TACFIT26 Mobility Manual
TACFIT26 Mobility Manual
TACFIT26 Mobility Manual
Nothing within this information intends to constitute an explanation of the use of any product, or the carrying out of any procedure, or the
process introduced by, or within any material. This site, and its officers and employees accept no responsibility for any injuries, or damages
arising out of any person's attempt to rely upon any information contained herein. Consult your doctor before using this, or any other exercise
device. Do not use if you have an injury, or are experiencing pain or inflammation in parts of your body without first consulting your doctor. Use
this product at your own risk. Failure to follow instructions, and/or using this product in any way other than its intended use could result in
Please be sure to thoroughly read the instructions in this book, paying particular attention to all cautions and warnings shown for TACFIT to
ensure their proper and safe use.
Table of Contents
Hindu Pushup
Hip Hurdler
Knee Circle
Leg Swing
Lifting Camel
Lifting Table
Shinbox Switch
Shirt Ripping
Shoulder Screw
Sit-Thru Stretch
Spinal Rotation
Tripod Overhead
Twisting Lunge
Windshield Wiper
Begin with one arm overhead, and lock the elbow. Pull the shoulder down, with
no shrug to the neck. Move the arm up as high overhead as possible without
shrugging the shoulder or bending at the torso and waist. If you feel any sharp
pains or pins and needles, do not lift as high; move lower to the side.
Slowly swim one arm palm in the direction youre facing, with an exhale through
the mouth as high as you can, and then rotate the palm away from your body.
Continue to move behind you without twisting at the spine. Keep both hips
Circle all the way to the bottom, hand to thigh, inhaling through the nose, before
repeating the circle.
Interlace your fingers and thumbs, releasing your index fingers. Roll your
shoulders over and forward, rounding at midback and sliding your shoulder
blades around the sides of your ribs (protracting them.)
Tuck your tailbone and exhale through the mouth to pull your belly toward your
spine. Lock your elbows, squeeze your hands and reach forward with upper
back, while bending backward at midback and tucking upward at lower back.
Inhale through the nose as you release, place your hands on your hips, drive your
elbows toward your hips to pack your shoulders down tightly. Inhale your chest
upward without arching backward. Keep your head in alignment the entire time.
Exhale and regrab your grip to continue.
Begin standing with arms behind your back. Make a cuff with one hand like a
hook, thumb included over the other forearm, in line with the fingers.
Exhale through the mouth and roll the shoulder up and then backward to open
the chest. Keep from rotating at the waist to avoid the discomfort. Point the
chest in the direction youre facing at all times; unless you feel sharp pains or
pins and needles, then dont go that deeply. You can challenge the muscles and
fascia but not the nerves.
Keep exhaling as you externally rotate upper arm, then forearm, and lock elbow
downward along the line of your spine. When you complete the movement, fully
lock your elbow.
Then, bend your elbow, unroll your shoulder forward, inhale through the nose
before you exhale into the next repetition.
Hindu Pushup
Start in a modified downward facing dog position. Your heels may be off the
ground, but if your lower back is rounded, then separate your feet. If you feel
pain or discomfort in your shoulders with arms overhead like this, then perform it
against a sturdy pole, chair or wall.
Begin by lowering your elbows to the floor, forearms flat, with an exhale through
the mouth. Attempt to keep your elbows behind your wrists, but dont force them
Pull forward from forearms to palm heels and allow your hips to drop and extend,
with an exhale through the mouth.
Tuck your tailbone to avoid heavy arch at the lower back.
Press your hands into the ground as you pushup with your hips down to move
into modified upward facing dog.
Externally rotate the elbows so that the pits of your elbows face away from
you, not toward one another.
Press your shoulders down into pack position; avoid sagging them shoulder to
Avoid arching your neck. You can look upward, but not arch backward.
Release your hips up into the air with and inhale through the nose.
Then, press backward into the original modified downward facing dog position
before you continue.
Hip Hurdler
From standing, internally rotate one knee, across your centerline toward the
other knee.
Pull the heel to your seat, bending at the knee.
Rotate heel up, and then knee following until your shin becomes parallel with the
Avoid tilting the hip higher as much as possible work to keep both hips nearly
Exhale through the mouth.
Continue the rotation downward leading with the foot, turning the knee upward,
landing with heels pointing at one another.
Inhale through the nose.
Reverse the movement.
Lift the knee up, trailing by the heel. Keep ankle flexed the entire range.
Remember to get parallel with shin. If you do not get parallel, youre not rotating
at the hip, but rather only flexing it. Rotate internally, like stepping over a hurdle.
Exhale through the mouth.
Return to initial position, knee across, pigeon-toed stance.
From standing, move one upper arm parallel to the ground.
Start with thumb pointed toward the face, and rotate the elbow until the forearm
moves outside.
Without bending at the wrist, attempt to turn your thumb to the outside and
directly away from you.
Exhale through the mouth while using tension to go to full extension.
You may feel pops, and as long as they dont cause you any pain, theyre most
likely the decompression of the elbow, restoring synovial flow to the compression
joint capsule.
Circle around back to the original starting position with an inhale through the
Knee Circle
Begin by standing and lift one knee until the thigh becomes parallel with the
Externally rotate the toes, and start kicking the leg to knee extension, using
controlled tension. Exhale through the mouth.
Lead with the heel, pulling the toes back toward the shin.
Once you have full extension, then bend the knee and internally rotate so the
heel moves to the outside.
Bend the knee, heel toward your seat, and inhale through the nose, before you
begin kicking into the next rotating repetition.
Leg Swing
Starting standing, lift one knee to chest, with foot facing the floor. Lift the knee as
high as you can.
Exhale through the mouth and kick downward toward the ground.
Continue the kick by hovering the sole of the foot parallel to the ground and
Allow the knee to bend heel toward your seat.
Keep both hips forward in one line, paying special attention to the lifted leg hip to
ensure that it avoids external rotation.
Inhale through the nose as you bring knee to chest again.
Lifting Camel
Begin kneeling with knees slightly outward, and sit on your insteps, heels rotating
Round your spine slightly, and place your hands on your heels.
Exhale through the mouth and tuck your tailbone. Push off both hands on heels
as you lift your tucked tailbone upward and press your hips forward.
Dont arch your neck backward into the full camel compensation pose. Keep this
as a mobility drill.
Inhale through the nose as you sit down and arch the lower back to return to
seated kneeling position.
Lifting Table
From a seated position, sit with your hands slightly behind your seat. Turn your fingers
toward your heels, lock your elbows, press your shoulders down to lift your seat off the
Pull with your heels, feet shoulder width apart, until you gain the crab position. Keep your
shoulders pressing down into the ground, elbows locked the entire time.
From flat foot drive, keep pressing your palms into the ground, as you lift your hips high to
full extension with an exhale through the mouth. Keep pinching your knees toward one
another to keep shins parallel to each other.
Avoid arching the neck, and instead, imagine your spine lengthening from the top of your
head to your tailbone. Dont press higher than you do not feel pain. If you feel any pins and
needs in the shoulders, dont lift your hips as high. Imagine lifting your chest up to the sky
and retracting your shoulder blades together.
Inhale through the nose as you begin to sit down, and then exhale as you press back to
the original position, but with only heels and palms in contact.
Shinbox Switch
Sit down, lean back and place both hands on the ground. Drop both knees to
one side.
Lean back as far as you must to keep both heels on the ground and both sitsbones on the ground. Avoid rotating the lower back and lifting the hip off the
ground. If you cannot keep the hip down, dont let your knees go lower than you
can keep the sits-bones in contact with the ground.
Exhale through the mouth.
Inhale through the mouth as you switch sides.
Shirt Ripping
Starting with both forearms held at a diagonal to your chest, bring both elbows
backward. Avoid arching at the spine. Dont bring your elbows back farther than
you can avoid arching.
Exhale through the mouth.
Dont extend your elbows. Keep them bent through the full range of motion. Use
the back of your elbows as the guide to move through the range.
Accelerate only as rapid as your shoulders are prepared to exhale without
discomfort. Slow is fine.
Inhale through the nose when you move your arms in front, but this time switch
the diagonal line so instead of right elbow higher, your left elbow is now the top.
Shoulder Screw
Standing with both arms straight outward parallel to the ground, elbows locked,
inhale one shoulder elevated to your neck and ear without changing the angle of
your head.
Exhale as you rotate the shoulder forward and downward. Turn slightly at the hip
and waist, only far enough the get the full range of the shoulder. If your shoulder
doesnt rotate lower, dont bend or twist more.
Keep arms parallel to the floor and on your deepest exhale through the mouth,
while shoulders are rotated, one back one front, reach in opposite directions,
hands reaching in two different directions, to wring out the shoulder girdle like a
Inhale through the nose as you untwist, unbend and unrotate, before you exhale
into the opposite shoulder screw.
Sit-Thru Stretch
Beginning on all fours, sit one leg through perpendicular (at a right angle) to your
torso, and extend the top leg straight in line with your torso.
Lock both knees if possible and point the toes.
Place the forearms and forehead gently to the ground before continuing.
Exhale through the mouth as you rotate the top hip down to the inner thigh of the
bottom leg. Rotate the instep of the top foot down to the floor.
Inhale through the nose as you slowly unwind the hip upward.
Move from forearms to hands. As you press upward, free your underside leg to
return to all fours.
Repeat in opposite direction
Spinal Rotation
Standing tilt the spin to one side, with the neck completely relaxed, like a ball at
the end of a chain.
Exhale through the mouth as you lower to the front. Soften the knees, let the
shoulders roll over, and the head hang free with gravity.
Continue moving to the opposite side, by pressing the hip under the torso on the
leg in the direction you rotate. Allow yourself to tilt folding over to the opposite
side of your original direction.
Inhale through the nose as you come to standing.
Exhale through the mouth as you press both hips forward, tucking the tailbone
and squeezing the glutes, leaning backward. Release the head, and allow the
neck to surrender backward without stretching with force. Allow gravity to carry
the neck backward. If you feel any pins and needs, sharp pains or vulnerability,
sit slowly out of this and do not go that deep. Shave off the tension one microlayer at a time.
Continue circling around the original side tilt.
Tripod Overhead
Begin in one arm crab position, fingers pointed away from your feet, arm in line
with your spine. Rear elbow locked, squeeze tricep, and press palm into the
ground, to keep your shoulder packed down. Top elbow begins between your
knees, forearm perpendicular to the ground.
Exhale through the mouth as you pinch knees together to keep shins parallel, and
lift hips to extension. Keep your heels down! Press harder with the hip on the
same side as your posting arm to keep to hips in one line parallel to the ground,
facing the sky.
Keep exhaling while you rotate at the torso, until your two shoulders make one
line with both elbows locked. Reach elbow locked overhead, and release the neck
no tension. Make sure to pull the bottom shoulder packed tightly; avoid shrugging
your shoulder to neck.
Inhale through the nose as you sit down, bringing top elbow back to your
centerline between your knees. Place your arm behind you as you slowly open
your chest, switch hands, elbow between knees in opposite tripod position.
Twisting Lunge
Stand with feet shoulders width.
Step forward into a tactical lunge, knees bent at two 90 degree angles. Maintain
shoulders width stance in lunge.
Exhale and rotate at the mid-back. Your hips lock in the lunge, so you cannot
rotate lumbar spine unless the forward knee drops outward. Keep forward knee
above the foot to ensure your lower back stability in the twist.
Twist without acceleration until your two shoulder align parallel with the direction
of your lunge.
Stand tall, spine perpendicular to the ground. Dont hunch over to give the
illusion of greater twist.
Untwist and return back to standing shoulders width. Inhale through the nose,
before you exhale through the mouth into the opposite stepping lunge.
Windshield Wiper
Sitting on the ground, knees bent and feet flat, reach behind with your hands
until you comfortably can keep your feet flat.
Drop one knee inside as low as you can without lifting the heel or breaking
contact of your sits-bone from the floor.
If you feel any discomfort on the inside of your knee, youre forcing too hard.
Allow this to be passive with gravity and only drop as far as you can
mechanically stay sits-bone down and heel down.
Keep your opposite knee above the ankle, to prevent it from dropping to the
outside and releasing the internal rotation on the mobile leg.
Exhale through the mouth as you drop inside. Inhale through the nose as you
return to seated.