All About Buying Lesson Plan

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All About Buying Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Rachel Neuman

Date and time lesson will be taught: November 16th, 2015 @ 8:45 am
Lesson Title: All About Buying
Name of Secondary CTE Course: Family and Consumer Science Investigation
Curriculum Framework Unit: 8.0 Develop resource management skills
Standard(s): 8.2 Evaluate the need for effective financial management
8.2.1 Assess the benefits of developing and following a personal spending plan
8.2.2 Analyze factors that influence buying decisions

Objectives: The learners will be able to..

1. Determine the type of advertisement strategy used in a commercial by watching four different commercials and
discussing their thoughts at their tables.
2. Use the decision process for buying by completing each step for their specified need as a group at their table.
3. Recite the five steps in the decision process for buying by participating in a review.

Content to be presented in lesson:

4 areas that influence consumer behavior
1. Cultural factors
2. Social factors
3. Personal factors
4. Psychological factors
Factors and definitions within 4 areas that influence consumer behavior
Cultural factors
Related to culture or cultural environment the consumer belongs to.
Social factors
1. Reference and membership groups
2. Family
3. Social roles and status
Personal factors
Characteristics of the consumer
1. Lifestyle
2. Personality
3. Age

Psychological factors
1. Motivation
2. Perception
3. Learning
4. Beliefs and attitudes
Types of advertising used to influence buying decisions
1. Bandwagon
2. Testimonial
3. Emotional appeal
4. Propaganda
Definitions of advertising
Bandwagon- tell viewers everyone is doing it
Testimonial- celebrities tell viewers that they do it, so they should too
Emotional appeal- appeal to viewers emotions instead of logic
Propaganda- flood viewers with lots of information to convince them that this is the right choice
Emotional appeal example
Testimonial example
Bandwagon example
Propaganda example
Decision process for purchasing
1. Need recognition
2. Information search
3. Evaluation of alternatives
4. Purchase decision
5. Post purchase behavior

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Allotted time: 5 minutes

Good morning everyone! In case you dont remember, my name is Miss Neuman and I will be teaching your
class for today. Go ahead and take out a separate piece of paper. I want you to take a minute to write down something that
you have wanted to buy or needed for a while. It can be anything from a game you have been looking at to something out
of the vending machine to eat or drink. I also want you to write down why you want or need that particular item. For
example, I have needed to go to the grocery store and buy more milk in order to make mac and cheese. *After giving them
a minute or two to write* Would someone please tell me what they wrote down? Thats great! Can someone else share
what you wrote down? *During this time, I am going to pass out their guided notes* Thats a great example, thank you for
sharing. The reason that I wanted you to write that down is because today we are going to be discussing factors that
influence our buying decisions.

Learning activities/procedures:

Allotted time: 40 minutes

I have gone ahead and passed out your guided notes for the day. These will follow along in order of the
PowerPoint so you can just fill in the blanks. *Next slide* First we are going to talk about the four areas that influence
consumer behavior. Can someone tell me what consumer behavior means? Correct! Consumer behavior is the process that
consumers use to choose, use, and dispose of products and services. There are four specific areas that we are going to talk
about today. They include cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, and psychological factors. *Next slide*
Cultural factors are related to the culture or cultural environment the consumer belongs to. Not only can culture factors
affect why we choose to purchase something it can also affect how companies advertise. Here in Springdale, there is a
very diverse community that has people from many different cultures. You personally may choose to go to a specific
restaurant because of your culture. One example how companies focus on how this culture factor influences buying
decisions is McDonalds. McDonalds offers a Rice McWrap in China because of the culture. That is what is common there
so they specifically market to that culture. *Next slide* The second area is social factors. Under social factors, there are
three specific factors that affect buying decisions. The first is reference and membership groups. This means the groups
that you are a part of including sports, clubs, etc. Maybe because you are on the football team, you need to purchase a
specific pair of shoes. The second factor is family. If growing up your parents did not allow you to drink Coke because it
wasnt healthy for you, the chances are you will be less likely to drink it when you are older as well. The third factor is
social roles and status. Someone tell me what status means. That is correct, this means where you rank in society. For
example, lower class, middle class, or upper class. What you buy will typically depend on how much money you have.
*Next slide* The third area includes three personal factors. The first personal factor is lifestyle. You will
determine what you want to buy based on your own lifestyle. The second personal factor is personality. The last personal
factor is age. Why do you think age determines what you are going to buy? Exactly! I think that the likelihood of what
you want to buy at age 15 VS. 65 is going to be vastly different. You may not like playing video games anymore or
drinking Dr. Pepper. *Next slide* The last area is the psychological factors. What does psychological mean? Perfect!
Psychological relates to the mental and emotional state of a person. The first psychological factor is motivation.
Motivation is the need or want that you feel for the specific product that you are going to buy. The second is perception.
Perception is the process that you go through when considering a product. It relates to how you feel or what you think.
The third is learning. Learning changes how we act and respond every day. As you learn new information, it can change
what you buy. The fourth is beliefs and attitudes. A belief is what we think about something. Attitude typically relates to
feeling, but both of these are typically difficult to change in a persons mind.
How do businesses focus on these psychological factors that affect the consumers behavior? How do they reach
out to them and tell them about their products? *Call on a couple of students* Those are all great answers! We are going
to primarily focus on TV commercials. *Next slide* There are four different types of advertisement strategies that
companies or people use when trying to influence buying decisions. They are bandwagon, testimonial, emotional appeal,
and propaganda. *Next slide* Companies use bandwagon when they tell the viewers that everyone is doing it. Testimonial
advertisement is when celebrities are used to tell the viewers that they do it, so they should too. Emotional appeal is used
to appeal to viewers emotions instead of logic. Lastly, propaganda advertisement is used to flood viewers with lots of
information to convince them that this is the right choice. I am going to show you a handful of different TV commercials.
As you are watching them, be thinking about what type of strategy they use. After the commercial is over you will discuss
it at your table, then we will discuss as a class. *Next slide and show the first commercial* Go ahead and share with the
people at your table. *Call on a few different tables to see what they chose and why* This example was used as emotional
appeal. I know some of you may not have connected with it on an emotional level, but that was the companys primary
purpose. *Next slide and show the second commercial* Go ahead and share with your table. *Call on a few tables* Great
job! (Or if they dont get it right, not quite what I was looking for but I understand why you chose that.) This
advertisement is bandwagon. Towards the end of the commercial, they specifically say that everyone loves it, including
Ronald McDonald.

Learning activities/procedures (cont.):

*Next slide and show the third commercial* Please share at your table what you came up with. *Call on a few
tables* Good! This commercial used testimonial by using Ellen DeGeneres. *Next slide and show the fourth commercial*
Share at your tables. *Call on a few tables* Correct! This commercial is used as propaganda because it gives you lots of
information about Bank of Americas credit card rewards. Now that we learned about the different types of advertisement
that can be used to affect our decisions, lets talk about the decision process for buying. *Next slide* There are five steps
including need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post purchase behavior.
During the need recognition, you are going to evaluate what problem you have and what your need is. The second step is
to find out information about how to solve your problem. This can include different types of a specific product or different
products all together, etc. Then, you will be able to evaluate all of your different options. Once you evaluate you can
purchase your product. The final step comes the post purchase behavior. During this time you will either feel satisfaction
because you are happy with your purchase or you will be disappointed with your purchase.
Now you are going to do practice these five steps in the decision process for buying. You are going to work with
the other people at your table. It is your job to go through the decision making process for the problem you are having.
Then based on your problem you are going to complete all five steps we just talked about. You are able to use one
persons chrome book to look at the different solutions for your problem. You will not actually purchase a product, but
you will decide which one you would like to purchase. Then you will decide whether you are satisfied or disappointed
with your decision. You will need to write out each step on a separate piece of paper. You are going to have about 10
minutes to work on this. I will be walking around the room if you have any questions, please raise your hand.
**While they are working at their tables, I will walk around the classroom to see if they have any questions and help them
come up with ideas if needed. I will also give students a five minute warning and a two minute warning to help them keep
track of time.**
Closure/Review of Content:

Allotted time: 4 minutes

We only have a few minutes left in class but I want to go ahead and do a quick review about what we learned.
Today we talked about the four different areas that influence consumer behavior. Name me one different area. Great!
What is a second area? Correct! What is a third area that influences consumer behavior? Very good! Whats the fourth
and final area? Awesome job! We also learned about the five steps in the decision process for purchasing. What is the first
step? Good. What is the second step? That is correct. How about the third step? Great. Name the fourth step. Good job.
And what is the final step? Fantastic! Thank you for your participation today. I really enjoyed teaching you all. I hope you
have a great rest of your day!
Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

Allotted time: N/A

Informal- I will assess students learning by their participation in discussion throughout the lesson. I will
strategically ask questions to see whether or not students understand the different concepts that are being discussed. One
specific time that this will occur is after the different commercials are shown to see if they can identify the different types
of advertisement that are incorporated into each. I will informally assess students learning is by paying attention to their
responses during the review at the end of the lesson. Lastly, I will assess students learning by walking around their room
to see their participation in their groups and that they complete the assignment that they are working on in their groups.
Modifications for exceptional learners:
Mrs. Fortenberry and I discussed all of the students that are in the first hour Family and Consumer Science
Investigation class. None of these students needed any special modifications for the lesson. Most of them only have

modifications for tests or where they sit in the room. One student needed to be moved up closer to the front of the room
because he has trouble seeing from his normal seat. Mrs. Fortenberry said she will move him days prior to the lesson but I
will be sure to check that he is in the correct seat.
Even though there are not any modifications needed for the students in this particular class, there are still
modifications that can be made to the lesson. One modification that can be made is to have students who need more of a
challenge to choose their own problem or need to complete the five steps in the decision making process. This will allow
them to show their creativity and be more challenging. Another modification that could be made for ESL students is to
include a commercial that is in English but has subtitles in Spanish. This will help students still see and hear the
commercial in English but make those connections while seeing it written in Spanish as well. One general modification
that I chose to include was using guided notes for the lesson instead of asking students to take notes on a separate sheet of
paper. I felt that this was beneficial for students because many have trouble with taking notes.

Materials and equipment needed for lesson:

-Smart Board
-Printed guided notes
-YouTube clips
-Slips of paper with their assigned problem
-Laptop/Chrome Book

All About Buying Guided Notes

4 Areas that Influence Consumer Behavior

1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

4. _____________________________________

Cultural Factors: related to the ____________ or cultural _____________________ the consumer belongs to.

Social Factors

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

Personal Factors: characteristics of the _____________________.

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

Psychological Factors

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

Types of Advertising Used to Influence Buying Decisions

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

Bandwagon- tells viewers ___________________ is doing it
Testimonial- __________________ tell viewers that they do it, so they should too
Emotional appeal- appeal to viewers ______________________ instead of logic
Propaganda- flood viewers with lots of ____________________________ to convince them that this is the right

Decision Process for Buying

1. ___________ recognition

2. Information _____________

3. __________________ of alternatives

4. Purchase _______________

5. __________ purchase behavior

Problem: You need to purchase a bike to get to your new job
because it is too far to walk.

Problem: There isnt any food in your home so you want to go
out to eat.

Problem: You need a new backpack because the straps on
yours are broken.

Problem: You need to purchase a bike to get to your new job
because it is too far to walk.

Problem: There isnt any food in your home so you want to go
out to eat.

Problem: You need a new backpack because the straps on
yours are broken.

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