Country Heritage Park

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5 Young Drive

Brampton, Ont.
L6Y 0P4
t- 905-451-2217
f- 905-451-0168

Leanne Rathbone

Grade 3- Country Heritage Park

Vice Principal:
Harpreet Hassanwalia

Tuesday March 21, 2016

Dear Grade 3 Parents and Guardians:
As an extension of the Social Studies curricular program, the grade 3 students will be participating in the
Pioneer Program: A New Life and are planning an excursion to the Country Heritage Park. This
activity is under the supervision of Ms. Languedoc, Mr. Scheffer, Mme Whitehouse, Mrs Fleming, Mme
Ikundi, Mrs. Beamish and Ms. Porter. This will require your son/daughter to leave school property on
Wednesday April 6, 2016. We will be arriving at the Country Heritage Park at 10:00 am and will be
departing back to Copeland P.S. at 1:30 pm. Please ensure that students requiring medication have it in a
fanny pack on the day of the trip. Any medications stored at school will be carried by the teacher.
Students should have a labelled disposable lunch with them and will be required to carry their own
belongings. We discourage students from bringing any electronic or cameras, as the teachers will not be
responsible if they are lost, stolen or broken. Students should dress for the given weather conditions, as
the trip continues rain or shine.
Transportation is going to be provided by First Group
We are also looking for parent/guardian volunteers to accompany us to the Country Heritage Park.
Please note all volunteers must have a current criminal record check in order to participate on the
The cost per pupil for the excursion is $19.00. Please send the exact amount as we are not able to
make change.
The excursion is an extension of the regular school program. Accordingly, expectations regarding student
behaviour are the same as those for the regular school day. While we do not anticipate any problems, any
serious breach of expected conduct on the part of a student may result in that student being sent home at
the expense of the parent and further disciplinary action may be imposed.
Student information (parent contact numbers, medical information, emergency contact numbers etc.)
contained on your childs school records will be taken along on the excursion and used only in the event
of an emergency. Please ensure that all student information regarding address, phone numbers and
medical or health concerns is up-to-date.
We are looking forward to an exciting and educationally worthwhile excursion. Please indicate your
acceptance of the conditions outlined above by completing and returning to the school the attached form
by Friday April 1, 2016.
Grade 3 Team,

Mrs. L. Rathbone

Mrs. H. Hassanwalia
Vice Principal

5 Young Drive
Brampton, Ont.
L6Y 0P4
t- 905-451-2217
f- 905-451-0168

Leanne Rathbone
Vice Principal:
Harpreet Hassanwalia
Office Manager:

Grade 3- Country Heritage Park

Tuesday March 1, 2016
I/We, parent of ______________________, in acknowledge receipt of the letter dated March 1, 2016 from
the school with respect to the upcoming student excursion to Country Heritage Park
I/We authorize transportation by First Group.
I/We give permission for our son/daughter to participate in the school excursion to the Country Heritage
Park and understand that every excursion has an element of risk and that the decision to participate is a
personal, family decision . I/We understand and acknowledge that the Peel District School Board will not
be held responsible for any liability or medical expenses, due to an injury sustained by the student during
this field trip/excursion.
I/We grant permission to obtain medical treatment in the event of a medical emergency where attempts to
make contact using information provided are not successful.
I/We understand that the Peel District School Board's Code of Conduct as well as Copelands Code of
Conduct, are in effect and apply to my our son/daughter at all times during this excursion.
I/We understand that my/our son/daughter is allowed to carry a cell phone for use in an emergency.
Otherwise, the cell phone may not be used for any communication or for taking any photographs unless
permission is granted by a staff supervisor. Posting photographs or images on the Internet (including
social network sites) without adult permission violates the school's code of conduct.
I/We understand and acknowledge that neither the Peel District School Board nor the School will accept
responsibility for any money not refunded by the excursion service provider should I/we decide not to
permit my/our child to travel on the excursion.
Please note that your son/daughter, if 12 years old or older, must also sign this form to acknowledge their
acceptance of the above.
I/We understand that the cost of the trip will be $19.00 and have enclosed the money along with the
signed permission form.

Students Name:______________________
(Parents name)


(Parents Signature)


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