Screenplay Planning - Zak
Screenplay Planning - Zak
Screenplay Planning - Zak
Screenplay Planning
Story Structure
Summarise your story in a couple of sentences. Discuss possible protagonists and
antagonists is applicable.
It involves myself and Zayns character that plays the reverse version of the Hero. He
confronts the hero and threatens him that hell kill the people he loves just for fun. The hero
decides to do something about it and a fight breaks out between the two speedsters.
Main Characters
In the table below, brainstorm the main characters.
Age/Gender/Name? Occupation
1. Zak 17 - Male
Main character
2. Zayn 18 - Male
Main Villain
Visual Style
Dream cast
with famous
normal clothes
Character Traits
For each of your characters, list their best and worst character traits. This could be
Beautiful, Intelligent, Compassionate, Heroic or things like Hot Tempered,
Irresponsible, Violent or Ignorant.
Character 1:
Positive Traits
Wants to be heroic but
Negative Traits
Over confident and can be
Zak (me)
rash in battle.
Character 2:
Character 3:
Character 4:
Character 5:
Possible Locations
List five possible locations for your film. Try to be adventurous and not rely on locations in
1. School
2. Local Street
3. Local Parks
Plot Goals
List some possible plot goals for your film. This could be things like Character gets
revenge, Character defeats evil, Character discovers something important etc.
1. Character defeats the villain
2. Plucks up the courage to tell his friends and family about his super powers.
In the box below, write a one phrase summary of your film. For example:
Evil Dead 2 Triumph of a Hero
Pulp Fiction Seeking out redemption in the underworld with emphasis on loyalty
Shrek When you love someone else, you can love yourself
Terminator Man destroyed by their own machines.
One Phrase Summary: Powers or powerless
Plot Points
Write 1-3 sentences for what happens at each of the 9 basic plot points for your story idea:
1) Hook. Start in the middle of a high intensity mess. How could you show your main
characters doing what they do best or have them make an exciting visual entrance into
your film world? What twists, shocks or surprises could you add to your opening hook
(twist ideas: accident kills someone, a shocking truth revealed, key equipment or
transportation breaks down, sudden change of plans announced)?
- It starts off with the main actor running on screen, testing his powers and limits.
2) Setup. How will you introduce us to your characters, film world, and story? How will you
show your character in his or her normal life? The audience needs a chance to get to know
your main characters, along with the limits and possibilities of the film world.
- The film will be set in a way that the audience will be able to picture whos the bad and
good guy. It all sets off with the hero carrying on with his daily routine in school and hes
just confused whether he should reveal his powers to his friends or not. The action will take
place when he needs to use his powers against the reverse version of himself.
3) Inciting incident. What event happens that forces your character to act by choosing a
goal and committing to making it happen?
- The hero is forced to act upon whats going on in the current situation. As the reverse
version of himself makes him a threat that he cant just ignore. Therefore starting the
events of the fight scene.
4) Journey Into Unknown - Protagonist sets off to accomplish plot goal leaving what is
familiar behind.
- When he realizes that theres another version of himself. A bad version of himself.
6) Twist - A new plot goal usually emerges at this point because the first goal is
accomplished or an unexpected event occurs which changes the focus of the main plot
goal. Accident kills someone, a shocking truth revealed, key equipment or transportation
breaks down, sudden change of plans announced.
8) Climax. Highest point of intensity and audience interest where the plot reaches a
crescendo. What is the big climatic event at the end where we see whether the characters
succeed or fail in accomplishing their goals?
The fight scene itself will be the highest point in the short film. It will be very brutal and fast
9) Resolution. Ties up the loose ends in the story such as who lives, who dies, who gets
the girl, and who lives happily ever after.
The reverse version runs away and the main character makes sure if his friend is okay.
Screen fades to black ending on a cliff hanger.