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12 Father Mouse and Mother Mouse got married their daughter with their neighbour.True.
13 They saw a palace in front of them. False
14 Children of class II went to Sundarvan by train. False
15 After eating the food they all started singing and dancing. True.
Ex7 Answer the following.
1 What did the children do ?
Ans- The children looked at the train and waved.
2 Why did the ticket examiner want their tickets. ?
Ans- The ticket examiner wanted their tickets to check them.
3 What did the setting sun look like ?
Ans- The setting sun looked like a giat orange.
4 Where did the train stop?
Ans- The train stopped at a station.
5 Where did Mini sleep?
Ans- Mini slept in the middle berth.
6 What did Mini think the train was doing?
Ans- Mini thought the train was singing a song for her.
7 Who told Ji hu about the dragon?
Ans- Jihus father told him about the dragon.
8 What did the villagers feel about dragon?
Ans- The villagers felt terrified ( afraid ) of the dragon.
9 Why did the villagers choose Yejun to fight against the dragon?
Ans- The villagers chose Yejun because he was the strongest and bravest man in the village.
10 What did Ji hu want Yejun and Lado to do ?
Ans- Ji- hu wanted them to pretend to fight.
11 Lado winked at Ji-hu .What was he telling Ji-hu?
Ans- He was telling Ji-hu that the plan worked.
12 Where do people build a tree house?
Ans- People build a tree house on a very tall tree.
13 Why do people in tree houses have ladders?
Ans- People in tree houses have ladders to climb up to their houses.
14 What do the shops in boats sell?
Ans- Shops in the boats sell flowers , vegetables, fish and other things.
15 Why are houses in desert made of clay and grass?
Ans- Clay and grass keep the house cool in the summer and warm in winter.
16 Why do some people build small light houses?
Ans- Some people build light and small houses because they carry their houses with them.
17 What could Kamala see from the garden of her house?
Ans- Kamala could see another special house with golden windows on a hill.
18 Why was Kamala shocked?
Ans- Kamala was shocked because the windows of the house were made of glass and not of
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