Chapter 13: Membrane Processes
Chapter 13: Membrane Processes
Chapter 13: Membrane Processes
Membrane Processes
In the ED process a semi-permeable barrier
allows passage of either positively charged ions
(cations) or negatively charged ions (anions)
while excluding passage of ions of the opposite
charge. These semi-permeable barriers are
commonly known as ion-exchange, ion-selective
or electrodialysis membranes.
Hollow fiber:
Spiral UF system
5 60 psig
Vibrating shear
to prevent fouling
VSEP Technology
A liquid containing solute A at 3 x 10-2 kmol/m3 is flowing
past a membrane of thickness L = 0.3um. The distribution
coefficient K= 1.5 and DAB = 7x10-11 m2/s in the
membrane. The solute diffuses through the membrane and
its concentration on the other side is 0.5 x 10-2 kmol/m3.
The mass transfer coefficient kc1 is large and can be
considered infinite, while kc2=2.02x10-5 m/s. Calculate the
flux and the membrane interface concentrations (c2i and