Photo Lesson

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The key takeaways are experimenting with different camera settings like shutter speed, ISO and aperture to capture images in different lighting conditions and modify the mood. Students will also learn photography techniques like horizon placement and use of elements to represent their local community through photographs.

Photographs can capture a sense of community or culture by taking images that represent the culture and community of their local area. Students will go out in the community to take photographs that showcase Seton culture.

Camera settings like shutter speed, ISO and aperture can be altered to change the mood of a photograph. Faster shutter speeds can capture action while slower shutter speeds can blur motion. Higher ISO allows more light but adds noise while lower ISO reduces noise. Aperture controls depth of field.

Title: Scenery for Seton

Stage 1 Desired Results

Photography - COM 3245:
2.1 capture images in different
light conditions; e.g., high-key
sunlight, low-key sunlight,
clouded afternoon, naturally
reflected light (sunrise, sunset,
moonlight), artificially produced
light (street lights, flash,
3.2 manage horizon placement
and other powerful aspects to
suit the image; e.g., rule of
thirds, use of diagonals,
postproduction cropping,
design elements and principles
3.3 modify camera settings
(e.g., aperture, shutter speed,
ISO) to produce appropriate
depth of field and image
sharpness or blur
4.1 create a display of
4.3 participate in peer/teacher
4.4 add the selected work to a

Students will be able to independently use their
learning to
Capture images in different lighting in
Use different camera settings to capture
Use different aspects of photography to
capture images of environment and nature
(rule of thirds, horizon placement)
Create a display of their work to share with
the class
Explain their work - demonstrating
knowledge in
Self reflect on their own work
Assess peer work in groups using studentteacher collaborated rubric
Add selected photographs to their personal
Students will
How can we
understand that
capture a sense
A sense of
of community
community can
be expressed
What photos give
the best
Camera settings
represent our
can be altered to
produce different
What settings can
we alter to affect
Peer assessment
the mood of a
is a form of
quality feedback
and assessment

Students will know

How to alter
settings to
How to capture
mood in

Students will be skilled

with different
camera settings
to change mood
Editing and
improving their

How to reflect on
their own work
How to create a
display of their
own photographs
and present it to
an audience

Explaining their
work to their
peers and
Choosing the
appropriate work
to be added to
their portfolio

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria
Students will be graded on
the following:
Use different light
conditions in
Use of other elements
- horizon placement,
postproduction editing
- in their photographs
Creation of a display
of photographs to
share with peers
50% peer assessed 50% teacher

Assessment Evidence
Students will research different settings to use on
their cameras to alter the mood such as: shutter
speed, ISO and aperture. Students will experiment
with other elements including horizon placement,
rule of thirds and use of diagonals to alter their
photographs. Students will be given class time to
go out in the community to take photographs that
represents the culture of the community. Students
will use their experience at changing camera
settings and other elements of photography when
capturing their photographs. Students will then
use postproduction techniques to edit their
photographs using a photo editing software ex:
cropping, contrast, sharpness. Students will then
print and arrange their work for viewing during our
student showcase. Work will be assessed by both
peers and the teacher using a collaborative
created rubric designed at the start of the project.
School administration will adjudicate student
work, and pick student work to be showcased
throughout the school.

Stage 3 Learning Plan


Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Begin the lesson by discussing what different settings are available on the
camera to alter lighting, exposure, ect.
GIve students opportunity to experiment with different camera settings
? How can photographs capture a sense of community or culture? What
best represents Seton culture and community? How can we capture this
sense of community?
Talk about different techniques that can be used when shooting
photographs in the outdoors ex. horizon placement, rule of thirds, using
Give students opportunity to work in pairs experimenting around the
schoolyard with different camera settings and outdoor
Students will be given class time to go out in the community and capture
images that capture the community and culture of Seton. Students will use

different settings and photography techniques to capture their images.

7. Give students time to work on postproduction editing. Stress the
importance of lighting and cropping.
8. Photography showcase: students will set up their work and explain their
photographs to peer markers, teachers and adjudicators.
9. Students will be tasked with observing all the photographs at the showcase
and evaluating each of their peers work based on the rubric that was
collaboratively created. Teachers will also assess each students work
based on the same rubric
10.School administration will pick the photographs from the showcase that
they feel best represent the Seton community, and ask for students
permission to use the photographs around the school to promote a sense of
community and culture

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