HVAC Handbook Part 3 Piping Design
HVAC Handbook Part 3 Piping Design
HVAC Handbook Part 3 Piping Design
water piping
refrigerant piping
steam piping
The materials most commonly used in piping
systems are the following:
1. Steel black and galvanized
2. Wrought iron black and galvanized
3. Copper soft and hard
Table 1 illustrates the recommended
materials for the various services. Minimum
standards, as shown, should be maintained.
Table 2 contains the physical properties of
steel pipe and Table 3 lists the physical of
copper tubing.
The safe working pressure and temperature for steel
pipe and copper tubing, including fittings, are limited by
the USAS codes. Check those codes when there is doubt
about the ability of pipe, tubing, or fittings to withstand
pressures and temperatures in a given installation. In
many instances cost can be reduced and over design
eliminated. For example, if the working pressure is to be
175 psi at 250 F, a 150 psi, class A, carbon steel flange
can be safely used since it can withstand a pressure of
225 psi at 250 F. If the code is not checked, a 300 psi
flange must be specified because the 175 si working
pressure exceeds the 150 rating of the 150 psi flange.
The safe working pressure and temperature for
copper tubing is dependent on the strength of the fittings
and tube, the composition of the solder used for making a
joint, and on the temperature of the fluid conveyed. Table
4 indicates recommended service limits for copper
All pipe lines which are subject to changes in
temperature changes are anticipated, piping members
capable of absorbing the resultant movement must be
included in the design. Table 5 give the thermal linear
expansion of copper tubing and steel pipe.
There are three methods commonly used to absorb
pipe expansion and contraction:
1. Expansion loops and offsets Chart 1 shows the
copper expansion loop dimension loop dimensions
required for expansion travels up to 8 inches Chart 2
shows the sizes of expansion loops made of steel
pipe and welding ells for expansion travels up to 8
A gate valve is intended for use as a stop valve. It
gives the best service when used in the fully open or
closed position. Figures 8 and 10 thru 14 are typical gate
valves commonly used in piping practice.
An important feature of the gate valve is that there is
less obstruction and turbulence within the valve and ,
therefore, a correspondingly lower pressure drop than
other valves. With the valve wide open, the wedge or disc
is lifted entirely out of the fluid stream, thus providing a
straigth flow area thru the valve.
Disc Construction
Gate valves should not be used for throttling flow
except in an emergency. They are not designed for this
type of service and consequently it is difficult to control
flow with any degree of accuracy. Vibration and
chattering of the disc occurs when the valve is used for
throttling. This results in damage to the seating surface.
Also, the lower edge of the disc may be subject to severe
wire drawing effects. The wedge of disc in the gate valve
is available in several forms: solid wedge, split wedge ,
flexible wedge, and double disc parallel seat. These are
described in the following:
1.Solid wedge disc is the most common type. It has a
strong, simple design and only one part. This type of disc
1. shown in Figs. 8 and 11 . It can be installed in
any position without danger of jamming or misalignment
of parts. It is satisfactory for all types of service except
where the possibility of extreme temperature changes
exist. Under this condition it is subject to sticking.
2. Split wedge disc is designed to prevent sticking,
but it is subject to undesirable vibration intensity. Fig . 13
is a typical illustration of this type of disc.
3. Flexible wedge disc construction is illustrated in
Fig. 10 . of disc is primarily used for high temperature,
high pressure application and where extreme
temperature changes are likely to occur. It is solid in the
center portion and flexible around the outer edge. This
design helps to eliminate sticking and permits the disc to
open easily under all conditions.
4. Double disc parallel seat ( Fig. 14 ) has an
internal wedge between parallel discs. Wedge action
damage at the seats is minimized and transferred to the
internal wedge where reasonable wear does not prevent
tight closure.
Plug cocks are primarily used for balancing in a
piping system not subject to frequent changes in flow.
They are normally less expensive than globe type valves
and the setting cannot be tampered with as easily as a
globe valve.
Plug cocks have approximately the same line loss as
a gate valve when in the fully open position. When
partially closed for balancing, thus line loss increases
substantially. Fig. 17 is a lubricated type plug valve.
Refrigerant valves are back seating globe valves of
either the packed or diaphragm packless type. The
packed valves are available with either a hand wheel or a
wing type seal cap. The wing type seal cap is preferable
since it provides the safety of an additional seal.
Where frequent operation of the valve is required, the
diaphragm packless type is used. The diaphragm acts
as a seal and is illustrated in the
valve construction in Fig. 18 . The refrigerant valve is
available in sizes up to 15 / 8 in OD. For larger sizes the
seal cap type packed valve is used.
There are two basic designs of check valves, the
swing check and the lift check.
The swing check valve may be used in a horizontal
or a vertical line for upward flow. A typical swing check
valve is illustrated in Fig. 19 . The flow thru the swing
check is in a straight line and without restriction at the
seat. Swing checks are generally used in combination
with gate valves.
1. Design header water velocity
2. Water quantity for pump selection
3. Header pipe size and pump friction head
1. Design water velocity for sizing the headers is
determined from Table 13 and 14
Maximum water velocity 7 fps
2. Maximum water quantity required when no diversity is
applied is 360 gpm. Pump is selected for 360 gp,.
3. The table below gives the header pipe sizes and pump
friction head when no diversity is applied.
1. Chart 6 is used with the ratio of
accumulated gpm in the exposure to the total
pump gpm, in order to determine the diversity
factors. The following table illustrates the
method of determining diversity factors. ( First
exposure listed is always first exposure served
by pump. )
The open and closed expansion tanks are the two types
used in water piping systems. Open expansion tanks are open
to the atmosphere and are located on the suction side of the
pump above the highest unit in the system. At this location the
tank provides atmospheric pressure at or above the pump due
to the expansion tank must be greater than the friction drop of
the water in the pipe from the expansion line connection to
pump suction. In fig. 29 the static head AB must be greater
than the friction loss in line AC. Adding any accessories such
as a strainer in line AC increases the friction drop in AC and
results in raising the height of the expansion tank. To keep the
height of the tank at a reasonable level, accessories should be
placed at points 1 and 2 in Fig. 29. At these designations the
friction loss in line AC is not affected.
The following procedure may be used to determine the
capacity of an open expansion tank:
1. Calculate the volume of water in the piping, from
Tables 2 and 3, pages 2 and 3, .
2. Calculate the volume of water in the coils and heat
3. Determine the percent increase in the volume of water
due to operating at increased temperatures from Table 15.
4. Expansion tank capacity is equal to the percent
increase from Table 15 times the total volume of water in
the system.
The closed expansion tank is used for small or residential
hot water heating systems and for high temperature water
systems. Closed expansion tanks are not open to the
atmosphere and operate above atmospheric pressure.
(0.00041 t 0.0466) Vs
Pa Pa
Pf Po
Vt = minimum capacity of the tank (gallons).
E = percent increase in the volume of water in
the system (Table 15).
V8 = total volume of water in the system (gallons).
Pa = pressure in the expansion tank when water
first enters, usually atmospheric pressure
(feet of water absolute).
P f = initial fill or minimum pressure at the
expansion tank (feet of water absolute).
P0 = maximum operating pressure at the
expansion tank (feet of water absolute).
The primary function of a strainer is to protect the
equipment. Normally strainers are placed in the line at the inlet
to pumps, control valves or other types of equipment that
should be protected against damage. The strainer is selected
for the design capacity of the system at the point where it is to
be inserted in the line. Strainers for pump protection should be
not less than 40 mesh and be made of bronze. On equipment
other than pumps the manufacturer should be contacted to
determine the degree of strainer protection necessary. For
example, a control valve needs greater protection than a pump
and, therefore, requires a finer mesh strainer.
Thermometers and Gages
Thermometers and gages are required in the system
wherever the design engineer considers it important to know
the water temperatures and pressures are usually considered
1. Water temperature entering and leaving the cooler and
2. Pump suction and discharge pressure.
3. Spray water temperature and pressure entering the air
Water thermometers are usually selected for an
approximate range of 30 F to 200 F ; they should be equipped
with separable wells and located where they can be easily
Pressure gages are selected so that the normal reading of
the gage is near the midpoint of the pressure scale.
Air Vents
Air venting is an important aspect in the design of any
water system. The major portion of the air is normally vented
thru the open expansion tank.
Air vents should be installed in the high points of water
system which cannot vent back to the open expansion tank.
Systems using a closed expansion tank require vents at all high
points. Runoff drains should be provided at each vent to carry
possible water leakage to a suitable drain ling.
Each installation has its own problems
regarding location of equipment, interference with
structural members, water and drain locations, and
provision for service and replacement. The
following guides are presented to familiarize the
engineer with accepted piping practice:
1. Shutoff valves are installed in the entering
and leaving piping to equipment. These are
normally gate valves. This arrangement permits
servicing or replacing the equipment without
draining the entire system. Occasionally a
globe valve is installed in the system to serve
as one of the shut off valves and in addition
is used to balance water flow. Most often it is
located at the pump discharge. In a close
coupled system the shut off valves may be
omitted if the time and expense required to
drain the system is not excessive. This is a
matter of economics, the first cost of the valves
versus the cost of new water treatment and
time spent in draining the system.
2. Systems using screwed, welded or
soldered joints require unions to permit
removal of the equipment for servicing or
replacement. If gate valves are used to isolate
the equipment in the system, unions are
placed between the equipment and each gate
valve. Unions are also located before and after
control valves, and in the branch of a three
way control valve. It is good practice to locate
the control valve between the equipment and
the gate valve used to shut off flow to the
equipment. This permits removal of the control
valve from the system without draining the
system. By locating the control valve properly,
it is possible to eliminate the unions required
for removal of the equipment. If the system
uses flanged valves and fittings, the need for
unions is eliminated.
3. Strainers, thermometers and gages are
normally locate between the equipment and
the gate valves used to shut off the water flow
to the equipment.
The following piping diagrams are illustrated
with screwed connections. However, flanged,
welded or soldered connections may be used.
These layouts have been simplified to show various
principles involved in piping practice.
Water Coils
Figure 38 shows a water cooled condenser using city,
well or river water. The return is run higher than the condenser
so that the condenser always full of water. Water flow thru the
condenser is modulated by the control valve in the supply line.
Figure 39 is an illustration of an alternate drain arrangement
for a condenser discharging waste water. Drain connections of
all types must be checked for compliance with local codes.
Codes usually require that a check valve be installed in the
supply line when city water is used.
Figure 40 illustrates a condenser piped up with a cooling
tower. If the cooling tower and condenser are close coupled,
most of the gate valves can be eliminated. If the piping system
is extensive, the gate valves as shown are recommended for
isolating the equipment when servicing.
When more than one condenser is to be used in the same
circuit, the flow thru the condensers must be equalized as
closely as possible. This is complicated by the following:
line used to carry off this water must be trapped. This trap
prevents conditioned air from entering the drain line when the
drain water is under positive pressure as in a blow-thru fan-coil
unit. When the system is under negative pressure as in a drawthru unit, the trap prevents water from hanging up in the drain
the header or riser sized smaller than the drain pan connection
size. Also, as required in all water flow systems, pockets and
traps in the risers and mains must be vented to prevent water
Each system should be investigated to determine the need
for drainage fittings and cleanouts for traps. These are
necessary when considerable sediment may occur in the drain
A refrigerant piping system requires the same
general design considerations as any fluid flow system.
However, there are additional factors that critically
influence system design:
1. The system must be designed for minimum
pressure drop since pressure losses decrease the
thermal capacity and increase the power requirement
in a refrigeration system.
2. The fluid being piped changes in state as it
3. Since lubricating oil is miscible with Refrigerants
12, 22, 500 and 502, some provision must be made
a. Minimize the accumulation of liquid refrigerant in
the compressor crankcase.
b. Return oil to the compressor at the same rate at
which it leaves.
Liquid Subcooling
Where liquid subcooling is required, it is usually
accomplished by one or both of the following
1. A liquid suction heat interchanger ( heat
dissipates internally to suction gas).
2. Liquid subcooling coils in evaporative condensers and air cooled condensers (heat
dissipates externally to atmosphere).
The amount of liquid subcooling required may be
determined by use of a nomograhp, Chart 22 or by
calculation. The following examples illustrate both
Example 2 Liquid Subcooling From Nomograph
Refrigerant 12 system
Condensing temperature - 100 F (131.6 psia)
Liquid line pressure drop (incl. liquid lift) 29.9 psiFind:
Amount of liquid subcooling in degrees F required to
prevent flashing of liquid refrigerant.
Use Chart 22.
1. Determine pressure at expansion valve:
131.6 29.9 = 101.7 psia
2. Draw line from point A (100 F cond temp) to
point B (101.7 psia at expansion valve).
3. Draw line from point C ( intersection of AB with
line Z) thru point D (0% flash gas) to point E
(intersection of CD with liquid subcooling line)>
4. Liquid subcooling at point E = 18 F. Liquid
subcooling required to prevent liquid flashing = 18 F.
1. Estimated total equivalent length equals 11/2
times the actual lineal
length. 1 . 5 x 70 = 105 ft.
From Chart 10, a 25/8 in line will carry 20 tons for
165 ft at a pressure drop of 2 F with 15 F
2. The actual equivalent length of the suction line is
determined in two parts, as follows:
a. Riser
section at evaporator 10 ft plus one
25/8 in.ell at 4.1 ft. = 14.1 ft.
88.7 ft
X 2 F = 1.07 F
165 ft
pipe lengths
One 2 11/8 in. ell
One 2 /8 in.branch tee
One 5 1/8 in.reducing tee
Actual pipe length
Total eguivalent length
39.3 ft
Riser B
Three41 1/8 in. ells
One 5 1/8 in. reducing tee
One 4 1/8 in. branch tee
One 4 /8 in. U
Actual pipe length
Total equivalent length
83.1 ft
Pressure drop available for the riser is 1.31 F1from Step 5.
For Riser A, the chart equivalent length of a 2 /8 in. line is:
2 F x 39.3 ft = 60.0 ft
1.31 F
117.4 ft
340 ft X 2 F = .69 F
For Riser B, the chart equivalent length of a 41/8 in. line is:
The pressure drop allowed for the riser is then 2 F1 .69 F or 1.31 F. The chart equivalent length of a 2 /8
in. line having a pressure drop or 1.31 F is:
X 83.1 ft = 127.0 ft
1.31 F
From Chart 7, the
21/8 in. line is capable of carrying 23
tons and the 4 /8 in. line is capable of carrying 92 tons.
x 13.3 ft = 20 ft
1.31 F
Chart 7 at 20 ft shows the a 21/8 in. line is only
evaporators located above the compressor can be freedraining to the compressor without protective loops.
The small trap shown in the suction lines immediately
after the coil suction outlet is recommended to prevent
erratic operation of the thermal expansion valve. The
expansion valve bulb is located in the suction line
between the coil and the trap. The trap drains the liquid
from under the expansion valve bulb during compressor
shutdown. Thus preventing erratic operation of the valve
hen the compressor starts up again. A trap is required
only when straight runs or risers are encountered in the
suction line leaving the coil outlet. A trap is not required
when the suction line from the coil outlet drops to the
compressor or suction header immediately after the
expansion valve bulb.
Suction lines should be designed so that oil from an
active evaporator does not drain into an idle one. Fig 60e
shows multiple evaporators on different floor levels and
the compressor above the evaporators. Each suction line
is brought upward and looped into the top of the common
suction line if its size is equal to the main. Otherwise it
may be brought into the side of the main. The loop
prevents oil from draining down into either coil that may
be inactive.
Figure 60f shows multiple evaporators stacked with
the compressor above the evaporators. Oil is prevented
from draining into the lowest evaporator because the
common suction line drops below the outlet of the lowest
evaporator before entering the suction riser.
If evaporators must be located both above and below
a common suction line. The lines are piped as illustrated
in Figs. 60a and 60b, with (a) piping for the evaporator
above the common suction line and (b) piping for the
evaporator below the common suction line.
Multiple Circuit Coils
All but the smallest coils are arranged with multiple
circuits. The length and number of circuits are
determined by the type of application. Multiple circuit
coils are supplied with refrigerant thru a distributor which
regulates the refrigerant distribution evenly among the
circuits. Direct expansion coils can be located in any
position, provided proper refrigerant distribution and
continuous oil removal facilities are provided.
In general the suction line piping principles shown in
fig.60 should be employed to assure proper expansion
valve operation, oil return and compressor protection.
Figure 61 and 62 show direct expansion air coil
piping arrangements in which the suction connection
drain the coil headers effectively. Fig.61 shows individual
suction outlets joining into a common suction header
below the coil level. Fig.62 illustrates an alternate method
should be used in the liquid line to each circuit of a multicircuit cooler in a system in which the compressor
capacity can be reduced below 50%. A liquid suction
interchanger is recommended with these coolers.
For the larger size DX coolers a pilot-operated
refrigerant feed valve connected to a small thermostatic
expansion valve (Fig. 65) may not used to advantage.
The thermostatic expansion valve is a pilot device for the
larger refrigerant feed valve.
Flooded Coolers
In a flooded cooler the refrigerant surrounds the
tubes in the shell, and water or liquid to be cooled flows
thru the tubes in one or more passes, depending on the
baffle arrangement.
Suction Piping
Suction piping of parallel compressors should be
designed so that all compressors run at the same suction
pressure and so that oil is returned to the running
compressors in equal proportions. To insure maintenance
of proper oil levels , compressors of unequal sizes may
be erected on foundations at different elevations so that
the recommended crankcase operating oil level is
maintained at each compressor.
All suction lines are brought into a common suction
header which is run full size and level above the
compressor suction inlets. Branch suction line take offs
to the compressors are from the side of the header and
should be the same size as the header. No reduction is
made in the branch suction lines to the compressors until
the vertical drop is reached.
This allows the branch line to return oil proportionally
to each of the operating compressors.
Figure 67 shows suction and hot gas header
arrangements for two compressors operating in parallel.
Discharge Piping
The branch hot gas lines from the compressors are
connected into a common header. This hot gas header is
run at a level below that of the compressor discharge
connections which, for convenience, is often at the floor.
This is equivalent to the hot gas loop for the single
compressor shown in Fig. 68 .
The hot gas loop accomplishes two functions:
1. It prevents gas, which may condense in the hot
gas line during the off cycle, from draining back
into the head of the compressors. This eliminates
compressor damage on start up.
Check Valves
Check valves contribute a relatively large addition to
a line pressure drop at full load and must be taken into
account in the selection of refrigeration equipment. In
addition a check valve cannot be relied upon for 100%
Whenever the receiver is warmer than the
compressor during shutdown, refrigerant in the receiver
tends to boil off and flow back thru the condenser and hot
gas discharge line to the compressor where it
condenses. If there is sufficient refrigerant in the receiver,
liquid refrigerant eventually enters the compressor
despite the loop in the hot gas line at the base of the
compressor. To prevent this, a check valve should be
used ( Fig. 68, page 65).
In a non-automatic system a hand valve may be used
at the inlet to the condenser to manually shut off the flow
on shutdown, in which case the pressure drop involved
will be much less than that encountered using a check
All steam piping is pitched to facilitate the flow of
condensate. Table 22 contains the recommended support
spacing for piping pitched for different gradients. The data
is base on Schedule 40 pipe filled with water, and an
average amount of valves and fittings.
A steam system operating for air conditioning comfort
conditions must distribute steam at all operating loads.
These loads can be in excess of design load, such as
morning warm up , and at extreme partial load, when only
a minimum of heat is necessary. The pipe size to transmit
Figures 90 thru 95 , courtesy of Kents Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Power Volume, Eleventh Edition , John Wiley Sons Publisher.
The following recommendations are for use when
sizing pipe for the various systems:
Two pipe High Pressure System
This system is used mostly in plants and
occasionally in commercial installations.
1. Size supply main and risers for a maximum
drop of 25 30 psi.
2. Size supply main and risers for a maximum
friction rate of 2 10 psi per 100 ft of equivalent
3. Size return main and riser for a maximum
pressure drop of 20 psi.
4. Size return main and riser for a maximum
friction rate of 2 psi per 100 ft of equivalent
5. Pitch supply mains 1/4 in. per 10 ft away from
6. Pitch return mains 1/4 in. per 10 ft toward the
7. Size pipe from Table 23.
Charts and tables have been developed which are
used to select the proper pipe to carry the required steam
rate at various pressures.
Chart 26 is a universal chart for steam pressure of 0 to
200 psig and for a steam rate of from 5 to 100,000 pounds
per hour. However, the velocity as read from the chart is
based on a steam pressure of 0 psig and must be
corrected for the desired pressure from Chart 27. The
complete chart is based on the Moody friction factor and is
valid where condensate and steam flow in the same
Tables 23 thru 28 are used for quick selection at
specific steam pressures. Chart 26 has been used to
tabulate the capacities shown in Tables 23 thru 25. The
capacities in Tables 26 thru 28 are the results of tests
conducted in the ASHAE laboratories. Suggested
limitations for the use of these tables are shown as notes
on each table. In addition, Table 28 shows the total
pressure drop for two pipe low pressure stem systems.
Use of Table 28
Example 1 Determine Pressure Drop for Sizing Supply and
Return Piping
Two - pipe low pressure steam system
Initial steam pressure 15 psig
Approximate supply piping equivalent length - 500 ft
Approximate return piping equivalent length - 500 ft
1. Pressure drop to size supply piping.
2. Pressure drop to size return piping.
1. Refer to Table 28 for an intial steam pressure of 15
psig. The total pressure drop should not exceed 3.75
psi in the supply pipe. Therefore, the supply piping is
sized for a total pressure drop of 3.75 or 3/4 psi per 100
ft of equivalent pipe.
2. Although 3/4 psi is indicated in Step 1, Item 4 under the
two pipe low pressure systems recommends a
maximum of 1/2 psi for return piping. Therefore, use 1/2
psi per 100 ft of equivalent pipe.
= 2.5 psi
Return main pressure drop = 1 / 2 x
From Heating Ventilating Air Condition Guide, 1959
Use by permission
Friction Rate
Example 2 illustrates the method used to determine
the friction rate for sizing pip when the total system
pressure drop recommendation (supply pressure drop
plus return pressure drop) is known and the approximate
equivalent length is known.
Example 2 Determine Friction Rate
Four systems
Equivalent length of each system 400 ft
Total pressure drop of system 1/2 , 3/4, 1 , and 2 psi
Friction rate for each system.
1. Size of largest pipe not exceeding design friction rate.
2. Steam velocity in pipe.
1. Enter bottom of Chart 26 at 6750 lb / hr and proceed
vertically to the 100 psig line (dotted line in Chart 26 ).
Then move obliquely to the 0 psig line. From this point
proceed vertically up the chart to the smallest pipe size
not exceeding 2 psi per 100 ft of equivalent pipe and
read 31/2 in.
2. The velocity of steam at 0 psig as read from Chart 26 is
16,000 fpm. Enter the left side of Chart 27 at 16,000
fpm. Proceed obliquely downward to the 100 psig line
and horizontally across to the right side of the chart
(dotted line in Chart 27). The velocity at 100 psig is
6100 fpm.
Example 4 Sizing Pipe for a Low Pressure, Vocuum Return
Six units
Steam requirement per unit - 72 lb / hr
2 2 in. ells
1 2 1/2 in. reducing tee
1 2 1/2 in. run of tee
1 2 1/2 in. ell
2 3 in. ells
1 3 in. reducing tee
Actual pipe length
Total equivalent length
172.6 ft
Pressure drop for the supply main is equal to the equivalent
length times pressure drop per 100 ft:
172.6 x .25 / 100 = .43 psi
This is within the recommended maximum pressure drop (1 psi)
for the supply.
The branch connection for Fig. 97 is sized in a similar manner at
the same friction rate.
From Table 27 the horizontal runout pipe size for a load of 72 lb is
21/2 in. and the vertical riser size is 2 in.
Convert all the fittings to equivalent pipe lengths , and add to the
actual pipe length.
Equivalent pipe lengths
1 21/2 in. 45 ell
1 21/2 in. 90 ell
1 2 in. 90 ell
1 2 in. gate valve
Actual pipe length
Total equivalent length
23.9 ft.
Pressure drop for branch runout and riser is
23.9 x .25 / 100 = .060 psi
The vacuum return main is sized from Table 26 by starting at the
last unit G and adding each additional load between unit G
and the boiler.
Each riser 72 lb per hr, 3/4 in.
Convert the return main fittings to equivalent pipe lengths and add
to the actual pipe length , Table 11 , page 17.
Equivalent pipe lengths
1 3/4 in. run of tee
5 3/4 in. 90 ells
1 1 in. reducing tee
1 1 in. run of tee
2 1 in. 90 ells
1 - 1 1/4 in. reducing tee
3 1 1/4 in. 90 ells
1 - 1 1/4 in. run of tee
Actual pipe length
Total equivalent length
161.1 ft.
The use and selection of steam traps, and condensate
and vacuum return pumps are presented in this section.
Also, various steam piping diagrams are illustrated to
familiarize the engineer with accepted piping practice.
The primary function on a steam trap is to hold steam
in a heating apparatus or piping system and allow
condensate and air to pass. The steam remains trapped
until it gives up its latent heat and changes to condensate.
The steam trap size depends on the following:
1. Amount of condensate to be handled by the trap,
lb / hr.
2. Pressure differential between inlet and discharge
at the trap.
3. Safety factor used to select the trap.
Amount of Condensate
The amount of condensate depends on whether the
trap is used for steam mains or risers, or for the heating
The selection of the trap for the steam mains or risers
is dependent on the pipe warm up load and radiation
= Warm up condensate, lb / hr
= Total weight of pipe, lb ( Table 2 and 3,
pages 2 and 3 )
= Final pipe temperature, F ( steam temp )
= Initial pipe temperature, F ( usually room
temp )
.114 = Specific heat constant for wrought iron or
steel pipe ( .092 for copper tubing )
hI = Latent heat of steam , Btu / lb ( from steam
tables )
= Time for warm up, hr
The radiation load is the condensate formed by
unavoidable radiation loss form a bare pipe. This load is
determined from the following equation and is based on
still air surrounding the steam main of riser:
C2 = L x K xh (tf ti)
Where :
C2 = Radiation condensate, lb / hr
L = Linear length of pipe, ft
K = Heat transmission coefficient, Btu/(hr)(linear
ft)(deg F diff between pipe and surrounding
air), Table 54, Part I
tf , ti , hI explained previously
Steam main 10 in. diam steel pipe, 50 ft long
Steam pressure 5 psig ( 227 F )
Room temperature 70 F db ( steam main in space )
Warm up time 15 minutes
Steam trap to drip main into vacuum return line
(2 in. vacuum gage design)
1. Warm up load.
2. Radiation load.
3. Total condensate load.
4. Specifications for steam trap at end of supply main.
1. The warm up load is determined from the following
C1 = W x (tfhl xti)Tx .114
= 40.48 lb / ft x 50 ft ( Table 2 )
= 227 F
= 70 F
= 960 Btu/ lb ( from steam tables)
= .25 hr
= 2024 x ( 227 70 ) x .114
960 x .25
= 150 lb / hr of condensate
2. The radiation load is calculated by using the following
L x K x (tf ti)
C2 =
= 50 ft
= 6.41 Btu / (hr) (linear foot)
( deg F diff between pipe and air)
from Table 54 , Part I
= 227 F
= 70 F
= 960 Btu / lb ( from steam tables)
= 50 x 6.41 x (227 70)
= 52 lb / hr of condensate
3. The total condensate load for steam trap selection is
equal to the warm up load plus one half the radiation
Total condensate load = C1 + ( 1/2 x C2)
= 150+(1/2 x 52)
= 176 lb / hr
4. Steam trap selection is dependent on three factors:
condensate handled, safety factor applied to total
condensate load, and pressure differential across the
steam trap. The safety factor for a steam trap at the end
of the main is 3 to 1 from the table on this page.
Applying the 3 to 1 safety factor to the total condensate
Boiler return or
alternating receiver
these various traps are
Float Trap
The discharge from the float trap is generally
continuous. This type ( Fig. 99 ) is used for draining
condensate from steam headers , steam heating coils,
and other similar equipment. When a float trap is used
for draining a low pressure steam system, it should be
equipped with a thermostatic air vent.
Thermostatic Trap
The discharge from this type of trap is intermittent.
Thermostatic traps are used to drain condensate from
radiators, convectors, steam heating coils, unit heaters
and other similar equipment. Strainers are normally
installed on the inlet side of the steam trap to prevent dirt
and pipe scale from entering the trap. On traps used for
radiators or convectors, the strainer is usually omitted.
Fig. 100 shows a typical thermostatic trap of the bellows
type and Fig. 101 illustrates a disc type thermostatic
When a thermostatic trap is used for a heating
apparatus, at least 2 ft of pipe are provided ahead of the
cool in the pipe rather than in the coil, and thus
maintains maximum coil efficiency.
Thermostatic traps are recommended for low
pressure systems up to a maximum of 15 psi. When
used in medium or high pressure systems, they must be
selected for the specific design temperature. In addition,
the system must be operated continuously at that design
temperature. This means no night setback.
Vacuum pumps are used on a system where the
returns are under a vacuum. The assembly consists of a
receiver, separating tank and automatic controls for
discharging the condensate to the boiler.
Vacuum pumps are sized in the same manner as
condensate pumps for a delivery of 2.5 to 3 times the
design condensing rate.
Condensate return pumps are used for low pressure,
gravity return heating systems. They are normally of the
motor driven centrifugal type and have a receiver and
automatic float control. Other types of condensate return
pumps are the rotary, screw, turbine and reciprocating
Figures 103 thru 109 from Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning Guide 1959. Used by permission.
Steam Riser
Figures 110 and 111 illustrate steam supply risers
connected to mains with runouts. The runout in Fig. 110 is
connected to the bottom portion of the main and is pitched
toward the riser to permit condensate to drain from the
main. This layout is used only when the riser is dripped. If
a dry return is used, the riser is dripped thru a steam trap.
If a wet retrun is used, the trap is omitted.
Fig. 111 shows a piping diagram when the steam riser
is not dripped. In this instance the runout is connected to
the upper portion of the steam main and is pitched to carry
condensate from the riser to the main.
Prevention of Water Hammer
If the steam main is pitched incorrectly when the riser
is not dripped, water hammer may occur as illustrated in
Fig. 112. Diagram a shows the runout partially filled with
condensate but with enough space for steam to pass. As
the amount of condensate increases and the space
decreases, a wave motion is started as illustrated in
diagram b. As the wave or slug of condensate is driven
against the turn in the pipe (diagram c), a hammer noise
is caused. This pounding may be of sufficient force to split
pipe fittings and damage coils in the system.
Figures 116 thru 118 from Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning Guide 1959. Used by permission.
Vacuum Lift
As described under vacuum systems, a lift is
sometimes employed to lift the condensate up to the inlet
of the vacuum pump. Figs. 120 and 121 show a one-step
and two-step lift respectively. The one-step lift is used for a
maximum lift of 5 ft. For 5 to 8 ft. a two-step lift is required.
Steam Coils
Figures 122 thru 131 show methods of piping steam
coils in a high or low pressure or vacuum steam piping
system. The following general rules are applicable to
piping layout for steam coils used in all system.:
1. Use full size coil outlets and return piping to the
steam trap.
2. Use thermostatic traps for venting only.
3. Use a 15 check valve only where indicated on
the layout.
4. Size the steam control valve for the steam load,
not for the supply connection.
5. Provide coils with air vents as required, to
eliminate non-condensable gases.
6. Do not drip the steam supply mains into coil
7. Do not pipe tempering coils and reheat coils to
a common steam trap.
8. Multiple coils may be piped to a common steam
trap if they have the same capacity and the
same pressure drop and if the supply is
regulated by a control valve.
When steam coils are used for tempering or
preheating outdoor air, controls are required to prevent
freezing of the coil.
In high, medium, low pressure and vacuum systems,
an immersion thermostat is recommended to protect the
coil. This protection device controls the fan motor and the
outdoor air damper. The immersion thermostat is actuated
when the steam supply fails or when the condensate
temperature drops below a predeterrmined level, usually
120 F to 150 F. The thermostat location is shown in Fig.
Water piping, see water piping
Piping accessories
Water piping, see water piping
Steam piping, see steam
piping accessories
Air vents, water piping systems
Air washer, water piping
Alternating receiver steam trap
Angel valves
Bonnet and body connections
Disc construction
Pipe connections
Pressure loss
Table 10
Stem operation
Back pressure valves
Chart 25
Boiler piping layout
Boiler return steam trap
Bypass control, steam piping
Charging connections, refrigerant
Check valves
Bonnet and body connections
disc construction
Pipe connections
Pressure loss
Table 10
Refrigerant piping systems
Cooling tower piping
Copper tubing
Condensate lines, see
refrigerant pipe sizing
Connections to valves and
Table 5
Expansion loops
Expansion offsets
Table 6
Hot gas lines, see refrigerant
pipe sizing
Liquid lines, see refrigerant
pipe sizing
Table 1
Physical properties
Table 3
Refrigerant systems, see
refrigerant pipe sizing
Service limitations
Table 4
Steam systems, see steam
pipe sizing
Suction lines, see refrigerant
pipe sizing
Table 8
Water friction loss
Chart 5
Water systems, see water pipe
Direct expansion coil piping
Discharge line
Accessories also refrigerant
piping accessories
Double risers
Oil entrainment
table 19
Sizing (cooper
Chart 8
Chart 14
Chart 17
Sizing (steel)
Chart 11
Chart 20
Discharge risers, see
discharge line
Double hot gas risers, see hot
gas line
Double suction risers, see
suction line
Drain line
Dry expansion cooler
Erosion, maximum water velocity
Table 14
Flexible metal hose
Flexible rubber hose
Chart 1
Chart 2
Table 6
Table 5
Steam piping
Table 15
Expansion tank
Piping layout
Expansion valves
Evaporative condenser piping to
Dry expansion coolers
Flooded coolers
Multiple circuit
Suction line loops
Table 1
Pipe connections
Pressure loss
Table 11
Table 12
Service limitations
Table 4
Flash steam trap
Flexible metal hose
Flexible rubber hose
Float and thermostatic steam trap
Float steam trap
Flooded coolers
Freeze-up protection, steam
Pipe connections
Pressure loss
Table 10
Service limitations
Table 4
Stem operation
High pressure steam system,
two-pipe, see two-pipe high
pressure system,
Hot gas line
Accessories also see
refrigerant piping accessories
Double risers
Oil entrainment
Table 19
Sizing (cooper
Chart 8
Chart 14
Chart 17
Sizing (steel)
Chart 11
Chart 20
Hot gas loop, compressors
Hot gas risers, see hot gas line
Gate valve
Bonnet and body construction
Disc construction
Table 1
Pipe connections
Pressure loss
Table 10
Service limitations
Table 4
Stem operation
Globe valve
Bonnet and body construction
Disc construction
Table 1
Impulse steam trap
Indicators, liquid line, see liquid line
Insulation, refrigerant
Interchanger, liquid suction, see
liquid suction interchanger
Inverted bucket steam trap
Lift check valve, see check valve
Lifting steam trap
Liquid line
Accessories also see
refrigerant piping accessories
Table 17
Friction drop
Sizing (cooper)
Chart 9
Chart 13
Chart 18
Sizing (steel)
Chart 12
Chart 21
Static head
Liquid suction interchanger
Shell and coil
Shell and tube
Charts 23, 24
Copper expansion
Steel expansion
Chart 1
Low pressure steam system
One-pipe, see one-pipe low
pressure system
Two-pipe, see two-pipe low
pressure system
Table 1
Table 1
Medium pressure steam system,
two-pipe, see two-pipe
medium pressure system
Metal flexible hose
Mufflers, hot gas line
Copper expansion
Steel expansion
Chart 2
Table 6
Oil return
Hot gas risers
Table 19
Suction risers
Table 18
Oil separators
Once-thru water piping systems
One-pipe steam systems
Table 25
Table 27
Open water piping systems
Pipe, piping
Accessories, see refrigerant
piping accessories, steam
piping accessories, and water
piping accessories
Air washer
Coils, see coil piping
Compressor discharge
Compressor hot gas loop
Compressor interconnections
Compressor suction
Compressor interconnections
Compressor suction
Connections to valves and
Condenser (refrigerant side
Condenser (water side)
Coolers (refrigerant side)
Coolers (water side)
Cooling towers
Copper, see copper tubing
Diversity, water system
Chart 6
Evaporative condenser
Table 5
Expansion joints
Expansion loops
Expansion offsets
Expansion tank
Fittings, see fittings
Table 7, 8
Supports (pitched)
Table 22
System design
Valves, see valves
Vibration isolation
Water coils, see water piping
Water systems, see water
piping design
Plug cocks
Pipe connections
Pressure loss
Table 10
Pressure loss
Table 11
Table 12
Table 10
Condensate retur
Water piping layout
Recirculating water piping system
Refrigerant charging connections
Refrigerant pipe sizing
Condensate line
Table 17
Discharge riser
Double discharge riser, 3-60
Double suction riser
Friction drop
Hot gas line (copper)
Chart 8
Chart 1
Chart 17
Hot gas line (steel)
Chart 11
Chart 20
Hot gas riser
Liquid line (copper)
Chart 9
Chart 15
Chart 18
Liquid line (steel)
Chart 12
Chart 21
Discharge line
Discharge riser
Double discharge riser
Double suction riser
Hot gas line
Hot gas riser
Friction loss
Friction loss effect on capacity
Table 16
Liquid line
Liquid subcooling
Table 1
Oil return
Refrigerant charge
Static head
Steel pipe physical properties
Table 2
Suction line
Suction risers
Table 9
Refrigeration piping layout
Compressor discharge
Compressor suction
Dry expansion codes
Flooded coolers
Interconnecting compressors
Multiple circuit coils
Multiple compressors
Multiple shell and tube
Receiver vent lines
Shell and tube condenser
Suction line loop
Refrigerant valves
Refrigerant weight
Table 20
Relief valves
Risers, dripping steam line
Rubber flexible hose
Solder joints, service limitations
Table 4
Solenoid valves
Static head, liquid line
Steam coils, see steam piping
Steam pipe sizing
General design
Chart 27
Chart 26
Chart 27
Table 1
One-pipe low pressure system
Table 25
Table 27
Two-pipe low pressure system
Table 25
Table 26
Table 27
Table 28
Two-pipe medium pressure
Table 24
Two-pipe vacuum system
Table 25
Table 26
Table 27
Table 28
Two-pipe vapor system
Table 25
Table 26
Table 27
Table 31
Steam piping design
Codes and regulations
Condensate return
Table 5
Table 1
One-pipe system
Physical properties, copper
Table 3
Physical properties, steel pipe
Table 2
Pressure conditions
Service limitations
Table 4
pipe sizing
Table 1
Physical properties
Service limitation
Steam lines, see steam pipe
Suction line, see refrigerant
pipe sizing
Supports (dead level)
Table 7
Supports (pitched)
Table 22,
Water lines, see water pipe
Refrigerant systems
Water systems
Subcooling, liquid line
Chart 22
Suction line
Accessories, 3-77,
also see refrigerant piping
Coil connections
Double risers
Oil entrainment
Table 18
Sizing (copper)
Chart 7
Chart 13
Chart 16
Sizing (steel)
Chart 10
Chart 19
Suction risers, see suction line
Supply steam mains
Copper tubing
Table 8
Steam piping
Table 22
Steel pipe
Table 7
Swing check valve, see check
Thermostatic steam trap
Traps, see steam trap
Tube condenser, see condenser
Tube condenser, see condenser
Tube-in-tube interchanger
Charts 23, 24
Tubing, copper, see copper tubing
Two-pipe steam systems
High pressure
Table 23
Low pressure
Table 25
Table 26
Table 27
Table 28
Medium pressure
Table 24
Vacuum pressure
Table 25
Table 26, 3-88
Table 27
Table 28
Vapor pressure
Table 25
Table 26
Table 27
Table 28
Upright bucket steam trap
Vacuum pump
Vacuum system, two-pipe, see two
pipe steam system
Back pressure
Chart 25
Bonnet and body construction
Construction details
Disc construction
General purpose
Table 9
Lift check,
Location in system
Table 1
Plug cock
Pressure losses
Table 10
Service limitations
Table 4
Shut off
Special service
Stem operation
Swing check
Vapor system , two pipe, see two
pipe system
Velocity, water piping
Table 13,14
Vent, water piping
Vent lines, receiver to condenser
Design consideration
Refrigerant piping
Remedies or repairs
Water conditioning
Steam system
Water systems
Water expansion
Table 15
Water hammer
Water pipe sizing
Closed system (copper)
Chart 5
Closed system (steel)
Chart 3
Chart 6
Table 14
Open system (copper)
Chart 5
Sprayed coil
Y valve
bonnet and body construction
disc construction
table 1
pipe connections
pressure loss
table 10
service limitations
table 4
stem operation