Getting A Better Look at The Toyota A340E Valve Body: Smart

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Street Smart

Getting a Better Look

at the Toyota A340E
Valve Body

o matter how careful you are,

all it takes is one distracting
phone call, or even a sudden
sneeze: A checkball goes back in the
wrong place, or a shift valve gets turned
around, and suddenly you find yourself
in the middle of a nightmare and you
just cant wake up.
Whats the big deal? You open
your shop manual, and find the correct configuration, right? Only there
arent any repair manuals that offer
the exploded view for this valve body.
Even the checkball locations can cause
you trouble: Ive run into five different

by Mike Brown

Figure 1

checkball configurations for this valve

body, which weve collected and published in ATRA tech bulletin 870.
Well now its time to do the same
for the valve configuration. In this issue
of Street Smart, were going to look at
each valve lineup and go over some
important dos and donts when servicing this valve body.
The major changes to the A340E
valve body took place in 2000, with the
introduction of Toyotas V8. One of the
changes was the use of a pressure control solenoid. The V6 and 4-cylinder
models still use a TV cable.

The valve body that well look at is

from a 2001 Toyota Tundra with a 4.7
engine. Well identify the valve, and
list the order to assemble the valves and
springs in the bore.

Upper Valve Body

(figure 1)

Starting at the top left and working

Secondary Regulator Valve
spring, valve, end plug, and keeper
2-3 Shift Valve 2-3 shift valve,
spring, end plug, and keeper
GEARS May/June 2008

CAUTION: This is where things

get a little tricky. Before you
remove the Primary Regulator
Valve, make sure to mark the
setting at the end of the sleeve.

Figure 2

Reverse Control Valve

reverse control valve,
spring, end plug, and
Check Valves 1 and 2
check valve 1, ball, check
valve 2, and keeper
Check Valves 1 and 2
check valve 1, ball, check
valve 2, and keeper
Note 1:
The ball shuttles
back and forth between
check valves 1 and 2.
Note 2:
Yes, we know
numbers 4 and 5 have the
same names; we didnt
name them.
Now the right side, starting
from the top.
Lockup Relay Valve
lockup relay valve,
spring, install the plunger
into sleeve and then the
sleeve into valve body,
and keeper.
Shift Solenoid Valve
(SLT) also known as the
pressure control solenoid
3-4 Shift Valve spring,
3-4 shift valve, end plug,
and keeper
Figure 3

GEARS May/June 2008


Getting a Better Look at the Toyota A340E Valve Body

2nd Coast Modulator Valve

spring, 2nd coast modulator valve,
end plug, and keeper
Now were halfway through the
valve body. Just by knowing how the
springs and valves go makes it a whole
lot easier to work with this valve body.

Never install
the oil strainers
directly into the
valve body!During
assembly, always
install the strainers
into the separator
plate. The strainers
have a lip on one
side; this lip should
snap into the separator plate.

Lower Valve Body

(figure 2)

CAUTION: This is where things

get a little tricky. Before you remove
the Primary Regulator Valve, make sure
to mark the setting at the end of the
sleeve. There are no factory settings for
this valve; its model-dependent, and
will vary from vehicle to vehicle.
Starting at top left and working
Primary Regulator Valve primary regulator valve, washer,
spring, install the two plungers into
sleeve and then the sleeve into the
valve body, install keeper in place
Cutback Valve cutback valve,
spring, plug, and keeper

Secondary Modulator Valve

secondary modulator valve, spring,
and keeper
Accumulator Control Valve
accumulator control valve, spring,
plug, and keeper
Now to the right, once again starting
at the top:
Relief Valve and Spring spring
then valve
1-2 Shift Valve 1-2 shift valve,
spring, plug and keeper
Low Coast Modulator Valve
low coast modulator valve, spring,
and keeper
Okay that was both halves of the
valve body as far as control valves go.

Lower Valve Body

Back (figure 3)

Here are the components and

installation order for the back of the
lower valve body. Going from left to




Figure 4

GEARS May/June 2008

Pressure Relief Check Valve

ball, spring, and retainer
Shift Solenoid Valve (SL) / Lockup
Accumulator Piston Assembly
install the accumulator piston into
accumulator housing, then the two
springs, washer, and snap ring
Shift Solenoid Valve (S2) / Shift
Solenoid 2
Shift Solenoid Valve (S1) / Shift
Solenoid 1
That takes care of identifying all of
the solenoids and their locations.

Separator Plate
(figure 4)

The separator plate is where things

can go upside-down literally.
Never install the oil strainers
directly into the valve body!During
assembly, always install the strainers
into the separator plate. The strainers
have a lip on one side; this lip should
snap into the separator plate.
If you install the strainers upsidedown into the valve body channel cast-

Figure 5

ing, instead of screening the oil to the

solenoids, theyll block off all oil to the
solenoids. And youll end up with no
reverse and no upshifts.

Checkball Locations
(figure 5)

There are two large checkballs

in the valve body; theyre 6.35 mm
(0.250). The rest of the checkballs are

5.54 mm (0.218).
Refer to ATRA bulletin #870 for
more checkball configurations for this
Once you have the right information, reassembling the valve body is a
snap. And thats why having the right
information isnt just smart its street




GEARS May/June 2008


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