"A Place For My Head": Listening Guide
"A Place For My Head": Listening Guide
"A Place For My Head": Listening Guide
"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c9/Linkin_park_hybrid_theory.jpg" \*
This song starts out with and intro thats 14 seconds of only clean guitar which has a very slight
echo to it playing the same 16 note set for four measures. The last three notes of the fourth
measure are a bit louder to start to introduce what is next to come in the song.
At 14 seconds in, the guitar continues with the same 16 note set for four measures again but this
time, bass, drums, and the turntable are brought in. The drums hit twice and then play the
symbols quickly for about 1 measures and stops in order to clearly hear the turntable which is
where it first comes in. That is played for four measures with the bass added playing
continuously also in the background.
As the lyrics start with the first verse 28 seconds in, the guitar becomes distorted and instead of
playing it the same as at the first, the 8th note that was played before is just left blank and not
played (Kirjaimusic, 2013). The bass and the drums are the same for four measures.
For the chorus the same riff for the guitar is played but this time with power chords (Kirjaimusic,
2013). The guitar, drums, and bass are played for two measures.
At 1:04 when the second verse starts, for the guitar, it is the same as the first verse. There are no
drums and bass however for the first half of the measure and its just the guitar and Mike
Shinoda singing but then the rest of the 4 measures are the same.
Then at 1:18 there is a pre chorus part for four measures where there are two power chords on
the guitar-one normal and one distorted strummed once for each bar and then the last note just
used is strummed multiple times (Kirjaimusic, 2013). The drums and bass continue as before.
After the next chorus which is the same, there is a part for four measures at 1:48 where just a
faint sound of the turntable and vocals are heard along with the drum part that Rob Bourdon
plays. This doesnt sound like drums because it doesnt make noise out loud but what he hits to
play it actually goes through the sampler and thats what makes noises (A Hybrid Odyssey,
At 2:01 there is a quick stop time where Chester yells go away and then for four more
measures as Chester Bennington is screaming his lyrics, the guitar, bass, and drums continue.
The chorus is then brought up again.
For the outro at 2:30 played for eight measures, there is two ways the guitar is played. The first
15 notes are palm muted while the last note played isnt and that riff is repeated four times. After
thats played, its played the same way again but none of it is palm muted (Kirjaimusic, 2013).
While the guitar plays, the drums and bass are with it also. The turntable comes in at the end of
the fourth measure. The drums have two beats to end the song and then the turntable is all you
can hear for about four seconds to take out the song.