Architectural Modelmaking
Architectural Modelmaking
Architectural Modelmaking
Published in 2010
by Laurence King Publishing Ltd
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Design copyright 2010 Laurence King Publishing Limited
Text Nick Dunn
Nick Dunn has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs,
and Patent Act 1988, to be identified as the Author of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
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A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978 185669 670 8
Designed by John Round Design
Printed in China
A brief history
28 Introduction
28 Abstraction
29 Size and scale
Modelmaking now
Getting started
paper models
44 Wood
50 Naturally grown woods
50 Wood-based sheets
Concept models
Descriptive models
Site/city models
an interior
182 Endmatter
184 Glossary
184 A note on scales
185 Further reading
186 Index
190 Picture credits
192 Acknowledgments
Why we make models
The representation of creative ideas is of primary importance
within any design-based discipline, and is particularly relevant
in architecture where we often do not get to see the finished
results, i.e. the building, until the very end of the design
process. Initial concepts are developed through a process that
enables the designer to investigate, revise and further refine
ideas in increasing detail until such a point that the projects
design is sufficiently consolidated to be constructed. Models
can be extraordinarily versatile objects within this process,
enabling designers to express thoughts creatively. Architects
make models as a means of exploring and presenting the
conception and development of ideas in three dimensions.
One of the significant advantages of physical models is their
immediacy, as they can communicate ideas about material,
shape, size and colour in a highly accessible manner. The
size of a model is often partially determined by the scale
The team at the in-house
modelmaking facility at
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
works on a 1:200 model of The
Leadenhall Building, London.
Antoine Predock working on
a clay model for Ohio State
Universitys Recreation and
Physical Activity Center, en route
to a project presentation, 2001.
On his wesbite, Predock refers to
the importance his clay models
have within his design process:
compared to a drawing on paper,
the models are very real; they are
the building.
8 Introduction
10 Introduction
12 Introduction
Sectional model for CPlex project
by Alsop Architects, investigating
internal characteristics of
the design.
Competition model for the
Fourth Grace, Liverpool, by Rogers
Stirk Harbour + Partners, 1:500,
illustrating the urban scale of
the scheme.
14 Introduction
A brief history
The first recorded use of architectural models dates back to
the fifth century BC, when Herodotus, in Book V, Terpsichore,
makes reference to a model of a temple. Whilst it may be
inspiring to believe that scale models were used in the design
of buildings from ancient civilizations, this appears highly
unlikely. This is because the inaccuracies in translating scales
at this time would have resulted in significant errors, but also
because designs in antiquity were in fact developed with
respect to cosmic measurements and proportions. Despite
this, however, the production of repetitive architectural
elements in large quantities was common, and the use of a
full-size physical prototype as a three-dimensional template
for the accurate replication of components such as column
capitals was typical.
Architectural design continued in a similar manner
through to the Middle Ages. Medieval architects travelled
frequently to study and record vital proportions of Classical
examples that would then be adapted in relation to a
clients desires. Although models were not prevalent at this
time, they would occasionally be constructed to scale from
A brief history 15
Opposite, right
Wooden model from around 1717
of the Church of Saint Mary-leStrand, London, designed by
James Gibbs. This type of model
is typical of those made in the
period between the sixteenth and
nineteenth centuries.
Sir Christopher Wren, model for
dome of Royal Naval Hospital,
Greenwich, London. This model,
from circa 1699, is one of the
earliest examples of a sectional
study in British architecture.
16 Introduction
A brief history 17
Opposite left
Opposite right
Vladimir Tatlins assistants building
the first model of his Monument
to the Third International from
wood connected by metal plates,
1920. This was one of several
models made for this project
that tested various iterations of
the design. A simplified version
was paraded through the streets
of St Petersburg (then known as
Leningrad) in 1926.
Model for the Concrete City of
the Future, designed by F. R. S.
Yorke and Marcel Breuer, 1936.
18 Introduction
A brief history 19
20 Introduction
Modelmaking now
Why use physical models to describe and explore the
qualities of architecture? The most obvious answer lies, of
course, in the actual tangibility of such models. Physical
models enable designs to be explored and communicated
in both a more experimental and more rigorous manner
than other media, as various components of the project
may not appear to make much sense until visualised in three
dimensions. Akiko Busch suggests that part of our attraction
to models lies in the fact that the world in miniature
grants us a sense of authority; it is more easily manoeuvred
and manipulated, more easily observed and understood.
Moreover, when we fabricate, touch, or simply observe the
miniature, we have entered a private affair; the sense of
closeness, of intimacy is implicit.7
The integration of digital technology with traditional
modelmaking techniques has resulted in significant and
exciting shifts in the manner in which we engage with the
design process of architecture.The proliferation of computers
and advanced modelling software has enabled architects and
students alike to conceive designs that would be very difficult
to develop using more traditional methods yet despite this,
the physical model appears to be experiencing something
of a renaissance. This return to analogue models seems to
confirm that, as Peter Cook suggests, as we become cleverer
at predicting colour, weight, performance or materiality,
we are often in danger of slithering past the question of
just what the composition of space may be [since]
the tactile and visual nature of stuff may get you further
into the understanding and composition of architecture.8
Furthermore, the application of CAD technologies as part of
the production of physical models is increasingly widespread
through processes such as CAD/CAM, CNC (Computerized
Numerical Control) milling and rapid prototyping. The
translation of computer-generated data to physical artefact is
reversed with equipment such as a digitizer, which is used to
trace contours of physical objects directly into the computer.
Computational modelmaking offers a different set
of techniques and tools for the designer compared to
traditional methods, thereby increasing the development
of design innovation and the production of architectural
knowledge. The tactile qualities of constructing and handling
a physical model afford the maker contact with the real
world and so any overlap between different techniques
and media, both digital and physical, can only enrich the
discourse within the discipline even further. Indeed, as
Karen Moon writes, Even as architecture moves beyond
the realm of the material, the physical model contrary to
expectation may not lose its purpose. Models produced
at the push of a button cannot offer the individuality and
range of expression requisite for the task, nor can the
imagination of architects be satisfied in this manner.9 The
Getting started
There is a set of basic tools that a modeller needs in order
to make models out of paper and cardboard; these are a
cutting mat, a metal ruler, knives and scissors.
Getting started 23
These basic and affordable tools will serve the modelmaker
time and time again, although more specific machinery and
tools may be required to enable a wider variety of materials
to be handled effectively. Indeed, the majority of professional
architectural modelmakers have the same workshop tools
as carpenters, including handsaws, files, planes, chisels and
mallets, which all extend the methods by which materials
especially wood can be worked. Most architecture
schools have extensive workshop facilities in which a range
of useful processes can be conducted. Remember that it is
very important that any necessary training and supervision
is obtained prior to working with such facilities. Whilst the
range of resources may vary between different workshops,
the most commonly found machines and their applications
are described below.
Machines 25
28 Media
Wooden model for Grafton
Architects Solstice Arts Centre,
Navan, Ireland. The sloping
ground and the geometry of the
site contributed to the dynamic
form of the building. The choice
of material for this model
reinforces this connection, as the
building appears to be carved
within the landscape.
All models, by the very nature of their existence, display
a degree of abstraction, as there would be very little point
to a model if it represented reality in every aspect. Most
importantly, this level of abstraction should be consistent
as it would not make sense to model a buildings context
accurately and then insert a very loosely defined and
highly abstract model of the design proposal in most
situations. In essence, abstraction means taking away any
unnecessary components or detail that will not aid the
understanding of the design being communicated. There
are no hard-and-fast rules regarding this process, and it
is a skill that will develop through experience of making
models, but usually the more accurate and detailed a
model is the further the project is along the design-process
route. This is because it would not make sense to use
valuable time and resources making precise representations
of initial ideas that may subsequently be very susceptible
to lots of changes. As a general rule, the only constraints
are what is technically possible within the time limits in
which to make the model. For example, if an aperture such
as a window is too small to be made it should be left out.
The greater the level of detail and communication
of materials in a model, the more accurate impression
Introduction 29
A clay model of the Spencer
Theater, New Mexico, designed
by Antoine Predock. The architect
favours this material for
design process models as it enables
him to sculpt initial concepts and
relationships between mass and
void quickly.
Below right
Spencer Theater, New Mexico.
Photograph of the completed
30 Media
Introduction 31
32 Media
34 Media
36 Media
This model uses cardboard upon
which a printed pattern has been
applied. Whilst most of the faade
panels have been individually
attached to one another, the
resultant pattern gives the
impression of a more continuous
folded surface as well as evoking
possible final materials.
38 Media
The different-coloured cardboard
used in this model for the Linked
Hybrid mixed-use development in
Beijing by Steven Holl Architects
enables the buildings to be read
as distinct from the landscape
design, whilst still maintaining a
coherency between the blocks.
Under normal daylight conditions,
the blocks appear fairly solid
despite their pattern of apertures.
Below left
The transformation of the model
when it is artificially lit from
underneath is clearly apparent. The
scheme now takes on an almost
magical aura, appearing much
more sculptural as the previously
solid blocks seem permeable
and appear to float above the
Linked Hybrid, Beijing. Photograph
of the completed development.
Foam board is very useful for
design-process models as well as
presentation ones, as it enables
large components to be created
easily and quickly. However, the
benefits of its comparative rigidity
mean it can be difficult to achieve
surfaces that curve in more than
one dimension.
In this case, the reduction of
the surrounding landscape to
built-up layers of foam board,
upon which a basic palette of
coloured card has been applied
to indicate the proposed design,
illustrates a typical convention
in modelmaking, in which the
designer wishes to draw attention
to the buildings imposition upon
the existing context.
40 Media
The simple addition of thin metal
rods suddenly encloses parts of the
model, and while the viewer may
still be unclear as to the precise
function, the architecture is more
These images demonstrate
the ease with which paper
and cardboard can be used
to construct curved surfaces
that can be both sleek and
continuous. The subtleties of this
schemes undulating form and its
relationship with the surrounding
landscape is apparent, and thus,
while it may not be particularly
detailed, the model provides key
information about the relationship
between its various elements and
its context. Note also the use of
nails to indicate trees; whilst clearly
there is no foliage evident, the
nails provide basic information
about other vertical elements in
the immediate landscape.
42 Media
For this project, folded-cardboard
models were initially developed
to investigate the geometry and
wrapping of internal space a
process that takes careful planning
to ensure the two-dimensional
shape folds into the required
three-dimensional form. Once the
form was consolidated, textures
were applied to a CAD model that
bears a clear resemblance to the
final building.
The use of paint on this cardboard
model gives the building a
much more solid feel despite
its comparatively thin envelope.
It also provides an indication
of external materiality, whilst
preserving internal spatial purity.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.
Photograph of the completed
44 Media
Perhaps the most established material used for making
architectural models is wood, as it has prevailed for
over 500 years. Unlike paper and cardboard, working
with wood is typically more labour-intensive but the
investment of additional time, effort and cost is often
reflected in the impressive results. Since different types
of wood each have their own natural aesthetic, this is
usually expressed independently of the models form and
composition. The subtle variances in the grain and colour
of different woods provides a rich palette with which to
model. Wood can be sanded very finely and then treated
in a number of ways, including varnishes and paints, but
the majority of models made using this material are left
uncoated since it is the natural state and appearance of
the material that gives wood its aesthetic appeal.
Although a considerable spectrum of different types
of wood is available, they all fit into two basic categories.
The more familiar is naturally grown and dried wood that
is taken and manufactured directly from trees. The other
category consists of products that are manufactured from
waste wood produced by timber-processing industries;
these are wood-based and usually produced in sheets.
Both types of wood are frequently used in modelling.
An important factor when deciding which type of natural
Wood 45
In this sectional model, a different
type of wood has been used to
express the section and enable the
viewer to look inside the spaces.
This model uses a single type
of wood to represent the
existing building whilst the new
interventions are coloured and
combined with clear acrylic
components, making them easily
recognizable in relation to their
historic context. This approach is
often applied in models to enable
the viewer simply and effectively to
identify the new design elements
within the extant conditions.
The use of wood in this model
enables the designer to emphasize
the difference between the solid
elements of the building, with its
seemingly carved spaces, and the
delicate glazed voids above.
46 Media
For this site model, the raw state
of the wood used for the site is
left untreated and contrasting
coloured wooden blocks are
used to represent the building
proposal. This example is effective
as the grain of the wooden
landscape-base is so out of
proportion with the scale of the
model that we do not confuse it
with actual terrain features.
Below left
This massing model, produced
by stacking roughly cut pieces of
softwood, enables the designer
to test various iterations of the
blocks both as individual towers
and as elements of the overall
composition. Each variation
can be photographed to record
the design process, and when
a desirable result is reached the
pieces can be glued together to
provide a more permanent model.
This model by 6a architects not
only represents the proposed
design but also investigates the
actual process of production,
as it uses the same CAD/CAM
technology (Computer-aided
Manufacturing) as the final
architectural intervention albeit
on a smaller scale. The thin timber
veneer lends itself very well to the
delicate tracery within the design,
facilitating the layering and relief
of shapes. Note the use of a person
to indicate human scale, and the
contrasting but uniform manner
in which the context is expressed
an approach that maximizes the
impact of the design.
Wood 47
48 Media
This concept model expresses
the form and arrangement of the
building blocks whilst remaining
highly abstract. The lack of a
baseboard to fix the components
reinforces the playful aspects of the
initial ideas, as the blocks appear
movable and the possibility of
numerous configurations
is enticing.
By using the same material for
the model base and the building
in this example, the designer
emphasizes the integration of
the design with its immediate
surroundings. Note the use of
horizontal grain to evoke a sense
of landscape and strata in the base,
whilst finer wooden components
communicate the more detailed
elements of the buildings faade.
Wood 49
The contrast between the solid
and voids of this design is
reinforced when the model is
artificially lit and the some of the
wooden elements appear to float.
Considerable care has been taken
when photographing this model
to ensure no background elements
detract from the effect.
The sculptural quality of this
design is clearly evident as a result
of the dialogue between the
wood and sectional cut chosen.
Applying the horizontal grain
of the veneer to the sectional
cut serves to draw the eye to
the carved internal spaces, and
allows us to focus on the details
of the interior. The effects of the
glazed rooftop components can
be observed within the internal
spaces, with artificial lighting
used (out of the camera shot) to
reinforce the contrasting areas
of shadow.
50 Media
Wood-based sheets
Particle board an inexpensive material made by gluing
together wood particles under heat and pressure. It has
a relatively rough surface and is available in a number of
densities. With the exception of the high-density variety,
it has a tendency to soak up water, making it swell and
break down. It is typically used for making baseboards for
CNC milling bed works from a CAD fill to cut and rout the model elements
from a sheet of plywood. The geometry of the design has been optimized to
reduce the amount of waste material.
Once the model elements have been cut out they then have specially shaped
slots cut into them using a biscuit jointer.
Oval-shaped pieces known as biscuits are covered in glue and then inserted
into the slots. The biscuits are highly dried and compressed components
of wood, typically made from beech, that expand in contact with the glue,
providing a very strong bond.
The model elements are then clamped together whilst the joints bond. Once
the clamps have been removed, the prototypes can be treated with paint,
varnish or have lighting installed as shown here.
52 Media
54 Media
In this early design-development
model for the CCTV (China
Central Television headquarters)
by the Office for Metropolitan
Architecture (OMA), the effect of
stacking the various components
of the buildings programme, as
represented by the blue styrofoam
blocks, is explored in relation to
the proposed external envelope,
which is indicated by the
continuous folded Plexiglas strip.
OMA frequently use this material
for their design-development
work, as ideas can be investigated
and revised very quickly with it;
Rem Koolhaas has stated: often,
my most important role is to
undo things.
56 Media
58 Media
Below right
The clear-acrylic wall construction
enables the interior spaces of
this house to be easily viewed.
The coloured fluorescent (live
edge) acrylic elements within
the model highlight the division
between living spaces and service
core, reflecting the modular
construction of the actual house.
By designating key components
of this model with contrasting
colours, the articulation of the
design is heightened. For example,
the vertical circulation in red
appears much more dramatic
than it would if the whole model
had been made from colourless
transparent material. Such
elements help anchor the design
and enable its intentions to be
understood. When photographing
images, a longer exposure is
used to capture the integral
lighting effect.
In this example, thin layers of foam
have been built up quickly by
cutting various pieces and pinning
them together in order to test a
combination of the forms. The
flexible nature of this material allows
for revision and reassembly of the
stacks prior to the consolidation
of design ideas, which will lead
to modelling them in a more
permanent manner for example,
using wood (see page 46).
Below left
The styrofoam of this model
enables the sculptural qualities of
the design to be explored. Rather
than an overtly architectural
proposition, the scalpel marks
and hewn surface of the material
give the model the appearance
of an artists maquette or mould.
The inexpensive nature of this
material makes it very suitable for
such initial formal experimentation
between mass and void and
because it can be worked very
quickly, using basic tools, it allows
the designers imagination to
explore many ideas. A much
smoother version of the model was
later produced from a mould using
resin (see page 66).
62 Media
64 Media
66 Media
68 Media
Opposite page
70 Media
Centre right
The different components of the
model shown above, all of which
were cast separately. Owing to
the interdependent nature of the
pieces in this model, it is essential
that great care be taken when
constructing each mould, in order
to ensure a close fit when they are
removed and fitted together.
Below right
This close-up image of a single
component of the same model
enables the extent of the detail
and the precision of the casting
process to be appreciated. Note
how some surfaces in this piece
have been carefully sanded to
enhance the materials qualities
and to create variation within a
single element of the model.
Opposite top
This roughcast plaster model
showcases how gypsum can
be used to project a sense of
materiality. The mass and variety
of forms within the design are
immediately apparent, and the
addition of controlled lighting
allows the formal qualities to be
explored even further.
Opposite bottom
The same model viewed from the
other side demonstrates the rich
composition of volumes and their
interplay with light and shadow
as elements which were recessed
in the above image suddenly
project outwards, and vice versa.
76 Media
To represent the
translucent ETFE
panels, the geodesic
structure is then clad
with a skinof clear
acetate components.
The structure has first
been spray-painted with
metal etching primer
and a final color coat
78 Media
80 Media
The variety of computational modelmaking tools
and processes is already very extensive and with the
emergence of more and more software and hardware, this
field of design generation and representation continues to
grow. To discuss the large number of different approaches
and techniques comprehensively would require an entire
book in its own right, therefore this section describes
some of the more common opportunities presented by
using computers as part of the modelmaking process.
There is no doubt that computers have revolutionized
architectural design, and yet despite initial speculation
that physical models may become extinct and be replaced
by their virtual counterparts, the current situation
illustrates that they are in fact experiencing something
of a renaissance. In addition, when physical models are
produced in conjunction with computerized processes,
they may present even more advantages for the designer
than before.
The most common application of Computer-aided
Drawing (CAD) software to produce physical models is
through the Computerized Numerical Control process
(usually abbreviated to CNC). In essence CNC milling
uses CAD software to cut and engrave into the model
Below left
An example of an acrylic sheet that
has been cut and etched by the
CNC process.
82 Media
The CAD/CAM model can then be used and handled in a similar manner to
models made from other media.
86 Media
tip Backgrounds
Always think carefully about the view
of the model that you wish to capture.
Neutral backgrounds make a model
the focus of the viewers attention, and
make it much easier to test different
lighting conditions upon and within it as
required. Avoid having any objects in the
background that will instantly reveal a
models real scale.
Below left
The use of a simulated sky
background in this image
enables the model to have a
more integrated relationship
to its context, even though
the site is represented in
a fairly basic manner.
90 Media
Endoscope images from within
a physical model enable the
sequence around the public events
spaces of a building to be shown,
and can be used to communicate
the spatial narrative and
characteristics effectively. In this
example miniature-scale figures
have been incorporated into the
model, but this type of image
could be manipulated using digital
software to add further definition
to spaces as desired.
1:100 model and endoscope.
The mesh envelope was deliberately
made freestanding so that it
could be removed while using the
endoscope camera, facilitating
easier useremember not to fix all
model components together until
all the images required from within
a model have been recorded!
94 Types
In the previous section, we looked at a broad range of
materials and at suitable techniques for using them in
architectural models. While it may be tempting to pick
up the basic tools and immediately start the process of
making a model, it is worth considering ones objectives
first. Making a model can be a highly creative way of
designing a building, and a pleasurable activity in its own
right, but the purpose of the model should be identified
from the outset in order to maximize the results, given
the limitations on time, materials, and effort. In the
first instance, it is useful to establish what the model is
to represent or generate in terms of ideas. That is not to
say that the outcomes will definitely be known at this
stageparticularly in the case of design-development or
explorative modelsbut that a basic set of goals are borne
in mind, which should be achieved through that models
construction. These will automatically have an influence
on the choice of media, scale, and degree of abstraction
within the model. This therefore leads us on to the
topic of different types of models, as it is very difficult
to embody all possible aspects of a design in a single
model alone, especially during the early stages of a design
process when the end result is unknown.
Architects face such decisions on a regular basis, and
when presenting their ideas to clients or professional
committees have to consider what aspects of the design
Concept models 95
Concept models
A major development in the academic environment
of architecture has been the growth of theory within
the discipline, and the resultant increase in the use
of conceptual models. During the twentieth century,
and, more specifically, throughout the last 40 years,
the subject of architecture has undergone a significant
transformation, both in the nature of debates within it
and in its relationship with other academic disciplines.
This shift can be emphasized as described by Neil Leach
in his introduction to Rethinking Architecture: Not only
are architects and architectural theorists becoming
more and more receptive to the whole domain of
cultural theory, but cultural theorists, philosophers,
sociologists, and many others are now to be found
increasingly engaged with questions of architecture
and the built environment. (Leach, N., Rethinking
Architecture, London: Routledge,1997, p.vii) One of the
practices that runs parallel to this emergent field is the
proliferation of models as generative and representative
tools of conceptual ideas in architecture. The use of
conceptual models as a medium of thought not only
facilitates the design process of the modelmaker but also
enables his initial creative impulses or intentions to be
communicated to others.
96 Types
In their competition-winning
entry for the Leventis Art Gallery
in Cyprus, Feilden Clegg Bradley
Studios used two sculptural
concept models to communicate
formal ideas about the building.
The first model represented the
massing of the building in cast
and polished plaster of Paris, a
material deliberately chosen for its
heaviness and tactility.
Site/city models 97
Site/city models
This type of model represents urban or natural
environments. Following on from the concept model,
it is the first step in the actual representation process
since it shows the designs relationship with the existing
environment. In terms of urban space, it is important to
show how the context changes with the addition of a
new structure.
This type of model is often characterized by one of
the highest levels of abstraction. Buildings are reduced
to building blocksabstract structures that reproduce
built form and three-dimensionality in a highly simplified
manner. Even so, depending on its scale, the model
may include characteristic features of buildings such
as recesses, projections, and roof designs. With urban
contexts, it is often useful to make a model at 1:2,000
or 1:1,250, as these easily correspond to map scales and
allow cross-referencing of further information. In its
abstract form, the sitethe scaled-down landscapeis
simplified and depicted, in the chosen material, as a level
plain. Where a landscape slopes, it can be broken down
into horizontal layers that are stacked on top of each
other in the model.
Top left
This model by Meixner Schlter
Wendt for the Ordnungsamt
(Public Affairs Office), Frankfurt am
Main, typifies the use of a single
material to represent the urban
context and maximizes the effect
of the proposed design, which is
made from a variety of colored
Top right
Daniel Libeskinds iconic Jewish
Museum in Berlin was in part
developed from a component
of a stretched Star of David. The
lightning bolt qualities of its plan
are further underscored here by
the use of a contrasting clean and
light material against a darker and
more brooding context.
Jewish Museum, Berlin. Aerial
photograph of the completed
98 Types
This example uses the technique
described above to enable
different design ideas for the
towers and corresponding public
space to be tested without the
need to make the complete model
over and over again. Clearly,
because the adjacent surroundings
will impact uponand may, in
turn, be affected byeach design
proposal, these inserts are made as
a removable element of the model
(as indicated by the use of a
darker material).
Below right
This model uses the contrast and
interplay between mute, colored,
solid elements for the existing
urban condition and transparent
forms with bright, multi-colored
details to highlight various features
of the scheme.
Site/city models 99
100 Types
Below left
Below right
102 Types
Block/massing models
Brightly colored forms
communicate the different
functions and areas within this
playful model, which was used
to investigate the relationships
between internal elements both
as a visual composition and as
elements in the requirements
of the buildings program.
104 Types
106 Types
Design-development models
Design development or process models are effectively
three-dimensional sketches through which novel ideas
are explored and tested but not necessarily concluded.
The relationship between design development models
and final presentation models is not always clear. Not all
presentation models are the result of a sequence of design
development models; in some cases, a presentation
model is a design development model that has reached
a critical point in the design process. A key characteristic
of design development models is that they are always
made by the designer, unlike other types of model that
may be subcontracted to professional modelmakers.
Perhaps most significantly, design development models
communicate a journey rather than a destination,
as they explicitly illustrate the thought, effort, and time
committed to investigating design ideas. They often
represent the evolution of a design and showcase the
sometimes trial-and-error nature of the creative process.
This is an important point, as it is tempting to assume
that architects arrive at design solutions with a lightning
bolt of inspiration and can immediately visualize this in
a coherent and convincing manner.
The majority of models produced in architecture
schools are design development models, made to
explore possibilities and reach a suitable response to a
studio project brief. While these types of model may
Design-development models
may encompass various scales,
depending on the stage of the
design process at which they are
made. They may investigate ideas
in relation to context, the building
itself, and internal relationships
or more detailed parts thereof.
108 Types
The cooled wax positive model is carefully removed from its mold.
The wax model is then evaluated under different lighting conditions, or backlit
as in this image, to investigate the resultant effects and materiality.
112 Types
114 Types
Spatial models
An important difference between a descriptive
presentation model and an explorative model is that
the former seeks to provide a holistic view of the
finished project, while the latter may be produced to
investigate particular components of the design. As the
form of a new design emerges, a whole series of more
specialized building models may be constructed that
respond to questions arising from the initial evolution
of the architectural form. These are specific spatial-study
models, i.e. complete or part models specifically built to
explore certain issues. By working directly in space, albeit
at a small scale, concepts are formed by a student and
a design is refined as a result of its exploration in three
dimensionsa process in which options remain open
in design routes, which might not be as obvious to the
designer solely using two-dimensional drawing methods.
Spatial models, therefore, are characterized by the fact
that they may only focus on the relevant attributes of a
design that are critical to a particular space or sequence of
spaces. In this sense, they may appear similar to interior
Spatial models are not the sole
preserve of architects, and may
be used to visualize the effects
of objects within existing spaces.
This example is a 1:100 model
for a work called Hatch by the
artist Antony Gormley. The
concept is that the experience
of the room should feel both
energizing and dangerous, a sense
of concentration of space that
has been provisionally limited by
a room but that extends beyond
it. This model was made to help
visualize the total effect of the
sculptures within the space.
116 Types
A model made to investigate
the spatial qualities of a houses
volume and apertures. The
deliberate use of a monochromatic
material allows the full interplay of
light and shadow to be studied.
By projecting lighting onto
this model, the effects of its
penetration across and beyond the
designs spaces can be observed.
This technique can be a useful
method of investigating how an
architectural proposal may appear
in the evening and at night.
118 Types
Structural models
As the name suggests, these models are primarily
concerned with testing ideas for a projects structure.
These are very useful models from an educational point
of view, as they enable both a student and a professor
to gauge how well the student understands the complex
process of construction. This type of model varies
from basic models, that may simply indicate different
loadbearing elements such as walls and frames, to
considerably more detailed examples that investigate
the structural systems of a design with a higher degree
of architectural analysis. A particular advantage of these
models when compared to drawings is that they allow the
designer to understand how various components support
each other and fit together in three dimensionsan
issue that can often be difficult to comprehend in twodimensional representations. Furthermore, structural
models facilitate the testing of novel structural concepts
and design ideas. It is important to engage with this type
of model during the design process, as initial concepts
and spatial explorations should always be reinforced by
the structural rationale behind the design rather than
compromised by it.
Opposite top
A structural model for the
Architecture Center Amsterdam
(ARCAM) by Ren van Zuuk, made
to examine the primary structural
elements of the curvilinear
envelope. For more images of this
project, see pages 72 and 124.
120 Types
This sectional model demonstrates
the contrast between an intricate,
curvilinear canopy and the
rectilinear spaces below. Models
such as these can be an effective
method of communicating the
variety of structural ideas within a
design without representing the
entire building.
A laser-cut model illustrating the
elaborate cross-sections of the
new roof structure for the Santa
Caterina Market, Barcelona,
by Enric MirallesBenedetta
Tagliabue/EMBT. In this example,
a structural model has not been
produced to test a design proposal
but as a communication tool to
enable the viewer to understand
the complex geometry of an
existing piece of architecture
as a precedent.
Below left
This model was made using
rapid prototyping to analyze
the loadbearing structure of
an existing nineteenth-century
Victorian Gothic building prior
to any new intervention being
designed for it.
Below right
A skeletal model for Peter
Eisenmans design of the Max
Reinhardt Haus, Berlin. The
building assumes a prismatic
character, folding in and opening
out on itself as a reference to
the constantly changing array
of metropolitan experiences and
relationships. The development
of the form is generated from a
single Mbius strip whose vectors
are extended into plates, the
extremities of which are connected
in a triangulation of their surfaces,
as illustrated here.
122 Types
A sectional model such as this
enables the architect to explore the
relationships between the internal
spaces and the external skin of a
building. This is particularly useful
here, since the internal spaces are
hung within the overall volume
of the design, and the distances
and lighting conditions between
interior and outer envelope vary
124 Types
Above left
Above right
The stacked floors of this model
are placed adjacent to a projected
image of the context in order
to communicate the designs
extensive views and open-plan
characteristics. Furniture and
scaled figures are placed to create
a more realistic image and to
prevent the model appearing
abstract and without scale.
A view looking inside a model
from the exterior. This example
is notable for the use of figures
behind translucent material on
the first floor in order to cast
silhouettes and describe activity.
The careful framing of the image
in relation to the perspective of the
model draws the eye into its space.
126 Types
The dynamic between curvilinear
and rectilinear geometry in the
interior of this house design can be
fully appreciated by the designer
through the use of this sectional
model. A typical characteristic
of interior architecture models is
that they seek to represent true
spatial relationships, and so while a
degree of abstraction is necessary,
owing to their scale they enable
the viewer to look inside the
spaces and observe how they may
actually appear in reality.
Below left
A model of an auditorium space,
made to study the effect of the
curved roof upon the volume.
Note how the image has been
framed to enable the viewer to
look into the models space rather
than be drawn to the edges of
it, which would detract from its
illusive properties.
Below right
This model was made to permit
the designers to examine the space
between the double skins of the
proposed building.
128 Types
Lighting models
This model for the Slavin House,
Venice, California, by Greg Lynn
enabled the designer to inspect
the lighting effects of the
apertures upon the voids within
the building, which were a key
feature of the design.
It is often useful to sketch out ideas prior to testing them, as this collage
illustrates. The central vertical space of the design has structural trusses to its
left, and the urban context lies beyond.
By projecting a
multicolored image
onto the back of the
translucent wall of the
model, it is possible for
the designer to evaluate
how the atmosphere of
the proposed building
may change at night.
Below right
132 Types
134 Types
Perhaps the most familiar type of architectural model,
due to its frequency in the public eye, is the presentation
or exhibition model that typically describes a whole
building or project design and signifies a point in
the design process at which the designer is ready to
communicate the proposal to external audiences such as
clients and public. This type of model has a major role
in the communication of a design proposal, as it is often
the one subject to most scrutiny. Such a model may also
act as a talisman for the project owing to the use of
its image in the press, on websites, etc. Why should this
be? A presentation model provides a clear and coherent
description of a design, and functions as a representation
of the building on that buildings own three-dimensional
and formal terms. However, no matter how precise
this type of model may be, it still provides critical
distance by virtue of its scale and thereby maintains a
degree of abstraction. The presentation model affords
communication and understanding rather than any real
knowledge of the thing itself, i.e. the completed building.
Competition model for Daniel
Libeskinds design for the Imperial
War Museum North, Manchester.
The model describes the
composition of the building,
conceived as fragments from a
literally shattered globe.
Major retrospectives of architects
work often feature models as
their centerpieces, as is shown
in this example of an exhibition
of projects by Will Alsop and
his practice. They help to
engage the audience, and unlike
two-dimensional media, can
immediately communicate design
ideas and spatial characteristics
with flair. Note the mounting of
models on plinths or tables, which
is typical as this enables the viewer
to appreciate them at eye level.
136 Types
Opposite top
138 Types
Above left
Above right
140 Types
142 Types
Full-sized prototypes
Detailed models are not only used in the field of interior
design, but also as structural or technical models known
as details. In principle, these models can be made to
a scale of up to 1:1, in which case it would probably be
more accurate to call them protoypes. Twenty years
ago, it was not uncommon for architecture practices to
invest in full-scale mock-ups of building components,
interiors, and even entire floors of high-rise projects in
order to investigate the design implications involved. This
is obviously a costly process and, although it does still
occur, the use of CAD has enabled a significant amount of
a designs potential characteristics and behavior over time
to be predicted and evaluated electronically. However,
this type of model is particularly useful for the designer
who may have difficulty understanding how elements
combine in three dimensions. Full-size models are often
limited by their scale, and so they are typically used as a
vehicle to explore detailed components more rigorously
rather than to attempt to make a replica of a significant
portion of the design proposal. This is not necessarily a
practicable exercise when time and space are limited, but
the benefits can be significant.
144 Types
Production prototype canopy for the scheme for One
North Park, Singapore.
146 Types
This prototype model was made
by the designer in order to explore
a novel hydraulic structure.
The use of rapid-prototyping
technology enabled a detailed
physical model of considerable
three-dimensional complexity
to be produced from CAD data
rather than through labor-intensive
manual techniques.
Top right
Once the design has been
consolidated, a prototype section
of the seating is manufactured
using the materials intended for
the final objectin this case,
high-density foam.
152 Application
In the previous sections of this book, we have examined
the nature of models and why they are such important
design and communication tools. We have also looked
at the various media from which models can currently
be made and how these can be combined, where
appropriate, to provide different types of model. Clearly,
models may be an integral part of a designers working
practiceand yet they are so common in the exchange
and development of ideas that we rarely think to give
them a great deal of attention, and they are frequently
used without question. At the start of this book, the
point was illustrated that architectural history and
practice are paralleled by a history of models as diverse
in form and function as the buildings and ideas they
seek to represent. From highly abstract conceptual
pieces to full-size prototypes enabling evaluation of the
assemblage of innovative building components, the
range of modelmaking opportunities available to the
designer is both inspirational and occasionally daunting
A descriptive model for Coop
Himmelb(l)aus design for the
Akron Art Museum, Ohio. The
relationship between the dynamic,
angled elements of the proposal
and the existing building is
consolidated and the model is
made from materials that echo
those used in the completed
building, so that the design can
be effectively communicated to
the client.
Akron Art Museum. Photograph
of the completed building.
Descriptive models
If we are to define the descriptive model in general
terms, then its purpose is to assist the understanding
of reality by establishing the emergence of a particular
phenomenon and describing relationships between
relevant factors. Put more succinctly, its primary
intention is explanatory. As has been mentioned earlier,
any description of reality brings with it many issues
regarding accuracy. The most familiar type of descriptive
model in architecture is, perhaps, the presentation
model. The presentation or descriptive model typically
illustrates the complete and fully detailed arrangement
of an architectural solution, often within the context of
its immediate surroundings. A key characteristic of
the presentation model is that it usually signifies the
end of a critical stageand even, sometimes, the
culminationof the design process. Distinguishable
from the exploratory architectural model used for design
development, this application of a model incorporates
miniature components of the architecture represented
154 Application
156 Application
Below right
Bottom right
158 Application
Predictive models
To appreciate the quantitative
implications of constructing Steven
Holls design for the galleries in
the Herning Center for the Arts,
Denmark, a full-size mock-up was
produced. The curved roofs comprise
a two-way truss system able to span
in multiple directions, allowing for a
freedom between the roof structure
and the plan. The ceilings are of
simple white plaster, complementing
the geometry of the roof above.
The roof would be anchored by
introducing thin rods as tension
elements within the clerestory
glazing zone; these were intended
to counterbalance any uneven forces
over the gallery-wall support, like
a see-saw tied down on each side.
Making a predictive model in order
to measure any potential difficulties
on site provided an effective
method of testing the realities of
160 Application
162 Application
The quantity of material required
to make junctions and other
building components can often
be tested in modeling materials
prior to production, which can
involve more expensive and
time-consuming fabrication
processes. This predictive model of
a structural element can be studied
before it is made from steel.
Predictive models enable
communication between the
design and construction teams to
be effective, and facilitate further
refinement of building details
in order to avoid possibly costly
difficulties on site. An inspection
panel such as the one shown
here may be built to allow all
those concerned to check the
implications of a design before
the building is constructed.
Evaluative models
The purpose of the evaluative model is to explore or
describe something such as properties or experiences
that are not manifest in the model itself but are related
to it. The evaluative model differs from predictive and
explorative types since with these last two types it is the
model itself that attempts to assist the understanding
of reality or a particular phenomenon. By contrast, the
evaluative model seeks to assist such understanding by
its use, and to do this it relies upon information and
actions external to it. Not to be confused with predictive
models, which produce quantitative data, evaluative
models are intended to provide data of a qualitative
nature, i.e. those properties whose variable effects can be
perceived rather than measured. As a result, an evaluative
model is typicallybut not exclusivelyused during the
later stages of the overall design process, when many
of the design variables have been determined. Using an
architectural model for evaluative purposes is certainly
not a new idea. The use of full-scale evaluative models
for experiencing architectural components in situ is well
documented throughout architectural history. It was
particularly prominent in the Age of Enlightenment,
when maquette makers held some superiority over
practitioners of the more traditional technique of
perspective drawing. The degree to which such models
are detailed obviously depends upon the information to
be evaluated, but the potential to represent all spatial,
visual, and tactile qualities at a level almost equal to that
164 Application
A model of a seating design is
shown here ready to be taken
to site so that the designer can
evaluate its physical impact.
The use of evaluative models
such as this enables designers to
clearly demonstrate to clients,
manufacturers, and the public
the scale and scope of their
design ideas.
Above right
166 Application
The designers then make a 1:20-scale sectional model of the fritted glass
panel using etched acrylic sheet.
168 Application
Explorative models
The main purpose of the explorative model is to discover
other realities by speculation. This speculative process
involves systematically varying the parameters used
in the descriptive model in order to identify those
alternatives that are logically possible. In the context
of architecture, models produced as part of the designdevelopment process can be considered explorative
models. Explorative models, along with drawings, can
be used as a method of refining judgements, making
decisions or conveying informationfactors that are
at the very core of architectural design. Explorative
models, by their very nature, are used to try out and
test different ideas at different degrees of scrutiny, and
consequently they are used at various stages during the
design process. However, they are typically employed
throughout the early stages of design development, when
the designers ideas are at their most novel, and then
subsequently developed prior to specific properties of
the design being investigated through the application of
other types of models, as described earlier in this section.
The key characteristic of an explorative model is that it
is concerned with testing out new ideas. These may not
be exclusively structural concepts, but may often involve
exploring different shapes, geometries, or construction
methods that will emerge from experimenting with form
and material in different ways.
170 Application
Above images
172 Application
174 Application
A wax positive model is stuck to a board with some additional melted wax.
A liquid slip is applied in order to allow the wood boards, which will be
placed around the sides to form a box, to be easily removed.
Plaster is poured into the wood box and allowed to dry out completely.
178 Application
180 Application
Through the integration of
concepts, techniques, and
modes of inquiry, the future of
modelmaking and the production
of protoypes that develop new
knowledge and discourse in
architecture is reaching new
territories, as exemplified by
the summer pavilion at the
Architectural Association,
London, 2009.
There are a number of key words relating to the practice of
architectural modelmaking that are typically understood by
everyone but may be interpreted differently, giving rise to
ambiguity if not misunderstanding. In the interest of clarity, it
is valuable to provide a definition of the more significant words
and phrases used in this book. Perhaps most importantly, it is
worth starting with a term that can result in much confusion
depending on how it is used: model.
There are multiple entries under the dictionary definition
of a model although a representation, generally in miniature,
to show the construction or appearance of something may
seem the most appropriate in this context. However, even
this definition is rather limiting as it does not emphasize the
dynamic role the model has. For the purpose of this book
it is important to consider a model as both the medium
and mechanism through which design ideas are generated
and represented.
CAD Computer-Aided Design (or Drafting) software is used
by architects and students to develop and communicate their
design ideas. Different software packages can produce different
results: some only produce two-dimensional drawings while
others are capable of sophisticated three-dimensional renders
or animations.
CAD/CAM This term is a shortening of Computer-Aided Design
(CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). CAD/
CAM software uses the information from CAD drawing tools to
describe geometries used in the CAM portion of the program
to define a toolpath that will direct the motion of
a machine tool to machine the exact shape that was drawn.
CNC is an acronym for Computer Numerically Controlled
equipment, which is programmed and controlled by computer.
The advantages are that once the CAD data has been drawn,
this type of machine can offer very short set-up times and
the flexibility to run batches ranging from one-offs to large
numbers of repetitive components.
Concept is an idea of something formed by mentally
combining its features as a construct. A concept is often the
driving force behind an architectural design because it initiates
the design process and threads through its development.
Generative refers to the capacity of a model to be able to create
or produce design ideas rather than simply represent them.
Photomontage is a technique that combines one image of
a design proposal with another. Carefully taken photographs
of physical models can produce even more impressive
results when merged with contextual information in digital
photographs or images.
Prototype is an original type, form, or instance of something
that serves as a typical example, basis, or standard for further
A note on scales
This table lists the common metric scales and their approximate
imperial equivalents.
Metric units are based on ratios of the same unit of
measure. A scale of 1:500 means 1 unit of measure in the
drawing or model equals 500 units of the same measure in full
scale. The base unit of measurement (m, cm, mm) is always
provided on the drawing or model in addition to the scale ratio.
For example: 1:500 means 1 cm = 500 cm (5m), or 1:20 means
1 mm = 20 mm.
Imperial units are based on ratios of inches to feet. A scale
of 1:40 means 1 inch in the drawing or model equals 40 feet in
full scale. For example: 1: 40 means 1 inch = 40 feet.
1: 40
1/ 8:
1/ 4:
3/ 4:
11/ 2
: 10
3: 10
Further reading
Abruzzo, E., Ellingsen, E. and Solomon, J. D., Models, 306090,
volume 11, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2007
Antonelli, P., ed., Design and the Elastic Mind, The Museum
of Modern Art, New York, 2008
Beckmann, J., ed., The Virtual Dimension: Architecture,
Representation, and Crash Culture, Princeton Architectural Press,
New York, 1998
Busch, A., The Art of the Architectural Model, Design Press,
New York, 1991
Callicott, N., Computer-aided Manufacture in Architecture,
Architectural Press, Oxford, 2001
Dernie, D., Architectural Drawing, Laurence King Publishing,
London, 2010
Dunn, N., The Ecology of the Architectural Model, Peter Lang,
Oxford, 2007
Eissen, K., Presenting Architectural Designs, Phaidon Press,
London, 1990
Frampton, K. and Kolbowski, S., eds, Idea as Model, catalog
3, Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, Rizzoli
International Publications, New York,1983
Frascari, M., Hale, J., and Starkey, B., eds, From Models to
Drawings: Imagination and Representation in Architecture,
Routledge, New York, 2007
Healy, P., The Model and its Architecture, 010 Publishers,
Rotterdam, 2008
Hohauser, S., Architectural and Interior Models, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, 1984
Janke, R., Architectural Models, Thames & Hudson, London,
Knoll, W. and Hechinger, M., Architectural Models: Construction
Techniques, J. Ross Publishing, Fort Lauderdale, 2007
Leach, N., ed., Rethinking Architecture: Reader in Cultural Theory,
Routledge, New York, 1997
Mills, C., Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and
Using Architectural Design Models, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 2000
Moon, K., Modeling Messages: the Architect and the Model,
Monacelli Press, New York, 2005
Cathedral 15
wood 44, 50
Busch, Akiko 20
Page numbers in italics refer to
picture captions
development of 18, 80
and color 96
and paper 42
and photography 87
cutting 58, 60
layering 58, 60
step-by-step procedure 84
step-by-step procedure 60
purpose 95, 96
concrete 68, 745, 145
context 40, 48, 52, 77, 82
and block/massing models 102, 103
and CAD/CAM 81
disadvantages 65, 68
in layering 73, 81
Modern Art 66
Cook, Peter 20
Allen, Stan 7
Coop Himmelb(l)au 56
painting 66, 67
aluminum 78, 82
York 119
copper 78
cork 17, 50
cedar 50
cherry 50
balsa wood 50
Bauhaus 16
advantages 20, 81
beech 50, 51
BLOB-architecture 83
and metals 82
purpose 102
in concept models 96
Index 187
173, 174
145, 146
in historical modelmaking 16
files 22, 23
film 86, 87
Janke, Rolf 8
core; styrofoam
110, 153
Beirut 1789
145, 146
scale 142
endoscopes 90, 91
Enric Miralles-Benedetta Tagliabue/EMBT:
Strand, London 14
Leach, Neil 95
Libeskind, Daniel
Gropius, Walter 16
Gulliver Gap 90
gypsum 65, 70
156, 168
Herodotus 14
disadvantages 32, 39
Cathedral, Liverpool 17
Lynn, Greg 83
painting 42
safety issues 34
step-by-step procedure 37
mahogany 50
maple 50
75, 81
particle board 50
pear 50
photography 8591
MDF (medium-density fiberboard) 50,
media 28
backgrounds 89
and CAD/CAM 87
modelscopes 90, 91
composition 31
Moon, Karen 20
disadvantages 86, 89
recycling 31, 34
step-by-step procedure 88
Frankfurt 97
Armiger, Richard
metals 769
Neutelings Riedijk 70
advantages 78
and CNC 82
cutting 78
pine 17, 50
planes 23
nickel silver 78
plastics 5364
step-by-step procedure 77
acetate 30, 77
tools 78
colored 53, 55
headquarters 54
cutting 55, 61
etching 80
Mills, Criss 8
Ofis Arhitekti
PVC 53
scoring 55
vacuforming 111
see also acrylics; foam; styrofoam
plywood 50
Porter, Tom 7
and CAD/CAM 42
contemporary modelmaking 20
cutting 34, 39
Index 189
in historical modelmaking 16
scissors 22
walnut 50
State University 7
purpose 97
scale 97
wood 4452, 50
6a architects 8, 46
size 6, 2930
color 44, 50
Slovakia 78
disadvantages 44
development models
in layering 46, 52
1267, 158
painting 50
sourcing 52
step-by-step procedure 51
Rietveld, Gerrit 16
(with Lasdun) 18
International 16, 17
team-bau 100
London 14
Liverpool 17
tweezers 22
Yorke, F.R.S.: Concrete City of the Future
(with Breuer) 17
sandblasting 60
in modelmaking 14, 30, 31, 44, 94,
Picture credits
Front cover Feilden Clegg Bradley
1 Ofis Arhitekti
4 Grafton Architects
41 Ofis Arhitekti
8 left 6a Architects
42 bottom 6a Architects
9 Grafton Architects
10 UNStudio
44 Grafton Architects
47 6a Architects
48 top 6a Architects
49 Grafton Architects
of Cambridge
51 team-bau
21 Simon Rodwell
25 Nick Dunn
26 Katherine Burdett
28 Grafton Architects
30 Ofis Arhitekti
60 bottom team-bau
36 Alsop Architects
65 Giraudi Wettstein
67 Katherine Burdett
108109 Morphosis
70 Neutelings Riedijk
73 Antoine Predock
78 Neil Spiller
80 Nick Dunn
82 Tarek Shamma
119 Archi-Tectonics
84 Alessandro Columbano
85 Emily Crompton
86 Ming Chung
Emma Wolinski
88 David Grahame
92 Daniil Rudalevicius
94 Katherine Burdett
98 bottom Hawkins\Brown
99 ALA
160161 Morphosis
164 6a Architects
167 Hawkins\Brown
143 UNStudio
169 MUF
170 UNStudio
146 top and bottom right West 8 urban design & landscape
architecture b.v.
147 top and bottom right West 8 urban design & landscape
architecture b.v.
175 Hawkins\Brown
154155 Morphosis
Authors acknowledgments
I am grateful to everyone who contributed to this book, in particular to David Dernie whose support
and collaboration initiated it; to Richard Armiger of Network Modelmakers, whose endless enthusiasm
and participation provided valuable insights; to Gemma Barton, Yvonne Baum, and Barry McCall,
who gave considerable assistance in the early stages of collecting material from practitioners; to Jim
Backhouse, whose experience, generosity, and participation always proved to be highly engaging;
to Katherine Burdett, who donated a significant amount of time and material; to the staff and students
of Manchester School of Architecture for providing creative comments and innovative examples
respectively; to Philip Cooper and Liz Faber of Laurence King for their tireless advice and patience
throughout the production of this publication; and to my family and friends whose support enabled
it to be written.