Contact Us: May-July 2006

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WCAS Happenings

MayJuly 2006

Good presentations, good food, good

weather and enthusiastic volunteers
all combined to make WCASs first
Important Bird Area monitor training session a success. Over 50 volunteers attended the April 2 event at
RRNC which included indoor and
outdoor activities. See insert pages
3 and 4 for pictures and details.

Spring and early summer have many

of our members out birding, wildflower hunting and participating in
some of the other events WCAS has
going on. We hope you will join us at
a regular meeting, our annual picnic/plant exchange, a field trip or an
invasive plant pull. Check out all the
information you need on the inside
pages. Have fun!

Science Olympiad Hatches Future Birders

On February 25, Cleveland State Univ.
hosted a Science Olympiad for students
in 4th through 6th grades from the
Cleveland area. Thanks to our own
WCAS members Nancy Howell,
Jan Holkenborg and Dave LeGallee,
these students were able to compete in
the Bird Identification portion of this
event. It had a variety of topics to challenge the students, from bird ID by
sight, to bird ID by songs and calls.
Bird behavior, bird anatomy and even

how to use field guides were all part

of the test.

Welcome New Members

Kathleen Bradley
Carol & Raymond Burns
June Cangey
Karen Chaky
Sally Eldermire

Contact Us
4310 Bush Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44109
Phone: 216-741-2352
Fax: 216-741-1879

Barbara & Henry Fortlage

George Goran
JoAnne & Terry Gorges
M J Lipka

WCAS Chapter

Tom Romito, 216-741-2352

Recording Secretary

Published 4 times per year in

Claudia Anders, 440-260-0351

January, April, July, and


October by the Western

Nancy Howell, 440-891-1710

Cuyahoga Audubon Society

Newsletter Editor is the
official Chapter Web Site.

Visit our website


WCAS Board Meetings held at

6:30 pm prior to each
program at Rocky River
Nature Center. General public
and WCAS members welcome.

Kit Birch, 440-238-0153

Mary Anne Romito, 216-741-2352
Conservation Chair
Terri Martincic, 440-243-4536
Directors at Large
Liz Clingman, 440-234-7784

May Program.Tuesday, May 2, 2006 .7:30 PM

By carefully selecting native plants for your
landscape and incorporating principles of ecology, you
can create a landscape full of life and beauty.
Dr. Nicole Cavender, Director of Restoration Ecology at
The Wilds, will give suggestions on native plant selections for your landscape in order to attract wildlife
such as birds and butterflies. Come and enjoy her
program, "Ecological Landscaping: Incorporating
Native Plants and Ecological Principles Into Your

May Field TripSunday, May 7, 7:30 PM

Tim Krynak will lead us on our field trip to see
spring migrants in this floodplain of the Cuyahoga
River. We will meet at the Leonard Krieger
Canalway Center.
Take I-77 to the Grant St. exit. Take Grant St.
west to E 49 St. Turn left (or South) on E 49 St
to Whittleys Way. Turn right onto Whittleys Way
to parking lot. Please see map for this destination
on P. 5 of the newsletter.

June Field Trip.Sat., June 3, 9:00 AM

We will have a joint field trip with Western Reserve
Land Conservancy, Firelands Chapter, to Wendtwood
in Columbia Station. This amazing place belongs to
Dr. Wendt, who was the vet at the Cleveland Zoo and
raised Trumpeter Swans for release. He is now raising
Bobwhite quail, and may still have some Nene
(Hawaiian Geese) that he had last year.
This land will be preserved in perpetuity with a conservation easement with both the WRLC-Firelands Chapter and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
David Kriska will lead us around the ponds and
through the fields and woods in this rare opportunity to
visit this privately owned land and learn about land
trust options. *Call Terri at 440-759-8220 to RSVP for
this field trip; directions will be sent to participants.

June Program...Tues., June 6, 6:00 PM

July Field Trip...Sunday, July 2, 8:00AM

Help us kick off the summer season by joining us at

our original location, South Mastick Picnic Area,
Rocky River Reservation, for our summer picnic,
bird walk and plant exchange. Bring your own dinner; WCAS will provide the charcoal fire for cooking.
We will follow the dinner with a bird walk along the
river trail.

Tom and Mary Anne Romito will lead our group as

we try to spy Chats, Cerulean Warblers, White-eyed
Vireos and others at Bacon Woods in Vermillion,
Ohio. *Please refer to the map on P.5, or go to our
web site for more detailed directions.

Bought more plants than you can use? Have any

leftover divided perennials? Bring them along and
exchange them for other plantings. There is always
a good variety and assortment. You never know
what you'll find here! *Please refer to the map on
P.5, or go to our web site for more detailed directions.
Page 2

The entrance to Bacon Woods is on the right, just

before the camel-back bridge that crosses the
Vermillion River. Drive
along the outer road to the
farthest parking lot. We will
meet in this parking lot:

Rocky River IBA Open House Event a Great Success!

What a great kick-off to WCASs adoption of
the Rocky River Important Bird Area. Over
200 visitors attended this March 5 event in
the Rocky River Nature Center Auditorium
featuring activities and information geared to
explaining what WCAS is all about, and what
we are currently up to.
Dan Petit, Head of Natural Resources for the
Cleveland Metroparks, gave the first power
point presentation explaining what an IBA is
and why it is important to our local community.
He also described what point counts are, and
how they supply scientific data to help protect
habitat. Tom Romito gave two more presentations on this subject to interested audiences.

After each presentation, the visitors were

encouraged to circulate through the five
stations set up and staffed by WCAS members.
Nancy Howell ran her Forest Birds ID game
and also explained our Shade Grown Coffee
display. Terri Martincic was our Bird DJ at the
bird song station. Laurie Boylan and Kit Birch
were busy dispensing pine cone bird feeders,
hand stamps and stickers. Diana Steel and
Mary Jane White ran the membership/info
station and signed up ten new chapter members! Liz Clingman kept everyone happy with
delicious refreshments. Dave Lewis displayed
his wonderful bird photos as well as taking
many pictures of the event, some of which are
shown on this page. Bill Deininger set up his
excellent home-made video of birds to run
throughout the event. The Medina Raptor
Center displayed a live falcon all afternoon,
much to the delight of everyone present.


Mary Lou Hura and Mary Anne Romito had

fun passing out door prizes and assisting
wherever needed. Last, but not least, our
very own legal eagle, Pat Poole, dressed in
an eagle costume and directed visitors our

Everyone had a great time mixing public

education and advocacy with fun activities
and camaraderie, and we signed up 72 new
volunteers for our IBA project! Our sincere
thanks to Ken Gober and RRNC for the use
of the auditorium, and to all the great RRNC

Page 3

Enthusiastic Monitors Train in Rocky River IBA

Dan Petit explained how to record bird data on a
special survey form at Station 3
At Station 4, Nancy Howell had the fun job of leading a bird identification look and listen time.
Bill Deininger helped each group learn how to estimate distances from a certain point to flags placed
at 25 and 50+ meter distances at Station 5.
WCAS President, Tom Romito, gave the opening
introduction to our April 2 IBA training session, followed by a power-point presentation by Dan Petit,
Head of Natural Resources for the Cleveland
Metroparks. Dan stated that our main goal is: To
accurately document the status of breeding bird
populations in forested habitats in the Rocky River
Valley, as well as the environmental and land-use
practices that may affect those populations. In
order to do this we need trained volunteers to
monitor randomly selected points in a prescribed
manner to generate credible, scientific data.

At Station 6, Liz Clingman, Rich Kassouf, Pat Poole

and Dean Murad tested participants on their distance estimation skills with 20 flags placed at various locations 25 to more than 50 meters away.

First our dedicated volunteers went through an indoor bird identification testing and training session.
Not too happy about being tested, they all neverthe-less survived and had a few laughs along the
After being fortified with a delicious buffet, they
tramped outside to do some real hands-on field
training. Six stations were set up outside the
Rocky River Nature Center for this purpose.

Acting as guides and coordinators for all this were

Mary Anne Romito, Laurie Boylan and Claudia
Anders. Last, but not least, Dave Lewis valiantly
hauled his heavy equipment all over the place to
take awesome pictures documenting our event.
WCAS thanks all the great volunteer monitors who
came to this first training event. Those who are not
ready to be observers now can be recorders and
learn in the field as part of a team. They can eventually become point counters themselves, which will
give us an ever widening pool of talent so we can
monitor more and more points. Good job!

Terri Martincic and Kit Birch put people through

their paces learning how many steps they needed
to reach both 25 and 50 meter targets in the woods
at Station 1.
At Station 2, Tom Romito and Don Howell got to
show off the new Garmen GPS 60 instruments for
use in finding the point count locations.
Page 4

Map for July Field Trip to Bacon Woods

Map for May Field Trip

Map for June Picnic

South Mastic Picnic Area #4

Ohio and Erie Canal Reservation


Page 5

4310 Bush Ave
Cleveland, OH 44109

To find out about the Ohio Breeding Bird and/or Winter Bird Survey, see our What's New webpage. To find out about
current environmental issues, see our Take Action webpage. Find them at

Chapter Supporter Application

Weeders in the Wild

Circle one:

1 or 2 people


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Basic (includes newsletter

and nametag)



Sandy Ridge Reservation

Enhanced (includes above



Lorain County

benefits plus WCAS patch)


Amount $

Canary Reed Grass and Purple Loosestrife

marsh and muck pull.
Chris Grames will meet us at the nature
center before we go through the woods to
the marsh. If were lucky, we may see the
Bald Eagles or Sandhill Cranes as we work.
*Water proof knee-high boots are highly
recommended for this work date, as we
will go into the marsh.
Help fight the invaders!

Make your check payable to WCAS. Mail to Nancy Howell, treasurer,

19340 Fowles Rd., Middleburg Hts. Ohio, 44130

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