6 1 Continuous Learning

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Gray, R.

Continuous Learning
6.1 Continuous Learning
Candidates demonstrate continual growth in knowledge and skills of current and emerging
technologies and apply them to improve personal productivity and professional practice.

In order to be an effective teacher, one must engage in self-reflection and professional

development in order to improve teaching practices and increase student achievement. Last
school year, I demonstrated continual growth in knowledge and skills of current and emerging
technologies by participating in a professional development on implementing xSight
documenting cameras. With my new knowledge, I was able to improve personal productivity
and professional practice by implementing what I had learned into my curriculum.
I was able to continue my growth in knowledge and skills of current and emerging
technologies by participating in a professional development in how to implement xSight
documenting cameras. According to my schools School Improvement Plan, teachers, and
support staff will participate in ongoing training in technology integration in order to increase
rigor, student engagement, and literacy (OHS SIP, 2014). Therefore, my peers and I participated
in a professional development in which we were trained in how to implement xSight
documenting cameras in order to increase student achievement.
xSight documenting cameras are cameras that can be connected to a projector through
your laptop computer or connected directly to the projector, providing students with a visual
learning experience. These cameras allow you to zoom in on small items, display students work
and take pictures (Educational Technology Network, 2009). In my professional develop training,
I learned that xSight documenting cameras can also be used to record lessons. Once

Gray, R.
Continuous Learning
these lessons have been recorded, teachers can upload videos online. This is beneficial for
students who are absent or need a review of a previous lesson.
To improve personal productivity and professional practice, I applied what I had learned
from the professional development by implementing an xSight documenting camera as a
feedback and visual tool. For example, as students performed scenes, I recorded their
performances and replayed the video as I provided feedback. Students were encouraged to use
the recording to reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of their performance. xSight
documenting camera can also be used to compensate for the lack of printed materials. Due to
class size, having materials to accommodate every student can be difficult. However, xSight
documenting cameras can be used to increase the size of the text. Using these cameras, I
enlarged scripts to provide a visual for the entire class to read.
As a result of my professional development, I learned that visual learning increases
student comprehension and retention (Schrotenboer, 2014). Therefore, digital tools such as
xSight documenting cameras not only increase classroom productivity, but student achievement
as well. If I could change this artifact, I would change the length of time it took me to implement
it. Despite learning about the benefits of the xSight documenting cameras, it took me a couple
of weeks before I began to implement it. Instead of viewing it as a tool that enhances my
lessons, I viewed it more as additional work. However, once implemented I saw how these
cameras can accommodate students and enhanced feedback.
The professional development on xSight documenting cameras impacts faculty
development because it trained teachers in utilizing digital tools to increase student engagement.
The implementation of these cameras impacts student achievement because visual learning

Gray, R.
Continuous Learning
increases student comprehension and retention. To assess the impact of this professional
development, teachers can provide feedback through pre and post surveys and interviews, while
school leaders can conduct walk-through evaluations. Teachers can assess the impact of xSight
documenting cameras through observing and collecting data from assessments.

Gray, R.
Continuous Learning

Educational Technology Network. (2009). Why would I use a Classroom document camera?
Retrieved from http://www.edtechnetwork.com/document_cameras.html
OGHS High School. (2013). Title I schoolwide plan for olive grove high school (Publication).
GA: Cobb County Schools.
Recordex USA. (2014). SimplicityCam Training. Retrieved from
Schrotenboer, K. (2014, June 3). Visual technology fosters increased comprehension and
retention for newly-empowered students. Retrieved from

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