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Sarah Irvin

Senior Project
Charities: The Untold Profit


As a kid, my best friend and I started a pet sitting business. We both cared deeply
about animals, especially endangered ones, and figured we should do something to help
them. After painstaking minutes of brainstorming, we came up with an idea that would
give our parents bragging rights for years: Pet Lovers RAM (RAM standing for Raising
Animal Money). Every time we made a profit, 90% of it went to a charity that helped
save endangered animals. Each month, we picked a different species to save and we even
made a newsletter to be printed out and put in our neighbors mailboxes about that
species. Originally, our parents protested the size of our personal profit, quoting Bible
verses about how 10% is what you're supposed to give, not keep. For some reason this
made us more stubborn, we thought we could make up for the rest of the world that didn't
even donate a dollar. Like any another 12 year olds personal project, Pet Lovers RAM
lost momentum eventually, but I never stopped wanting to give back. This leads me to my
Senior Project. Not enough people donate time, money, or talent to truly make a
difference in this world. Even if enough people did, how do they know they're giving
back to a good organization? There are so many scams out there, often times people are
afraid to donate just in case they become victims of fraud. My project, Charities: The
Untold Profit, will teach the public how to spot scams and set standards for non-profit

organizations as well as introduce new or not well known organizations that are honest
and helpful.

My driving questions are as follows: What laws are in place to define an

organization as nonprofit? Who enforces those laws? How can nonprofits be held liable
for consumer fraud if they dont specifically state what each dollar is actually for? How
can nonprofits be held liable for consumer fraud if they receive donations and not
Many popular organizations are actually for profit or are corrupt and don't help solve the
problem. We've all heard of A.L.S and Goodwill but not everyone has heard about the
scams; similarly, Autism Speaks and PETA only create additional problems instead of

For my project, I'll hold a charity fair either in the schools gym or on the football
field. Once I set the standard of what non-profit organizations are by definition and what
they should be, I'll invite charities and nonprofits that meet the definition and standards to
the fair where other students can learn more and become involved. Possible organizations
include the ASPCA, WWF, St. Baldrick's, and The Heifer Project. New LSA students will
start exploring community and service hours opportunities so they'll be interested in
actually helping and not just writing hours down. Churches, Scout Troops, and Youth
Groups are always trying to find new ways to give back and they will be able to
continuously make a difference with organizations they agree with. Other seniors may
incorporate an organization in their project so I can invite them as well and promote other
projects at the same time.

I will be able to measure the success of my project in multiple ways. At each

booth, I will have a sign in sheet and a donation box. At the end of the fair, I will tally
how many people visited each booth and how much was donated. The averages will,
hopefully, show that the public learned the true impact that nonprofits have on the
community and the world. Additionally, the public will be aware of great organizations
that do good and can put their time, money, and talent into helping them help the world.

I will enhance the following skills:
public speaking

I will need to learn the following skills:

making press releases
organizing a public event



Confirm date and venue, send invitations to

2 hours

researched organizations

Make and send press release to TV stations and

6 hours

radio stations, publicize event on social media


Reconfirm venue and date, set rain date, get

booths prepped, confirm organizations

5 hours


Hand out/collect surveys, take

3 hours


Thank you notes, document surveys

2 hours


I will document my project with:

weekly journal entries

video clips
surveys before and after project
saved emails/texts


This project is an appropriate, yet challenging, choice for me. I will need to
overcome my social anxiety and reach out to people and organizations in ways other than
texting. Although this is my project, I will still need to reach out to teachers and my
consultant for help; something Im rarely comfortable doing. Despite my struggles, I do
genuinely connect with this topic and want to make a difference for nonprofits.


Mr project directly relates to my paper as my paper will be the guideline to which

nonprofits I will have booths for. I will also discuss with participants why I have chosen
said nonprofits and how they can help.


I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project will result in
failure of the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High School



Confirm date and venue, send invitations to

January 30

researched organizations

Make and send press release to TV stations and

February 5

radio stations, publicize event on social media


Reconfirm venue and date, set rain date, get

February 15

booths prepped, confirm organizations


Hand out/collect surveys, take

March 15


Thank you notes, document surveys

March 20


Pending Approval

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