Behavior Intervention Journal

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Megan Fondell

Behavior Intervention Journal and Report

September 30, 2015
First Meeting with EB. We talked about some of his goals and what he
would like to gain from the semester. His biggest goal is that he wants
to be able to play basketball, which means that he needs to maintain
at least a 2.5 GPA through the semester in all his classes. He also said
that he has a hard time focusing in all of his classes and remembering
to do his homework and turn in his assignments. He forgets to fill out
his planner for all of his classes, which means that he doesnt
remember when things are due, and sometimes he forgets to turn the
work in even if he has completed it. I told him I would come up with
some ideas to help him with those things and we set up another time
to meet the next week.
October 9, 2015
In this meeting, I went over the ideas
that I came up with to help EB focus
more in class as well as remember to
do all his work outside of class, track
what is due and always remember to
turn in things that he has finished. I
developed a self-monitoring rating
scale that he can use for every period
to track how focused he thought he was in each class. When he uses
this, we can look at the totals and see if there are places he could
improve and take further steps to do that. I also made a small
reminder label that he can put in his binder so he remembers to fill out
his planner, turn in any work that is due, and look ahead for anything
that is coming up that he needs to do at home. EB agreed that both of
these could help him with his goals, and we set up another time to
meet the following week to see how it went.
not at all

How Focused?

all the time

October 19, 2015

I checked in again with EB to see how the tools I had made for him had
helped him over the last week improve his focus and remember to
turn-in work for all his classes. He told me that he had not been using
the chart I created measuring his focus. He didnt remember at the
end of each class and it was too much for him to track on his own.
However, he had been using the reminder label and showed me where
he had taped it on the front of his binder. I told him that was good and
asked if he felt it was helping him to remember his work and how he
felt his focus had been in classes over the week. He said it had helped
him a lot and he thought his focus had improved over the week. I
realized that the chart would be a lot for him to fill out, but without me
being with him in every class, theres not really any other way for me
to know how he is doing except for what he tells me every week.
Perhaps just having the reminders and checking in with me every once
in a while will be enough to help him improve over the weeks and keep
his grades up.
October 29, 2015
This week grade reports come out and parent/teacher conferences are
happening next week at school. This will be the determiner if EB is still
eligible to play basketball or not based on his grades. I met with him
and asked how his classes were going. He said they were going good,
and proudly showed me that he was eligible for basketball based on
the most recent grade report. He also just had a big test in the social
studies class, and did really well on it. It was great to see him so proud
of his work, and he was very excited that he could still play basketball.
I told him that was great and he should keep up the awesome work. I
asked if he needed anything else from me, or if there was anything
else I could do to keep him on track. He said that he just liked having
someone who checks in with him and makes sure that he is doing the
work and being held accountable.
November 5, 2015
I quickly met with EB to check in on how he was doing in classes. The
A-team basketball is traveling on a trip, but EB did not make that team,
so he is still in town. This is probably a good thing so that he doesnt
miss any classes. They just had parent/teacher conferences, which are
student led. He brought his parents to his and showed them how
everything was going. I asked him how this went, and he said it was
really good and his parents were pretty happy, although they still

thought he could do better. I asked him what he thought he still

needed to improve on. He said he had missed a couple assignments in
his other classes, but he was working on finishing them and would turn
them in next week. I told him I would check in with him again next
week and make sure that he had gotten those in to his teachers.
November 16, 2015:
This was my final meeting with EB. Basketball is ending soon, so we
talked about what his goals should be for the rest of the year after he
wont be working towards eligibility for a sport. He said that hes liked
having his grades up over the last few months and is going to try to
keep doing the homework and in class work to keep them that way,
even after basketball ends. I asked him what his plan is for
accomplishing that now that Im not going to be checking-in with him
any more to see how he is doing. He said that the check-ins have
helped, but hes ready to try it on his own. He also has study hall 7th
period, and that teacher continues to make sure that his grades are
kept up. I hope that he is able to keep up the work even after his
motivation for basketball ends.
Update: November 23, 2015:
I did not meet with EB, but I was having a discussion with my host
teacher just to check in and see how he has been doing now that
basketball has ended. She said that his homework has unfortunately
started to slack off again after the season ended, but she has still seen
an improvement with his in-class work and focus during the period. I
had a feeling that the homework might start to decline again after his
motivation for basketball was not there anymore. The teacher is going
to continue to work with him, and also has a close communication with
home to try and make sure that he finishes the work that he needs to
outside of school to keep his grades up. It is good to hear that his inclass participation has improved and his grades on quizzes and tests
have gone up as well.
Identify, Objectives, Solution, Implementation, Evaluation
EBs teacher and I first identified some of his problems when we
talked about potentially working with him for this project. She told me
that he has a hard time focusing in classes, and he doesnt remember
to do his homework or turn things in. He doesnt really have many
behavior issues, hes a very friendly and nice kid, he just is distracted
easily. He was tested last year to receive special education services,
and was just beyond the mark for receiving accommodations. When I
first met with EB, he also identified those same issues, and said that

many times he actually does the work, but doesnt write things in his
planner, so he forgets to turn them in on time.
Together, EB and I came up with some objectives for him over
the semester. The main thing that he was interested in, and a large
motivator for him, is basketball. In order to be able to play for the
season, he needed to maintain a 2.5 GPA. In order to do this, we
decided that he needed a way to remember to complete and turn-in his
homework every week for classes, and also be able to focus more in all
of his classes.
The first solution that I developed for EB to accomplish his goals
was not completely successful for him. I thought I might try having
him fill out a chart that rates each class depending on how focused he
was during the period. The difficulty was that I could not observe him
in all of his classes, so it had to be very self-regulated. This turned out
to be too much for him to remember to do, and so the chart idea was
ditched. However, I also developed a reminder label that he was able
to put on his binder to remember to fill out his planner and turn in any
homework. He said that this helped him.
Overall, I think the piece that helped EB the most was just having
me check in with him every week or so. Sometimes these would be
just quick checks to see how he was doing and how his classwork was
going, but he said that this is what helped him to stay focused and ontask the most. Implementing this small change, of just having
someone check in with him, helped him to stay responsible and
accountable for the work that he was doing in his classes.
When I evaluated the changes that EB had done over the weeks I
worked with him, he knew that there was still room for improvement,
and certainly there were places where he could have done better.
However, his grades did improve and he accomplished his goal of
being able to play basketball for the season. I was mostly worried
about what would happen after that motivation was no longer there
and the season was over. We talked about this, and he came up with
some new plans of checking in with other teachers and making sure
that his work does not slide just because basketball is over.
I believe there were positive results from my work with EB, as his
teacher has told me that his work in-class and quiz scores have been
improving. However, his homework has begun to slip again now that
basketball is over. That is a tough thing, and something that is going
to have to take a lot of accountability and motivation from EB himself,
but we also talked about him continuing to check-in with his study hall
teacher and communicating with his mom about what homework he
has coming up.
My philosophy of discipline is reliant on the idea of training
students to become responsible for their own behavior and
accountable to their decisions. When I was working with EB, I did my
best to give him the tools and continue to check-in with him about how

he was doing in classes, but in the end it was his responsibility to do

the work needed to achieve the kinds of grades he wanted. I wanted
him to be able to self-monitor his work and not be reliant on someone
else making sure that he is turning things in and doing his homework
on time. I helped him with reminders at the beginning of the semester,
but then I began to back off to let him take more of the charge in
completing his work. In the long-run, this will help him to become
more self-reliant, as there wont always be someone there to check-in
on him throughout his schooling career.

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