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'Ayurvedic Cure For Common Diseases

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The hook deals wzth va1zous d1agnostu methods,

the my and p1 actzce of Ayw vedtc Medtcmes, Causes,

11 eatment and preventwn of mojf common d1seases
like Blood Pressw e, Artluzt1s, Gout, Impotence,
Lep1 osy, Dzabetes and dn'eases of Infants, Urogemtal
\ystem, Dzgesttve system, Respzratory system, Fevers,
E'yes, Ears, Teeth & Gums
The author has adopted 'A Heal Yourself'
approach so that the patzent doesn't have to shell out
much of hard earned money It zs hoped that thzs book
wt/1 go a long way m amelzoratzng mental andphyszcal
,\ u.fforzng of the common man at very reasonable

Natural Healing wtth ReJlu
Unvedmg the Secrets of l=te1k1
Brtlhant L1ght of Relk1
Wonder!> of Magnetotherapy
Nature Cure for Health & Happmess
Fanuly Homeopath1c Gutde
MU"acles of Ur1ne Therapy
Health m Your Hands
Food for Good Health
Ju1ce Therapy
Be Young & Healthy for 100 Years
Pregnancy & Chlld Care
Causes & Cure of Blood Preso;;ure
Causes & Cure of Dtabetes
Ladles Sbnumng Course
Be Your Own Doctor
Acupuncture & Acupressure Gu1de
The Awesome Challenge of AIDS
Cancer-An Envtronmental D1sease
Com.prehenSlve Vaastushastra
Sampuran Vaastusbastra
Com.m.erClal Vaastu
EnVU'onmental Vaastu
Pract1cal Vaastusbastra
Study of Omens
Truth of Lue
General Knowledge 'Ibday (1998)
The Book of Bec;t Quotations
Nostradamus & PropheCles of the Next MJllemnm
Tabassum's Jo:Kes (Translated by)
Chankya N1t1
Akbar the Great
Ashoka the Great
Lord Budba
KautJJ.ya Arthshastra
How to keep fit
Incha A Gu1de
Cheiro's Languages of the Hand
Che1ro's Book of Astrology
CheU'o's Book of Numerology
Hmd1 Learn1n~ & Speakmg course
Eve m the Indian Kltchen
Gods & Goddesses of Incha
Fasts & Festtvals of Indla
Challsa Sangrah (Roman)
Durga CballSa (Roman)
The HyrnllS & Onsons of Lord Sl:uva (Roman)
Sr1 Hanuxnan Chahsa (Roman)


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Ayurvedic Cure
For Cornrnon

Acharya Vipul Rao




ISBN 81-7182-087-5



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L1fe can extst "" 1thm the ambtt of cettam h'T1Itat1ons

Imposed by nature. '1Jan hmseif soctety and local en\ aronl:i
t'f comse, mcludmg one's own trads UpJ...eep ofbod} JS pnme
and foremost dut} of everv human bemg \\ ho cannot perform
h1~ HU IOU5 functiOns & dut1e~ \\hen Jus body IS mhng or ~
not m h healthy state An allmg pet son can ne1ther sen e hts
O\\ n self nor. famJly and socJet), at large It Js lhe umts that
coHstttute a ()Ocaety and no soc1ety can ever extst m the absence
of 1ts constituents
In anctent tunes man hved near nature and whenever be
got mdl~po'ied he cured himself by the resources and matertal
ptovtded by nature Whenever he astrayed from the path of
nature, he suffered m the tbtm oftilness Illness Is the resultant
outcome ot v10Jat10n of laV~~s of nature Hence, whenever a
per'ion got tnlhsposed, he resorted to the use of herbs, frutts,
vegetables~ mmeral waters, fresh atr Even hts datly food
con~asted of certam foodstuffs that helped h1m to stay healthy
but, m case of allness, even simple modification m h1s dtetary
pattern sufficed to retneve hts health
Ayurveda Js the science of hfe (better life), healthy and
dtsease-free hfe It ts the knowledge that 1s replete with
gutdehnes whtch, 1f followed scrupulously and regularly,
would spare the agony of disease It ts the knowledge whtch
carves out a health pattern based on natural resources. Disease,
m fact, ts a retr1button of Nature. If we ab1de by laws of nature,

we have hardly any chance to contact any dtsease but,

conversely we Will simply land ourselves m trouble
Ayurveda Is based on sound pnnctples of dtagnosts whtch
requtres no chmcal tests or costly mvesttgatwns whtch are
beyond reach of the common and less pnvtleged person An
adept Vatdya can always conclude the health status of a pattent
by stmply feehng his pulse He won't ask trrttatmg and
offendmg questiOns, as he knows fully well that a person falls
tll when the three humors vtz, Vata (Atr), Kapha (Phlegm)
and Pttta (Bile) get tmbalanced and dtsproportwnate Whenevet,
there IS disturbance m these three humors, dtsease ts the only
outcome Hts chtef atm, then, ts to resotre balance amongst
all the humors and when proper balance has been restored,
dtsease will become non-existant
There Is an old concept, and qutte wetghty, JUSttfied and
meanmgful also, that the vegetattons grown on a particular
soil are capable of eradtcatmg dtseases W tthout fear of any
contradtctwn thts statement has stood the test of time and
reason For mstance, tt has been generally observed that when
a north Indian mtgrates to southern India or VIce versa, he
ts hable to encounter certam diseases or, at least, some health
problems but when he changes over to and adopts new regwn's
food habits hts Illness becomes a thmg of the past But switchover to new dtetary pattern must not be abrupt and hasty, rather
tt should be gradual and systematic, as It takes tune for the
body to readjust Itself and acclimatise
In this small book, Ayurvedtc treatment has been suggested
m respect of only common diseases whereas the complex
health problems should be got attended to by an expert on.
In emergent situations, when patient's hfe is in peril, the
attendants must arrange for medtcal atd from the nearest
physician, to whichever system of medtcine he mtght belong.
When crisis situation has been averted, the pattent may be
examined and treated by a physician of your choice No
personal fads should govern choice of a phystcian or system.

Certam pattents have Innate repugnance for a patitculat doctor

or system If you act agamst hts wtll, be won't co-operate
Hence, let the wtll and chmce of the patient prevatl
While suggestmg vanous medicatiOns for specific and
general dtseases, some reference may be made to a particular
company's products whtch are considered to be more efficacious,
easily avatlable and cost-effecttve Mere mentiOn of a company s
name must not be construed to mean that we patromsmg a
parttcular umt/company There are many rehable, efficactous
and easy available products of many compames whtch may
be trted accordmg to convemence and avatlabthty There IS
no choice when only a particular company produces a
spectahty but when processmg ts done by other compames,
chmce ts wtde open All said and done, medicmes must be
used which are produced by standard and established Ayurvedtc
We are mdebted to Shn Narender Kumar, Managmg
Dtrector of Dtamond Pocket Books, for mottvatmg to wnte
thts book and tendermg hls mvaluable suggestiOns/guidehn~s
from ttme to t1me May thts book serve tts mtended purpose
Acllrya Vzpul Rao




It ts a myth to believe that Ayurvedtc medtcmes

are netther hatmful nor do they react Any medtcme
that can act m one case can equally react 111 the othet
case The medtcmes, teferred to m thts book. ate
merely suggested as a gmdehnes to the readers but
element of reactiOns or harm cannot and must not
be ruled out
In vtew of the above cautwn, pattcnts are
advtsed to seek proper gutdance and safeguatds from
a qualified Ayurvedtc phystctan before they use any
medtcme If. desptte th1s precautiOnary warnmg, the
pattents st1ll choose to act otherwtse, they wtll be
domg so at thetr own rtsk and responstblltty m whtch
case the author and the publisher shall not be
accountable/responst b le





Page No.




How Human Body Functions

Dtgesttve System
Respnat01y System
Ctrculatory System
Net vous Systems
Exctetoty System
Endoc1 me Glands
Theory of Ayurveda And Basic Principles
Themy ofTudosha
A1r (Vata)
Btle (Pttta)
Phlegm (Cough)

Atr Predommant Personality Tratts
BJle Predmnmant Personality Tratts
Phlegm Pradommant Personahty Traits
Proper Regimen- m relatiOn to dtet.,
Food & Allergies
Multtple AllergJes
Recommended dtet m Three Humours








Pomts Relatmg to Dosage, Frequency,

Drug-Combmattons, Medtcmal
Vehtcles Prescnpt10n etc


Disease And Body Constituents


Food & Panch Bhootas

Theory of Panch Karma


Ayurvedic Treatment For Various

Common Diseases


Common Symptoms
Forerunners of Fever
Typhoid Fever
Malartal Fever
Rheumattc Fever
Dengue Fever

Miscellaneous Types of Fever

Menmgttts & Dtphtherta
Kala- Azar (Kalazar)
Chtcken Pox
Small Pox

Diseases of Respirtaory System

(Including diseases of Throat and Nose)
Allergy factor in Respiratory Dtseases
Common Cold
Sore Throat



Tuberculosts and Tuberculosis of Lungs

Whoopmg Cough


Diseases of Dtgestive System

Loose Motwns/Dtarrhoea
Intestmal Worms
Flatulence and Gas
Ulcers of the Stomach
Stomach/Abdommal cohc


Diseases of Eyes
ConJ uncttvttas


Diseases of Ears
Inflammation & Pam m the Ear
Discharge From the Ear



Disease of Teeth & Gums




Disease of Urogenital System

Disease of kidneys
Polyuna & Bed-Wettmg






& Metronheg1a

L1eucot rhoea
Hyste1 1a
Compltcat10ns of Pregnancy




Dtseases of Infants
Common Diseases
Directions Regardmg Ch1ld-Care & Treatment

J 51]


Miscellaneous Dtseases
Blood Pressure (Htgh)
B load Pressure (Lower)
Sleeplessness (Insomma)
Loss of Memory
Dtabetes Melhtus
Rheumatism & Rheumatoad Arthritis
Osteo-asthrttls I arthrosis
Sterthty I Infertthty-among Females
Sterthty among Males

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15 7







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How Hutnan Body

uman bod) ts analogous to any machme If the
rnachme 15 m pet feet order but the operator ts a
1ovtce, erther he will spod tt or render tt
mopetatrve But, 1f the operator ts an adept and well-tramed,
he eau handle effictentl}, even a not so good machme Same
1s the \.UildltiOn of the body No machme can be run at a stretch
[fwe use at contmuously Without lookmg to Its wear-and-tear~
and also gtvmg 1t a proper test, we must not expect any fruitful
performance and result It ha'i to be tested, otled and lubncated
properly & each and every component checked thoroughly
On the contrary, 1f a machme IS not used, at all, or ts allowed
not to have tt~ full rel!ommended run, tt wtll waste away and
rust. Thus~ when put to functton, tt wtll not gtve the destred
output and pertbrmance A machme ts a composite whole of
nuts, bolts, screws, channels, gadgets, attachments, appendages
etc and each compartment 1s destgned and devtsed to gtve
a particular performance
Now applyang the satd analogy to human body, we can
d1vide tt mto followmg systems vtz,
(1) D1gesttve System
(n) Respiratory System
(ut) Circulatory System


(1v) Nervous Systems

(v) Skeletal System
(vt) Excretory System
(vu) Endocrme Glands
In order that the human body functions properly and
meets vanous demands made on Jt, tt ts necessary that all the
systems functiOns normally and effictently If an organ IS
atlmg, 1t would spht the enttre body to tethers, thus adversely
affectmg tts normal dtscharge of functtons For mstance, tf
you have toothache, headache or stomachache (to name a few
only), your entire body wtll get tense and channehse all Jts
energy to throw out pam/ache For mstance, tf one member
m a famtly IS tll, enttre family wtll go haywtre

Digestive System


Food ts the sustammg force of our body Wtthout food

no organ of the body can ever discharge Its assigned function
Food enters through mouth where It ts broken upto mto small
parttcles whtch, after gettmg mixed wtth saliva, whtch ts an
alkalme fluid ts swallowed down the throat Saliva helps to
motsten, soften and hqlllfy masticated food whtch enters
pharynx, an expanded cavtty wherefrom tt passes mto gullet
whtch ts a muscular organ, capable of forcmg the food down,
as and when requtred The gullet finally ends m the stomach
Thts ts the first stage of dtgestton
From the gullet, food reaches a hollow muscular baglike organ, called stomach, hned by a glandular mucus
membrane that secrets gastnc JUICe which IS composed of
water, pepsm, salts and hydrochlonc acid Stomach turns the
food round and round, up and down- and thus food gets fully
m txed up and gets ready to pass through the stomach wall,
for proper nounshment of the body In addttton, protems and
starches, whtch have not been fully dtgested come mto the
picture Otl and fat are broken up and od ts set free From
here the food enters mto the small mtestmes whtch IS coiled
up tube Then, tt finally reaches the large tube, called Colon
Bile produced by hver, pancreattc JUices produced by pancreas
and the mtestmal JUICe, a secretton of small glands of bowel
hmng gets mixed up wxth food
The largest organ of the body IS ltver that has fine tubes,
called bile ducts, mto whtch btle ts secreted by tts fine tubes
that JOin together so as to form the hepattc duct whtch, m turn,
carrtes the bile to duodenum whtch ts first segment of the small
mtest1nes Bile ts an important secretiOn conststmg ofblle salts,
yellow flmd, water and mucus Bile also acts on oils and fats
so as to break them (both) mto small drops Ltver controls,
sugar metabolism in the body and stores sufficient quanttty
of sugar withm it Whenever our body needs energy tt releases
sugar mto blood When liver ts not healthy, 1t releases extra
quantity of sugar mto blood, whtch condition surfaces in the

form of dmbetes Excessn. e quantity of sugar released by I! vet

mto the blood stteam ts controlled by msuhn [f quantity of
sugat telea~ed ts on htghet stde and relea~e ot msulm ts meagre.
1t wtll result m dtabetcs Convmsely, tf madequate quantity
of sugat ts teleased but msulm teleased temams below
requ1s1te demand, 1t w11l result m hypoglycaemia (lack/absence
ofsugar m blood) PancreatiCJUlces act upon statches. p10tcms
and fats
lntestme performs two functtons - tt helps to absorb and
dtgest food At this stage now the dtgested food passes through
mtestmal walls and IS taken by the blood-the test dual tood
passes mto the large mtestme that ts Colon, where tt remams
lodged up for 24 to 36 hours, whereas food '3tay<; m the small
mtestme fm about twelve hours Large mtestme has no part
to play m the dtgestwn and absorption of food Smce the
rest dual food 1s devotd of any watet content, tt hat dens here
and take::, the shape of excreta or stoob whtch finally reaches
the rectum which discharges It vta rectum and anus So, thts
ts the whole process of vanous stages ot dtgest10n whtcll IS
the core factor m sustammg the body
If dtgestiOn 1s dtsordered. most of the d1f:,eases su1 tace
Dtgesttve system ts the only system whtch has Important and
VItal organs like stomach, pancreas spleen. Iat ge and '3mal J
mtestmes and hver If your dtgestton ts m order. your body
ts not hkely to suffer from any maJOI dtsordcr. but. when
dtgest10n ts disordered, host of dtseases wtll torture the body
We have dealt wtth thts section. m some detail, as
AyurvediC theory rests mostly and to a large extent on dtgestJvc
system Its baste tenet that constipation ts the root cause of
many phystcal problems, and tt also maintams that tf stomach
(and by the words 'stomach', Ayurveda tmphes enttre dtgesti ve
system) IS m order, everythmg else shall also be m order So~
1fyou wtsh to stay clear of ailments, take care of your stomach
- that ts dtgestton. Consttpatton ts deemed to be the monster
that tnggers almost every problem that mamfests human body

Indtgestlon, dyspepsia, belchmg, gastrttts, gastralgia,

diarrhoea, dysentery or constipatiOn, pam m abdomen, sugar
(diabetes), actdtty, sour eructations, nsmgs, nausea, vom1tmg,
water brash, ptles, cancer or ulce1 s etc In any dtgesttve organ,
are the warnmg signals of natute that 'stomach IS not m otder
Hence, take care of your stomach, and enJOY a dtsease-free

One hves as long as one breathes, as there IS no extstence
of hfe mdependant of breathmg whtch IS called Prana' the sustammg force of the body Even, m English, we often
hear that a person has breathed his ltfe whtch means even the
last breath has left hts body If you wtsh to enJOY long and
carefree hfe, try to control and regulate your breathmg process
Normal resptratton or else laboured, mterrupted, retarted or
tnppmg breath 1s mdtcattve of your erratic health status Just
watch an asthmatiC patient and watch how he gasps for fresh
air and fights for hfe
MaJor respiratory organs are
1 Nose
2 Throat (Larynx and Pharynx)
3 Lungs and wmdptpe
Resptratory apparatus consists of the above-ment10ned
maJor parts We breathe through nose and let m fresh air whtch
IS full of oxygen - the hfe-gtvmg force When we mhale, we
breathe hfe mto our body The nose Is such a perfect atr filter
as 1t dtvests the a1r from foretgn and harmful dust particles
When we exhale, we let out toxic and harmful gases, hke
carbon dtoxJde If there IS no congestiOn and obstruction m
the nose, atr-mlet w11l be smooth. One of the maJor causes
for resptratory disorders ts nasal blockade and resultant
mhalatton of tmpunttes, especially when tnhalatiOn 1s through

View ofLungs and Windpipe

.When atr ts mhaled, lungs expand but when 1t ts expelled

Iunss contract Lungs also tmpart purity to blood which is
yaused by oxygen so that heart could nurture the enttre body
w1th blood, after lungs have removed all the 1mpunt1es from
blood Thus, lungs have twmfold functiOns, vtz (1) To forttfy
the blood with oxygen and (il) to dtvest the blood of 1ts waste
products, of course apart from resptration If lungs faal to
expand and contract, as in the case of smokers and asthmattcs,
respiration, causes many problems In normal process, we
don't feel the process & presence of resp1rat1on. Those who
are in the habit of breathmg through mouth, must note that.
by domg so, impurities and dust particles are also inhaled,
whereas m case of nasal breathing such problems hardly
surface. Further, mouthfbreathtng cannot be resorted to too
frequently and regularly due to drying up of moisture



Air reaches the lungs through the windpipe which hw

rings of gristles so as to keep it open. LWlgs restore oxyger
content in the tissues and also expel carbon dioxide. This wa)
the oxygenated blood is supplied to all over the body, fron
whom muscles take it up to perform various functions of the

If purified blood is not supplied to any organ of the body

the concerned organ fads to diseharge its individual function

Proper and requtstte blood supply ts affected by heart that

performs followmg functiOns
1 To recetve blood and treat It
2 After treatmg, sendmg the same to lungs for
punficat10n and dtvestmg It ofthe harmful substances
3 To supply blood to each and every part of the body,
enabhng tt to dtscharge Its vartous functions through
drfferent organs
So, as IS qutte evtdent from the satd descnpt1on, blood
IS the core and sustammg factor of human system Mam
functions of blood can be determmed as follows VIZ
(1) To meet blood demand (as and when 1t arises) of
concerned organs of the body
(11) To carry away rmpuntres from all parts of the body
(m the blood) and dtspatch 1t to excretoty organs~
vtz k1dneys, lungs, skm etc
(111) To carry food from the digestive system and supply
It to all body-ttssues
(1v) To carry heat to all parts of the body
Without blood there IS no existence and JUSttficatron of
heart which is a hollow, muscular, conical, 4 chambered
fibrous bag, almost equal to the stze of closed fist of an
indtvidual Heart is dtvtded mto two parts, from top to bottom,
and each part has no direct relation except that both the upper
and lower parts have a valve each between them Lower
portions of the heart are called ventrtcles whereas the upper
ones are known as Auricles.
Stnce functtons of heart constitute a pnnciple factor m
body functions, it won't be out of place to describe, in short
detad, all the relevant stages of blood circulation whach runs
as follows.
It is the pumpmg action of the heart that accounts for
functiOns of the body which can be gauged from the following
diagrams as also the relevant description.

Heart Front








As soon as the blood reaches the ttssues of the body, 1t

loses tts oxygen content but, when 1t gets loaded wtth waste
matenal released by the tissue, 1t becomes 1mpures blood That
reaches the heart by means of vems & capdlanes Beats of
the heart help the tmpure blood to gam entry mto the nght
ventnc)e where from at reaches the nght ventrtcle (from where
tt reaches the lungs, by means of pulmonary artery) In the
lungs, it is purified by oxygen Now, havmg been treated and
purified, tt goes back to the heart vta the pulmonary vein Here,
it enters the left aurtcle wh1ch when squeezes durmg heartbeat, carr1es/pushes the blood to the left ventncle andihereafter
1t starts 1ts Journey once agam to all parts of the body. When
heart as at rest, it IS called 'Diastole"' but when It contracts
it is called 'Systole', and these two volleys are expressed m
terms of blood pressure.

Heart (Right Side)

When the right and left ventricles contract, venous blood

is pushed into the lungs and the aerated blood mto the ma1n
blood vessels.

Seat ofNervous System vests in the spinal cord and bram
whereas Nerves are spread all over the body which cames
its various functions, through various organs in consonance
with the orders received from entire nervous system. A specific
function is attributed to each and every organ of the body.

The nerves that carry messages to muscles, wtth orders to carry

the orders to perform a spectfic act, ate known as 'Motor
Nerves' Bram ts the centre of nervous system which IS
confined w1thm the skull Itself The bram consists of wh1te
and grey matters The gray matter forms a superficial and thm
matter (layer) called 'Cortex' which conststs of three parts VIZ
(1) the Cerebrum or say the btgger bram that controls our wtll,
thought, stght, emotton, hearmg, memory and sensation of
pam, of course through the grey matter (u) the cerebellum or
the small bram stands connected wtth co-ordmatton of actions
of nervous and muscular ongm by whtch movements of the
body are carrted on and finally (tu) the Medula oblangata that
houses the centres of nervous ttssue connected with reflex
actions whtch consist of movements that automatically take
place, such as walkmg/breathmg
Another Important part of nervou system 1s spmal cord
whtch ts cyhndncal m shape Thtrty-one patrs emerge from
th1s cord
Spmal cord serves as a central ptvot of the skeleton whtch
could not have stood erect had It not been supported by the
spmal cord wh1ch stems from medulla oblangata (of bram)
to coccyx (last bone also called 'the tall bone', of the spmal
cord) For convenience of readers, we wtll gtve, hereunder,
classified descr1pt10n of the spinal vertabrae (from up down
Neck or Cervical Vertabrael Nerves
1 to 8
Thorac1c Nerves
9 to 20
Lumbar Nerves
21 to 25
Sacral Nerves
25 to 30
Coccyseal Nerves
The above subdivrsion clearly spells out spmal nerves and
the organs of the body to wh1ch are attached All our body
organs, in one way or the other, are attached with spmal discs
and nerves. As long as your spme IS healthy & flextble, Chances
of d1sease are rather rare, and as long as there 1s proper gap
between the spmal vertabra and there is no nerve-compression,

health wtll, most hkely, remam m good order It Is said that

you are young as long as your spme IS young, elastic, flextble
and healthy We have given a bit Wider view of spmal nerves
so that we fully know which part of our body IS connected
with a particular Spmal Nerve

Main Arteries & Veins ofthe Head & Neck

The human body cannot functton effictently if connectton'

between bram and spme IS dtsturbed Hence, to have a healthy
body, health ofbram and spme as extremely imperattve, rather
If we carefully look at human body, (wtthout skm
covering), as shown m the above diagram, and also the organs
which constitute It, it would be noticed that skeleton ts hke

a bony cage, fully covered wtth flesh or skm Stmply tmagme

how horrtble and despicable the human body would have
looked had tt not been covered wtth flesh Bones constttute
maJor portiOn of body wetght the rest conststmg of wate1~
blood, phlegm, excretory substances, mmerals, bone marrow,
calcium, phosphoru~. sulphur, sodiUm etc

Spinal Cord


Bony Cage oftlae Body


1 Skull 2 Vertebral Column 3 Clavtcle 4 Ribs '

Sternum 6 Humerus 7

Rad1us 8 Ulna 9 Carpal Bones 10 Metac:arpal Bones 11 Phalanges of tf!e

flngers 12 Ischmm 13, Metatarsal Bones 14 Tarsal Bones lS Ttbaa 16 Fabula

17 Patella 18 Femur 19 Pubic Bone 20 Ulium


lnorgamc substances provide elasttclty, and rnmerals

prov1de sturdaness to bones whtch can be dtvtded mto
followmg types.
Long bones L1ke bones of arms & legs
Short bones Like bones of fingers and toes
Flat bones Like bones of skull, breast and nles
All the bones are Interconnected and fused together
Bones of neck, elbow, hands, knees and toes and can be twisted
and moved Only the bones of elbows and knees have a
particular system called 'lockmg dev1ce' which 1s a umque
example of nature's mystery Simply watch the quardruped
ammals walking, moving and getting up, and you can eas1ly,
then, understand that there IS not much (rather none) dtfference
If a human being walks hke the quadrupeds, he w1ll also notice
no visible difference in body structures
Bones of elbows and knees can bend only mwardly but
never in the outer directton, though spmal cord can be bent
stdeways, in forward and reverse duection - but only to the
pomt of sustaming endurance Smce bony structure 1s the
largest and heaviest area of human body wtthm whtch enttre
human organs are housed, it 1s 1mposs1ble to furmsh even a
surface v1ew of the subject Both hands & feet are called upper
and lower extremities of the body MaJor organs, descnbed
heretofore, also form part of the skeletal system

Sweat, urine and faeces are the major excrettoms of body
Ayurvedtc theory is flnnly ofthe v1ew that 1f natural excret1ons
of the body get retarded, deficient excessiVe or Inadequate,
it results in various problems pertaining to unnary, dtgestive
and skm-related dtsorders. Excretions are, m fact, waste
products of the body which the body expels so as to rid the
body ofhannful toxities. Life can be endangered ifurme, stools
and sweat do not appear. for bemg excreted m a systematic
manner. For instance, if urinary flow ts not adequate or is
excessive, when there~ no stools for days together or else
when there is diarrhoea, or if there is either absence/deficiency
or total non...appearaoce of sweat, there is an open invitation
to diseasea related a specific human organ/system.

Ayurveda believes that Irregular, madequate and untimely

excretiOn of all such toxtc matters from the body IS mdtcattve
of dtseases To sttetch this argument fu11her, It can be safely
asserted that malfunctionmg of stomach IS the root cause of
many dismders and further that consttpative state causes many
Illnesses When toxms or excret10ns are not excreted by related
organs, the waste matenals that should have been expelled and
thrown of the body, v1t1ate our whole system, thereby causmg
many diseases to surface ExpulsiOn of wmd from mouth (by
way of eructatiOns) and/or anus (flatus), sneezmg, phlegm
eye-glue, etc are also other forms of excrettons, though those
are not pOisonous/ toxic Lungs also help to extt toxms from
out of the respiratory system Thts way nose, throat. lungs,
rectum and anus, urmary/ktdneys & other organ(s) and .;;;km
are the mam excretory organs ofthe body whtch are also called,
and quite nghtly so, scavangers of the body system
Urine : Unne contmues to fall m the bladder drop-bydrop and when the latter IS full, there IS an urgency to make
water Urme IS a waste (hqutd) product whtch ts filtered by
the ktdneys If kidneys are dtseased, urme cannot be filtered
by the ktdneys properly, resulting m toxtc blood Ktdneys are
such a perfect filter that nothmg, except waste products, can
escape through But, m the the dtseased state of ktdneys. urme
ts not perfectly filtered, resultmg m loss of VItal products
through passage of urme Healthy urme IS that whtch contams
odour (not offenstve), hght yellow colour, transparency If
should not spurt out too qmckly or too slowly m a dtvtded
or broken stream, should not scald the genitals, should be
slightly hot and w1thout any 1rntat10n or bummg sensation
A healthy person votds hts bladder every 4-6 hours - though
frequency and quanttty ts more m wmter and dtabetes, but
far less durmg summer or when there ts some venereal disease
or some obstruction caused by formation of stones, narrow
passage Infrequent, dark, yellow, red or black coloured,
scaldmg urme Is md1cat1Ve of some mfectton. If you wtsh to
stay clear of urinary problems, take plenty of oral hqutds preferably free from genns and bacteria
In Ayurveda urme and its appearance 1s accorded a
s1gmficant status, as it shows health status of a person. But

presence of pus cells, R B CS or frank blood, burnmg, too

frequent 01 pamful urmat1on ts clearly mdicat10n of some
senous dtsorder of the ktdneys or the urmary passage Itself
Stool : In Ayurveda stool 1s anothet factor m the
dtagnosts F01 mstance, tf thete ts consttpatton or else loose
mot10ns {Dtarrohea), mucus/blood tmged motiOns/stools, the
patient ts a hkel:y VICtim to const1pat10n, loose/bloody/mucus
stools. flatulence. gastntts and gastralgta, abdommal pam, sour
or actdtc eructations, or ac1dtty etc If you pass stools pamfully
or have to exert too much and the quantity of faecal matter
expelled ts too small and thete 1s no sat1sfact1on regardmg the
bowels havmg been cleared, there 1s bound to be headache.
back pam, loss of appetite, belchmg, bleedmg from rectum
or anus. or else bhnd or bleedmg piles All such symptoms
mdtcate const1pat10n, retarded bowel movement~ lack of
pertstalttc action or unpactton of bowels
Let It be remembered that dtetary mdescretions, sedentary
hfe style, lack of roughage (caused by branless cereals, green
& leafy vegetables, fats, frmts) lead either to consttpatton or
loose motions Both the sttuations are hable to cause phys1cal
upsets, as descnbed above Faeces, bemg a resultant-end of
waste products of the body hke urme, wlll cause frequently
sertous problems If not attended to qutckly Avoid or cure
consttpatton or loose mottons, etther by proper dtetary control
or by medtcatiOns but, m no case~ etther of the situattons,
should be allowed to prolong If thts wammg is Ignored the
only outcome IS dtsease Habitual constipatiOn is too sertous
a physical problem If you pass urme and stools wtthout any
problems and d1fficulty, you are a lucky person
Skin : Entire human body is enveloped by Skm It has
two layers vtz the upper layer, called 'Ep1denn1s' or scarf
skm and the lower layer, called 'dennts' or true skm Upper
layer IS covered w1th hatr through whtch noarishment reaches
mstde and toxins m the form sweat are excreted. Skm
d1scharges followmg functiOns such as (t} It helps to regulate temperature of the body,
(11) Protects the body,
(111) Imparts sense of touch,
(iv) It acts as an organ of excretion of waste products/
toxins, by the aJd of sweat glands

(v) Gtves lustre, complextton and sensation to the body

Skm IS the only covermg of body that lets the body
expenence vanable temperatures Sebaceous glands serve as
lubncants to keep It glowmg and to Jt ward off 1ts roughness
But for the skm, our mternal organs would have remamed
exposed to outstde hazards Dennts IS nchly supplied with
blood vessels Skm also protects our body from dust heat, cold
Smce Human phystology and anatomy ts qutte an
exhaustive subject, only relevant aspects have been explamed
bnefly, though an effort has been made to touch upon all the
Important pomts It IS not necessary to remeber names of all
body organs but knowledge ofmterconnectaon amongst vanous
organs helps to understand dasease m a better and understandable
way However, there ts no necessity to burden the memory
with complex names of organs, functtons and dtsorders related

These are ductless glands sttuated wtthm the body, and
exert mfluence almost on every metabolic function Most of
changes occurmg m the body, mind and mtellect are attnbuted
to hypo or hyperfuncttomng and resultant secretions discharged
by each one of them. Even behavioural patterns, mood
vartations, love, hatred, prejudtce, nobthty, capriciousness etc
are governed by such glands If one of the glands does not
function properly, functioning of other glands will also be
automatically get adversely affected.
There are e1ght endocrine glands whose nomeclat1on ts
stated hereunder.
I. Pttuatary Gland
2 Pmeal Gland
3. Thyrotd Gland
4. Parathyroid Gland
5. Thymus Gland

6. AdrenaiGland

Pancreatic Gland (Pancreas)

8. Sex Glands (of both sexes)

9. Lymph Gland

1. Pituitary Gland
It IS called a master gland as 1t exerts control over other
glands It helps m the development of body and governs
vatJous functtons of the bram If thts gland does not functiOn
properly, the body will become bulgmg or dwarfish (small).
ch1ld w1Jl become defiant. a bully, a cheat or a har, and mental
retardation wtll set m
2. Pineal Gland
It exerts control over water (content) m the body and also
controls sexual system If rt does not function properly, water
content and blood pressure wtll nse, and premature sexual
development w11l set m
3-4. Thyrrod And Parathyroid Glands
They control calctum and phosphorus metabohsm m the
body and exert control over development of the body Lack
of thyrotd functton and defictent supply of calcmm and
phosphorus m1ght cause nckets, teethmg problems m the
chtldren, twtstmg and tw1tchmg of muscles, obestty, goitre,
dullness Hyper thyrOid actlvtty can cause protrusion of eyes,
overgrowth etc
5. Thymus Gland
It IS called nursmg mother of a the chtld whom 1t protects
from m fancy to 15th year (or so) of age It serves the child
as a mother/nurse looks after the chtld If tt malfunctiOns, the
child wdl get s1ck If 1ts activity contmues even after 15th
year of age, It can cause ngtdJty, qutck fattgue and slothness
It also keeps sexual desire bummg, m addttlon to protectmg
the child from mfecttons In old age, this gland reacttvates
(though rarely) when sex desire arises, agam, m old age even
6. Adrenal Gland
An each adrenal gland IS situated over both the ktdneys
It moulds a person"s character and behavtour~ controls
productions of bile, blood flow, regulates hver acttvity and
blood pressure lt also manages expuls10n of waste products
from the body. It has dtrect connection with our behaviour
and attitude It helps to build up general resistance of body
to combat various mfections and dtsorders.

7. Pancreas
It ts a lenghty gland, 6-84 m length, and ts located behmd
the stomach It controls sugar metabolism m the body - tf tt
releases lesser msuhn, sugar level nses and 1f more msulm,
sugar level nses m the blood In addtttOn to msuhn, 1t also
releases certam d1gest1ve enzymes wh1ch help towards qutcker
dtgesttOn of food Its upper portton releases msuhn Its
dtgesttve enzymes are alkaline m nature, thus keepmg alkahmty
ratio m the body Some of tts enzymes help to hqutfy hard
food, thus makmg way for more mtake of food For proper
control over dtabetes, Pancreattac function must remam
normal Its dtsturbed funct10nmg can also render other chemtcal
processes m dtsarray
8. Sex Glands
It ts due to presence and proper functtonmg of sex glands
that one gets attracted to the oppostte sex Sex and reproduct10n
are natural fall-out results of sex-umon whtch 1s common m
all hvmg (human) spectes Sex glands have to depend largely
on other glands, vtz Pmeal glands, arouse and excite sex destre
Thyrotd 1mparts mob1hty, and pttuitary gland helps m the
development of sex organs, whereas sex glands provtde
functional mobility and create an urge to perform sex act Sex
and adrenal glands help each other m processmg each other's
secrettons, m addition to provtdmg Immumty from vanous
Testes m men and ovartes m women are the maJor sex
glands that help m reproduction Deficient sex gland functiomng
may lead to various dtsorders. These glands also mamtam shme
and glow on the face, promote hatr growth, form of body
structure and length of hair
9. Lymph Glands
In fact Lymph Glands do not fall under category of
endocrme glands, but thetr Importance cannot be denied or
overlooked. Lymph gland does not let septtc condttions set
m. They prevent formation of pus, in addttton to prevention help
m deformity ofthe body It 1s the only gland that forewarns about
onset of cancer in the body. In short,. th1s gland serves as a
guard agamst mfection, septtc ~dttlons and physical deformity.

'M' JZ ikA AL4i4itJJ

Theory of Ayurveda And

Basic Principles
dtan, Chmese, Ttbetan, Unam systems of med1cmes
re the oldest systems but, due to lack of finances,
ot much headway could be made and the greatest
tragedy was that most of the valuable treatises on med1cme
and surgery could not be protected and preserved Where there
was state patronage, thmgs were not that worse
Indtan medicme owes Its populanty, origm and existence
to m-bullt knowledge of medtcmes which form mseparable
part of our memory Ayurvedtc formulae are still fresh m the
mmds of common people who, sttll, have more reliance on
domest1c remedies Most common and repeatedly used
formulations and medtcmes are sttll a part of our memoryat least m the rural areas where ayurveda is sttll a system of
preferred chotce Chayavanprash, Lavan Bhaskar, Sarpgandha,
Lavangadt vatt, Godantt Bhasma, Lohasava, Gas Vatt,
Avtpatttkar of chooma, chandraprabha vatt, Jaukhaar satva etc
are some of the remedtes whrch need no mtroduction, as they
are still inseperable parts of our hfe


There are five elements whtch are governmg and
controllmg factors m the constttutton of thts umverse v1z ;:,

I Earth
2 Water
3 Ftre (Heat)
4 Atr
5 Ether or Vacuum
Life ts the resultant end of the mtegratton of sa1d five
elements and when these elements d1smtegrate, death ensues
These are the basic elements that help to form ammate and
mamrnate objects As long these fine elements remam umfied,
hfe contmues but not otherwtse When a person breathes h1s
last, all these elements agam JOin the or1gmatmg sources from
which they had emanated
In their natural form these elements md1cate health of
a person but, when they vttlate, a diseased state sets m Thes~
five elements are called 'Panch Mahaboot' or stmply five
elements The three (basic) humors or doshas, vtz
1 Vata (A1r)
2 Kapha (Phlegm)
3 Pttta (Bile)
when m a balanced state do not cause any d1sease but, when
anyone of them gets VItiated, disease IS the only outcome
Vanous dtsorders of human body are attributed to each
mdiVtdual humor and an adept va1dya, after feehng the pulse,
is fully able to determme as to whtch of the humors ts w1thm
1ts normal confines and whtch has got v1tiated and imbalanced.
We cannot segregate the five elements from the humors as
shown below
( 1) Vata Dosha ts caused by excess of predominance of
Air element
(2) Kapha Dosha Is caused by excess of earth and water
elements, and
(3) Pitta Dosha is caused by excess of F1re and Air
These humors also dotemune nature, temperament and
personality of an individual, as you mipt have heard the tenns

like vata Praknt1'.. *Kapha Prakrttt~ and Pstta Prakrttt: wh1ch

tmpl)' that a particular humor as a dommatmg factor of a
persons make up and body structure The dommant humor
also spells out complexion, hetgh~ body structure, general and
eating habits~ hkes and dislikes, aggravatiOn and amehoratton
of symptoms, t1mmgs m respect of d1seases whtch surface m
a particular season and time. In Homoeopathy terms ltke
oxygenoid, Hydrogeno1d and ~carbo-Nttrogenotd,
constitutions have been used and vanous dtseases are pecuhar
and related to a specific constitution.
Dtsorders related to each humor are detailed hereunder

All the motions and movements are attnbuted to th1s
element which is responsible for causmg mobility to all the
body organs. But for this element, entire acttvity m the body
would have come to a standstill. Ftve sense organs hke eyes,
ears.,. nose.. skin, tongue also owe their mdividual functions
to Air element only. Similarly, hands, feet, vorce, excretion
of faeces, urine and genitals, including conception and chtldbirth, are also governed by this humor. Mmd ts a common
factor to both types of senses, because it is the mind that
motivates the senses to act and perform the1r indiVIdual
Diseases eaused by vitiation of Air
Bridle nails, cracks in feet, pain in feet, staggermgl
tottering gait, numbness and immobility of hands and feet,
stiffness in heels, ankles and toes, sciatica, pam, cracking of
knee and knee-cap (Patella), stiff thighs, lameness, pain in anus
and expulsion thereof; pain in pubic region, hunch back,
torticollis (bending of neck of one on side) stiflbess of lumbarsacral region; backache, rapi~ pulsation (Tachycardia); pain
and stiffness of neck and its bones; pain due to concussion
of chest and lungs; atrophy of arms; unnatural/suppressed

st1tTness ofJaWs and bones, craKs m 11ps, loose teet11,

retarded votce. loss of power of smell. pam m eats, dryness
of mouth, hardness of hearmg or deafhess, tmmobt hty of eyebrows, pam m eyes. pam m temples and crown of head, pam
m forehead and attached organs, paralysas of face and/or
paralysis of one sade of body, st1ffness of whole body, fatigue
even w1thout labour, vertigo, dark or red compleAton, loss of
sleep, mstabthty, paralysis of ent1re body etc-to name a few
1t should be remembered that all pams and aches m the
body organs are caused by VItiated Air, and there cannot be
any pam or ache without presence of VItiated a1r Roughness,
dryness, loss of sense of touch, daslocat1on of bones/organs
from their ortgmal pos1t10n, atrophy, tmmobthty, light bones,
crepitus (sound produced by concussion or contact when bones
str1ke each other) are general symptoms of a1r v1t1aton

Types of Air
There are five types of Aar and each type g1ves nse to
spec1fic diseases wh1ch are descrabed as under

1. Prana Vayu


Its field of action is centred around and on heart and bra m,

and also affects mouth, tongue, throat and nose, as also eyes
and skm It exerts control over hfe-force, heart, rnmd,
salivation and spittmg, vomiting, eructations, process of
resptrattons, cough, tt also helps to let m food Vit1at1on of
this type of air causes hiccough and respiratory problems.

2. Udan Vayu


Its main seat ts the throat; but also acts upon umbi l1cus,
thorax (chest portion),. throat and nose It promotes and causes
tendency to speak, smg, swallow etc If thts type of air gets
vitiated, it can cause disorders related to collarbone, voice box
(larynx), mouth infettions, stammering, dumbness LocatiOn
of disease.

3. Saman Vayu (~ ""'11..,. :crTl!)

[t IS centered round the Navel portion. but also moves
to pubtc and stomach areas Its mam functiOn hes m promotmg
dtgest1on, for provtdmg necessal) atds to qutcken food
d1gest1on and to seg1egate JUtces~ faecal matter and urme from
the foodstuff mgested Its VlttatJon causes mdtgestiOn, loose
mottons, cohtts, wmd etc ~'htle dealmg wtth such tll-effects,
emphasts should always be latd on spectfic organ, cause and
4. Apan Vayu (3141-t ~
Its field of act10n ts digestive system, mcludmg anus.
bladder, semmal duct, testicles, pub1c regtonlarea It fac1htates
expulsiOn of faeces. urme, semen. menstrual flow and foetus
VtttatiOn ofth1s type of an obstructs expulsion of all the abovementioned objects, m add1t1on to causmg also trregulartty,
pam, delay or hastenmg If Apan Vayu Js m order, all the other
kmds of a1r wtll also be normal and m order Focal pomt or
centre of all types of a1r 1s bram wh1ch gets malfunctiOned
due to dtsorders of stomach, digestiOn and pubes Bra m exerts
effect m enttre nervous system very mmutely In order to set
m order thts type a1r, resort may be had to Vastt-Karma ~
Clilt) whtch 1s one out of the five karmas (q:q Cf>lt)

5. Vyan-Vayu ("i'ZfFI" Cf'n.V

Vyan Vayu ts existent all over the body and all the
mottons ofeye-hds, hps, tongue, hands, feet, fingers, gemtalia,
anus etc are attnbuted to tt Ifth1s type ofatr Vlttates, paralysis
of one part or whole body takes place. It must be taken mto
account m all cases of tensiOn, convulsiOn, mobJJ 1ty (retarded)
but never forget to pur1ty vttrataon of the atr

2. PITTA (ftlu)
It ts stmply a misnomor to confine the meaning of P1tta
only to ~btle' which, in fact, ts heat, and heat IS generated

and caused by sun or fire Heat IS an essential mgred1ent of

sun It IS the sun whose heat nutures and matures al1 the
vegetat10ns on this earth Bile/Heat enables a person to see~
d1scern var1ous colours. feel 1mpact of heat, eJ~.perience
vahance (bra'\'ery), anger~ JOy, power & mtelligence
B1le ts hot, hqmd, yellow or blue, b1tter, ac1dac .. pungent
and ts enormously present in persons of noble leanings ~
'!J>on:let 1'"1 ~) Vitiated bile causes indigestion, inabdity to
perce1ve, abnormal range ofbody heat (temperature), unnatural
and unusual complexion, fear, anger, mvolved affection, lack
of glamour, non-absorption of massaged oil by the body, lack
of nobthty
Diseases Caused by Vitiated Bile I Heat
Rest1v1ty, all-over swelling with sweat, or sweatless
burmng of a smgle body part or all parts/sense organs
mflammatron and heat, sour eructatiOns,. burning in hands &
feet, externally cold but internally hot body and patient wishes
to be fanned, foul odour :from arm-pit, decay and falling of
organs, Putrefied, black or foul smeJI, thm blood; putrefaction
of skm, falling and decay of skin, circumscribed spots; red
spots or eruption on skin, green appearance of eyes of body;
yellow tamt of body; boils in annpits; jaundice, pungent taste
of the mouth, foul smell from the mouth, excessive thirst, no
satiation from food intake, swelling of mouth, eyes, throa~
anus and rectum, perus; discharge of pure and potent blood;
green or yellow taint (colour) of faeces, urine, eyes, nails etc.
It ts necessary to remember that, without presence of
exce~ive heat/bile, symptoms like heat, Inflammation, sweating,
redness, yellowness, greeness cannot surface and also other
symptoms like bitter, sour and pungent taste, sour eructations,
bleeding without any injury etc also owe their origin to bile/

Types of Bile
There are five types of bile
described hereunder.


.., being briefly

1. Pachak Pitta (ql'tiC6 fin=r)

Its seat IS pancreas wh1ch controls sugat m the body by
releasmg msuhn and other pancreatic JUices and enzymes It
also helps other four types of bile to functiOn, and also controls
ltqutd, blood, flesh, hver, bone, bone marrow, semen etc It
has pervadmg effect on all other (four) types of bdes. because
ats loss or vtttatton IS not conducive to other btles
2. RanJak Pitta (~ fqff)
Its seat IS hver and spleen It tmparts colour I ptgmentatton
to the flutds (hke blood) that emerge m the body
3. Sadhak P1tta ('HI El Cf> firff)
It resides m the heart and supports and sustams mtellect,
comprehension. dtscnmmatlve faculty, memory and also
fulfils des1res
4. Alochak Pitta (aw:ffl=qCf> f4ff)
Its seat ofact10n ts behmd the eyes, and It rece1ves tmages
and ImpressiOns whtch help a person to perce1ve
5. Bhrajak Pitta (~ IGIC6 ftrff}
It ts seated m the skm, and helps towards absorption of
massagmg agents and local applications mto the skm It also
tmparts lustre and glamour to the body
Ill-effects of btle can be controlled by sweat. alkalme,
heat mollifymg agents, mtlk, hght dtet, shade and moonhght
and ntght If one keeps happy and calm, such effects do not
cast thetr shadows on the btle

3. PHLEGM OR COUGH (:tJl tst"""l m Cf)ll))

The WOrds cShleshama' means 'that whtch IS adhestve,
tenacious or st1cky' and 'cough' means that which generates
through water Cough relating temperament or one's nature
imparts solidity, sexual power, attachment and mfatuattons etc
Phlegm IS wh1te, heavy, greasy, tenacious, sweet, cold,

and Its taste 1s flat, raw or salttsh When phlegm ts VItiated,

1t causes 1 oughness or dryness, loosen111g of body JOmts,
1dleness and msolence, thmness of body, Impotency, deblltty,
Ava11ce, mtoletance etc

Diseases caused by vitiated Phlegm/Cough

Feelmg of fulness of stomach, mdolence, yawnmg,
excessive sleep, body ts felt as tf covered wtth a wet cloth
01 else sttckness of skm, feelmg of heavmess m body parts,
generallassttude and malatse, sahvat10n (excesstve), tendency
to sptt agam and agam, throat enveloped wtth cough, loss of
stt ength and energy, accumulation of cough 111 chest or heart,
arte110-sclerosts (hardenmg of blood vessels), gottre, obse1ty,
poor dtgestton, wtdespread boils or pustules, whtte look of
skm, eyes, nails, and faeces
Cough cannot surface wtthout such causatives as grease
I fats. cold, heavmess, prurttls and sweet agents It can be
quelled by heat, co1tus, vom1tmg, sneezmg, th1rst, smokmg or
betel use, travellmg, by sptttmg, etc cold, m any form, would
aggravate cough but, all the satd factors, help to keep tt off
Types of Phlegm

1. Kaledan


It IS sttuated and seated m the stomach and Its pr1me

functiOn bemg to saturate the food parttcles Even bemg
situated m the stomach, tt tmparts strength and support to other
four types of cough whtch cannot escape tts 1mpact 111 good
or bad form Its absence and vtttat1on also adversely affects
other types of cough The best way to brmg 1t to normal state,
ts by resort to fastmg and vomttmg but in old, weak, emac1ated
persons resort to vomttmg and fastmg is proh1b1ted.

2. Avalamban (3Jq<"f151...,)
It ts seated m the chest and lungs from where tt supports
neck and both the meeting pomts of arms. In addit1on, at also

tmparts support to other types of cough and 1s hawked and

expelled by hawkmg

3. Rasan or Bodhak (~ 31"R ErtEI"l)

It restdes m the tongue and helps to dtscern between
sweet, actdtc, alkaline. bttter, pungent and astrmgent tastes
It 1s also known as Bodhak Cough
4. Snehan or Tarpak ('t45"1 ~ ~)
It rests m the head from whtch ongmates, It fortrfies and
lubncates all the senses It ts also known as "Tarpak Cough '
5. Shlesbak (~1SJCf>)
It ts present m all the JOmts, from where 1t helps bones
of JOmts Some people prefer to call tt 'Shaleshman Cough





trst requtstte ts to observe the patient's condttron

and ask htm only relevant questiOns whtch the
pattent must reply honestly and wtthout htdmg any
facts, but no offendmg questtons should ever be put to any
pattent lest he gets agttated
Followmg d1agnosttc methods should be adhered to, viz1 Pulse rate
2 Stool exammat10n
3 Urme exammatton
4 Tongue exammatton
5 V01ce or sound
6 Phystcal exammat10n, (complexiOn, skm)
7 Eyes, and
8 General appearance
In acute cases detarled exammatlon is not adv1sable. Even
stmple pulse exammation will reveal health status of a pattent
as to wh1ch element 1s domment or suppressed. Symptoms and
dtagnosttc results will detemune the cause of aalment, whether
at ts m acute, sub-acute or chrome stage
Phystcal appearance of a person wdl reveal type and
personality of a person as to whtch of the three humours of
the body he belongs to


Peculiar Symptoms based on a particular humour

Air predominant Personality Traits
Hts temperament resembles that of a crow or a dog He
1s restless, selfish and thankless, fickle-mmded, fra1l and weak,
has predommant vem~ and artenes and walks rather qmckly
He tndulges frequently m futile gosstp, hts face ts dty and
rough, unstable eyes. scattered teeth In all, he will have an
angutshed and vasctllatmg temperament

Bile Predominant Personality Traits

A person,. w1th predommant bde humour, w11l have traits
of snake, monkey, cat or t1ger He will be lustrous, adept,
mtelhgent, talkmg m a quarrellsome tone, h1s appearance will
be yellow or red, and will generally suffer from stomatitis
In short, he wdl be happy m one moment and lose temper
m another moment

Phlegm/Cough Predominant Personality Traits

Hts complexion wtll be hke green grass or blutsh or hke
a willow He ts a good lookmg person, w1th plenty of patience,
perseverence, fully sattated, strong, wtth whtte and sparkling
eyes, have black and well groomed ha1r, senous and mature
votce, obhging, steadfast mmd, have robust body and respect
full to h1s teachers and elders
It ts necessary to pomt out that all the forementtoned
symptoms and tratts undergo vtstble changes as per particular
ailments. If two of the three humours predommate, mtxed
symptoms will be noticed or when all the three are at vanance
wtth each other, symptoms of all the three humours will be
found to show a jumbled and m1xed up ptcture

Proper regimen -in relation to diet

The tenn pertains to control over food intake, whtch
includes solids, liquids, semt-Iiqutd and semt-sohd foodstuff.
Food ts the foundation over whtch entire structure of body
exists. Most of the diseases are caused by wrong, unttmely

and unsUitable food Items Wrong eatmg pattern can be

corrected by correct type of food mtake If a person eats only
when he IS hungry or has real appetite, he will hardly fall
111 but, on the contrary, tf he eats mdtscreetly qmte often or
trregualrly and m abundant quantity. no medtcme can take
hold of htm
Most of the d1seases can be eastly contamed & cured
by moderation m dtetary regimen or say, controlled food
mtake The patient fully knows what su1ts hnn and then, 1f
knowmgly he chooses to relax hts dietary pattern, he h1mself
IS responsb1le for all h1s madad1es If there 1s no wtll to
Improve and reform oneself, there IS no use m adv1smg such
a person
Food charts are eas1ly available and have been prepared
on the calone-mtake, and speclfic food charts have been
prepared by expert dtettclans, keepmg m vtew dally food
requirements of patients of spec1fic categones Age. sex,
health status, region, professton, purchasmg capactty and easy
availability are some of the essential factors wh1ch should
govern an expert's mmd whtle he 1s drawmg a dtetary chart
It 1s no use prescrtbmg a food Item wh1ch a patient's pocket
cannot afford In such cases, cheap alternate food items should
be suggested For mstance, tf a person cannot afford apples,
he can be advised to take carrots Wtnle prescribing a dietary
chart, keepmg m VIew a pattent's health cond1t1on, care must
be taken to ensure that the dietary Jtems do not create any
monotomy, or else the patient shall be obliged to violate the
dietary rules and dtsctphne
Those mterested in gammg further knowledge and
guidance m respect of food and food 1tems are advtsed to
read the books entitled 'Food For Good Health' & 'Health
m Your Hands' (Pubhshed by DJamond Pocket Books).
Accordmg to modem theory a healthy person's food
should consist of following ingredients 9


1 Carbohydrates
2 Protem
3 Fat
4 Seasonal frutts~ green & leafy vegetables
5 Plenty of mtlk. and milk-products
6 Vttamms and Mmerals
Datly food mtake should be accordmg to health status
or dtseased state amount of labour put m and energy expended,
Lapacity to dtgest, age~ sex, reg1on (place of abode), economic
vtabathty and availability Proportton of essential food ttems
can be raised or tapet ed m vtew of a pattent" s health
reqmrement Let It be remembeted that many disorders can
be easily cured by sheer modtficatlons m dietary pattern
Food Allergtes : Certam food ttems do not suit some
persons and spectfic reacttons surface, m dtfferent forms m
sensitiVe persons Due to excesstve use of manures (chemtcal),
pesttctdes and msecttctdes, food related allergies have multtphed
mamfold and, m some cases even the best mdtcated medicmes
fatl to show any encouraging results In such a Situation
avo1dance of 1tems, that cause allergy, ts the eastet and costeffective method When a food Item ts a known cause of
prectpttatmg allergy, It ts better to avmd tt
In Ayurveda, there are hardly any effective medtctnes to
control allergtc reacttons, what to speak of complete cure I
am open to correct1on If some drug/formulatiOn has been
introduced qutte recently Skin, respiratory, dtgesttve allergtes
are numerous and, at t1mes, 1t becomes a problem for the
phys1c1an to smgle out actual cause of allergy Self-control
and self-dtsciphne are the only left ways to dtscem real cause
of allergy
Multiple Allergies : Pollutton, food habtts, sptces and
condtments, fats and ods, dry fruits, certam uncommon
var1et1es of cereal-grams, reacttons from seeing certam antmals,
figures, colours, scents, meat 1tems, chemtcals, water

contatnmatlon, atr poll ut ton, certam types of bear, whtsky,

brandy, champatgn etc- all these any many factors can cause
allergy to some mdtv1duals, but not all Resistance ts the core
factor m allergic reactiOns- 1f someone ts allergic or sens1t1ve
to a particular ttem, the other person may not show any reaction
thereto or vtce versa
If you can dtgest your food properly, pass urme and stools
normally, perspire normaiJy, lead a regulated hfe, do not
devtate from your daily routme, resort to physical act1vtty, take
proper rest, have no worrtes and tenstons., are not resttve and
pamcky, keep your cool even m the most adverse sttuattons,
you are not hkely to face any allergic reactiOn and, 1f at all,
you suffer from any type of allergy, the reactaon will be shortlived and easily manageable. Deviation from normal routme
of hfe, food devtattons and odd chotces, change-over to new
envtrons and places, optmg for drmks/edtbles that are known
to cause reactton, are also other causat1ves of allergic reactmns
So, take proper safeguards and do not be lured into by
temptations and avartce

Recommended Food items in Humours

As already mdtcated different types of food are
recommended m Ayurveda when a specific Dosha (Humour)
Recommended Diet in Air Predominance
All sweet eatables, bitter things, oils and fats, nee, hot,
black, green and kultht pulses, til, washing of rice, water, md~
curd, ghee, wme, sugar and sugar candy, garlic, parval, am la,
pomegrante, currants, betel, meat or fish, swan, peacock,
tortoise, goat; oil massage, comfort, relaxation, freedom from
worry etc.
Prohibited Articles in Air Predonllaaaee
All dry, astringent, cold articles, black gram, peanut, all
pulses, (though green and black pulses are less hannful), leafy

vegetables (except Bathua), too waterless. cold or dry food,

cold water, b1tter gourd. lotus root, betel nut, worry, keep
awakmg at mght, loquacity, phystcal excerctses, travellmg,
restnctmg flow of faeces/ urme, sexual cottus. travellmg on
foot or m a carrtage
Recommended Diet etc when Bile Is predominant
All pungent, sweet and cold food Items, nee, barely, green
gram, nee washmg, mtlk, ghee. coconut water, cold water,
squash made from honey, sugar, banana currants, dates.
orange, gtapes, pomegranate, amla, parval, goo]ar, GhlaKaddu, pastmg of cold apphcattons hke sandal paste, bathmg,
embracmg the crooner (lady), enjoymg gently flowmg and cold
wmd, lotus, rose, fragnant creepers, white dress and catharsts
Prohibited articles in bile predominance
Everythmg bttter, hot and acidic, lentil, kultht, garhc,
wme and hqour, potato, mustard, tamarmd, dry gmger, pepper,
curd, total avOidance of naturally mtmical foods hke milkfish, k.hichn-mtlk, equal quanttty of honey Des1 (pure) ghee,
sharp sunrays, soot and smoke, fire, restnctmg natural flows
of the body, anger and deep-coloured clothes
Recomended Diet etc when Phlegm I Cough is
All bttter, astrmgent, dry articles, old nee, ma1ze, barley,
peanut, green' gram (moong), kultht, mustard, gular, praval,
garlic, banana flower, (underground) tuberous stem (Jtmtkand,
Sooran), gmger, dry gmger, piper longum, betel, hot water,
honey, old wme, cow's urme, fastmg, causing (mducmg)
vomrtmg, sexual ac01tus, inducing, sweat, physical exercise,
walk1ng on foot, hard work, smokmg, snuffing etc
Prohibited Articles during Phlegm Predominance
All sweet objects (except honey), fats, new rice and other
cereals, black gram, fish, meat, sugar cane, milk and milk
products, (excepting whey), kathal, dates, coconut water, ice

or cold articles, excessive eatmg, massage, too much sedentary

hfe, mutually harmful foodstuff
Note : Stmtlarly particular food plans and eatables have
also been recommended for each season but~ due to space
crunch. 1t ts not poss1ble to mentiOn such pomts, even If qUite
The above hst IS qutte a detailed one but all the
recommended/prohibited acts/arttcles won t smt all patients
ahke When a parttcular dtet ts advtsed or restricted, 1t must
be kept m mmd that patient's already ex1stmg problems do
not get multiplied and complicated The pattent should be
qutte frank m advismg h1s physJctan about suttabthty or
otherwise, known allergies, preferences and abstmance from
certam food ttems but, tf he acts otherwise or prefers to keep
hts physictan m the dark, 1t would prove detnmental to his
own mterests and, above, all tmpede progress of recovery

Points Relating to
Dosage, Frequency, Drug
Cotnbinations, Medicinal
Vehicles, Prescription etc.
Wtlli LiiiiiL&JnbilllitJ IIIJIIIilli

d..U&IJ iifi1


diiii!U e


General Guidelines
Ftrst of all exam me the patient thoroughly and work out
causes of predommant dtsease and Its symptoms Also try to
find out modahttes (that ts prectpttatmg or aggtavatmg causes
and also m whtch, sttuatwn or by takmg whtch measures the
patients symptoms get mollified and ameliorated) Then, listen
to patrent's own woes, complamts and feelmgs If you have
listened to htm mtently, you have won half the battle If you
tgnore It, you are m for vartous problems/dtsrespect
It 1s quite necessary to know what suits a patient or not
Certam patients have averston to ltqUtfied mixtures or powders
or even tablets or ptlls Some medtcmes are requtred to be
gtven wtth some vehtcle, say water, mtlk, some decoctiOn,
asava or food material If any drug ts pushed through agamst
patient's wtll and chotce, he wtll expend hts entire energy m
combatmg h1s element of aversion In such a sttuatton, It ts
necessary to adv1se patlent-fraendly and acceptable mode of

Some patients generally react to bttter, pungent, astrmgent,

pulvertsed or liqUid prepatatwns, whereas some are opposed
to takmg any medicmes, m any form whatsoever The latter
category ts quite difficult to manage but not totally
unmanageable In thts SituatiOn, pertstant and sympathetic
counselhng and pursuat10n seems to be the only way out
Costly and prolonged treatment cannot be contmued for
a longer per10d, due to personal, soctal, economic reasons It
ts, then, better not to prescnbe any medicme (when cheaper
and less costlier medtcmes are not avatlable) than to prescube
costly medicmes, because those are beyond reach of patients
who have meagre and hmtted source of mcome In short,
followmg pomts wtii help m recommedmg a medtcme 01 a
combmat10n of medtcmes
(a) Ftrst of all, try to palliate and molhzy the emergent
or crtsts Situation If this atm ts achteved, patient's
acute symptoms w11l show a dechnmg trend, and h1s
fatth and confidence will get restored - 1t Will also
help m qmcker recovery
(b) Never prescrtbe any medtcme or combmat10n or
medtcmes whtch are dtfficult to be mgested or gulped
down the gullet Hence, If a pat1ent as averse to takmg
powders, pills or tablets, he should be asked to take
the same wtth some palatable veh1cle If he has
repugnance for hqutds, he could be asked to take
some palatable vehicle aid so as to tmprove hts taste
Some patients even vomit out the contents of
medtcmes whtch they hate to ingest Though medtcine
IS not a matter of cho1ce, 1t IS a matter of compulsion,
especially when there IS no other optton or suitable
substitute. Care should be taken to tone down the
disgreeable taste or smell by adding some acceptable
and palatable vehicle I medtcme.
(c) Take Into account the age, sex, state and condition
of disease (as It exists at present), physical status I








condttton of the pattent Certam medtcmes should

not be ptescribed for Infants, pregnant ladtes and
aged persons Never g1ve any strong medtcme to any
pregnant lady, except when ltfe seems to be m penl
Avotd g1vmg any med1cmes that precipitate or cause
nausea, vom1tmg, loose Inottons
Medicmes contammg Iron copper, zmc, mercury,
copper sulphate, bronze should be cautiously
prescnbed, as certam pattents show allergic reactiOns
to the above mgredients
Strong medtcmes. whtch have tendency to act or
react mstantly, should be avotded but, "''hen hfe Itself
ts m danger and there IS no other optiOn available,
then such medtcmes may be given, but proper
safeguards must be taken
Selection of proper medicine 1s a tedious and arduous
task, and here m hes the test of depth and expenence
of a phystctan who should have an eye on both acute
and chrome symptoms and other relevant factors
Prescnbed dtetary pattern ought to be tn comformtty
wtth prescnbed medtcines That IS to say, that the
dtet Inust supplement and aid tn quicker recovery
In all sttuations patient's strength must be mamtatned
I restored Any medtctne that lowers resistance
should be avotded
Phystcal actlvtty should never be given up totally,
1f there are no other comphcatlons to the contrary
Pattents should be encouraged to lead a reasonably
acttve hfe - 1f diseased state and physical capactty
Nothmg should ever be forced upon a patient or done
anythtng agamst h1s wtll For mstance, a meat-eater
would not relish the tdea!suggestlon of giving up

meat-eatmg or vtce versa, or a smoker cannot gtve

up ctgarette smokmg or chewmg betel or tobacco
all of a sudden Such addtcts should be mduced,
mottvated and conselled to gtadually taper thetr bad
(1) Certam food ttems, drmks and medtcmes, ot else
some tngredtents contamed thet em are known
allergens whtch should not be forced upon a patient
If you still mstst on, you are stmply mvtttng another
(m) Weather changes, personal hkes and dtslJkes,
preferences, weaknesses, and m-built habtts,
mhtbttlons, taboos, soctal compuls10ns and othet
restramts need not be tgnored Do not ever adv1se
ot prescnbe a measure that hurts a pat tent's feelmgs
and sentiments I know a patient who refused to take
the medtcme when he was asked to take eggs and
mtlk dally, of course wtth honey

Combination of Medicinal Preparations

Almost all Ayurvedtc medtcmes (whether p1lls, tablets,
Asavas, decoct10ns etc) are processed through combmatton
ofvanous mgredtents and are the end-results mtxmg ofvanous
mgredtents When there are symptoms of more than two
dtsorders, drugs are reqmred to be gtven together or s1mply
mtxed up, and there ts no harm m domg so The reason bemg
that a smgle medtcme would be madequate m controllmg all
the symptoms For mstance, tf a pattent IS suffermg from loose
motiOns and fever, medtcmes for both the dtsorders should
be combmed. But, tf the pattent has some repugnance to
anyone of the mgredtents, he can be advtsed to take some
supplementary or supporttve food ttem whtch could offset the
element of dtshke. But, care should be taken not to mtx up
such medtcmes which are opposed to each other and, for th1s,

Dose and Frequency

One should be extra cautious m plannmg dose pattern
In almost all the branded preparatiOns mgredients, dosage
accordmg to age, Dos & Don"ts ate generally mentwned on
the literature But, these are general gutdelmes whrch cannot
be applied m specific cases In some literature, the compames
mentwn the words 'Dose and frequency as prescrrbed by the
physician ' Whtch 1s an evasive, but safe device, to shun
responstbiltty Such dtrecttons are not patient onented or
patient fnendly but legally and medtcally safe Followmg
couplet may be kept m mmd when detetmmmg dosage Ji I ?i Ill! I 'i I'H'll q '{~ Cf5 I <'1 Ji fT.:J q O!ll cil <'1 Ji I
~ cft1i ~ -:q ~ 'Jil?ITf !>'I O!ll \J1 i:ttt I I

That ts, there are no hard and fast rules govemmg dosage,
hence dose should be determmed, keepmg m vtew age, sex,
ttme, patient"s strength, dtsease, patient's nature and
temperament, place and environs
A medtcme requtred to be gtven, m acute stage, wtll prove
futtle and unrewardmg m the chrome stage and vtce versa
If the patient ts weak, he won't tolerate any strong medtcme
A medtcme meant for a pregnant lady, old person or a child
wtll not sutt a normal, young and adolescent
Stmtlarly, those who fall tll m hot weather wtll not
respond to medicmes whtch are meant for people of heat
manafest reg10n In the same way quantity of dosage wtll dtffer
with change of season Dosage for the strongly built and
emactated pattent wlll also vary m quantity and frequency

Determination of dosage and related Points

While prescr1bmg dosage, followmg pomts may be kept
m mmd, before taking a final decision m thts respect
( 1) Draw a complete balance sheet of all the subJective
and obJeCtive symptoms

(2) Keep 1n mtnd age, sex, health conditiOns desires and

aversions, allergtc reactions
(3) Do not prescrtbe any medtcme that does not fit m
local weather conditiOns For mstance, tf you tgnore
weather pattern, you are most hkely to err
( 4) Take tnto account both the acute and chrome
complaints of the patient
(5) Be extra careful while treatmg terminal diseases,
espectally tn respect of Infants, pregnant ladtes, old
and broken down, weak old persons
(6) Adult dose can be prescnbed fro children above 12
(7) Dose prescnbed must be consonance w1th nature and
temperament {tn relatiOn also to three baste humours
- 'Tndoshas')
(8) If dosage ts hnked to dtet (breakfast, lunch, supper,
dtnner, bed-t1me) then the pattent ts not hkely to mtss
hts medicines. In Allopathy certatn 'One-a-day'
drugs are qutte easy to take and chances of 'm1ss
or shp' are rather rare
(9) If the pattent ts burdened wtth too many medmtes,
he IS most hkely to get confused not only he, but
hts attendants I housemates wtll also find tt d1fficult
to stick to exact ttme schedule
(1 0) The pattent should not be requtred to arrange for
medtcmes. Some physiCians are in the habrt of
prescrtbtng medicines whtch are either too costly or
hardly available In the market - al I such oddtties
ought to be avoided tn the interest of the patient
( 11) Do not impose too many and umanageable restrictions
on patient's normal food habits. Any drastic change
IS bound to result in a rebound reactton when he shall
feel compelled to violate even ordmary advice. You
cannot compel a reticent and adamant patient but can
always tnduce, motivate and counsel htm


It 1s he1ght of Imprudence to beheve and preach that

Ayurved1c medtcmes do not cause any reaction The

patient must be forewarned and pro pet Iy bnefed
about possible reaction of certam medcmes so that
he IS not taken unawares It ts a simple 1 ule that a
med1cme that cures symptoms of a dtsease IS equally
capable of reactmg
(13) All pattents do not react to all medicmes nor do all
medtcmes cause reaction Even the medtcmes which
are known to cause reactions may not do so m case
of certam mdtvJdual pattents Hence the terms
'reaction' or 'allergy' are synonymous and enJOY
only relative stgmficance

Anupan and Sahpan (3'J:l"tfA ~ 'tt64FI)

Anupan means 'hqutd, water, decoct10n taken soon after
the med1cme' and 'sahpan' means when a vehicle 1s rntxed
w1th the medtcme, before tt 1s mgested (For mstance, when
a medtcme ts mixed wtth honey)
Due to vanous factors, certam vehtcles are not eastly
available m the market but the phystctans contmue to prescnbe
such vehicles The best way to overcome thus problem ts to
etther to process the same at home or the phystclanlcompames
should process the same, or else the same should be substituted
with the ones that are eastly available But purtty must be
ensured m any case This ts a practical problem whtch often
defies any cogent solution
All sa1d and done, all such prescnbed vehtcles have
spectfic and ttme tested advantages also, vtz
( 1) They atd in qutck absorptton so as to reach each and
every part of the body qutckly
(2) Bitter med1cmes can be rendered palatable
(3) Enhance efficacy of other medtcmes
(4) Vehtcles can be changed accordmg to dtsease, age,
sex, strength and chmate

(5) They can be made avatlable m the form ofdecoct10ns,

chatmes and hqmds etc
(6) Are easier to use and procure
(7) Molhfy bad effects of certam medicmes and can be
taken even mdependently
(8) These vehicles qmte often satiate dormant or apparent
penchant and weakness for certam foodstuffs
I know some ayurved1c physicians prepare themselves
all such vehtcles that are commonly used m mo~t of the
atlments or even m health It, at least, ensures quality and
punty, apart from savmg the pattent from arduous JOb of
preparmg such preparatiOns which are not cost-effective and,
m most cases, qutte dtfficult to process at home, when
supportive measures are also madequate

Disease And Body





en there ts complete eqUihbnum of Vata,

Kapha and Pttta, human body IS not hkely to
uffer ft. om any d tsorder but when there IS an
tmbalance 01 dtsproportiOn amongst the satd three humours
(Doshas), dtsease IS the only outcome Thts body ts mamfested
by Dhatus, Doshas and Malas (body constituents, humours
and waste matartal respectively) whtch. m fact, represent five
elements (Panch Bhutas) hke Earth (Pnthvt), Ftre (TeJa or
heat) Water (Jal), Atr (Vayu) and Ether (Akash) A human
bemg ts nothmg but stmply a part of the whole Intelltgence,
wisdom, dtscnmmattve faculty, emotiOns, senttments etc
dtstmgutsh htm from other spectes Thts ts the only reason
that human bemg ts called the best creatton of ~l!!!,!_a_h God
Ammals cannot smtle, laugh, dtscern, express, explam and
express thetr emotive feelmgs by gestures but a human bemg
can Ammals possess htgher volume of mtUitton than human
bemgs, but five elements bodtes of human bemgs and
quadrupeds there ts hardly any dtfference, though mentally
they (ammals) can netther recollect nor plan
There as seven Dhatus
1. Rasa (Jutces of food articles)
2 Rakta (Red portiOn of the blood that contatns



3 Mansa (Flesh or Muscle Ttssue)

4 Meda (Fat Issue)
5 MaJJa (Bone marrow)
6 Asthi (Bones) and
7 Shukra (Semen I Ova)
All these constituents, humours and body eh.ctetwns, VJZ
faecal matter, urme and sweat are the contnbutmg factors m
health or dtsease - when any one of them gets disturbed and
vttlated or ts not m a normal state, body ts liable to suffer
from dtsease and thetr normal functwnmg denotes state of
healthy and sound body
Food ts converted mto 'Rasas' out of whiCh the useful
portton Is retamed and utthsed m the body as a nurturmg and
sustammg force and body cannot function tf all the "Rasas'
do not nurture the body The useless and restdual portiOn of
food ts excreted through the body, m the shape of faeces,
urme and sweat As soon as these 'Malas' (restdual excretmns
or useless matters) are thrown out of the body, thetr functiOn
ceases These are natural 'flows' ( rcr) of the body If any
of them not expelled by the body, there are bound to be
dtseases Hence, all the three humours, five constituents
(Dhatus) and excretwns (Malas) should remam m a perfectly
normal state to enable the body to dtscharge tts vartous

Food and Panch Bhutas (Five elements)

Whatever we eat IS composed of five elements vtz, Earth,
Water, Atr, Ftre and Ether (known, m common parlance, as
Prithvt, Jal or Ap, Vayu, TeJa and Akash) Different
combmattons of these elements act upon food in the1r own
ways out of whtch dtfferent attnbutes on food act and reflect
on all these attributes 'Taste' (Rasa) IS the most important
attnbute There are 5 types of 'Rasas' such as sweet, sour,
sahne, pungent, bttter and astrmgent, other three attributes

VIrtue (Guna, TT)

2 Semen or Potency (VIr)a-cfn:f) and
3 'Vtpaka' (that ts the taste which anses after the food
has been dtgested and metabohsed)
It has been beautifully mentiOned m 'Charak Sanhita' m
the followmg complet 1

f5ctl~ct ~ ~ '!sP"'II~'<ctfll f%ctlf5ctst I

l1Ff C1 ~ \!01 "34 fl CR1 +i I '9)4 ~ ~ \3 "&&d I I

"Meanmg that Ayurveda ts sctence of hfe (Ayurveda)

wherem the prmctples, relatmg to good and bad hfe, happy
and unhappy hfe, what IS wholesome and what ts unwholesome,
aspects of hfe, are laid down " It 1s an all-mclustve sctence
about disease, health, health-care, state of elatiOn and mtsery
and, above all, a science that spells out preventtve, curattve
and mdigenous methods to lead a normal hfe The only premtse
bemg not to abuse the body and also neither mtsuse, overuse
or slacken It If excess of everythmg ts bad then excess of
mertta IS also bad If you wtsh to stay healthy, give equal
Importance and wetghtage to 1
Proper and Balanced Food
Regular Physical ActiVIty and
Rest and RelaxatiOn
If ever you slacken or are mdtfferent to any of the satd
aspects, your health ts bound to suffer

Theory of Pancha Karma

Ftve methods I measures have been detatled m Ayurveda
to keep the body m a healthy state and also to nd the body
of ailments, when a d1sease state sets m These measures are
designed and formulated to ehmmate toxms, foreign and
harmful elements from the body When these elements are
present m the body, body's functions etthercome to a standsttll

or there IS malfuncttonmg, resultmg m vanous types o

physical d1sotders Let there be no confusion about the dtsease
whtch are caused by 1 Wrong and mdtscl eet food mtake
2 Too much work 01 else sedentary life style
3 Lack or total absence of phystcal actiVIty
4 W eathet changes
5 Contam mated food, atr and water
6 Personal habits and m-bmlt fads, mhtbitiOns taboos
7 Mental upsets, such as worry. anxtety, tensiOn
8 Allergies
Panch Karma : These are as follows


~ 4'i!Cb+iif01 ~ j;flstq~ I I

Emests (Vamana)
Purgatton (Virechana) or Catharsis
Non-otly Enema (N1ruha)
Oily Enema (Anuvasana) and
Smffing (Nasya or Shtrovtrechan) and some eulogise
resort to 'Blood lettmg' (Rakta Mokhshana)
'Panch Karma' is a part of elimmated process of the
body If normal excret10ns do not get ehmmated out of the
body, those can be prectpttated through the postulated theory
of Panch Karma Necessity to resort to a particular dtsctplme
depends on the nature of complamt It ts preventive, curattve
and promotive - these are simply purtficatlon measures
destgned to ease out doshas and 'Malas' or toxms from the
To quote an mstance, tf a person does not pass stools,
regularly and punctually, he ts hable to suffer from consttpatton
whtch, m turn, ts capable of causing many dtseases. I repeat

that m Aym vedtc theory, consttpatton ts constdered to be the

root cause of appearance of many disot de1 s That IS why It
has been mamtamed that tf stomach IS m dtsordet, every part
of the bodj gets dtsordered Here, stomach and constipatiOn
denote a clear mdtcatwn of dtsotdeted dtgestwn If food IS
not digested properly, necessary Rasas' and constttutents wtll
get affected and when body ts not nurtured by proper
mgredtents, all the "Doshas', "Rasas' and ex.cretiOns' ate
bound to undergo turmml and abnormalcy Hence, to remove
constipation anyone of the three methods can be adopted
accordmg to requtrement
If }OU are suffenng from nasal congestiOn catarrh,
headache, coryza, stuffed up nose or any other dtsease relatmg
to nose or head, you should smff m mustai d otl, pure Des I
ghee, tobacco snuff (tf you are a tobacco user) or some other
vegetattve or herbal powder to mduce and prompt sneezmg
by whtch all the blocked (stuffed up substances hke mucus,
dust, other tmpunttes) wtll be excreted
In olden times blood-lettmg was tesorted to m order to
get nd of high blood pressure, excruciatmg and maddemng
headache, throbbmg m temples, redness m eyes etc Though
tt was a crude method, but the patients were reportedly freed
from agomsmg symptoms In skm dtseases (hke htves,
urttcana. boils and ptmples etc ), JOlllt pams, gout and other
such dtseases 'Leachtes' were freely used to suck out Impure
blood out of the body Some people also used 'Smghts' (A
horny obJect) for the same purpose I know that sctattc Nerve
was punctured to relieve a pattent of sctattca pam These are
crude methods but are sttll, m vogue, m remote and rural areas
I have tned to gtve an overvtew of Ayurvedtc philosophy
and theory but, desptte that, I have been able to touch upon
tip of the Iceberg for the simple reason that all aspects were
not possJble to dwell upon due to space crunch There ts hardly
any dtsorder, whether phystcal or mental, whtch has not be

dealt w1th m Ayurveda How IS that m olden days, whe

medtcal science was m Its mfancy stage, patients could b
cured qutckly and wtthout emergence of any side-effects o
reactions, (also known as alletgtc reactwns) simply With th
domesttc remedies but now, even with such advanced diagnosti,
methods and new medicmes, CUI e ts hat dly m-stght What basi,
change has taken place smce prtmittve times? The answer I
qutte stmple We have abused nature (Vegetat10ns, water anc
atr) beyond measure and there IS no end to It m sight w~
are reapmg the harvest of our sms, mdtscretwns, dtsturbed an(
distorted pattern of our ltfe style
Not only food but our thmkmg has also been pollutec
and contaminated We are hapless. miserable, ptttable
mdtsposed creatures whose future ts rather bleak and dark
Dtsease ts a retrtbutton of nature and, unless we retrace ou
steps to undo the harm and mJustice we have committed agams
nature, we do not deserve nor do we have any nght to be~
for kmdness and mercy of nature
It ts an old adage 'We are, what we eat' whtch clearl)
1mphes that your mmd reflects the nature of food you take
If food 1s 'Sattvik' (Pure) we will nurture noble ideas, tf oUJ
food ts 'Rajsik' we wtll remam qUJcktes, restive. exctted
agttated, tormented and, tf our food ts 'Tamsik', we wtl
contmue to revel m sexual mdulgences, A vance, meanness
inhuman acts S1mple equat10n can be worked out as followsIf food Is pure, Ideas & thoughts will also be lofty anc
Ideal If thoughts are ptous, deahngs will also be fair, JUSt and
praiseworthy If you have all the said vIrtues, you are a
v1rtuous, satiated, and noble person- a boon for your soc1ety
and home
Remember what wtse men have sa1d about man, dtsease,
11ature etc
"Disease ts the retnbutton of outraged nature."
-H. Ballon

''What \:O...e thtnk and what \\le eat, combtned together,

m.ake what \\le a1 e phystcally and n1.entally .,
Edgat Caycee
Stck.ness entets thtough the mouth'
- A Chmese Proverb
I saw a few dte at hunget (but), of eatmg a hundred
thousand '
- BenJai11In Frankhn
"'To Lengthen hfe, lessen thy meals '
- BenJamm Frankhn
"'A glutton dtgs hts own grave wtth h1s teeth"
- A Chtnese Proverb
'"Let food be your medtctne and not tnedtcme be your
H 1ppocrates
"Your food chotces affect not only your health but the
health of your children who are also hkely to follo"v
the same pattern More than that. they affect your genes
- and thus the gene pool of thts earth
John Robbtns


Ayurvedic Treatn1ent of
Various Conunon Disease

When the body temperature rtses above the normal range

(98 4F) and there ts heat all over the body, tt ts called fever
Fever owes tts ongm to a parttcular cause or multtple causes
and nomeclatton of each type of fever has been made on the
basts of the causes whtch tngger tt There can be no fever
in the absence of any cause, and fever ts stmply an effect of
a cause or set of causes
Common Symptoms
I R.tse m temperature of body heat
2 Persptrat10n or Shtvermg
3 Restlessness and agttated temper
4 Pam and soreness ail over the body but some limbs
may be extra pamful and sore
5 Thtrst
6 V tttatwn of humours
7 Loss of Appetite etc
It ts not necessary that all the satd seven symptoms may
be present m all types of fever, as some of the symptoms are
predommant (called Jeadmg symptoms) whereas rest ofwhrch
are etther dormant or secondary, but heat m the body, whether

low or htgh, ts an almost a common symptom alongwtth btle

(Pttta) whtch ts the baste causattve If there ts no heat, there
cannot be any fevet No doubt, there ate certam types offeve1 s
where body temperature IS not htgh but, even then the pattent
always complams that he 1s havmg fever
If a person's normal body temperature, for mstance \\htch
generally ts 96F or 97, even 98 4F would be state of fever
for htm Suntlarly tf a pet son's body temperature ts generally
99 OF, 98 tt ts low grade fever wtth htm and 100 F ts (htgh)
fever for htm Hence, no stead fast and dehneatmg lme cannot
be drawn, smce no hard and fast rules are not posstble to wotk
out, as every case needs to be dealt wtth separately
Forerunners of Fever
The symptoms that forewarn about tmpendmg fever can
be spelled out as follows VIZ
1 Feeling of fat1gue
2 Change m appearance/complexiOn
3 Flat taste m the mouth
4 Watermg from eyes
5 Cold, Heat, Heat of sun
6 Yawnmg
7 Soreness and pam m all the ltmbs, as tf beaten
8 Heavmess
9 A verson and dtsmcl matlon to food, work, conversation
and mteractlon
10 Darkness before the eyes
11 Low vttahty, malatse, run-down condttton and an allpervadmg feehng of bemg 'Not well and out of
12 General feehng of coldness, symptoms menttoned
earher, tfadded to the above hst wtll g1ve a complete
ptcture of fever and attendant symptoms
In Ayurveda, fever has been categonsed mto 8 ma1n
variettes such as 1 Vata Jwar (Fever due to Atr predommance)


P1tta Jwat (Fever due to Bile predommance)

Kapha Jwar (Fever due to Cough/Phlegm
p1 edom 1nance)
4 Vata-P1tta Jwat (Fevet due to wmd & cough
p1 edom 1nance)
5 Vata-KaphaJwar(Feverwmd & cough predommance)
6 Pttta-Kapha Jwar (Fever Bile and cough
predom 1nance)
7 SanmpatJwar (Dehnum where all the three humouts
get vtttated)
8 Agantuk Jwar (Fever due to external factors such as
accident, shock, extra labour etc)
If we take mto account classtficataon of fevers accordmg
to present daagnosts, followmg categortes I vanettes of fevers
have been dtscemed, vtz
1 Typh01d Fever
(3ile1Rct> VCR)
2 Malartal Fever
(~ \iCR)
3 Rheumatic Fever
(3if'1CIIq VCR)
4 Dengue Fever
(~ \iCR)
5 Menmgttts Fever
(11R=elt:Cb ~ V'CR)
6 Sandtly Fever
(~ VCR)
7 Mumps Fever
('Cf>of+r<nct> "GCR)
8 Dtphthena
('<.)~ ...i'l VCR)
(V-These types are bemg left out as only an expert Vatdya
should tackle them)
If you carefully exam me the above (two) categones, you
wtll observe that cause of each type of fever hes m the vttiatron
and Imbalance of one humour or the other, or else there are
mtxed dyscrastas tndtcatmg mt:x.ed symptoms Whatever be the
cause and type of fever, there always extst clear symptoms
in each vanety from whtch the type of fever can be ascertained.
Categortsatton has been done to simplify the matter, otherwase
such dtvtstons are simply of academic mterest The readers
are not expected to burden thetr memones by complicated
names and types

General awareness ts so great that even a layman knows

what are the symptoms ofMalana, Typhotd, Mumps, Dtphthena,
Dengue fevet s He ts well mformed and cauttous, hts approach
ts also not casual, as he can cure most common types of fever
even wtth the help of domestic remedtes or commonly used
Ayurvedtc medtcmes Some medtcmes form part of hts datly
hfe and m general sttuatron, he can manage the problem
htmself, as he ts still fully convmced of the efficacy of
Ay urvedtc preparatiOns He ts fully conversant wtth commonly
used mgredtents whtch form an essential part of hts kttchen
Use & storage of ayurvedtc medtcme ts a part of hts culture
and he has been grandma's prescnpttons smce hts chtldhood
Such a vast knowledge gradually descended on hts recollecttve
memory and he tmbtbed all the relevent pomts to hts
Most of the ayurvedtc medtcmes and prescrtpttons have
been handed down from one generation to another and the
process shall conttrtue unabated A devtce or method wh1ch
becomes an mtegral part of trad1t1on and practtce does not
dtsappear so easily and qutckly - and thts ts more true m
case of Ayurvedta whtch can be compared wtth very neghgtble
number of systems of ancrent and traditional medtcme
Fever. Coryza, Catarrh, mtluenza, Cough, cold are cured
b"'y many persons wtth branded medtcmes and ttme-tested
rectpes and prescnpttons and ordmary fever IS no exceptiOn
Smce modern types of fever are fresh m the memory of
the common man, I wtll ment10n suggestive treatment, keepmg
m mmd only those names of fever whtch one can commonly
and eastly understand
Severity and duratiOn determme the classdicat10n of each
type of fever Somettmes, mamly due to tgnorance, the dtsease
gets prolonged and m1xed symptoms emerge whtch create a
confused situation or Jumbled up symptoms Complicated
cases, or more particularly emergent cases, ought not to be

handled by a layman Always seek gutdance and treatment

from a qualified Ayurvedtc Phystctan

Typhoid Fever
It ts also known as entenc fevet due to the mvolvement

of mtestmes, and ts one of the tedtous and dtfficult fevers to

deal wtth The fever has a relapsmg tendency, 1 e once fully
cured, tt may surface agam Its onset (begmnmg) IS ms1d1ous
For the mtttal few days the pattent feels run down but
hts normal routme IS not mterrupted nor does he have any
feehng of havmg fever
Symptoms and Causes
The pattent Initially has headache, general weakness,
lass1tude and dtscomfort, does not sleep well, feels presence
of fever at mght In the mornmg his temperature IS a btt htgher
than the normal temperature, but rises gradually towards the
evemng- though does not shoot up abruptly Thts state
contmues for seven days but, on the 8th day, fever rtses qutte
enough whtch may contmue for 3 or 4 weeks or so, after wluch
pertod It relapses The leadmg mdicatiOn bemg that the
temperature and the pulse rate do not correspondmgly match
If mtestmal ulceration ts enormous, the pulse may be raptd
and weak-but 1t happens only m protracted typhotd fev~r
There may be occasiOnal loose motions, almost contmuous or
rhythmic abdommal pam and tenderness when pressure as
apphed on the abdomen There may also be gurglmg sound
m the abdomen wtth restivtty
The mtestmes may perforate and bleedmg may also start
therefrom, consequent upon the ulceratiOn of bowels which
ts a senous symptom and may prove fatal, tf neglected and
delayed When all the three doshas VItiate, typhOid results thts ts baste Ayurvedtc theory regardmg typhotd.

Following course of general treatment may be followed,
dependmg on subjective I objective symptoms of each case

During the I week : Gtve 125 mg each of Muktashuktl

Bhasman and Mngshnnga Bhasman, (thnce daily) whtch
should be Jevted m honey
Put m 10-15 gms of each of l\llunacca (d11ed grapes) and
Khoob Kalan 111 one lttre of watet When the decoctiOn ts
teduced to 1/3rd quanttty (say about 300-350 mgs/ml) tt should
be grven (as an Anupan ) -wtth the satd 3 doses
During 11 week: Gtve a dose of Muktashuktt Bhasma
(10-12mg) + Kastunbhatrava Rasa (120-125mg) wtth honey
thnce dally In addttton, Mtx Saubhagya Vatt (240 mg) and
Jwararyabhra (120 mg), and gtve 2 such doses (twtce datly)
wtth JUICe of fresh gmger
During Ill week : Mt::x. 120 mg each of Pravala Bhasma
and Vasantmalatt Ras wtth 120 mg Amrttsattva, to be taken
wtth honey, m the mornmg and e\ enmg dally After 3 hours
of servmg the above medicatiOn give a dose of 240 mg each
of Powder of Ptppah & Sarwa Jwarlauh With honey (twtce
dally) That IS I, n. Ill & IV dose should be taken alternatively
Dunng IV week
Navayasa Choorna (Powder) - 2 5 mg
Vasantmalatt Ras - 125 mg
Sttopladt Choorna- I 5 gm (Two Such Doses) to be
taken wtth honey m the mornmg and evemng
After meals, take followmg hqutd compound prepared
- 1Oml
one dose to be
- 5ml
taken wtth equal
- lOml
quantity of water after prmctple meals
If whole body ts massaged, preferably wtth Mahalakhshadi
Tat I (ml) daily, tt wtll provtde much destred rehefto the pattent
and also help m quicker recovery Some people suggest
massage With olive otl or Johnson's Body oil but, then, It ts
s1mply a matter of indlvtdual response and suttabthty,
availability and choice


rutts wntcn oo nor agnatt: c:~.uu ut~Lutu u1\;; IJII.\,.<;)1.111~;:) u1v\;; up

111 hard dnnks, sptces, condtments, use of tobacco, narcotics,
ea, coffee, chats, fast foods, chowmm etc Diet should be pure,
tght, bland and res.torattve of enetgy Make sure there Is no
::onst1pat10n which, tf present, can be t emoved by takmg a
fSP of Isabgol husk w1th hot mtlk, at bed-time Tah.e care
Jf personal hygtence Whole body may be sponged dally w1th
lukewarm water, mtxmg 5-10 drops of Savalon or Dettol to
tt Exposure should be avotded at all costs
Note : I am firmly of the vtew that typhoid should not
be treated by a layman, rather the patient should always remam
under supervtstons and guidance of a Vatdya who will be m
a posttton to take note and care of other developments and
~omphcatmns also

Malaria (Periodic Fever)

It ts also called Ague, matsh fever, Paludtsm It ts an
mfecttous dtsease caused by the presence of parasitrc protozoa
of the genus PlasmodiUm wtthm the red blood cells and ts
transmitted by the female Anopheles Mosqwto and generally
comfined to troptcal and subtropical areas but, now, even other
areas are also not immune Qutck multtphcatton of parasites
results m destructiOn of red cells and when more patas1tes
(capable of mfectmg other red cells) surface, the posttton still

General Symptoms
Short-hved bouts of shtvermg
Anaemta - due to loss of healthy red cells
Extreme weakness, malatse
Rase m temperature
When shavermg abates and sweat appearst the fever shows
1 dechnmg trend But symptoms may reappear when next batch
:>f parasites ts released mto the blood stream.

At the mtttal stage, the pattent may have headache, pam

m body/ltmbs, feehngofchtlhness and shght nse m tempetatme
but, durmg fully developed stage, fever may nse even to 104F
or even htgher but subsides as soon as persptratton appears
After this the patient IS generally nm mal 01 returns to the
previOus posrtton, extstmg pnor to onset of attack
Types of Malaria
Followmg types of malanal fever may occur m dtffetent
patients, dependmg on symptoms caused by the parasite that
mvades a patient, though Ieadmg symptoms are almost the
same but occurrence and duratton do vary
Terttan Fever
Quartan Fever
Mahgnant (Terttan Vanety) Fever
Tertian Fever : The attacks surface on alternate days
Quartan Fever : If first attack of fevet occurs on the
first, another attack will occur on the 4th day, that IS after
mtermtssion (mterval) of two days, or say the next attack will
occur on 4th, 7th and 1Oth days
Malignant Tertian : It as a vanety of severe type of
malanal fever when malignancy sets m and ts, thus, the
severest and most alarmmg type of all types of malanal
In another vanety, fever appears m autumn and may last
beyond a penod of one day and the subsequent attack may
follow soon after the first attack has substded-thts state bemg
called as 'Subtertlan Fever' But, malarial fever may occur
on each day, tf the mfectaon is severe
Fall m pyrextal fever does not mean total absence of fever,
rather tt ts related to low severtty and mtensity of fever In
certam cases htgh fever (hyperpyrexia) develops and fever
contmues to rtse when death may occur ultimately When such
a stage of htgh fever contmues unabated there ts no occaston
for the sweatmg stage or the Ill stage, when the patient often
loses his consciOusness

Lm and thts state often proves fatal m most of the cases,

tch should never be tackled or treated at home or by
nesttc formulae
Prevention : AccumulatiOn of water m ponds, stagnant
ter pools, ram water pools and places where excreta Is
cted, should be sprayed wtth anttmalanal chemicals 01 oils
as not to provtde any opportumty for the malanal parasites
1osqmtoes to multiply Avotd takmg exposed, stale, dtrty,
hygtemc foods, but boil drmkmg water, dismfect entire
use, clean the coolers or spray kerosene otl on cooler watet,
ng mosqutto nets or repellants to keep away from the
1squtto bttes/stmgs Malaria ts not a contagtous disease,
1ce there ts no fear of Its engulfing other members of the
mly PreventiOn and precaution are the best remedy Use
qumme and tts vanous dertvattves has mherent denger of
nagmg hver, and often wtth trreverstble complicatiOns
Llarta was clatmed to have been eradtcated sometime back.
, once agam It has reappeared wtth a vengeance, as the
ecttctdes have proved meffecttve and rendered the malanal
astte reststant to all msecttctdes Hence, m such a state,
~temc steps only can stave off the parasite menance
Initial measures : Apply cold compresses to pattenfs
ehead but when the fever crosses 41 0c, hts ent1re body
mid be wrapped wtth a sheet dtpped m cold water
peatedly) and should he removed when temperature substdes,
do not use tee-cold water or tee, mstead normal cold tap
ter should suffice to serve the purpose Gtve also cold water
drmk to the patient
For oral purpose give I 0-15ml jutce of Tulst (holy basil)
dng 2-3 gm powder of black pepper with tt during cold
~e of the fever so as to bring down the mtens1ty of fever
ly basJlts a protective, curative and prophylactiC (preventive)


At the mtttal stage, the pattent may have headache, pam

m body/ltmbs, feehngofchtlhness and shght nse m tempetatme
but, durmg fully developed stage, fever may nse even to 104F
or even htgher but subsides as soon as persptratton appears
After this the patient IS generally nm mal 01 returns to the
previOus posrtton, extstmg pnor to onset of attack
Types of Malaria
Followmg types of malanal fever may occur m dtffetent
patients, dependmg on symptoms caused by the parasite that
mvades a patient, though Ieadmg symptoms are almost the
same but occurrence and duratton do vary
Terttan Fever
Quartan Fever
Mahgnant (Terttan Vanety) Fever
Tertian Fever : The attacks surface on alternate days
Quartan Fever : If first attack of fevet occurs on the
first, another attack will occur on the 4th day, that IS after
mtermtssion (mterval) of two days, or say the next attack will
occur on 4th, 7th and 1Oth days
Malignant Tertian : It as a vanety of severe type of
malanal fever when malignancy sets m and ts, thus, the
severest and most alarmmg type of all types of malanal
In another vanety, fever appears m autumn and may last
beyond a penod of one day and the subsequent attack may
follow soon after the first attack has substded-thts state bemg
called as 'Subtertlan Fever' But, malarial fever may occur
on each day, tf the mfectaon is severe
Fall m pyrextal fever does not mean total absence of fever,
rather tt ts related to low severtty and mtensity of fever In
certam cases htgh fever (hyperpyrexia) develops and fever
contmues to rtse when death may occur ultimately When such
a stage of htgh fever contmues unabated there ts no occaston
for the sweatmg stage or the Ill stage, when the patient often
loses his consciOusness

and tmprove bowel functtonmg If consttpatton extsts, take

some mtld la>...attve (but no purgattve), f01 whtch TSP of
Isabgole hustka may be mtxed wtth 250-300 ml-hot mtlk Do
not lead a sedentary life nor exet1 too much It IS better to
gradually mctease phystcal acttvity m consonance With
reststance of phystcal capactty A void sptces, meats, fish, fned
foods, fats etc

Rheumatic Fever
It ts called 'Aamvaata Jwar' m Ayurveda Fever ts, m
fact, one of the symptoms of the vanety of thts type It ts more
commonly found m people below 30 years of age but
exceptions also do extst, though qutte rare
1 Pam/sttffness m large JOmts, hke shoulders, wnsts,
elbows, knees, ankles and, as the ttme passes by, pam
gets qutte severe
2 Whole body gets bathed wtth persptratton
3 Face ts red and flushed
4 Tongue thickly coated
5 Pulse fast but strong
6 Temperature revolves around 40 C
7 There 1s constipatiOn, anorexta (loss of appettte),
urme ts pale and carnes foul smell
8 Excessive thtrst and cravmg for water (cold)
Incubatton penod ts from 4-7 days but may also prolong
beyond that penod when heart comphcatwns may also develop
tf the symptoms affect outer/mner membrane and heart
muscles-this ts wtth reference to mflammatory comphcattons
(Note : Inflammation has four essenttal features, V1z
swelhng, redness, heat and pam)
If there IS no relapse, the attack does not last long But
when 1t becomes a recurrmg phemomemon, particularly m case
of children of tender age, the complications may percolate even
to older age H1gh fever bemg one of such complicated symptoms

At the mtttal stage, the pattent may have headache, pam

m body/ltmbs, feehngofchtlhness and shght nse m tempetatme
but, durmg fully developed stage, fever may nse even to 104F
or even htgher but subsides as soon as persptratton appears
After this the patient IS generally nm mal 01 returns to the
previOus posrtton, extstmg pnor to onset of attack
Types of Malaria
Followmg types of malanal fever may occur m dtffetent
patients, dependmg on symptoms caused by the parasite that
mvades a patient, though Ieadmg symptoms are almost the
same but occurrence and duratton do vary
Terttan Fever
Quartan Fever
Mahgnant (Terttan Vanety) Fever
Tertian Fever : The attacks surface on alternate days
Quartan Fever : If first attack of fevet occurs on the
first, another attack will occur on the 4th day, that IS after
mtermtssion (mterval) of two days, or say the next attack will
occur on 4th, 7th and 1Oth days
Malignant Tertian : It as a vanety of severe type of
malanal fever when malignancy sets m and ts, thus, the
severest and most alarmmg type of all types of malanal
In another vanety, fever appears m autumn and may last
beyond a penod of one day and the subsequent attack may
follow soon after the first attack has substded-thts state bemg
called as 'Subtertlan Fever' But, malarial fever may occur
on each day, tf the mfectaon is severe
Fall m pyrextal fever does not mean total absence of fever,
rather tt ts related to low severtty and mtensity of fever In
certam cases htgh fever (hyperpyrexia) develops and fever
contmues to rtse when death may occur ultimately When such
a stage of htgh fever contmues unabated there ts no occaston
for the sweatmg stage or the Ill stage, when the patient often
loses his consciOusness

assumes the snntlar pattern Though no medrcme ts called for.

yet complications must be attended to wrthout any delay
Diet and othe1 measures (regrmens) do not apply st1rctly
m dengue fevet but non-In rtatmg lrqurd dret IS advrsed (milk
and frutt JUice) Back portiOn and other achmg body parts
should be massaged w1th a soft and light hand or else hotwater bottle compressiOn may be grven If constipation
petststs, take Isabgole husk (I TSP) mi::\.ed wrth hot milk.
Complete bed-rest IS advtsed as long as fever and pam
perstst If there IS unbearable back pam, place a cush10n
underneath the lower back
MediCinal Treatment
M1x 375mg Powder of Saunth (Dry gmger powdet) wrth
125mg of Hmguleshwar wh1ch IS one dose Repeat th1s dose
after every 3 hours, for bemg taken With tea/hot water If
temperature nses beyond 104F (40c), apply cold compresses,
as mentioned earlier, to the forehead-rest of the drrecttons
remammg unchanged

Miscellaneous Types of Fever

Meningitis & Diphtheria
I have deliberately left Menmgrt1s and Drphtherta
untouched for the simple reason that these maladtes. 1f not
brought under control, at the mceptton stage, almost term mate
fatally Morever, onset, progress and dechne stages are so
abrupt and qutck that, at ttmes, It ts an emgma for the physrc1an
where to begm from. These two comphcat10ns must be treated,
supervised and momtored by an able and experienced Ayurvedrc
physician Let me warn the readers that any casual, lopsided
and wayward approach may cost the pattent hts ltfe.
In certam cases, surgical Interference may be necessary,
and tf that be the case, never hes1tate to adoptton of surgtcal
means, as when the pr1me atm is to save patient's hfe, no
personal wh1ms or preconceived nottons should stand m the
way of treatment

In all fan ne ss, all such pattents should, at once, be

admttted m a hospttal so as to offset chances of comphcattons,
tf any Fut ther home-cate cannot substttute hospttal-care
whete teqUistte fac1httes ate available m abundance

Kala-Azar I Kalazar
It ts known as Black fever, DumDum fever or Black
Disease It IS found m Chma & India (parttcularly Eastern and
Northeastern states), along shmes of the Medttertanean, North
Afrtca and South Amettca It IS also rampant m certam parts of
Causes : Onset of d1sease IS caused by the bite of a
sandfly that transmits an orgamsm Whether tts onset ts gradual
or acute depends on the mtenstty of mfectton Sometimes,
rather qUite often, there ts lot of confus10n between Kala-azar
and Mal ana and between Kala-azar and Typhotd, but symptoms
are so succmct that there IS hardly any room for confuston
Followmg companson wtll clearly remove mtsgtvmgs, tf any,
as far confuston between Kala-azar and Malana ts concerned
(adapted from Vatdya (Shn) Tara Shankar's Legendary book
entttled 'Kaaya-Chtkttsa '



1 No regular tunmg for the onset

1 Fever occurs on every 3rd or

4th day and occurs once m 24


offever whtch IS generally tw1ce a

No ch1ll before onset of fever
Appetite Is normal
Enlargement of both hver and
Erosion of strength and flesh



Fever starts and nses wtth chill
Partial loss of appetite
Enlargement, generally, of
spleen, but also, rarely, of hver
No such symptom-rather
general well-bemg contmues to
be normal
Most of the patients do vomtt
Tongue IS d1rty
Bleedmg never occurs

6 No vomitmg
7 Tongue 1s clear
8 Bleedmg may occur m some 8
9 Rehef from anttmony but/harm 9 Rebef from qumme but harm
from qumme
from anttmony

Foregomg comparattve pomts ofdtfferences m symptoms

wdl suffice to dnve home the pomt that there IS nothmg
tdenttcal and common between the two atlments hence
confusiOn Is baseless
If you wtsh to be doubly sure, gtve powder of (black)
anttmony and tf teltef follows. the pattent ts dectdedly
suffermg from Kala-Azat
1 Fever tt IS trregular
2 Onset IS mstdtous or acute
3 Progresstve Anaemia- wtth dimmution of W B C S
4 Marked enlaigment of spleen - stze may mciease
by even 4-5 kgs
5 Complexton of enttre body turns black /dark /blue
6 Sheddmg ofwetght, marlatse, progressive emaciation
7 If, m chrome stage, cough ant T B also sm face
8 OccasiOnal bleedmg
9 Contmuous dtstentton of abdomen
10 Constant pam m bones of arms & legs
Smce appetite ts not affected adversely, It takes longer
ttme to pm pomt other symptoms In an advance stage of the
disease ascttes/dropsy also appear
Medicinal Treatment
(a) Take equal quanttty (that 1s 60 mg of each medicme)
of Praval Bhasma, Shanka Bhasma, (Pure) Shudha
NtlaanJan or Surma (anttmony), Sona geru (Swarna
Ga1r1k) shuddha, Mukta Bhasma, (Total quanat1ty
bemg 5x6Q=300mg) to make one dose Take a dose
of thts compound after every 4 hours w1th honey
(b) Tamra Bhasma and Yakritplthodradt Lauha-60mg
each (total quantity 120mg) should be taken twtce
dally(- once dose at rnJdday and another at night)
wtth honey
Diet etc : D1et should primar1ly consist of milk and mtlk
products, fruits and vegetables, eggs etc so that the patient's

strength ts mamtamed alongwith nut11ttous food Avotd ex.cess

of physical activity

It IS a htgly contagious disease aftlictmg chtldten at then
tender age Thete Is a general beltef, though quite unfounded
and misplaced, that tf a child gets measles once, he wont have
another attack agam, but there have been many mstances when
such behefs ha"e proved ~rong If the first attack ts mtld,
the second one will generally come-sunply to complete the
JOb left undone/partly done by the precedmg attack The
dtsease rarely mfects an adult, though I have myself seen a
few cases where even elder pet sons were mfected. even when
they had severe and full b lo~n attack of measles at the m fancy
Causes and Symptoms: Ytttated p1tta and cough cause
thJs mfect10n At the Initial stage thete ts appearance of
runmng from nose (acute catarrh), watermg from the eyes and
eptstaxis (though rare) may also follow m rare cases
(1) Pulse IS fast and raptd
(11) Temperature ts as htgh as 40C or even still htgher
(111) Restivtty, thirst and headache
(1v) EruptiOns are of dusky red/cnmson colour, slightly
elevated from above the skm
(v) Face IS bloated and swollen and there IS acute
(vt) First of all such rashes appear on cheeks, chm, brows,
behmd the ears, on the hp The Rashes may appear
wtthm the mouth and throat which severely pam and
smart due to appearance of erupttons
(vu) Cough may also perstst and assume alarmmg
proportiOn when eruptions appear m the mouth and
(vni) Erupttons, when they appear m the eyes, are really
problematic, agomsmg and ttchy.

Patient craves cold water/drmks and w1shes to be

fanned qlllte often
The acute stage, as above mentiOned, lasts for 3-4 days
whereafter reversed pi ocess set~ m - now the sk.m starts to
peel off duung the tecovety stage The d1sease may appeat
m mahgnant/seve1e fonn, givmg nse to senous complications,
parttcularly 1f lungs and btonclucal tubes are also mvolved,
and th1s state may prove even fatal
Some people bOil equal quantity of Khoobkalan and
Munakka (ratsms) m water so as to cause and encourage qutck
appearance of rash, or only raisms may be g1ven to the pat tent
In additiOn powders of turmenc and tamai md-350mg each as
a smgle dose- may be gtven thnce daily wtth hot watet/mtlk
or powder ofhquonce may be given With honey These devices
are meant to prectpatate appearance of eruptions The patient
may be enveloped wtth warm blankets or sheet to mduce
appearance of rash
Take 125 mg each ofShrmgaBhasma, Swarn- Amakhshik
Bhasma and Kastur1 Bhatrava, and 250mg of Saubhagyavati
whtch will make a smgle dose Repeat this dose after an
mterval of 4 hours ( 4 doses m 12 hours)
Diet etc : Keep the patient fully covered and do not
expose to cold wmd Do not suppress fever and persp1ratton,
otherwise the patient wlll have severe attack Keep the room
neat, clean and venttlated but patient ought to be protected
from exposure to draughts It ts qutte imperative to fully
segregate the patient, especially mfants and children so that
they are also not mfected If the patient's appettte ts in order,
normal dtet may be gtven, but 1t must not consist of spices,
chtlhes, oils, fats and c1trus foods AvOid also givmg cold
drmks, though teptd water may be served qutte often or when
requtred. In common parlance, 1t IS called 'Khasra' An
expenenced old lady once advtsed the mother of a 3-year old
child, whose measles had appeared ln a full blown form, to


sponge the chlld, and then dry up his body with a soft towel
and finally sprmkle talcum powder over whole body She
mamtamed that, tf done so, It would provide much relief to
the athng child and also calm hts agitation, ttchmg and restivtty
but I do not find favour With her suggestion
If there IS constipatiOn, gtve 6-8 ratsms With mtlk or boil
the raisms m milk which should be taken as a whole
Alternatively take Smg (1 TSP) oflsabgole husk with hot mtlk
Fmally ehmmate salt from the d1et, as It causes mtense
ttchmg, mducmg the patient to scratch on the eruptions
Actually, there IS no need to admmtster any medtcme durmg
the mvas1ve stage but tt must be ensured that mfectlon does
not spread to lungs and other respiratory organs

Chicken Pox
It IS a htghly contagtous and acute athnent that affects
chtldren between the age of 1-10 years Qutte often It IS
mtstaken for measles due to Its apparent, though not actual,
resemblance to measles It IS caused by a virus and, at the
onset stage, there ts pam and achmg m legs and back wtth
some feveresh tendency, chtll, whereafter small red papules
appear on the skm, particularly on chest and back The
eruptions may appear on the forehead also The red ptmples
get filled up wtth clear liqutd and are called 'Ves1cles' which
etther dry up, shnvel or suppurate after 2-3 days, when drown
crusts appear thereon The pattent should not be allowed to
scratch the ves1cles otherwtse fluid might engulf and mfect
the surroundmg unaffected areas

There is hardly any need to gtve any medicme as the
crists penod abates and passes off without any comphcat10ns,
within 5-7 days or even less or more but a big scar IS left
behind The pattent 1s rendered extremely weak and prostrated.
Medictne, as follows may be given simply to ward off
chances of any serious mfecQ.on Gtve Swaran makhshika

Bhasma 125mg with decoctton ofKachnar tree's bark- a dose

each In the mornmg and evemng, dunng first week Elady
anshta (20ml mtxed With water) may be taken after meals
Durmg the II week gtve Indukala vati (125mg) with water
m the mommg and evemng Turmenc powder (Handra
powder) one gram, should be gtven wtth JlllCe of bitter gourd
(Karela) leaves, at noon and m the evenmg
Diet should be near normal, exceptmg ghee, Oils, spices,
salt (or low salt), chillies, meat and fish Foods, which are
not easy-to-digest, ought to be avoided Mild laxattves, as
suggested earlier, may be given to keep bowel movement m
order but no purgattves should be gtven Observe and practise
personal hygiene
Note : Chicken-pox normallly occurs to children but, m
extremely rare cases. some adults may also get mfected

Medicinal & Auxiliary Treatment
I Here very small and confluent pimples appear alJ
over the body There ts heat, fever, resttvtty etc.
hence cold treatment should be gtven but not so cold
as to pectpatate respiratory complicatiOns Nothmg
cold should be given or applied till all the eruptions
emerge vtstbly on the body and 1t occurs wttlun the
tmttal 2-3 days If any cold thmg ts given/apphed.
1t would retard appearance of eruption~. In order to
precipitate erupt10ns, gtve a decoctton ofNecm bark,
Pttta Papra, Parh, Parval leaves, Kutki. bark of
Aroosa, Amla, Yavasa, poppy seeds (Khas), red
sandalwood, whtte sandalwood The decoctiOn may
be given, with raw sugar, 21013 ttmes (but not more
than 4 times/4doses) so as to cause eruptions to
appear m full. Otherwtse swamamakhshtk Bhasma
( 50-1 OOmg}, given With decoction of Kanchnar bark,
will also serve the said purpose.



Guard agamst the erptions passing on to eyes, eats,

heart and bratn Drop tn rose water tn eyes, ears or
use rose essence (twtce daily) - tt will take away
tntenstty and mtenstty of eruptions which won't be
able to torment these organs Old ghee should be
rubbed over forehead to ward off dehrtum If ~ome
camphor IS also added to (old) pure ghee and ap~hed
over throat, chest, nose-It will also help tn cough and
other respiratory problems It wtll retard production
of phlegm facllitate expectoration Local apphcatton
of camphor mtxed (old) ghee may be made 4-5 trmes
durmg 24 hours
Keep the envtrons clean and fr~e from msects, for
whtch camphor-mtxed water may be used to clean'
the floor
To calm down and mtlhfy excessrve thtrst, g1ve
overntght kept water (boiled) wtth honey It will
provtde rehef tn eruptions and. mflammatton but, If
there ts presence of cough, It may be dtscontmued
Spread pulvertsed powder of slureesh-bark on the
bed-sheet so as to help the vesicle~ dry up
Peehng of erupttons should be dtsposed of
underground or In a dratn but no restdual matter
should be touched with naked-hands
When vesicles start drying up and fall off, chances
of spread of 1nfect10n to healthy persons IS far
greater, hence take extra caut1on
When vestcles dry up, deep spots are left over the
whole body, espetcally face, neck, hands, feet etc
It IS satd 1f female donkey's mtlk (bland) 1s applied
over such spots/blemtshes, they will soon d1sppear
Thts suggestion 1s based on the hearsay that a donkey
never gets afflicted wtth small pox
If there ts predomtnance Vata and cough, do not ever
serve/apply anything cold


To forttfy actton of heart gtve Mukta Ptshtt (50mg)

or Praval Bhasma (50-1 OOmg) If Ras Smdom
(1 OOmg) ts also added to etther ofthe satd medtcmes,
It wtll help m wardmg off Ill effectc:; of cold

Try any one of the undermentioned medtcmes

1 Indukalavatt (1 OOmg) With JUICe of holy basil
2 Dmlabh Ras (1 OOmg) With unequal quantity of ghee
and honey
3 Sarvatobhadra Ras (IOOmg) may be used accordmg
to predommance of humours
After meals gtve Atladyanshta mtxed wtth equal quantity
(1 TSP) of water which wtll he! m digestiOn
Diet : Do not take otl, potato, peas, salt Avoid coitus,
bttter, act die. articles. anger and mental dtstut bance JUice of
Mousambi (heated), ratsms are almost hannless Ifthere IS lugh
fever. sweet pomegranate IS an excellent aid If fever IS low,
then old nee (white), Moong. lentil, barley, Parval, bttter
gourd, some quantity of pure ghee, female donkey's mtlk or
cow's mtlk are recommeded Above all, mental peace is a
prtme and foremost requtstte Fmally, food taken must
correspond to the baste humours
In the mterest of patients and the readers, 1t IS advtsed
that cases of small-pox need to be treated by an expert
physician who IS always better equtpped to take care of and
control vanous sudden developments whtch an ordmary person
cannot Some patients have been seen to lose eye-sight even
as a consequence of small pox Further, always smcerely
follow the advtce of your va1dya (Ayur Phystctan) wtth regard
to treatment, care, cautious, food etc. All sa1d and done, every
care should be taken so that the infection does not affect any
other member m the famtly. Attendants on the patient's care
have to be extra careful in th1s regard.


Diseases of Respiratory




(Including Diseases of Throat & Nose)

We survive as long as we breathe, when a person d1es,
It IS generally remarked "Such and such person has breathed
hts last" - that IS the last breath has ebbed out of h1s body
A person whose breathmg IS normal, survtves much longer
than those whose breathmg Is abnormal Enttre edtfice of Yoga
and Pranayama ts erected on process ofbreathmg It ts clatmed
that the more we retam breath, the longer we hve as wtthholdmg of breath adds to hfe spam 'Prana ts the vttal force
or still better a hfe sustammg force which, even remotely, ts
not analogous to the English word 'hfe'

Allergy Factor in Respiratory Diseases

Most of the respiratory dtsorders emanate from
hypersenstttvtty to certam types of
1 Food ttems
2 Water PollutiOn
3 Atr Pollution (like dust)
4. Weather changes and seasonal effects
5 Chemtcals, gases, odours, scents, fumes


Drugs and I or drug mteract10ns

Hatr-Dyes. cosmettcs, beauty atds and local
8 Personal fads. dtshkes. aversions etc
For mstance, tf Coryza occurs due to exposure to cold
wmd or there ts frequent or mcessant sneezmg thus only
remedy ts to take precautiOn and preventive steps If cough
ts tnggered by certam sptces, condtments, foods, chemtcals,
drugs etc, the pattent has to htmself guard agamst prectpttatory
factors - the doctor can do a fatrly httle m thts respect You
have to be your own master, and gtve up the habtt of groamng,
broodmg or complanmg So, m such and all other Identical
situations, the cure and way out hes solely wtth the patient
If a smoker has cough bouts exaggerated by smokmg, he has
to gtve up smokmg - at least ttll symptoms persist Drug
dependance ts no VIable solution to such problems In thts
connect10n, a chest specialist had once advtsed an asthma
patient, who suffered from severe attacks durmg May & June,
due to dust m the air, was advtsed to shtft to some hill station
for two months of cnsts penod But the mllhon dollar questton
remams whether the satd suggestiOn could be translated mto
practtce by those who cannot make even both ends meet
Humane approach and cost-effecttve factors must form basts
of any medical counselling
Those interested in the subJect would well to ponder upon
what Harr1son has to say about allergy He defines allergy as
'~Allergy ts a dtsorder m whtch the body becomes
hypersensitive to particular anttgens (called allergens) whtch
provoke charactensttc symptoms whenever they are
subsequently encounter, whether Inhaled, mgested, mfected or
otherwise contacted Normally anttbodtes m the blood stream
and ttssues react with and destroy spectfic anttgens without
further trouble . .. . . Different allergtes afflict dtfferent


t1ssues and may have either local or general effects, varymg

from asthma & hay fever to severe deimatitts or gastroentntts
or extremely senous shock"
A husband was allergic to hts wife s lipstick- whenever
he k.Issed her, paroxysms of uncontrollable asthma ensued The
lady was advised by the doctor to change some other hpsttck
Some colours, certam buds, ammals tJ Igger episodes of
allergic reactions It IS very difficult for the patient to dtscem
the cause and It IS equally tedious for the phystctan also to
locate the actual allergen Once It has been located and
segregated, cure Is not difficult
In Ayurveda there are three types of persons VIZ, sattv1k,
Rajstk and Tamsik If the latter two types adopt hfe style,
eatmg habits, traits of the sattvtk, they may not have much
difficulty but, when the sattvtk person goes the way of the
other two, hts apple cart Will be turned turtle To tny mmd
any profession, likes and dishkes, ch01ces and preferences etc ,
when changed suddenly, may mvtte mental and phystcal
teacttons whtch are nothmg other than allergies, so to say A
noble person ts allergtc to a wtcked person, a decmt ts allergtc
to a policeman, a busmess man to raidmg parties, and a thief
IS allergic to moon-shme When a person's routme hfe Is
disturbed, he gets dtsturbed & agitated and functtomng of
endocrme glands gets adversely affected whxch ultimately
causes, at ttmes, allerg1c reacttons/metabohc changes

Thts ts a condttlon characterised by paroxysmal attacks
of bronchospasm causing dxfficulty m breathmg Broncho
asthma can be tnggered by certam stimuli which tnvanably
include allergens hke some drugs, say asptrm or emotions,
exertions mfecttons etc Asthma generally occurs dunng ramy
and cold seasons but allergtc asthma may occur at any ttme
or whenever the antagomst factor appears

In Ayurveda all resptratory problems are covered under

'}' asa Roga' of whtch asthma ts a corollary
Causes & Symptoms
As already pomted out asthmatic attacks may be caused
by dust, pollens, foods, chmattc changes, ammals hke cats and
dogs, some kmd ofbactena, emotional upsets, food relexat10ns
and mdtscret10ns, smokmg etc
The pattent cannot breathe m and breathe out due to
congestiOn of chest, atr passages, nasal cavitieS and throat due to excesstve accumulatiOn of tough, tenactous and stmgy
mucus whtch ts dtfficult to expel and/or detach When such
a patient exhales and tnes to forctbly expel mucus, there IS
a wheezmg I crowmg sound Attack of asthma ts preceded
by 'Aura' (forewarmng) m most of the cases The patient runs
for/and destres fresh atr, and feels choked m a closed room
When sputum has been expelled and air passages relieved of
congestion, he feels much reheved and can, thereafter, feel
normal as before Durmg the attack he may have cold
perspiration, cyanotic look, rapid resptratton, extreme
exhaustion, pale face and anaemic look

Treatment (Medicinal)
Chayavanprash (special) and Agastya Rasayan are too
leadmg long term efficacious med1cmes whtch are ttme-tested
tomes for all ages and persons, but the former IS dectdedly
the better ch01ce
Sttopladt Chuma-200 mg, powder of hqounce 150 mg,
borax powder (punfied) 50 mg should be mtxed With 2 TSPs
of honey and taken thrtce dally. It ts a combmation that covers
symptoms of asthma, bronchttts, tonstlhtis, sore throat, abundant
cough, throat irritation and pam~ when sputum ts tenactous,
sticky and dtfficult to expectorate. It will also cure stuffed and
blocked nose by liqutfying and expelling nasal mucus This
dose may be taken 3-4 times daily but for chtldren under 12
years, the dose should be halved, and for infants (below 2

years) only 14 111 dose should be gtven If mot10ns ensue, do

not get nervous, as 1t expels sputum through faeces also In
case of mfants, the dose may be further reduced. tf motions
set m
Gnnd to powder form 2 gms each ofNagata and Bha1angt
m water and prepare a paste which should be taken, wtth warm/
lukewarm water, twtce datly
Mtx Shukti Bhasma (125gms), Tnkutt Churna (lgm) and
Vasa Churna (2gms) and take 3 doses at an mterval of 6 hours.
w1th honey
Take Suvarna-Pushpanug Rasa, Shwasa Kasa Chmtamam
Ras, Shwasa Kuthar Ras, Vasavaleha, Kankasava etc In
consultation With your Ayurvedtc phystctan who wtll advtse
about dosage and frequency accordmg to seventy and mtenstt)
of symptoms Gold based medicmes are costlier but can be
substituted by cheaper, but equally effecttve, med1cmes also
Exercise & Diet : A void Urad, Ra.~ma, Rtce, frted foods,
butter milk, bananas, sptces, sour substances, cold water,
Guava, Grapes, Papaya, and smokmg Resort to moderate and
sustained physical actiVIty (but avotd excesstve or arduous
exercises), Pranayam, mommg walk IS recommeded But
exposure to damp and cold wmds should be avoided Do not
lead a sedentary hfe nor over-exert yourself Inhale fresh au
but stay away from smoke, dust, ram and cold wmds Drmk
only hot or lukewarm water

Common Cold
Common cold ts a gateway to many respiratory problems
If 1t IS neglected, it IS liable to lead to other comphcattons
of serious nature Common cold ts also known as coryza,
running from nose, catarrh or 'Pratishyaya (!OO!RI~liiO!Oi) m Htndi
Exposure to cold and damp chmate, change of season,
suddenly changed weather conditions, allergy to certam
Ingredients, swelhng of scents and odours~re the usual causes
of common cold


Causes & Symptoms

First of all there IS viOlent ttchmg m the nose, and tip
of nose swells and reddens, m addttiOn to soreness as a
consequence of wh1ch water starts flowmg out from the nose,
there ts trreststable tendency to rub the nose due to excessrve
Irrttatton When water flow ts not contamed, the mucus
thickens and blocks either or both of the nostnls, rmpedmg
breathmg process When mucus gets stuck up, tt c.auses pam,
fever, general malaise, pam m head, nose, temples, forehead
and the pattent gets out of sorts There Is a mtsleadmg but
oft-repeated adage that "If cold ts treated, It lasts for a week,
tf untreated 1t lasts for seven days" It IS not a sane advice,
as cold must be treated nght from the mcept10n stage,
otherwise serious comphcattons may set m If water flows out
from the nose and stops but falls mto naso-pharynz, It wtll
Irritate throat membranes and cause mflammatton, smartmg,
tenderness and Irritation m the throat whtch ultimately may
sptll over to chest, lungs and finer tubes, pavmg the way for
asthmatic symptoms, bronchttls, laryngttls, pharyngttts,
tonstlhtis etc Even larynx may be affected resultmg m loss
of VOICe
Cough and/or common cold IS caused by vtttatiOn ofvata
or Pttta or Cough or else when all the three humours V tttate
and the last cond1t10n IS the cause of chrome cold Ftfth cause
of common cold being dtsordered cond1t10ns of blood

General Remedies
Boll 4-5 bastl leaves, 4-5 cloves of black pepper m hot
water and mtx some sugar candy (or sttll better some honey)
and lick the content - It will facthtate breathmg, clear nose
of mucus, reheve aches and pains and tone down fever
Alternatively, take equal parts of cardamom, cmnamon, black
pepper and seeds of Ntgella sattva (Krtshan or black Jeeraka)
and sntff so as to mduce sneeztng. As a palhattve, gtve a
compound of 6 grams each of garhc and Gur at bedtime. Even

tmhalatton ofplam steam wtll factlttate dramage from the nose

and also provtde reltef m pam over forehead, temples and head,
reheve congestion and fevenshness My g1and father used to
drmk hot water by mtxmg JUice of fresh lemon, and used to
take roti of gram flour Without use of any ghee - but tt was
hts personal formula whtch prov1ded htm plenty of relief, and
wtthm 1-2 days, he was fully reheved of common cold Any
cold balm apphed over affected parts (exceptmg the eyes) can
also start dramage from the nose If the nose IS blocked and
stuffed, apply balm mstde the nostn 1, tf thet e IS runnmg from
1t, apply the balm outstde the nostnl or tf 1/4 a TSP ts dtssolved
m a kettle wtth boilmg water, and the steam, so generated
mhaled, tt wtll set m order all the related dtsorders and
Suck Lavangadt or Vyoshadt Vatl, or Manchadt Vatl or
Khadtradt Vati to provtde mstant rehef to mfected throat
Shrmga Bhasma and Laxmt Vtlas Ras (125 mg each) 250
mg may be taken wtth hot water after every 6 hours (3 doses
m all)
Chronic Coryza : Try followmg medtcmes when cold
has assumed chromctty
(1) Madhuyasthyadt Quath - 50 ml thnce dally wtth or
without any vehtcle
(11) Mahalaxmt Vtlas- 125mg to be taken wtth muletht
powder, ghee and honey (last two m unequal quanttty)
- 2-3 ttmes daily.
(tu) Chttrak Harttaki (10 gms) - a dose to be taken m
the mommg and at mght wtth mdk (preferably
(tv) Vyoshadt or Vyoshadya Churna (powder)- 3 gms
should be taken w1th hot water after meals
Diet : Take a TSP of doctor's brandy or rum (7 -year
old) with hot water at mght Non-irritatmg and bland diet, hot

water, lemon, leafy & green vegetable - particularly those

havmg sour and bttter taste But spices, oil fned foods, should
be avoided Desist from takmg cold bath, especially m damp/
cold chmate Sahne water gargles should be done before meals

Causes : It ts also a common condition of cold, caused
by virus mfect10n, and IS contagiOus bemg transmitted by
coughmg and sneezmg When the mfect1on percolates to lungs,
It may assume senous and dangerous portents
Pam m body, loss of appetite, general malatse, feelmg
,r out of sorts, headache, fever After an mcubatton penod
,r 1-4 days, above symptoms appear Fever. m some cases.
nay nse beyond 40c (104F) Durmg mamfestatton stage,
~omplete rest-m-bed IS advtsed
Medrcmes and measures suggested m case of common
:old and fever may be tned accordmg to symtpoms Keep the
>ody fully wrapped up wrth a thtck sheet, qUilt or blanket

Cough ts stmply a symptom and not a dtsease Mam types
>f cough are as follows, and each type md1cates the seat of
)rgan whtch remams affected or else the cause that tnggers tt1 Spasrnodtc cough
2 Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Cough
3 Nervous Cough
4 Allergtc Cough
5 Dry cough (wtthout expectoration)
6 Food mduced Cough
7. Cough of drunkards, smokers and drug addtcts
8 Asthmatic Cough
9 Juvemle/Senile Cough
10 Tubercular Cough

Kapha, Vata, Pttta mduced Cough or due to vtttat10n/

unbalance of these humom s
Any cough that perststs beyond 3-4 da)'s must not be
neglected and tgnored, or else 1t may turn mto senous
comphcattons Certam pattents know fully well the causes of
thetr cough and m such cases, It ts always bettet to eradicate
the cause As when the prectpitatmg cause IS removed. cough
wtll subside Itself When there are consecutr\le bouts of
coughmg, try to soothe the agitated membranes and organs
Perststant, hawkmg, dry and fattgumg cough can be
controlled by suckmg Atladivatt or Khadtradt Vat1 Sttopladt
Churna, parched & punfied borax (powder), Powder of
Muletht mtxed wtth honey ts capable of curmg even obstmate
type of cough Even suckmg sugar candy will reheve the pam
m throat and also loosen cough
Ayurveda has drawn clear d1stmctton between symptoms
of cough caused by predommance/vitlat10n of humours
Vatajkas : Cough dnes up and cannot be brought up
despite persistant coughmg Rehef ts immediately felt when
cough IS expelled Aphoma, pam m larynx, heart region,
temples, crown of head, abdomen, rttts Thts type of cough
destroys strength, vmce and lusture
Pittaj Kas : Fever, bummg m chest, thirst, bttter and
yellow vomit, taste bttter, entire body looks pale and there
1s heat and burning all over, mouth remams constantly dry.
Kapbaj Kas : There IS no let up m coughmg, desp1te
abundant expectoration Whole body seems to have been filled
up wtth cough, averston to food and whatever httle Is eaten
turns mto cough, body ts felt to be we1ghty There IS ttchmg
all over the body, headache, feehng as 1ftongue is heavtly coated

Medicines and other supporting measures

Try any of the undernoted medtcine~, vtz
1 Panchamrita Ras 200 mg + Cpuma of J3ahera (vidang)
(2~ gm) should be taken' thrice dally with honey


2 Prepare a hnctus prepared from Harad, long pepper,

gmger, nut grass (Nagar musta)- all m powder form- and
mtxed wtth honey, should be hcked 3-4 ttmes daily or else
prepare a paste (Avaleha) from dates, ratsms (black), black
pepper, vtdanga (Bahera) and long pepper (Ptppah) and mixed
wtth equal quantity of honey (3-4 times daily, Y2 -1 TSP)
3 Other medtcmes used are Eladi Chuma, or Chaturasana
Chuma or Yavam Shadava-each one (not all) to be taken
accordmg the symptoms noted on each pamphlet of processmg

General Guidance
Try to mduce vomttmg m order to expel sputum whtch
can be achteved by takmg sahne water (lukewarm) Once
sputum has been expelled, great rehef Will be felt
Use followmg Items VIZ Sweet or sweetened foods/drmks
(not cold), alkahnes, bttter and hot eatables I hqutds, old Our,
Honey, Tankan (borax), Jaukhar, hot water, garhc, dry gmger
But avoid takmg cttrus, extra bitter food Items, red chillies
Always use hot water for bathmg and drmkmg and never
follow a hot thmg wtth a cold one Do not perform any
pranayam or smoke, at least durmg the Illness
Try also followmg formulations
I Tahshadt Chuma, Powder of Muletht, Tankan, Praval
Bhasma, Shrmga- Bhasma- Quantity 6 gms, 3 gms, lgm.
500mg, 500mg, respectively - all should be combmed and
taken Y2 the quantity m mormng and evenmg with hot '"ater
or sharbat of Banaphsha Thts is a specific combmat10n for
expectoratmg cough
It ts repeated, cough lastmg beyond 3-4 days must be
got mvestigated and treated otherwise It may turn mto
bronchitis, tuberculosis, broncho-prenmonia etb The physiCIM
can't do wonders or ma~tc but, 7an try his hand, provtded the
pattent hstens to and follows his advice in entirety


Sore Throat
It Is a common disorder of the throat and can occur at

any ttme durmg any season, time and place due to followmg
contnbutory causes Causesl Irritants hke spices, condiments
2 Forctble use of Voice, Causmg hoarseness
3 Exposure to cold wmd
4 Inhalation of chemtcals, fumes, dust particles
5 In ttant oral applications
6 Takmg cold drmks and foods whtch are followed by
hot ones
7 Smokmg or chewmg tobacco
There could be other contributory factors that could cause
soreness m the throat

Constant pam, especially while eatmg or drmkmg
Shght fever
Tendency to hawk, ham and suppressed voice
Dtfficulty m swallowmg
Exerttonal effort to expel stuck up sputum when
blood also may spurt out or appear mdependantly
or may be tmged wtth sputum
6 Pam and soreness around and m throat, neck and
glands, wtth occastonal pam m ears and cheeck bones
and Uvula
Treatment : Personal hygtene should be ensured as a
first step Extra citrous, bitter and astrmgent or those obJect
which are hkely and known causes should be guarded agamst
Gargles wtth Iuke warm I hot sahne or alum mixed water IS
a known curattve and preventive ... ~ocally .apply parched borax
powder mtx.ed w1th honey on the pamful area If swallow1ng
of sohd food creates any pam or aggravates ..tt, swttoh on to
hquid dtet only, at least till soreness and .pam disappear


Speak only when tt ts utmost necessary but, m any case

do not use \-Otce forcibly One gm of cmnamon boiled m .
cupful ofwater may be taken (when reduced to 1/3rd quantity
3-4 ttmes da1ly or some honey may also be added to tt
Khadtradt Vatt or Lavangadt Vatt or Mrtchadt Vatt shoul<
be sucked slowly after an mterval of 2-3 hours or as and whet
necessary 50 mg parched borax powder, 300 mg of hqoUttct
(Muletht Powder), 100 gms Sttopladt Churna should be m1xec
wtth honey so as to make a paste which should be taken 3
4 times daily Even the same paste may be applied localal)
over pamful area
Fresh spmach leaves (say 100-200 gms) should be boilec
and used as a gargle when the same turns lukewarm If yot
drmk this liquid, It wtll remove constipation also Hamdard' ~
Sualm can also be used as a lozenge It ts claimed that If a
tablet ts put m hot water and dissolved, It could prove an
effective measure to contam swelhng, patn etc m the throat
But, m any case, protect yourself from exposure to cold
Sore throat can be easily prevented by suttable precauttous
It can recur tf restncttons are relaxed Remember, chromcity
of sore throat may lead to chrome hoarseness, deep-seated
mfectton, septtcaemta, or even total loss of votce (Aphoma)
whtch ts qutte common m teachers, pubhc speakers, orators,
lawyers, clergymen (It ts also called 'Clergyman's sore
throat'), chrome I JUVemle smokers, old person's whose larynx
often gets constricted and atrophted

There are two small, round masses of lymph t1ssues
behmd the tongue- situated one each on either side of pharynx.
Allopatblc surgeons (E N.T Surgeons) generally prefer to
operate these g'lands which resurface even after an operatton
Tonstls are actually guatds to throat, as they won't let 1n any
hannful or infecte4 element or arttclo tnto thr thtoat. But when
they are d1seased due to some sort of infection, they are no

more m a posttton to vouch safe health of our body-more

particularly of throat and respiratory system
Person of any sex and age can fall a vtct1m to thts
mfectton When tonsils have been surgically removed the
opet ated person ( espectally a chtld) IS more susceptible to
mfecttons. It ts a misplaced and unfounded myth that tonsils
are useless body organs hke false nbs & appendix God has
not created any useless organ m human body, and It ts hetght
of Imprudence and mdtscretton to dtaw such baseless
conclustons Removal of any body organ ts no solution to
human physical ptoblem If }'OU have had cold. tt does not
tmply that noc;e should be temo'\led
Hazards of Tonsillitis (Acute or chrome stage)
If there ts chrome tendency of mfecttve tonstls the toxms
released by them get mtermmgled wtth blood stream whtch
ultimately toxlfies vanous regtons of heart Hence mflammatlon
ot tonstls must not be Ignored but fully treated as soon as
detected. mstead ofprolongmg the mfect10n, but tonsillectomy
(removal of tonstls by surgtcal means) ts no soulutton, not m
the least a permanent and everlac;tmg solution to the problem
Chrome tonsillttts ts also hable to retared growth of a
growtng chtld, and affect hts dtgestton and cause also heart
problems. Hence, thts malady must be taken sertously and
tieated Immediately so as to avotd further comphcauons
1 Repeated throat mfecttons
2 Exc\!~she u~~, ot "fltC'cc;, cundtrrtents, acrtd, pungent
and a~trm~ent food ttcms
3 Constant dry, h,;~'""mg. dog-hke cough
Dtfficult et\.p~totnttOil, when extra effort i'i used to
cough up ~putum
5 Fotclble and constant u~c o"f votce -often at a htgh
6 Naso-pharmgeal disease when nasal discharge drops
into the throat, mstead of d1scharging through nose

Chrome Congestion, blockade of nose, when nose

ts blocked by vtsctd and tenaciOus mucus
8 Smokmg chevvmg. mhalmg or mgestmg tobacco or/
and usmg Pan-Masala and Gutkas to keep the mouth
tree from bad odour
9 Excessive use of Ice cream, toffees, sweets, tamarmd,
tartaric ac1d, caiidies. chewmg gum etc
10 Repeated expossure to cold/heat and takmg Iced/
frtged water/soft/hard drmks
l I Frequent resort to known/unknown throat trrttants
12 V tral or Bactenal mfectton
13 Streptococal mfect10n whtch, tf not cured, may lead
to rheumatic fever or Nephrttts (mflammat10n of the
1 Pain on swallowmg
2 Sensat1on of chtll and pt esence of fever
3 Tonsils are engorged, enlarged and mflammed hke
small , balls
4 Wh1t1sh or grey matter covers the tonsllls
5 In Acute state, Tonsils may suppurate and also
dtscharge purulent flutd
6 Extra ordinary tenderness, redness and narrowed
passage (of throat) causmg problem m swallowmg
hqmds even
7 Glands under the jaws/ears start to pain and swell
8. Tone and rhythm of respiration ts affected
Remedical Treatment and supportive measures
Boil flowers ofBanaphsha (V1ola Adorate) m 50 ml vvater
a:nd when contents are reduced to 1!3rd mtx wtth 200mJ milk
and drink hot Gargle wtth sahne I purified alum or even dry
powder of alum may be applied over swollen tonstls Use
linctus made out ofVacha, Vasti, honey and KulanJar'l (Acorus
Calamus~ Glycyrrhtza glabra and Cucuma Zedoria respectively)
and use 3-4 times datly.

It ts clatmed that 1f Agasty::> Rasayan ts taken twtce daJiy

wtth honey for about stx months, tt wtll provtde permanent
relief and 1mmumty from the atlment To soothe the agJtated
glands suck 5-6 tablets ofKhadtradt Vatt as and when required
In addttJOn, apply hot fomentation over throat, and adJotmng
I repeat tonstthtts IS a recurrmg phenomenon and chtldren
must be gmded to abstam from use of such art1cles that are
known Irntants and causatives If preventton ts not adhered
to, Jt ts no use takmg any medtcme you may use tr.e drugs
mdtcated unJer the capt1on 'Sore Throat'. also as symptoms

Pneumoma JS caused by bactena m '\\hich lungs mflame,
air sacs (alveoli) fill up with pus as a result of whtch atr IS
excluded and the lungs become solid (also called
'Consohdat10n') Symptoms depend on vtrulence of attack and
the amount or area of the lung mvolved- general symptoms
bemg pam m the chest and cough. wtth shadows appearmg
on the chest and are vtstble on X-Ray film.
Types of Pneumonia

1 Broncho-pneumonia : Thts is the most common type

that starts around the bronchae and the bronchtoles
2 Lobar Pneumonia : It IS caused by certam strams
of streptococcus pneumomae and affects whole lobes of one
or both the lungs
3 Hypostatic Pneumonia : People who are generally
chtlled, Ill or immobilized are the general vtctims
Causes : Allopathic system believes that the dtsease ts
caused by an orgamsm called 'Pneumococcus' and above
mentioned types are stmply vanous forms of mamfestatlon
Its incubation pertod IS 2-6 days But, ayurved holds Vata
Dosha ( couszh vitiation) to be the baste cause.


In chddren tt begms w1th convulswns but m adults,

wtth a fit of sh1vermg
2 Temperature stays between 38C & 39 5C
3 Breathmg 1s shallow and pamful
4 Pulse bemg raptd
5 Coughmg ts almost perststant/short lived, or ts
tenaciOus and adhesive but, at ttmes, tt (sputum) may
be blood-streaked
6 Fever revolves around 40C f01 about a week and
then, suddenly falls when the pattent has profuse
perspiration, extreme prostration feelmg of stnk.mg
7 Though the pam, appearmg at the mcept10n stage,
may dtsappear but (may) sh1ft to ptt of the stomach
when tt ts m1staken for abdommal pam
8 Sleeplessness and restlvtty, mental agitatton and fear
of 1mpendmg death
9 The chest stops movmg on msp1rat10n and expuat10n,
due to ng1d1ty factor
An untreated and prolonged pneumonta develops mto
double pneumonia when both of the lungs are affected, or 1t
mtght lead to pleuresy ( mflammatton of the pleura) due to
accumulat10n of flutd m the pleural Cavtty \Vhlch 1s a sttll
graver symptom.
When the temperature suddenly falls on the lOth day,
the pattent gets much weaker and hts breathmg ts also feeble.

- 125mgJ Mtx all mgredmets
Rasa Smdoor
- 125mg to form one do&e Take
Shtrnga Bhasma - 12Smg such a dose wtth JU&ce
- 250mg of ginger thnce datly
(u) Ashtadashang Kwath- 1Sml should be taken once only
m the monung da1ly.
Above :medic me:; will meet medlcmal requirements of the
patient at the inittal stage


Followmg medtcmes may be trted tf the patient ts

suffermg ftom quick breathmg (1)
Swash Kasa
Chentamam Ras
125mg Combme
Bhasma of Mayur Ptchha
125mg all these
Ptppah churna
I 25mg medtcmes
Rock salt
125mg to make a
Apanarg Khshaar
- 350mg smgle dose
Churna of Kaksasmgh
Smg whtch should
be repeated after every 3 hours, to be taken with honey
(u) Taahshadt chuma
- 6 gm
- I gm
- 0 5 gm
All the satd medtcmes should be mtxed wtth syrup of
Ltsorra (Cardia Mysa) and used as a linctus The hnctus needs
to be taken 1-2 ttmes durmg 24 hours
(tu) Tnbhuvan K1rt1 Rasa, Vata Chmtamam Ras, Naradeeya
lakhsmt Vtlas Ras, Kastun Bhatrav Rasa, should be taken
either smgally or m combmed form accordmg to gravity
of dehrtum Quantity and frequency dosage must be
determmed by the attendmg physician but never by the
patient or hts attendants
(Iv) Dashanga Lepa should be massaged on and around chest,
of course under medical advice
(v) When fever suddenly drops down (whtch ts a cnsts
sttuatwn), Mtx 125mg each of Kasturtbhatrava and
v1shwesewar Rasa(s), Saubbagya Vatt 175mg -It should
be taken with Cardamon powder and honey
Dtet should be easily dtgesttble, bland and hght Warm
soups of vegetables /frutts can be quite rewardmg Protect the
patient from exposure to cold - at least till fever perststs No
exerctses should be undertaken during the mvas1ve pertod of
illness but, after fever has subsided, gradual and show walkmg
may be resorted to.

To sum up, Pneumoma or broncho-pneumoma IS a

dangerous and hfe threatenmg malady, parttcularly when the
pattent ts a chtld, an old person or a pregnant lad)'. and must
always be treated by an able and expenenced physician whose
all the directiOns must be followed m enttrety
Take all necessary safeguards, protectmg the pattent from
cold draughts, exposure, trrttatmg foodstuffs, known allergens,
smokmg and use of tobacco m any other form, sptces, cold
Even after full recovery has been made, do not overload
yourself wtth heavy \Nork, strenuous phystcal labour, or
vtgorous activity, tather pace of worked should be gradually

Tuberculosis & Tuberculosis of Lungs

Tuberculosis : Harnson has descrtbed, defined and
dtscerend vanous facets of tuberculosis as follows
"It 1s an infectious dtsease caused by the bacillus
Mycobacterium Tuberculosts and charactensed by the fonnat10n
of nodular lesions (Tubercules) in the tissues , Now he
describes Vartous types of Tuberculosis as follows
"In pulmonary tuberculosis, formerly known as
Consumption and Phtbigis (wastmg), the bactllus ts mhaled
mto the lungs where J.t 'Sets up a prtmary tubercle and spreads
to the nearest lymph nodes (The Primary Complex). Natural
tmmune defences may heal at at this stage, altemattvely the
disease may smolder for months together or years and fluctuate
with pat1ent's resistance. Many people become mfected but
show no symptoms. They can. however, act as carrters,
transmitting the bacillus by coughing and sneezing."
"Sym.ptoms of activ~ disease iqelude, fever, night
sweats, weight loss, and spitting of blood. In some cases,

the bacillic spread from the lunp to the blood stre.m, setting
up millions of tiny tuben:les throughout the body (Miliary

Tuberculosis), ormtgrate to the menmges to cause tuberculous

menmgttts Bactllus ente11ng by mouth, usual!) m mfected
cow's mdk, set up a pumary complex m abdommal lymph
nodes, leadmg to petltomtts. and somettmes spread to other
01gans, JOmts and bones (Refet to Pott's Dtsease)
Aforesatd descnptton g1ves 111 a nutshell, a btrd's eye
vtew of tuberculosis The cause IS gene rail~ the same but I me
of treatment d1ffers m almost all the systems of medtcme
Followmg factots are constdered as forerunnmg events
that cause thts dteaded dtsease wh1ch can be transmitted from
the mothet to her offsprmg, from parents to progen)', from
husband to w1fe and vace versa and so on
1 Lowered reststance power of body
2 Over-mdulgence m se:l\.
3 Heredtty
4 Otabetes and other metabolic dtseases
5 Pers.tstant tll-health
Suscepttbthty to the dtsease
7 Excesstve use oftobacco, hquors, drugs, low nutrttaon
8 Overwork and workmg for prolonged hours, without
d&et and rest.
9 Workmg m unhealthy factories where sun-rays, hght
and fresh atr do not enter.
I 0 Ltvmg m unhealthy and unhygtemc quarters, cellars,

Types of Tuber~!UlQsis
In lntestmal TB. there ts dtsturbed dtgestton,
dtstenston of abdomen, loss of appetite (Anorex.ta), rumbhng
noises in the abdomen and a~be (con~muous) When TB
affects small intestmes, there as constipatiOn but, when colon
(large intestine) is involves loose motioos set trt In addJtlon,
there is inflammation of bowels pm~lff.tion lS faster her~
S~rqfgJpqs T,Q. : H~re &eat pf infecttQn 1s glan4s


which nflame, swell and enlarge and. m some cases, there

JS pus formation also, (SuppuratiOn)
(m) T.B. of Bones : It affects patients of young age
'-\hen bones start crumbmg But, when the mfectwn reaches
the spmal area, patient IS not able to stand and there ts curvature
m spme also, but when aged persons are the VICtims, femur
and tibia are the seats of mfectton

Pulmonary Tuberculosis
It IS also called T B of lungs, m common parlance, or
simply pthtsts and IS the most dangerous of all the types of
T B As the dtsease progresses, affected part of lungs becomes
softer and starts suppuratmg but, m the Imttal stage, there IS
formation & presence of tubercles (little lumps) m the lungs,
shght nse m temperature that often rtses towards the evening,
when there IS bleedmg from the lungs at the tertmenal stage
and, finally, the patient dtes
Preventive and Follow up steps
1 Nutnonal factor should be pushed up to make up for
the lost energy and resistance
2 Work culture or profess10n that adds to woes of the
pattent should be changed if posstble
3 Gtve up hvmg m slums, cellars, dark, unhygienic,
damp places where sunlight and fresh air rarely or
never reach
4 Cultivate active, hygtemc personal habtts.
5 Somettmes change of chmate, house, food, water etc.
also prove benefictal.
6 Isolate pattent from rest of the commumty or at least
from those famtly members who often, tfnot always,
remam tn contact wtth the patient.
7 Pat1ent's sputum should be disposed-'of and burnt or
kept in vessel wht~b has Pot Permanganate mtxed
water or ash

The pattent should always use a hanky or towel so

that cough drops do not fall on the persons who often
come mto hts contact
9 He must a\- Old sexual coitus. as loss of any vttal flu,d
Will add to hts problems
10 Take plenty of ghee, butter, cheese, eggs, fish, green
& leafy vegetable and frutts (seasonal only) Take
plenty of dates, grapes, garltc, honey
11 Cmnamon. garhc. gmger. Amaltas, hquounce, honey,
vasaka I vasa ( ~dhotoda Vas1ca), alum, borex. rock
salt are all useful Items whtch may be taken m
moderate quantity
12 Sunhght and fre::.h atr are the best tomes for a T B
Domestic Formulations
Bora:x. (parached on Iron-plate)
powder (suhaga)
- 1 Part
Muletht Powder (hquonce Powder) - 4 Parts
or Sttopladi Churna (Banshalochan
- 2 Parts
- 8 Parts
Mtx all the mgredtents to make a thm paste One
TSP may be taken, three or four times daily, and
licked Th1s ts a specifically all round, preventive
and curative remedy whtch clears the lungs, removes
any type of congestion, pam, mflammat10n. It expels
trapped phlegm from nose, throat and lungs and,
above all, serves as a scavangtng agent for the
respiratory organs, m addttton to ra1smg general
reststance, body strength, tmprovmg functiOnality of
respiratory organs and can be safely used m almost
cases and ages, when respiration 1s at fault, or there
is sore throat, laboured voice, tonsdhtls, cough (dry
or phlegmatic, pulmonary, turbercular)

One ouncejutce of leaves of Adhotoda Vas1ca (vasa)

should be nu\.ed 5-lOml of honey and taken thnce
dally, or else rudatt (ctessa cresta) 2 gms taken twrce
dally w1th honey/lukewaun water, will reduce
mtensit)' of the dtsease
Boil 4-6 clo\1 es of garhc, fully pealed off and et ushed
(or as a whole) bot led m 500ml mtlk of cow/buffalo
and when reduced to ~ th quanttty. should be taken
dally at bed-tune m the mght Some people are
allergtc to ga.-Itc and tf so. they should not take thts
combinatiOn They can taken JUice of gmget, holy
bastl (say 2 5-Sml each) honey 5ml and take at 34 tunes datly as a substitute of garhc milk
Ayunredic Medicines (For general apphcabthty)
I Swarna Malatl Vasanta Ras - 25-50gms wtth milkcream or thrtce daaly
Mahalakhshmt Vdas Ras (Nardtya)-200 gms 3-4
t1mes datJy wtth honey
2. Chayavanprash Avaleh (Paste)-spectal- I to 1 Yz TSP
twtce dally wtth hot milk dally
3 One ounce of Drakhshasava, mixed w1th equal
quanttty of water, twtce datly aftet meals
4 Dry and exhaustmg cough can be cured by takmg
250-SOOmg of Praval Pxsthr and 125-250 mg of

suvarna vasant Malat1 Ras and 250mg of Amntasava

should be taken with Amla Ras
In case of high fever Panchanan Ras
Mukta panchamrita

- 125 mg
- 125mg

- 250 mg should be taken
wtth honey in the mormns and evening

Sttopaladt Chuma

10-12 gms mixed wath


Chandramrtta (Ras 0 5-lgm and used as a Imctus

3-4 t1mes da1ly
In case when phlegm 1s blood-tinged or "hen there
is blood-letting (independantly or accompanied with
Phlegm), take either of the combmations.
Vasant Malatt Ras
- 12 5mg = one dose to
Kulakandana Ras
- 250mg be taken w1th
Shatmoolyadt Lauh - 250mg honey thnce
Lakhshad1 Churna
- 250mg datly
Praval P1sht1
- 250mg~
Swaranmakhsh1ka Bhasma- 125mg =one
- 10 gms dose
It should be taken m the mornmg and evenmg w1th goat's!
cow's milk dally

It IS an mflammation of the bronch1 (that ts anyone of
the atr passages that he beyond the wmdptpe (trachea) and
has carttlege and mucus glands m its wall). Acute bronchttls
ts caused by bactena or vtruses, and is characterised by
coughmg, productiOn of muco- purulent sputum, narrowing of
the broncht because of spasmodic contraction When the
dtsease reaches tts chrome stage, the pat1ent coughs up
enormous amount of cough secretd by enlarged bronchal
mucus glands Even broncho-dialotors cannot prov1de any
rehef m bronchospasm. When fresh atr fads to reach the lungs,
the patient has to exert a lot so as to ease expectoratton but
various paroxysms fail to bnng up mucus In thts SltuatiOn
the patient's face or even whole body turns blue/cyanotic,
thread of respiration sets impeded.
Caues : Ayurveda ascribes tts onset to defective
dtgestive process where anyone or all digestave organs Qould

be at fault The dtsease can occur at any parttcular ttme, but

damp and cold chmate ts often the contnbutory cause If
dtgesttve process ts restored to normalcy bronchttts can be
cured - accordmg to Ayurvedtc theory
Some symptoms have been detatled earlier but tnost
promment symptoms mclude I Inflammat10n of mucus membrane of the bronchi to
which phlegm adheres and sttcks
Dtfficulty m expelling phlegm
Phlegm may be purulent and vtsctd, when expelled
Successtve attacks of cough may tun1 the pattent' s
appearance to blue look (colour)
Breathlessness (Pulmonary dyspnoea), loss of
appetite and nse m temperature may ensue m acute stage of
Pattent ts thm, emactated and run-down, generally
gtvmg an exhausted and anaemic look
Prepare powder of equal quantity of Black pepper, long
pepper and dry gmger and take half teaspoonful, thrtce daily
with honey, or dtssolve one teaspoonful ofHartdra (turmertc)
powder with milk, for bemg taken thrtce datly Even a
teaspoonful of honey and gmger jutce dtssolved m 150 ml of
hot water wtll cause expectoration of trapped phlegm.
In both acute and chronic stages, try the followmg
Sttopladt Chuma (3gm), Rasa Smdoor (125mg) and
Praval Ptshtt (250mg) should be taken thrtce datly wtth ghee
or mtlk cream
Other useful combmations Mtx Shringyad1 Chuma
(2gm), kaphaketu (125mg) and kaphachintamani (125mg) to
be taken thrtce datly with honey Suckmg Khadiradi Vat1 as
a lozenge will relieve throat congestton and also loosen cough.

Diet : Banana, guava, potato, nee, curd, sour substance

must be avotded Take care not to stram your fratl body by
vtgorous phys1cal acttvtty and exerctses Avoid exposure to
cold and damp weather Avotd also all the cold beverages
If the patient IS a chtld, take extta care lest the malady assumes
senous and hfe threatemng postures

Whooping Cough
Thts ts an mfectton caused by bactena (an orgamsm
called Bordetella Pertussts), hence tts nomedation as Pertussis
Causes & Symptoms : The diseases affects chlldten
generally, though some bouts of cough and resultant vomitmg
of mgesta/sputum ts also taken/mistaken for whoopmg cough
Common symptoms are
(1) Persistant Cough, commg m paro:x)'Stn.!:,
(n) D1scharge ofthtck mucus from the nose, (also called
(111) Watermg from the eyes and tt looks as tfthey would
bulge out of the sockets durmg an attack
(iv) Feverishness
(v) Irrttatmn m the throat, and the chtld at gt asps hts
throat wtth the hands
(v1) Cham of sertes ofraptd and vtolent attacks of cough
whtch ~hake the cluld's bod,Y
(vu) A loud, sonorous (crowmg) m:,pu atlon (called
(vtn) Due tc,.) pet s1stant bouts of cough, the pat tent turns
C} anot1c due to a1r-hmger
Vaata Vtt1at10n 1s satd to be the baste cause of the dtsea'ie
but repeated atta"ks ate also mdicattve of constant throat
Treatment : Branded proprtetory medicmes hke Dashmuh
Ghrtta, Kantakaryavaleh, panchmooh Kasha)'a, ApraJitaleha
may be tried - for dosage and other dtrecttons, one should

be gutded by the literature provtded wtth each medtcme o

consult physrcJan
If consttpatton ts there, admmtster castor 01l etther blanc
or mtxed wtth cow's milk Exposure to cold wmds must b~
guarded agamst, as 1t can further aggravate the complication
Dtet should be bland, hqutd and non-offenstve as advisec
under sore throat In dry and hackmg cough 1Oml of gmge1
JUice wtth equal quantity of honey wtll provtde soothmg reheJ
(to be taken twtce daily)
If the complications set m and there are no signs o1
improvement or recovery, the pattent may need hospttahsatton
whtch must not be delayed




Diseases of Digestive




rocess of digestiOn has already been detailed earlier

whtch needs no racapttulatiOn here All the dtgestiOn
related upsets are the resultant-end of our errattc,
~rregu lar and relaxed food habtts If you are suffermg from acidity,
heart-burn, loose mot1ons or constipation, dysentery, flatulence,
cohc pam, dyspepsta, piles etc, It IS nature's forewammg that
somethmg ts wrong with or some wrong and unsuitable food ttem
has been mgested and the infectton has adversely affected our
dtgesttve system General dt~>eases ofdtgestlve system are.
l Constlpatton
2 Gastritis & Gastralgia
3 Loose mottons or Diarrhoea
4. Dysentery
5 Intestinal wonns
6 Flatulence
7 Dyspep~Ia/lnchgestton
8 Cohcpam

The btggest monster of dtgestton related dtsorders is
consttpatton wluch is only a symptom and nota disease Consttpatlon
ts caused by-


Causes (1) Food gram cereals whtch have no bran or roughage

(n) Too much and too frequent use of fish, meats, sptces,
(m) Sparse use ofleafy and green vegetables, hke mustard,
spmach, salads etc
(Iv) Lack or absence ofmtlk, ghee, mtlk cream, curd, whey
and butter from diet
(v) Less or no mtake ofJmcy seasonal frutts
(vt) Use ofhquorous wmes, whtsktes. tobacco
(vu) Excessive use of and dependance on purgatrves or
laxative to get nd ofconstipatiOn
(vm) Leadmg a sedantary hfe, takmg to no physical activity
F ollowmg conditions also fall under constipation\\-'hen there ts no desire for stools for once or even
durmg 24 hours '
Even after vtsttmg the tOilet, there IS no expulsion of
faeces or, tfitall there ts eva(.,uattOn, It IS parttal and the
patient feels as tf somethmg ts still left behmd m the
\Vhen a person goes to the clo~et agam and ag:am but
pas.ses stools only m parts or none at all
First there are hard stouls and then followed IJy loos.c
When mtestmes functton normally but rectum and am 1s
fatl to expel faecal matter (called also nnpactton ot
When stools are c;o hard that they r1p ap,trt 1c\'tum and
anus whlle paqsing-resultma m blo1.1d oozmg (Pdc.,)
If all the above factor~ and pomh nre "artfully ~iUlhed ..tnd
looked mto. one can easily conclude that dun rht)Ca dv..,t"r1tcx~
tlatualence, abdommal patn, resttvlt) t\Cldlt), 1VI.Jml~ ct1.. arc nothmg
hut off-shoots of chrome or acute consttpat10n Ifthe cau~es that
account for consttpatJOn are dispelled, the problem of con!:lttpatton
will automattcalty, be solvedt With resultautdinumshmg all other
complamts mentioned above Foul sme 11, uneasmess, aversion to

take food or even mtolerance to stght of any food Item, heavmess

at the ptt of stomach and (lower) bowels, mterrupted urmary flow
are the other symptoms of constt pat10n
Treatment: Take 1-2 TSP oflsabgole husk wtth hot milk
daily at mght before rettrmg to bed In my opm10n, tt IS the best and
most effective measure to offset even chrome constipation Those
who have obstmate constipatiOn, should take 1-1 V:! TSP ofTnphala
wtth hot water or else wtth hot mtlk datly at mght, before retmng to
bed - m both cases, there must be a gap of 2-3 hours between
dmner and mtlk Gulkand ts another useful medtcme, 1 TSP (heaped)
should be taken datly as dtrected above Fourthly, small Harad
should be fned m desi ghee or castrol oil and reduced to powder
fmm- a TSP of the powder should be taken datly as dtrected
Persons, who have pam and tenesmus while passmg stools,
should take 1-2 TSP of castor ml wtth hot milk at mght before
rettrmg to bed It ts stmply a matter of mdtvtdual suttabt hty, hence
the pat1ent has to see whtch mgredtent su1ts htm best Some
persons prefer to take lemonJUtce m hot water-1-2 hours before
anttctpated ttme ofvtsttmg the closet
Prepare ptlls from followmg mgred1entsSenna leaves -4gms
Pulp of Amaltas
- 3gms
Rose buds
- Sgms
Pound the above mgredtents to process ptlls of 1 gm each
at nrght For persons wtth nasty, '-OSttve bowels and weak penstalsts,
thts is a better and more effective preparatiOn but those who have
moderate type ofconsttpation should take halfthe dose or else take
anyone ofthe earlier menttoned mgredtents
Diet etc: Mtlk and m1lk products, green and leafty vegetables
hke mustard, spmach, salads and vegestables having fairly large
amount ofpulp like turnip Torat, etc should be consumed m plenty
Develop the habit of usmg lemon JUice in water or cooked

vegetables Whey, curd, butter, butter mtlk, cream, cheese are also
useful Wheat black gram, matze/com. millet, barley should not be
dtvested from bra m/roughage Those who have penchant for whtte
bread are chi omc VICtims of consttpat1on
Secondly, get up and sleep at a fixed time and do not dtstut b
your schedule Late mght keepmg and gettmg up late IS another
cause ofthts malady Dunng day ttme, have a glass of Orange,
Mousambt or pomegranate JUICe-1-2 hours pnorto takmg lunch
Chrome suffers of constipatiOn will have headache, belchmg,
heavtness and pam m abdomen, gas formation, eo he, lethargy,
dtsmchnat10n to work, avers ton to any phystcal activtty, bhnd or
bleedmg ptles, achmg all over the body, general malaise, sour or
bttter eructatiOns, yawnmg etc Remember the baste concept of
ayurveda that tf your stomach (whtch means dtgestiOn) IS m
dtsorder, nothmg else can be m order, and tfyour stomach ts m
order, everythmg else will remam m order The reason bemg that
dtet IS the ed1fice over wh1ch all physical act1v1ttes rest

Gastritis I Gastralgia
Gastnt1s means mflammation ofmucus hmng ofthe stomach
When corrosive and trntatmg substances are mgested acute gastritis
follows, and vomttmg IS caused Chrome gastrttls Is caused by
excessive smokmg and chronic Irritation It can also be caused
when bile enters the stomach v1a duodenum, Chrome gastnt1s may
be followed by atrophy of stomach whtch IS known as 'Atrophic
gastntts' Symptoms hke nausea, vomiting, loss ofappet1te, abodmmal
dtscomfort are not caused by mflammat10n ofstomach
Causes & Symptoms : Gastralgta means pam m abodmen
wh1ch may ensue due to overeatmg and accumulatton of gas
(wmd) in the stomach and is not a sertous symptom because there
IS rehefwhen wmd ts expelled
In fact, gastritis requ1res correctton through dtetary adJustment
Excesstve mtake of sptces, smokmg, alcohol are prectpttatory
causes ofth1s malady In addttton, it may also be caused by food
potsomng, toxms released mto blood stream by gout/ and umemic

condtttOns, swallowmg ofactds and alkalts Persons whose tendency

IS towards Pttta (btle) are more prone to gastntis than others If
there ts consttpatton, apart from the satd causatrv es, It wtll Simply
add fuel to fire
Durmg the course of vomttmg, first of all food (taken m
excess) ts purged out, followed by btle and the patient feels much
relteved after all undesirable food matter has been vomtted out
Treatment : Ghee Is satd to correct food mdiscrettOns and
for this purpose 1-2 TSP ofSukumara Ghr1ta should be mtxed m a
cup of milk and taken as first thmg m the mommg It wtll counteract
bad effects ofB1le, because bile IS the chtefmonster for causmg
thts malady Dhatn Lauh lgm should be gtven a tablespoonful of
JUICe of Amalaki, take 2 TSPs of A vtpathtkar C hurna, wtth water,
at bed ttme daily, and contmue till constipation 1s ehmmated/
Diet etc : Abstam from the use of red chillies, sptces, ac1dic
and pungent substances, alcohe>l and branded beverages, as they
all are known to mcrease bile m the body Whenever there are
actdtc or bthous eructations, bummg m chest, at once mferthat the
pattent 1s headmg towards gastntts
Use sugar, milk. barely, old rtce and wheat, green banana's
cooked vegetable, pumkm, bitter gourd, pomegr-anate, cow s milk,
coconut water, cucumber etc
The patient should walk daily for 1-2 kilometres m the mommg
and after takmg dmner He should free hts mmd from tenston,
worry and anx1cty and take rest-m-bed
As for gastralgta, take a TSP ofLavan Bhaskar Chuma after
meals datly or stm ply take am seeds ( 1TSP) after meals 1fthere 1s
constipatiOn, take the med1cmes and measures mdicated earher
Never sleep tmtnediately after takmg meals, rather have a stroll so
that wmd gets expelled qutckly After an hour, after takmg meals,
sit m the 'VaJrasana' (a yog1c method) whtch won't let wmd
accumulate in the stomach. It will also qutckly dtgest mgested food;
hence a great devtce to get rtd of gastralgta and flatulent cohc

Loose Motions I Diarrhoea

Causes : It rs called 'Attsaar' m Ayurveda whtch means
forceful gurhng out ofhqutd stools and ts mdrcattve ofmulttple
causative factors such as
(t) Heavy and hrgh ml-rtch foods
(n) Too rough, hot, liquified, solid foods
(m) Too cold substances or mgestton of such food that does
not suit m a particular cltmate
(1v) Foods ttems havmg opposite reaction orwhtch are mnntcal
or mcompatible, hke fish and mtlk
(v) Take stale, putrid food or food taken m great haste or
when there IS no appettte
('\it) Excesstve use ofpurgattves
(vn) Excesstve consumption ofhqour
(vm) To much swnnmmg
(tx) Irregular urmation or stools or suppression of natural
flow/outlet thereof
(x) Worm mfect10ns or excesstve adherance to venutfuges
(XI) Impure, contammated and unhygtemc water
(xu) Worry, tenston.anxtety
(xni) Etther overwork or too easy hfe style
(XIV) Bactertal mfect10ns.
1 Pam around navel, m stomach and abodmen
2. Pnckmg (orneedleltke) sensation
3 Impeded flatus
4 Restricted bowel movements or else mab1 lity ofmtestmes/
rectum/anus to hold on to expulston of faeces
5 Urgency to evacuate bowels when flow may be
dtscharged w1th great force, notse and pam, alongwith
Varieties of diarrhoea : It ts mainly of six types viz,- the
three variettes are caused by all the three (vitiated) humours, the
fourth is caused by sudden fright, fifth bemg 'Aa.maj Atisar' whtch

IS caused by mdigesttOn or' Aamdosha and lastly the sixth onecaused by etther Kapha, Vata or Pttta Contnbutory and determ mmg
cause will determme chotce of a particular prescnptlon
Treatment : Try to locate the cause that has caused the
malady Instead of gomg mto the dynamics of causat10ns take
correcttve steps so as to ensure stoppage of loose motions,
restoration of electrolytic balance m the body Try followmg set of
medicmes, dependmg on spectfic symptoms, Ifalready (dtscemmgly)
As a first step boll water and let 1t cool down and, when fully
cooled, add a TSP of sugar and pmch of salt to a htter (of boiled
water) Let the patient Sip thts mixture It Vvtll restore balance of
water and sodtum m the body and also save pattent's hfe and
=on dose
Shunthyadt Chuma
- I gm
Shankha Bhasma
- 125mg
Take three such doses With amseeds, cum m seeds and honey,
thnce dally (at an mterval of 4 hours)


Hmgvashtak Chuma
KutaJa Churna
Gangadhar Chuma


Kuta;a Chuma
Ptyushavalh Ras

One gm each = 1 dose Take

three such doses at an mterval
of 4 hours with buttermilk or
lukewann water

-SOOm ~
_ 250mgg


one dose Take a

dose m the mommg

Tnphala Chuma
- 1/3 TSPJ =One dose
Powder of
Pomegranate rind
-2/3 TSP
(or Anar ke Chhtlke ka chuma)
To be taken with whey 3-4 times daily Some black salt,
cumen seeds powder and anisseed powder may be taken alongwith,
to make the dose more effective and useful.

Raman Chuma
One dose Repeat
Sanjeevam Vatt
directed m No 1
Mahagandhakyoga -125mg
Diet: Nothmg soltd, greasy, heavy ttem should be given
Sago, barley water, nee and cmd,Jmce of pomegranate and other
frUits may be taken, or khichn prepared from moong-ki-Dal and
rtce may be taken wtth curd- add black salt and cum m seeds to


Ifloose stools are not controlled m time, there Is ulceratiOn m
the mtestmes, there IS also passage of mucus wtth semi-sohd
stools But, when there IS severe mfect10n m the mtestmes, blood
may also accompany the evacuations or else stools may be blood/
mucus-tmged This IS far more senous malady than Dtan hoea
Dysentery IS etther amoebtc or bactlhary- both bemg caused
by mfect10n In the amaebic vanety there IS presence of mucus
wtth stqois and It ts called 'Ptavaakhtka' whtch ts far more senous
stale than the latter There IS gnpmg pam m abdomen and IS
endemic to troptcal chmate Moreover, It can recur Active orgamsm
that IS considered to be tts root cause, ts known IS entomoeba
Hystolytlca Ifnot controlled, the mfect10n may pass on to hver and
cause hepatic amoebiasts, m whtch cond1t10n there 1s loss ofwetght
and appetite Another notable symptoms bemg general emaciation,
anaemia and mdtgestion
In bacdhary dysentery, blood mtxed stool1s passed. As soon
as the mfectton IS controlled tt won't recur qutte soon, unless
condtt10ns warrant so It IS called 'Raktatisar', forwhtch treatment
ts the same whtch ts prescrtbed and advised for amoebtc dysentry
Treatment : Bael fruit IS by far the most effecttve and
useful remedy Its pulp or sharbat (syrup) prepared from fresh &
ripe pulp should be taken 5-6 times dally At night or durmg day
Isabgole husk should be taken with curd Thtrd medtcme is to mix
Triphala powderwxth powder ofpomegranate rmd (1 3) and taken
wtth whey or curd- one TSP 3-4 times in 24 hours. Unrtpe bael

frutt should be roasted over fire and mfuston made out of tt Mtx
some Jaggery (Gur) wtth equal qua~nt1ty of dned gtnger (Saunth)
and taken w1th buttermtlk as a supportive atd These are some of
the home remedtes wh1ch have stood the test oftune and ate still
used ftequently rn rural and urban areas
Try followmg medtcmes also
1 Ptyushvalh Ras- 1-2 Tablets wtth roasted bael frUit and
Jaggery -twtce daily, or KutaJaghana Vati- 1-2 Tablets
twtce orthnce datly wtth water
2 KutaJa (Holarrhena anttdysentenca) ts an excellent drug
for amoebtc dysentry Pound the bark to form powder
and take a TSP thnce datly w1th water If constlpatton
occurs, take Isabgole husk wtth butter mtlk m milk
(I TSP at bed time)
Chrome amoebic dysentery can be controlled and treated by
resort to Prupat course under the supervision ofa quahfied physiCian
It ts satd that Parpattts the only successful mode to cure amoebtc
dysentry once and forever
Diet: Avotd all sptces salts, condiments, ghee or other types
of fats, chtlltes If necessary, only meat soups be taken Cttrus
frutts, pomegranate and am la may be taken A void cold bath and
take complete rest-m-bed

Dyspepsia I Indigestion
When food cannot be dtgested, tt ts called mdtgestton or
dyspepsia or' Agmmandya'
Causes : Thts ts not a dtsease but stmply an outcome of
wrong and mdtscreet eatmg The three humours account for
mdtgestton when they get VItiated or tmbalanced
(1) Excesstve Vata causes pam m the stomach
(n) Excess Pttta causes burnmg sensatton, heart burn/actdtty
(iti) Excess ofKapha causes Nausea and Vomttmg
When Jatharagm (fire/heat that helps food to dtgest) gets
decreased mdtgestiOn sets m Those who take too much of sptces,
liquors, frted foods, fats, condiments, citrus frutts, tamarind etc are

h.t.ble to ,uffer from dyspepsia In fact wrong eatmg, not eatmg at

sptctfic ttme, eatmg too much and qutte often, particularly the
af, ,resatd mgredtents, smokmg, use of drugs are more prone to
mdtgest10n Milk dyspepsia, beer dyspepsia are other types ofthts
1 Burnmg m chest region and actdtc rtsmgs
2 Belchmg of gas and sour/actdtc eruectat10ns
3 Nausea and vomttmg
4 Pam m stomach regton and rumblmgs menttre abdommal
5 Loss ofappettte or else camne hunger
6 Flatulence, gastralgia
7 Foul taste and odour m the mouth
8 Discomfort
It ts no use correctmg the malady by the atd ofmedtcmes If
followmg Simple rules, pertammgto dtet, are adhered to, one cannot
have this sort for complamt
1. Avotd excessive mtake of food
2 Eat only when there Is actual need, but shun the habtt of
eatmg every now and then
3 Ear-mark tune for eatmg and try to sttck to the designated
and fixed ttme ofeatmg
4. Never take your meals m hurry, when you are worrted,
S Do not dig your grave wtth your teeth, as Gluttons dig
thetr own grave
6 Take only seasonal foods and fruits and cultivate the
habit ofregional foods.
7. Do not lead a sedentary and mactive hfe Take to
mommgwalk(which should be bnsk) and evemngwalk
(whtch should stmply be a stroll or slow walk with short
8. Do not sleep aftertakmg lunch but you may have a short

nap or stmply relax m art easy chatr Never sleep

tmmedtately after takmg dmner- thete must a gap of2
hours between takmg meals and 1 et1rmg to bed
9 Avotd alcohol drmks, smokmg, fned and fast foods,
chats, fruit chat and exposed foods (a\latlable m the
10 Use only fresh vegetables and fruits never use any
putnd, stale, dust latden eatables
Remember, tfyour dtgestiOn ts out of order, nothmg else can
ever be m order, as when food ts properly digested, all organs ofthe
body are nutntloned and fortified but nevervtce versa
I know the case of certam persons who believe m the maxim
that anythmg worth eatmg on this earth must be eaten Thts ts
simply an excuse to satiate taste buds Remember, all thmgs do not
sutt all persons ahke, hence a dtvtdmg hne must be drawn between
what sutts best and what causes harm and discomfort- you cannot
be a gamer tf you violate dietary rules Diseases borne out of
wrong and mdtscreet food mtake, can be corrected by takmg nght
and suttable foods.
1. SarJ tkasatava, Lashunad1 Vat1 and Samudradt Churnaone gram each - may be taken wtth lukewarm water,
twtce dally (after meals)
2. One gm each ofNarayan Churna and Agmmukh chuma
be taken 3 ttmes datly wtth lukewarm/ hot water
3 Shatapatrtyadt Chuma (2gms) and AJmadt Chuma
(750mg) should be taken wtth warm water in the mommg
4. Mix 20ml (4 TSP) ofDmkhshanstha wtth equal quantity
water, for bemg taken after meals dady.
5. Sugar 6 gms, Raisins 3 gms and Hantakt churna should
be taken at mght wtth water, so as to clear the bowels
6. Chew aniseeds (One TSP) after meals
If food indtscretions are repeatedly adhered to wtth
abwtdance, no medtcine can ever cure the erratic person, as

precaution & preventton have no V table substttute

Intestinal Worms
W 01 ms hatch and multiply where there 1s dtrt and filth They
cannot emerge & multiply m a healthy body, and constipatiOn
seems to provide a breedmg place to such worms Let us remember
causes of worms emanate through and via our mouth We eat with
the help ofhands and unchpped and dtrty natls provtde an excellent
opporttmtty to vartous types ofgerms to gam entry mto our mtestmes
It IS stmply a negatiOn of truth to assert that only chtldren are the
vtctims to worms In fact, no age or sex ts Immune from worm
mamfestatton If should not be taken for granted that once the
worms have been ehrnmated, they cannot surface agam Fact of
the matter IS that once the worms have been expelled, they
reapper, tfmfected food ts taken agam Smce almost maJonty of
human race contmues to suffer from the presence of mtestmal
worms, I would deal wtth thts problem m more detatl
There are four types of worms VIZ Threadworms,
Roundworms, Hookworrns and Tapeworms
Threadworms : They resemble hke pms m length and have
white appearance, and cause mtense ttchmg m anus, rectum and
legs These worms Infect small children and can be seen m the
stools and anus When a child scratches hts anus, eggs of these
worms enter mto natls from where they enter the mtestmes through
food Such worms last for about 6 weeks or so Children, who do
not clip their nails, are the general suffers, but elders may also be
Roundworms : Female round worm gtves btrth to about two
lakh larvas dally They are white, round and long and chng to
vegetables we eat If we eat such vegetables, they enter our
mtestmes and contmue to hatch and multtply. In the mtestines eggs
get destroyed and larvae come out and chng to our intestmes. They
are 1 Y2 to 8 mches long and infect persons of all ages, espetcally
those who are dirty, unttdy, the unhygienic and filthy people who
hve in damp chmates, near water pools/ponds where dirty ram

water accumulates, and take worm-mfected vegetables, are hable

to suffer from roundworms Once such worms have been expelled,
they surface agam and permanent rehef cananot be had
Hookworms : These worms are thicker than thread worms
but, m length, almost akm to threadwonns They cl mg to mtestmes
and hang m to them I Ike hooks and also resemble hke hooks
When these clmg to mtestmes, they squeeze blood and, thus, render
the patient weak and anaemic These worms hatch and develop m
m01sture and dampness but not m heated conditions Their hfe IS
about 5 years, and can be dtssoctated from the mtestmes with very
strong medicmes and great efforts If a person treads barefooted
on a sml which ts replete With larva, he will have them entered mto
his body, through soles of feet, especially fissured I punctUted
From there they travel to blood streen and then to hver, lungs and
back side of mouth -their final abode IS mtestmes where larvas
develop mto full-fledged worms of all the type of worms, It ts the
most dangerous species, as Its leadmg symptoms mclude anaemra,
swelling under the eyes and ankles, difficult breathmg, pale look,
enlargement of stomach, lathargy, fatigue etc
Tapeworms : These worms measure from 4-5 feet and thetr
colour IS whtte They have small neck and large tat I, and are made
up of parts whtch contmue to fall apart and expel through stools
Such separated parts have many eggs If some ammal, or more
parttcularly some p1g, eats these eggs wtth food, and then, tfsome
person eats meat of such an ammal, they enter mto human body If
meat IS cooked well, such larva d1e but, otherwtse, they enter
human body and develop mto tape worms As the worms have
sharp claws they chng to human mtestmes and consume whatever
a person eats
The person who ts mfected by tape worms hts almost
contmuous abdommal pam, feals md1sposed, his wetght reduces
and somettmes worms ofthe stze ofnatl ofhttle finger are seen m
his stools
Those who eat pork and beafare the freqaettt victims oftape

General Symptoms of worms

I OccasiOnal constant pam m the abdomen
2 Vorac10us appetite
3 Anaemia and pale face (m hook worms)
4 Dtarrhoea and Itchmg at the anus whtch may turn red
(espectally among mfants)
5 Vomttmg, Nausea, (m Round worms)
6 Passage of worms through anus, mouth or nose
As a first step chp natls of hands, keep personal hygtemc,
A votd pork and btef, stale, putrid food, contammated water, foods
outside home Boil water before drmkmg, throughly wash all
vegetables, frutts before eatmg/cookmg, botl mtlk, wash your hands
wtth soap before and after takmg meals Drugs that destroy
mtestmal worms are called 'Anthelmmthtcs' or 'Vermtfuges' for
whtch vtdanga (Embeha Rahes), or Baheda, Palash (flame of the
forest) may be taken per requirement or use followmg medtcmes
as mdtcated hereunder! Keet Mard Ras, (250 mg) With decoction of Nagar
motha- thrtce daily
2 Knmtghan Rasa (250 mg) with juice ofMoosa-Karm or
Nagarmotha kwath-thrtce dally
3 Knrru Kalanal Rasa (250 mg) With decoctiOn ofConander
and Cum.m -thnce dally
4 Krtmt Kashthanal Rasa (250 mg) wtth decoctton of
V Idanga-thnce dally
5. Vidanga Lauha (250 mg) wtth Mustadya decoctton.
Whtchever medtcme you may take, It must be followed by
20-25ml ofVtdanganshta after meals, mtxmg the same wtth equal
quantity ofwater

Flatulence and Gas

Causes & Symptoms : Flatus imphes mtestinal gas/wmd
whtch may accumulate in the abdomen and cause dtstress, rumbling
sound, dtscomfort, moderate pain. When gas is expelled through

rectum, tt ts called 'Flatus' but '\\I hen expelled through mouth, tt ts

called "eructatiOn When there ts upwatd pressure of gas. chest
and heart regiOn ate under dtstress when some people have pam m
chest, though mistakenly, as a heart disease
When there IS flatulence, there may be dull pam (or even
severe, at ttmes) when wmd locks up m a particular abdommal area
and the patient fee Is uneasy and restl ve W md, 1f not locked up m a
particular regiOn, has the tendency to move up and down the
abdomen m whtch conditiOn there ts normally no pam, except
restivity and d1scomfort
Those, who take too much of heavy and fned food, lead a
sedentary hfe, consume too much of alcohol, nee, curd, starchy
foods mtlk, ghee, butter, meats etc , develop tendency to flatulence
If the dtsease reaches a chrome stale, gastnc ulcer may form The
foods, whtch cause such a dtsturbance should avotd takmg such
foods as are known causative factors m prectpttatmg gastric
Treatment IS both preventive and correcttve Do not try to
correct your dtetary mdtscretiOns and gluttony by means of
medicmes Never sleep tmmedtately aftertakmg meals or perform
any mental work You may have some (short) nap after lunch but
take a reasonably long walk after takmg dmner A votd takmg
anything at bed-ttme A v01d tea, coffea, tobacco, sptces, alcohol
and beverages, canned/bottled soft drmks etc
After meals take a TSP of Lavan Bhaskar churna or
H tgwashatak chuma or Avtpatttkar chuma -whichever suits you
best Prepare powder out of equal quanttty of amseed, thymol,
cum m and m1x some black salt to 1t

Ulcers of the Stomach

Causes & Symptoms : When skm surface or mucus hmng
is breached, an ulcer occurs whtch heals qutckly Persons wtth
dommanttendency to Vata (wmd) are generally the Vtcttms. When
Vata dosha (vttiation of wind) surfaces, and predommates tow
types of ulcers, v1z.

(t) Pepttc ulcer and

(u) Duodenal ulceraccur
Pepttc ulcers occur m the stomach whereas duodenal ulcers
occur m the duodenum whtch ts a lmk between the JeUJenum and
stomach Btle and pancreattJUtces are released mto the duodenum
so as to mtx up wtth the (permeated) food
Symptoms of colic and duodenal ulcer are qutte common
hence dtfficult to deduce, but pam IS a common symptom to both
Pam occurs durmg the course of churnmg of food and subsides
when food has been digested/or fresh food IS mgested But, tfthe
ulcer ts too deep, the pam may contmue even after food has been
digested Due to tmpatred dtgestton, there may be gradual loss of
wetghtand mental agttatton When bleedmg occurs-eitherwtth
the stools or from the mouth, It stgnals wammg when pattent should
be hospitalised where blood transfusion may be requtred There
may be eructations followed by vomttmg ofmgesta and pulse may
slow down, mdtcatmg fall m blood pressure whtch must be restored
to tts normal level
Gastnc ulcers can be controlled by Sukumara Ghrtta- 2 TSP
wtth warm water/mtlk twtce datly, on empty stomach Ifthe pattent
ts unable to digest fats (ghee etc ), med1cme should be gtven wtth
warm water The prescrtbed dose may have to be modtfied,
dependmg on digest1ve capacity of the pattent. Hence, one may
start wtth ~ TSP or I TSP, then gradually mcreasmg to even 6
TSP datly, tf patient's dtgesttve power perm 1ts Moderate pam m
stomach ulcers can be controlled by Shankha Bhasma but severe
and excructatmg pams needs Maha Shankha Vatt- dosage to be
admmtstered must be dectded by a phystctan
Geneally, hardly medic me IS requtred in case of duodenal or
stomach ulcers as, by avotdmg and abstaming from hot foods/
drmks and d1agreeable foods, cure can be had But, ifpain subsides
by a1d ofmedtcmes only, the treatment must be contmued for some
more weeks, of course w1th usual safeguards and abstenttons,

after pam has fully substded In allopathy, cold mtlk Is constdered as

a specific measure to overcome the problem

Severe abdommal pam ts aften referred to as cohc .which
lasts wtth f1 uctuatmg mtenstty. wtth waves ofpam 1astmg for a few
seconds/m mutes
Types ofCohc
I RenalCohc
2 Abdommal Coltc
3 Infantile Cohc
4 Intestmal Cohc
5 Coltcdunngpregnancy
Here, we are dealmg With abdommal cohc but, for the
convemence and gut dance of our readers, followmg dtstmcttons
may be of some Importance
(1) Renal Cohc starts from the small of the back and
radiates from lom to grom/gemtals
(n) Abdommal Cohc occurs due to accumulatiOn ofwmd m
the mtestmes, consequent upon feedmg problems
(m) Infenttle cohc occurs due to accumulatiOn ofwmd m the
mtestmes, consequent upon feedmg problems
(tv) Intestmal cohc occurs due to parttal or complete
obstruct1on of mtestmes-mamly due to obstmate
conl)ttpattOn, cohc from the small intesttve Is felt m the
mJd part of abdomen but that ansmg from the large
mtestme (colon) centres round the lower abdomen
(v) Cohc, durmg pregnancy, has multtple causes such as
wmd m the abdomen, movement offoetus, displacement
of uterus etc
(vJ) Cohc may occur due to presence of stone m the gall
(vti) Cohc can also be due to menstrual flow (mterrupted),
called menstrual eo he, pam m ovanes

Stomach/Abdommal Cohc

Causes & Symptoms: Aggravat10n ofwmd (Vayu) causes

pam Other causes bemg excesstve food mtake, flatulence,
const1pat10n, exposure to cold/damp, hemta, appendicitis whose
presence confuses the matter but, smce symptoms are quite different
m each case, there IS no difficulty m earmarkmg actual cause and
locationofpam InAyurveda. Cohc tsknownas 'shula'
Sometimes the pam IS so severe that the patient writhes wtth
pam, squeezes the pamful part With his hands, rolls on the floor,
moans and cnes due to severe tmpact of paroxysms ofpam, bends
double Ifwmd IS the cause, he Will feel reheved after the wmd gets
Foremost duty ofthe physician IS to palhate the pam by givmg
Hmgvashtak chuma or Shankh Bhasma (a TSP With hot water or
250-500mg with water respectively-either of the medicmes)
Abhraka Bhasma ( 150mg) should be given 4 ttmes datly, or else
Mahashanka vatl- 2 ptlls 4 times daily wtth hot water Lasunaadi
Vatt-2 tablets/Pills 4 ttmes dialy may also be tned
In fact nothmg should be gtven anythmg to eat or dnnk durmg
an attack But, when the cnsis period ts over, some hght, hqUid dtet
may be advtsed Somettmes, cohc also occurs due to delayed food
mtake or by not takmg anythmg for quite a long time - these
sttuattons can be met by proper food regimen/intake Generally
boiled vegetables, hquids, aerated water, coconut water may be
gtven. Avotd gtvmg starch, fat, carbohydrates, fned foods, sptces
etc. Encourage the pattent to walkmg and exerc tses



Diseases of Eyes

ConJ unctivits
It IS an mflammat10n of mucus membrane (COUJuncttva) that
connects the mner eye-base and eye hd It ts a most common eye
ailment that can occur to any person If 1t assumes form of
chrontctty, all the members must be treated so that the mfect10n
does not spread further or else the patient should be segregated
from others
Causes : Dust, smoke, cold wmds, overstrammg the eyes,
exposure to strong sun-rays, hot wmds and undue exposure to
outstde tmpresstons hke ghtter, hghtnmg, fire, chemtcals, gases,
fumes, steam etc
Symptoms : Chtefsymptoms bemg mtense ttclung, swelhng,
redness, watermg from eyes, the ltds may swell enormously, glue
may sttcken the eyes, feelmg of sand m the eyes, photophobia,
dread of hght etc are the common symptoms There may be
occastonal heavmess and pam over the eyes It IS also known asthe 'Pmk eye' Ifthe mfectwn IS not controlled m ttme, there may
be pus formation in the eyes whtch is a senous symptom, but v1ston,
generally, ts not affected. Allergy is also one ofthe leadmg causes
The patient usually fully recovers wtthm 2-3 weeks, Without
having side effects
Treatment: Keep the eyes clean and wash wtth cold water

(mixed wtth bora), (suhaga) Protect the eyes from cold, heat,
glare, mfectton, dust, smoke Do not read and stram the eyes Use
mtld laxative to remove constipatiOn Do not touch eyes wtth dtrty
and mfecttous hands Use a hanky or cotton swabs to clean the
eyes Prepare eye drops, for msert10n m the eyes (3-4 times datly),
from rock salt 3 gms, candted sugar 3 gms and Rasaunt 6 gms and
120ml ofrose water Insert 5-6 drops mto each eye, 4-5 times da1Iy
but prior to that wash the eyes (wtth the help of eye-glass cups)
wtth borax mtxed cold water Some pattents may be allergtc or
reacttve to thts solutiOn hence. use wtth utmost cautiOn or consult
your phystctan before/dunng use


Causes : Trachoma ts a chrome, contagiOus eye dtsease- a

severe form ofconJuncttvttts- caused by vtrus hke orgamsm called
'Chlamydta Trachomatts. and ts qutte common m tropical regtons
Symptoms : If acute conJuncttvitts is not controlled and
treated m ttme, It may turn out m the form of Trachoma In
trachoma conJunctiva ofthe eyehds becomes mflammed, leadmg to
pus discharge which, tfuntreated. the conJunctive becomes scarred
and shrmks, causmg m ward tummg ofthe eye hds, as a ressult of
whtch the eyelashe~ scratch the cornea (Tnchiasts) In this conditiOn,
blindness general..y follows Hence most of the cases ofbhndness
are attributed to untreated Trachoma which has, perhaps, the
largest number of pattents around the world - more so m the
developing and underdeveloped regtons/countnes
Treatment: Wash the eye& regularly w1th teptd/lukewarm
water, mixed With borax. Put in rose water (5-6 drops), 4-5 times a
day Gnnd together ChurnanJana, Chandra Probha Vatt and
chandrodyavatt with honey and prepare a paste- for being used as
collyrtum 3-4 ttmes daily. Consult your phystcian before use, or
drop 2-3 drops of pure mustard oil An old person had advised the
use of omon (white variety) jutce and pure honey and used as eyedrops (2 drops an each eye at mght, and m the morning or when
eyes feel fatigued and stramed

Myopia (Short or Near sightedness)

Myopta ts a condttton of short s1ght m whtch case due to htgh
convextty (or when the eye-bal1 IS too long). rays of hght are
brought to a focus before they reach the tetma ~ and thus form
ctrcles of dtffused hght upon tt Thts sttuatton Is opposed to long
vJston (hypermetropta)
Causes & Symptoms : The patient generally complams of
dtfficulty m vtewmg dtstant/far-off objects. and the pattent ts often
a young cluld The pat1ent has to use concave lenses m hts
spectables (havmg requ1red curvature) which often help to correct
the VlSton But changes m vtston are qu1te frequent thus forcmg the
pat1ent to change the lenses - and1thts conditton ts called
'Progresstve myopta' In some cases, VISton shows Improvement
and. m other cases (rarely though), It might stabhse or else gradually
or fastly detertorate
1 Blurred vision mrelatton to faroffordistantobJects
2 Inabthty to recogmse well-known persons, unless they
are standmg next to the patient (But thts symptom
surfaces at a later stage)
3 The Patient sees screen. black~boared even m a hazy
and blurred form He sees only some shadows but fails
to recogmse the real object
4 Pattent has to exert hard to locate for tdenttty, shape,
size and form of an obJect wh1ch causes watermg from
the eyes
5 Disturbed sleep, headache, pam m neck and cervical
portion may be off-shoot symptoms ofthe malady
It the child complamts any one of the said symptoms,
nnmedtately get hm1 exammed and take all the posstble steps
without any delay or else you w11lland the child m trreverstbly
complex problems
Treatment : In AIJ opathy, Myopta ts still an emgrna, though
correct glasses can be adv1sed but a permanent cure IS still not m
sight, so to say

Use Trtphala ( 1TSP) at bed ttme at mght w1th mtlk Also

Immerse Tnphala m water at mght and wash eyes wtth Tnphala
water Ifmyop1a has been caused by nervous debthty, take Saptamnta
Lauha (1 TSP) twice da1ly w1th mtlk Another remedy of choice 1s
Y asht1 Madhu- Y2 TSP root powder may be taken w1th Y2 TSP
honey and 14 TSP ghee, or else Mahatnphalagnta (lh -1 TSP) may
be taken wtth mtlk

Eye-flu IS an acute form of conJunctivitis but It 1s precipitated
by a 'VIrus whtch IS more dangerous than bactenal mfect10n of
COOJuncttvltis It spreads from one person to another-even seemg
mto an mfected person's eyes, Its virus transmits to a healthy
person The pattent should be secluded from healthy person, given
goggles to wear His hanky, towel & clothes shou Id not be used by
other persons
Complications : lnfect10n affects cornea ofthe eye5, causmg
Corneal opacities, photophobia, redness, swelling, pam, prtckmg
sensation, mfected and congested look. Corneal opactttes last a
fatrly long penod, hence must be treated wtthout any delay, lest
there IS any damage to eye-stght
Treatment: Wash eyes With bone acid mixed water Drops
of rose water should be dropped m both the eyes 4-5 ttmes dally
Keep away from sparkhng hght, direct sunhght or glare Take
saptamrtta lauha, as dtrected earlier Use Trtphala water locally
and mtemally (orally)


Diseases of Ears

assages of Ear, Nose and throat are mter-connected,

hence tf one organ ts affected, others are hable to be
mfected Dtseases of nose and throat have already
been discussed under 'Resptratory..Dtseases' chapter, hence they
need not be repeated here
Ear ts an tmportant sense organ whtch ts c. cemed with
hearmg and balancmg of sound waves, transmitted from the outstde
mto the external audttory meatus, cause the typpamc membrane
(called 'Ear Drum) to vtbrate The osstcles (small bones) ofthe
mtddle eartransmtt the sound vtbrattons to the labynnth (mner ear)
These vtbrattons are converted mto nerve tmpulses The pressure
of sound, so bullt up, ts released through the Eustachtan tube
Inflammation & Pain in the Ear (Otitis Media) I Otalgia
Any pain m the mouth, Jaws, teeth, guns and throat gets
transmitted to the ears, due to close proxuntty ofthese organs Due
to constant coughmg, probmg and prtckmg in the ear, foretgn,
body's entJ:y, infection, m:flammatto~ pus, bleedmg, mJury, headache
may cause excructatmg pam m the ear If ear hyg1eruc ts not upto
the mark, chances of mfect10n percolatmg to the inner ear are
always there
Application oflocal heat provtdes rehefin many cases or else
3-4 drops ofheated mustard oil (in which a garlic clove has been
burnt) are dropped m the ear (when 1t has cooled down) and

plugged w1th a ptece ofcotton, tt wtll provtde mstant rehef No local

application, except hot fomentation, should be apphed over the ear
Godantt Bhasma (500mg) taken wtth hot water, after 3-4 hours,
wtll molhfy mtesnsJty and seventy ofpam
Note : Tmmtus, rmgmg m ears, hard ofhearmg, pus m the
e ~rs, bleedmg from the ears and deafness should not be treated at
home or through home remedtes Parttal deafness may cause
verttgo (of labyrmthtc ortgm), hence seek always advtce of a
spectaltst m this and all other condttions

Discharge From the Ear

When thick wax accumulates m the ear and effort Is made It
to remove 1t to by means of a match-stick, hatr pm or any other
crude method, ear may be mJured and bleedmg start from wtthm
the ear Blood crusts, then, form tn the ear whtch, when scratched
or removed, cause deeper InJUrtes, pus formatiOn, eczema, boils
etc As a rule no arttcle should be mserted or probed mto the ear
Ulttmately ears start suppurutmg In addttiOn there ts swellmg, pam,
redness and parttal/complete hard ofhearmg D1scharge ts m the
form of blood or pus mtxed blood, when yellowish and th1ck
discharge ensues In some cases thm watery dtscharge may occur
In chrome stage, bone m the ear may also get damaged or
perforated Accordmg to Ayurveda, v1tiated cough ts the cause for
above-mentiOned condtttons
Gtve a pill ofSanvadivatt, thrice daily With honey For local
application, boiljutce ofNirgundi plant (Vtteh Negundt) tn mustard
oil, and drop 3-4 drops in the affected ear and then, plug the cavtty
wtth cotton piece Prepare a paste ofBtlva (Aegle marmelos) with
mustard oil and apply externally over the affected ear.
Av01d foods hke nee, potato, guavas, curd, sour frutts but
consume omens, garlic and gmger in fatrly good amount In any
case, avoid- exposut'e to motst, cold and bttmg wmds.



Diseases of Teeth and

you have strong and healthy gums, your teeth will also,
be strong and healthy, as weak and palpable gums wont
e able to able to grtp the teeth Teeth are the gateway to
entry of food m the body If food ts not masticated properly, and
gulped down the gullet m a hush, It wtll reach the stomach m halfbroken/masticated form and then the JOb, whtch was supposed to
be done by the teeth, w11l have to be dtscharged by stomach and
mtestmes Further, when food IS mgested m a haste, sah va cannot
mtx wtth tt It Is the sahva that renders the food m paste form so
that other dtgesttve organs do not have to exert hard to dtgest food
It IS a ptty that not only adults but even children have not yet
learnt the art ofkeepmg thetrteeth and gums in a healthy cond1t1on
Hygtene ofteeth and gums Is even far more Important than other
routine chores If digestion ts not m order,. nothmg else can be tn
order It 1s not that toothache or bleedmg from gums surfaces
suddenly Nature gtves wammg stgnals to every person about
present state of health ofteeth and gums -pam and bleeding are
Just the starting pomts/stgnals
As a first step, culttvate the habtt of cleansmg the teeth m the
momtng and before retinng to bed at mght and also whenever
some food ts ingested, mouth should be properly nnsed. It ts better


t) use sahne/alum mtxed water for the purpose, or else take some

A :nla powder to rmse the mouth

Toothache (Odontalgia)
Toothache ts merely a symptom- a sort ofwammg- and tts
mam causes are1 Use oftoo cold or too hot foods/drmks
2 Use oftobacco, khatm, Guttka, ltme, betal
3 Excesstve use of sweets, sugar, Jaggery, chocolates,
gums, cook.les, nut1es etc
4 Ingestton of cold articles after use ofhot foods/drmks
5 Smoking
6 Pnckmg oftooth-pncks or other such modes to remove
trapped food particles wtthm tooth-gaps
7 Infection ofany kmd, hke abscess, boil or any cancerous
growth under the root
8 Wrong use ofsome harmful mgredtent, drug
9 Exposure to cold
10 Trauma/Acctdent/Fracture of Jaw-bone
11 Canous tooth or local mflammatton
12 Lack of dental hygtene and dental care
13 Referred pam
14. Loosenmg ofteeth or partially broken teeth
As a first step, make sure that all the steps and suggestiOns,
suggested heretofore, are scruplously adhered to and closely
followed -those bemg the baste steps to ensure dental care and
health Ifyou act as advtsed there is rarely any chance oftoothache
Pam can be palliate~ by applying clove oll (which is sttll a
preferred and choiced option ofdenttsts) over the painful tooth and
loosen the mouth to let out saliva. Ifpam is triggered by cartes m
the tooth, or tftooth 1s cnupblmg, apply milk (latex) ofMadar plant
(but be careful, 'the mdk does not spill down the throat, as it is a
strong poison not does it touch the'eves Which can be blinded).

Massage your teeth wtth alum mixed mustard oil or sImply

massage this 01l over gums or mtx some amount of finely pounded
salt to 1t and then massage Rmsmg mouth wtth sahne/alum water
removes mfect10n, swellmg, pam, bleedmg and pus Mtx kalka
churna with honey and apply to teeth & gums
Food : Any substance that sticks to teeth should be avOided
Take hard foods that requtre to be masticated Take plenty of citrus
frutts, hke Guava, lemon, Mousambt, orange, pomegranate, Am la
Remember, Amla ts the nchest source ofvttamm -C wluch IS a
tome, par excellence, for the teeth and gums and, above all. 1ts
content ofvttamm-C remams unchanged, taken m whatever form

If gums are healthy, teeth wtll also be healthy If gums get
mfected, first of all teeth will start loosemng from thetr sockets and,
when there IS first blood-lettmg and then pus formation, the mfect10n
wtll mmgle wtth food and, thus, vttlate and mfect entire digestive
Causes & Symptoms
1 Lack or absence of roughage m datly dtet and dental
2. Blockmg of food particles wtthm teeth and putrefactatlon
3 ExcessiVe tartar-formation
4 Prohferat10n of bacteria
5 Foul smell from the mouth and unpleasant taste
6 Inflammation and ulceratiOn of gums
7 Bleedmg from gums, even after sltghtest provocatton or
Ayurveda attrrbutes causes of pyorrhoea to lack of dental
hyg1emc, poor diet, and costiveness ofbowels
Treatment : As a first step, brush your teeth w1th twtg of
neem/Banyan tree Mtlk (latex) of the prop root is astringent,
ant1sept1c, prevents formation of pus, stops bleedmg Massage

your gums and teetn wtth alum mtxed mustara otl dally, and nn!::>t..
mouth wrth water mtxed wtth alum Rub your gums wrth
Bhadtamustadt Guttka Danshana Sanskara Churna may be used
as tooth powder
As for diet, mcrease suffictent amount of roughage, lemon,
cttrus (but sweet) frutts. and green & leafy vegetables Before
gomg to sleep, gargle your mouth wtth alum-mtxed water culttvate
the habit of rmsmg your mouth, after takmg any type of food whether m ltqurd, sohd, or semt-ltqUid form Add foods that abound
m quahttes ofvttamm-C, other Vttamms & Mmerals
1 repeat teeth and gums play a vttal role m digesttve process
It ts the JOb of gums to keep teeth under a firm gnp When the gnp
or hold loosens, due to vanous factors detailed earlier, teeth Will
start loosemng from thetr sockets and ultimately crumble/decay
When there IS bleedmg and pus f9rmatton, tt' sa clear signal that
dental care Is at fault T--oothache, swelhng of gums, blood oozmg
and pus formation, pam etc are merely symptom!:> of the chtef
monstrous malady Most ofthe dtgesttve problems owe thetr ortgm
to unhealthy conditiOn of teeth and gums Hence, lose no ttme m
seekmg propr treatment Let It not be forgotten that a loosened and
pamful tooth can cause cancer also Tooth extractlon ought to be
the last option, when all other opt10ns have flu led but pam, swelhng,
pus and bleedmg need to be treated Without delay so as to avotd
further senous cpmphcattons






1 I



Diseases of Urogenital
(Urinary and Reproductive Systems)


aste products ofthe body are thrown out (excreted)

by urme, faeces, skm and tfthere 1s mterruptron m
excretton ofwaste products, the porson that should
have been thrown out of our body mix up wtth blood to cause
vanous health problems It has been mentiOned m 'BhoJa Ratanakar'
as follows
"Interruption ofexcret1on ofwaste products leads to vttlatiOn
of Vayu, patn and dysuria " In a way when some humor gets
VItiated, 1t gtves rise to tts own symptoms whtch, fmally, surface m
the form of dtseases Ktdneys are the mam organs to excrete
potson, in the fonn ofurme, from our body

Diseases of Kidneys
Main functton ofthe ktdneys IS to remove tmpunttes from the
blood, by tts filtermg process They return punfied and filtered
blood to the heart vta the renal vem, and the restdual portion whtch
ts useless for the body, is excreted in the fonn ofurme. It ts an ageold saymg that a person who passes flatus-, faeces, urme and
eructations m a normal way hardly or never falls Ill.

Ktdneys are such a perfect filter that they retam only useful
substances and return them to the body, after requisite process of
punficat10n and filtermg, and m this way Important substances hke
potasstum, sod mm, glucose, chlorme, magnestum etc are retamed
and then returned to the body vta blood whereas unc acid, phosphates
urea etc are excreted through urme To sum up, tfthe ktdneys are
healthy, nothmg useful can go out of the body and whatever ts
useless ts extreted out of the body But m a diseased state such
unwanted and harmful substances mmgle wtth our blood, mstead of
gomg out, to cause senous dtseases- some ofwhtch threaten hfe
or prove even fatal

of Kldneys

Renal Cohc (Pam due to stone obstructiOn)

haem atuna (Presence ofblood m urme)
Nephntts (Inflammation ofK.Idneys) [also called 'Bnght' s
4 Nephralgta (Pam m the kidneys)
5 Uraemia (Excess of urea m the blood)
6 Dysuna(Pamful and scant urmation)
7 Polyuna (Excessive urmatJ.on)
8 Nephrohthtasts (presence of stones m the ktdney)
9 Renal Calculus (stone m the ktdney-same as No 8)
10 Nephroptosis-Abnormal descent of a ktdney m to the
pelv1s on standmg, also called' A floatmg kidney'
11 Nephrosis (Degenerative changes m the eptthehum of
the kidney tubules)
12. Nephrosclerosts (Hardemng ofthe arteries and artenoles
ofthe kidneys)
13 Pyehtts (lnflammatton of pelvis-that tsthe partofthe
kidney from where the urme drams out mto the ureter).
14. Strangury (severe pain m the urethra while passmg
urine Thts ts a p$in referred from the base of the
bladder when the~ :tS intense destre to pass unne- also
called ineff~ttonal!Wl,Produq:ive de~ire, but qQalltJ.ty of
urine passed m lnOlSflf 9r nope at .tl).

Thts hst ts not an end of the ktdney mfecttons Instead of

gomg mto causes of each and every disease, for tts causes, and
relative treatment, It ts necessary to pomt out that, except for very
mmor complamts, no other ktdney disease should be even remotely
tackled by any layman
Followmg persons are more suscepttble to dtseases of the
ktdney, those who(1) Do not take water m suffictent quantity
(n) Consume frequently sptrttous hquors m large quantttles
(m) Take foods that contam calcmm, zmc, lead, copper,
phosphates, calciUm
(tv) Consume too much ofprotem, actdtc frutts, canthartdes,
meat and meat products
(v) Take too much offrted foods
(vi) Suffer from cancer, dtabetes and tuberculosis
(vn) Have sodiUm-water balance disturbed and suffer from
loose mottons and mfecttve cohtts, entero-cohtts, worms
(vm) Avmd takmg roughage through food Items
(tx) Who often complam ofbummg sensation before/durmg/
after passmg urine
(x) Remam drug addicts for longer pertods
(xt} Have stone(s) anywhere m the urmary passage
(xu) Ltve m congested & dark house, damp costal areas
(xm) Can't excrete toxtc elements through urmatton
Hereunder medicmes recommended to be used for certam
kidney mfecttons/dtseases are bemg mentioned to serve as a
gUidehne to the readers
Dysuria: It IS a condttton ofscanty, pamful, dtfficult unnatton,
when passage of urine IS only m drops wtth great tenesmus, effort,
pam, discomfort and mental agitation The condttwn Is caused and
precipttated by presence of stone anywhere m the urmary tract
As a first step, take aerated soda water, barley water after 23 hours so as to cause free flow ofurme Pashan bheda (Bergema
hngulata) 1s an excellent drug for the said complamt A TSP of

po'V. dered root of the drug may be taken 3 tm1es datly, preferably
With decoction (50ml) ofthts drug or else wtth barley /plam water
Alongstde, aptJl ofChandraprabha Vatt may also be taken thnce
datly or shtlajtt (purified)+ Chandraprabha Vatt may be taken
thrtce datly or else Ghokhshuradt Guggul may also be ttted Try
also followmg compounds
1 Shveta Parpatt -2gm ~ one dose To be
taken 4 tunes daily
kantak Ras
-250mg wtth Amntadt
For scanty
& Painful 2 Yavakhshara
one dose to be
(Jauk.har) -250mg taken 3-4 ttmes
Shweta Parpat1
- 1gm dally wtth decocElade Chuma
- 1gm t10n of Pashan

to vitiation
of kapha
and Pitta

In case of
with urine

Sheetal Parpatt
Trmetra Rasa
Chandrakala Rasa

Powder of
cardamom seeds
ShiJa.Jeet (Punfied)

_ 2gm
_ 250mg

one dose to be
takenwtth Quath
thnce daily

- 500mg~ One dose

-500 mg
to be taken
thrice dally
(1) Rac;a Smdoor-12Smg should be taken
wtth 1Ogms ofTrtkantakadya Rasa or
honey thrtce daily
(u) One Y2 TSP of Gokhru powder (of seeds
ofthe drug) may be taken with honey

twice daily


Polyuria (Excessive urination)

Causes: When urme ts passed m excess ofnonnal quantity
tt may be due to
(1) Dtabetes
(u) Excesszve consumptron ofnce~ curd, flurds~Jutces, water
tm) Weakness ofbladder, when bladder IS unable to retam
(tv) Presence of worms
(v) Medtcmes whtch prectpttate urmary output
(vt) Cold condttlons or exposure to damp and cold weather
Bed-wetting: It ts also another form (though oflow-grade)
ofpolyuna but hete the patient ts etther a child who 1s fed pnmanly
on flutd dtet or an old person who Is havmg paralysts ofbladder A
diabetic wtll get up at night, 3-4 ttmes to mtcturate and pass unne m
fatrly large quantity each ttme~ but m bed-wettmg urme m passed
once or twtce only, but m fairly large quantity Those who take
plenty oflrqUids before retmng to bed also pass enormous quantity
ofurme at mght Ifwater is mgested m latgerquantlttes, especially
when the body could manage ably wtth lesser quantity, polyuna tc;
the usual outcome So, take preventtve steps also, m addttiOn to
med1catton A TSP oft1l chewed~ at mght, will remove mghtly
complamt ofpolyuna. preferably mtxmg some Jaggery (Our) to ttor
stmply take Gajak or Rewar1es ~)at mght, provided there ts no

The term apphes to passage of blood, either frank (pure)
blood or else mtxed wtth urme. The conditiOn mdtcates some
trauma, rupture, stone m the unnary passage, suppresston ofurme
for a long duratton, mflammat10n ofthe bladder/ktdney Dttference
between colour and appearance ofblood Will revealtts pmnt/cause
ofortgm-urme will have a brownish colour (hue) tf it slems from
the kidneys or bladder but its colour wtll be bright red, tf caused by
any other factor say, for instance, scratchmg of urethra (trauma)

In Ayurveda the cause 1s attrtbuted to vtttatton ofblle (Pttta) m the

blood If pure blood ts passed, mstead and m place of unne, tt
md1cates seventy of the problem that needs nnmedtate attention
Gokhru IS the drug offirst choice Itls caned 'Tnbulus ra.rrestns. One
TSP powder of seeds ofthts drug may be taken wtth honey, twice
datly ShtlaJit ts another effective remedy whtch can be used as a
substttute for the former- Take one Y4 TSP twtce daily wtth mtlk
Food : A vmd alcohol, smokmg, fats, nee, curd, spices and
condtments but take m plenty drumsticks and bttter gourd (Karela)
Juices of am la and pomegranate are useful m all conditiOns Take
JUice of sugarcane, coconut, sattu (powder of parched barley),
whey Increase water mtake, but sexual mtercouse should be given
up ttll the chsease cases If you drmk coconut water m place of
other hqutds, you will feel much relieved, as It clears obstructiOns m
the urmary passages, h~s wounds and mollifies Ill-effects of
sptces, chllhes etc
Note: Serious symptoms hke uraemia, Nephntis, T.B and
cancer ofktdneys, Anurta (fatlure of kidneys to produce urme)
should at once be referred to and treated by an expert phystcian
fatlmg whtch death 1s tmmment Similarly Gonorrhoea, Syphths,
Chancre should also be treated by an expert phystcians I am
deliberately not touchmg upon the satd dxseases for reason ofthetr
complicate nature

Diseases of Reproductive System

Menstrual Disorders
Dysmenorrhoea : Also called pamful menstruation when
pam, prostration and vomttmg occur. When pain occurs without
any apparent cause, It ts called 'Essential dysmenorrhoea', but m
'Prtmary dysmenorrhoea', pam may be attnbuted to mflammatton
of the woqtb lining, pre~ence of tumours m the muscles ofthe
womb, blockade of~ blood. flow, mental disturbance. It may be
noted that every menstruatton lS accompained by some amount of
pam but, when pam 1s abnormally severe, it constitutes a d1sease.

Generally Ill-health anaemia, dyspepsta, some chrome and

debtlttatmg dtsease oflong standmg, mental upsets etc are the other
Amenerrhoea : It nnphes cessasat1on or stoppage of
menstrual flow Usual s1tuattons are
(1) It IS a nonnal sttuatton before onset of puberty
(u) Durmgpregnancy an lactatiOn
(m) Menopause {when menses finally cease)
When menses do not appear at puberty, the cause may be a
congemtal defect called "Turner's Syndrome' when surgtcal
mterference may be necessary- It IS also primary amenorrhoea
In secondary vattety, menses stop suddenly after havmg been
estabhshed once Thts s1tuatton may surface due to defictency of
ovarian hormone, dtsorders ofhypothalamus, deficiency ofthyrotd
and ptturtary glands, mental disturbance, general depresston, anoreXIa
nervosa, dtabetes, removal of the ovartes/womb, change of
When the cause has been dtscemed, treatment should be
dtrected towards removal ofthe cause, but general health must be
Improved through dtet, mental happmess, tomes, Nutnttons dtet To
remam on the safer stde and to rule out posstbthty or otherwtse of
any orgamc defect, a thorough check-up by a gynaecologtst ts
called for
Treatment : Remember famtly envtrons, peace at home
count a lot No medtcme will be effecttve when mmd ts dtsturbed
Try followmg medicmes
Shudha{Punfied) Tankana
should be and taken togethet after meals (twice) daily
RaJapravartlru Vatt
- SOOmg
Voladt Vatt/Nashta pushpantak Ras- 500mg
should be taken wtth decoction (Quath) of Our, leaves of
Lasora and black sesame.
Take m plenty fruits, leafy and green vegetables, beets,

carrots, tomato, mmt leaves, milk, cheese, ghee/butter All food

Items that cause constipatiOn/loose mottons should be avoided or
those whrch are known allergens

Menorrhagia And Metrorrhagia

Causes & Symptoms : These are two Sides of the same
com- only one factor ofbleedmg bemg common- m the former
there ts excesstve bleedmg but m the latter there IS bleedmg at
Irregular mtervaJs But, both the condtttons are referred to as
'Rakta Pradara' m Ayurveda Generally, aggravation ofblle (Pttta)
JS taken to be the contnbutory cause for both the satd stages when
there 1s profuse bleedmg In addition, hormonal m balances also
accvunt for these cond1t10ns Abnormal growths, m the uterus or
any otherorgan(s), can also cause this stale ofexcessive bleedmg
If excessive bleedmg 1s not checked m time, It may lead to
rest1vtty, anaemia, pam m calves, pam and headache. gtddmess and
vertigo There may also be backache, pam m the pubtc regton, h1ps
Ground mto paste seven leaves (tender) each ofpomegranate
and seven grams of rtce which may be gtven to the patient for
about a month, twtce dat1y - J t ts both preventive and curative
Bol Parpat1 ard Chandanadtchuma 1gm each, and Pradarartpl
250mg should be t.lken wtth honey twice daily, or
Pushyanuga chuma
-1 gm
Pradarantaka Louh
- 250mg
one dose
-500mg _
The compound ~hould be taken w1th the decoction ofkusha
grass, tw1ce daily
Diet etc : The pattent should take complete rest-m-bed.
Ratse the legs sbghtly h1gher placmg cushioned pillow beneath the
feet. She should try to remam free from worry, anx1ety and tens1on
A void hot and spicy foods, wine, use oftobacco m form, but take
pomegranates, frUJt juices coconut and sugar cane JUices m plenty,
m a<IIGttionto guavas, grapes, bananas All satd and done, do not
enter mto coitus


It IS also known as the 'whtte" or 'Shveta Pradar', due to
dtscharge ofwhtte flutd from the Vagma The vagmal flow 1s foul
smellmg, VISCid (tenaciOus) ahd thtck that stiffens the lmen Thts ts
a senous dtsease wh1ch, If allowed to prolong and not treated. may
cause other problems
Causes & Symptoms : Indtgestton, abortion, excessive
cmtus. worry, sleepmg durmgday and sedentary hfe style, trauma,
anaemta, weakness, poor dtet. frequent chtld bearmg etc are
constdered to be promment causes In addition, metabohc and
hormonal disorders, some mfect10n of recent or chrome ortgm.
vitiatt on ofkapha (Phlegm) are the other causes
The pat tent feels weak, run-down, has pam m the back and
calves, loss ofvttal fltnds, Itchmg/ptuntis on and around vulva,
thtghs and thtgh-Jomts In matured ladies mflammat1on of uterus
(folJowmg chtldb1rth) or 1ts dtsplacement or some venereal dtsease
(especially gonorrhoea) may also tngger and hasten lucorrhoeal
flow In young females, thread worms may cause onset of thts
dtsorder Husbands, whose wtves (or for that matter any other
woman wtth whom they cohabttate) suffer from this disorder. must
abstain from cottus and/or oral sex
Chromctty of disorder may lead to cancerotlS growth, hence
1t ts necessary that actual cause IS fully determmed and deduced
before tmttatmg treatment I feel there IS no bann m seeking help of
some cllmcal laboratory, tf same test& are called for Once the
baste factor has been detected, the patient can be treated m a
proper way.
=one dose To be
taken twtce datly
Pushyanugachurna -lgm
wtth decoctton of
Pradarantaka Louh
root ofkusha grass

) or

Yashada Bhasma
- 250mg
= 1 dose
Kukkutananda Twaka Bhasma
Am la churna (Powder)
M tx all the above mgredtents and take a dose each m the
mornmg and evenmg wtth honey
Take 20ml (4 TSP) ofAshokanshta, mtxed wtth equal quantity
ofwate1 after meals datly In addttiOn, the neurasthemc ladtes can
also take 125 mg ofRatuaprabha Vattka twtce datly Ensure douchmg
ofvagmal passage wtth some deodorent or else bot I TSP of bark
powder of Banyan or fig tree m water, and when 1t turns lukewamt,
douche may be had 2-3 ttmes daily
Soak dry conander (Dhama) m 125ml water at mght and
drmk the contents, after stevmg, for 7-10 days (to be taken m the

---Causes & Symptoms: Wotnen are generally the vtcttms of
thts dtsorder whtch occurs m the young age, particularly to those
who cannot satiate thetr sex hunger but the symptoms dtsappear
soon after marrtage- m most of the cases It has no relation to sex
dtsorders, rather mental dtsturbance ts a predommatmg cause
There ts no froth at the month (as m epilepsy), the patient falls to
the ground wtthout shrtekmg sound, and shps mto coma rather
gradually Ifthere ts no unconsciOusness, the pattent watls
Corrective and Preventive measures
(i) Remove the cause ofconsttpatton
(it) Flatulence, indigestiOn should be prevented by taking
lemonJuice, cumm, black salt, fned asafoettda (Heeng)
(tu) Attend to menstrual complamts, tfany.
(tv) Remove cause of mental tension and agony.
(v) Avotdreading(vtewing)ltsterungtosuchlx>oks,magazmes,
movies, audio cassettes or playmg records whtch tgntte
(vt) Take only nutrtttous and balanced diet but avoid such

foods as cause constipatiOn, or loose motions, fllatulence.

(vn) Take Shankhpushpi, Brahmi, Muktapishti, Suvarna
Bhasma, MakardwaJ or Praval Pishti etc to support and
sustam action ofheart, after consultmg your doctor
(vm) Durmg the attack drop omonJUJce (2-3 drops) m each
nostrtl/mhale camphor, naushadar and hme mixed
compound splash cold water on the face or massage
ghee over forehead
(1x) Use omon, garhc, asafoetida, black salt, balvach, lemon
etc as essential mgred1ents with food
(x) Use balvach or Brahm1, or still better vnhat vata
chmtamam Rasas peryourphysicians advice
or (x1) MarJara Kastun- I 00 mg pe1 dose may be taken with
unequal quanttty of ghee and honey or extract (Jutce) of
brahmi leaves These may be given wtth either ofthe
said vehtcles

No medtcme can prove effecttve unless the underlymg cause

has been smgled out Take the patient mto confidence, reassure her
of qutck recovery, butld up confidence, provtde congemal and
healthy envtrons
Miscellaneous medicines recommended in Pregnancy.
1 Mahaabhravati
1OOmg with honey
1OOmg wtth honey
2 Soottkavmod Ras
3 Prataplankeshwar Ras
1OOmg with extract of
4 Jeerakaadt Modak
Y2 gm -1 gm - after break
fast and supper only to
remove mdigestJ.on
5 Saubhagyashuntht
Y2 gm-2 gms w1th Goat's!
cow's milk twtce dally
6 After meals, give Jeerakadyaartshta 1-2 TSP mixed
with equal quantity ofwater.
Note: Consult your phys1c1an about suitabihty and requisite
dose for the most suitable remedy.

Complications during pregnancy

Vomiting : Vomttmg or nausea durmg I trimester Is qu1te
natural and common No medtcme 1s requtred but tfvomttmg 1s
severe and persistent, It must be stopped, otherwise (premature)
abortton may take place Powder of cardamon seeds (400mg) may
be g1ven w1th honey and hcked 4-6 t1mes a day, Eladt vatt may be
sucked or taken wtth honey Essence of camphor, mmt and thymol
(whtch, when mixed, turns mto hquid form) may be dropped (5-6
drop doses) on a lump of sugar, and taken
Diarrhoea : Mash banana m curd or giVe wtth nee water or
Lavangadt chuma (Stree Ragadhtkar) 200mg daily (thnce datly)
wtth goat's milk Prepare a decoctton ofDhama~ (Nagannotha,
Sugandhbala & pulp ofbael frutt- as descrtbed and detatled m
BhaishaJya Ratnavah) wdl serve multipurpose
Fever : Godantt Bhasma, Saphattka Bhasma wtthjutce of
Cough : Vtolent persistent and fattgumg cough can also
cause abortton and resultant bleedmg, hence It must be controlled
KharJumdi VatJ./Eladt Vatl!sitopladJ chuma!fabshadt Chuma, sugar
candy/catechu (kattha) may be used as per symptoms mentioned
on literature ofcompames
Enlargement ofspleen: Jutce ofPunamava wtth Punamava
mandoor Stop salt mtake, but take nulk and easily dtgesttble dtet
Piles : Gtve radtsh to eat and also JUice of radish.
Specific Medicines useful in almost all disorders
pertaining to pregnancy.
1 Garbha chnitamam Rasa
Usual dose as 1OOmg
2 Garbha ptyushvaalh Ras
with honey, thnce
3 Garbha vmod Rasa
daily but consult your
4 lndushekhar Ras
phystctan before use
These medJcmes are said to be useful m all stages ofpregnancy
but requisite dose and repetttton thereofcan be only detennmed by
a physician who will, naturally. take Into account other attendant/
dtsturbmg factors also, before prescnbmg any medicine. Hence, be

Diseases of Infants


Infants often suffer from

l Cough, cold, chest mfecttons
2 Diarrhoea or Constipation
3 Vomttmg and Indtgestton
4 Itchmg m and around anus (may be due to presence of
(Pm) worms or actd nch stools
5 Broncho-Pneumoma
6 Marasmus
7 Dentttton Related Dtsorders
8 Fever
9 Gnpes and Cohc (Gastralgia)
Precaution m treatmg a child ts far more essenttal than the
treatment Itself If followmg steps are taken, as a matter of
preventtve measure~ your mfant may not fall dl
Directions Regarding Child Care and Treatment
1. Do not expose to heat and cold conditiOns and use dress
accordmg to weather condtttons
2 Carefully exam me all his symptoms and watch how he
reacts, responds, crtes, feels comfortable or distressed
m whtch parttcular condttton
3. Examme hts abdomen, stools, urtne and persp1rat10n,
throat, eyes, skm colour/condttton
4 Never g1ve any strong medtcme nor giVe an adult dose151

gtve only appropnate. most suitable, effecttve and m1 Id

5 Certam complamts can be eastly cured by simple
massage, change ofposttlon, slight pattmg or modification
m quantity and quality ofmtlk, and, m me often, by time
tested home remedies
6 Vehtcles for use with medic me should mclude, honey,
mtlk (of mother cow or goat)
7 Place thermomette under armptt or m thtgh JOmt but
never m the mouth In certam, cases, though rarely, tt
mtght need to be mserted m the rectum
8 Instead of going m to unnecessary details, admmister
palhattve med1cmes to quell emergent symptoms but,
even then, no strong med1cme should be given
9 Never act agamst wtll of the chtld or any act of yours
that he resists, abhors or dtshkes Keep an eye on l11s
mental condtttons Never agitate htm
10 In case of dtarrhoea, htgh fever, stomach pam, gastralgia,
vom1tmg, skin rashes and eruptions eye troubles etc;
adJustment m quahty ofmllk wtll serve the purpose If
the child ts breast-fed, modtfy mother's dtet m vtew of
mfant' s diseases
11 Ifthe mother IS healthy and free from any disease, as
there IS no substttute for mother's mdk, (followed by
cow's mllk or goat 3 milk.)
12 Never put the youngone on fast, dietary regtmen nor
affect any redtcal changes in his rearmg up method-tf
necessary, only margtnal adjustments and modifications
should be made
13. When the mother ts ill, suspend feeding htm on her milk,
instead substitute cow's mtlk wtth tt
14. Apply paste of the prescrtbed medicine to mother's
teats so that when sucking the medtcine also is ingested
alongwith mother's milk, or else she may herself take

the medtcme whtch the chlld IS to be served- tt will

have the same effect
15 Take particular care w1th regard to child s pet sonal
hygtene, that changmg ofNapptes, gtvmg bath (accordmg
to chmat1c conditions, keepmg area on/around neck,
n1outh, armptts, thtgh Jomts, anu~ and pents neat and
clean Pat hun With a soft towel dry- do not towel hts
body vigorously Apply powder wtth a 'pufr
16 Mamtam hts sod mm-water balance Botl the water and
let tt cool down Then store thts water m a tumbler and
put 111 a pmch of salt and a TSP of sugar and serve a
TSP after every 10-15 mmutes-more so m summer and
loose mottons
17 Never leave the chtd alone Cultt vate habtt of ttmebound feedmg It ts hetght ofnnprudence to take every
episode ofweepmg or cry as a demand for feedmg-thts
ts a misplaced not10n The reason may be pam m the
abdomen, fever or some sort of other dtscomfort
In consultatton wtth your plysictan gtve followmg medtcmes
agamst symptoms noted agamst each medtcme
1 MahagandhakRasa- 200mg wtth honey-In diarrhoea
2 Bal Rasa-30-35mgwtth betel extract(Jmce)-m fever,
3 Kumara Kalyan Rasa- with sugar candy mtxed milk
Note The above medtcrnes should be gtven 3-4 ttmes
dally according to symptoms but Nos (2) and (3) should
never be given together- of course, etther of the two
can be given, hence never mtx the said medtcmes-of
course Mahagandhank Ras may be mtxed with either of
4. Arvindasava 2.5ml-75ml wtth equal quantity of water
- twtce daily after main feed.
Diseases of displacement of uterus, any venereal disease
(like syphilis, gonorrhoea), tutorculosts, cancer, aids, defect in

ovanes and falloptan tubes, habitual abortton, nymphomama,

dtabetes, nervous problem, any heart disease, any disease connected
wtth hver, spleen mtestmes, stomach, rectum and anus etc may be
got treated through only, a phystctan Stmtlarly, m case ofmen also,
Impotency, satynasis, gemto-urmary problems, m entia upsets,
hydrocele, prostatitiS, cystitis etc need to be tackled by a phystctan
That ts the reason why I have avotded any reference to such
dtsorders Soctal norms, customs, traditions, food pattern, personal
habtts, weakness for or aversion to certain food Items, eh mates,
sttuat10ns, habtts play an tmportant part m mouldmg one's hfe and
these are the factors whtch form maJor chunk of dtseases- most
ofwhtch can be easily solved by an mdtvtdual htmselfby shght
modtficattons and adjustments, compromtses, and m most sttuattons
medtcmal treatment ts hardly called for
If you have, that etther or both of the parents, the infant 1s
most hkely to be mfected, hence take timely, corrective and
curattve measures, to keep your mfant free from any mfectton



er ilia&

Miscellaneous Diseases
Thts ts a condttton of the skm when there ate first scales,
fissured sk.m, mtense ttchmg and mflammat10n, sore pam When the
skm ts excesstvety scratched, mostly my nails or any hard object
(hk.e brush), the surface starts bleedmg After the dtsease gets
chrontc, etther there 1s oozmg from the scratched Site or else It ts
stmply a ratsed, mflammed and ttchmg condttton, but mtense Itching
ts a common symptom Allergtc eczema ts more dtfficult to educe,
as the there could be specific objects that are capable to cause
onset ofthts dtsorder Eczema spreading by contact 1s a common
form of the malady Those workmg in gas, chemtcal, drug
manufacturmg umts are the general v1cttms The dtsease 1s hable to
spread by contact wtth an mfected person/obJect
Aggravation ofKapha, Vatta and Pttta 1s constdered to be the
chtef causative, though 1t ts also constdered to be a forerunner of
leprosy or a form thereof Soap IS saxd to be one of the maJor
,causatives, m addttton to allergy to some spectfic food ttems, seafoods, poultry products, toffees, sweets, chocolates, drmks etc
Treatment: Avotd scratchmg wtth your nails or any other
object, like brush but cloth (soft) may be used, in stead, for the
purpose, ifpruritis is unbearable. Keep the surface free from dust,
heat, known allergens, and known eatables Pound root ofkasaundi

and reduce to fine powder form, mtx the same m ka11J 1 and then
apply the paste over affected area Do not use any soap, detergents
or oil whtch prectpttate the dtsease
M1x Panbhadra Ras (250mg) Udaya Bhaskar ( 125mg), and
chakramardabJa churna (240mg) and take thts dose thnce datly
wtth khadtrartshta Apply and rub JUice ofAmaltas leaves over the
affected portiOn Keep the affected part off from cold and heat
If soap ts necessary to use, use glycerme soap (Pears soap)
or some Baby soap (say Johnson'sBaby soap) AvOid usmg Ubtan
(a compound of gram flour and mustard oil) also

It Is also known as Sheeta Pttta m Ayurveda, but some people
calltt 'Nettle rash' or 'Htves' It IS very agomsmg dtsease when
the pattent has eruptions all over the body, there are elevated red
patches whtch may have whtte margms or m other cases, patches
are whtttsh but ctrcumscnbed by red margms. In etther stage,
prurttis IS so severe as the patient 1s drtven to frantic scratchmg
There IS heat, redness, swelhng, restlessness, symptoms bemg
aggravated by exposure to cold or heat or even moist wmds,
perspiratiOn, tmtatiOn, though fever ts not present
Latest medtcal opimon veers round the fact that some sort of
allergy ts the baste cause whtch IS attnbuted to allergy to fluctuatmg
volleys oftherm.tc conditiOns, food articles, hke drmks, beer, sptces,
condtments, fats, vegetables, fruits, mtlk and/or Its bi~products, fish
or meat, oils, scents, odours, chemtcals, gases etc To sum up
anythmg extstmg under the sun could cause allergy, wtth resutlant
onset and appearance ofurticanal eruptions
Ayurveda beheves either or all the humours, when vitiated
could cause urticaria. Some ofthe lmown situations are taking cold
water beverage after takmg exercise, or exposmg the body to cold
when rt is hot, mfestation with some parastte, mental excitement
ete But, the most probable cause is when pttta vitiates and kaphavayu aggravate

Ensure purrficatton of blood, for whtch a TSP of Haldt
(turmeuc) may be mtxed wtth a glassful of milk 2-3 tunes daily
Another well known remedy of yore ts gem/gatrtk (Red ochte)5grams thnce dally wtth water/honey, or Ftve grams each of
Arogyavardhmt Rasa and suta shakhat Ras should be taken, thttce
daily wtth honey Consttpatton, tfextstmg, should be removed by
takmg 1 TSP ofTnphala wtth lukewarm water at mght
Spec1fic Remedies
I Root Powder of Arm (3 gms) should be taken wtth 12
gms of pure ghee twtce dally
2 Handra Khand (4 gms) and Rasa Smdur (80gms) should
be taken together wtth water, thnce datly
3 For local apphcat10n, prepare a paste from turmenc,
seeds ofChakramarda and Sesame, Kooth, and massage
over the affected porttons Once or twtce a day
Intestmal worms are also satd to cause urttcana, hence
remove the worms, as also consttpat10n Remember, where there
ts filth and consttpatiOn worms m mtestmes are bound to hatch and
cause urttcana alongwtth other comphcattons

"cqmlT ~ ~"

that IS, that whtch destroys Dhatus ts

called Leprosy There ts hardly any body organ that can remain
unaffected this dtsorder whtch in develops slowly and patient does
not feel dtsturbed unless malignant stage or white patches surface
on the body Modem medtcme attributes tts cause ot 'Mycobetenum
Leprae' orgamsm and points to two types of Leprosy, vtz
Lepromatous and tuberculoid The former progresses steadily
while the latter runs a relatively bemgn course, but, m most cases,
mtxed symptoms appear, hence such a dtstmctton ts merely of
academtc value, due to conglomerated symptoms ofnervous system
and skm. White patches on the skin, nodules, with or w1thout
i.tchmg/ooztng are almost common symptoms. Either there 1s total

loss of sensitiVIty of skm or there IS pam Any part of body can be

affected If eyes are affected, total blindness may ensue and m
extreme stage of aggravatiOn, fingers may deform and may fall off
from the JOmts
Ayurveda attnbutes cause ofLeprosy to aggravation of the
three doshas (humors)
Types-Charak has described two mam types VIZ
(t) Khshudra Kushta Roga and
(u) Mahakashta Roga
The former is mamfested by 11 types of leprosy and latter by
7 types The readers need out get confused by such subdivisions
whtch are only mtended to facthtate dtagnosts and deduce the
contnbutory cause
Symptoms ofleprosy dtffer accordmgto aggravation ofhumors
such asWhen Vata aggravates- Roughness, dryness, hght dark
or pink appearance of skm
When Bile Aggravates - Dtscharge, redness, pam,
swelling, extreme heat
When cough Aggravates-PerspiratiOn (moi~1and st1cky),
deep rooted, glaze, pruntts, cold and heavmess
When two humors aggravate m umson, the satd symptoms of
predomtnant humors should be taken together to get a compostte
ptcture of symptoms
Type of Leprosy
1 Psoriasis- Skm turns coarse and black.
2 Rhagades- When skin sphts on hands & feet
3. Ecthyosh~, Eczema- Here the skm resembles hke scales
of a fish
4 Xerodermia, Pigmentosa- Skm resembles Itke that of
an elephant and ts dry.
5 Linchen-Acute ttchmg and botls, ring wonns
6 Excoriation- Here de$tructton ofsmall areas of surface
of skin/mucous membrane occurs

Scabies, bullae and er}thmas

Treatment: Try followmg medtcmal courses accordmg to

vttlatiOnlaggrav ation ofhumor(s)

1 Rasa Mamkya 100 mg with ghee and honey thnce daily
Ghee and honey should be taken m unequal quantity
2 Kushthart- 300gm wtth honey
3 Kushthakalanal Rasa ( 1OOmg) With decoctton ofbark of
Neem tree (thrtce datly)
4 Panch Ttkta Guggul - 300mg with the decoctton of
Baakucht (thnce datly)
5 Mahatalakeshwar Rasa (50mg) wtth unequal quanttty of
ghee and honey
6 Panch Nimba chuma w1th mtlk or cow s urme
and 7 Anyone offollowmg hqutd preperattons can be taken
mdependantly or else used as substttute(s) m place of
the forement1oned vehtcles
Vnhat/LaghumanJtshthadya or Quath or Panch Ntmb
Quath, Patoladt Quath
8 Khad~rarishtha (25ml) may be taken dally after meals
(tw1ceda1ly) w1th lukewarm water
9 Gandhaka Rasayan
- 500mg
=one dose to
Rasa mamkya
- 125 mg
be taken
10 Navakakakhshaya 60ml + Mahat1kta ghrita 12 ml should
be taken wtth watet a fer the medtcmes, mentioned m
No.9 above If yuu are usmg fonnulae ofNo.9 and 10
you don't have to u::.e any otherdruglcombmatton.
A void all rrntants hke ~alt, sptces, condtments, wmes & beers
etc and take only easily digest1ble d1ct whtch is bland.
Note: Accordmg to modern theory, Leprosy ts fully curable
and a Iepe1 can lead a normal hfe after takmg fuiJ coarse Th1s ts
not a transsmittable disease; hence element of repugnance and
hatred should not find any place m human psyche of those who
treat and look after such patients. Soc1al attitude needs an


overhauled change m approach Mahatma Gandhi used to serve

and look after the lepers himself but he himself d1d not get any
mfectton, hence lepers deserve sympathy, care and proper treatment,
mstead of condemnatton~ hatred, dertsion

Blood Pressure (High)

Th1s IS only a symptom and not a dtsease, and there IS hardly
any person who can assert wtth confidence that he had never had
blood pressure or hypertensiOn The causes are both orgamc and
mental as followsSymptoms/Causes
Hardenmg ofblood vessels due to cholestoral format1on
on the htgher stde
Malfunct10mng ktdneys and unnary mfect10ns
Blurred vision, red eyes (or blood shot eyes) fltckermg
before eyes or darkness
Stress m any form h.ke socto-economtc,Job-related, family
and personal problems
Use of tobacco m any form
Use ofalcohol, drugs, fatty and nch food
Palpitation (Tachycardia)
Headache, throbbmg and pulsation m the temples
Restlessness coupled with anxiety, fear, psychtc upsets,
sudden shocks, losses etc
Use of salt and spices.
Chronic constipatiOn
Insomnia or disturbed sleep
lfhypertension Is ignored, It may result in heart attack. k1dney
damage or else failure, psychtc upsets, cerebral haemorrhage or
even paralysis or death
If cause of hypertens10n has not been located, tt 1s called
'Essential Hypertension but, when contributory and prectpttating
cause has been ascertamed, it IS called 'Prrmary Hypertension'in the former variety, one has to take antihypertensive med1cines as

long as one hves but m the lattervanety, hypertension wtll dtsappear

as soon as the contnbutory causattve has been cUied Nonnally an
mdtvtdual measurmg 120/80mg of the mercury 1s said to have
normal B P but If the readmg falls below 100/60 or nses above
140/95, a close momtonng m requned But htgher nse m blood
pressue needs to be fully mvesttgated and then t1 eated All I have
to stress ts that B P mu!:>t never be Ignored or neglected nor should
the malady be taken lightly At lea~t have your B P checked up
once m 1-2 months, even tfno vtstble symptom IS felt
Dtabetacs are hable to suffer from htgh blood pressUl e due to
arteno-sclerosts (or say, hardenmg ofthe vessels) and ultimately
may damage the1r retma as a consequence thereof Stm1larly
patients wtth renal (kidney) and cardiac (heart) problems must not
be complacement or md1fferent, mstead tht'"y should arrange for
proper momtormg ofthetr B P , at regular mtet vals I have gtven
here allopoathic VIew of this disotder The reason bemg that
general mode ofmvestigatton, m Allopathy & Homeopathy IS also
dependant on cltmcal fi ndmgs and most ofAyurvedtc and Homoeo
phystcaans base their diagnosls on such fidmgs and there IS nothmg
wrong m 1t. when fac lltttes for more correct dtgnosttc approach are
available, even then baste tenets and prmctples of a parttcular
sy~tem must not be sacnticed
Suggestions for Pragmatic approach
1 To whtchever system ofmedtcmal treatment, you may
adhere to, never leave the treatment mid-way unless
your phystctan advtses you to do so
2 Rcs_;ulate yow hfe pattern- have meals at fixed ttme
but avotd late mght meal'i, heavy, sptcy. stale and mfected
1 Take c>..erc1se, 111 :'ll1Y form datly- whether through
walkmg, yogJc po~tUies, stroll, but never lead a sedentary
4. A void alcohol, tobacco, gutkas, drugs, fats
5 Remam (at least attempt to) free fromday-to-dayworrtes

Keep yourself engaged m some work Never stt tdle

Take the prescnbed medtcmes regularly, and never
change/suspend/taper your dose and tts frequency, of
your own
8 Cultivate active and am table habits Do not be a 'sticker',
rather be a 'get-goer'
9 Keep your d1gest1on m order and do not let const1pat1on
10 Retire to bed early and get up early next mommg
1 Garlic IS constdered to be an undtsputed remedy foi
controlling B P Take one gm paste of Its cloves dally tn
the mommgw1th buttermilk Iftts smellts offenstve, fry
the cloves of garhc ghee as heatmg destroys tts good
properties or soak 2-4 cloves m mtlk at mght and chew
the same next mommg
2 Syrup ofShankapushp1 wllllower B P and also mduce
sound & healthy sleep It will also calm down mental
3 Take halfa TSP ofSarpagandha (Rauwolfia Serpentma)
with honey/mtlk/water thrice datly. Erstwhile 'Ctba'
compa.1y had been marketmg 'Serpm a Tablets' made
from thts herb or Take Sarpagandha Rasayan-750 mg
4 RasaraJa 60 mg. Praval PtshtJ Maheshwar 120mg, and
750 mg of surpagandha Ra'>ayan should be taken wtth
The patient should avoid fats in any form, with exception of
Milk Sptces, alcohol, tobacco, drug addtction, carbohydrates Try
to wrtggle out ofmental problems and stay happy and tens1on free
, Have a positive attitude towards hfe and, 1 repeat, be a 'get-goer'

Low Blood Pressure

It 1s reverse ofthe above Situation Usual causes are : mjury,

loss ofblood due to abortton, mtscarrtage, menstrual bleedmg m

excess low calone dtet, poor hmng conditiOns, work m excess of
one's capactty, anaemta, sudden shock Low B P can be eastly felt
when 1t falls much below normal ltm1ts VtttatiOn of Va)'u ts
cons1dered to be the real and baste cause Ladtes who have to
undergo repeated pregnancies also suffer from thts problem
As an emergency measure giVe 2-3 TSP of brandy or
whtsky m warm water to pep up the pattent' s doommg status G1ve
htgh protem carbohydrate-fat dtet use dry frmts, orange,
pomegranate, grapes, mangoes, apples spmach, beets, other green
and leafy vegetables, dates, soyabean etc whtch are long term
measures Saffron With mtxed mtlk IS also satd to push up blood
pressu1 e Almond. saffron, ghee and milk form a useful combmatton
Such strength bulldmg measures should be taken m hmtted and
moderate quantity- keepmg m mmd the dtgestlve power otherw1se
adverse results may ensue

Sleeplessness (Insomnia)
One can have e1ther no c;leep or have dtsturbed sleep
Remember, sound, peaceful and unmterrupted sleep serves as a
tome tor body and mmd Day 1s meant for work and mght for sleep,
hence one must enJOY sound sleep for 6 hours Relaxatton 1s no
substitute formght's sleep
Causes & Symptoms
Disturbance ofany sort, mental upset, mdigest10n, pam, fever.
restlessness, n01se, late mght awakemng, t1rmg and exhaustmg
work, acute headache, brut sed feehng all over the body. sore
feehng, naggmg, weather changes (sudden), over or mdaequate
covertng of the body, extreme heat or mtense cold, humtdtty,
sweating, coughmg (persistent), etc are some of the factors/
situations that disturb sleep pattern
The affected person expertence consttpatton, headache,
dyspepsta, tiredness, dtsmclinatJOn to work/labour, agitation etc
Absence of sleep IS merely a symptom which has some cause

behmd tt In some cases when sleep IS made subserv1ent to and

dependant upon some habit (say alcohol mtake sleepmg tablets,
tea, coffea at bed ttme), the concerned person cannot have sleep
unless he has h1s favounte drmk at mght
Ftrst of all, locate the cause, and remove the same QUite
often change of place, surroundmgs, food habtts, work pattern or
hours, deviations and dtstracttons 01 else mvolvement m f1 uitful and
gamful work can/may m duce sleep It may be noted that resort to
medtcmes should be the last optton, when all other remedtal steps
have pro \I ed meffecttve
Treatment : Ayurvedtc theory believes Vata, Pttta and
Cough - etther all the three, two of them or only one- as the
causattve(s) behmd msomma, hence Jt should be found out as to
what factor has caused the malady Followmg medtcmes may be
tned, Irrespective of any cause VIZ
1 ChurnaofPJPplomool-1 5gm to be taken wtth water as
a smgle dose at bed time
2 Swamamakhshtk Bhasrna to be taken ( 1gm) wtthjaggery
3 Brahmi(BacopaMonmera
A dose of these po"Wders should be taken wtth water/
!!I ilk thrice dally To make It stronger and more effective
add 1gm or 500mg of Shankhpushpt to the abovementtoned powders
4 Vatakulantaka (125mg) may be taken twice dally wtth
5 Nidrodaya Rasa- 125mg to be taken wtth honey at bedtime (one dose only).
One can try anyone of the satd prescr1pt10ns as per swtabtlity
and mdtvrdual requrrenment
Message on head with Chameli Tel (oil of Jasmme) or pure
Mustard Oil (Sarson Ka Tel) or cow's ghee may also induce sleep
at mght In some cases even a bath taken 30 m mutes priOr to the

t1me ofrettrmg to bed, can also mduce sleep, or else massage soles
ofthe feet wtth cow's mtlk at mght- add some campho1 durmg
summer days
Ifyou take a long, but sustamable walk, after havmg dmner,
and get tired, then sound sleep could also ensue

Coma I Comatose
Symptoms : It's a conditiOn of deep sleep when
unconsciOusness prevails Desptte best efforts, the pattent can't be
atoused 1f the skm IS punched, pncked or touched, there ts
absence of any reflex action/movement of body organs Eye balls
are non-reactive to hght, ears do not react to sound palpitation and
pulse are normal as usual, there ts no froth at the mouth, the patient
does not clench hts fists, resptratwn ts normal
The above symptoms also surface durmg Catalepsy (a state
of Trance or samadht)
1 Sudden shockmg news of loss/death
2 Diabetes Melhtus (Diabetic coma)
3 Trauma!accrdent (espec1allyto head)
4 Eptlepsy/Catalepsy
5 Excessive mtake of alcohol or any drug (wilfully or
6 Hypoglycaemia (low sugar content m the body, when
blood supply/oxygen to the bramts not supplied Excess
mtake ofmsuhn).
7. Br1ght's Disease/Uraemia (Uraemtc coma when urea
content Rises qu1te abnormally m the blood or senously
mfects k1dney)
8 Carbon Monoxtde p01somng
9. Narcottc/Opium potsonmg
10 Menmgitts
11. High fever
12 Cerebral Tumours

13 Worm mamfestattons etc

I have ment10ned ma1or causes/factors that could mduce
Comatose Person of any age, sex and habtts can be a VICtim
There 1s no specific tlme penod for a patient to remam unconscious
- It may run from some mmutes, hours, days, months or even
years But, prol'imgatton of attack and Its severity and mtensity wtll
depend on patt~mt' s health status, cause of malady, general body
resistance a~n tetary nutnt10n, as weak persons have been seen
to succumb to the dtsease much sooner than the robust ones
In Ayu da the satd situation ts called Sanyas whtch owes
tts ortgm to vattation ofthree humors (doshas) The dtsease must
be treated by an expert phystctan whose first duty IS to bemg the
patient back to h1s consc10us state, and then look for and dtscern
the real cause In addttlon to forementioned factors, coma could be
mduced by concussion, compress10n, thrombosis, cerebral malana,
ctrrhosts ofhver or even high blood pressure.
Treatment and Other Measures
F1rst, let the pattent be laid in an easy and comfortable
positiOn, untte/loosen hts ttght clothes, laces, neck tie, remove hts
socks and shoes and let m fresh air Do not let people surround and/
or crowd near the patient If it ts winter, wrap his body With a
woolen shawl or blanket and do not let the cold wmds reach hts
body In summer, coma may surface due to extreme exhaustion or
heat stroke- o:;o splash water over his face and keep water-soaked
bandages over his head In any case, h1s resptration should not get
Try to revive the pattent' s consciousness by lettmg him mhale
Kevanch Phali or Ammonia, or smell ofonion or, ifnecessary drop
2-3 drops ofonion juice into each nostril. Pl}tsome Naushadar and
Ltme (used for white washtng} into a bottle and add some water to
it. Now cork the same firmly and whisk vigorously, when it will turn
into composite liqutd (millcy whi~). Remove the stopper and let the
patient inhale the gas so produced. But dti so 2-3 times only, givmg
a gap of 1S-20 m.ttlutes between each inhalation. Ifthere is too high

blood pressure, the patient may have to be bled If 1t rs d1ahetrc

coma, reduce the concentrattOn of sugar - but do not act
overzealously and hasttly Do not let out blood so enormously as to
cause hypotension or low blood pressure, or cause sugar to fall to
such a low level as to brmg m a stale ofhypoglycaemtca
Try followmg drugs etther alone 01 m combmatton w1th other
1 Praval P1shtt
-500mg one
Moorchantak Rasa
- 125mg
Yogendra Rasa
- 125mg
Mtx the satd mgred1ents and take 3 such doses wtth cow's
ghee/honey (6-hourly dose)
Take 125gm ofMahakalyana Ghrtta wtth cow's milk
at the tune of breakfast
After meals take 20 ml ofAshwagandhartshta mtxed
wtth equal quantity ofwatet (twtce datly)
Mtx 6 gms ofShatavatt Ghrtta and shrt Gopal Ta1la
and massage over the body and head 1-2 t1mes dally
Try to seek deviatton from normal rut and humbug of busy
schedule If posstble, retire to some serene, calm and frtendly.:
surroundmgs Don't get nervous, control your temper and avOid
hasty acttons, have a confidant who is a pat1ent listener and
sympathetic person Lead a reasonably act1ve hfe- do only light
exercise Practise Yoga, Pranayama, mhale fresh atr to let m
oxygen and let out pmsonous gases, try some deep breathmg
exerctse, mgest light, bland and eastly dtgesttble diet Use dates,
almonds, other dry fruits, mtlk, lemon, mousamb1, orange, grapes,
pomegranates, whole gram cereals, leafy vegetables, etc Do not
hurry, worry or scurry-be an opttmtst Av01d disputes and quarrels
always, but don't be etther a sex recluse or an obsessed sex

This ts a condition when a person loses control hts body

novements, falls to balance himself, has a feehng that all obJects

ar ound htm are movmg m a archtc form, 01 he will fall to the ground
If he attempts to move He may be havmg nausea which, m many
cases, IS a forerunner ofverttgo
1 Dtsorders ofthe dtgestiOn, and gas formation
2 Diseases ofthe ears, when flmd balance m the ear(s) IS
dtsturbed (Labrynthic Vertigo)
3 Impaxred eye-stght
4 Impaired funct10nmg of nervous system
5 Frequent and severe attacks ofhemtcrama (Mtgrame)
6 When vttal flutd fads to reach the bram due to poor
ctrculat10n ofblood
7 Sexual mcompetence and/or other sex-related problems
8 Repeated attacks of epilepsy
9 Tumour m the bra m
10 Lack of sleep and utter fatigue
Ifverttgo occurs whether mstde/outsJde home, the patient
should not move alone, especially while ascendmg and descendmg
stairs, and seek help/support of someone else Followmg medicmes
may be tned, etther alone or m combmat10n wtth other two medtcmes
1 Duralabha Quath - 50 ml should be taken w1th ghee
2 Suvama Sootashekhar Ras (50-60mg) to be taken twice
daily, wtthJUice/decoctiOn ofAmla.
3. Mtx 10 ml each of Ashwagandhanshta and
Saraswatartshta, etther alone or mtxmg It wtth equal
quantity (20ml)ofwater, twice daily
Ifverttgo occurs due to insomnia, only Ashwagandhartshta
( 1Oml) or Its powder (Y2 to!fSP) wtth water, will serve the purpose
Avmd use oftobacco, alcohol, narcotic drugs. Take simple,
hght, bland, sp1ce-;free dtet Avotd drivmg, operatmg a machmery,
outstde movements. If constipation is there, take Amaltas (6 gms)

wtth decoctiOn ofHarad (Harttakt) at mght. befme you get on to


Loss of Memory
Out dally expenences relegate to and settle m subconsciOus
mmd Memory IS simply a recollection ofpast events and expenence
and bram the seat 01 stmehouse of memory When we recall our
experience, It IS called tecollective memory' Some persons are
unable to repeat!tecollect what they had said or heatd a few
moments ago whtch ts generally called 'Tempmary fatlure of
mstant recollective memory ' There ate others who cannot wnggle
out of past thoughts, events tdeas Whatever be the type of
memory failure, tt ts the bram that ts always affected- though
degree and quantum of affliCtiOn Will depend on mtensity and
seventy m each case It IS generally opmed that the events that are
Important to our hfe are rarely forgotten, whereas whtch are not
(so) Important do not find any place m our memory Memory
failure or retentton depends on. or else recollection depends largely
upon the degree of our attachment, mvolvement affimty and
Importance we attach to an eventlexpenence ofhfe
Some event or eptsode VIrtually shakes our mmd and bra m
(may be due to some emotiOnal/mental trauma 01, In particular, to
head mJury), that the patient may forget even his own Identity
Under tmpactofphobJa (fear) a person may be obsessed wtth the
fnghtemng object that, due to fear. he would shun to recogmse &
recollect- as happens after recollectiOn of dream events of a
fierce person, am mal, spectrum etc. Fear among chtldren, also IS
generally due to some kmd ofphobta or latent fear whtch causes
loss or 1mpamnent ofmemory
Treatment: Try the undermentioned medtcmes
Brahmt ts the herb of chotce - an ounce of JUtce of plant
should be given, first on empty stomach and then m the evemng or
the plant can be processed m ghee and a TSP gtven as above
(twtce datly). But, ifthe patient is weak, tt could be taken w1th milk
(warm) and sugar, or give a TSP of root ofvacha (m Powder form)
w1th cow's milk and honey

Give plenty of seasonal fnnts, dry fnuts seeds of melon,

water melon and cucumber, gteen vegetables, milk and mllk
Almonds, butter, sugar candy, black pepper, dates. are smd to
enhance mem01y Do not take any hqom, tobacco p1 oducts,
'memory enhancmg p1Hs', rather seek gm dance ofyour phys1c1an
Stop broodmg over past events, mishaps, losses, deaths and stay
away from worry, anxiety, tens1on, anger, tll-wd I, A vance

Thts 1s muscle weakness that vanes m 1ts extent, seventy and
degree of flacctdtty or spasticity accordmg to the nature of the
underlymg dtsorder and 1ts distribution m spmal cmd, bram, pe11pheral
nerves or muscles
Types of Paralysis
l Paraplegia : It occurs usually due to mJury or d1sease of
spmal cord and occurs m both the legs It Is generally
accompamed by loss ofsensat10n below the level oftnJUry and
dtsturbed bladderfunctton
2 Diplegia: Thts type of paralysis mvolves both stdes of the
body, and severly affects the legs than the arms Cerebral
dtplegta ts far more severe and dangerous when the damage Is
3 Herniplegia : It 1s paralysis of one stde of the body, when
movements of face are affected more severely than those of
the leg It 1s caused by dtsease of the opposite (contralateral)
hem1sphere ofthe brain.
4. Monoplagia: It is paralysis of a single part of the body
S Poliomyelitis: It is a technical name for polio or mfant1le
Paralysis It ts caused by an mfect1ve vtrus that affects the
central nervous system (CNS) The disease can be divtded
mto various categories which are of no mterest to a reader
This disorder ts most common m those areas where there is
poor sanitation poliomyelitis is common is most areas in our
country, but the d1sease can be controlled.

Locomotor Ataxia or Tabes dorsalis : It 1s a form when

neurosyph1hs occurs after 5-20 years after the (ongmal) venereal
m feet ton The mfectmg 01 gamsm~ gradually/progressvel}
destroy the sensory ner\les~ when severe stabbmg pams occur
m the trunk and legs~ gait becomes tottermg or staggermg and
unsteady, loss of control ovet bladdet 1s another accompanymg
symptom A few patients may have damage of optic nerves
that results 111 blurred vts1on Young or mtddle-aged persons are
often the vict1ms
Nomeclat10n of dtsease depends on the affection of a
part1cularateaofbody hk.e bratn, spmal cord or nerves, that ts
why terms like cet ebral, spmal or penpheral paralysis are often

Shaking or Trembling Paralysis or Paralysis Agitans,

or Parkinsonism (Parki~~on's diSease) are the tenns used

for r1g1dty of muscles and rhyttlmtcal tremors

I have s1mply mentioned most commonly noticed fonns of
para I)' sts Other types melude wastmg paralysis, progressive
muscularatroply, Factal ParalysJs(orBell"sPalsy) Paralysts
is a d1sease, of whatever eteology 1t may be long to, that takes
much longer to cure, when patience of both the pattent and
physian as also of the attendants is on hard test
Treatment: Try following combmat1ons etther severely or
JOintly, dependmg upon stage, condition and symptoms of the
subject pattent.
I Powder of Ashwagandha
-1 gm
Vata VtdhwansanRasa
Chopcheeni chuma
- SOmg
P1pph Moo la
- 1gm
should be taken thrtce daily with water. Rasanadt Quath (50ml)
may be taken twice daily.
2 VrlhatVataChentamani Ras
-25mgl one
Ashwagandha Chuma

Take 2 such doses with soup ofweat (12 hourly dose).


125mg ofRasaraJa should be taken as last thmg m the

mght wtth milk
4 Massage the affected parts with Mahanarayan tail a
5 Mtx up 50 ml Mashabaladi Quath, 50mg asafoettda and
500 mg ofRock salt and shake well and store m a bottle
havmg a dropper It should be used as nasal dt ops- for
the purpose ofbemg mserted m the opposite nostnl to the
affected side For mstance tfparalysts has affected nght
stde, use drops m the left nostnl and so on
For Memory tmpatrment and loss of memory, It IS always
better to seek advtce of an expenenced phystctan Memory fat lure
m old age lasts long, hence treatment ts also for longer duration,
childhood symptoms can be met wtth earher success, traumatic
memory failure IS not dtfficult to cure but needs careful and
constant momtormg and treatment, hence no hard and fast rules
can be apphed

Sctattc nerve ts called a 'great nerve' that runs from pelvts
and runs down to the back of the thigh, endmg up to feet The
dtsease owes Its onset to aggravatxon ofvayu (wmd. atr) There ts
pam m the back that runs down to ankles of feet, pam 1s excructatmg
and unbearable, needle hke, throbbmg, heavmess The patient IS
unable to s1t and finds no rehef m any posttton The disease occurs
m one leg, and the patient walks on the unafected stde, as a result
ofwhxch he bends whtle walkmg Rarely the affection affects both
the stdes. Sciatxca ts often taken as 'htp-Jomt dtsease' but the
symptoms dtffer, hence no confusxon should artse
A Sciatic person generally suffers from chrome constipatiOn
wluch can be removed tfcastorotl (1 0-20ml) 1s given wtth hot milk
The pam is the result ofpressure upon a nerve caused by prolapsed
mter vertebral dtsc between 4th and 5th lumbar vertabra The pam
starts from the hip-Jomt, from where 1t radiates to toe Pam ts
sometimes accompanted by numbness and sometimes by sore
pam The patient cannot he on the bed- more so on the pamful
stde. Any movement, Jerk, shock, touch increases intensity ofpain.

As a first step, the pattent should keep a folded sheet/pillow

underneath h1s h1ps, keep a p1llow under the affected foot so that
pressure ts reduced on the gteat nerve Keep the pamful potilon
covered, apply hot water bottle fomentation A sttck may be used,
whtle makmg any movement, so as to reduce pressure on pamful
leg Hatd bed IS often recommended. but never use any foldmg
Treatment: Try any prescnpt10n, gtven hereunder
1 Trayodashank Guggul- 1gm (6 hourly dose) should be
gtven with MntasanJeevam Sma/wme/hot water, hot
milk, soup ofmeat-thnce daily
2 MahayogaraJ Guggul-1 gm, as usual, wtth Rasna Quath
(tlu 1ce daily)
3 Mtx VatagaJankush Rasa (250mg) and Vatshvanara
churna (3 gms) wtth decoctiOn of ManJIShltts or hot
wate1, twtce da1ly (once after each meal)
4 At the ttme ot returmngto bed, take 20ml, ofcastorotl
withcows urtne
5 Massage the affected parts wtth Mahavtshagarbha Taila
or Satndhvadt TatI- 2-3 ttmes dally
6 Take a TSP ofEranda Pak at mght w1th cow's mtlk or
hot water at bed-t1me datly
Diet etc: Avo1d fned foods, beans, pulses, curds, whey and
sour sub<stances, and also avotd exposure to cold and damp weather
condtt10ns If health perm1ts do some hght exerctses whtch do not
cause any Jerk, fall or trauma
Try ~ome yogic exercises, under adv1ee and supervision of a
yoga teacher only J1ke BhuJangasana or Sarpasana, Halasana or
Shalabhasana It must be ensured that no f01ward-bendmg ex.erc1se
<.>hould ever her undertaken
Whtle walkmg support a lumbar-sacral (spme) but belt but
must not be used at night; as tt wrll retard blood ctrculat10n or add to
Note . Vr1hat Vata Chintamani Rasa (100-125mg) 1s an

excellent and the best remedy If tt ts mixed With other medtcmes,

referred to above, or gtven mdependantly, tt wtll hasten qutcker

Var10us eteologtcal factors trtgger various types of headache
and asstgnment of nomeclat10n to each type htghhght cause of
parttcular type of a headache Major types of headache are as
I Headache to due tensiOn, worry, anxiety (TensiOn
Headache or Nervous Headache)
2. Mtgrame/Hemtcrama (Headache of one half stde)
3 Pyrextal headache (Due to fever)
4 Traumattc headache (Due to mjury, accident)
5 Btlious headache (Due to btle)
6 Dyspettc headache (Due to m dtgestiOn)
7 Headache due to eye-stram/weak eye-stght or
maladjusted glasses
8 Headache due to hearmg problems.
9 Headache due to cervical spondyhsis
10 Costive headache (Due to consttpatton)
11 Catarrhal headache (Due to Nasal congestion ofthtck
mucus m nasal cavtttes (Nostrils).
12 Headache due to brain tumour
13. Headache due to menstrual problems.
14 Puerperal headache (headache after the child btrth).
15 Headache due to over exertiOn/work
Headache can be caused by many other factors under relevant
::hapters, I have already explained the types ofhead~che, e1ther
:iirectly or mdirectly, whlle deahng wtth specific health problems.
-lence, please refer to such chapters for proper treatment, as tt ts
10 use repeating here what has already been stated earlier
Headache is no independent dtsease -tt is simply a symptom
Nhose actual contnbutory cause hes elsewhere-when the baste
cause has been removed, heaaache will get cured automatically

Migraine : It ts headache of one stde

Causes : Takmg food, m excess, even tfthere ts no necessity,
eatmg rough food (whtch ts dev01d of ghee/otl), sleepmg under dew,
restnctton of body excretwns hke excretiOn of phlegm, faeces,
stool and perspiration, expos me to cold or hot wmds, workmg m
excess ofone's phystcal capactty, e-....cesstve phystcal exerctse
Contmuous mtgrame leads to loss of visual and audttory
Symptoms : The pattent has severe, persistent, sphttmg.
excructatmg and pulsatmg headache He cannot see properly
Eyes may be blood shot, pam settles over temple, eye- rather on
whole leftlnght stde There ts constant nausea, followmg by vomttmg
whtc h qutte often, provtdes reltef colour, taste and smell of mgesta
wtll clearly pomt to the cause of the malady The patient bores hts
head mto the ptllow, supports hts head with h1s hands or wraps a
ptece of cloth and tightens the pamful area
Treatment: Fry 4-5 flakes of camphor or rock salt m ghee
and then drop some (2-4) drops mto nostrtl of affected ')Jde to
mduce sneezmg Those who can tolerate tobacco, they can snuff m
'Tobacco Snuffwhtch should be used wtth utmost cautton, as 1t
may cau~e VertJgo/Vomttmg m non add1cts, and on addicts tt won ~t
have much effect; or drop m sugar-candy mtxed mtlk m nostrtl (s)
and also take 1t orally I would cautton the pattents not to resort to
too much ~neezmg Locally apply, over temples~ leaves ofneem,
sandal, turmeric, Lotuc; toot, or hqourtce after anyone of the
mgredtents has been rubbed in goat's mtlk
Jn addttion to the above devices, try the foiJowmg medtcmes
Medicines for all types of headache :
1. NaradJYa Lakhsma Vtlas Rasa
2. Mahalakhm1 V1lasRasa
3 Shirshuladt VaJra Ras
- 200mg
Apply old ghee, clove powder, flowers of Muchkund,
Cinnamon (after reducmg to paste form) locally over t,!"te painful

Av01d excess mdulgence m sex, mdtgestwn, bthouness.

msomma, foods that differ m nature, excessrve sneezmg
In btlhousheadache, take Conandet (Dhamya), Vmegat
pomegranate, coconut water, camphor, kanJ 1, cold m tlk etc Gt ve
ora1ly Praval Bhasma or Mukta PJshtt ( 100-200gms) etther both or
etther, thrtce dally

Diabetes Mellitus
Urme may be passed frequently and m larage quantity but
there may be no sugar present m 1t Con vet sely, tt may be passed m
excesstve quantity repeatedly and sugar may be found m unne
The firsttype IS called 'Prameha' (Dtabetes Instpidwus) and the
otherts 'Madhumeha' (Dtabetes Melhtus) The lattet vartety ~ a
true case of dtabetes Dtabetes IS called a "sllent ktller', 'an
unknown enemy'. 'a gradual destroyer' 1he ttagedy ltes m tts per
chance' detectiOn Hardly any pattent VJStts a doctor and
straightaway asks htm to treat htm for diabetes So many hypothests
extst m thts regard and causes leadmg to thts malady are so vaned
and divergent that patient gets confused and perplexed
I Frequent urmat10n, parttcularly at mght
2 Ravanous hunger- eatmg too much and too often at
short mtervals
3 Drmkmg of large quantttles of water, even at ~h011
4 Breathlessness and fattgue-even on the shghte()t exertton
5 Pam m calves, dry mouth~ ~tomatttis
6 Dry/rough skmand vtolent ttchlilg, m parttculat on!Jround
gemtals and thtghos
7 General malatse., run-down condrt10n
8 Graduallos~ ofwe1ght
9 Neuropathy, weak nerve ...power
l 0 Weak eye s1ght, masked v tston, retmal problems
11. Pam all over the body, particularly m legs

12 Late heahng ofwounds

13 Sexual apathy or sexual excitement
14 Phimosis
15 InfectiOn of toes and gangrene
16 Diabetic Coma
1 Excesstve mtake of Carbohydrates hke food grams,
sugar m any form
2 Heredity- children of diabetic patients have higher nsk
of dtabettc affiictton
3 Obestty
4 Inadequate excretion of msuhn by pancreas (an endocnne
gland) that contt ols sugar matabohsm m the body
5 Alcohol consumptiOn m excess
6 Sedentary hfe style
7 Physical mactlvtty and lack of even moderate exerctse
8 Dtsturbed dtgesttve metabolism
9 TensiOn, wony, aTlXlety
10. Hurry, scurry
Treatment and other Reg1mens : Use anyone of the
1 Jutce ofb1tter gourd (Karela), or Rose apple (Jamun) or
two tender leaves ofBtlva and Neem may be taken on
empty stomach daily Jutce of Jamun should be taken m
an ounce quantity twtce dally, and that ofKarela in 1Y2
ounce dose dally Shtlajtt ts another useful medtcme (250
mg as a smgle dose) should be taken, twtce datly wtth
JUICe of stone apple These are prominent age-old
nostrums which have stood the test of time
2 Vasanta Kusumakar Ras. ts by far, the best medtcme but
ts extremely costly Those who can afford should take
two grams dally wtth a TSP of cream or honey In
certain cases, the satd medtcme brmgs down sugar lever
qutte qUickly, hence sugar-levels should be carefully

momtored When sugar has touched tts normal range,

the dose should be tapered m a graduated manner, and
added wtth 500 mg ptll ofChandraprabha-Vati whtch IS
called a 'Poor man'~ remedy
3 Seeds of Fenugreek (Metht) I OOgms, turmeric 50gm,
Dakhm Mtrch (wh1te pepper) should be ground, and
TSP of the powder may be taken twtce datly wtth a
glass of mtlk or Immerse and soak m water a TSP of
fenugreek seeds whtch may be taken m the mormng,
usmg the same water or taken wtth mtlk
4 Take twtce datly, wtth powder of rose apple stones
(Powder ofJamun-k1-Guthah)
5 Amalak1 Chuma (SOOmg), Haldt Powder (Turmenc
Powder) 500mg and Naag Bhasma (125mg) should be
taken with honey, twtce dally (A I 2-hourly dose)
Diet etc : El em mate all obJects that contam sugar from diet.
bke wheat, rice, potato, sugar, sugar cane and ItSjutCe,Jaggery,
sweet frutts Reduce fats, especially butter and ghee from dtet but
may be taken m moderate quant1ty Orange, Mousambr, lemon,
may be taken as and when needed Take Karela, m any form,
without any basset or fear, and Jamun and powder of Its stone
Take plenty of green vegetables, black gram~ soya, fish etc
Resort to mon1.mg and evenmg walk, Pranayama and perform
Ardha Matsayendra Asana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana. or
Sarvangasana but, I feel, of all those asana Ardha Matsayendra ts,
by far, the best posture (Asana). All yogic asanas should be
performed under superv1sion of a yoga expert lest some injury ts
Disorders of Bones, Bone-joints, Soft-tissue

MaJor d1sorders m thts category are as follows

I Gout
2. Rheumattshm, Rheumatoid arthritis
3 Arthntts, Osteoarthretts, Arthr1t1s deformans.

Body Parts affected

1 Neck and Its appendages (Cervical Spondyhtts)
2 Frozen shoulder
(and other sports related
3 Tenmsellow
4 Pam m wnst and wrtst-drop & Pam m arms
5 Pam m back (Lumbar spondylitis)
6 Htp-:Jomtdtseases
7 Knees~ patella, popliteal space
8 Pam m femur and tibia
9 Pam m heals, feet or mflammatton thereof
10 Goutdtsorders/Rlgtdity
11 Sctatica
All the above-mentioned dtsorders have b!en clubbed under
''Vata Roga' m Ayurveda If we carefully look at the body parts
affected, VItiatiOn and aggravation ofvata IS held to be the pnme
Description of mam Types
Gout: Thts dtsease ts caused by excess ofunc actd, resultmg
m defective unc acid metabolism Excess ofunc actd and Its salts
(urates) accumulate m the blood and the JOmts In acute attack of
gouty arthntts and also m tts chrome stale, destructiOn ofJomts and
depostt of urates (Topht) takes place m the cartlleges and skin,
particularly m the ears Due to excess ofurates, stones (ofurtc
acid- urates) may form in the kidneys whtch get damaged m the
long run Gout engulfs mamly hands, feet (small joints)
Rheumatism & Rheumatoid Arthritis : Here m these
condtttons there are pams, aches and swellings m the JOmts and
muscles, when diseases hke rheumattc heart dtsease, rheumattc
fever (m acute rheumatism), rheumatOid arthntts, gout and osteoarthrltts surface which, in fact, are merely the susb-dtvtstons of
rheumattsm. Vanant nomeclattons stmply pomt out to the leadmg
Rheumattc fever generally affects chtldren and young adults
whtch ts a delayed complication of upper resptratory passage's

m feet ton Its mam symptoms are fever, progress tOn of arthntts
from one JOmt to another, red ctrculat patches on the skm, formatton
of small (but pamless) nodules on bony prommences, hke elbow,
abnormal m voluntary movements of head and other hmbs (also
called- chorea), and mflammat10n ofthe membtane that sutTounds
the heart- and such a situatiOn often leads to rheumatic heart
disease (chromc)-the comphcation may further lead to scarrmg
and (chrome) mflammat10n ofthe heaii and 1ts values, leadmg to
heart fall me even
Rheumatoid arthntrs ts the most common dtsm derthat mvolves
JOmts of feet, ankles, wrtsts, fingers, and hips and shouldet s The
JOints show symmetncally Type tal changes, m the fom1 ofrhemat01d
erostOns, are notlced- blood tests and x-rays will reveal actual
status ofthe pattent' s dtseased condition
Osteoarthritis or Osteoarthrosis : Thts Is dtsease ofJomt
cat ti)ege, associated with secondary changes m the affected bone
that may finally cause pam are nnpatrfunctton of the subJeCtJomt,
such as that of knee, htp and thumb JOmts The condttton 1s most
common m people past mtddle age (say after or about 40th year)
The disease may also affect other bones, narrowmg of the space
due to cartdege loss, presence of proJectiOn of bone (osteophyte)
occurs usually at sttes of carttlege destructiOn/degeneration
Osteoarthrttts, m tts advance stage, IS an mcapcttatmg dtsease that
restricts/retards patient's normal datly routme
Causes :
1 Untreated symptoms of trauma, acc1dent or shock
2. Sedentary life style or lack ofphystcaJ acttvtty
3 Loss ofVttal fluids ofthe body.
4 Sex mdulgence ore Ise sex abstmence
5 Too much intake ofsugar, r1ce,curd, whey. meats. hqour,
6 Defecttve excretory system.
7 Suspenston or stoppage ofnatl!,ral flows



Constnctton or congestion of fingers & toes
Severe pam lnJOmt and restlessness
Inab1hty to put the affected organ to work
4 Inflammation or snnply swellings
5 D1slocatton or loosentng ofbones/JOints
6 Lameness, Curvature, R.tgtdtty
7 Fluttenng sensatton With unbearable and excruc1attn~
8 Pricktng, Pmchmg and squeezmg sensatiOn
10 Occas10nal presence of fever, or none at all
Common Treatment
I Secure clearance ofbowels by mild laxatives, hke Casto1
011, Tnphala Churna Do not take any strong purgattve
Make sure that consttpatlon ts removed by natural meam
or mild laxattves only
2 Massage the affected part wtth Panchguna talla 01
Mahanarayan tada
3 Vrthat Vata Chtntaman1 Rasa- 50 mg should be taker
wtth Y2 TSP ofJuice ofbetelleaves and a TSP ofhone}
- 4 times daily If It 1s cold weather,
then Y2 TSP o1
gmger JUice may also be added to 1t
4 MahayogaraJ Guggul- 250mgoryogaraJ Guggul500m!!
may be gtven wtth above mentiOned vehicles
S In some cases Vrihat Vata Chtntamant Ras anc
MahayograJ Guggul (Half the quantity as menttonec
above) can be mixed and taken wtth above-menttonec
6. Other medtcmes recommended are .
Trayogshang Guggul, Kachnar Guggul, Erand Pak
Amlaki, Trtphala chuma, garbc, Rasna Saptak Quath
Mntsanjeevanl Sura.
Do not exert your body beyond the potnt of endurance no
lead an tnactive life Take to disease related exerctses, yogu
asanas, quadncep exerctses, take light and easily digestible dtet.

Sterility I Infertility - Among Females

'Stertle' means where there ts no growth or 'barrenness'
wh,ch, m relat10n to ladtes, tmphes an mabthty to bear a child The
concerned woman ts unable to concetve or when a male ts mcapable
of tmpregnatmg her But, the blame IS laid at the door of a woman
who IS still constdered a soft opt1on m our society When a male ts
tncapable to tmpregnate her, tt tscalled 'Impotency' Hence fhgtdtty
may be considered a symptom ofsterthty
The causes are both psychic and organtc- and more so
organtc If the woman IS at fault, let her be examined for any
organtc defect or disease
Causes :
1 V 1ttat1on ofVata, Pttta and Kapha
2 Congemtal deforrntttes, such as cloggmg ofmouth ofthe
uterus whtch could be a congenttal dtsorder
3 Inflammatton ofuterus, chrome menstrual problems
4 Displacement of uterus
5 Malnutntton, anaetrua, poor lmmg conditions or/and blood
6 Apathy to sexualtntercourse or performing coitus as an
obhgat1on and a ntual only, without taktng any acttve
Functtonal causes can be cured qutte eastly, orgamc defects
often requtre surgtcal mterference. 8 out of 10 cases yteld to
proper and timely treatment. Corrective measures should be imttated
as soon as symptoms are recognised
Treatment : If some organic defect is the cause and when
surgery is the only optton left, then no medtcine ts called for Try
anyone ofthe following medtcmes
1 Shtlaj1t ts a highly effective remedy which needs to be
given twice dally with mtlk- Y2 TSP each ttme wtth
2 Phala Ghrtta- 2 TsPtwice daily with milk
3. Bala (sxda RQ.ombifolia) is also a useful re~edy, used


mternally and locally Gtve a TSP oftts otl wtth 150ml

milk twice datly Further, b01l the root ofplant mmtlkand
otl and use (lukewarm) With water as a douche !fused
orally and mternally, It wtll remove defects m the mucus
membrane of gemtal passage and, thus, facthtate umon
of sperm wtth the ovum
If only the husband IS at fault, there ts no need to admmtster
any medtcme to the wtfe, mstead tt ts the husband who needs
treatment only proper exammat10n can reveal which of the two
needs treatments

Sterility among Males

The condttton anses when there IS pauctty or absence of
sperm m male's semen whtch condition ts also known as
'Obgospennta' or' Azoospermia but actual status can be ascertamed
after thorough chmcal mvesttgatton ofsemen and sperms Impotence
and sterthty m males are two dtfferentsttuattons whtch are qutte
often taken and treated as synonymous disorders, which ts a
misplaced and unfounded approach 'Impotence' tmphes farlute of
a male to perform sexual act whereas 'sterehty' tmphes absence
of capactty to reproduce
I Free and frequent sexual mdulgence m premanta lage
2 Infection due to some venereal dtsease
3 Malfunctionmg ofthe ductless glands that secrete the
hormones whtch are responsible for regulation of the
4 Poor dtet, poor hvmg conditiOns, mep.tal tensiOn, worry
and mherentrepugnance for female gender.
5 DtabetesMelhtus, Tuberculosts, Cancer, Atds etc
6 Fear of mcompetent sexual performance.
If chemical examinatiOn reveals less number ofsperms, this
can be treated by medicmes and some other means ltke yoga, more
nutritious d1et etc But, when there ts no presence, at all, of sperms
in the semen, it is a tickhsh problem to solve

Treatm ~nt:
1 Gtve one TSP of drted powder of Ashwagandha root,
called 'Asgand' tn Common parlance (wtthema
som.ntfena) with milk, twtce dally or botl the powder with
mtlk and add some sugar to taste, to turn the contents
mto a hnctus- usual dose ofthts linctus bemg 1 TSP
twice dadywtth mllk, or give 50 ml ofAshwagandhanshta
twtce daily after meals
2 Most eulogised and efficaciOus remedy ts MakaradhwaJa,
though quite costly, IS unique m Its quick effect Gtve on
empty stomach, a dose of 150mg with butter (1 TSP)
and sugar (V2 TSP) dally
3 Kap1 Kacchu (Mucana Prurtens) ts also an effective
remedy for male stenhty Pound the seeds ofthis creeper,
roast them and then reduce to powder form Take a TSP
ofthis powder with a cup ofmilk, twice daily

AFngtdladytsk:nownas 'unresponsive', 'cold' 'antipathic'
lady who has no attraction or destre m sex act The desue may be
etthertotally absentorelse so feeble as to dtstractherfrom sexual
pleasure This dtsordermay be due to organic, psychtc and soctal
reasons, taboos, mhtbit10ns, fear or else repugnance to males
Causes :
1. Diseases, relating to genttal organs, such as abnormalittes of female genitalia or prolapse ofwomb could
lead todeminut10n for sexual co1tus/umon
2. Past episodes of rape (during childhood or young age)
by some relative /unknown person
3 Traumatic reactiOns born out of coercive sex, abJect
submission to forced sex.
4. Cruelty to female sex in the home, netghbourhood or
5. Physical torture, insult, repression.


Mtshandhng, durmg sex act, by male partner or lover

Takmg sex act as a smful act
Hatred towards male sex
I ncompattble partner who does not measure upto the
expectation of an tdeal partner whose looks, phystque,
language, work pattern, savagery dunng sex act or else
forcmg her to yteld and agree to certam postures, oral
sex, cmtal devtatiOns whtch she abhors
10 Involvement of male partner wtth another lady when
wife ts treated as merely a tool for sexual sattsfactton
11 Certam habtts hke drmkmg, smokmg, drug addtctton,
meat eatmg which the female dtshkes
Treatment : Orgamc causes can be removed by simple
mampulattons or mmor surgical operattons When the cause ts
psycluc, she needs to be treated and handled wtth sympathy, care,
pursuat10n and tact Great pattence and perseverence are required
to let her steam out and ventilate the contents reasons for dtscord
Mutual adJustment ts the key to solve such psychtc and m-butlt
tratts whtch take qutte a long ttme to eradicate Here, the male
partner has to break the tee, take tmttattve, mduce hts partner to lay
open areas of dtscord and dtsagree- ment In certam cases,
aphrodistastcs may prove helpful

What frigidity ts to females, Impotence ts to males Inability to
perform sex act, or else mcomplete performance (say premature
ejaculatton) or fatlure to reach orgasm are some ofthe symptoms
that portend male Impotency
Causes : These could be etther functional or organtc
Impotency could etther be total or partial I would hke to clear here
a misplaced notion- all men are not Impotent to all women- a
man may be potent to one woman but the same man may be potent
for the other woman. Fantasies play a major role here Ifthe man
who ts cohabttatmg a woman who does not measure upto his fancy
or fantas1ed verston!conceptton ofhts tdeal woman, he Will netther

feel exctted, nor ejaculate Not only that, he tnay not have any
pemle erection etther If such a person mates h1s wtfe, he IS simply
performmg a ntual and formality, as h1s mmd revels m some other
woman, and the woman underneath hnn IS not a woman of h1s
chotce, destre or fancy
In sex act, every male has certam mgramed and chenshed
preferences whtch, tfnotagreed to by h1s w1fe, dnve hnn to mstant
'turn off Same also 1s the case w1th certam women Those
mterested for more details may refer to the book 'T1ps on SexFor all ages and all sexes' published by Diamond Pocket Books)
Perversions m sex act are chmced preferences and procltvtttes of
many men, and women are also no exception to that When there ts
a clash, either partner 1s bound to have a 'Turn off', howsoever
beauttful or handsome the other partner m1ght be
Mam causes of Impotency can be summed up as under
I Phimosis (Ttght foreskm over the glans pems)
2. V ttlat10ns of Vata, Pttta and kapha or of all the three
doshas (humors)
3 Endocnne glands, malfunctronmg and low or drmtmshed
acttvrty ofthe gonads
4 Locomotor ataxta, Tabes Dorsahs, Syphllts, Gonorrhoea,
Tuberculosis, Dtabetes
5 Non-erectile power ofpenis
6 DISJOinted and dtsordered movements of hmbs/jotnts,
because of lack ofco ordination.
7 Drug-addtctton, excessiVe use ofalcohol tobacco
8 Extra-marttal relations or homeosexuahty
9 Fear, Ignorance, weakness of sexual organs and weak
In addttlon to the above factors, the foregomg factors may
also prove causatives of Impotency.
Medicines which enhance libido/sex desire are known as
-'VajikannaAushadhts' or~phordisiacs Drugs suggested under
' 186

male stenhty Will also prove benefic tal Followmg medicmes are
bemg mentioned with a VIew to enhance pattent' s knowledge but
the phystctan must be consulted With regard to dosage, duration,
safeguards, requisite dietary supplements and sundry gUJdehnes
Vanatt Guttka. Madanananda Modak, Veerya stambha Vat1,
MakardhwaJa, chandrodaya Rasa, Apatyakar Swaras, Shukra
Vallabh Rasa, Kameshwar Modak, Gokhru Pak, Chhoohara hak,
Moosah Pak, Badam Pak, Kamadeva chooran, Gokhshuradt'I
Chooran, Nars1gha Choorna, Madan Prakash chooran, Shatvaryadi
chooma, MntsanJeevam Sura etc
As for dtet, take htgh protm diet, Eggs, fish, goat's testtclt-,
meat ofpartndge, eges of crocodtle, ghee, butter, soyabean, tomato,
beets, urad-kt-dal, almond and other dry fruits, mangoes, apples,
grapes,Jack frmt etc
It ts reiterated that no medic me or diet should ever be taken
unless advised by a physician. as over-druggmg may prove counterproductive and even harmful Control on sex IS needed durmg the
treatment, Otherwise all medicmes could prove futtle Remember
m put m a vessel must exceed the output. It you spend more than
what you actually earn, you will virtually turn out to be a loser,
hence restramt your sexual umons until you are m a pos1t1on of

It ts also known as 'F1ranga Roga' which ts satd to have been
caused by 'Firangis' 1 e. European (whtte) commumty Foreign
sepoys cohabttated with the local women and, thus, passed the
contagious mfectton to them (women) who, when cohabttated,
wtth local males, passed on the dtsease to these male The dtsease
ts highly contagious and is caused by the bectermm Treponema
Ralladium The carrier passes on the some to an umnfected
person-whether tt ts a male or female. If etther ofthe partners 1s
suffermg from syphilis, he/she wtll pass on the same to a healthy
person. The rectpient receives the dtsease at a stage from whtch
the tnfected person is suffenng, and this 1s how the sequence of

Lfection spreads from one person to another Prostitutes, call girls,

)Ciety girls, heterosexuals, oral sex workers are potent earners It
lay be that the above named classes ofpersons may not, at all, be
Jffermg from this dtsease but, when they mate the mfected
ersons, the former get mfected or 1t could be vtce versa also
:.J.nds of Syph1hs
AcqUired and ,
Acquired Syphilis : Thts type of syphilis ts transmitted,
1rough sexual mtercourse, by the mfected person to a healthy
1erson It could also be caused by ktssmg, oral sex, usmg clothes/
rtlcles ofan mfected person Acquired Syphths can be dtvided mto
tlree stages
(1) Pnmary, (n) Secondary and, (m) Tertiary stage
At Primary Stage: Appearance of a hard chancre (ulcer)
t the sight of mfect1on, that fonns2-4 weaks after the exposure
nd ne1ghbourmg lymph nodes enlarge after two weeks later
Secondary Stage: Symptoms surface two weeks after the
nfectton whtch mcludes malaise, fever, a famt red rash on the
hest, general enlargement of lymph nodes The red rash on chest
erststs for 1-2 weeks
Tertiary Stage : After weeks, months, or even years, the
ltsease enters tertiary, stage, w1th wtdespread formatiOn of
Gummas' ortumor-hke masses Thts condition causes Immense
lamage to heart and blood vessels (called- 'CardiOvascular
lyphths'), and also bram and spmal cord (called 'Neurosyphths')
vhtch results m general paralysis of the msane, bhndness and
"'abes Dorsahs
Inherited Syphilis : It is also called congenital Syphilis that
ffects the child before Its btrth It ts generally seen that the tmpact
~suits m death or mtscarnage If the chlld survives, he may show
econdary symptoms after a few weeks ofhxs blrth or else he may
eocn1e deaf or deformed If, however, the sypmtoms remam
uppressed for some years, hts nose may be broad at the brtdge or
lse sunken, suffer from comealmflanunation.

Fmally the pattent meets a pamful end to hts hfe

1 Raschandradt Yoga 500mgtab/capwtthmtlkorwater
thrtce datly
2 Hmgulamnta Rasa 1 TSP thnce daily
3 Sartvadyasava 20 m! twtce datly wtth equal quantity of
water afer meals
4 Sattvadyavaleha 1Ogm to be taken at breakfast ttme
5 Savtrvan Take 200mg wtth sweet milk m the mommg
Av01d sour, pungent, bttter food substances, and take saltfree dtet Take plenty of water/liqUids, Coconut water, hght and
bland dtet Abstam from mtercourse until and unless there ts a
negattve VDRL report If both the partners are suffenng, then
ptecautiOn ts more necessary and no mtercourse should be had
unless both reports show negative results

It ts a venereal dtsease caused by the bactenum Netssena
gonorrhoeae that affects mucus membrane of gemtals of both
sexes Symptoms develop after 7-10 days ofthe mfect10n when
there ts pam m passmg urme With dtscharge of pus (called 'gleet'
also) from pems or vagma If a woman gets mfected durmg
pregnancy, her baby's eyes can get mfected while passmg through
vagmal canal, or she may become stenle Ifmen are mfected, then
mflammation m urethra can prevent passage of urme (kown as
'stricture' also). In later stages, other comphcat10ns like
conjuncttvttts, endocandttts, arthntts may also surface smce the
d rsease ts contagtous, the infection could be passed on to a healthy
person by the mfected person (etther sex) durmg mtercourse or by
use ofmfected person'sarticles. Most cases ofsterthty, tll-health,
repeated miscarnages are attnbuted to thts mfectwn


I Raladt Chuma -3gms and Puyamehantak Rasa -lgm
should be be taken thrtce datly wtth water, mtxmg some
(unbotled) mtlkto tt
2. 500 gm Chandanadt Vatt (2-hourly dose) should be taken
alongwtth medicmes mentioned m No 1 above
3 Shatapatryadt Churna (a smgle dose of4 gms) should be
taken at mght wtth lukewarm cow's mllk
Use also the medtcmes mdtcated under 'Dysuna' Wash
urethra with antiseptic lotiOn of Pot Permanganate A vOJd sptcy,
hot pungent foods, Take hqutds, aerated water, coconut water m
plenty Use only bland, ltqutd/semt-hqutd dtet No alcohol, tobacco,
drugs are to be taken Abstam form mtercourse unttl both the
partners are declared 'safe'









~'"' '


. ...



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lb 1k1 n-plf'mlihfl Md n'StDn"S Mlergy IUld baiiUtfi'S t.ht. bndy
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1111 hckn ... nb.th rompltottloi"Cnotof~klfrum tlu

I wuut ~h "'I tu \tlu.t~ rh wl tuongmllt1nTanLnk
1\!uU.tlu'-m nndu... , Lri~ '" r.ion1n Ull\trlllpriorto'nthc
I"~~ n 1d 11 1~ m uU'IUill\l1l ftlr )lOll to romf' and dnnk
tht rh mu IWt t'U' htoalmgtht hod) mmd and soul and
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l'tlt'l tli J")1i/
f\l$ttlg!'ltli 11)1

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8110 been d.Mit 'Mth in n:lm.ion to the food n:quu'fd to he
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Tht. hook noM!al$ the S)StM1li or tttatme'nl of ftriDUI

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l'n<t! Ill Wl

- . . Jb 10/

lCt\auaUv.aocovnt detamng
NltOI\IV.n. place ot tourlat,
IIIJHQioul, hi8tOriCII politlcaf
tfl!,:$ Q\Muralll\lerut In lnd
W~nljltmQUGh light on


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