Counseling 576 Syllabus 2013
Counseling 576 Syllabus 2013
Counseling 576 Syllabus 2013
following First Year Student Reviews (May of each year) and during Practicum and Internship.
Concerns and deficiencies will be brought to your attention and used by faculty in assessing your
overall academic/ professional progress in the Program. Deficiencies that are not corrected will be
cause for disciplinary action, which may include termination from the program.
Course Description
This course reviews effective best practices for including parents, families, and communities in schools.
An emphasis on compliance with TSPC (Teachers Standards and Practices Commission) licensure
requirements is met by skill development in communicating with stakeholders, community partners and
families to assist in promoting school success and meeting achievement mandates. It emphasizes a
systems perspective that includes consultation and collaboration in addressing academic, career and
personal social success for all students. The importance of school readiness, attendance, alternative
programs and resources for current problem areas faced by school counselors will be covered.
This class uses lectures, guest presenters, and group discussion and student presentations on models of
effective inclusion of all stakeholders (school staff, students, families, community partners) utilizing
collaboration, consultation and cooperation strategies that promote student achievement and success.
As I do not have an office on campus I am available electronically (email, text, phone) if you have
questions or concerns. I am willing to meet with students outside of class time for clarification or
concerns. If you are unable to attend class, please let me know prior to the start time. Students are
expected to attend and participate in all class sessions unless alternate plans are made in advance.
Essential Professional Practices and TSPC competencies addressed in this course.
Course Requirements
1. Personal Road to CounselingThis written assignment should cover why youve chosen to
train as a school counselor and allows me to know each of you better as we meet over the
coming weeks. You should include your personal school experiences (the highlights and low
points) that may have influenced this choice, family influences and the relationship of this choice
to current relationships with your spouse/partner, children and peers. Include how you see
yourself as a change agent and how these may affect your choice of grade level, school setting
and level of community involvement. Discuss your personal styles of tolerance and flexibility as
in this job there are no two days that are alike or follow a script. Be forthcoming about your
skills and the areas you may need to work on as you complete this graduate program. Include
as appropriate, an analysis of your self-understanding in areas of diversity and inclusion,
adaptability and recognizing barriers to effective team work that may include gender, age or
experience. If appropriate share examples of success or what I learned from this experience in
your writing. General guidelines are 3-5 pages. You may add photos, diagrams or anecdotes as
you choose if this enhances your paper. Post this on tk-20 by Wednesday, October 9, 2013. There
will not be individual grades for weekly assignments. I will review and comment each week.
2. Reading, Attendance and Participation Students will post a weekly reaction paper to each
chapter in Epstein and Associates and Baumberger on tk-20. You may use the summary and
discussion materials as applicable. A synopsis of information gained from each guest presenter
should also be posted on tk-20 as appropriate. Consider the information gained, relevance to
schools, families and communities and how you can utilize these resources during practicum,
internship and qualified practice as a school counselor. Consider including contact information
as appropriate for future reference. Comments on guest speaker or content presented by the
instructor help to strengthen the course and keep the areas of concern relevant and useful.
3. End of term Presentationsyou will, as self-selected teams, create and present a project or
intervention for staff, families, community that utilizes resources and talents while recognizing
the deficits or needs of these communities. Your project should also include meeting the goals of
learning to live, learning to learn, learning to work and learning to contribute. Each team
presentation should be approximately 20 minutes in length and include handouts or resource
materials as appropriate. Include mock agendas for planning meetings, how the project will fit
the school schedule, involved parties, necessary funding or in-kind support, methods of
acknowledgement and thank you for participants and supporters and your evaluation tool.
4. Site Visits/Interviewsan alternative to class meeting may result in students choosing to make
site visits or do informational interviews with schools, programs, individuals, community based
organizations or areas of interest. A short written review will be required and should be posted
on tk-20. We will discuss these options at the first class meeting.
There will not be a mid-term or final examination. Writing will be rated on content,
integration of reading and guest materials and application to counseling scenarios in class.
Oct. 9
Epstein Chpt. 3
Baumberger Chpt. 1
Epstein Chpt. 4
Baumberger Chpt. 2
Epstein Chpt. 5
Baumberger Chpt. 3
Epstein Chpt. 6
Oct. 23
Oct. 30
Epstein Chpt. 7
Nov. 6
Working w/ other school teams that support student success.
Epstein Chpt. 9
Baumberger Chpt. 7
Alternate assignments
Dec. 4
Dec. 11
Epstein Chpt. 8
Baumberger Chpt. 6
School/Family Autobiography
Grading Scale
93-100 points
Student earns less than 77
Student does not complete coursework within time line. Grade will be
dropped to a B grade if all work is completed at a satisfactory level.
Grade Descriptors
A = work is characterized by critical application of theory and strategies, critical thinking, imagination,
and visible growth. All work is completed on time. The work includes an understanding of differences
in culture, gender, ethnicity, etc. Journal reflections demonstrate a reflective professional who is
learning and growing the art and craft of counseling. Papers are written in APA style with no errors. The
student comes to class prepared: readings are completed with thought; data is collected; reflections are
probing; there is a willingness to honestly risk, question, and interact with peers.
B = work is characterized by thoroughness and thoughtfulness. Absent is the critical, analytical, and
imaginative thinking of the A work, yet there is evidence of growth, risk, and application. The student
comes prepared to class: readings are complete, data is collected; reflections are thoughtful, group
participation is supportive.
C = work is general and summative in nature. Due dates are barely met (some may be missed). The
student is either ill prepared for class or the readings have been rushed and reflections are summaries
rather than critically reflective.
D = Work is missing; due dates are not made; participation is poor; there are absences from class. Any
of these characteristics may lower grades.
The personal development of counselor candidates has long been an issue in counselor education.
Commitment to enhancing counselor self-awareness is predicated upon the belief that counselor
effectiveness is significantly increased by ability to deal effectively with personal and interpersonal
issues that might otherwise inhibit counselor effectiveness. Some research shows that clients cannot
progress to levels of psychological and emotional health that are higher than those of their counselors.
The purpose of doing a road to counseling paper is to examine the influences of your family of origin
and others on the way you function now and the relationships these insights may have to influence the
kind of help you can provide students, staff, families and community members as a school counselor.
An analysis of what you might need to understand better about yourself and what you might need to
change in order to maximize your effectiveness with staff, students, families and community members
can be included if you wish. School counseling presents an ongoing often-changing set of needs and
skills. These are often closely related to the school community you are assigned. The relationships of
history, neighborhood and resources all become important factors in program development and success.
Your project should include the following and be relevant to the grade level/school setting appropriate
for your intended site. Be willing to look outside the box and be creative.
2. You must show how you will facilitate stakeholders working together. Planning,
funding, meeting schedules, implementing, thanking and evaluating.
3. What is your intended outcome/producthow will this benefit your school population
have you included the appropriate cultural and ethnically specific resources and
individuals? Have you consulted community and religious calendars along with the
master school calendar?
4. The project timeline will this event be held during the school day or evening, breaks,
holidays or vacation times? Who will you collaborate/consult with to manage the project
when youre off the clock? How do you envision keeping it going and growing?
5. Presentation format is a group decision-you can use handouts, PowerPoint/Keynote,
interactive skitsthink of the audiences you intend to present to and be creative. Have
fun with the project.
6. An oral presentation to the class of 20 minutes with appropriate handouts for peers.
7. Post on tk-20 for your future use and adaptations. Theres no reason to constantly reinvent presentations when you can select from previous and re-tool them for new