Both Was/were Are Possible, Use Were

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1. Poor William!

Complete the
sentences with the correct verb. In the sentences where
both was/were are possible, use were:
a) If William

(not/watch) so many horror films,

(not/be) scared of the dark.

b) If William
(be) braver, he
frightened of thunder and lightning.
c) If William
video games, he


(not/spend) so much time playing

(get) better grades at school.

d) If William
(ate) healthier food, he
(not/be) ill so often.
e) If he
(not/be) ill so often, he
(not/miss) so many classes.
f) If his parents
much coke, he

(not/allow) him to drink so

(sleep) much better.

g) If William
(sleep) better at night, he
(start) his day with more energy.

h) If he
(start) his day with more energy, he
(do) many more things.
i) If William
fit and healthy.

(practice) a sport, he

j) If he

(keep) fit and healthy, he

k) If he

(feel) more confident, his self-



(feel) more


l) If his self-esteem
(increase), he
(not/have) so many problems to sleep at night.

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