HRM - Excel Books - Chapter 01

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Organisations have to provide a healthy work climate in order to get
the best out of people. To utilise the capabilities of people fully, you
need competent leadership willing to recognise, reward and nurture
talent at all levels. This is where human resource managers play a
critical role by bridging gaps between employee expectations and
organisational requirements by adopting appropriate human resource
strategies and practices. HRM, in short, is the art of procuring,
developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the
goals of an organisation in an effective and efficient manner.

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management:
Pervasive force
Action oriented
Individually oriented
People oriented
Future oriented
Development oriented
Integrating mechanism
Comprehensive function
Auxiliary service
Inter-disciplinary function
Continuous function

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Important terms
Clearing the Fog
Human resource: Knowledge, skill sets, expertise of employees, the
adaptability, commitment and loyalty of employees.
Skills: The individual abilities of human beings to perform a piece of work.
Resource: The stock of assets and skills that belong to a firm at a point of
Capability: The ability of a bundle of resources to perform an activity; a way of
combining assets, people and processes to transform inputs into outputs.
Core competencies: Activities that the firm performs especially well when
compared to its competitors and through which the firm adds value to its goods
and services over a long period of time.
Competitive advantage: It comes from a firm's ability to perform activities
more distinctively and more effectively than rivals. To attain competitive
advantage, firms need to add value to customers and offer a product or
service that cannot be easily imitated or copied by rivals (Uniqueness).
Value: Sum total of benefits received and costs paid by the customer in a given

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Scope of HRM

HRM mainly covers three broad areas

Personnel aspect
Welfare aspect
Industrial relations aspect

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Objectives of HRM
HRM aims at achieving organisational goals, meet the expectations
of employees; develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of
employees; improve the quality of working life and manage human
resources in an ethical and socially responsible manner.

Importance of HRM
From an organisational standpoint, good HR practices help in
attracting and retaining talent, train people for challenging roles,
develop their skills and competencies, increase productivity and
profits and enhance standard of living

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Importance of HRM

attract and retain talent

train people for challenging roles
develop skills and competencies
promote team spirit
Good HR Practices help
develop loyalty and commitment
increase productivity and profits
improve job satisfaction
enhance standard of living
generate employment opportunities

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


HRM as a central subsystem in an



HR Subsystem
Finance Training Marketing
Subsystem Compensation Subsystem


The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Functions of HRM

Managerial Operative Functions

Procurement Development: Motivation and Maintenance: Emerging
– Planning Integration:
Compensation: Issues:
Job Analysis Training Grievances
Job design Health Personnel
HR planning Executive records
Work scheduling Discipline
– Organising Recruitment development
Safety Personnel
Motivation Teams and
Selection Career teamwork audit
planning Job evaluation Personnel
Placement Welfare Collective
Succession Performance and research
– Directing bargaining
Induction potential HR
appraisal Social security Participation accounting
Internal planning
mobility Compensation Empowerment HRIS
– Controlling Human administration
resources Trade unions Job stress
development Incentives
benefits and Employers’ Mentoring
services associations International

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Strategic Human Resource


Competitive advantage through people?

Competitive advantage allows a firm to gain an edge over its rivals
when competing. It comes from a firm’s unique ability to perform
activities more distinctively and more effectively than rivals. HR can
be a source of competitive advantage when the talents of people
working in the firm are valuable, rare; difficult to imitate and well
organised to deliver efficient and effective results.

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


The evolving strategic role of

Human Resource Management

Strategic focus

Strategic partner Change agent

System People

Administrative expert Employee champion

Operational focus

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Strategic Human Resource

Realising the growing importance of HR, a new line of thinking
emerged elevating the status of HR to that of a strategic partner both
in the formulation of a firm’s strategic as well as in the implementation
of business activities. SHRM, simply stated, is the linkage of HRM
with strategic goals and objectives with a view to improve business
performance and develop organisational cultures that foster
innovation and flexibility. Strategic HR differs radically from traditional
HR in a number of ways:

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Traditional HR vs. Strategic HR

Point of distinction Traditional HR Strategic HR
Focus Employee Relations Partnerships with internal and
external customers
Role of HR Transactional change Transformational change leader
follower and respondent and initiator
Initiatives Slow, reactive, fragmented Fast, proactive and integrated
Time horizon Short-term Short, medium and long (as
Control Bureaucratic-roles, policies, Organic-flexible, whatever is
procedures necessary to succeed
Job design Tight division of labour; Broad, flexible, cross-training
independence, teams
Key investments Capital, products People, knowledge
Accountability Cost centre Investment centre
Responsibility for HR Staff specialists Line managers

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


The field of HRM evolved both in India and elsewhere over a
number of years to present level of sophistication and use of
proactive methods

 The industrial revolution

 Scientific management
 Trade unionism
 Human relations movement
 Human resources approach

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Evolution of the Personnel Function

Concept What is it all about?

The Commodity Labour was regarded as a commodity to be bought and sold.

concept Wages were based on demand and supply. Government did
very little to protect workers.

The Factor of Labour is like any other factor of production, viz, money,
Production concept materials, land, etc. Workers are like machine tools.

The Goodwill concept Welfare measures like safety, first aid, lunch room, rest room
will have a positive impact on workers’ productivity

The Paternalistic Management must assume a fatherly and protective attitude

concept/ Paternalism towards employees. Paternalism does not mean merely
providing benefits but it means satisfying various needs of the
employees as parents meet the requirements of the children.


The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Evolution of the Personnel Function

The Humanitarian To improve productivity, physical, social and psychological
concept needs of workers must be met. As Mayo and others stated,
money is less a factor in determining output, than group
standards, group incentives and security. The organisation is a
social system that has both economic and social dimensions.

The Human Resource Employees are the most valuable assets of an organisation.
concept There should be a conscious effort to realise organisational goals
by satisfying needs and aspirations of employees.

The Emerging concept Employees should be accepted as partners in the progress of a

company. They should have a feeling that the organisation is
their own. To this end, managers must offer better quality of
working life and offer opportunities to people to exploit their
potential fully. The focus should be on Human Resource

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Growth in India

 Legal phase
 Welfare phase
 Development phase

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Personnel Function in India;

Changing Scenario
Period Emphasis Status Roles
1920 – 30 Welfare management Clerical Welfare
Paternalistic practices administrator

1940 – 60 Expanding the role to cover Administrative Appraiser

Labour, Welfare, Industrial Advisor
Relations and Personnel Mediator
Administration Legal advisor
Fire fighting

1970 – 80 Efficiency, effectiveness Developmental Change agent

dimensions added Integrator
Emphasis on human Trainer
values, aspirations, Educator

1990s – Incremental productivity Proactive, Developer

onwards gains through human growth-oriented Counsellor
assets Coach
Problem solver

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


Shifts in HR management in India

Traditional HR practice Emerging HR practice

 Administrative role  Strategic role

 Reactive  Proactive

 Separate, isolated from  Key part of organisational

company mission mission

 Production focus  Service focus

 Functional organisation  Process-based organisation

 Individuals encouraged,  Cross-functional eams,

singled out for praise, teamwork most important

 People as expenses  People as key

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


HRM in the new millennium

Current thinking in HRM strongly supports the view that when

opportunities for growth and enhancement of skills are available in an
organisation, people will be stimulated to give their best, leading to
greater job satisfaction and organisational effectiveness. To this end,
therefore, HR managers in the new millennium are expected to
successfully evolve an appropriate corporate culture, take a strategic
approach to the acquisition, motivation and development of human
resources and introduce programmes that reflect and support the
core values of the organisation and its people.     

    Size of work force

Demands for better pay, benefits, working conditions


The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


HRM in the new millennium

Composition of workforce
Equal pay for equal work
Breaking down of glass ceiling
Constitutional protection to minority groups
Importance to factors such as age, sex, religion, region, caste especially while
dealing with multifarious, heterogeneous, culturally diverse work groups

 Employee expectations
Better educated, more knowledgeable, emotionally strong and demanding
Demand for educated, trained, experienced and knowledgeable workers growing
Understand individual differences and develop appropriate policies to meet their
growing expectations.


The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


HRM in the new millennium

 Changes in technology
Modernisation, computerisation, sophistication increasing by the day
Knowledge and skills need to be refined constantly
Training, retraining and mid-career counselling important
Equip employees so as to cope with dramatic challenges brought forward by rapid
advances in science and technology
  Life style changes
 Environmental challenges
 Personnel function in future
Job redesign
Career opportunities
Recruitment and selection
Training and development
Safety and welfare        Cont…

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management


HRM in the new millennium

 Changes in 21st century affecting HRM

HR as a springboard for success
Talent hunting, developing and retraining
Lean and mean organisations
Labour relations
Health and benefit programmes

The Strategic Role Of Human Resources Management

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