Expand Your Professional Credentials
Expand Your Professional Credentials
Expand Your Professional Credentials
> Improve your professional profile in a competitive job market and economy
> Gain specialized knowledge, skills, and credentials to enhance your resume
> Increase your value to your employer and your ability to secure employment.
Now is the time to refresh your existing skills and learn new ones. Invest in your career education, and you’ll reap the
rewards immediately.
For more information about APICS certification, visit the Certification section of apics.org/certification or call an
APICS Customer Support associate at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1777.
For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.
Maximize Your Performance
The APICS CPIM program provides operations management professionals with relevant, essential education that equips
them for today’s marketplace. The in-depth approach taken to understanding and evaluating production and inventory
activities within a company’s global operations is why this certification is preferred by thousands of employers worldwide.
Since 1973, the APICS CPIM program has educated more than 90,000 professionals about essential terminology,
concepts, and strategies related to demand management, procurement and supplier planning, material requirements
planning, capacity requirements planning, sales and operations planning, master scheduling, performance
measurements, supplier relationships, quality control, and continuous improvement.
For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.
The APICS CPIM Modules
agement of Re
ic Man sou
rce The APICS CPIM program has been organized into five modules,
Str s
each focusing on key areas of study that are integral to an
Detailed Master understanding and mastery of production and inventory
Scheduling Planning of
and Planning
Basics of
management principles. Candidates must pass an exam for each
Supply Chain
Management of the modules to successfully complete the APICS CPIM program.
Execution and
Control of
ate s
gic M rce
anagement of Resou
For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.
Customize Your Path to Earning the APICS CPIM
Whether you are beginning your career in operations or supply chain management or you are an experienced professional
in the field, the APICS CPIM program is designed to meet the needs of working adults. Flexible educational options make
it easier to pursue your certification while working full time, so you can immediately benefit from the knowledge gained
through the program.
Personalize your APICS CPIM curriculum. Match these methods to your individual learning style.
Exam Content Manual into major topic areas, and the relative emphasis designed to help you develop your knowledge and
of each of the topics is indicated by a percentage skills in the essential areas of materials management
figure. A list of key terminology for each area is and integrated resource management. Each APICS
included, along with illustrative questions for home-study course requires approximately 25 to
each module. (Stock # 09051V2010) 30 hours to complete. Available as a series and for
each module.
APICS Dictionary
APICS Dictionary is a primary reference for all five CPIM Study Notes
The standard for excellence in the operations management profession
APICS CPIM Modules and the standard for defining Study notes are concise and detailed in an easy-
terms used in the operations management field. to-understand, conversational format. Author
(Stock # 01107V2010) Brian Willcox, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, draws on more
More than 4,000 terms and definitions inside
body of knowledge to help you understand amount of resource information in a convenient, accessible
the foundation of your profession. OMBOK is a format. All primary references for the SMR module plus all
dynamic resource for understanding the state technical papers have been compiled into one text. It enables
of operations management today and gives a candidates to prepare for the exam without having to purchase
framework that will evolve to reflect change in or locate multiple texts and resources. (Stock # 03989)
the profession. The electronic version is FREE to
APICS members. (Stock # 01107) Save nearly $200 on the SMR Primary References!
Purchasing the primary references for SMR separately
would cost APICS members $428 and $535 for nonmembers,
but the new custom text (stock # 03989) will be priced at
$250/APICS member, $280/nonmember.
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Companies that support their employees’ pursuit of the APICS CPIM designation have employees who are prepared,
knowledgeable, and able to contribute to a successful bottom line. Employee training increases employee loyalty
as it builds their skills and abilities. Encourage your employees to participate in APICS certification programs; they
will become more confident and efficient and you’ll see improvements in productivity, and cost savings. Plus your
organization will take a leap forward in achieving an advantage in this competitive marketplace.
For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.