Lesson 1 Paper Work: Unit: Cold War
Lesson 1 Paper Work: Unit: Cold War
Lesson 1 Paper Work: Unit: Cold War
Lecture Outline
Terminology Worksheet
Ms. Miles
Unit: The Cold War
Roots of the Cold War Lecture Outline
I. Introduction- Post War World
a. U.S becomes world leader in the newly bipolar world
Ms. Miles
Unit: The Cold War
c. Soviets closed all highways, railroads and canals from westernoccupied Germany into western-occupied Berlin they believed, would
make it impossible for the people who lived there to get food or any
other supplies and would eventually drive Britain, France and the U.S.
out of the city for good.
d. Operation Vittles-America and Operation Plainfare-United Kingdom
e. The Soviets offered to drop the blockade if the Western Allies withdrew
the Deutschmark from West Berlin.
f. 1.5 mil tons of aid and over 200,000 flights
IV. Atomic Diplomacy
a. Background: Potsdam and Yalta Conferences
b. Attempts to use the threat of nuclear warfare to achieve diplomatic
c. M.A.D-Mutually Assured Destruction: fear of using weapons against
each other because the entire world could collapse
d. President Truman transferred several B-29 bombers capable of
delivering nuclear bombs to the region to signal to the Soviet Union
that the United States was both capable of implementing a nuclear
attack and willing to execute it if it became necessary.
e. Soviets detonate first atomic bomb
f. Communist take China
i. Mao takes control
ii. Peoples Republic of China
g. North Korean communist invade the South
V. Whats to come?
a. American fear and hysteria of communism
b. Proxy wars between Soviets and America
c. Political unrest and public protest
Ms. Miles
Unit: The Cold War
Ms. Miles
Unit: The Cold War
Lesson 1 Resources
Lesson Material: