Artificial Selection: Darwinism - Additional Factors

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Darwinism-Artificial Selection
Artificial Selection:
It is an additional factor. Here man (Animal Breeding and Plant breeding) acts as a source of
selection. Man artificially selects two individuals having required qualities, breeds them and
produces new variety. This method is applied in dairy, poultry, piggery etc.
The introduction of Murrah cattle in Andhra pradesh leads to white revolution bycattle
breeding . By artificial selection many hybrid varieties in crops are developed. The artificial
development of hexaploid TRITICUMvariety.
Darwinism Sexual Selection:
It is also an additional factor. Darwin proposed this to explain why certain characters are
confined to one sex only. i.e., sexual dimorphism. It does not play any role in competition for
food and shelter.
His theory is mainly based on the following assumptions.
A. In general, males are more abundant than the females.
So, competition develops among the males for copulation
with females.
b. Female chooses the male having beautiful colour,
appearance and physique.
eg: Female frogs initially selected the male frogs, which
have small vocal sacs and amplexsuory pads. Hence
these characters gradually increased in the successive
male progeny. This ultimately lead to sexual dimorphism
in frogs.
Pangenesis theory:
Darwin proposed this to explain the heredity. According to him, the every organ consists of pan
genes. These are carried to the sex organs, and accumulated in gametes. Through the
gametes, pan genes are transferred to the progeny.


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