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Final Neruo Handout

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June 24 th , 2015

The reason for therapy

-Couples entering therapy are often trapped
in a cycle of blame and defensiveness
-Couples are usually distressed

adult health, well-being, and longevity

- When we receive empathy from another,
we feel felt

The Neurobiology of Empathy

The Therapists Role

-To create a blame-free and shame-free
-Must maintain an even alliance with
both parties
-Multilateral partiality

The importance of Eye Contact

Romantic Love

The importance of Gentle Touch

The Sad Truth about Romantic Love

Trust & Safety

- Humans are interdependent at all ages

- Friendship and social connection are vital in

Early passionate love is a drug

high. Dekoven Fishbane, 2013, p. 78

- Activates the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)

which calms the amygdala and is central to
emotion regulation
- Helps to bond a couple and create a secure
- Facilitates empathy, allowing partners to
feel felt by each partner

- Activates parts of the brain that release

oxytocin and endorphins
- Deactivates the amygdala
- Benefits both person being touched and
person doing the touching

We are wired to Connect

Stages of Love
-Lust: gets us to mate
-Romantic Love: focuses on that special
-Attachment: the primary goal is for the
couple to bond and to care for their offspring
as a unit

The Brain 101

- It is complex
-Brain cells are called neurons. Neurons
communicate across a gap known as the
-Our experiences shape the brain
- Our physical state of arousal cues our
emotional experiences
- 2 parts of the brain: Emotional and Social

- Partners can develop a sense of mistrust

and unsafety from accumulation of many
small moments of disconnection or
empathetic failure

- When trust is broken or safety is violated,

partners by necessity rely on self-protective
mechanisms to keep themselves safe from
each other

-Fueled by dopamine and norepinephrine

-Activates centers of reward and craving in
the brain
-It takes 18 months to 3 years before yielding
to a more compassionate love

-The fall from being madly in love is shocking

and disappointing
-Partners who do not know how to nurture
their love are at a loss
-Romantic love cannot last forever


How Do We Manage Our Emotions in a
1. Positive or Negative Outlook
2. Resilience
3. Self-Awareness
4. Sensitivity to context
5. Attention
6. Social Intuition

Connection and Disconnection

-Connection is not constant
- Disconnections are inevitable
- All relationships oscillate from connectiondisconnection reconnection

How can we use empathy in our

- Pay attention to our own body sensations
need for curiosity
-Speaker-listen technique
-Role play
-Use of prefrontal cortex
-Firm boundaries and balance fairness

-Posture, Guilt
-Preparing for rebuttal

Happy love relationships:

-associated with physical, health, emotional
well-being, and lower mortality
Unhappy love relationships:
-associated with depression, poor health, and
earlier death

Happy couples VS Unhappy couples
perceived fairness
perceived equity
secure attachment
communicate well

negative reciprocity
relationship distress
conflict dysregulation
experience hostility
lack of investment

Healing Intergeneration Wounds

-Updating Relationship with parents
-The love update
-Synergy, intergeneration, individual and
couple transformation

Caveats and Limitations

How do we block Empathy?

Is love good or (bad) for your health?

-Hurt and Repair

-Apology and Forgiveness

The seeds we water are the ones that


-Not all clients are empathic

-Childhood information used as a weapon
-Death of parents/ cutoffs/ still dangerous
filial maturity

The Challenge of Change

-Clients fear being changed by the therapist

To help clients, we must honor

their right to maintain stability,
their right to choose their own
change, and their pace
Six Stages of Change

Use of Power with:

- Dueling realities
-Respect reaffirms identity
-Attachment and trust
-Commit to facilitate welfare of both

1. Precontemplation: no awareness to the

2. Contemplation: awareness of a problem,
yet not committed to change
3. Preparation: intending to change
4. Action: working on change
5. Maintenance: working to prevent relapse
6. Termination: change process complete,
not likely to relapse

The WE

Nurturing Neuroplasticity

-Need for both We and I

-Different kinds of couples we changes as
relationships evolve
-Co authorship
relationship responsibility

-The ability for neurons to change the way

they are shaped and relate to one another as
the brain adapts to the environment over
-It is nurtured or hampered by our attitude
towards change

Nurturing the Relationship

Gender Differences: Nature vs Nurture

-Sex differences and gendered behavior arise
from a complex interaction of genetics,
hormones, and socialization
-Gender stereotypes play out dominantly
within the lives of couples.
-Biological differences
- Male brains are larger than female brains
- Men and women use different parts of the
brain to accomplish the same task
Females: mature earlier, better at selfcontrol
Males: more active and have more difficulty
with effortful control

How do WE Care?
-Protective Urge
-Cultivating Compassion
-Caregiving and Care seeking
-Generosity and Gratitude
-Passion and Connection

Keys Aspects of Relationships


Nurturing Relational Plasticity

-Circular view helps to challenge the blame
-Team perspectives allow for an environment
where painful moments become
opportunities to learn and grow, as partners
become co-authors of their relationship


Successful loving relationships takes Work
and HOPE
- Encourage partners to change themselves
rather than each other
- Adopt a perspective that highlights selfresponsibility and co-responsibility for the

Hope can make the present moment

less difficult to bear. If we believe that
tomorrow will be better, we can bear a
hardship today- Thich Nhat Hanh



Cras ut blandit diam. Suspendis quis urna semper

This placeholder article provides the

following tips: Caption 2 style is used to add
picture captions. Captions are in

Creating thermometer
text boxes for easy
tables, as shown

Setting up multipage articles.

Wrapping text around images


Adding article titles and bylines

Abico eum, ille et, conventio obruo duis

ullamcorper ut, neo demoveo. Vel reprobo:

Creating the sidebar

thermometer charts


When you work in Word 2010 (or PowerPoint

2010), you have the full power of Excel 2010

Contact Info

Formatting Tips
by [Article Author]

charts (provided that Excel is installed on

your computer). Insert a chart in Word from
the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group.
Charts are easy to create and use and
automatically coordinate with your active
document theme.

Sidebar Setup
The sidebars in this template use simple, single-row
tables for the gray-shaded headings and thermometer
charts shown below for easy alignment.

However, notice in the sidebar at left that the

thermometer charts were created using
single-row Word tables. This is because they
automatically fit the tight space without
having to remove any chart elements. And
you might be surprised to learn that its easy
to make them essentially mathematically
To use a table as a thermometer chart, do
the following:

Add Sidebar Content


Adding content into a column to create a sidebar is no

different from adding text. As noted earlier in this
template, apply the styles provided for headings,
sidebar text, and even pictures to align them quickly and


Learn about these thermometer charts in the article at

On the Insert tab, in the

Tables group, click Table
and then drag across the
grid to select the first
two cells in the
first row. Click to
insert a two-cell,
one-row table.
Click in the table and
then, on the Table
Tools Layout
tab, in the
Table group,
click Properties.
On the Columns tab of
the Table Properties dialog box, change
the Measure In setting to Percentage.
You can then set the percentage to up
to one decimal point in accuracy.

Setting up multipage articles

Word is designed to allow text to
automatically flow from one page to the


next. So, when you want an article to
continue on the next page, just keep typing.
In the case of this placeholder article, it is
separated into two placeholder content
controls (one on this page and another that
starts at the top of the following page) just so
that you can still see the layout of the
following page while you begin adding your
own text on this page. As mentioned on the
first page of this template, remember that it
might look like the layout is skewed when
you replace a long piece of placeholder text
by starting to type your own, but it is not. As
you add your content, the layout that follows
will move down automatically and back into
To remove the second placeholder control
that starts immediately following this one,
just select it and then press any key. You can
then continue typing from this page and your
text will automatically flow onto the next.

Wrap text around images

The photos in this article that are angled with

white borders are floating images. That is,
they are setup for text to wrap around
themwhich is why they can span multiple
columns in a three-column section.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the photo
of the young woman in the body of this
article is set to wrap text so that text will flow
around the image as you add your own text.
To select text wrap settings, start by
selecting the image and then do the
Notice the image of the young woman thats
within a text column on the preceding page.
The background has been removed from that
image to allow text to wrap directly around
the subject.
Office 2010 introduced several new and
improved picture formatting tools in Word,
PowerPoint, and Excel. Among those is the


On the Picture Tools Format tab, in the

Arrange group, click Wrap Text and then
select either Square, Tight, or Top and
Bottomdepending on how you want
the text to wrap.
You might be happy with the default
behavior as soon as you do this.
Otherwise, continue to step two for
customization options.


To set a specific position or control

behavior (such as whether or not the
image moves with text), on the Picture
Tools Format tab, in the Arrange
group, click Position and then click
More Layout Options.

On the Text Wrapping tab of the

Layout dialog box, you can set a specific
distance from the image for text to wrap
and control whether text can wrap on
both sides, one side only, or just above
and below the image.

On the Position tab of that dialog box,

you can set a specific position for the

because text can wrap around a text box just

like it can around a picture. Similarly, the
orange divider bars that you see on pages
containing more than one article are shapes
set to wrap text. So, these text boxes and
shapes can easily span multiple columns
without having to insert a section break or
change the number of columns for just that
portion of the page.
When you select a text box or a shape, on the
Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Arrange
group, you have the same settings for text
wrapping and positioning that are described
above for wrapping text around pictures.
Note that, because text is set to wrap around
the orange divider bars, your article might
appear to slip below or above a bar,
depending upon length. To adjust the
position of a divider bar shape to
accommodate the length of your articles,
just select the shape and then use the up and
down arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge
it to the proper position.

image on the page

and select or clear
the option to
allow the picture
to move with text.

Adding article
titles, bylines,
and dividers
The article titles and
bylines for this
newsletter are created
in text boxes. This is
Remove Background
tool that you can use to
remove backgrounds
from your own images,
similar to the sample
image on the
preceding page.
To do this in Word, first insert your image
into the document (on the Insert tab, click
Picture), and then select it. Then, on the
Picture Tools Format tab, in the Adjust
group, click Remove Background.
The Remove Background feature
automatically displays what it believes to be
the central subject of the image. However,
its easy to adjust this if the immediate result
is not what you need.
On the Background Removal tab, click Mark
Areas to Keep or Mark Areas to Remove

and then drag your mouse pointer in a line

across the portion of the image you want to
add or remove. When you are finished
making adjustments, click Keep Changes.
Abico eum, ille et, conventio obruo duis
ullamcorper ut, neo demoveo. Vel reprobo:

Contact Info


Remove Image
by [Article Author]



Title Lorem Ipsum Dolor

by [Article Author]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Nullam sed luctus tellus.
Pellentesque in dolor sapien, vitae dictum
massa. Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor pretium.
Suspendisse vel purus nec erat pellentesque
commodo. Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris
vel dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla id
rutrum mi mattis.
Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a tempor
libero condimentum eu. Morbi ut nisi ante.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus tincidunt,
feugiat vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis facilisis.
Aenean faucibus sapien erat, eu pharetra
Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a tempor
libero condimentum eu. Morbi ut nisi ante.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus tincidunt,
feugiat vitae magna. Nullam pellentesque,
est at consectetur interdum, arcu dolor
interdum. Nullam at metus erat, in convallis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nullam sed luctus tellus.
Pellentesque in dolor sapien, vitae dictum
massa. Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor pretium.
Suspendisse vel purus nec erat pellentesque
commodo. Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris
vel dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla id
rutrum mi mattis.
Aenean vitae lorem dui. Morbi tempus lacinia
nisi, vel scelerisque nibh facilisis id. Integer
urna tortor, ullamcorper aliquet viverra non,
mollis sed dolor.
Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a tempor
libero condimentum eu. Morbi ut nisi ante.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus tincidunt,
feugiat vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis facilisis.

Aenean faucibus sapien erat, eu pharetra

Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a tempor
libero condimentum eu. Morbi ut nisi ante.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus tincidunt,
feugiat vitae magna. Nullam pellentesque,
est at consectetur interdum, arcu dolor
interdum. Nullam at metus erat, in convallis
Nullam at metus erat, in convallis massa.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ultrices odio
in elit fringilla id rutrum mi mattis.

Lorem Ipsum
Nulla semper orci id leo adipiscing at pulvinar ante
porta. In quis orci orci, sed pellentesque dui. Aliquam
nec cursus augue. Sed est massa, ullamcorper vitae
gravida ut. Curabitur pretium eleifend lectus, at faucibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Nullam sed luctus tellus.
Pellentesque in dolor sapien, vitae dictum
massa. Donec nunc velit, pretium eu
pellentesque eget, mollis vel arcu.
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor pretium.
Suspendisse vel purus nec erat pellentesque
commodo. Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris
vel dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla id
rutrum mi mattis.

Dolor Sit Amet

Aenean vitae lorem dui. Morbi tempus lacinia

nisi, vel scelerisque nibh facilisis id. Integer
urna tortor, ullamcorper aliquet viverra non,
mollis sed dolor.

Nulla semper orci id leo adipiscing at pulvinar ante

porta. In quis orci orci, sed pellentesque dui. Aliquam
nec cursus augue. Sed est massa, ullamcorper vitae
gravida ut. Curabitur pretium eleifend lectus, at faucibus

Phasellus sagittis tempus massa, a tempor

libero condimentum eu. Morbi ut nisi ante.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus tincidunt,
feugiat vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis facilisis.
Aenean faucibus sapien erat, eu pharetra
Etiam et mauris ac augue porttitor pretium.
Suspendisse vel purus nec erat pellentesque
commodo. Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris
vel dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla id
rutrum mi mattis.
Nullam at metus erat, in convallis massa.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ultrices odio
in elit fringilla id rutrum mi mattis. Aliquam
tempus aliquam mauris vel dapibus.

Lorem Ipsum
Nulla semper orci id leo adipiscing at pulvinar ante
porta. In quis orci orci, sed pellentesque dui. Aliquam
nec cursus augue. Sed est massa, ullamcorper vitae
gravida ut. Curabitur pretium eleifend lectus, at faucibus


Title Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nullam sed luctus tellus.
Pellentesque in dolor sapien, vitae dictum
massa. Aenean vitae lorem dui. Morbi
tempus lacinia nisi, vel scelerisque nibh
facilisis id. Integer urna tortor, ullamcorper
aliquet viverra non, mollis sed dolor.
Donec nunc velit, pretium eu pellentesque
eget, mollis vel arcu.
Suspendisse vel purus nec erat pellentesque
commodo. Aliquam tempus aliquam mauris
vel dapibus. Nullam at metus erat, in
convallis massa. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent ultrices odio in elit fringilla id
rutrum mi mattis.
Duis purus eros, aliquam eu cursus tincidunt,
feugiat vitae magna. Etiam sodales
consequat nibh, eget rhoncus metus
convallis et. Morbi rutrum mollis facilisis.
Aenean faucibus

and couples

[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Morbi tempus lacinia nisi, vel scelerisque

nibh facilisis id. Integer urna tortor,
ullamcorper aliquet viverra non, mollis sed
dolor. Etiam sodales consequat nibh, eget
rhoncus metus convallis et.
Phasellus dignissim nulla at diam fermentum
in sollicitudin sem condimentum.
Pellentesque condimentum diam et sem
rhoncus semper sed at libero. Aenean
condimentum, lorem vel faucibus
pellentesque, quam nunc lacinia augue, vel
sagittis dolor ipsum vitae velit. Ut feugiat
odio ac dolor iaculis consequat. Praesent sed
lacus ante. Nullam pretium commodo libero,
at congue sapien dignissim a. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac
habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Ut fermentum sem
non metus faucibus blandit. Sed placerat
bibendum fermentum.


[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

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