Shakes-Ppealing Sonnets

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Shakes-ppealing Sonnets: Written Piece

Reading & Analyzing the Sonnet

Directions: Copy and paste the text of your sonnet below. Follow the procedures
outlined in How to Analyze a Sonnet on the sonnet of your choice.
Sonnet 96 by William Shakespeare

Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness; A

(no regard for what is right, deliberate)
Some say thy grace is youth and gentle sport; B
(your)(elegance, manner)
Both grace and faults are lov'd of more and less: A
Thou mak'st faults graces that to thee resort. B
(makest; second person singular of make) (you)
As on the finger of a throned queen C
Simile: comparing jewel to errors.

Symbol: queen = someone perfect

The basest jewel will be well esteem'd, D
(bad quality)
So are those errors that in thee are seen C
To truths translated, and for true things deem'd. D
How many lambs might the stern wolf betray, E

Symbol: errors/bad
If like a lamb he could his looks translate! F
Symbol: good innocent person
How many gazers mightst thou lead away, E
admirers (might) (you)
If thou wouldst use the strength of all thy state! F
her beauty

But do not so, I love thee in such sort, G

As thou being mine, mine is thy good report. G
Shakes-ppealing Sonnets: Written Piece
Drafting the Written Piece
1. Write a POINT statement:
o In Sonnet 96 by William Shakespeare, the speaker uses symbols to
demonstrate how you shouldnt take advantage of the people that
are blinded by beauty and cant discern physical virtues and stature
from values and principles.
2. Provide two pieces of EVIDENCE to support your POINT. Remember that
EVIDENCE includes CONTEXT and proper citation.


In the third quatrain, in the last two lines the

speaker shows all the power someones
appearance can have over others by saying
the following, How many gazers mightst
thou lead away,/If thou wouldst use the
strength of all thy state! In the following
couplet the speaker begs the subject to
avoid this kind of activity.

In the second quatrain, in the first two

lines the speaker says the following,
As on the finger of a throned queen/
The basest jewel will be well esteem'd.
In the next to lines it is explained how in
someone like this any flaws can be
adapted to be seen as a strength.

3. HOW does the quote show that people take advantage of the people
that are blinded by beauty?
(include and explain symbol) Evidence number one proves the fact that
you shouldnt take advantage of people that are blinded by beauty,
because it is stating how the state of this person that symbolizes the
subjects beauty has an influence over her admirers, enough to lead them
away, but later on the speaker begs the subject not to be like that, not only
because it is badly perceived, but also because the subject is better than
that, better than to take advantage of unrequited feelings.
4. WHY is taking advantage of the people that are blinded by beauty
The fact you shouldnt take advantage of the people that are blinded by

beauty is noteworthy, because sometimes we fall into the mistake of

taking advantage of those with whom weve fallen in good grace with. And
these people are like any other, they have feelings and are sensible. So
you shouldnt toy around with leading them on to something that to you is
not even a reality, even worse, you shouldnt use their admiration against
them by asking for favors or simply in some way taking advantage of the
fact that they have feeling towards you, but you dont have them back.
This is simply immoral.
5. HOW does the quote show that blinded people cant discern physical
virtues and stature from values and principles ?
The evidence found in the the second quatrain proves the fact that people
cant differentiate beauty from what truly is within others, because in the
evidence they describe how a queen, which could be a symbol for
someone with power or someone as beautiful as a queen, when she
wears something that is of no value or that in fact is a flaw. In this case the
bad things are overseen, because of the fact of what people see from the
outside of this person, her rank and her beauty, not what her intentions are
which are tied with her flaws and mistakes.
6. WHY is blinded people discerning physical virtues and stature from
values and principles significant?
The fact that some people cant discern physical virtues and stature from
values and principles is relevant, because it is a big misconception that
people are what they look like, you cant judge someone for their
appearance or their status, these two are really worthless when it comes
down to peoples intentions and values.

Shakes-ppealing Sonnets: Written Piece

Draft #1
Directions: Copy and paste the text from the previous page below so that it
forms a paragraph. Your paragraph should be in the following order:
In Sonnet 96 by William Shakespeare, the speaker uses symbols to
demonstrate how you shouldnt take advantage of the people that are
blinded by beauty and cant discern physical virtues and stature from
values and principles.

Evidence #1
Analysis #1 (Answers to #3 and #4)
Evidence #2
Analysis #2 (Answers to #5 and #6)

Ensure that the paragraph is indented and double-space the lines. The font
should be size 12, Times New Roman
In Sonnet 96 by William Shakespeare, the speaker uses symbols to demonstrate
how you shouldnt take advantage of the people that are blinded by beauty and cant
discern physical virtues and stature from values and principles. An example of this is
clearly seen in the third quatrain, in the last two lines by how the speaker shows all the
power someones appearance can have over others by saying the following, How many
gazers mightst thou lead away, / If thou wouldst use the strength of all thy state! (lines
11-12). In the following couplet the speaker goes on to beg the subject to avoid this kind
of activity. The extract proves the fact that you shouldnt take advantage of people that
are blinded by beauty, because it is stating how the state of this person that symbolizes
the subjects beauty has an influence over her admirers, enough to lead them away, but
later on the speaker begs the subject not to be like that, not only because it is badly
perceived, but also because the subject is better than that, better than to take advantage of
unrequited feelings. The fact you shouldnt take advantage of the people that are blinded
by beauty is noteworthy, because sometimes we fall into the mistake of taking advantage
of those who love us. And these people are like any other, they have feelings and are
sensible. So you shouldnt toy around with leading them on to something that is not even
a reality, especially when you dont have the same feelings towards the other person.
Doing this is simply immoral. Another example found in the second quatrain, in the first
two lines where the speaker states the following, As on the finger of a throned queen /
The basest jewel will be well esteem'd (lines 5-6). In the next two lines it is explained
how in someone like this any flaws can be adjusted to be seen as a strength. The example
found in the the second quatrain proves the fact that people cant differentiate beauty

from what truly is within others, because in the evidence they describe how a queen,
which could be a symbol for someone with power or someone as beautiful as a queen,
when she wears something that is of no value or that in fact is a flaw. In this case the bad
things are overseen, because of the fact of what people see from the outside of this
person, her rank and her beauty, not what her intentions are which are tied with her flaws
and mistakes. The fact that some people cant discern physical virtues and stature from
values and principles is relevant, because it is a big misconception that people are what
they look like, you cant judge someone for their appearance or their status, these two are
really worthless when it comes down to peoples intentions and values.

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