The Paths To God-Realization: (Devotion) Wherever

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The Paths to God-realization

There are only three paths or means to attain God. A

question arises: Why are there only three paths, when
materialism has made so much progress in different fields,
why did some spiritual scientists not undertake research to
find a fourth path? But such a question is totally absurd as
no science is in contradiction with nature.

The eyes only are used for the purpose of seeing. No

science can make seeing possible through the ears. In the
same way, there is a natural reason behind the existence
of only three paths since beginningless time. All the scriptures
refer only to these three paths.

The first is karma (action), the second IS jtiana

(knowledge), and the third is bhakti (devotion); there is no
fourth path. Wherever we hear or read of some other means,
we can be sure that it falls within the confines of these

The reason for the existence of only three paths is that

the Supreme Personality Brahman has three personal powers.
They are Sat Brahman, Cit Brahman and Ananda Brahman.
The nature of Sat Brahman, is karma, that of Cit Brahman
is jti3na and that of the third, i.e. Ananda Brahman is bhakti.
The individual soul being an eternal part of Brahman also
has only three natures; karma, jtiana and bhakti. When there
is no fourth nature, how can there be a fourth path? Now
let us consider each path in a little depth.

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