Exemplar1 Final Monicaduncan
Exemplar1 Final Monicaduncan
Exemplar1 Final Monicaduncan
My knowledge and ability in identifying current student achievement gaps and trends at XYZ School
grew through the completion of the data project. By researching and analyzing the data available I
was able to gain knowledge of existing gaps and provide recommendations to the school site to
Monica Duncan
opportunity for me to dialogue about achievement gaps at XYZ School with counselors and
administrators. Through the sharing of my findings I brought attention to the need for interventions
As a measure of data collection I created and distributed a staff wide survey for the purpose of
collecting staff perceptions and to demonstrate how those perceptions contribute to the culture of the
school. In addition, I gained background knowledge of the schools organization, internal processes,
and how the roles of each stakeholder influence the overall functioning of the school.
After the completion of this project I gained a more comprehensive understanding of the strengths
and needs of my fieldwork site. I developed a more informed perspective of how the school
promotes student success and learned which student groups were not being fully supported. In my
analysis paper I provided research and recommendations to improve the schools areas of growth.
My work throughout the data project demonstrates proficiency in the use of relevant technology to
access and collect information and conduct research. Through this project I established skills in
interpreting school wide data in order to disseminate trends and patterns in student achievement.
I gained knowledge in both the use of technology and academic research skills. I utilized skills in
accessing databases in order to efficiently gather the required data. I also created and presented a
Monica Duncan
PowerPoint presentation, which contained the use of multiple graphs, charts and informational slides
in order to concisely present the data to stakeholders. In addition, the analysis paper required
research in the form of a literature review regarding the achievement gap. I critically evaluated
important ideas regarding the effects of the achievement gap and made connections to how those
ideas can improve the existing gaps at my fieldwork site.
As I reflect on this project I would have spent more time in the data collection process because I
found that school sites can have difficult data retrieval processes. With more time to collect data I might
have been able to examine even more data points. Also, we used another charter school for comparison,
but the demographics and graduation requirements were different than my fieldwork site. Going back I
might have picked an even more comparable school to complete the side by side comparison.
I am eager to incorporate the use of data into my practice. By incorporating data collection and
analysis into a comprehensive school counseling program I will work towards normalizing the practice
of data evaluation in educational settings. Disaggregating data could lead to knowledge of potential
biases or discrimination within a school site and provide insight on which students require further
support to succeed. With the knowledge and skill set of data analysis, school counselors are in a prime
position to serve as leaders and advocates for equity. Evaluating a school site has better equipped me to
serve students and help create a learning environment that is more socially just.