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USB Sensor

FastTracer 3D Sensor System

is a user-friendly, cheap and powerful sensor. It joins
together the MEMS technology and USB serial port to
create a portable high performance sensor capable of
processing vibration and acceleration analysis.
is the portable version of SeTAC: while SeTAC is fixed on
machineries for continuous monitoring, giving digital
alarms when excessive vibrations are reached.
FastTRACER is not bounded to a specific machine. It is a
portable analysis instrument.
enables the PC a higher analysis capacity and speed signal evaluation, excellent data visualization, easy storage
of the data, in the way of reducing the analysis time
compared to traditional vibration measurement systems
does not require an external power supply, as it works
connected to a Personal Computer via USB. So, it is easy
to use in every working contest. A wide selection of real
time analysis features and the triaxial sensor capabilities
give opportunity to analyse the main vibration phenomena through an easy graphical interface at a very low
is able to extrapolate from acceleration signal some of
the derived dimensions (as RMS, module, velocity, FFT)
The easy device's programmability allow user to choose
which is the most suitable parameter for every kind of
analysis. FastTRACER can discriminate desired frequencies by using configurable filters.

allows to approch the advantages of predictive
maintenance. recording the vibration trace of
machinery in its different behaviors and during
different operating conditions, it is possible to create
a vibration database. The easy visualization on a PC
screen makes immediate the different behaviors
between similar machines, as well as the evaluation
of the deteriorating trend of typical spare parts.
FASTTRACER can be used to:
visualize the natural vibration frequencies which
characterize machines and the waveforms on each
measure the acceleration, velocity, displacement and
unbalancing values during the different working
record waveforms and the frequency spectrum
analysis (FFT) for investigation and historical
performances comparison;
define and use specific values as reference for the
tools wear and machine anomalies.
ROGA-Instruments, Steinkopfweg 7, D-55425 Waldalgesheim
Phone: +49 (0) 6721-98 44 54, Fax: +49 (0) 6721-98 44 74

The USB Triaxial Vibration Analyzer

ROGA-Instruments, Steinkopfweg 7, D-55425 Waldalgesheim

Tel. +49-6721-984454 Fax +49-6721-984474 www.roga-instruments.com

Todays manufacturers business need is to extract maximum profits from the minimum investment in
plant and equipment. But how to guarantee the continuous improvement of products and the growth
of business? Using suitable instruments for reaching both the aims.
This paper is focused on the importance of vibrations analysis and diagnostic activities for an
organization. We are going to speak of Condition Monitoring, or the use of advanced technologies in
order to determine equipment condition, and potentially predict failure using vibration measurement
and analysis: the Sequoia FastTRACER Condition Monitoring scopes.
In maintenance field the term Condition Monitoring means a regular and complete check-up of
machineries using the vibration level measurement. The competitive advantages of Condition
Monitoring could be summarized as follow:
 replacements and operations are done on the effective machine conditions and not on
theoretic planning;
 no damage due to unforeseen breakage, increase of machine life span;
 exploitation of the whole working cycle of a machine;
 reliability in production process and increased productivity;
 maintenance based on the real machine conditions;
 planning of stops of machine, decrease wastage;
 manufacturing line stability;
 determination of performance issues;
 machine history reporting and comparative analysis;
 identification of areas of delay.
So, the use of Condition Monitoring technique is useful for:
 improving equipment reliability through the effective prediction and avoidance of equipment
 minimizing downtime through the integrated planning and scheduling of repairs indicated by
Condition Monitoring techniques with those indicated by other techniques;
 maximizing component life by avoiding the conditions that reduce equipment life (for
example, by ensuring ongoing precision alignment, minimal lubricant contamination etc.) ;
 using condition monitoring techniques to maximize equipment performance and throughput;
 minimizing condition monitoring costs.
The FastTRACER allows you to detect specific damage indication and to obtain a defined evaluation on
the working condition of the machine. You can use it for specific control, for collecting general data,
for real time reading on each of the single axis and measure points.


The USB Triaxial Acceleration Computer named
FastTRACER - is a user friendly, portable and powerful
device. It is an instrument sensitive to the accelerations
on three axes and it has autonomous signal processing
capabilities. With the PC it can be used the powerful
vibration analyser which is integrated within the device.
The FastTRACER is the developed version of the USB
VIBRALOG, the first version of the portable instrument for

Photograph 1: the FastTRACER dimension


vibration measurement.
Versatility of our vibration measurement and analysis instrument is a characteristics that allows its
use in mechanical field for machinery characterization, predictive maintenance or for improvement
quality control.
Among FastTRACER qualities there are the capacity to:
 analyze lowest frequency phenomena ( from 0 Hz);
 measure the acceleration, velocity and unbalancing values during the different working
 discriminate, using frequency analysis of signal, different sources of vibration;
 exact data acquisition of dynamic working process;
 record waveforms and the frequency spectrum analysis (FFT) for investigation and historical
 visualize the natural vibration frequencies which characterise your machines and the
waveforms on each axis;
 apply the visualized value as alarm threshold for vibration monitoring purposes.
In fact, vibration measurement is recommended method by ISO normative for general monitoring of
machines working condition; in this way it is possible to detect the common damages, as unbalancing,
structural weakness, mechanical parts slackening, etc for obtaining the whole general condition of
the machine.
Usually these kind of analysis are made with complex and expensive instruments; our device, using
an innovative technology the MEMS accelerometers, has cut the cost without less the and reliability of
Being connected to any notebook, the FastTRACER allows an excellent visualization and easy storage
of the data, by reducing considerably the analysis time compared to traditional vibration measurement
A wide selection of real time analysis features and the triaxial sensor capabilities make it possible to
analyse the main vibration phenomena through an easy graphical interface. The FastTRACER is able
to survive to shock up to 1000g and is rated with the IP67 protection index.
The auto diagnosis function allows constantly assessing proper system operations and measuring
reliability, by warning the User of any malfunctioning.
The product development phase has led to the implementation into a single, patented device of the
signal acquisition and data processing functions. This has allowed achieving great immunity against
electromagnetic disturbances and provides the opportunity of making connections to the PC without
signal alteration even at high distances.

The FastTRACER is a device for vibration study and analysis in industrial environments, workshops
and laboratories. It provides detailed information on the monitored phenomena and allows identifying
with precision any defects, their source and severity. The acquired data can be employed for historical
comparison and statistical analysis. Moreover, it allows to associate frequency and amplitude values
to degenerative phenomena which are potentially harmful for the machinery under analysis.
Application fields include:
 process validation;
 preventive & predictive maintenance;
 quality control;
 test bench;


 industrial service;
 tool wear analysis;
 balancing measurement and evaluation;
 abnormal vibration detection during a working process;
 determination of work piece-tool contact (cut in the air);
 machine stiffness analysis; determination of unwanted clearances in any handling process;
 tables locking verify;
 tool-workpiece contact detection;
 machine-tool stiffness analysis;
 backlash detection.
Companies that implement Condition Monitoring on their equipments expend usually 25% in
maintenance less that the companies that dont utilize condition monitoring.


The FastTRACER is made up of the triaxial sensor and the application software.

Photograph 2: the FastTRACER

The FastTRACER includes three MEMS accelerometers, one for each of the Cartesian axis. The
accelerometers signals are sampled by a microprocessor integrated within the device.
The PC performs the signal analysis and data communication functions using the FastTRACER
Application software. Data are plotted on the PC screen for a wide and easy visualization both real
time or off-line.
Continuous Autodiagnostic: the FastTRACER is able to perform a self test procedure to check the
functionality of the system components. If the test fails, an alarm is issued to the user.


General characteristics

Triaxial accelerometer

Full scale



USB serial port emulation



Dynamic range

89 dB @ 10Hz


from DC to 1500 Hz


1 mg @10Hz


Up to 1000 g
Figure 1: axis orientation


55 g

Protection index


Temperature range

-20 to 70 C (operating)
-40 to 100 C (non operating)


0 to 100 % (non condensing)


3 m USB cable; till 30 m cable

extensions available


Aluminium, 30 x 55.5 x 15 mm

Software provided
FastTRACER application software.

Figure 2: FastTRACER dimensions

Vibralog application compatible.


Due to the variety of the functions that can be performed by the FastTRACER, mounting information
cannot be specific for all the equipment and applications. Therefore, the guidelines that follows are
only the general instructions that should be considered for mounting the FastTRACER and perform
correct data acquisitions.
The FastTRACER should be mounted in a place where the phenomena to detect can be mechanically
transmitted to its box. The closer the sensor is mounted to the source, the more satisfactory the
monitoring results will be.
The FastTRACER must be secured to the equipment that has to be monitored, using the four magnetic
adapter provided with the sensor. If the disturbances to detect are high in frequency, its
recommended to fix the sensor by means of screws.
Much care must be taken to ensure that the fixing devices are securely fastened so that they do not
add other vibrations to the monitoring system and do not modify the signal that is measured by the
The sensor must be mounted on the most relevant part of the equipment, i.e. the point in which the
measured vibration is effectively representative of the overall stress to which the equipment is subject.
For example, when the monitored equipment is a metal cutting machine, the recommended location
for fixing the sensor is the machine spindle nose.


Being connected to any notebook, the FastTRACER allows an excellent visualization and easy storage
of the data, by reducing considerably the analysis time compared to traditional vibration measurement
systems. The PC can use the powerful vibration analyser which is integrated within the device, and the
device exploits the PC computational capabilities.
The application software of FastTRACER can be used to:
 visualise and record the natural vibration frequencies which characterise your machines and
the waveforms on each axis;
 visualize a process and monitor the working vibration behavior;
 visualise and record the frequency spectrum analysis (FFT) of each axis for investigation and
historical comparison;
 reproduce and analyze the recorded file.
Once the application software is lauched, FastTRACER is ready to work.

Figure 3: FastTRACER-software interface


When the FastTRACER application software is started, you have to open a view on the vibration
signal , and the main window shown in fig. 4 and 5 appears.

Figure 4: Choice of signal process

Figure 5: Choice of signal analysis

In these first steps you open a view on the vibration signal, so you have to choose how to process
vibration, in time or frequency domain, and in which dimension visualize it, the single axis, the
module of acceleration, FFT, ..
Following this creating procedure, the software allows you to open more than one view, for
contemporary analysis with different computation alghoritms.
When a FastTRACER is connected to the USB port of the PC, on the left side of the software window (
identified with devices)is shown the number of the port to which the sensor is connected to; it is
possible to add more devices to the PC, and visualize contemporary their signals. For making
comparison more simple, it is possible as well, to open an other window with a saved signal
acquisition. All devices connected to the PC and the files opened are shown in this control window. All
the window are configurable, they could be changed in size and position.
The oscilloscope is used for visualizing in real time the signal that is processed by the sensor.


Figure 7: Oscilloscope

The oscilloscope function works like a true oscilloscope. Each track displayed has the following
 Y Scale: it is the amplitude scale;
 Y Offset: it is the offset of each track;
 X Scale: it is the time scale of the visualisation and is the same for all the tracks.
The oscilloscope is fully configurable with the tools provided at the bottom of the oscilloscope itself
(simply use the arrows or tape the values). The user can set for each axis, or for all the axis together,
the X Scale, the Y Scale and the Y Offset of each track.
In order to locate isolated events and analyse them, the acquisition process can be triggered by setting
a signal threshold. This choice is made in the Trigger mode frame by selecting between different
trigger option; the tools allows user to set acquisition parameters: the trigger level, the curve slope, the
axis to analyse, the delay of acquisition i.e. how many samples or seconds will be acquired after the
trigger event,
In the frequency domain analysis it is computed the FFT of the signal, on each of the three axis (figure
8). Using the arrows, it is possible to choose which of the three axis putting in emphasis, in fact the
software plots the three axis FFT.

Figure 8: FFT analyzer


The spectrum is configurable with the tools provided at the bottom of the window. It could be set the
bandwidth range, the Y Scale, the FFT resolution, the visualization (bars or lines), the linear or
algorithmic computation. Automatically, it is always showed the pick value of the FFT for each axis.
For data analysis, using the tools Hold and Backward and Forward the user could stop the
acquisition, going backward and forward commands to scroll through the signal, both in real time
both in off line analysis.
To save the acquisition there are the keys Select file and Save, a window appears for choosing file
destination. The closed window shows the directory in which the file has been saved and the file name.
To open saved file click on the left side of devices window or select New file device (figure 6).

Figure 6: open a new file

Selecting the file saved before, the software plots, on the bottom of the window, the whole signal in
time domain. Using the new view tool, the user opens new windows in the suitable signal
visualization for the analysis, in time or frequency domain.
In the signal reproducing window are visualized two cursors: the green one can be moved through the
acquisition to define the star point of reproduction of the signal or for associating to a phenomena
visualized its corresponding moment respecting to the beginning of recording. The yellow cursor
scrolls through the signal during its reproduction (figure 7). In this window is visualized the maximum
and the minimum of signal value.

Figure 7: the reproducing window

During the file reproduction the user can use the tool for real time analysis: to scroll along the time,
stop the acquisition, download the data about the visualized signal, change the visualization
parameters, etc
The software characteristic is the high configurability: it is possible to connect many devices, making
real time comparison with historic acquisition, stop of the signal acquisition for a rapid evaluation and
to start again the acquisition without having lost any information.
In order to use the Vibralog Application software with the Fast Tracer device you must use the
software Vibralog Application 1.8 (this application is able to wok both with Vibralog and Fast Tracer).


Control of parasitic dynamics on a robot
In collaboration with an important Italian Robot Company, it has been realized a test on the
applicabilities of the Sequoia device in that application field.
Particulary, tests aim was the detection and measurement of eventual parasitic dynamic forces (on Y
and Z axis) during the linear inversion on X axis.
The sensor was applied on the robot axis and immediately it had acquired the movement signal and
plotted a clear behaviour.
Analysing the acceleration signal, it was possible to see that the two axis, not involved in the
movement, were in the reality strongly stressed.

The software FastTracer Application is able to download the numeric value pure acceleration data;
acceleration data were integrated for obtaining the value in velocity and displacement. Using this
computed values it was possible to develop specific conclusions.
From the comparison between acceleration and velocity signal there were found the inversion points
of the X axis; around these points were analyzed the other axis behaviour to verify the design
parameters to be respected. In fact FastTRACER is suitable to be use to verify designed or
construction parameters , control the affect of a change on a structure part as well as for the quality
control on a finished product.


The analysis has been made during the signal acquisition and at the end of the test, had showed the
real strains which the Y and Z were subjected to, during the cyclic linear inversion on X axis.
It was noticed that, above all on vertical axis (the Y axis of the sensor for mounting reasons) the
parasitic dynamic forces were not at all negligible .


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