Real Estate Management System Synopsis PDF
Real Estate Management System Synopsis PDF
Real Estate Management System Synopsis PDF
At Present, the staff carries out all the work manually. All the data
and records are stored manually in the files.
At the end of the day all the sales and purchase records entries are
made manually.
Big and large registers are maintained for every transaction. All the
details have to be maintained minutely and have to be taken care of
manual errors.
Customer and supplier validations are done manually.
The proposed system will be computerized system , which
will maintain the record of entire system used for the data
entry of the various customer as well the generation of the
bills, reports etc.
Hardware Requirements:
Platform-Window 98, 2000, windowXP.
512 MB RAM
Processor-Pentium 3,Pentium4
Software Requirements:
Microsoft SQL server 2005
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008