Micro Teach 1 Example 2-2
Micro Teach 1 Example 2-2
Micro Teach 1 Example 2-2
Cora Kuykendall
Lesson Title/Topic: Community Helpers
Target Concept: Social Studies
Standards/Rationale: 113.11 (b)(7) Economics. The student understands the value of jobs. The
student is expected to: (A) identify jobs in the home, school, and community; and(B) explain
why people have jobs.
Lesson Objectives: The student will be
able to identify different jobs in our
community with 95% accuracy.
The student will complete the Write the
Room activity.
Materials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-zd7sqqTlM&nohtml5=False
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF5yzeohTjs&nohtml5=False ,
http://www.abcya.com/make_a_word_search.htm and computer, Write the Room materials,
Community Helpers Bingo.
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)
The teacher will:
Focus/Mental Set: Call students for circle
time. To activate prior knowledge students
brainstorm the different types of jobs in
their school and community that
they already know and what they want to
know. Then the teacher will play the
Beresentain Bears read aloud of On the
Teacher Input:
Ask students what they think each
community helper does and help them
define the worker and write it on anchor
chart. Present pictures of objects that relate
to each job and have students point out
where each object relates. Doctor/Nurse
Doctors and Nurses help you when you are
sick or hurt.. Firefighter:A firefighter is a
person who puts out fires and saves
people's lives. Librarian: Librarians take
care of libraries and help people find
books. Mail CarrierMail carriers job is to