Expand Your Professional Credentials

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APICS Certified in Production

and Inventory Management (CPIM)
campaign code: 9JPIMBRM1A
Stock #: 09058V2010

8430 West Bryn Mawr Avenue

Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60631 USA

Incorporate the APICS CPIM into your career plan to expand

your professional credentials and earning potential.
Earn the APICS CPIM Designation
In an increasingly challenging global environment, operations and supply chain professionals must consistently update
their skills and knowledge to stay competitive and to thrive.
Distinguish yourself and enhance your marketability by earning an internationally recognized APICS (Certified in
Production and Inventory Management) CPIM designation. Join more than 90,000 operations management professionals
who have earned the highly respected APICS CPIM and

> Improve your professional profile in a competitive job market and economy
> Gain specialized knowledge, skills, and credentials to enhance your resume
> Increase your value to your employer and your ability to secure employment.
Now is the time to refresh your existing skills and learn new ones. Invest in your career education, and you’ll reap the
rewards immediately.

The Value of APICS Certification

APICS The Association for Operations Management is the leader in membership, certification, and education programs
for operations and supply chain management professionals. APICS certification programs are recognized worldwide as
the standard of professional excellence in operations management. By defining industry terminology, practices, and
knowledge, APICS certifications improve the performance of individuals and organizations.
APICS certification enables you to gain
> Leadership: expertise that leads to greater confidence, recognition, and professional success
> Recognition: s atisfaction of achieving the most respected designations in the industry
> K nowledge: understanding of how to positively affect bottom-line profitability.

For more information about APICS certification, visit the Certification section of apics.org/certification or call an
APICS Customer Support associate at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1777.

The APICS CPIM program offers in-depth education

for individuals in the operations management
profession who wish to improve their knowledge
of production and inventory management.

For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.
Maximize Your Performance
The APICS CPIM program provides operations management professionals with relevant, essential education that equips
them for today’s marketplace. The in-depth approach taken to understanding and evaluating production and inventory
activities within a company’s global operations is why this certification is preferred by thousands of employers worldwide.

Since 1973, the APICS CPIM program has educated more than 90,000 professionals about essential terminology,
concepts, and strategies related to demand management, procurement and supplier planning, material requirements
planning, capacity requirements planning, sales and operations planning, master scheduling, performance
measurements, supplier relationships, quality control, and continuous improvement.

APICS CPIM Program Benefits

> Increase your functional knowledge of production and inventory management
> Improve efficiency of your organization’s supply chain
> Streamline operations through accurate forecasting
> Predict outcomes more accurately
> Maximize ROI on systems and technologies
> Increase profitability by optimizing your organization’s inventory investment
> Enhance your credibility among peers, employers, and customers
> Understand the various functions within a company (such as purchasing, planning, finance,
engineering etc) that are linked by the ERP system.

According to a recent purchasing.com survey, professionals with APICS certifications

earn an average of 9 percent more than their counterparts.

“In our global Supply Chain HR Development Framework, we have

designated APICS CPIM as our educational standard for supply
chain management. This certification enables us to build a common
understanding of supply chain processes and terminology within the
supply chain community.”

A lan L. Milliken CFPIM CIRM CSCP

CPF Business Process Education
Manager BASF Corporation

For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.
The APICS CPIM Modules
agement of Re
ic Man sou
rce The APICS CPIM program has been organized into five modules,
Str s
each focusing on key areas of study that are integral to an
Detailed Master understanding and mastery of production and inventory
Scheduling Planning of
and Planning
Basics of
management principles. Candidates must pass an exam for each
Supply Chain
Management of the modules to successfully complete the APICS CPIM program.

Execution and
Control of
ate s
gic M rce
anagement of Resou

Basics of Supply Chain Management Entry Module

The basic concepts in managing the complete flow of materials in a supply chain from suppliers to customers are covered in
the Basics module. Supply chain concepts are introduced and standard terminology emphasized, as are relationships among
activities in the supply chain. Knowledge of the material in this module is assumed as a prerequisite for the other APICS CPIM
modules, which cover related topics in greater depth.

Master Planning of Resources Core Competency Module

The topics of demand management, sales and operations planning, and master scheduling are thoroughly examined in this
module. Both supply and demand planning for mid- to long-term independent demand are discussed. Priority planning and
capacity planning issues also are addressed.

Detailed Scheduling and Planning Core Competency Module

Completely Updated for 2010. This course focuses on inventory management, material and capacity scheduling and
planning, supplier relationships, and the influence of lean/JIT philosophies in these areas. It explains the use of a material
dominated scheduling technique, material requirements planning, in job shop, batch, and certain repetitive processes. The
course explains capacity planning in detail, introduces other capacity-planning techniques such as processor-dominated
scheduling in continuous flow processes, and reviews project management techniques.

Execution and Control of Operations Core Competency Module

The principles, approaches, and techniques needed to schedule, control, measure, and evaluate the effectiveness of
production operations are covered in this module. A broad range of production operations are reviewed including project,
batch, line, continuous, and remanufacturing environments.

Strategic Management of Resources Capstone Module

Completely Updated for 2010. In this course, participants explore the relationship between strategic planning and the
management and execution of operations. The course fosters higher-level thinking about how market requirements and
social and economic sustainability drive the operations, processes, and resource requirements of businesses. The course
addresses three main topics: understanding the business environment, developing the operations strategy, and implementing
the operations strategy.

For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.
Customize Your Path to Earning the APICS CPIM
Whether you are beginning your career in operations or supply chain management or you are an experienced professional
in the field, the APICS CPIM program is designed to meet the needs of working adults. Flexible educational options make
it easier to pursue your certification while working full time, so you can immediately benefit from the knowledge gained
through the program.

Personalize your APICS CPIM curriculum. Match these methods to your individual learning style.

APICS CPIM Study Options

APICS CPIM Review Courses
Take advantage of review classes in your local area and learn valuable techniques to become a leader in your field.
Experienced instructors will lead you through interactive discussions, case studies, and strategic problem-solving exercises
to help you prepare for your next certification exam.

Online APICS CPIM Review Courses

Prepare for exams from the convenience of your home in an instructor-led or independent-study online format. If a
demanding schedule makes moving forward with your APICS CPIM a challenge, online APICS CPIM review courses may be
the perfect solution.


Extensive self-study resources will help you uncover testing insights, improve your performance, and strengthen your
knowledge base. Visit apics.org/education or read on for more information on self study.

Maintaining Your Credentials

The APICS Certification Maintenance program has been developed to keep APICS CPIM
designees at the top of their game. The program incorporates a variety of professional
development opportunities for APICS certification designees to keep their skills up to date.
For complete Certification Maintenance program information, contact APICS Customer
Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1777 or visit apics.org/certification/maintenance.

Get Started Today. Visit apics.org/cpim

to learn about online courses, local
certification review classes, study
materials, and exam information.

Select your APICS CPIM study method by visiting apics.org/cpim.

APICS CPIM Self-Study Resources
APICS has the best educational resources available to help you build your knowledge of industry practices and to support
your certification exam preparation.

C PIM Exam Content Manual MGI Home Study Course

The CPIM Exam Content Manual provides an These home-study correspondence courses provide
overview of each module, an outline of its body of you with a solid, professional-level understanding of
knowledge, and references. Each outline is divided the operations management field. The courses are

Exam Content Manual into major topic areas, and the relative emphasis designed to help you develop your knowledge and
of each of the topics is indicated by a percentage skills in the essential areas of materials management
figure. A list of key terminology for each area is and integrated resource management. Each APICS
included, along with illustrative questions for home-study course requires approximately 25 to
each module. (Stock # 09051V2010) 30 hours to complete. Available as a series and for
each module.

APICS Dictionary
APICS Dictionary is a primary reference for all five CPIM Study Notes
The standard for excellence in the operations management profession
APICS CPIM Modules and the standard for defining Study notes are concise and detailed in an easy-
terms used in the operations management field. to-understand, conversational format. Author
(Stock # 01107V2010) Brian Willcox, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, draws on more
More than 4,000 terms and definitions inside

than 30 years of practical experience in materials

management to present information in an easy-
to-understand, conversational format. Available
as a series and for each module.

CPIM Practice Questions
Booklet and CD Datachem Study Aids
Certified in Production and Inventory Management

Basics of Supply Chain Management

Practice questions offer candidates the APICS offers an electronic study aid that has helped
opportunity to answer questions similar to those thousands of professionals achieve certification.
that may be found on the exam. This booklet Designed by Datachem Software, Inc., these products
and CD contain practice questions, answer keys, can help you prepare for certification exams with
January 2009
Stock #09205
and a list of text references for additional study. practice questions and answers and technical
Available as a series and for each module. explanations of production and inventory management
topics. Available as a series and for each module.

Operations Management Body of

Knowledge Framework (OMBOK)
NEW! APICS Strategic Management of
The OMBOK defines the scope of the operations
APICS Resources References Sourcebook
oPerAtIonS mAnAgement
management field and positions the APICS vast
The SMR References Sourcebook effectively presents a varied
body of knowledge

body of knowledge to help you understand amount of resource information in a convenient, accessible
the foundation of your profession. OMBOK is a format. All primary references for the SMR module plus all
dynamic resource for understanding the state technical papers have been compiled into one text. It enables
of operations management today and gives a candidates to prepare for the exam without having to purchase
framework that will evolve to reflect change in or locate multiple texts and resources. (Stock # 03989)
the profession. The electronic version is FREE to
APICS members. (Stock # 01107) Save nearly $200 on the SMR Primary References!
Purchasing the primary references for SMR separately
would cost APICS members $428 and $535 for nonmembers,
but the new custom text (stock # 03989) will be priced at
$250/APICS member, $280/nonmember.

Select your CPIM self-study resources by visiting apics.org/education/selfstudy/cpim.

Order Form
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APICS CPIM designees help to streamline operations by using the knowledge and skills that they receive in the CPIM
program to reduce inventory levels, improve planning and scheduling of forecasts and orders, and better align the
supply chain.

With the APICS CPIM, your employees will have

> the proven knowledge and organizational skills to strategically streamline operations
> the tools to effectively manage global supply chain activities where suppliers, plants, distributors
and customers are located around the world
> the ability to interact with existing resources and your ERP system to increase the efficiency
of the workplace
> the skills to create consistency and foster collaboration through best practices, common
terminology, and corporate-wide communication
> the knowledge to apply principles ERP software is based upon, including lessons covering
various functions within a company (for example, purchasing, planning, finance, engineering).

Companies that support their employees’ pursuit of the APICS CPIM designation have employees who are prepared,
knowledgeable, and able to contribute to a successful bottom line. Employee training increases employee loyalty
as it builds their skills and abilities. Encourage your employees to participate in APICS certification programs; they
will become more confident and efficient and you’ll see improvements in productivity, and cost savings. Plus your
organization will take a leap forward in achieving an advantage in this competitive marketplace.

The benefits of the APICS CPIM for Individuals

Accelerated Career Development and Better Employment Opportunities
A great way to boost your career potential is to separate yourself from your coworkers and get certified.
Earning an APICS CPIM demonstrates your skills and knowledge to employers and colleagues.

Potential for Higher Salaries and Job Satisfaction

With the APICS CPIM you can obtain a higher salary and enjoy greater job security. APICS CPIM designees
earn higher salaries and status within their organizations and rate their personal job satisfaction higher.

Recognition within the Industry

The APICS CPIM gives customers, peers, and employers confidence in their abilities, which
can lead to new business, a promotion, career opportunities, and increased salary.

For more information on how people like you have gained competitive advantage through earning the APICS CPIM, visit apics.org/cpim.

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