TRP Channels in Neuronal and Glial Signal Transduction: Christian Harteneck and Kristina Leuner
TRP Channels in Neuronal and Glial Signal Transduction: Christian Harteneck and Kristina Leuner
TRP Channels in Neuronal and Glial Signal Transduction: Christian Harteneck and Kristina Leuner
1. Introduction
Many physiological processes like muscle contraction, hormone secretion and intracellular
signalling processes are triggered by calcium as intracellular signalling molecule. The signal
transduction capacity of calcium depends on the 10,000-fold gradient across the plasma
membrane with 2.5 mM extracellular and resting intracellular calcium ion concentration of
approximately 100 nM. Low intracellular calcium concentrations are managed by the extrusion
of calcium by ATPases and transporters [1, 2], whereas rapid and distinct increases in intra
cellular calcium up to micromolar concentrations are mediated by calcium-permeable ion
channels of the plasma membrane as well intracellular calcium storage compartments.
Calcium mediates its biological functions by protein structures capable to bind calcium. These
calcium-binding domains are building blocks of the proteins modulated by calcium directly
or part of calcium sensor proteins (calmodulin, calcium binding protein, calcineurin, S100, NCS
etc) mediating calcium-dependent modulation by protein-protein interaction [3].
In excitable cells like neurons, heart or skeletal or smooth muscle cells, calcium currents first
identified are mediated by voltage-gated calcium channels [4-6]. Later, additional calciumpermeable ion channels have been identified mediating hormone-induced calcium entry also
in non-excitable cells like endothelial, epithelial, immune cells. The identity of these channels
has been unravelled via analysis of phototransduction in flies [7]. Montell and Rubin cloned
Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) from Drosophila melanogaster and described TRP as a
phospholipase C-modulated, calcium-permeable ion channel [8]. Mammalian TRP-homolo
gous channels have been identified by comparing the Drosophila TRP sequences with sequences
resulting from the upcoming genome and expression profiling projects at that time. The first
channel protein showing the highest degree of sequence similarities with Drosophila TRP were
named classic TRP family (TRPC1) [9-11]. Additional TRP-homologous proteins establishing
the melastatin-like and vanilloid-like TRP subfamilies, TRPM and TRPV, respectively, were
identified by other approaches [12-14]. An additional fascinating feature of TRP channels
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became obvious with the identification of TRPV1 (vanilloid receptor 1, VR1) as molecular
target of capsaicin [15]. Capsaicin is the active molecule of chilli peppers and an irritant that
is responsible for providing a sensation of burning, e.g., on the tongue. TRPV1 characterization
revealed that TRP channels are targets of many secondary plant compounds and are involved
in sensory functions [16]. Last but not least, the TRP superfamily comprises the mucolipin
[TRPML [17]] and the polycystin [TRPP [18]] calcium-permeable channel proteins sharing a
comparable transmembrane topology and features like ion permeability [13, 14, 19]. TRP
channels are integrated in many cellular signal transduction pathways and a variety of
physiological processes as discussed below.
TRP channels have been identified and characterized by common biochemical, immunochem
ical and physiological methods. The function of TRP channels can be directly studied by patch
clamp electrophysiology as well as imaging techniques. Patch clamp techniques enable to
monitor currents across the plasma membrane mediated by TRP channels using small
electrodes in small pipettes together with the ground electrode in the bath solution [20]. In this
configuration, the electrical activity of ion channels in the plasma membrane can be monitored.
Depending on configuration and access of the electrode within the patch pipette, different
configurations can be discriminated (cell-attached, whole cell, inside-out or outside-out). On
the other hand, a growing number of methods has been developed to monitor changes in ion
concentrations in intact cells using small chemical compounds or artificial proteins constructs
[21]. Fura-2 is one of the best known calcium dyes, a small chemical compound changing its
fluorescence features depending on calcium concentration [22]. In the meantime a variety of
new compounds have been developed characterized by changed ion selectivity, changes in
Kd values or fluorescence intensities. The intracellular concentration of the indicator dyes
depend on the activity and capability of organic solute carrier to export the dyes and thereby
lowering intracellular dye concentrations. This disadvantage can be overcome by the use of
the new protein-based probes. These artificial proteins are constructs of ion binding domains
conjugated with fluorescence protein domains transcribed transiently from transfected
plasmids or permanently from genomic localized expression cassettes [23, 24].
The following review will give an introduction in the broad field of TRP channel research
related to their expression in the central nervous system (CNS), their physiological function
in neurons as well as in glia cells, and their role in neurological and psychiatric CNS disorders.
The involvement of TRP channels in the pathophysiology of glioma and the sensing of pain is
not discussed here [for comprehensive reviews please refer to [25, 26]].
Figure 1. Receptor-induced activation mechanisms of TRP channels in mammals. RTK: receptor tyrosine kinase;
GPCR: G protein-coupled receptor; PLC: phospholipase C; PIP2: phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate; IP3: inosi
tol-1,4,5-trisphosphate; DAG: diacylglycerol.
In the brain, TRPC1 expression was confirmed using a set of techniques ranging from RT-PCR,
western blotting to confocal and electron microscopy. TRPC1 was detected in different brain
regions of adult mice including the cerebellum, the hippocampus, the basal ganglia, the
amygdala and the forebrain [29-31]. Strbing et al. showed that TRPC1 and TRPC5 channels
are expressed in similar brain areas suggesting that they might form heteromers for example
in the hippocampus [31]. However, empirical evidence for the existence of these heteromers
is still lacking [32]. Only little is known about the distribution of TRPC channels in neurons.
TRPC5 channels were suggested to be expressed mainly in distal dendrites and dendritic
spines in lateral septal neurons. However, the expression pattern might differ in different brain
areas and neurons [33]. Interestingly, TRPC1 protein was not only detected in neurons such
as in the hippocampal CA1 or CA3 pyramidal cells [31], but also in astrocytes and oligoden
drocyte progenitor cells [34-36]. Furthermore, mRNA for all TRPC channels including TRPC1
was found in the cortex of the mouse developing brain [37]. TRPC1, together with TRPC3 and
TRPC5 were the main isoforms detected in this study. This expression pattern might be time
dependent and species specific because TRPC4 and TRPC5 were the most prominent isoforms
in the adult rat prefrontal cortex [38], whereas TRPC3 and TRPC6 channels are major TRPC
mRNAs detected in adult mice [29]. TRPC2 being expressed in the rodent vomeronasal organ
is clearly an exception [39]. In humans, TRPC2 is a pseudogene; the transcribed mRNA is
functionless due to various stop codons [40]. In rodents, the transcription of the TRPC2 gene
results in a functionally active protein involved in sensory responses to pheromones [39].
Genetic inactivation of TRPC2 in mice leads to loss of sex discrimination of male mice [41-43].
TRPC4 mRNA expression was observed in the adult mouse brain in the cortex, the hippo
campus, the thalamus, the amygdala, the basal ganglia as well as the prefrontal cortex [29, 30,
38, 44]. TRPC4 protein expression was shown in the hippocampus, the cortex as well as the
cerebellum [38, 44]. Using in situ hybridisation or immunocytochemistry, the expression of
TRPC4 channels in different brain areas was specified. For example, TRPC4 was detected in
cell layers of the prefrontal cortex [38] or in pyramidal CA1 and CA3 neurons of the hippo
campus. In lateral septal neurons, TRPC4 channels were found on the cell surface of the soma
and primary dendrites [33].
TRPC3 and TRPC6 mRNAs were demonstrated in the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, hippo
campus as well as the forebrain [29]. TRPC3 protein expression in the brain especially in the
prefrontal cortex and cerebellum was not only shown in rat and mouse tissues but also in
human tissue obtained from subjects of different age groups [45]. TRPC3 channel expression
was higher in the developing cortex compared to the adult cortex, whereas TRPC3 cerebral
expression was not age-dependent. The protein expression of TRPC6 channels in the hippo
campus is controversial. While several groups using pharmacological approaches or RT-PCR
or western blot analyses describe TRPC6 channels being expressed in all hippocampal regions
[46-51], Nagy and co-workers as well as Chung and colleagues show expression of TRPC6
channels selectively in the dentate gyrus and interneurons [52, 53]. Interestingly, in contrast
to Tai et al. 2008, who described TRPC6 expression in hippocampal CA1 soma as well as in
dendrites, Nagys data suggest that TRPC6 channels are mainly expressed in dendrites of
interneurons and neurons from the dentate gyrus [49, 53]. In the developing brain TRPC6
channels protein expression peaked between postnatal day 7 and 14, a period known to be
important for maximal dendritic growth [49]. For TRPC7, only low mRNA expression levels
were published [29, 30]. TRPC3 channels are also expressed in astrocytes [54].
2.2. TRPM channels
Melastatin, the founding member of the melastatin-like TRP family, was identified within a
screen for proteins differentially regulated in melanocytes and melanoma cells [55]. Analysis
of clinical data showed that the presence of melastatin expression in melanoma patients
inversely correlates with the severity and survival [56-58]. Although melastatin is the first
member of the TRPM family its activation mechanism and physiological role is still unclear.
In line with the first description as protein involved in melanocyte physiology several reports
confirmed this view. A completely unexpected function, the integration in retinal signal
processing, has recently been discovered by the identification of TRPM1 expression in retinal
ON bipolar cells [59]. The critical role of TRPM1 in mammalian phototransduction is also
highlighted by several reports describing TRPM1 mutations in patients suffering from
congenital stationary night blindness [60-63]. Only very little is known about TRPM1 function
and expression in the CNS. Rather low mRNA TRPM1 expression was found in three studies
in the brain [29, 64, 65].
From sequence similarity, TRPM3 is phylogenetically the closest neighbour to melastatin.
TRPM3 is a polymodal ion channel activated by a variety of different stimuli like hypotonicity
[66], sphingolipids [67], steroids [68, 69], nifedipine [69], and heat [70]. TRPM3 is activated by
hypotonic extracellular solution and represents together with TRPV4, the volume-regulated
TRP channels in the kidney [71, 72]. With the help of pharmacological tools, calcium entry
induced by the application of hypotonic extracellular solutions can be assigned to TRPV4 and
TRPM3 [71, 73-75]. While TRPV4 is activated by 4-Isomers of phorbolesters and is blocked
by ruthenium red, TRPM3 is activated by sphingosine and by pregnenolone-sulphate and
blocked by gadolinium ions. TRPM3 is expressed in different areas of the CNS such as the
hippocampus, the corpus callosum, the cortex or the hippocampus. These findings were
reproduced in different studies using RT-PCR [29], northern blot [66, 76], as well as immuno
histochemistry [77, 78]. TRPM3 channels are found in neurons (cerebral Purkinje neurons) as
well as in oligodendrocytes [76-78]. Interestingly, neuronal expression of TRPM3 is present
throughout development. However, it is almost lost in the adult brain [77]. In contrast, TRPM3
is highly expressed in oligodendrocytes in the adult brain.
The phylogenetically next neighbours to TRPM1 and TRPM3 are TRPM6 and TRPM7 [79]. The
latter ones are involved in the body magnesium homeostasis [80]. While TRPM7 is ubiqui
tously expressed, TRPM6 is expressed in epithelial cells of the gut and the kidney and
responsible for magnesium absorption and reabsorption. Loss-of-function mutations in
TRPM6 are linked to autosomal-recessive hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia [81,
82]. TRPM6, TRPM7 and TRPM2 share a common structural feature. All three genes code for
chimeric proteins combining a hexahelical transmembrane channel forming domain with a Cterminal enzymatic active domain [83]. In the case of TRPM6 and TRPM7, the pore-forming
domains are fused to atypical alpha kinase-like structures. The functional role for the enzy
matic domain is still under dispute. TRPM6 and TRPM7 are permeable for magnesium and
for other essential divalent cations like Ca2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Co2+ as well as toxic cations like Ba2+,
Sr2+, Ni2+, Cd2+ [84, 85]. While TRPM6 mRNA was detected at low level in different brain areas
[29], nothing is known about its role in the CNS. In contrast to TRPM6 channels, TRPM7 mRNA
is highly expressed in the brain [29, 86]. In primary hippocampal neurons as well as in
pyramidal hippocampal CA1 neurons in rat brain slices, TRPM7 was detected by different
groups using immunocyto- and immunohistochemistry [87-89].
While divalent ions are the preferentially carried ion of TRPM6- and TRPM7-mediated
currents, TRPM4 and TRPM5 form ion pores impermeable for divalent ions and allow
selectively sodium to pass [90]. As sodium channels, TRPM4 and TRPM5 are paradoxically
activated by increased intracellular calcium concentrations and represent calcium-activated
sodium channels. TRPM4 is expressed in different brain regions including the thalamus, the
hypothalamus, the medulla oblongata, the hippocampus and the spinal cord in mouse, rat as
well as human brain (Lein et al., 2007; [29, 91]. In contrast to TRPM4, the expression of TRPM5
is restricted to a few cell types. TRPM5 is expressed in taste buds of the tongue and involved
in the sensation of bitter and sweet taste [92, 93].
The remaining two TRPM channels proteins, TRPM2 and TRPM8, can also be discussed in the
light of sensory functions. As already mentioned, TRPM2 represents a chimeric protein
integrating an ADP-ribose hydrolase domain C-terminal to the pore-forming transmembrane
domains [83]. Simultaneously to the ADP-ribose hydrolysing activity of the C-terminal
enzymatic domain, TRPM2 is activated by ADP-ribose and it has been shown that the Cterminal part is essential for the function of the pore forming channel protein [94, 95]. Increased
intracellular ADP-ribose concentrations are linked to genotoxic and/or oxidative stress of cells
leading to the activation of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) modulating protein
stability by the mono and poly ADP-ribosylation of proteins [96]. This process of protein
stability regulation is additionally controlled by an enzyme called poly(ADP-ribose) gluco
hydrolase (PARG). PARG reduces the post-translational poly ADP-ribose modifications to
mono ADP-ribosylation, thereby increasing the intracellular ADP-ribose concentration
leading to the activation of TRPM2. In whole cell calcium imaging experiments, the extracel
lular application of hydrogen peroxide results in the activation of TRPM2 validating its
function as redox sensor. TRPM2 channels are preferentially expressed in microglia cells, the
host macrophages of the CNS [97, 98]. In addition, in several brain regions such as the
hippocampus, the cortex and the substantia nigra TRPM2 channels were also detected in
neurons using RT-PCR, western blotting as well as immunohistochemistry [99, 100]. It was
suggested that TRPM2 and TRPM7 channels form heteromers because knock-down of TRPM7
with siRNA is accompanied by down-regulation of TRPM2 channels [101]. TRPM8, the cold
sensor, is mainly expressed in sensory neurons. TRPM8 is activated at temperatures between
8 C to 28 C as well as the secondary plant compound menthol and synthetic cooling com
pounds. Together with TRPA1, TRPM8 represent the cold sensors in human. Noxious cold is
mediated by TRPA1 [26, 102].
2.3. TRP channels in the brain - TRPV channels
Vanilloid structures, derivates of vanillin comprising eugenol, zingerone and capsaicin, are
found in many spice plants and known for their individual characteristic flavour. Beside the
use as spice, vanilloid containing plant extracts are used as remedy in the various traditions
of folk medicines. Therapeutic and experimental use of capsaicin in pain treatment inspired
research resulting in the unravelling of the molecular target of capsaicin. The molecular target,
an ion channel related to Drosophila TRP, was named capsaicin or vanilloid receptor and
became eponym of the subgroup or structurally related ion channels of the TRP channel
superfamily [15]. The vanilloid-like TRP channels comprise six members, four proteins (TRPV1
to TRPV4) like TRPV1 are non selective ion channels involved in thermosensation [14, 73, 74,
102, 103], while two ion channels (TRPV5 and TRPV6) represent highly calcium-selective ion
channels [75, 104].
The warm and heat sensors (TRPV1 to TRPV4) and the cold sensors (TRPM8 and TRPA1)
represent the thermosensors of the human body and cover the complete temperature range
necessary for human life. As warning sensors expressed in dorsal root ganglia, the thermo
TRPs are also involved in sensation and modulation of pain and therefore interesting as
molecular targets for new pain-treating drugs. Most studies dealing with the structural and
functional properties of the TRPV channel family in the CNS are focused on TRPV1. However,
TRPV2, TRPV3 and TRPV4 are also detected in the CNS. In contrast for TRPV5 and TRPV6,
there is no evidence for their expression in the CNS.
[132, 151]
involved in LTD
[152, 153]
involved in LTP
[126, 127]
central osmoregulation
[154, 155]
potentiation of glutamate,
adrenaline or norepinephrine release
facilitation of glutamatergic
postsynaptic neurotransmission
glutamate release
TRPV1 expression in the CNS was investigated using a variety of methods ranging from
pharmacological characterization and immunohistochemistry [105] to RT-PCR [106], western
blotting to radio ligand binding [107]. Beside the great variety of methods and studies the
expression of TRPV1 in the brain remains controversial. Several studies showed a wide spread
TRPV1 expression in the CNS suggesting an expression of TRPV1 in pyramidal neurons of the
CA1, CA3 area of the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus, the locus coeruleus, the hypothalamus,
the substantia nigra, the cerebellum, the cortex and other limbic structures [108]. Other studies
reported TRPV1 expression which was highly restricted to primary sensory ganglia with
minimal expression in few brain regions which are adjacent to the caudal hypothalamus [107]
(expression profiles and methods are summarized in Table 1). However several groups used
TRPV1 agonists or antagonists as well as TRPV1 knock-out mice to define the role of TRPV1
channels in the CNS and reported versatile functions in different brain regions such as the
hippocampus, the substantia nigra, the cortex or the hypothalamus. TRPV1 channels are not
only activated by capsaicin but also by the CB1 agonist anandamide [109], other endovanilloids
such as N-acyldopamines or the endogenous lipoxygenase derivates HPETE which are
released for example in the hippocampus after mGluR1 activation [108]. Importantly, coloc
alization of TRPV1 and CB1 receptors was found in different mouse brain regions including
the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and basal glia [110, 111]. Regarding its cellular
localisation, TRPV1 channels were detected in neuronal cell bodies, presynaptic terminals as
well as in dendrites on postsynaptic spines [105, 106, 112, 113]. Furthermore, these channels
are also present in pericytes and at the feet of astrocytes surrounding small vessels [105, 114].
TRPV2 channels are widely distributed in the brain compromising the colocalisation with
TRPV1 in the cortex [19, 112, 115, 116]. TRPV3 mRNA was detected throughout the cortex,
hippocampus, thalamus, striatum and cerebellum [117, 118]. TRPV4 mRNA is present in the
hypothalamus, the cerebellum, basal ganglia, as well as in pyramidal neurons of the hippo
campus [29, 119, 120]. Importantly, TRPV1-4 were also found in astrocytes [121, 122].
Beside TRPV1 channels, data from knockout mice point to a role of TRPC1/4/5 as well as for
TRPC3/6 channels in the pathophysiology of epilepsy. Phelan et al. described a major role of
TRPC1 and TRPC4 channels in the plateau potential of lateral septal neurons which show a
high vulnerability to seizure-induced neuronal death as well as direct excitotoxicity by the
application of group I mGluR receptor agonists [33]. In vivo results using the pilocarpineinduced status epileptics in TRPC1/TRPC4 double knockout animals showed surprising
results. Cell death was significantly reduced in the lateral septum but also in the CA1 region
of the hippocampus after severe seizures. However, the severity of the seizures per se was not
altered. The authors concluded that this conundrum might be explained by the hypothesis that
TRPC5 channels might be important for epileptiform burst in other limbic brain areas. This
hypothesis was recently supported using TRPC5 knockout mice [32]. They exhibit significantly
reduced seizures and minimal seizure-induced cell death in the CA1 region of the hippocam
pus. Importantly, spatial learning was not affected making TRPC5 channels an attractive novel
target for the treatment of epilepsy.
TRPC3 channels are also discussed to play a toxic role in status epilepticus [46, 130]. After
pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in rats, TRPC3 expression was significantly enhanced
in CA1, CA3 pyramidal neurons as well as dentate granule cells, whereas TRPC6 channel
expression was reduced in these areas. Using two pharmacological approaches, first the
inhibition of TRPC3 with the selective antagonist Pyr3 and second activation of TRPC6
channels with the TRPC6 activator hyperforin protected against neuronal damages following
the status epilepticus [46].
3.3. Migraine
TRP channels might be involved in several processes relevant for the pathophysiology of
migraine such as altered central calcium homeostasis, multimodal sensory and pain percep
tion, or central or peripheral sensitization. Therefore, a recent study investigated single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TRP genes in 1040 patients and 1037 healthy controls in
Spain. For TRPV1, a nominal association was found for TRPV1 rs 222741 in the overall migraine
group, for TRPV3 a correlation with TRPV3 rs7217270 was detected in the migraine group with
aura [131].
3.4. Mood disorders anxiety, unipolar and bipolar depression
TRPV1 and TRPV3 channels might be involved in fear and anxiety [107, 132]. TRPV1 knockout
mice showed decreased anxiety-related behavior in several behavior paradigms such as the
elevated plus maze test or the light dark test [107, 132]. Furthermore, fear and stress reaction
were also reduced in TRPV1 knockout mice [107]. Therefore, TRPV1 antagonists such as
capsazepine were investigated when they were applied directly into the ventral hippocampus
or the periaqueductal grey. In both studies capsazepine showed anxiolytic effects. Recent
studies investigated if compounds which act on both TRPV1 as well as CB1 receptors might
be more effective than selective TRPV1 blocker [133]. N-arachidonoyl-serotonin which blocks
TRPV1 channels and indirectly activates CB1 receptors and Arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide
(ACEA) which activates both TRPV1 as well as CB1 receptors were investigated. N-arachi
EAE relevant immune function. In addition, axonal TRPM4 expression in axons was signifi
cantly elevated in demyelinating white matter brain lesions of patients with multiple sclerosis
in comparison to healthy controls. The authors further demonstrate that TRPV4 channels are
involved in toxic effects of high glutamate levels which are a major contributor to neurode
generation in multiple sclerosis.
4. Conclusion
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels comprise a large family of non selective, calciumpermeable channel proteins which are activated and regulated by different mechanisms. TRP
channels respond to secondary plant compounds as well as intracellular stimuli such as
calcium, metabolites of the arachidonic acid or phosphatidylinositol signal transduction
pathways. TRP channels sense environmental stimuli such as changes in temperature,
osmolarity and pH and represent the molecular target of pheromones, taste and secondary
plant compounds. The broad function of TRP channels in CNS physiology becomes apparent
through their involvement in several psychiatric and neurological CNS disorders. This makes
them an interesting topic for further research and drug development. The diversity of the
chemical structures and the selectivity of the naturally occurring compounds modulating TRP
channels show the possibility for pharmacological modulation of TRP channels and inspire
the development of new synthetic structures for TRP channel interference at bench and
Author details
Christian Harteneck1 and Kristina Leuner2
1 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology & Interfaculty Centre for Pharmacogenomics
and Drug Research, Eberhard-Karls-University, Tbingen, Germany
2 Molecular und Clinical Pharmacy, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen/Nrnberg,
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