This document lists 12 references related to compensation packages, employee retention, and performance. The references include journal articles, books, websites, and reports that discuss compensation strategies to improve retention and performance in various sectors such as energy, pharmaceuticals, hotels, ITES-BPO, and academia. The references also compare retention strategies between Indian and multinational companies.
This document lists 12 references related to compensation packages, employee retention, and performance. The references include journal articles, books, websites, and reports that discuss compensation strategies to improve retention and performance in various sectors such as energy, pharmaceuticals, hotels, ITES-BPO, and academia. The references also compare retention strategies between Indian and multinational companies.
This document lists 12 references related to compensation packages, employee retention, and performance. The references include journal articles, books, websites, and reports that discuss compensation strategies to improve retention and performance in various sectors such as energy, pharmaceuticals, hotels, ITES-BPO, and academia. The references also compare retention strategies between Indian and multinational companies.
This document lists 12 references related to compensation packages, employee retention, and performance. The references include journal articles, books, websites, and reports that discuss compensation strategies to improve retention and performance in various sectors such as energy, pharmaceuticals, hotels, ITES-BPO, and academia. The references also compare retention strategies between Indian and multinational companies.
FALOLA, Princess Thelma HEIRSMAC, A. ( 2014). Compensation packages: a strategic tool
for employees performance and retention. Leonardo Journal of Sciences ISSN 1583-0233, Issue 25, July-December 2014 p. 65-84. DR. R. AKILA, A. (2012). A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION AMONG EXECUTIVES AT BGR ENERGY SYSTEMS LTD, CHENNA. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research ISSN 2277 3622, Vol.1 Issue 9, P. 18-32. Dr. Somesh Kumar Shukla , Ms. Deepti Sinha, AA. (2013) A STUDY OF EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN THE PHARMACEUTICALS SECTOR IN DEHRADUN CITY. international Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 30-39. Ankit Laddha , Rudrapal Singh, A.A. (2012), EMPLOYEE RETENTION: AN ART TO REDUCE TURNOVER. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND REVIEW ISSN: 2249-7196, vol2 issues 3, p-453-458. Michael Armstrong, A. (2003). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, LONDON, United Kingdom.. Kogan Page, 2003
PRODUCTIVITY: A CASE OF CENTRAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. University of Science and Technology, Kwame Nkrumah. Anonymous, (2010). RETENTION STRATEGIES IN PRIVATE SECTOR A comparison
between an Indian company and a MNC in telecom sector.
Ed Cohen. Arunav Sinha. ( 2009). Article on Employee Retention: Moving Up the Employee Relationship Chain.
Ms.Vijit Chaturvedi. Dr. D.S. Yadav.(2010) Retention Management in Hotel Industry: A
Proactive Approach, Dileep. M.(2006). Article on Industrial Social Work What to do With Organization , Sanjeev.Sharma.(2009).Retention Strategies IN ITES-BPO Industry,