ICC Tutorial PDF
ICC Tutorial PDF
ICC Tutorial PDF
Zhaori Bi
Minghua Li
Fall 2014
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 IC Compiler .................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Floorplanning ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Placement .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Routing.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Tutorial Example ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Log into engnx server and source Synopsys. .................................................................................... 9
2. Open ICC and its GUI. ...................................................................................................................... 9
3. Create design library. ........................................................................................................................ 9
4. Create pads for MSDAP I/O pins. .................................................................................................... 9
5. Read in gate netlist and sdc file ...................................................................................................... 10
6. Create pads for VDD VSS Corner cells .......................................................................................... 11
7. Specify Pad Cell Locations ............................................................................................................. 11
8. Initialize the floorplan ..................................................................................................................... 12
9. Insert Pad filler ................................................................................................................................ 13
10. Connect Power and Ground pins .................................................................................................. 13
11. Create Pad Rings ........................................................................................................................... 13
12. Create VDD/VSS Rings ................................................................................................................ 14
13. Create Power Strap (VDD,VSS) ................................................................................................... 15
14. Placement ...................................................................................................................................... 16
15. Clock Tree Synthesis .................................................................................................................... 17
16. Routing.......................................................................................................................................... 19
17. Post Routing optimization ............................................................................................................. 19
18. RC Extraction................................................................................................................................ 21
19. Generate output files for Post-Layout Timing Verification .......................................................... 21
20. Save your design ........................................................................................................................... 21
Type in: ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 2 IC Compiler
IC Compiler is the physical implementation tool from Synopsys. The physical implementation step in the
ASIC flow consists of:
1. Floorplanning
2. Placement
3. Routing
This tutorial will cover each of them in following sections.
The main objectives of floorplanning are to minimize:
1. Area
2. Timing (delay)
During floorplanning, the following are done:
1. The size of the chip is estimated.
2. The various blocks in the design, are arranged on the chip.
3. Pin assignment is done.
4. The I/O and Power planning are done.
5. The type of clock distribution is decided.
Floorplanning is a major step in the physical implementation process. The final timing, quality of the chip
depends on the floorplan design. The three basic elements of chip are:
1. Standard Cells: The design is made up of standard cells.
2. I/O cells: These cells are used to help signals interact to and from the chip.
3. Macros (Memories): To store information using sequential elements takes up lot of area. A single
flip flop could take up 15 to 20 transistors to store one bit. Therefore special memory elements are used
which store the data efficiently and also do not occupy much space on the chip comparatively. These
memory cells are called macros. Examples of memory cells include 6T SRAM (Static Dynamic Access
Memory), DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) etc.
The above figure shows a basic floorplan. The following is the basic floorplanning steps (and
1. Aspect ratio (AR): It is defines as the ratio of the width and length of the chip. From the figure, we
can say that aspect ratio is x/y. In essence, it is the shape of the rectangle used for placement of the cells,
blocks. The aspect ratio should take into account the number of routing resources available. If there are
more horizontal layers, then the rectangle should be long and width should be small and vice versa if
there are more vertical layers in the design. Normally, METAL1 is used up by the standard cells. Usually,
odd numbered layers are horizontal layers and even numbered layers are vertical. So:
a. For a 5 layer design, AR = 2/2 = 1.
b. For a 6 layer design, AR = 2/3 = 0.66
2. Concept of Rows: The standard cells in the design are placed in rows. All the rows have equal height
and spacing between them. The width of the rows can vary. The standard cells in the rows get the power
and ground connection from VDD and VSS rails which are placed on either side of the cell rows.
Sometimes, the technology allows the rows to be flipped or abutted, so that they can share the power and
ground rails.
3. Core: Core is defined as the inner block, which contains the standard cells and macros. There
is another outer block which covers the inner block. The I/O pins are placed on the outer block.
4. Power Planning: Signals flow into and out of the chip, and for the chip to work, we need to supply
power. A power ring is designed around the core. The power ring contains both the VDD and VSS rings.
Once the ring is placed, a power mesh is designed such that the power reaches all the cells easily.
The power mesh is nothing but horizontal and vertical lines on the chip. One needs to assign the
metal layers through which you want the power to be routed. During power planning, the VDD and
VSS rails also have to be defined.
5. I/O Placement: There are two types of I/Os.
a. Chip I/O: The chip contains I/O pins. The chip consists of the core, which contains all the standard cells,
blocks. The chip I/O placement consists of the placement of I/O pins and also the I/O pads. The
placement of these I/O pads depends on the type of packaging also. (Refer document: Packaging)
b. Block I/O: The core contains several blocks. Each block contains the Block I/O pins which
communicate with other blocks, cells in the chip. This placement of pins can be optimized.
6. Pin Placement: Pin Placement is an important step in floorplanning. You may not know where to
place the pins initially, but later on when you get a better idea, the pin placement can be done based on
timing, congestion and utilization of the chip.
Pin Placement in Macros: it uses up m3 layers most of the time, so the macro needs to be placed logically.
The logical way is to put the macros near the boundary. If there is no connectivity between the macro pins
and the boundary, then move it to another location.
7. Concept of Utilization: utilization is defined as the percentage of the area that has been utilized in the
chip. In the initial stages of the floorplan design, if the size of the chip is unknown, then the starting point
of the floorplan design is utilization. There are three different kinds of utilizations.
a. Chip Level utilization: it is the ratio of the area of standard cells, macros and the pad cells with respect
to area of chip.
b. Floorplan Utilization: it is defined as the ratio of the area of standard cells, macros, and the pad cells to
the area of the chip minus the area of the sub floorplan.
c. Cell Row Utilization: It is defined as the ratio of the area of the standard cells to the area of the chip
minus the area of the macros and area of blockages.
8. Macro Placement: As a part of floorplanning, initial placement of the macros in the core is performed.
Depending on how the macros are placed, the tool places the standard cells in the core. If two macros are
close together, it is advisable to put placement blockages in that area. This is done to prevent the tool
from putting the standard cells in the small spaces between the macros, to avoid congestion. Few
of the different kinds of placement blockages are:
a. Standard Cell Blockage: The tool does not put any standard cells in the area specified by the standard
cell blockage.
b. Non Buffer Blockage: The tool can place only buffers in the area specified by the Non Buffer
c. Blockages below power lines: It is advisable to create blockages under power lines, so that
they do not cause congestion problems later. After routing, if you see an area in the design with a lot
of DRC violations, place small chunks of placement blockages to ease congestion.
After Floorplanning is complete, check for DRC (Design Rule check) violations. Most of the pre-route
violations are not removed by the tool. They have to be fixed manually. I/O Cells in the Floorplan: The
I/O cells are nothing but the cells which interact in between the blocks outside of the chip and
to the internal blocks of the chip. In a floorplan these I/O cells are placed in between the inner
ring (core) and the outer ring (chip boundary). These I/O cells are responsible for providing voltage to
the cells in the core. For example: the voltage inside the chip for 90nm technology is about 1.2 Volts.
The regulator supplies the voltage to the chip (Normally around 5.5V, 3.3V etc). The next question
which comes to mind is that why is the voltage higher than the voltage inside the chip? The regulator is
basically placed on the board. It supplies voltage to different other chips on board. There is lot of
resistances and capacitances present on the board. Due to this, the voltage needs to be higher. If the
voltage outside is what actually the chip need inside, then the standard cells inside of the chip get less
voltage than they actually need and the chip may not run at all. So now the next question is how the chips
can communicate between different voltages? The answer lies in the I/O cells. These I/O cells are nothing
but Level Shifters. Level Shifters are nothing but which convert the voltage from one level to another The
Input I/O cells reduce the voltage coming from the outside to that of the voltage needed inside the chip
and output I/O cells increase the voltage which is needed outside of the chip. The I/O cells acts like a
buffer as well as a level shifter.
Placement is a step in the Physical Implementation process where the standard cells location is defined to
a particular position in a row. Space is set aside for interconnect to each logic/standard cell. After
placement, we can see the accurate estimates of the capacitive loads of each standard cell must drive. The
tool places these cells based on the algorithms which it uses internally. It is a process of placing the
design cells in the floorplan in the most optimal way.
What does the Placement Algorithm want to optimize?
The main of the placement algorithm is
a. Making the chip as dense as possible (Area Constraint)
b. Minimize the total wire length (reduce the length for critical nets)
c. The number of horizontal/vertical wire segments crossing a line.
Constraints for doing the above are:
a. The placement should be routable (no cell overlaps; no density overflow).
b. Timing constraints are met
There are different algorithms to do placement. The most popular ones are as follows:
1. Constructive algorithms: This type of algorithm uses a set of rules to arrive at the optimized
placement. Example: Cluster growth, min cut, etc.
2. Iterative algorithms: Intermediate placements are modified in an attempt to improve the cost function.
It uses an already constructed placement initially and iterates on that to get a better placement. Example:
Force-directed method, etc
3. Nondeterministic approaches: simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, etc.
After the floorplanning and placement steps in the design, routing needs to be done. Routing is
nothing but connecting the various blocks in the chip with one another. Until now, the blocks were only
just placed on the chip. Routing also is spilt into two steps
1. Global routing: It basically plans the overall connections between all the blocks and the nets. Its main
aim is to minimize the total interconnect length, minimize the critical path delay. It determines the track
assignments for each interconnect.
a. The chip is divided into small blocks. These small blocks are called routing bins. The size of the
routing bin depends on the algorithm the tool uses. Each routing bin is also called a gcell. The size of this
gcell dependson the tool.Each gcell has a finite number of horizontal and vertical tracks. Global routing
assigns nets to specific gcells but it does not define the specific tracks for each of them. The global router
connects two different gcells from the centre point of each gcell.
b. Track Assignment: The Global router keeps track of how many interconnections are going in each of
direction. This is nothing but the routing demand. The number of routing layers that are available depend
on the design and also, if the die size is more, the greater the routing tracks. Each routing layer has a
minimum width spacing rule, and its own routing capacity. For Example: For a 5 metal layer design, if
Metal 1, 4, 5 are partially up for inter-cell connections, pin, VDD, VSS connections, the only layers
which are routable 100% are Metal2 and Metal3. So if the routing demand goes over the routing supply,
it causes Congestion. Congestion leads to DRC errors and slow runtime.
2. Detailed Routing: In this step, the actual connection between all the nets takes place. It creates
the actual via and metal connections. The main objective of detailed routing is to minimize the total area,
wire length, delay in the critical paths. It specifies the specific tracks for the interconnection; each
layer has its own routing grid, rules. During the final routing, the width, layer, and exact location
of the interconnection are decided.After detailed routing is complete, the exact length and the position of
each interconnect for every net in the design is known. The parasitic capacitance, resistance can now is
extracted to determine the actual delays in the design. The parasitic extraction is done by extraction tools.
This information is back annotated and the timing of the design is now calculated using the actual delays
by the Static Timing Analysis Tool. After timing is met and all other verification is performed such as
LVS, etc, the design is sent to the foundry to manufacture the chip.
Tutorial Example
1. Gate-level netlist, which you can find it in your dc_out folder named as MSDAP_NETLIST.v
2. Standard cell library. We will provide you all necessary path in script files which will be covered in
following sections.
3. Design constrains, which you can find it in your dc_out folder named as MSDAP.sdc
1. Log into engnx server and source Synopsys.
When the command prompt, type in:
{engnx03:~} . /proj/cad/startup/profile.synopsys
*Note that there is a space between . and /
This command enable you open synopsis tools. You should make sure this step is performed before
opening any synopsis tools.
2. Open ICC and its GUI.
Type in:
{engnx03:~} icc_shell
icc_shell> gui_start
3. Create design library.
Copy icc_lib.tcl to your ICC working directory and source it on icc_gui:
Now you will see a layout window, which contains the layout information as shown below. You can see
all the cells in the design at the bottom, since we have not initialized the floorplan yet or done any
This script file specifies the location of each port as your specification. Now you are ready to move to
floorplan stage.
8. Initialize the floorplan
Copy floorplan.tcl to your ICC working directory and source it:
Modify the utilization, the margin between I/O and core to fit your design.
initialize_floorplan -core_utilization 0.6 -start_first_row -left_io2core 20.0 -bottom_io2core 20.0 right_io2core 20.0 -top_io2core 20.0 -pin_snap
Now you have the layout similar to the following picture.
14. Placement
Click Placement->Core Placement and Optimization
Check the optimization options you interest to perform and click ok.
Check the optimization options you interest to perform and click ok.
16. Routing
Click Route-> Core Routing and Optimization
You can select various options, if you want all the routing steps in one go, or do global routing first, and
then detail, and then optimization steps. It is up to you.
After the routing is complete check the shell window report. Make sure there is no DRC violating.
17. Post Routing optimization
Click Route -> Verify Route
Click ok
Check the result on shell window makes sure the results are clean. If it is not you may perform
incremental route.
18. RC Extraction
Click Route -> Extract RC
Click ok.
Generate power report
report_power > icc_rpt/power.rpt
19. Generate output files for Post-Layout Timing Verification
a. Generate parasitic file
write_parasitics output ./icc_out/MSDAP.spef format SPEF
b. Generate Standard Delay Format (SDF) back-annotation file
write_sdf ./icc_out/MSDAP.sdf
c. Generate Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) file
write_sdc ./icc_out/MSDAP.sdc
d. Generate Verilog file for current design (layout)
write_verilog ./icc_out/MSDAP.v
20. Save your design
Type in:
save_mw_cel as MSDAP