the Sublime Way and can
strike with perfect form. You may now use two different
maneuvers on a single attack, expending Ki points
separately for each
Sacred Oaths
Becoming a paladin involves taking vows that commit the
paladin to the cause of righteousness, an active path of
fighting wickedness. The final oath, taken when he or she
reaches 3rd level, is the culmination of all the paladins
training. Some characters with this class dont consider
themselves true paladins until they have reached 3rd level
and made this oath. For others, the actual swearing of the
oath is a formality, an official stamp on what has always
been true in the paladins heart.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
following two Channel Divinity options.
You have seen the truth. The great prophets of history are
false, and their clerics have been deceived; the gods are not
what we thought they were. Your great revelation was a
crystallizing moment, fulfilled by your oath. You will
spread the truth with your voice to whoever has ears to
listen, and where that does not dispel the lies, your sword
might dispense its own truth.
Tenets of Heresy
Aura of Unbelief
Oath of Heresy
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Paladin Level
command, hex
enthrall, hold person
fear, vampiric touch
compulsion, dominate beast
dominate person, hold monster
Ur Strike
Beginning at 15th level, you not only steal divine power
from the gods, you can leech it from mere mortals as well.
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a
weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra
1d6 necrotic damage to the target and you regain hit points
equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt.
At 20th level, fully divorced from the will of the gods, you
can assume a form empowered by the influence of your
blasphemy, a minor apotheosis. You can transform into a
figure composed of dark, whirling energy as an action,
which lasts for 1 minute. While you are transformed, you
gain the following effects:
You are immune to all divine spells and effects.
When you make an attack, the creature you target
gains no bonus to armor class from its armor.
Your Ur Strikes are empowered. Your Ur Strike deals
4d6 necrotic damage, and you regain hit points equal
to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt.
Ranger Archetypes
The ideal of the ranger can have many expressions.
Arcane Archer
The Arcane Archers are a spectacle to behold, as skilled
with a bow and arrow as they are with magic. Called bow
arcanists and mage marksmen, such warriors are renowned
throughout the realms for their supernatural accuracy and
the devastating effects of their arcane arrows. Masters of
this technique are bowmen of legend, unleashing arrows
tipped with eldritch might to lay waste to entire legions of
enemies in mere seconds.
Arcane Initiate
Beginning at 3rd level you gain the ability to learn and cast
a number of arcane spells. Choose two evocation spells
from the Sorcerer spell list of a level for which you
have a spell slot available. The chosen spells count
as ranger spells for you but dont count against the
number of ranger spells you know. However,
these spells may not be changed when you
gain a level in this class. At 7th, 11th,
and 15th levels, you learn an additional
two spells from the Sorcerer spell list.
Spells learned at 15th level may be from any school.
Spells learned from this feature can only be cast
with the Imbue Arrow feature.
Arcane Intuiton
By 10th level, you have become intuitively aware of all
magic auras. After you have been in the presence of a
magic aura for 1 minute, you can sense its presence, though
you cannot discern its origin or the school of magic to
which it belongs.
Seeking Arrows
At 11th level, your imbued arrows gain a limited ability to
seek their target. You may now apply your Wisdom
modifier as a bonus to hit with your imbued arrows.
Imbue Arrows
At 3rd level, you can imbue your arrows with magical
energies. As a bonus action you may imbue an arrow,
bolt, or other type of ammunition with a spell you
know of first level or higher, expending a spell slot and
spell components as though you cast the spell normally.
You may only imbue spells with a duration of
instantaneous. You also may imbue an arrow with pure
arcane energy, expending no spell slot, but allowing this
arrow to deal an additional 1d6 force damage on a hit. This
ammunition remains imbued so long as you maintain
concentration on it.
When making an attack with one of these projectiles,
treat it as a normal attack. If the attack successfully hits a
creature, the spell is cast centered on your target or
targeting only the creature hit by the arrow, as appropriate.
Spells requiring spell attacks automatically hit, since the
arrow has already struck the target. Line and cone spells are
cast in the direction the arrow flew to strike the target.
Roguish Archetypes
Rogues have many features in common, including their
emphasis on perfecting their skills, their precise and deadly
approach to combat, and their increasingly quick reflexes.
But different rogues steer those talents in varying
directions, embodied by the rogue archetypes. Your choice
of archetype is a reflection of your focusnot necessarily
an indication of your chosen profession, but a description
of your preferred techniques.
Spellwarp Sniper
You are more accurate with rays of flame than an archer is
with his arrows, and twice as deadly. Not content to splash
around messy evocation magic to slay your foes, you have
learned to alter the form of your spells into exact rays of
lethal potential. Deadly and precise, you favor the methods
of a surgeon, meticulously eradicating your foes, rather
than the disorganized violence of a butcher.
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast
spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting
and chapter 11 for the wizard spell list.
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips: fire bolt and one
cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn
another wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
Spell Slots. The Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table
shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of
1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must
expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all
expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know
three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which
you must choose from the evocation and illusion spells on
the wizard spell list. The Spells Known column of the
Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table shows when
you learn more wizard spells of 1st
level or higher.
By 3rd level, you can make Sneak Attacks with ranged
spell attacks, in addition to finesse and ranged weapons, if
the spell deals damage to the target. You may apply half the
number of d6s listed on the Sneak Attack table to Sneak
Attacks used in this way.
At 9th level, you can alter the form of certain spells as you
cast them. When you cast a spell of duration instantaneous
that affects an area, you may change that spell's range to a
single target with a range of 60 feet. All other effects of the
spell remain unchanged, but you must now make a ranged
spell attack to hit the targeted creature. If the spell requires
that the target makes a Dexterity saving throw, the creature
automatically fails this save.
Silent Spell
At 13th level, when you cast a spell, you can cast it without
any somatic or verbal components. After using this ability,
you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long
Ray Mastery
At 17th level, when you make a ranged spell attack, you
can deal maximum damage. After using this ability, you
must complete a long rest before using it again.
Sorcerous Origins
Different sorcerers claim different origins for their innate
magic. Although many variations exist, most of these
origins fall into two categories: an eldritch bloodline and
the influence of wild magic.
Your innate magic stems from a long family line of Ooze
blood. For generations, the taint of Ooze blood has run in
your family, infecting some at birth and sparing others,
stemming from a well-documented but shadowy ancestor.
It's unclear what horrific experiment infused a monstrous
ooze or slime into his body so long ago, but some of his
scattered descendants are born to this day with a personal,
innate magic and bizarre physical characteristics.
Oozy Touch
Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, you can
excrete slime with a touch. As an action, you can make a
touch range spell attack at a creature within 5 feet of you.
On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 acid damage. You can
expend 1 sorcery point make this touch rust metal, or rot
wood, up to a maximum of 10 cubic feet of material. You
have advantage on on Strength checks to break rusted metal
or rotten wood. This ability's damage increases by 1d6
when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level
(3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Indiscernible Anatomy
Goopy Blood
By 14th level, your blood flows like a thick soup rather
than a normal liquid. As a reaction expending up to 5
sorcery points when you are attacked, you can reduce the
damage dealt by 3 times the number of sorcery points
expended, up to a maximum of the damage dealt.
Otherworldly Patron
The beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are mighty
inhabitants of other planes of existencenot gods, but
almost godlike in their power. Various patrons give their
warlocks access to different powers and invocations, and
expect significant favors in return. Some patrons collect
warlocks, doling out mystic knowledge relatively freely or
boasting of their ability to bind mortals to their will. Other
patrons bestow their power only grudgingly, and might
make a pact with only one warlock. Warlocks who serve
the same patron might view each other as allies, siblings, or
The Solar
At 6th level, your body becomes
more fluid. You can shift your
features around and make
yourself look differently
while you maintain
concentration on the
change. You can seem 1
foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or
in between. You cant change your body type, so
you must adopt a form that has the same basic
arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of
the physical change is up to you.
Additionally, you can expend 2 sorcery
points to compress your body enough
to squeeze through an inch-wide
crack. You cannot expand inside a
protection from evil and good, shield of faith
enhance ability, magic weapon
spirit guardians, daylight
guardian of faith, death ward
dispel evil and good, flame strike
Shield of Heaven
Starting at 1st level, when a friendly creature you can see
within 15 feet of you takes damage, you can use your
reaction to grant resistance to the damage inflicted, and you
also take the same amount of damage.
Light of Mending
At 6th level, you can petition the angels above to grant you
a hallowed light from Mt. Celestia. As an action, you can
cause your holy symbol to glow brightly, casting bright
light in a 20 foot radius, and dim light an additional 20 feet.
Friendly creatures within the bright light heal 2d4 + your
Charisma modifier. After you use this ability, you cannot
do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
Exalted Health
By 10th level, the forces of decay hold no sway over you,
and you have resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally,
you now no longer suffer any penalties for old age.
Saints Chains
At 14th level, you can pass judgement on a foe, entrapping
them in glowing, golden chains which spring from nearby
surfaces. As an action, choose a creature that you can see
within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw
against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, the
target is incapacitated and can't move for a number of
rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, or until your
concentration is broken (as if you are concentrating on a
spell), as the chains hold its limbs to the ground. If the
target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d8 radiant damage each
round it is held in this way. After you use this ability, you
cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
Arcane Traditions
The study of wizardry is ancient, stretching back to the
earliest mortal discoveries of magic. It is firmly established
in the worlds of D&D, with various traditions dedicated to
its complex study. The most common arcane traditions in
the multiverse revolve around the schools of magic.
Wizards through the ages have cataloged thousands of
spells, grouping them into categories called schools. In
some places, these traditions are literally schools; a wizard
Bonus Missile
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, you
learn the spell magic missile, if you do not know it already.
Additionally, when you cast this spell, you fire 1 additional
dart, as if the spell was cast using a higher level spell slot.
The additional number of missiles increases by 1 at 6th
level (2 additional missiles), 10th level (3 additional
missiles), and 14th level (4 additional missiles).
Missile Magician
At 2nd level, you can cast magic missile a number of times
equal to your Intelligence modifier, or half your wizard
level, whichever is lower, without using a spell slot. You
regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest.
If you choose magic missile for the Spell Mastery
feature at 18th level, it is cast as if using a higher level spell
slot (5 additional missiles.)
Shield of Missiles
By 6th level, as an action expending one casting of magic
missile, you can cast your missiles around you in a tight
orbit, providing a deadly aegis from your foes. For 1
minute, your armor class equals 10 + the number of
missiles orbiting you, which begins as the number of
missiles fired, to a maximum of 8. Whenever an enemy
ends its turn adjacent to you, a single missile strikes it,
dealing damage as normal and decreasing the number of
missiles orbiting you, and also decreasing your bonus to
armor class. After using this ability, you may not use it
again until you complete a short or long rest.
Energy Missile
By 10th level you have become intimately attuned to the
energies that compose the spell magic missile and may alter
them in significant ways. During casting, you may change
the damage dealt by your magic missile to acid, cold, fire,
or lightning.
Overpowering Missile
By 14th level, your missiles become especially potent.
Your magic missile ignores resistance. If a creature is
immune to your magic missile, or is under the effect of the
shield spell, it is treated as only having resistance against it.
Additionally, your magic missile spell can deal
maximum damage. After doing this, you cannot do so again
until completing a long rest.
Appendix A
Custom Weapons
A non-weaponsmith character may gain proficiency with
any of these weapons by taking the Weapon Master feat.
Any weapon selected from this list counts as two weapons
for the purposes of said feat, due to their rare and exotic
Armor Spikes. Armor spikes are small metal studs that
attach to armor and as such do not require you to hold
them. Armor equipped with spikes automatically deals
damage each turn to grappled creatures and creatures who
successfully grapple you. It also deals damage to the target
of a successful shove attack.
Auto Hammer. (Prerequisite: 15th level) Resembling a
long, heavy mace with a rounded, over-sized head, the
Auto Hammer is a brutal mechanized weapon. Thrusting
the head of the weapon at a creature triggers the head to
shoot forward and backward in rapid succession, perhaps
striking another time. Once per turn when you roll to attack
with the Auto Hammer, you can attack two additional
times. However, the bulky form and disorienting recoil of
this weapon makes is impossible to deal additional damage
from critical hits, though you still automatically hit as
Chain, spiked. The spiked chain is length of heavy metal
chain with spiked heads on either end. You may use a
bonus action on your turn to make an additional attack with
the other end of a spiked chain.
Chainsword. (Prerequisite: 15th level)The chainsword is
a complex weapon, roughly the same size and shape as a
longsword, which employs a clockwork mechanism to
drive a belt of blades around a wide, grooved blade. When
you hit a target with an attack using the chainsword, you
may use your bonus action to rev the blade, potentially
cutting deeper into the target. To do this, roll a d6. On a roll
of 6, the hit becomes a critical hit and deals extra damage
as a critical hit normally would.
Gauntlet, spiked. You may hold or otherwise manipulate
a weapon, shield, or other object with the same arm as this
gauntlet, though you may not attack with the gauntlet and
use an object or weapon held in that hand on the same turn.
Grapple Blade. (Prerequisite: 10th level) This small
blade resembles a bulky shortsword with a barbed piercing
blade attached to a length of thin chain and a long hilt.
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you may
press a button on the hilt as part of one of your attacks and
shoot the spring-loaded blade at a target no more than 20
Ultimate Weapons
The weapons below all benefit from the properties of both
Adamantine and Mithral. These bonuses are already
factored into their statistics.
Ultimate Blade. (Prerequisite: 18th level) This longsword
or battleaxe (your choice) is composed of a
mithral/adamantine alloy, making it very light yet nearly
unbreakable. As a bonus action on your turn, you may
retract or extend the telescoping grip. While extended, the
weapon gains the reach property but must be held twohanded. You may elect to create this weapon with the
special abilities of any one custom melee weapon that deals
slashing damage, giving it the chainsword's biting blade,
the hooked sword's disarming ability (but not the second
blade or linking ability), or the sharpened shield's AC
bonus (the blade is very wide and shield-like in this case).
Ultimate Cudgel. (Prerequisite: 18th level) This mace,
flail, or warhammer (your choice) is composed of a
mithral/adamantine alloy with an ironwood handle, making
it very light yet nearly unbreakable. The head of the
weapon contains a clockwork kinetic accelerator, allowing
you to strike with great force, even with a weak swing. On
a critical hit with this weapon, you may reroll your damage
dice three additional times, instead of only one.
Ultimate Bow. (Prerequisite: 18th level) This bow is
constructed of mithral-reinforced ironwood, making it
sturdy yet flexible. The braided mithral string is connected
to a series of pulleys, making it even more powerful, and an
attached targeting spyglass allows pinpoint accuracy out to
a further range. On your turn, you may use a bonus action
to steady your shot, granting advantage on your next attack
using this weapon on that turn.
Custom Weapons
Melee Weapons
Armor Spikes
Auto Hammer
Chain, spiked
Gauntlet, spiked
Grapple Blade
Hidden Blade
Hooked Swords
Shield, sharpened
Ultimate Blade
Ultimate Cudgel
Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, repeating
Flask Launcher
Rail Gun
Ultimate Bow
10 gp
150 gp
50 gp
150 gp
20 gp
30 gp
75 gp
15 gp
10 gp
50 gp
600 gp
600 gp
1d6 piercing
2d6 bludgeoning
2d4 piercing
1d12 slashing
1d6 piercing
1d8 piercing
1d4 piercing
1d8 slashing
1d4 slashing
2d6 fire
1d10+1d4 slashing
2d6+1d4 bludgeoning
5 lb.
30 lb.
10 lb.
10 lb.
1 lb.
6 lb.
1 lb.
4 lb.
6 lb.
3 lb.
8 lb.
8 lb.
Heavy, special, two-handed
Finesse, reach, special, two-handed
Special, versatile (2d6)
Light, special
Finesse, light, special
Finesse, light, special
Finesse, two-handed, special
Finesse, light, special
Finesse, special, two-handed
Finesse, light, special, versatile (2d6+1d4)
Finesse, light, special, versatile (3d6+1d4)
50 gp
40 gp
150 gp
500 gp
600 gp
1d8 piercing
1d4 slashing
2d10 piercing
4d8 piercing
2d6 piercing
6 lb.
6 lb.
16 lb.
40 lb.
3 lb.