Albert Withers Resume 3-29-16
Albert Withers Resume 3-29-16
Albert Withers Resume 3-29-16
Kansas State University; Manhattan, KS
Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering | 2015
Minor in Business
Relevant Coursework
Introductory and Intermediate Heat Transfer | Introduction to Industrial Engineering | Thermodynamics I and II |
Finite Element Applications | Written Communications for Engineers | Fluid Mechanics
Design Engineer Intern | May-August 2015
Kuhn Krause Inc. Hutchinson, KS
Completed over 150 Pro/E design drawings and specifications for parts, weldments, and assemblies for use
in prototyping a new implement design
Learned and implemented industry standards for tolerances, material selection, dimensions, and welds.
Gained familiarity with product data management service to maintain version control over Pro/E files
Manufacturing Engineer Intern | May-August 2014
Kuhn Krause Inc. Hutchinson, KS
Created cart racks that are currently in use. Included designing, Creo modeling, testing, and documenting
Led quality control project to reduce paint damage to products; researched, ordered, and tested paint
protection products in collaboration with employees
Guided a group of six students through Introduction to Mechanical Engineering course to design and build a
drill-powered vehicle.
Assisted with technical aspects that they did not have enough experience for.
Tutored nine students individually through Calculus I and one student through Trigonometry and Physics
Software Skills: Certified SolidWorks Associate | Finite Element Analysis | Pro-E with Creo 2.0 | AutoCAD
| Matlab | C and C++ | LabVIEW | Microsoft Visual Basics | Excel | Word | PowerPoint
Withers Farms and Ranches, Copeland, KS
Agricultural Employee | 2008-2013
Worked summers and part time throughout the school year operating and performing maintenance on
industrial and agricultural machinery