English I Lyric Analysis
English I Lyric Analysis
English I Lyric Analysis
4. Presentations Students will be graded on if the student has seriousness of purpose, are
speaking loudly and clearly so that the information can be heard, as well as the quality of
In the presentation, the student will first read the lyrics all the way through.
Then the student will share the information on the TPCASTT and point out the literary, poetic,
and sound devices that are found in the lyrics. Keep in mind the theme should be written in the
sentence format and be universal as students were taught in class.
If the student chooses to play a piece of the music, he or she may, but only one verse and the
chorus as time allows.
In Class Grade 1: Annotated typed lyrics approved for content and at least the occurrence of 5
Homework Grade: 2: TPCASST correctly completed.
Major Grade: Presentation Rubric
Presentation- 5 Points
Format and neatness- 5 points
Is the illustration there? Is the typed clean song lyric on the front? Are the processes on
the back TPCASTT and annotated typed song lyrics?
Quality of Information (worth up to 40 points)
Literary Devices 10 points
Poetic Devices 10 points
Sound Devices 10 points
Theme 5 points
Tone 5 points
Total points: 50