Overload by Joyce Meyer, Chapter 1
Overload by Joyce Meyer, Chapter 1
Overload by Joyce Meyer, Chapter 1
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Stress. Its a word none of us really likes but weve all come to
accept. The unfortunate but undeniable fact is that you and I live
in a s tress-filled world. Student or teacher, stayathome mom or
working professional, living in the country or residing in a city
stress seems to find us all.
I came across one article that said stress is the new normal.
And I guess for many people thats true. You dont have to look
very far to find the evidence of that. Weve all known friends or
coworkers who suffer from stress headaches. Drug companies
produce numerous s tress-reducing medicines. Retail stores make
a fortune selling stress balls. Physicians, websites, and employ
ers offer a variety of stress tests. Stress is like a virus that just
keeps spreading.
Many people have contracted the stress virus...but they dont
seem to realize it. Their friends and family see it. Their bosses
and coworkers see it. Everyone around them knows that theyre
stressed out, but theyre oblivious to it. They have not learned to
recognize the symptoms of stress. Theyre going about each day
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never forget what he told me: Joyce, your physical and emotional
problems are a result of stress. I think you need to make some
This infuriated me. Stress? Im not
I thought I was too strong
stressed! Im just busy! It really both
for stress.
ered me that he would suggest I was
stressed out. I thought I was too
strong for stress. And I was convinced I was in Gods will and,
therefore, He wouldnt let me feel the bad effects of stress. After
all, I had dedicated my life to serving God; how could I be suf
fering from stress? Looking for a different answer, I consulted
another doctor, but he told me the same thing. No matter how
many appointments I made, and no matter how many doctors
I talked to, the answer was consistent and firm: Joyce, youre
stressed out. The last doctor suggested I see a psychiatrist, and
that really made me mad! My mother had suffered with mental
illness, and I think in the back of my mind I was convinced if
I admitted I was experiencing stress, I might somehow be headed
in the same direction she had ended up in.
Things were a little different back then. Information wasnt as
readily available as it is today, and not as much study had been
done in regards to the harmful effects of stress. I think this is
why I was hesitant to believe how much damage stress was bring
ing to my life. At the time, it was a total shock to me that stress
could be the root cause of so many of the issues I was facing.
Here I was, serving God and doing what I knew He had called
me to do, but I wasnt really enjoying my life. Rather than cel
ebrating the opportunities God was giving me to teach His
Word (what I love to do), stress had me in bondage. I was easily
frustrated, I had aches and pains, I wasnt sleeping well, I was
argumentativethe list goes on and on.
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But I began to read about stress, and with the Lords help, I
finally began to see that the doctors were right. Stress was hurt
ing me physically and emotionally. But the Lord also began to
show me that stress was hurting me spiritually. I was allowing
the external pressures of my life to affect my internal peace and
joy. If I didnt make some major changes, I was never going to
fully enjoy the life Jesus died to give me.
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Physical effects
Muscle tension or pain
Change in sex drive
Upset stomach
Emotional effects
Lack of motivation
Irritability or anger
Sadness or depression
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Behavioral effects
Angry outbursts
Drug or alcohol abuse
Tobacco use
Social withdrawal
And as bad as those effects are, they arent even the most danger
ous effects of stress. The National Institute of Mental Health says
that the continued strain on your body from routine stress may lead
to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pres
sure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.7
We cant close our eyes any longer. Stress is a real enemy, capa
ble of doing real physical, emotional, and spiritual damage. Its
not something to be trivialized and swept under the rug. Stress
isnt just being overly busy or a little nervous. Stress is a dan
gerous tool the enemy uses to try and keep us from enjoying the
life Jesus died to give us.
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how hard they try, they just cant quite seem to pinpoint why they
arent happy. Sure, they have their good days, but if theyre completely
honest, theyll tell you that the bad days outnumber the good.
And its not always about circumstances. Some of the most frus
trated, unhappy people I know have all theyve ever asked for
a loving spouse, beautiful children, a successful career, a great
house. But even with all these things, they cant seem to find peace
and celebrate life. Theres no time for that. Instead, their days are
filled with worry, nervousness, and uncertainty about the future.
Do you know that feeling? Have you felt unsettled or discon
tented recently? What about those symptoms from the Mayo Clinic?
Headaches, pain, fatigue, restlessness, lack of motivation, irrita
bility, anger, sadness, overeating, social w ithdrawalhave you
dealt with any of these lately? If so, its quite possible that youre
dealing with stress (whether you know it or not). And stress is
trying to rob you of the good things God has in store for your life.
Let me encourage you: The stress youre facing doesnt mean
there is something wrong with you. As a matter of fact, it just
means youre human. As the statistics show, men and women all
around the world are feeling stress. But there is good news for us
todaywe dont have to live like the rest of the world. As believ
ers, we have been promised a new life in Christ. We dont have to
let stress rob us of our happiness. We dont have to sit back and
think, Oh well, I guess this is as good
God has a better life in
as it gets. We can stand on the prom
store. A life full of laughter,
ises of God and trust that He is work
contentment, provision,
ing out His great plan for our lives
peace, and joy.
(more on this in the next chapter).
So, if youve ever wondered, Is this as good as it gets? the
answer is a resounding no! God has a better life in store. A life
full of laughter, contentment, provision, peace, and joy. But an
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important part of realizing all that God has for you is choosing to
destress. Let me give you some simple steps to start that process.
5 Ways to DeStress
Once you realize that stress is trying to keep you from experienc
ing Gods best in your life, you can start making some necessary
choices to change things. Were going to talk about those choices
all throughout this book, but I want to give you some practical
things right away in this first chapter so you can begin taking
some initial steps today.
When you get a new phone or piece of electronic equipment,
the manufacturer usually includes a Get Started card at the
front of the instruction manual. Well, thats kind of what this is.
Here are some steps you can take today to get started on over
coming stress:
1. Seek Out Social Support
Studies show that isolation leads to elevated stress lev
els. As social beings, spending time with others is one of
the best ways to improve our outlook. There are different
social outlets that work better for different people; here are
a few suggestions:
Family: Spend time with family members who love and
support you. Dont take them for granted.
Church: The local church is where the family of God
gathers to worship Him, learn His Word, and encour
age one another. If youre not in a strong, Bible-based
church, I encourage you to find one to attend.
Groups and clubs: Social groups of all k
clubs, walking groups, Bible study groups, even groups
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Things to Remember:
Stress is a real enemy, capable of doing real physical,
emotional, and spiritual damage. Its not something to be
trivialized and swept under the rug.
We dont have to live as victims of stress. As believers, we
have been promised a new, powerful, overcoming life in
Once you realize that stress is trying to keep you from
experiencing Gods best in your life, you can start making
some necessary choices to change things.
Five ways to destress: seek out social support; practice
shrug therapy; find your comfort zone...and stay there;
nutrition, proven supplements, healthy diet, and exercise;
schedule time to relax.
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Whos in Charge?
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you
dont throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and
trust the engineer.
Corrie ten Boom
There are few things in life more stressful than thinking, Its all
up to me.
Its up to me to make sure my children turn out great.
Its up to me to keep the house clean and tidy all the time.
Its up to me to figure out my future.
Its up to me to pay for my past mistakes.
Its up to me to provide all the things my children want.
Its up to me to change my spouse.
Its up to me to correct my coworkers.
Its up to me...Its up to me...Its up to me!
Whew! My stress levels started rising just writing those sen
tences. But thats how we live much of the time, isnt it? We
assume that if something is going to get done, we have to be the
ones in control. We say things like, Just give it to me, and Ill do
it! or Ill take it from here! or If I want something done right, I
guess I have to do it myself!
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Road Trip!
A friend recently told me about a trip he took with his family.
They traveled, by car, halfway across the country over a span of
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Whos in Charge?
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than wonder why its taking so longwe can trust our Heavenly
Father. We can let go of the steering wheel and turn it over to
God, trusting that He has a great plan for our lives.
I have a strong personality, and I like to make decisions and
work hard to accomplish my goals, but I understand that God is
the one who sets the course for my life. It took me a long time to
fully reach this place of peace, but thankfully, Ive finally submit
ted my entire life to Him. So when a decision or an opportunity
arises, I go to God first, asking Him if this is something He wants
me to do. If I dont have peace about it, I dont do it. I can tell you,
there have been numerous times I initially thought something
was a good idea, but I didnt have peace about it when I prayed,
so I let it go. And I was glad each time I did, because I discovered
later that I would have been miserable had I accepted the task.
The quickest way to peace is learn
The quickest way to peace
ing to submit every decision in your
is learning to submit every
life to God. Stress has no say in your
decision in your life to God.
life when God is in control.
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Whos in Charge?
previous chapter, the people had rebelled while Moses was meeting
with God on Mount Sinai. Instead of waiting for Moses to return and
tell them all the Lord had spoken, the people grew impatient and
decided to fashion a golden calf to worship. The entire community,
including Moses brother, Aaron, had disobeyed God and suffered
difficult consequences for worshipping at the altar of a false image.
So now, in chapter 33, God instructs Moses to pack up camp and
continue the voyage to the Promised Land. God said in verse 1:
Depart, go up from here, you and the people whom you have
brought from the land of Egypt, to the land which I swore to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This sounds like good news, right?
The journey was going to continue; God would once again be
leading the children of Israel to their promised inheritance.
But there was a problem. God didnt intend to go with Moses
and the people. They would be traveling on their own. The Lord
told Moses:
Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not
go up among you, for you are a stiff-necked people, lest I
destroy you on the way.
Exodus 33:3 (emphasis added)
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Whos in Charge?
Quiz Time
Many people have been depending on themselves for so long
(rather than depending on God) that they dont even realize
theyre doing it. S elf-reliance can be the result of many d
things. Some people begin depending on themselves as c hildren
because their parents are absent, dysfunctional, or abusive. Other
people begin depending on themselves later in life when a spouse
betrays them or leaves them. A lot of people just have such a
strong personality that theyve always tended to trust in their
own abilities rather than looking to God first. And many others
dont even know that trusting God with their lives is an option
available to them.
Whatever the reason, I think weve established that your life
will have so much more peace and happiness when you give God
control. Proverbs 3:5 says it this way: Lean on, trust in, and be
confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not
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Things to Remember:
There are few things in life more stressful than thinking,
Its all up to me!
God is good, and it is His desire that we place our trust
completely in Him. He wants us to enter His rest, totally
abandoning ourselves to His care.
Every day we face two options: I trust myself or I trust God.
Trusting God with your life doesnt mean you have no respon
sibilities or you dont make any decisions. It simply means
that you submit each responsibility and decision to Him.
You have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy with
God. He knows you personally by name!
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Whos in Charge?
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