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Assessment of National Achievement Test in Mathematics of Grade VI

Students in Taysan District during Academic Years 2012-2015

A Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Teacher Education
Batangas State University

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree

Lina, Princess Aprille J.
Mendoza, Marvin D.
Rubel, Jeffrey H.

Mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity numbers structure
space and change. Through the use of abstraction and logic, mathematics
developed from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of
the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a
human activity for as far back as written records exists. The application of
mathematics pervades the environment and every individual encounters its uses in
economic and working context.
Every activity that we did everyday requires the touch of mathematics.
Every morning we woke up we start knowing the time in our clock, and that is a
simple mathematics. Knowing the amount of ingredients that we will put together
when we are cooking, it is mathematics. When we pay the driver as we commute
going to school, it is also mathematics. We spent almost of our time by computing
the number of things and estimating the characteristics of our surroundings.
Nowadays, mathematics is one of the major concerns of Department of
Education as an important component of the overall education program in the
country, especially in elementary education in which the student learning
foundation started.

Knowing the fact that many elementary students find mathematics as

difficult one, they are not interested in studying the subject. Whenever they
encountered problem in mathematics they tend to escape and leave it with no
answer at all.
It often shows in National Achievement Test result that the target
percentage in mathematics subject was not met and it was quite alarming because
mastery level descriptive equivalent obtained was below the target. There is a need
for administrators, school heads and teachers to pursue more make plans so that
the achievement level will increase.
In this study, the researchers will focus concern about the National
Achievement Test in mathematics of grade six students in Taysan District from
year 2012-2015. Aside from the fact that mathematics is a hard subject, it also has
its different areas, wherein most of the children find it difficult in taking the said
examination. The researchers all know that the National Achievement Test is given
in the grade three and grade six students in elementary, the researchers focused
their study in some factors that affect the assessment of the respondents in taking
the NAT in mathematics.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the performances of Taysan District in Mathematics as included in
National Achievement Test for the past three academic years: 2012-2013,
2013-2014, and 2014-2015?
2. Based on the result of National Achievement Test, what competencies are
highly achieved or least achieved?
3. What problems are being encountered in the implementation of the
intervention activities?
4. Based on the findings, what material can be made to enhance students
performance in Mathematics?
Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study
This study aims to assess the National Achievement Tests result of
elementary schools in the area of Mathematics during the Academic Year 20122015; Important concepts regarding National Achievement Test; The competencies
included in the National Achievement Test in Mathematics for Grade VI; The
National Achievement Test results in Mathematics for the Academic Years 2012
2015; The area of Mathematics least performed by the students and the material
can be made to enhance the students performance in Mathematics to attain
outstanding result during National Achievement Test.
The major area of this study should be done in all public elementary
schools of Taysan District. This study should be delimited to other teachers of

elementary educational institution in Taysan, Batangas. The teachers of English

Filipino, Science, as well as Makabayan will not be included in this research.
Significance of the Study
This study intends to investigate on the result of National Achievement Test
in the areas of Mathematics subject among the Grade VI students of Taysan
District during the Academic Years 2012-2015 and to produce an appropriate
material to enhance the students performance in the areas of Mathematics least
performed by them based on the gathered data.
To the school administrators. They will be benefited by this study through
tracing the past results of their students performance and the related schools in
National Achievement Test in Mathematics subject, for them to formulate a
strategic implementation of higher learning to level up the quality of their students
using the output material produced from this study.
To the teachers. The primarily concerned in teaching Mathematics and to
make it more effective by focusing on the competencies of the subject least
performed by the students, that may lead them to the higher percentage of
achievement of their students.
To the students. They will be aware and be guided to overcome their
weaknesses based on the study by conducting practices and exercises proposed in
the output material.

To the future researchers. This study would be of great aid in their

upcoming endeavours. The data gathered could be their foundation in conducting
up related studies.


This chapter deals with the review of related literature and research studies
closely related to the present study. It elaborates the conceptual as well as the
research literature, both local and foreign views.
Conceptual Literature
An examination constitutes an important step in the supervision of school,
both public and private, and considered as a part of regulatory power vested by the
law upon the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. This is a measure
which may serve the Secretary of Education in determining whether a school is
operated in satisfactory manner. It is used to evaluate the effectiveness of
An examination is considered as a part of regulatory powers vested by the
law upon the Department of Education and it constitutes an important slept in the
supervision of schools for both private and public. This may serve as a key for the
Secretary of Education to determine whether a school is operated in a satisfactory
manner. It is also used to assess the effectiveness of instruction.
To maintain and attain the highest quality of education is mostly the main
objective of the Department of Education and usually the reason why educational
system exists. Through the appropriate device use for measuring the academic
excellence of the student is the best way to achieve the foremost objective. This
refers to the National Achievement Test given annually in every school.

Mathematics. In this high-tech and globally competitive society, it is
becoming more and more important that all citizens be confident in their ability to
do mathematics. Knowledge of Mathematics is an important skill necessary to
succeed in todays world. All students deserve equal access to learning
mathematics and teachers must take effort to ensure this happens. (Duffy, et. al
A very large part of modern life depends on mathematics. Through the use
of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting,
calculation, measurements and systematic study of shapes and motion of physical
object. Knowledge and the use of basic mathematics has always been a inherent
and integral part of individual and group life. Refinement of basic ideas is visible
in mathematical text originating an Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient China,
Ancient India, and Ancient Greece. Rigorous argument appears in Eucids
Elements. The development continued in fitful burst until the Renaissance period
of 16th century, when mathematical innovations interacted with the new scientific
discoveries leading to acceleration in research that continuous in the present day.
Mathematics is a branch of Science that deals with the study of numbers,
measurements and space. It is also the logical study of quantity, form,
arrangement, and magnitude specially the method of disclosing the properties and

exact relations of quantities and magnitude whether in abstract, pure or applied

Mathematics also challenges an individual to acquire the necessary skills
needed to think analytically in solving problems encountered in day to day
activities. Its goal is to form critical and independent thinking towards solving
different kinds of problem. To meet this goal, the continuous effort in improving
mathematics program should be implemented in schools.
Mathematics is the highest level in the intellectual crown of mankind,
hence it is not so easily possessed nor gained, however, it is open to anyone who
aspire for it. This only emphasizes how important mathematics is. Since it is not
easily learned, educators need to exert effort to make the teaching-learning process
and creative. ( Strang in Reyes 2003)
Not all learning areas in educational system is considered

easy and

interesting to the learners and one of which is mathematics. Mathematics is

considered as the most difficult subject by some of the students. He also stated that
instead of being challenged, most of the students have expressed disinterest and
disinclination in mathematics. he also added that these attitude can somehow
attributed to ineffective teaching strategies that emphasizes drills and
memorization alone. In effect, the classrooms is turned into

a place where

students learn nothing more than how t memorize formulas, compute numbers
experiences and do number skills. ( Ruelos 2001)

With this, the challenge of learning, teaching, creating and experiencing

mathematics uses district approaches is still on its peak. Educators are still
focusing the challenges of transforming the classroom into a more lively and
meaningful one.
Teaching Mathematics
The science of mathematics is one of the greatest achievements of
humankind. However, this subject appears to be one of the most difficult to teach s
well as the most difficult to understand among other disciplines. This is the reason
why many students still ignore this subject spite of its importance and application
in ones life.
Students learn best if they enjoy what they are doing. For mathematics to be
enjoyable and pleasant, it should not be boring and monotonous. The students
should be interested on what is to be learned and they should find the pleasure in
learning activity. The teacher should therefore cause excitement and add variety to
instructional procedures. Classroom activity should be stimulating and
challenging. In this way, the students will be motivated to learn; at the same time
their perception bout mathematics will be changed. Providing such activities may
even drive them to love this subject. (Salazar 2001)
Excellence in mathematics education requires high expectation and strong
support for all students. Equity requires high accommodation different to help

everyone learn mathematics. Perhaps, the teacher, being responsible for students
learning, must address the differences of each learner and provide various
experiences to meet their needs. Exposing the students to a wide variety of
learning experiences and giving them the freedom to choose would yield more
progress. In addition, it was also mentioned that developing a positive attitude
towards learning mathematics is more important aspect of students learning
experiences. (The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2000)
The best teacher never loses sight of their students potential. They believe
in the brilliance and ability of all their students. These potentials and abilities can
make a difference and may even help them enjoy doing mathematics. (Landsman
It is encouraged that mathematics teachers can be inventive and has the
capability of using different techniques to gauge depth of understanding the
students. As classroom teacher, they need to integrate their lessons with various
activities that will likely make the teaching-learning process took part effectively.
(The Educators Magazine 2005)
A classroom for non creative teachers would be a dull and there would be
no change. Everything will stay as is and student would be deprived of finding
newness in classroom. As teachers, it is therefore necessary that there is the
creative power applied in each lesson presented so as to make discussion lively
and colourful. (Doblon 2005)

Requiring the students to write paragraph describing the major contribution

of famous mathematicians will motivate the students who have developed their
verbal skills. Those with logical-mathematical dominance will be changed when
the teacher asked the class to construct short timeline showing the major events of
lives of Descartes, Newton, Eucid, Pythagoras, and others to tap their ability to
think in images, symbols, patterns, colours, and shapes. (Priddle 2004)
Those with skills of expressing themselves with their body movements will
be glad when they act out scenes of the lives of the said contributors in
Mathematics. Students can also be asked to compose song about mathematicians
or their works or just play music pieces while they work on activities in classroom.
Working in groups to present some significant people in the development of
mathematics will be effective in developing their social skills with regard to
interpersonal dominance. Students may be asked to reflect or write a comment on
certain beliefs of some mathematicians. It may also be used in discussing natural
and human made phenomena and interest of the students regarding or existence
and mysteries in daily lives.
National Achievement Test
The National Achievement Test is a set of examination taken in the
Philippines by students in years 3, 6 and 10. Students are given national
standardized test designed to determine their academic level, strengths and
weaknesses. Their learning throughout the year is divided into five categories,

English, Filipino, Mathematics Science and Hekasi and are tested for what they
NAT examinations aim to:
1. Provide empirical information on the achievement level of pupils/students in
Grade Three, Grade Six and Second Year to serve as guide for policy makers,
administrators, curriculum planners, supervisors, principals and teachers in their
respective courses of action.
2. Identify and analyze variations on achievement levels across the years by
region, division, school and other variables
3. Determine the rate of improvement in basic education with respect to individual
schools within certain time frames.

The National Achievement Test were originally designed and administered

for grade six and fourth year students. However, due to the changes indicated in
the enclosure of DepEd order no. 28 s. 2011 and DepEd Memorandum no.266 s of
2011 instead of sophomores our seniors shall take the National Achievement Test
in absence of the National Career Assessment exam which will be administered
now for seniors.
According to Erin Schreiner Mathematics can be a difficult subject for
elementary school children to grasp. The abstract nature of the concept often
makes it challenging to explain to young learners. Teaching elementary math is

much easier with the help of a variety of teaching tools that help make
mathematical concepts more concrete and demonstrate to students how they will
use math in their everyday lives.
From this concept, the significant role of NAT becomes more evident and
gives importance for students as well as the teachers in teaching learning strategies
on how to be more competitive and interested to focus more in the study. If the
teacher has an effective strategies and knowledge in assessing the students on how
to be more focused, they will never experience difficulties in teaching in the
following years.
Beliefs and practices related to mathematics were assessed for 21 fourththrough sixth-grade teachers. At the beginning and the end of the school year
teachers beliefs about (1) the nature of mathematics (i.e., procedures to solve
problems versus a tool for thought), (2) mathematics learning (i.e., focusing on
getting correct solutions versus understanding mathematical concepts), (3) who
should control students mathematical activity, (4) the nature of mathematical
ability (i.e., fixed versus malleable), and (5) the value of extrinsic rewards for
getting students to engage in mathematics activities were assessed. (6) Teachers
self-confidence and enjoyment of mathematics and mathematics teaching were
also assessed. Analyses were conducted to assess the coherence among these
beliefs and associations between teachers beliefs and their observed classroom
practices and self-reported evaluation criteria. Findings showed substantial

coherence among teachers beliefs and consistent associations between their

beliefs and their practices. Teachers self-confidence as mathematics teachers was
also significantly associated with their students self-confidence as mathematical
Research Literature
One of the factors that influence the performance of the pupils in
mathematics is their interest in it. If the pupils are interested, the pupils would
show eagerness and willingness. It is important to know the most interesting
mathematical concepts so that the teacher can find ways on how to develop
interest on the concept especially those have been neglected by the learners.
(Lumanglas et, al 2003)
Mathematics as learning area has its own mobilizing power. Mathematics as
an exact science is so accurate and clear-out of its self. It compels the child to face
the truth and envelops the habits of clear and definite thinking which offers no
opportunity for learner to bluff. When properly taught, the child can be made to be
honest with him, honest with his subject of study and honest with his teacher for
straight and definite thinking invokes clear and honest conduct. ( Delen et, al.

The most interesting mathematical concept to Grade Six pupil include

decimals, fractions, percent, ratios and proportion, problem solving, angles,
graphs, polygons, maps and scales and measurement.
There is a significant relationship between problem solving, fractions,
decimals, percent, ratios and proportion, problem solving, angles, graphs,
polygons, maps and scales and measurement and the performance of the
The first five common problem encountered by the Grade Six pupils in
learning mathematical concept are the lack of understanding in identifying and
naming angles and polygons, confusion and using the correct formulas in finding
base, rate and percent, lack of skills in using the fundamental operations,
deficiency in determining the important terms related to proportion, the lack of
understanding in converting one unit to another. Teachers must prepare different
visual aids and other learning device when presenting a lesson. They should also
encourage students to develop self-confidence and use affective motivation in
order to solve or lessen those problems. ( Lumanglas et, al 2003)
Teachers are the key person in the educational enterprise. Effective teaching
is based on their concern for content, concepts, skills, and values. Studying
mathematics is uninteresting and difficult subject for the students because of
computational involvement and the connotation that mathematics is only for
intelligent students. A creative, diligent and resourceful mathematics teacher can

make his mathematics class conducive to learning if he is able to captive the

attention, curiosity and the sense of wonder of his pupils. ( Banta , et. al 2001)
Teacher should communicate positive expectations that the students are
expected to learn and requite academic work, give motivation and not on powers
to maintain order, be a firm friend but maintain a psychological and physical
distance so that the students know their limits. Teacher should also keep calm and
keep students calm, especially when conditions become tense or upsetting, also be
aware of under currents of behaviour of that will happen if students decide on a
course of action and also expect but dont accept misbehaviour. Learn to cope with
misbehaviour but dont get accept of feeling inadequate about it.
Education is concerned with the well being of the individual in a family
sector. It helps the individual in discovering his needs, interest and capabilities as
they relate to home life activities. (Garcia et. al.)
Teacher may maintain and control over instructional task by making the
decisions about what to be taught, what instructional materials and styles are to be
used and even how much pupils will be allowed to interact. There are also times
when teachers permit pupils input in planning the content and activities and
achievement is based on standardized achievement level. ( Ponce 2000)

The studies of Strang and Ruelos were similar to the present study in which
they stated the difficulty of Mathematics as a subject. Strang stated that even
though mathematics is a difficult subject for the students, this will solved if the
pupil emphasize how important it is. According to Ruelos mathematics would be
easy if the students will show interest to the subject.
The study of Salazar and Priddle were also similar to the study in which
they stated that students will enjoy learning mathematics if they find it interesting.
Salazar said that classroom activities should be stimulating and challenging while
Priddle said that teachers should think some techniques to nurture the multiple
intelligence. One of the activities that he suggested is that the teacher should ask
the pupils to write a paragraph about the life of the Mathematicians for them to be
The present study was also similar to the study of Landsman and Doblon
who stated that the teaching-learning environment may be achieved if the
classroom is colourful and lively.

Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework gives the viewpoint about the study. The focus
of this study was the National Achievement Test results in Mathematics of Grade
VI students of Taysan District from year 2012 2015.

The National Achievement Test is assessment of skills acquired by

both elementary and secondary school student that will be useful to their entry to a
higher level as well as vocational-technical education. It aims to compare the
performance between schools as well as the extent of educational improvement of
a school over time. It is not a requirement for graduation, but the test results will
be used by the DepEd as an instrument for the evaluation of the schools.
The National Achievement Test also aims to measure the academic
performance of Elementary and Secondary pupils in both public and private
schools by regions, divisions and districts in contrast to when it first began.
To make learning possible in mathematics, teachers should boost students
interest for them to perform well during NAT and this can be done by
understanding the foundation of education, in which it deals with the proper usage
of objectives, strategies, methods, devices and learning areas. Teachers in better
teaching use all of these factors and teaching skills because it has a great influence
in the nature of learning process of the students.

Research Paradigm




Assessment of National
Achievement Test
results in the areas of
Mathematics subject.

Survey Questions

Proposed material to
enhance the students
performance in

A Research Paradigm on the Assessment of National Achievement Test

Results in the Areas of Mathematics Subject among Grade VI Students
in Taysan District
Definition of Terms
Assessment. The act of making a judgement about something. An act of assessing
something or an idea or an opinion about something.
Mathematics. the science of numbers, quantities, and shapes and relationship
between them.

Competencies. Refers to the skills that are required to master in a particular grade
level in a particular subject area.
Result. To happen because of something else that happened or was done before.
To be caused by something else.

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