Literary Analysis Rubric

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Responses at this level:

Responses at this level:


convey an accurate and indepth understanding of the

topic, audience, and purpose
for the writing task
offer insightful
interpretations of the text(s)
with analysis that goes well
beyond a literal level

convey an accurate and

complete understanding of
the topic, audience, and
purpose for the writing task
offer clear and explicit
interpretations of the text(s)
with analysis that goes
beyond a literal level


presents a strong and

insightful opinion on the topic
clear, concise, and
sophisticated response to
creative but logical direction
for the essay

presents a solid opinion on

the topic
responds to the prompt in a
clear, concise statement
creates an obvious but
logical direction for the essay


includes ample quotes and

examples to support topic
relates specifically to the
paragraph topic
incorporates quotes and
examples fluidly with context

includes sufficient quotes

and examples to support topic
relates to the paragraph
incorporates quotes and
examples with context


skillfully establish and

maintain consistent focus on a
clear and compelling thesis
exhibit logical and coherent
structure with claims, evidence
and interpretations that
convincingly support the thesis
make skillful use of
transition words and phrases


are stylistically sophisticated,

using language that is precise
and engaging, with notable
sense of voice and awareness
of audience and purpose
effectively incorporate a
range of varied sentence
patterns to reveal syntactic

effectively establish and

maintain consistent focus on
a clear thesis
exhibit a logical sequence
of claims, evidence, and
interpretations to support the
thesis and effectively used
make effective use of
transition words and phrases
use language that is fluent
and original, with evident
awareness of audience and
incorporate varied sentence
patterns that reveal an
awareness of different
syntactic structures

Responses at this level:

Responses at this level:

Responses at this level:

convey an accurate
although somewhat basic
understanding of the topic,
audience, and purpose for
the writing task
offer partially explained
and/or somewhat literal
interpretations of the text(s)
with some analysis
presents a weak or
awkward opinion on the
responds to the prompt in
a vague or unclear statement
creates an obvious
direction for the essay

convey a partly accurate

understanding of the topic,
audience, and purpose of the
writing task
offer few or superficial
interpretations of the text(s)
with a tendency to retell
instead of analyze

provide no evidence of
understanding the writing task
or topic
make no interpretations of
the text(s)

lacks an arguable opinion

on the topic
does not respond to the
entire prompt
offers little to no direction
for the essay

does not include a clear thesis

that offers direction for the

includes minimal quotes

and examples to support
relates generally to the
paragraph topic
incorporates quotes and
examples awkwardly with
some context
establish and maintain
focus on a clear thesis
exhibit a logical sequence
of claims, evidence, and
interpretations but ideas
within paragraphs may be
inconsistently organized
make some attempt to use
basic transition words and
use appropriate language,
with some awareness of
audience and purpose
make some attempt to
include different sentence
patterns but with awkward
or uneven success

includes little to no quotes

or examples to support topic
does not relate to the
paragraph topic

completely lack textual

evidence to support thesis

establish but fail to

consistently maintain focus
on a basic thesis
exhibit a basic structure but
lack the coherence of
consistent claims, evidence,
and interpretations
make little attempt to use
some basic transition words
or phrases
rely on basic vocabulary,
with little awareness of
audience or purpose
reveal a limited awareness
of how to vary sentence
patterns and rely on a limited
range syntactic structures

complete lack of organization

and coherence
make no attempt to use
transition words or phrases

use language that is

incoherent or inappropriate
include may sentence
fragments and run-ons that
significantly hinder


demonstrate control of
conventions and has no
spelling or grammatical errors.
sentence structure is varied

demonstrate control of the

conventions, exhibiting
occasional errors only when
using sophisticated language

some spelling and

grammar errors but do not
detract from the focus of the

demonstrate lack of control

of conventions, exhibiting
frequent errors that make
comprehension difficult

spelling and grammar errors

greatly detract from the focus
of the essay and hinder

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