Inquiry 2 All

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Target Area: Reading Comprehension and Strategy Instruction

2. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.2
With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
3. Rationale: The overall goal of this unit is for students to learn how to comprehend using
multiple strategies. Students may not be able to pick up a book and know every word, but
they can read by using pictures and by retelling. These skills are important for emergent
readers because they are just learning sight words and will not be able to read every
word in a story. But by teaching students to use pictures, prior knowledge and retelling of
the story to understand, they will be confident readers and enjoy the stories being shared.
After learning that not all of my students have books or are read to at home in inquiry 1, it
is important that we teach them ways to read and understand their stories in ways at
4. Objectives:

Readers will demonstrate multiple ways to comprehend a story by sharing

thoughts with their partners using pictures to predict, rereading the story and
retelling the story.

Readers will further comprehend books by sharing thoughts with their partners
on one strong feeling they felt while reading, one connection, one similarity, and
one piece of evidence to support their thoughts.

5. Assessment:
(see overview chart below for each days assessment)
I will take notes of student responses to my comprehension questions and notes on how students
are using the strategies they have learned to analyze after the unit. Along with taking notes while
the students are reading and partner sharing, I will voice record all discussions to look back on.
Lesson 2 and 4 have drawing/written assessments with it.

6. Differentiated Instruction: For three of the students in my class, they work more
effectively during one-on-one instruction with the teacher because of social and academic
needs, so I will have my mentor teacher work in a group with them as the other students
partner read. I will have my mentor teacher demonstrate the comprehension strategy that
we are working on for that day and ask them questions about books we have read as a
class, that they are familiar with. When I walk around to observe the other students
sharing with their partners, I will have these three students put post-it notes on
parts/pictures throughout the book that they enjoyed, coming back to ask them what did
you like about this part? what can you tell me about this part of the story? do you know
what happens next in the story? can you tell me one thing about a character on this

page? Do you have anything in common with this character? By having this small group,
the students are working more closely with a teacher so I can monitor their
comprehension and get a better understanding of where they are at. By using the post-it
notes, the students are using some of the strategies we have talked about by discussing
why they marked those areas and telling me more about their interests within the story.

7. Teaching Overview Chart

Day 1
Date: Mon 10/26

Day 2
Date: Tues 10/27

Day 3
Date: Wed 10/28

Day 4
Date: Thurs 10/29

Unit Objective: Emergent

Storybooks Readers

Unit Objective:

Unit Objective:

Unit Objective:

Emergent Storybooks

Emergent Storybooks

Emergent Storybooks

Readers will
demonstrate multiple
ways to comprehend a
story by sharing
thoughts with their
partners using
pictures to predict,
rereading the story
and retelling the story.

Readers will
demonstrate multiple
ways to comprehend a
story by sharing
thoughts with their
partners using
pictures to predict,
rereading the story
and retelling the story.

Readers will
demonstrate multiple
ways to comprehend a
story by sharing
thoughts with their
partners using
pictures to predict,
rereading the story
and retelling the story.

Todays Learning Target:

Todays Learning Target:

Todays Learning Target:

Todays Learning Target:

Readers can share one way

they comprehended the story
in their own way

Readers will use pictures to

comprehend the story and
make predictions

Readers can go back into the

story and reread parts to help
them comprehend

Readers can use ideas from

each page to retell the story
as a whole





Mini-lesson whole group

instruction followed by partner

Mini-lesson whole group

instruction followed by partner

Mini-lesson whole group

instruction followed by partner

Mini-lesson whole group

instruction followed by partner





- Observing and asking

questions during partner
reads such as what reading
strategy did you use today to
help you comprehend your
- Taking notes of roughly 5
students for anecdotal
- Voice recording students

- Observing and asking

questions during partner
reads such as What do you
understand from this picture?
What do you think will happen
next, based on this picture?
- Taking notes of roughly 5
students for anecdotal
- Having students share in
whole group at carpet what
they saw and what they

Observing students go back

into the story to reread words
or reuse pictures to help them
comprehend the story
- Do you know what happens
next? Lets look back at the
last few pages to remind
- Specifically watching for
students to go back into their
story and look at pictures or
words to remind them of what

Observing students read with

partners, checking for the
words and then after each
page to connect
- Drawing worksheet first,
next, last

demonstrate multiple
ways to comprehend a
story by sharing
thoughts with their
partners using
pictures to predict,
rereading the story
and retelling the story.

- Picture/writing prompt sheet
where students draw their
prediction and tell me in
words what their picture is, I
take notes of their prediction
(voice record students
explaining their drawing)

is happening in the story,

helping them retell the story
- Taking notes on roughly 5
students for anecdotal

Criteria: Students must be

able to demonstrate what
reading strategy they used to
comprehend the story and
why. Students will discuss
how it helped them
comprehend the story with
their partner.

Criteria: Students must be

able to comprehend the story
based off of the pictures and
use them to make predictions.
By using the pictures, what
happens next?

Criteria: Students must show

understanding of how going
back into their story to look at
pictures of words helps
remind them of what is

Criteria: Students must be

able to gather information
from each page to connect
the story as a whole. Readers
may chose to read in their
own way, as long as each
page read is connected to the
next and then next etc.

Teaching Notes: Discuss how

each day we will practice
reading a certain way with the
teacher, then they will go into
partner reading right after.
We will work on this all week
with our partners so make
sure you know who your
partner is and where your
reading spot is

Teaching Notes:
Demonstrate using pictures in
stories students have already
read to retell the story but
also use new books they have
not read and predict what
happens using only the

Teaching Notes:
Explain how rereading doesnt
always mean with words, but
rereading in their own way,
using pictures etc.

Teaching Notes:
Model to whole group in the
mini lesson using a few words
on each page to connect,
then using pictures on each
page to connect to show
students you can read and
connect ideas in many ways,
their own way of reading

Day 6
Date: Tues 11/03

Day 7
Date: Wed 11/04

Day 8
Date: Thurs 11/05

Day 9
Date: Fri 11/06

Unit Objective:

Unit Objective:

Unit Objective:

Unit Objective:

Emergent Storybooks

Emergent Storybooks

Emergent Storybooks

Readers will further

comprehend books by
sharing thoughts with
their partners on one
strong feeling, one

Readers will further

comprehend books by
sharing thoughts with
their partners on one
strong feeling, one

Readers will further

comprehend books by
sharing thoughts with
their partners on one
strong feeling, one

Storybooks Readers

further comprehend
books by sharing
thoughts with their
partners on one

connection, one
similarity, and one
piece of evidence to
support their thoughts.

connection, one
similarity, and one
piece of evidence to
support their thoughts.

connection, one
similarity, and one
piece of evidence to
support their thoughts.

strong feeling, one

connection, one
similarity, and one
piece of evidence to
support their thoughts.

Todays Learning Target:

Todays Learning Target:

Todays Learning Target:

Readers can connect to the

story using pictures or words

Readers can use pictures to

tell how characters are alike

Readers will monitor their

comprehension with post-it
notes and mark areas they
would like to discuss




Readers can go back into the

story and find evidence to
explain their thoughts using
pictures or words

Whole group instruction

followed by partner reading

Whole group instruction

followed by partner reading

Whole group instruction

followed by partner reading

Whole group instruction

followed by partner reading





- Observe students and look

for two post-it connections
made. How do you connect
to this part?
- Voice record students

Observing students with

partners. Asking questions
such as What did you notice
about these characters? What
do they have in common?
- Voice record similarity

-Observing students mark

areas throughout book,
having students discuss after
partner reads
- Taking notes for anecdotal
records on students who
discuss in full group

Criteria: Students must be

able to find and mark with a
post-it a connection they have
within the story and talk about
their connection with their
partner. The connection may
be through pictures or words.

Criteria: Students must be

able to find similarities
amongst characters by using
either words or pictures.
Students must share one
similarity they found with their

Criteria: Students must be

able to demonstrate marking
their reading with post-its and
discuss the areas they have
marked. Explain why they
marked those certain spots
and how marking their
connections helps them
comprehend the story

- Have students discuss their

book and point out evidence
of their thinking.
How did you know that?
Where did you see/read that?
What makes you think that?
- Take notes for anecdotal
records whether students had
evidence in book or not
Criteria: Students must be
able to discuss their thinking
and go back into the story to
show why they have specific
thoughts. Students can
discuss how they used
pictures and/or words to
encourage their thoughts

Teaching Notes: Explain how

a connection can be with
words in the story or even
pictures. I am going to post-it
this page because there is a
picture of a dog, I have a dog
so I can connect with this
specific page

Teaching Notes: Demonstrate

how you can find similarities
in words and pictures
(listening and looking). Suzy
and Sandy were the two
youngest girls in the family
means they are both girls,
they are sisters, they both
have siblings who are older
than them, etc.

Teaching Notes: Look for

previous strategies taught
earlier in week, for example,
students marking and
discussing connections,
similarities, etc.

Todays Learning Target:

Teaching Notes:
Demonstrate using both
pictures and words as
evidence of my thinking.
Make predictions and find
proof in story that makes you
predict so

Part C: Develop Daily Lesson Plans


Date: Monday, October 26th

Objective(s) for todays lesson: Readers can share one way they comprehended the story in their own
way (retelling, pictures or words)
Rationale It is important for emergent readers to explore ways to read and comprehend other than
knowing all of the words. As young readers, they can use pictures and familiar words to comprehend
stories. This is extremely important for readers who think they cannot read because they do not know all
of the words, but they can read by reading in their own way. I will use this skill of learning to comprehend
in their own way everyday in kindergarten when students say I cant read, I dont know what the words
say, well yes you can read in your own way, by reading the story using pictures, using words or retelling
the story.
Materials & supplies needed:
- Little Red Hen book
- Students book boxes with variety of books
- Ways To Read anchor chart from previous week
Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event
Introduction to the lesson (5 minutes) Kindergarteners,
remember last week when we practiced 3 ways to read? Who can
quietly raise a hand and tell me one way we can read? (student
says reading with pictures) very good, who else can raise their
hand quietly and give me another way we can read? (student
says reading with words) thank you, now there is one more way
we learned to read, can anyone remember what that is? (student
says read by retelling) awesome! So we have our 3 ways to
read (points to anchor chart) we can use all 3 of these while
reading or just 1, however we like to read in our own way. All 3 of
these ways help us understand the story so we are able to
discuss the story with our partners! If we dont understand what
we read, we cant tell our friends about all of the awesome books
we have, silly! Suzie, if your sister asks you what your favorite
book is about but you dont know what happens in the book
because you didnt understand your reading, how is she ever
going to believe you that its a good book? You have to
understand what you read so you can tell everyone about the
awesome things you read. Good readers can talk about the
books they read and in order to talk about our books, we must be
able to understand what we read. We call this comprehension.
Lets listen closely and quietly, sit criss-cross apple sauce and see
an example of reading in our own way to help us comprehend or
understand the story

OUTLINE of key events during the lesson (25 minutes)

I am going to read The Little Red Hen in my own way, watch
- read story using pictures and retelling
see I read the story in my own way, I used pictures and retold
some of the words I remembered to help me comprehend what
was going on with the characters, where they were at and what
they were thinking, then I was able to share with you all about the
story. Now its your turn. *core practice, mini lesson*
Who thinks they can read in their own way to understand the
story? Lets try it. When I call your table, please quietly walk to
your cubby, grab your book box and go to your cozy spot in the
- Call all 7 tables, individually. Have students find their cozy spots
and give directions before they start reading
Ok now it is your turn to practice reading in your own way. Lets try
this for about 10 minutes. Let me remind you that you will be
quietly, reading to yourself, not near any other student in the
classroom. If you finish one book, what can you do? Read
- Students read independently for 10 minutes
Ok class, without moving, lets gently put our books back in our
book boxes. Give me thumbs up if you used your own way of
reading to comprehend something in your story? Awesome! Now
we will try the same thing, with our reading partners. When I say,
quietly find your reading partner and start reading in your own
way. You should be knee-to-knee, using whisper voices when
partner reading. Once you read a book together, share some
things you understood in the book and what reading strategy you
used to help you understand that part. You may find your reading
partners now, lets see how quiet we can be
-Students find their partners and begin to read
Reminder that I should not be able to hear your voice around the
room, only your partner should hear you
-Students partner read for 10 minutes
Alright kindergarteners lets wrap up our reading, gently put our
books back in our book box, put our book boxes back into our
cubbies and quietly join me on the carpet
-Students put away materials and take a seat on the carpet
Closing summary for the lesson (5-7 minutes)
You all just used your own way of reading to comprehend the story!
Who can raise a quiet hand and share something they read
today? What helped you comprehend this part?
- Choose 3-4 pairs of students to share (let students know that we
will all get a chance to share throughout the week)
Thank you, you all did such a great job today using the reading
strategies you already know to help you comprehend the story.
Isnt that cool that we can use some of the pictures in the book to
help us comprehend? We can use pictures to comprehend where
the story is taking place or maybe what the characters look like.
We can comprehend a lot by reading in our own way.

(Social support) I will create a

small group of three students to
work with my mentor teacher
during independent reading.
Each student will choose a book
and discuss with my MT if they
are reading with pictures, words
or retelling. I will have my mentor
teacher as each student; are
they reading with words, pictures
or retelling the story? I will ask
for her to explain how each of
those 3 strategies is a way they
can read in their own way. My
MT will provide support for them
to understand their story based
on how they are reading. You
are using pictures to read, great!
Now what can you understand
on this page of the book based
on what you see in the pictures?
How did these pictures help you
understand ___?

Transition to next learning activity

Thanks for being such great learners today! We are going to be
going out for recess now so I will be calling names to get ready
and line up, I am looking for friends sitting criss-cross
applesauce, hands in their laps..
(Formative assessment) Listening and observing students share
what they understand to their partners. Also, by having students
share what they read and understood in their book to the class. I will
look for students to say how they used pictures to understand
something, how they used words to understand something or how
the retold the story to understand something. Example, I read with
pictures and saw that the hen had an angry face. I understand that
the hen is angry at her friends because they wont help her and she
is making an angry face. Readers should be able to discuss how
they read the story and what they understood in the story.
- Take notes for anecdotal records on roughly 5 students during
partner reading/sharing

(Social support) The small group

of 3 students will be more closely
monitored and assessed based
on what they read and discuss
with the teacher. I will walk
around and observe what they
are telling my MT as well and
offer them to share in the whole
group at the end.

Outline for a Daily Lesson Plan

Date: Tuesday, October 27th
Objective(s) for todays lesson: Readers will use pictures to comprehend the story and make
Rationale: Using the pictures to predict what happens in a story is another way we can comprehend the
book even if we cant read every single word. By reading with the pictures, we observe many important
details including characters feelings or the setting of the story. We can use these important observations
to make predictions, read and understand the story.
Materials & supplies needed:
- Halloween book of choice that students have not yet read in class (5 Little
- 2 new books for every student (that they have not read)
- Assessment drawing worksheet
Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event
Introduction to the lesson (5 minutes)
Readers, raise a quiet hand if you know what the word prediction
- call on student to share
Yes! A prediction is a really good guess we can make, based on
proof we have to support our thinking. Readers make predictions
to help them think about what a book could be about before they
even read it. Readers use predictions to help them think about

what could happen next in a story, based on what they have

already read. Today we are going to be using the pictures in our
books to read like we did last week and predict what may happen
next. We are going to be looking at books we have not read in
class yet, so we will have to use the pictures to make a good
guess on what could happen next in the story. Its like if we saw a
picture of a baby holding a needle and a balloon, what could we
predict? Right, we might predict that the baby would pop the
balloon next! Predictions are not only used in books but in real life
too, so this is something important we want to practice today!
Lets make sure were sitting criss-cross applesauce, hands in our
lap and watch quietly to make predictions together in this
Halloween book.

OUTLINE of key events during the lesson (25 minutes)

- (Whole group mini-lesson) Show students pictures in Halloween
book and make predictions for 3-4 of the pages
What can we predict that might happen next? How do we know this?
Look at this____ here, I think this means that___ will happen on the
next page. Lets find out
- Have at least 1 student make a prediction for a specific page
You all made some great predictions, now its your turn to try on your
own! When I call your table number, you may quietly walk to your
table and pick out 2 books, which are placed on your table and walk
to your cozy spot around the room. Remember when we are reading,
we are quiet and away from other readers.
- Call all 7 tables, monitoring each student take 2 books
Ok readers, lets look at the pictures and make predictions in our
heads for about 10 minutes
- Students independently read for 10 minutes
Readers, give me thumbs up if you were able to make predictions in
these new stories by just reading the pictures. Great. Now lets neatly
gather both books, and when I say, you may walk quietly to your
reading partner and begin to read and share your predictions with
your partner. You may go.
- Partner reading 10 minutes
- Walk around and observe students looking at pictures to make
predictions. Asking questions to some readers, what do you think will
happen next? Why do you think that?
Ok readers, you all did a great job, lets wrap up our reading, neatly
gather our books and please take them all to table 5. Once your
books are on table 5, you may join me at the carpet
Closing summary for the lesson (5 minutes)
Thank you readers for coming to the carpet so quietly. Raise a
quiet hand if you used a characters facial expression to predict
something that would happen next? Raise a quiet hand if you
used a background to predict what would happen next? If you
used something else to make a prediction, what did you use in
your story to make a prediction?
- call on 2 or 3 students to share
Great, see we have never read these stories before, but we can
still look at the pictures and make really good guesses or

predictions on what happens in the story! We make predictions

about many things, and you made some today!
Assessment: (7-10 minutes)

Now we are going to go back to our seats and draw some

predictions together. When I call your table, please quietly walk
back to you seat.
- call all 7 tables
- mentor teacher and I will hand out paper to
each student
I am going to read and show you two pages from this book and I
want you to draw me your prediction of something that may
happen on the next page
- walk around and observe while students
draw predictions
- Mentor teacher/I will have students explain
their predictions and write notes of their
predictions in a few words on their paper to
describe their picture
- Voice record students explaining what they
drew for their prediction
When you are done, we will come around and collect your paper,
please wait quietly until we do so

Transition to next learning activity

Thanks for being such great learners today! We are going to be
going out for recess now so I will be calling names to get ready
and line up, I am looking for friends sitting criss-cross
applesauce, hands in their laps..
(Formative Assessment) By walking around and observing students
discuss with their partners, I will be looking for predictions based on
specific reasoning. I will specifically ask students, what do predict
happens next in the story? What made you think that? And, can you
make a prediction about what this book is about, based on the cover
picture and title? What do you think this book is about and what
makes you think that?
- Students will use pictures of book read by teacher to draw
predictions on paper provided. Students predictions will be explained
and voice recorded.

(Social support) The small group

of 3 students will be more closely
monitored and assessed based
on what they predict and discuss
with the teacher. I will walk
around and observe what they
are telling my MT as well and
offer them to share in the whole
group at the end.

Part D: Make a Unit Assessment Plan: Whole Class

Collaborative Teaching Unit Assessment Plan

Learning Objectives for your Unit:

o Readers will demonstrate multiple ways to comprehend a story by
sharing thoughts with their partners using pictures to predict,
rereading the story and retelling the story.
o Readers will further comprehend books by sharing thoughts with
their partners on one strong feeling, one connection, one similarity,
and one piece of evidence to support their thoughts.


s being

Describe how
meeting this


Anecdotal records

Day 1

otes and voice

Day 2

Drawing Predictions

objective would
look in this lesson
- Do the readers
know what a
prediction is?
- Readers discuss
their books with the
teacher using
pictures and words
in the story
- Readers discuss
with their partners
demonstr what reading
strategy they used
to comprehend their
ways to
nd a story
with their
to predict,
the story
the story.
- Readers can draw
a picture of their
demonstr prediction and
explain to the
teacher why they
ways to
made that prediction
nd a story

Day 3

Rereading and
video recording

Day 4

First, Next, Last

with their
to predict,
the story
the story.
ways to
nd a story
with their
to predict,
the story
the story.
ways to
nd a story
with their

- Readers will flip

back pages in their
book and reread to

- Students will retell

the story by drawing
first, next and last

Day 5


Day 6



to predict,
the story
the story.
will further
nd books
with their
on one
n, one
and one
piece of
to support
will further
nd books
with their
on one
n, one

- Students will use

post-its to mark a
feeling and be able
to describe the
feeling they have
towards the story

- Students will use

post-its to mark a
connection they
have and be able to
discuss their

Day 7

Voice Recording

Day 8

Anecdotal Records

and one
piece of
to support
will further
nd books
with their
on one
n, one
and one
piece of
to support
will further
nd books
with their
on one
n, one
and one
piece of

- Students will be
able to describe a
similarity between
the characters
based on the

- Students will use

post-it to mark areas
of interest. Students
will discuss to
thoughts they have
on their book.

Day 9

Anecdotal Records

Day 10

Voice Records

to support
will further
nd books
with their
on one
n, one
and one
piece of
to support
will further
nd books
with their
on one
n, one
and one
piece of
to support

-Students will be
able to show
evidence of thoughts
in book through
pictures of words

- Students should
discuss their books
further when
prompted with open
ended questions by
teacher such as,
how did you feel
when reading this
book? Can you tell
me a feeling this
book brought you,
can you go back into
the story and show
me some of your
favorite parts?


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