Main Differences Between BK and PBK
Main Differences Between BK and PBK
Main Differences Between BK and PBK
Almost everyone would have seen the picture of the Trimurti Shiv published by the
Brahmakumaris institution. According to the Brahmakumaris, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul
Shiva establishes the new world through Brahma (alias Dada Lekhraj) in the end of the human
world cycle of 5000 years, meaning the present Elevated Confluence Age (Purushottam
Sangamyug), destroys the old world through Shankar and sustains the forthcoming new deity
world through Vishnu i.e. Lakshmi - Narayan. In this picture, Dada Lekhraj has been shown in
the place of Brahma of the path of bhakti (devotion), but even when around 42 years have passed
after the death of Dada Lekhraj in the year 1969, they dont know that just like Dada Lekhraj,
who play the role of Shankar or Vishnu in this Confluence Age.
The Brahmakumaris believe that since the year 1969, their Brahma Baba is residing in
the form of a subtle bodied being in the subtle world which is beyond the sun, moon, and stars.
But through the murlis of knowledge published by the Brahmakumaris, it is proved that the soul,
who plays the role of Prajapita Brahma in reality on this stage like world, should be practically
present in this very human world, in a sinful body. The Brahmakumaris institution also believes
that since the year 1969, the incorporeal Shiva and the soul of Dada Lekhraj, who has left his
body, enter the body of BK Dadi Gulzar every year on predetermined days and narrate avyakt
vani. Dadi Gulzar is a pure Brahmakumari ever since her childhood and the murlis of knowledge
published by the Brahmakumaris themselves prove that the Father Shiva doesnt enter the body
of a pure maiden (kanyaa).
In reality, the incorporeal Shiva played just the role of the unlimited mother through
Dada Lekhraj Brahma till the year 1969, for the creation of mukhvanshaavali1 Brahmin children.
And from the year 1976, He has been playing the role of Prajapita Brahma i.e. the Father, in an
incognito manner after entering the ordinary, sinful, experienced chariot like human body in the
historical village Kampila of Uttar Pradesh [which is] famous as the birthplace of Ram and
Krishna, as the land of religious actions (karmbhuumi) of Shiv Shankar Bholenath2 and for [the
river] Ganges, the purifier of the sinful. He is teaching the true knowledge of the Gita and Raja
yoga and for this, He has established the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.
Om Shanti.