Act 2 3 4 Adding Green

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Alison Snead

Activity 2.3.4 Adding up to Green


The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) formed LEED, whose mission is to transform the way
buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially
responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. For residential
construction, eight categories exist for which architects can receive LEED credits. Building materials and
innovative construction methods allow architects the freedom to achieve credits from each of the eight
categories. Architects use the LEED program to guide the design of a structure that exists in harmony with
the environment and its occupants.


Engineering notebook
Computer with Internet access
New Construction Guidelines Habitat for Humanity handout
LEED for Homes Project Checklist (available at
LEED for Homes Rating System (available at
LEED Design Credit Record Sheet

In this activity you will select one category for a residential LEED credit. You will research and document
your proposed plan to gain Silver Level LEED points (60-74) within that category for the Affordable Housing
Project. Consider all segments of potential LEED credits for this activity. The site, location, building
materials, renewable energy, indoor environment, and water efficiency are potential LEED categories.

1. Calculate the Home Size Adjustment for each of the three home sizes specified in the New
Construction Guidelines Habitat for Humanity. (Page 40)
a. Gold Level LEED points (60-74) + Home Size Adjustment = 75-10=65 points needed

2. Select the LEED credit category from the LEED design credit sheet: (ID) Innovative Design, (LL)
Location and Linkages, (SS) Sustainable Site, (WE) Water Efficiency, (EA) Energy and Atmosphere,
(MR) Materials and Resources, or (IEQ) Indoor Environmental Quality. (AE) Awareness and Education
cannot be selected for this research.

3. Research your chosen credit category. Write a brief description of the credit category and give
prerequisites and criteria that must be met in order to gain LEED points under this category. Explain
how a home that meets the LEED requirements in this category will promote the transformation of the
mainstream homebuilding industry toward more sustainable practices.

4. Complete the LEED Design Credit Record Sheet for your credit category. For each credit title
complete the final column Credit Description by describing the requirements for the credit and your
design intent for your affordable home (that is, how you propose to meet the criterion to earn the credit).
Include any documents that support your application for LEED credit.
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Copyright 2010
CEA Unit 1 Lesson 2.3 Activity 2.3.4 Adding up to Green Page 1

LEED Design Credit Record Sheet

Habitat For Humanity Student LEED Credit Sheet

Credit Description

Rating System


Windows to the south

Location and
Linkages (LL)

Sustainable Sites

Water Efficiency

Energy &
Atmosphere (EA)

Have the Green Rater inspect and verify each measure

listed in the durability inspection checklist
Complete the requirements for the LEED for Neighborhood
Development (LEED-ND) certification program.
Do not develop buildings on land that meet the following
25% of land borders previously developed land

Quality (IEQ)

Site Selection

Edge Development
Minimize Disturbed area of
Reduce Overall Irrigation
Demand by at least 20%


Minimize disturbance to the site

Reduce overall irrigation water usage

Design the lot such that 70% of the built environment is


Permeable Lot

Design and install one of the runoff control measures

Management of Runoff
from Roof

Build homes with an average housing density

of 20 or more units per acre

Very High Density

Design and install a rainwater harvesting and storing


Reduce the overall water demand water budget

Installing very high efficiency fixtures and fittings

Design and install a high efficiency irrigation system

Install high efficiency fixtures and fittings

Exceed performance of ENERGY STAR for homes


Rainwater Harvesting
Reduce Overall Irrigation
Demand by at least 45%
Very High Efficiency
Fixtures and Fittings
High-Efficiency Irrigation
High- Efficiency Fixtures
and Fittings
Exceptional Energy

Enhanced Insulation

Minimal envelope leakage

Exceptional Windows

Limit Air duct leakage

Minimal Distribution

Use one of the following alternatives

Off- Site Fabrication

Use building components that meet the criteria


Environmentally preferable

Complete all the requirements for the U.S.

EPAs ENERGY STAR indoor air package



indoor air package

Install insulation that exceeds r-value

Meet the air leakage requirements
Design and install windows and glass doors
that have exceptional NFRC ratings
Material &
Resources (MR)



Credit Title
Building Orientation for
Solar Design
Durability Management
LEED for Neighborhood



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CEA Unit 1 Lesson 2.3 Activity 2.3.4 Adding up to Green Page 2

1. What types of professionals should be included on a project team and throughout the project in
order to obtain a LEED ID credit?
LEED accredited professionals (landscape, construction, design, and engineering) should be
included on a project team throughout the project.
2. What specific solar orientation practices can earn LEED credit?
Having many east and west facing windows can earn LEED credit.
3. What types of sites should be avoided in order to obtain LEED credit?
Environmentally sensitive areas should be avoided. This includes susceptibility to flooding and
other dangerous situations.
4. What basic landscape design practices should be followed in order to obtain LEED credits?
To obtain a LEED credit for landscape you must only use turf in certain situations and follow
certain soil specifications.
5. What are some ways that architects can obtain LEED credits concerning water efficiency?
Rainwater harvesting systems and other devices that lessen water usage can lead to obtaining an
LEED credit.
6. What building components or systems can be enhanced to contribute to LEED credits that
promote energy efficiency?
ENERGY STAR appliances can help promote energy efficiency.
7. How can the choices of (or use of) materials affect the LEED rating of a home?
Certain materials can be more beneficial and environmentally friendly that other materials.
8. What is required to earn LEED credits with respect to moisture and indoor pollutants in
kitchens and bathrooms?
To earn LEED credit the relative humidity must be at or below 60%.
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9. From a public relations perspective, why might a company want to have a high LEED score?
A company will want a high LEED score so that it is recognized that the building is safe for the
environment and for the residents.

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