Cryptic Rite of Freemasonry
Cryptic Rite of Freemasonry
Cryptic Rite of Freemasonry
the degree of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Mark Master, Most Excellent Master,
and Super Excellent Master are not true
Craft degrees, although contained in systems
which are essentially Craft Masonry.
Like many of the Masonic Degrees the degrees of the Cryptic Rite are shrduded in
mystery. Like Topsy, in Uncle Toms Cabin,
they just grew. But they have attained a
lusty growth and one out of every two Royal
Arch Masons is a Cryptic Mason. In recent
years its growth, in percentages, has far outrun other Masonic groups.
Until a few years ago, Cryptic Masonry
was not a series of degrees which one had to
take to reach the Shrine
or the Order of
the Temple. However in recent years a large
number of Grand Commanderies have made
the Cryptic degrees prerequisite for the
Tempiar orders, and it appears that even
more Grand Commanderies will adopt this
policy in the immediate years ahead.
About a century and ~ half ago, the degrees of Royal Master and Select Master appeared as from nowhere. Masonic Lecturers
throughout the East were conferring them up~
on representative Masons, while engaged in
instructing in Craft and Capitular degrees.
Even one Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite
included the degree of Select Master as one
of its detached degrees. But such beautiful
degrees were not to remain detached for
any length of time, and, in the 1870s, a General Grand Council was formed for the U~ted
States, which today numbers most of the
Grand Councils in this country, as well a~ the
Western section of Canada.
They teach that death is but the beginning of Life; that if the first, or
evanescent Temple of our transitory
life be on the surface, we must descend into the secret vault of death
before we can find that sacred deposit
of Truth, which is to adorn our second
Temple of Eternal Life.
The Name
They teach that death is but the beginning of Life; that if the first, or
evanescent Temple of our transitory
life be on the surface, we must descend into the secret vault of death
before we can find that sacred deposit
of Truth, which is to adorn our second
Temple of Eternal Life.
The Name
The degree of Select Master has not always been associated with that of Royal
Master. Jeremy Cross is given credit by most
writers for having combined the two degrees
into one Rite.
There is strong evidence to support the
theory that the degree came from a similar
degree of the ancient and Accepted Scottish
the degree of Intimate Secretary, or
Grand Tiler of King Solomon. At any rate
the legend of the degree is an old one whatever may have been its origin.
The scene of this degree is also laid in an
underground vault and the events which
characterize the degree are stirring enough
to make it one of intense interest. The lecture
contains the story of the degree without any
further explanation, and the degree is said
to complete the Circle of Perfection in
Ancient Craft Masonry, for having received
the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry as
contained in Lodge, Chapter, and Council, the
recipient has received all the instruction
which is offered by the Ancient Craft.
As we have stated, the degree of SuperExcellent Master is not a degree of the Crypt;
it does not deal with Ancient Craft Masonry,
but it does deal with a period of history in
which all Freemasons are interestedthe
period following the destruction of the First
Temple. The essence of the degree is foretold
in a lecture of the Royal Arch degree, when
the Principal Sojournererefers to the Biblical
reference Zedekiah was one and twenty days
old when he began to reign, and he did that
which was evil in sight of the Lord, etc.
In our estimation, and we have seen a
hundred or more Masonic degrees, the degree
of Super-Excellent Master, as conferred in
certain jurisdictions today, is the best devised,
most impressive, and beautiful ritual we have
yet seen. In a panorama of exciting events,
Biblical characters move across the stage driving home the historical facts of the Holy
Bible in a way that nothing else can. Here
Nebuchadnezzar lives again; Zedeklah proves
the results of tnfldelity; Ezekiel and Jeremiah
prophesy the promises of the Almighty.
Cryptic Rites in Other Countries
The Cryotic Rite is widespread, although
governing bodies exist only in Englaffd, Scotland, Canada. and the United States.
In England the Cryptic degrees are controlled by a Grand Council of the Cryptic degrees. Among the degrees in the English
system are:
Most Excellent Master
Royal Master
Select Master
Super-Excellent Master
In Scotland, the Supreme Grand Royal
Arch Chapter has jurisdiction over the Cryptic
Council degrees, the Royal Ark Mariner de
gree, the Knights of the East, and the Knights
of the East and West; bodies of the Cryptic
Rite are attached to Chapters. In this series
of degrees, we find:
Lodges and Council:
Royal Ark Mariner
Commander Noah
Babylonian Pass or Red Cross
Knight of the Sword
Knight of the East
Knight of the East and West
Chief and President
Cryptic Rite:
Royal Master
Select Master
Super-Excellent Master
Thrice Illustrious Master
It is interesting to note that while Scotland received the first three degrees of the
last series from American sources, the degree of Thrice Illustrious Master, taken over
recently in this country, was of Scottish origin.
Biblical characters move across Vhe stage driving home the historical facts of the Holy
Bible in a way that nothing else can. Here
Nebudhadnezzar lives again; Zedekiah proves
the results of infidelity; Ezekiel and Jeremiah
prophesy the promises of the Almighty.
Cryptic Rites in Other Countries
Royal Master
Master Master
I11ustriou~ Master
It is interesting to note that while Scotland received the first three degrees of the
last series from American sources, the degree of Thrice Illustrious Master, taken over
recently in this country, was of Scottish origin.