Exegesis of Genesis Complete

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From Blaise Haachuma a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ set apart for the teaching of the Good
News to the youths of this generation. That His purpose may be fulfilled, has this letter been written
unto you. Not only so, but to the depth of your soul and spirit. May these words be embedded on
your hearts and minds, which are to be reminders, vivid as tattoos. I pray that you may receive
every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.
All that this is and will be was made by Him and through Him. Nothing is that is without Him, for
in Him does all take its life, He is the centre of all things, the corner stone, the rock of ages, the
master piece.
In the beginning God create the world i.e. heaven and earth, and everything that is in it. Create here
means that God conceived in His mind, perceived it mentally. All that God had created had not a
physical tangible substance (form). In Genesis 1 God created all things. The Hebrew word for
create is Bara ( )which means to bring out of nothing. It is synonymous with the Greek
statement of Ex Nihilo, God created the all things out of nothing, each material in the creation
was new, none ever used before. Therefore no man can create anything, because all was created
by God; man can only make and form things. (The difference will be made clearer). In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty. God
having created the earth didnt imply that He had made it; Thus allowing for a distinction. God
created the World and then made and gave it form! The Hebrew word for make is the word Asah
( )which means to make out of pre-exiting material. Another word to be pointed out is the word
form, translated from the Hebrew word Yastar ( )which is strongly used with the creation of
humans and more specifically the woman. This word means to fashion something that is already
made. One thing to be highlighted here is that God created an ideal environment before creating the
inhabitants of that very environment. Land was created before vegetation, Air before birds, the sky
before the sun, moon and stars, the sea and ocean before the fish. This implies that God first is
concerned about the environment in which something He wants to be put.
And God said Light! and light become. All things that exist, came into existence by the Word
of God i.e. Jesus the Christ.

Then God said (paraphrased) Let us make man in our own image and likeness and let them have
dominion over the earth-everything in it, trees, fish, birds, etc. It is to be stressed that God didnt
include Himself in the dominion over the earth. Man was sent as an ambassador of the Kingdom of
heaven. Man was sent to make earth a colony of the heavens. A colony reflects the mother kingdom
(only a kingdom can have colonies) in the same way Zambia was a colony of United Kingdom,
England was transitionally changing Zambia to conform to its laws, culture, beliefs, etc. this can be
seen by the Zambians use of English as the main language, driving on the left side of the road, our
legislative system, the formal dress wear etc. Man was to do the same of earth, so that earth would
be the physical representation of heaven. That is why when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray
He said, Say this, Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come.
This prayer was to ask heaven to manifest on earth, making earth a colony of heaven. Again God
did not include Himself in the dominion, which means that God has no dominion on the Earth. It is
from this statement that prayer originates. Prayer goes beyond just talking to God; it goes further
to the allowance of God to operate in the world. One may wonder, why does God need man to
function here? Its not like he wouldnt do it without him, its because God has placed His Word
above His name, this confines him to His Word. It must be stressed also that the confinement is not
by force, but by His good pleasure. For it is by his will. He doesnt want to do anything as though
He is a bully or a dictator. Instead He wants man to ask Him to do something. Thus it says, The
Lord God searches for one to intercede. Unless man prays, God will do nothing, not because
He cant but because He wants it that way. This is the birth of prayer; that is why our Lord Jesus
Christ prayed. He was allowing God to operate through His body to influence the earth. There is no
record of God doing anything on the earth without a man being present. Now there people that ask
from God and he answers, there also some that speak and heaven backs them up. For example the
prophet Elijah made a statement it will not rain in this land until I say so, he didnt ask he just
said it, God backed him up. These are men that carry the burton; its a deeper relationship with the
Father. One day I wondered why many people werent praying, I realised it was because prayer
doesnt work so well for many. Instead of being a source of relief it becomes a source of irritation
and frustration. Many people know how to pray but dont know how to receive .and when you
ask, believe that you have received.. hey! yes you believe you have received, NOW receive. I
tell people fake it till you make it. Act like you are blessed, till you become the blessed.
God created man (ish, )in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male (zakar,
)and female (ishshah, )created He them. If a dog gave birth it would have a puppy. And so
since God is Spirit the image in which man was made was spirit. So the man God created was
spirit. That is why we are all like God because we are spirit beings. Many funny people say, we are

all made in the image of God, to convince themselves that they are good-looking. God is not human
as to have a body. And so the being that God created was a spirit and didnt have a body. Male and
female were created at the same time. So the male was not created first but was made first. God
moved a step further and formed the man from the dust. And breathed into him the breath of life
and he became a living soul.
That means Man is a spirit in a body. That is why we are called HUMAN BEINGS. Human
consists of two words, Humus and Man. Humus means the organic component of soil. Man as
earlier said is a spirit. I say it again we are spirits in organic bodies. You are not your body.

And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden. Pause, the garden was planted in Eden; the garden was
not Eden itself. The garden was just a component of Eden, which implies that Eden was by far
bigger than the garden. People have come to say that Eden was in the middle-east, since the rivers
Tigris and Euphrates are located there, though scripture says A river flowed through Eden and
watered the garden. From there the river branched out to become four rivers. The first river, named
Pishon, flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. The gold of that land is
excellent. Bdellium and onyxn are also found there. The second river, named Gihon, flows around
the whole land of Cush. The third river, named Tigris, flows out of Assyria toward the east. The
fourth river is the Euphrates. From this it can be seen that the four rivers are sourced from one
major river, which can be said to be a delta. But the two we have on our map dont come from the
same source instead merge to form one river, which is not the case according to scripture.
Therefore, Eden was not a physical place but an environment, a presence. The word Eden in
Hebrew has five synonyms; presence, moment, spot, open door and delightful place. Therefore,
Eden was a spot on the earth that was an open door between heaven and earth, and was a delightful
place. We can further say that the first thing that God gave the man was His presence; this means
that the first thing a man needs, is to be in the presence of God. Ladies all around the world please
search for a man that is in the presence of God, Eve didnt bring Adam into Eden but she found him
in Eden. These are biblical principles, which are to be adhered to.
There is no record of Adam praying in the garden of God, nor being asked to offer sacrifices. It is
like asking a man that is praying to pray. You are in the presence of God when you pray, so Adam
was in a continuous state of prayer, this is why the Apostle Paul says pray without ceasing.
There was no need for sacrifice, because he was righteous and right with God.
And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it.
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, you may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but
of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the
day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden; it is God that puts a man into His
presence. Man doesnt find the presence of God alone and goes in. its God that calls a man, that is
way salvation is by His intervention. Without it we all wouldnt accept it. It is God that softens a
mans heart to accept Christ. As I had earlier stated, God is first concerned about the environment
before the inhabitants. That is why a garden was planted in Eden to accommodate the man. The
purpose man was put in that presence was (paraphrased) to WORK. That is the second thing God
gives a man, work, a man can lose his job but not his work. An accountant can be fired but that does
not mean he is no longer an accountant.

Furthermore, the man was told to guard the garden, its means he was a protector of everything
under his hands, that is why the man is the protector of the family, its the reason men has have
bigger muscle mass than women. The muscle was not to abuse the woman that is violating the
purpose for having the muscle. Men ought to learn to be protectors; protection has now broadened
to incapacitate the mind. Men need stronger self-identities so as to direct the women, they need
focus, insight, forecast the end result of certain endeavours,

this is to protect the woman and all

that is under the man. Men also dont need to sleep too much, how will they now there is a theft
outside, or even have time to work. A little slumber here, a little slumber there, wait till poverty
strikes you like a theft. Dont be a fool, get your mind right.
And to keep it the Lord saida better rendering puts this as cultivate it. To cultivate is to bring
out the best out of something. A farm is bare land and the farm cultivates it and gets food from it
that is to bring the best out of something. In the same respect, the man was to cultivate all that was
around him. God made a tree but man made a chair, its bringing the best out of something, if
humanity didnt think of a chair and later blamed God for not giving them chairs would that make
any sense? Selah.
Adam was to cultivate Eve, to bring out the best in her. To the men out there, the woman of your
dreams is in your mind; you will search the whole world and still not find her. What you have to do
is to cultivate the woman you have with you into the woman in your dreams. If you have been
married 10 years and still not happy with the woman you married, whose fault is it? Yours of
course! If you dont like her English, take her to school and pay for her tuition, if you dont like
how she looks buy her all the lotions she needs, the hair-dos, perfumes, clothes- yourself!
Jesus (husband) loves the church, His wife, and washes it in his own blood, removes every wrinkle
and blemish, and presents her to Himself! Learn from Real Men

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, you may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but
of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the
day that you eat of it you shall surely die. A command is an instruction, its a teaching. God told
the man what to do; this implies that God gave the man His Word and the man is meant to teach the
woman the word of God. Had Adam taught Eve well she would not have given into the serpents
deceptive. That is why in ministry if the man gets the revelation [vision] he is to teach his woman
that she doesnt become his downfall. Our culture has more women knowing the word than men. I
encourage you to take a survey of the churches my projected statistics will be true. When the head
is dead but the body fully well, will that body operate as it is supposed to? Certainly not!
The problem in our current world is that men are having an Identity Crisis, and dont understand
that which is required of them. And so the seek to ask their women what they want but the women
just wants them to be MEN. Even if she told you something she wanted, this is based on what she
wants you to be not who you are meant to be. First of all the person you are asking is the wrong
one. To understand a product you ask the manufacturer of the product. Therefore, to know
yourself you ask GOD!
God is the manufacturer of man. The word manufacturer can be divided into words menu and
facture. A menu is a collection of instruction of how to use a particular product, these instructions
confer the purpose of the product and its potential, the maker of the product knows its limitation.
[hold the thought]. You are not supposed to be afraid of your future, because God knows your
potential and he made you in a way as to overcome all that comes your way, he saw all that you will
go through and gave you the ability [power-dunamis] to surpass exceedingly above all that stands
before you.
Coming back, God has given instructions on how you are to use the life he gave you and these
instructions are found in scripture, read! To understand the purpose for which you were created, you
read scripture. That means that there is a purpose for which God created that life that you have, and
you are to use it as purposed by the manufacturer of it. Toyota has made a Hilux and for the purpose
of off-road driving and if you buy it and try to use it to sail and you drown and die, no one has the
right to sue Toyota because the car was not used for its purpose. In the same way, your life has a
purpose and if you misuse it and mess it up, why do we blame God? Or when we die early do we
have the right to talk to His face?
The other word of manufacture is facture which simply means the quality of execution of
something. The excellence in Gods handiwork is by far surpassing mans imagination, I still
believe there is more to discover in the composition of man, what more the spirit man!?

Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will
make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him. -Genesis 2:18 Amp.
Most lads tend to misinterpret this scripture, they use this to justify their need for a woman, and
even teenagers use it. But before God came to this conclusion He mentioned somethings before it.
The man to which God was concluding in such a manner was a man, in His presence, who works,
can protect and guard the woman, can cultivate all around him, and has His Word to teach the
It is this man who has all these things running in his that God was saying it is not good for him to
be alone
Its mentioned that I will make him a helper many men have taken this to mean someone of
lessor status or ability than him. Lets reason logically here; if I wanted someone to help me lift a
table I will either get someone of equal strength or of greater strength. Thus if God says I will give
the man a helper, means the woman had equal ability to the man or greater. I wonder why many
men want woman that are lower than them, such that she feels more like a drag than a lift up.

Now, I Blaise send to you the blessings that abound in Christ without measure. I pray that you may
grow in faith and I believe that the God that started a good work in you will certainly complete it.
Greetings from the family here in Kitwe who have been blessed by your faith and courage in
ministry. Give my greetings to Elijah who has been a great help in the movement of the Gospel.
Remember me also to Chaila, who has been an outstanding leader having gotten you this far. Greet
Ezra who has shown me what a friend really is both in body and in spirit, I appeal to you brethren to
be alert of these teachings and use them as you make consideration to engage in relationships.
Unto Him who loved us and washed us in His own blood, to Him be the glory and honour forever
and ever. According to the revelation of the mysteries of the beginning which laid in hiding have
now been given unto you
To the only wise God, to Him all the glory goes unto through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One)


Blaise Haachuma is the founder and president of
Grace PIoneers.
Currently he is pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Banking and Finance. He has dedicated his life to the ministry of grace and has coached many to be stewards of
their lives.
Blaise recieved the mandate of radical grace in 2014,
and has taught it on various events, even at the Organisations flagship event Night of `Excellent
The vision of the organisation is;
As we proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as the head of the
church and the manifested word of God with understanding so that it may be applied to our everyday
lives in a practical and effective manner; thereby
being transformed into Grace Pioneers-changing our
immediate world and all those with whom we come
in contact with through the grace of God-ultimately
making a mark that cannot be erased

The Grace PIoneers


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