18fernandez Debriefing Idu
18fernandez Debriefing Idu
18fernandez Debriefing Idu
4 groups in classrooms ( Hannah, Herri, Tiwi, Agung) This will be part of the Summative
Assessmentand included in our IDU Grade Discussion so make annotative notes if
possible. (It helps to only allow students to start at Stage 1 and then move on as a group)
1. Stage 1: FACTS:
What did you see and hear? God test me, for I am your servant. Let me not to be loved, but
love. Not to be understood, but understand. Not to be given, but give; for if you give, then you
will be given. And if you love, then you will be loved.
What did you observe? The importance of respect and togetherness; pluralism in Pancasila,
Moral principle no.2 a civilized and righteous humanity .
Who did you talk to? Interfideis leader and member (plural religion/belief)
What were some of the stories? most Indonesian despise the act of pluralism, liberalism, and
What facts did you learn? Shia Muslim was not that bad as how most Sunni Muslim thoughts, it
is another side and belief that let Shia looks inhuman.
Shia (Ashura/asyura day)
2. Stage 2: THINK:
What did those observations make you think about? Discrimination and prejudice. Most
Indonesian local as a majority think of themselves as the supreme belief that every other
religion, race, and everything is wrong or we could say inhuman.
What were your thoughts when...? + What did you think about...? When I heard the word
ashura, a blade and a blood comes on my mind. In fact then when they explain the truth, there
is a meaning in asyura day that does not only state self torment, but the respect and celebration
of a hero Ashura whom sacrificed his body for the sake of Muslim.
Did your thinking change during the week? Nope -!-- (Middle finger)
3. Stage 3: FEEL: How did that conversation make you feel? Threathened of those
(majority) who oppose freedom of cultural and religion difference
How did you feel when you saw...?
Did your feelings change during the week?
What were the emotions you experienced during the week?
How would it feel to be in that situation? (Fuck feelings!)
4. Stage 4: RESPOND: What would you do differently? Support the era of freedom; improve
respect mentally (change my nature)
How should we respond to....? to difference, we should respond respectfully; one had their own
strength and weakness, positivity and negativity.
What are some actions which we can do? Movement of freedom and respect organization
List some ideas. Make a plan.