Cisco UCS Director 5.2 Lab
Cisco UCS Director 5.2 Lab
Cisco UCS Director 5.2 Lab
2 Part 2
Lab Guide
Version 1.3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
Lab Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 5
Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 5
Build Information ............................................................................................................................ 6
Prerequisite Knowledge .................................................................................................................. 6
Logical Topology.............................................................................................................................. 7
Exercise 1: Access the Lab ............................................................................................................... 8
Section 1.1: Access the lab environment ................................................................................... 8
Exercise 2: Catalogs....................................................................................................................... 12
Section 2.1 Configuring and Publishing a Catalog ................................................................... 12
Section 2.2 Creating a Service Request .................................................................................... 25
Exercise 3: Orchestration .............................................................................................................. 34
Section 3.1: Creating a Workflow to Power on a Virtual Machine .......................................... 34
Section 3.2: Creating a Workflow to Create a VLAN in a Nexus Switch ............................... 56
Section 3.3: Creating a Workflow to Provision a VMware Datastore ...................................... 70
Section 3.4: Rolling Back a Completed Workflow ................................................................ 114
Section 3.5 Creating an Approval Workflow to Resize VM Memory ................................... 118
Revisit Section 2.2 Creating a Service Request ...................................................................... 155
Appendix A. Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Installation Instructions ....................... 158
This lab is Part 2 of a 2-part series of labs on UCS Director. This lab starts off where the Part 1
lab ended.
The UCS Director 5.2 Part 1 lab covered installing UCS Director and setting up a basic
configuration. The specific components provisioned in the Part 1 lab that you will use in this lab
In addition to the Part 1 components, a Nexus switch account has been added to the UCS
Director configuration. The switch address is and is in the default pod.
In this lab you will use above components to provision:
Lab Objectives
After completing this lab, you will familiarize yourself with Catalog, Self-Service, and
Orchestration. After completing this lab you will be able to meet the following objectives:
This Guide is intended to demonstrate one way to configure the network, to meet the specified
requirements of this example. There are various ways that this can be accomplished, depending
on the situation and the customers goals/requirements. Please ensure that you consult all
current official Cisco documentation before proceeding with a design or installation. This lab is
primarily intended to be a learning tool, and may not necessarily follow best practice
recommendation at all times, in order to convey specific information. This guide is not intended
to be a deployment guide. It is intended for learning purposes only.
Build Information
As of the writing of this document, the current relevant documentation could be found on CCO
at the following links:
Cisco UCS Director Administration Guide, Release 5.2
Cisco UCS Director FlexPod Management Guide, Release 4.1
Cisco UCS Director Orchestration Guide, Release 5.2
Cisco UCS Director Orchestration Guide, Release 5.2
This lab was constructed using the following software and hardware:
Flexpod Architecture:
ESXi 5.5.0
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0
Cisco UCS Director (patched to
Cisco UCS Manager Simulator 3.0(1c)
Netapp Simulator 8.2.3 (7-Mode)
Nexus NXOS version 6.2(2a)
Prerequisite Knowledge
A solid understanding of VMware vSphere, NetApp Storage, and Cisco UCS solutions is
Logical Topology
The following diagram depicts the logical topology of the lab.
Step 3: A Cisco AnyConnect login box will appear. Your password will be assigned by the
lab Proctor. The username is formatted as stu7xx where the xx is your assigned
pod number. For example, if your pod number is 45, the username would be
Enter your username and password that was assigned, and click OK.
assigned by instructor
Step 5: Once you have successfully made a connection to the lab via AnyConnect VPN,
open Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) on your computer.
Generally, Microsoft Remote Desktop can be found by navigating to the Start ->
All Programs -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection. If the Start menu on
your system includes the Run box, you can also try navigating to Start -> Run
and typing mstsc.exe into the run box and then clicking OK to run the program.
Step 6: Connect to your pods workstation. The IP address of your workstation depends
on your pod number. The IP address is 172.20.xx.11 where xx is your pod
number. For example, if you were assigned Pod 45, you would connect to
Pod Workstation: 172.20.xx.11
User name: administrator
Step 7: When prompted enter the username and leave the password field blank.
Username: administrator
Password: no password (leave blank)
Step 8: Click yes for the remote verification warning.
Step 9: When the connection is complete you will see the Pod Workstation desktop.
Exercise 2: Catalogs
In the UCS Director Part 1 lab we deployed UCS Director and configured it to manage both
Virtual and Physical Infrastructure. In this lab, we will create an Orderable Service Catalog that
a user can utilize to request virtual servers. This catalog combines a User Group, vDC and all
relevant policies such as Compute, Network, Storage and System.
The Internet Explorer homepage is set to and it will load the Cisco
UCS Director login page (the default background for the login page was changed during
the Part 1 lab).
Step 11: You are prompted with a warning about the websites certificate, click
Continue to this website (not recommended) to continue to the login page.
(Note: It may take a few moments for the warning page to load.)
Step 12: Enter admin for both the username and password, and then click Login.
Select Not for this site if prompted to store the password for
Step 13: UCS Director periodically collects inventory information from its managed
objects. However, to make sure that that UCS Director has the latest
inventory info when you configure your catalog ( without waiting for a
scheduled collection), you will initiate an on-demand inventory collection for
the Vcenter-2 cloud.
Navigate to Virtual -> Compute.
Step 14: Select VCenter-2 in the left hand pane. You might have to expand the
All-Clouds folder.
Step 15: When the display refreshes, click on the Polling tab.
Step 19: The collection process should only take a few seconds. However the status
display is only updated when you click the Refresh button, so you might have
to click the Refresh button a few times until the Status shows Complete.
Now you can configure a catalog item that will use the VCenter-2 cloud to create a
Windows 7 virtual machine.
Step 20: Select Policies -> Catalogs.
Step 21: Click Add to add a Catalog.
Step 22: For the Catalog Type choose Standard in the dropdown and click Submit.
Step 23: Enter the following information for the corresponding fields:
Catalog Name:
Catalog Description:
Catalog Icon:
Windows 7
Windows 7
VM: Windows Image 1 (from dropdown)
Step 24: Check the Lansters group (this group was created in UCSD part 1) then Click
Step 25: Scroll down the screen and verify the following settings for the fields:
Publish to end users:
Cloud Name:
Provision new vm using ISO Image:
Click the Image select button.
Step 26: Check the Windows-7-Template in the VCenter-2 cloud then click Select.
Step 27: Below the Windows License Pool drop down, verify that Provision all disks in
single datastore is checked. Then click Next.
Step 28: On the Application Details page, for the Specify OS option select Windows 7
from the dropdown and leave all other options at their default values. Click
These options provide additional functionality to customize the catalog and offer flexibility to apply different policy
sets based on application category for a given vDC.
Step 29: Keep the Do not share option for Credential Options. Click Next.
Step 30: Leave all Customization options at their default values and click Next.
It is possible to run custom workflows after provisioning a virtual server by
enabling the Post Provisioning Custom Actions option. It is also possible to
create custom storage provisioning options using the Virtual Storage Catalog
option. Additionally, cost model items can be created that are based on
specific applications installed as part of the VM template.
Step 31: In the VM Access panel, click Enable for Remote Desktop Access
Configuration. The screen will expand revealing additional fields. Leave all
other fields at their default values and click Next.
Step 32: Review the summary of the catalog and click Submit.
Step 33: Click OK.
In this section we created a Catalog item that will allow an end user in the Lansters group to
create a Windows 7 virtual machine.
Step 35: Login using the following end user account:
username: jouser
password: cisco
Step 36: Notice the difference in the desktop presented to end users vs admins.
You should be directed to the Catalog tab. Double-click on the Standard
folder to open it.
Step 37: Click the Windows 7 VCenter-2 catalog item; this will make the context menu
appear. Click on Create Request.
Step 38: The Create Service Request box appears. Start by verifying the following in the
Catalog Selection form:
VM Ownership Group:
VM Ownership Select Group:
Catalog Type:
Select Catalog:
Group is selected
Windows 7
Click Next.
Step 39: Verify/enter the following in the Deployment Configuration form:
Select VDC:
Lease Time
Lab vDC
Windows 7 Workstation
Click Next.
Step 40: In the Custom Specification form enter the following via the dropdowns:
CPU Cores: 2
Memory: 1.00 GB
Click Next.
Step 41: A Custom Workflow is not defined for this item. Click Next.
Step 42: Review the service request information in the Summary form. Click Submit.
Step 43: Click OK.
Step 44: From the Self-Service portal, an end user can review the status of the request.
Click the Services button.
Step 45: Double-click the Service Request that was just created.
Step 46: You can now monitor the request status using the Service Request window.
Notice that the flow will be at VMWare VM Provision. In this task, UCS
Director has issued VM provisioning commands to VMware Vcenter. At that
point Vcenter is responsible for completing the provisioning task. UCS Director
is waiting for an indication from VCenter that the VM has been provisioned
before it will proceed to the next task.
The Lab vDC System Policy that was configured in the Part 1 lab was designed
to use any datastore visible to Vcenter as VM storage. So it is possible that the
selected target VM datastore will not be the same one that the Windows 7
template is on. In that case, the cross-datastore I/O traffic will slow down the
VM provisioning process, with provisioning times taking up to 120 minutes.
The Windows 7 VM created by this request will not be needed in any
remaining lab sections, so instead of waiting for the provisioning process to
complete, we can proceed to the next exercise, Exercise 3: Orchestration.
We will recheck the status of this request as the last activity in the lab guide,
which should allow enough time for the VM to be provisioned.
Close the Service Request Window.
Step 47: Log out of UCS Director.
Exercise 3: Orchestration
The Cisco UCS Director Orchestrator allows IT administrators to enable cloud automation and
standardize IT services. As an administrator, you can use Orchestrator to execute a set of tasks
such as VM creation or VM power action, but in a workflow format. You can add or move tasks
to a workflow and then execute your final workflow. All of the tasks are executed in serial
fashion, one right after another. More complex task flows can also be defined, with features
like conditional task execution.
In this section of the lab you will create workflows using UCS Director Orchestrator. There are
over 1000 prebuilt tasks that can be used to create dynamic workflows. Each task may take
some inputs and produce some outputs, based on the functionality of the task.
In the following sections, you will use Power On a VM and Create a VLAN tasks to build a
couple of simple workflows to get yourself familiarized with UCS Director Orchestration. You
will then build a multi-task workflow to provision a VMware datastore. Finally you will build a
self-service workflow that changes the memory size on a VM.
Step 49: Navigate to Policies -> Orchestration.
Step 51: Specify the following in the Add Workflow Details form:
Workflow name:
Power On a VM
Workflow to Power on a VM
Click Next.
Step 52: The next form is Add User Inputs. This panel allows us to specify custom input
parameters to the workflow. We will not be using this capability. Click Next.
Step 53: The next form is Add User Outputs. This panel allows us to specify custom
output parameters to the workflow. We will not be using this capability. Click
Step 55: You should still be at Policies -> Orchestration. If not, navigate there.
Step 56: Expand the Training folder in the left pane, then double-click on the workflow
to open the Workflow Designer.
Note: You might see the status of the workflow to be Failed or Not Validated. This is because there are no tasks
added to the workflow at this point, which makes it an invalid workflow.
The Workflow Designer is used to build the individual tasks comprising the workflow, and to
join the individual tasks into a specific sequence. Each task completes with a status of Success
or Failed, and subsequent tasks can be initiated for both outcomes. If a task is the last task in
the flow, it is connected to terminals which will terminate the workflow with either a success
for failed status.
The Workflow Designer has two sections:
Available Tasks:
Design Area:
In the Available Tasks pane on the left hand side, there is a search function that allows
you to search for specific tasks. To search for a task, start typing the task name in the
entry window at the top of the Available Tasks pane. As you type, all tasks that contain
the entered word sequence in any part of their name will be displayed. To use a task,
click on the task and drag it into the Design Area.
Step 57: Start typing VM Power in the search box. Note that all task names that
contain the phrase VM Power are displayed. Select the task VM Power
Action under the Cloupia Tasks -> Generic VM Tasks path and drag it into the
Design Area.
The Add Task dialog box appears as soon as the task is dragged into the Design Area. Each task
generally has at least four configuration screens associated with it:
Task Information
Enter Task Name , Type, Category and other general task info
Specifies where task should get its input values (eg from the
output of previous tasks, or from the user that initiates the task)
Task Inputs
Manually specifies task input values that will not be obtained from Task Input
Mapping Screen
Maps output values from the task into objects that can be used as
input to subsequent tasks
Step 58: Change the Task Name to VM Power Action. Its a good practice to change the
task name instead of leaving it at the default value.
Click Next to see the User Input Mapping page.
Step 59: If you had added input fields to this workflow, you could map them to the
expected inputs of the task.
As you did not create any input fields for this workflow this page will not be
modified, click Next on this screen.
Step 60: Click on the Select VM select button to display a list of available VMs.
Step 61: Click the box for Cloud= VCenter-2, Instance Name= CUCSD-P2-Windows-7
(you will have to horizontally expand the Instance Name column to see the
entire name) and then click Select.
Step 62: Verify that CUCSD-P2-Windows-7 is the selected VM and that the VM Action is
Power ON and click Next.
Step 63: You did not create any output parameters for the workflow so just click
Step 64: Click OK.
Step 65: Notice that since this is the first (or only) task defined in this workflow, the
Success and Failed terminals are automatically connected to the task.
Click Close to close the workflow designer window.
Step 66: You will now test the workflow, but before you execute the workflow, you will
need to ensure that the VM Power State is OFF. To do this, navigate to
Virtual -> Compute.
Step 67: In the left pane select VCenter-2 (expand All Clouds if necessary). When the
page refreshes, click on the VMs tab, and locate the CUCSD-P2-Windows-7
VM. If necessary right scroll to see the current Power State.
Step 68: If the Power State is ON, right-click on the selected VM and select Power OFF.
Step 69: Verify that the VM power state is OFF.
Step 71: In the Workflows tab, expand the Training folder.
Step 72: Select the Power On a VM workflow that you created earlier.
Step 73: Right-click on the workflow and select the Execute now option.
Step 75: Note that the Service Request is assigned an ID. This SR ID is used to identify a
workflow instance. This is useful to identify a specific workflow if you have
multiple workflow instances executing that have the same name.
Click on Show Detail Status.
Step 76: The status window displays the workflow progress. Note the Refresh button.
Periodically click Refresh until the workflow completes.
Step 77: The Log tab displays workflow details and is useful for troubleshooting. Be sure
to click Refresh prior to examining the log to get the latest info.
Step 79: Go to Virtual -> Compute.
Step 80: Select All Clouds -> vCenter-2. Click the VMs window and validate that the VM
Power State is ON.
It is always good practice to click Refresh to make sure the screen is updated.
If the VM still indicates OFF, see the next step. Otherwise you have completed
this section, proceed to Section 3.2: Creating a Workflow to Create a VLAN in
a Nexus Switch.
Step 81: If the VM Power State is still OFF, it is possible that the state of the VM has
not yet been synched with UCS Director. In that case you should initiate an
inventory collection, as it may take 15 minutes before the periodic inventory
collection process updates the UCS Director database.
To request an inventory collection, navigate to Virtual->Compute. Then select
VCenter-2, and in the tab dropdown. Select the Polling tab, and then select
Request Inventory Collection from the context menu.
Click OK.
Wait a couple of minutes and recheck the Power State of the virtual machine
using the procedure you did previously. It should now be ON.
Step 82: Minimize your UCSD browser window. Double-click the Putty icon on your
student PC desktop to activate an SSH client.
Step 83: Enter Host IP Address of Click Open.
If you see the Putty Security Alert select YES.
Step 85: Type show vlan to see the current VLANs. The only VLAN displayed should be
VLAN 1. Do not close the Putty session.
Step 86: Go back to UCS Director and navigate to Policies -> Orchestration.
Step 87: Click on the Add Workflow button.
Step 88: Enter Workflow Name as Create a VLAN.
In Save Options section, select Training in the Select Folder dropdown. Then
click Next.
Step 89: You will not be adding any User Inputs. Click Next.
Step 90: You will not be adding any User Outputs. Click Submit.
Step 92: You should be returned to Policies -> Orchestration. If not, navigate there. In
the Workflows tab, expand the Training folder.
Step 93: Double-click the Create a VLAN workflow. This will open the Workflow
Designer so you can build tasks for the workflow.
Step 94: In the Workflow Designer Available Tasks search box, search for Create VLAN.
You will see multiple tasks that match the search criteria. The task we are
interested in is the Create VLAN task in the Cisco Network Tasks folder.
Step 95: Select the Create VLAN task and drag- it into the Design Area.
Step 96: In the Add Task (Create VLAN) configuration window that appears, change the
Task Name to Create a VLAN. Click Next.
Step 97: Click Next on the User Input Mapping screen. This screen allows dynamic
mapping of user input values. This functionality is not needed here.
Step 98: In the Task Inputs screen, you will select the Nexus switch to create the VLAN
on. Click the Select Device select button.
Step 99: Check the Default Pod box to select the Nexus switch at address Click
Step 100: Enter a VLAN ID of 345, and VLAN Name of Lansters. Make sure the Copy
Running configuration to Startup configuration box is unchecked; and then
click Next.
Step 101: You will not add any User Output Mapping. Click Submit.
Step 103: Click the Execute Now button to initiate the workflow.
Step 105: Notice the Service Request ID generated for your workflow. Click Show Detail
Step 107: Close the Workflow Designer.
Step 108: Go back to your Putty session and verify the VLAN creation by doing a show
vlan command. Verify that you see VLAN 345 with the Name Lansters.
Exit the Putty session.
Step 109: Click OK.
In this section you will use the first two methods. In order to practice both methods, you will
configure some task inputs to use the output of a previous task (this is done with the Task Input
Mapping form when you configure the task), and other inputs will be statically specified using
the Task Inputs form.
Certainly in this lab some of the inputs that you will specify statically could have been obtained
dynamically from previous task output, and also some inputs you are obtaining dynamically
from previous task outputs could have been statically coded. In a production environment
when you design a workflow, you would determine which method to use for each input field
based on operational considerations and requirements.
Step 110: You should be at Policies -> Orchestration. If not navigate there.
Step 111: Click on Add Workflow to start creating a new workflow item.
Step 112: In the Add Workflow Details form enter the following:
Workflow Name:
Workflow Context:
Save Options: Select Folder:
Map LUN to DS
Click Next.
Step 113: You will not be adding User Inputs on the Workflow User Inputs page. Click
Step 114: You will not be adding User Outputs, so in Add User Outputs click Submit.
Step 115: Click OK.
Step 116: Double-click the Map LUN to DS workflow. This will open the Workflow
Step 117: The first task is creating a new flexible volume in your NetApp account. For this
task you will need to provide an aggregate name, the name and size of the
volume and the space guarantee setting.
In the search bar enter Create Flexible Volume. This will filter the task
hierarchy and display the task in the Available Tasks pane.
Step 118: Drag the task into the workflow Design Area. This will open the Add Task
Step 119: In the Task Name enter Create a New Volume. Click Next.
Step 120: You will enter inputs on the next screen, so do not select anything in the User
Input Mapping panel. Click Next.
Step 121: In the Task Inputs form, click the Aggregate Name select button.
Step 122: Check the box in the row that contains aggr1. Click Select.
Click Next.
Step 124: You will not be setting up custom User Output Mapping. Click Submit.
Step 126: Search for the task Create LUN. Drag the Netapp ONTAP Tasks version of
Create LUN into the design area.
Step 127: When the Task Information panel appears, change the Task Name to Create a
New LUN. Click Next.
Step 128: In the User Input Mapping window, under Volume Name (Mandatory), check
Map to User Input.
This will take the volume identity, which is the output from the previous task,
and use it as an input in this task. Similarly you can use any output that is
produced by prior tasks in the workflow and use them as inputs for any other
subsequent task in the workflow.
The User Input should already be set to the default of:
Click Next.
Step 129: In the Task Inputs form, enter the following values:
LUN Name:
OS Type:
LUN Size:
LUN Size Unit:
Reserve Space:
Click Next.
Step 130: We are not configuring anything on the User Output Mapping panel, click
Step 132: Drag the Create a New LUN task below the Create a New Volume task.
Step 133: Connect the task into the workflow. If you move the cursor into the lower left
corner of the Create a New Volume task (you might have to also click), an On
success green box will appear.
Step 134: Drag an arrow from that box to the Create a New LUN task by clicking on the
black triangle and dragging it down toward the Create a New LUN. This
specifies that successful completion of the volume creation task will activate
the LUN creation task.
Step 135: If you move the cursor into the lower right corner of the Create a New LUN
task (you might have to also click), an On failure red box will appear. Drag an
arrow from that box to the Completed (Failed) box. This specifies that if the
LUN creation fails the workflow will terminate.
Step 136: Review to make sure the diagram appears below.
Step 137: Next, you will create a new initiator group and add initiators in it; and then
map the LUN you have just created into that initiator group.
Search for the task Create Initiator Group under the Netapp ONTAP Tasks
folder. Drag the task to the Design Area.
Step 138: Change the Task Name to Create Initiator Group. Click Next.
Step 139: In the User Input Mapping panel, check the Map to User Input box under
Filer Identity Name (Mandatory). This will use the OUTPUT_FILER_IDENTITY
field from the Create a New Volume task. Click Next.
Step 140: In the Task Inputs panel, enter the following values:
Initiator Group Name:
Group Type:
OS Type:
Click Next.
Step 141: In the User Output Mapping panel click Submit.
Step 143: Drag the Create Initiator Group task under the Create a New LUN task and
connect it as shown in the next step.
Step 144: Hover in the lower left corner of the Create a New LUN box until the On
Success box appears. Click the black triangle and drag a connection to the
Create Initiator Group box.
Also connect the On Failure output of Create Initiator Group to the
Completed (Failed) terminal (not shown on diagram).
Step 145: When you release the mouse, the boxes will arrange automatically and
should have this representation when complete.
Step 146: Search for the task Add Existing Initiator to IGroup under NetApp ONTAP
Tasks. Drag it to the Design Area.
Step 147: In the Task Information panel, enter Add Initiator to Initiator Group in the
Task Name field. Click Next.
Step 148: In the User Input Mapping panel check Map to User Input under Initiator
Group Name (Mandatory). The User Input will be the default of Create
Initiator Group.INITIATOR_GROUP_NAME. Click Next.
Step 149: In the Task Inputs form, click the Filer Identity Name select button.
Step 150: Check the box for vacs-filer1. Click Select.
Step 152: In the User Output Mapping panel select Submit.
Step 154: Using the same steps that were done for the previous two tasks, drag the Add
Initiator to Initiator Group task under the Create Initiator Group task.
Connect the task as shown below.
Step 155: Search for the task Map LUN to Initiator Group in the Netapp ONTAP Tasks
folder. Drag the activity to the Design Area.
Step 156: In the Task Information window, enter the task name as Map LUN to igroup.
Click Next.
Step 157: In the User Input Mapping panel, check the Map to User Input checkbox for
the following three fields (leave the User Input selections at their defaults):
Filer Identity Name (Mandatory), Initiator Group Name (Mandatory), LUN
Path (Mandatory)
Click Next.
Step 158: In the Task Inputs panel check Specify LUN ID. This will open up a LUN ID
field. Set the LUN ID to 5. Click Next.
Step 159: There are no changes to the User Output Mapping panel, check Submit.
Step 160: Click OK.
Step 161: Move the Map LUN to igroup task under the Add Initiator to Initiator Group
task. Just as done in previous steps, connect the Add Initiator to Initiator
Group task to the Map LUN to igroup task as shown below.
Step 162: The last step will be associating the LUN with an ESXi host in your vCenter.
Search for the task Associate LUN as Datastore in the NetApp Tasks folder.
Drag the task into the Design Area.
Step 163: Rename the task to Associate LUN as DS. Click Next.
Step 164: Under Filer Identity Name (Mandatory) option check the box for Map to user
From the dropdown menu that appears choose:
Step 165: Scroll down and check Map to user input under LUN path (Mandatory) and
from the drop down menu, scroll to choose:
Create a new LUN.LUN_PATH
Click Next.
Step 166: In the Tasks Input panel, set the following values:
VMFS Mount Options:
Datastore Name:
Step 168: Verify/set the following values in the Task Inputs panel:
Group Type:
vDC Name:
Success Criteria:
Lab vDC
Mount successful on all the Hosts
Click Next.
Step 169: No changes are necessary on the User Output Mapping, select Submit.
Step 171: Drag the Associate LUN as DS task under the Map LUN to igroup task.
Connect the Map LUN to igroup task to the Associate LUN as DS task as
shown below.
Step 172: The final workflow should look as follows:
Step 173: Click Execute Now.
Step 176: Continue to use the Refresh button and observe the workflow task steps until
completion. This workflow should typically complete within a few minutes.
Click Close when the workflow has completed.
Step 177: Minimize all the windows to display the desktop, access Vcenter by doubleclicking on the Vsphere Client icon on the student PC desktop.
Step 178: In Hosts and Clusters view, click on the ESXI host. Click on the
Configuration tab and select Storage. The new my_datastore datastore
should be listed in the Datastores panel. Minimize the vSphere Client.
In this section you configured a multi-step workflow that installed all of the components
necessary to implement a VMware ISCSI Datastore. As explained earlier in this exercise, each
task generally has four configuration screens associated with it:
Task Information
Enter Task Name, Type, Category and other general task info
Specifies where task should get its input values (eg from the
output of previous tasks, or from the user that initiates the task)
Task Inputs
Supplies task input values that will not be obtained from Task Input Mapping
Maps output values from this task into objects that can be used as
input to subsequent tasks
Here is a summary of the tasks that you configured in the Map LUN to DS workflow:
Create a New Volume
Creates a Logical Volume
Netapp to use
Volume Name
Volume Size
Input Source
Task Inputs
Task Inputs
Task Inputs
Task Inputs
Volume Name
LUN Name
LUN Size
OS Type
Group Name
Netapp to use
Initiator Name
Netapp the
LUN is on
Initiator Group
LUN Path
Netapp the
LUN is on
LUN Path
Mount Options
Datastore Name
ESXi Host
Associate LUN as DS
Step 179: Return to the UCSD browser. Close the Workflow Designer if it is still open.
Navigate to Organizations -> Service Requests.
Step 180: From the Service Requests tab, highlight the completed Map LUN to DS
Step 181: Right click on the workflow to open a dropdown menu. Select Rollback
Request from dropdown.
Step 182: Review the tasks that will be undone during the rollback and click Submit.
Step 183: Click OK.
Step 184: The rollback activity will start another service request. In
Organizations -> Service Requests, click on that activity to
select it and click View Details.
Step 185: The task progress will be displayed. Continue to Refresh the screen if
necessary. This workflow should typically take a few minutes. Click Close
when completed.
Step 186: Return to the Vsphere Client and verify that the my_datastore has been
Step 187: Return to the vSphere Client. In Hosts and Clusters view, click on the CUCSDP2-Windows-7 VM. Click on the Summary tab.
Step 189: Return to the UCSD window. You will need to ensure that the VM Power
State is OFF. To do this, navigate to Virtual -> Compute.
Step 190: In the left pane select VCenter-2. When the page refreshes, click on the VMs
tab, and locate the CUCSD-P2-Windows-7 VM. If necessary right scroll to see
the current Power State.
Step 191: If the Power State is ON, right-click on the selected VM and select Power
You will get a VM Task confirmation screen. Click Proceed.
Step 193: In UCS Director, Navigate to Policies -> Orchestration.
Step 195: Enter the Workflow Name as Resize VM Memory. In Select Folder choose
Training. Click Next.
Step 196: In the Add User Inputs screen, click on the plus sign to add a user input.
This box is checked to create prompts that the end user must answer when
the workflow is initiated.
In the workflows you configured previously this feature was not used.
However in this workflow, the end user will be prompted to enter the
memory size they want at request time.
Step 197: In the Input Label, enter Select New Memory Size. Click the Input Type select
Step 198: Type Memory in the search box to narrow down the entries. Check Memory
Size Selector. Click Select.
Step 199: Click Submit.
Step 201: Click Next.
Step 202: We will not be adding any User Outputs. Click Submit.
Step 203: Click OK.
Step 204: From the Workflows tab, expand the Training folder and double-click on the
Resize VM Memory workflow to launch the Workflow Designer.
Step 205: In the Search box under Available Tasks, type Approval. You will find a task
named User Approval being displayed under Cloupia Tasks -> General Tasks.
Drag that task into the Design Area.
Step 206: In the Task Information screen, enter Wait for Approval in the Task Name.
Click Next.
Step 207: No changes are necessary here, so click Next in the User Input Mapping.
Step 208: On the Task Inputs screen click the User ID select button.
Step 209: In the dialog box, choose admin then click Select. This specifies that only the
admin account can approve the request.
Step 210: You will keep the default values in this screen. Click Next.
Step 212: Click OK.
Step 213: In the Search box under Available Tasks, type VM memory. You will
find a task named Resize VM Memory and CPU being displayed under
Virtualization Tasks -> VMware Tasks -> VMware VM Tasks. Drag the task
into the Design Area.
Step 214: For the Task Name enter Resize Memory. Click Next.
Step 215: In the User Input Mapping screen, check Map to User Input under Memory.
The User Input dropdown will display Select New Memory Size (this is the user
input field you defined in the Add User Inputs screen).
Click Next.
Step 216: In the Task Inputs screen, check the Select VM select box.
Step 218: Keep Number of vCPUs unchanged. Click Next.
Step 220: Click OK.
Step 221: Drag the Resize Memory task below the Wait for Approval Task. Connect
Wait for Approval with the Resize Memory task, as shown below:
Step 222: Click Close.
Workflows that have been designed by the admins can be exposed to end users in
multiple ways. One way is to create an advanced catalog item and have it exposed to
the self-service portal of the end user or the end users group. We will cover the
advanced catalog method in this Lab.
Step 223: Navigate to Policies -> Catalogs.
Step 224: Click Add.
Step 225: From the Catalog Type drop down menu, select Catalog Type as Advanced
and click Submit.
Step 226: Enter the Catalog Name as Resize Memory. From the Catalog Icon dropdown
choose Workflow Icon. Check the box for Applied to all groups.
Make sure Publish to end users is checked. Click Next.
Step 227: Click the Workflow Select button.
Step 228: A screen will pop up displaying all the workflows currently available. The
workflow names are in alphabetical order.
Scroll down the screen and check the checkbox besides the workflow name
Resize VM Memory.
Click Select.
Step 229: Verify that Resize VM Memory appears next to the Workflow select button
and click Next.
Step 231: Click OK.
Step 233: Once logged in double-click on the Advanced folder, you will see the catalog
item Resize VM Memory.
Step 234: Select the Resize VM Memory catalog item and click Create Request action
Step 235: In the Catalog Selection screen, click Next.
Step 236: In the Custom Workflow screen, click the Select New Memory Size
dropdown and choose 3.0 GB. Click Next.
Step 237: Click Submit after reviewing the summary. This will submit the Service
Request and generate a SR ID.
Step 239: To check the status of the Service Request, click the Services button.
Step 240: Select the Service Request for the Advanced Request Type. In the context
menu click the View Details button.
Step 241: A screen displaying the status of the Service Request will be launched. Click
on Refresh. The status will be pending Approval by Admin. It will stay in this
state until the admin account approves the request. Click Close.
Now lets return to the administrator interface and verify there is an approval waiting.
Step 242: Logout from UCS Director. Login as admin (credentials: admin/admin).
Step 244: Note that the Service Request created by jouser will be listed as pending
Step 245: Select the Service Request and click View Details action button.
Step 246: In the Service Request status box that appears, click on the Input/Output tab.
Step 247: Expand Resize Memory and CPU folder to review the Memory Size requested
by the end user. Click Close.
Step 248: Select the Service Request and click the Approve button.
Step 249: Click Approve in the Service Request overview screen.
Step 252: Select the Resize VM Memory workflow initiated by jouser and click View
Details button.
Step 253: View the status of Service Request. Remember to use the Refresh button to
keep the display current. It should complete successfully.
Step 254: Click the Log tab and click Refresh. Verify that the log displays the change in
Memory Size. Click Close.
Step 256: Click Refresh. If the installation has finished, the Service Request screen
should show a successful completion. If the installation is still progressing, you
should be able to see the current state it is in. Click Close.
Step 257: Minimize your UCS Director page, and return to your Vsphere Client.
In Hosts and Clusters view, note that a VM called Lansters-SR2 has been
created from the request. The VM name was created from a VM template
that was defined in the UCSD Part 1 lab.
The page will expand to display a link. Click on the Proceed to link
Use the login credentials provided by the lab proctor and click Login
(Note: Username is stuXXX where the XXX is your pod number)
The AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client WebLaunch wizard will appear. It should install
AnyConnect automatically. After installation is complete return to the beginning of the
document to log into the lab.
If for some reason it fails. Use the manual installation process. Click the Windows Desktop link
to start the download.
When the download is complete, click the triangle to show the menu and select show in folder.
Locate the file in the downloads folder and double click the file to start the installation
The Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client Setup Wizard will walk you through the steps. After
installation is complete return to the beginning of the document to log into the lab.