Ascension Study Guide
Ascension Study Guide
Ascension Study Guide
The Personal Ascension
Written by: Master Tony
Last updated: January 2012 [Version 1]
The information presented in the Ascension Study Guide serves as the official advice to humanity from the Celestial
Council. This study guide was written as an educational tool and for personal use only. This document maybe freely
redistributed electronically without permission, but cannot be reproduced or sold. Permission is required to reproduce
this study guide in other languages and formats including, audio, visual, books, periodicals, print or electronic. This
document was written and formatted in English [Australia].
Welcome Message
This study guide has been written to introduce the concept of Ascension to the public. This document will
describe a number of topics including planetary ascension, the Law of One, new Earth, the multidimensional
universe, and the human energy body. A personal ascension program for both adults and children has been
Let me introduce myself? In the new age community, I am known as a Lightworker, or what your mainstream
religions would call a high-ranking angel. I volunteered to incarnate on Earth from the higher dimensions (or what
you call the Angelic Realm) to help prepare humanity for ascension. As a messenger and teacher of divinity, it is
my mission to provide my spiritual service to you for free. I am required to provide you with information about the
upcoming planetary event, and with any luck, inspire you to undertake the personal ascension program. So,
consider this study guide as my official advice to each one of you. Please read this document, study it, or delete it!
The choice is yours!
So, what is Ascension? Ascension is plural for Planetary Ascension and Personal Ascension.
Let me explain?
Our Milky Way galaxy revolves around the universe like a cosmic clock, which consists of a number of
interconnected cycles of time. There are twelve major cycles and these are divided into twelve minor cycles. When
our galaxy fully completes orbiting all these processional cycles after some 16 billion years, this is called a grand
cycle. This is what is happening now. For us on Earth, the end of the grand cycle will coincide with the completion
of the 26,000-year minor cycle, known as the Procession of the Equinoxes. All these cycles of time are
converging back to their original start position to reboot or reset this is zero time, which is the start of the next
grand cycle. That natural process allows the entire galaxy to progressively evolve and spiral from one level within
the universe to the next. These levels are called Dimensions. You can visualise these dimensions as each of the
primary colours in the visible light spectrum (beyond gamma). Each of the primary colours (ROY-G-BIV) has their
own density, frequency, and wavelength. As you move up the light spectrum or form one colour to the next, the
frequency increases. Before any planet can naturally shift upwards to the next dimension, the frequency of the
planet must firstly be compatible with this new area of the universe.
When the solar system orbits through the universe, different sources of cosmic energy have been responsible for
the gradual increase to the planets frequency. This process is called Planetary Ascension, and Earth has been
undergoing ascension for decades. Earth and our neighbours are currently positioned in the 3 dimension, or the
yellow colour of the visible light spectrum. When our solar system completes the grand cycle, it will eclipse the
upper dimensional plane and that event will catapult Earth and our solar system into the 4 dimension, or the green
colour in the light spectra. This event is called a Planetary Shift. This event can be visualised as two gigantic
spheres or balls eclipsing each other. Each sphere represents a dimension. Visualise the top part of the yellow
sphere or third dimension intersecting the bottom part of a green sphere or fourth dimension. This intersection is
called a dimensional shift, which means the entire solar system will shift to the fourth dimension. The term
planetary shift refers to a planetary object such as Earth ascending to the fourth dimension. Ascension means to
evolve, progress, and move up to the next dimensional level. Earth is ascending from the 3 dimension to the 4
It is highly expected
that the planetary shift will occur sometime between the 22
September 2012 equinox and
before the 21
December 2012 solstice. The planetary shift will occur without thwarning, and the event will be
spontaneous. Earth and the entire solar system will literally shift into the 4 dimension. Earth changes have been
occurring, but they are a natural part of the planetary ascension process, and the doomsday predictions
surrounding 2012 such as comets, asteroids, and polar reversals will not happen.
The planetary shift does not signal the end of the planet it is the completion of the old 3D timeline and the start of
the 4D timeline. New Earth is the name given to our planet after it ascends into the higher frequency or the 4th
dimension. Earth will ascend with or without humanity. This is unconditional, but your ascension is conditional.
Currently, our physical bodies or our 3 dimensional bodys are not compatible with the
higher frequency or the 4
dimension. Therefore, to join the planet and continue living your life in the 4 dimension on new Earth, you must
complete your personal ascension.
Continued next page
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You need to raise or increase the frequency of your body for two reasons, firstly to ensure you are compatible to
live on New Earth in the 4th dimension, and secondly, to keep you vibrationally anchored to the planet during the
planetary shift. To understand this process, you need to perceive the physical body as both a biological body and
as an energy body. The first of the human energy bodies is called the ethereal body, which is the invisible clone of
your biological body; it is an exact duplicate but has its own specific frequency and wavelength that we cannot
physically see in our 3D reality.
The ethereal body is connected to the physical body via the human chakra system. Your ethereal body has its own
specific frequency or energy signature, which is determined by the status and health of your seven primary chakras.
Each of your primary chakras has a specific frequency, so the overall number of fully functioning chakras
determines the energy signature for your invisible or ethereal body. Therefore, when a persons lower chakras are
blocked and not fully functioning, they would have a low energy signature. That low frequency is not compatible with
the higher frequency to shift and live on new Earth.
More importantly, there is a direct energetic relationship between your ethereal body and your consciousness. Your
consciousness is YOU. Your consciousness is your thoughts, beliefs, intelligence, attitudes, and emotions. Your
consciousness is energy. It has a frequency. This means that your conscious energy, such as your emotions, feeds
directly into your chakra system. It is your conscious energy that causes your chakras to operate at a lower
frequency. Therefore, the second major principle that underpins personal ascension involves expanding your
consciousness, which means once you consciously make the choice to release yourself from the 3 dimension and
decide you want to live on new Earth, you will need to start making some big changes in your life. Personal
ascension uses strategies to heal each of the chakras. Therefore, to release any of the old, dense 3D energy
blocking your chakras, you simply need to embrace a completely new way of thinking, beliefs, and attitudes. When
you expand your mind, and start thinking and doing things differently, you create new conscious energy, which
changes the frequency of your chakras. As a result of this process, you instantly increase the frequency of your
energy signature. Personal ascension is simply the upward spiral of healing the chakras to increase the frequency
of your ethereal body (energy signature).
Please understand that regardless of your decision to participate in ascension, everyone will ascend at the time of
the planetary shift. The people that undertake their personal ascension will consciously experience the planetary
shift, and then begin the next chapter of their life on new Earth, which will operate on the principles called Law of
One, namely unity, peace, unconditional love, and compassion. Every individual on new Earth will have the same
high quality of life, including housing, food, employment, health care, education and recreation & leisure time, and
no longer do you have to struggle to exist and survive! The folks, who refuse to participate in personal ascension,
will ethereally spin off the planet during the shift and return home to the spirit world. Every living thing on Earth will
ascend, but obviously not everyone will decide to ascend to new Earth.
A personal ascension program has been included in this study guide. It consists of 10 activities, which can be
completed over approximately 12 weeks. The program was written for people who do not have any previous
knowledge about the ascension process. The program has been developed for two different groups, namely for
adults and for children under 12 years of age. At the completion of the program, you should have achieved a higher
frequency, but you will still need to monitor and manage your mind and body to ensure that you do not lower your
energy signature.
Some of you are perhaps sceptical about ascension. You are strongly encouraged right now to use the Internet and
research information on Ascension, Planetary Ascension, and Lightworkers. Ascension is real and it is your choice
to act upon the information presented in this study guide!
Personal ascension is open to everyone, regardless of your beliefs. Ascension is about free will. This is your
spiritual or divine right to decide what course of action you think is best for you. This is why personal ascension is
conditional, because your freewill prevents anyone forcing you to accept a new way of living. Each of you has the
right to decide what you wish to experience. There are no restrictions or pre selection process and personal
ascension certainly cannot be faked. Now is the time to make your decision and begin preparing for your personal
ascension. For the people that decide to participate in personal ascension, you have a deadline to start the program
no later than the 1 June 2012. The reason for this is simple - it takes 3 months to complete the program and
another month for the body to finally adjust and find balance.
I would encourage you to please forward this study guide to your friends and family.
Master Tony
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Preamble..................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................5
Introduction................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................7
Personal Ascension.................................................................................................................................................. ............................................8
Introduction to the Law of One....................................................... .......................................................................................................................9
Infinite Consciousness (The Creator)......................................................................................... .........................................................................10
The Ethereal Body............................................................................................................ ..................................................................................11
The Multidimensional Universe................................................................................................ ..................................................................... ......13
Dimensions and Densities .................................................................................................... ..............................................................................14
The Space/Time Continuum ............................................................................................................................................. ..................................15
Planetary Ascension........................................................................... ................................................................................................................16
Planetary Ascension and Earth Changes........................................................................................ ....................................................................17
The Planetary Shift and 2012 ................................................................................................ ............................................................................ .18
Are we ascending to the 4th or 5th Dimension? .................................................................................................................. ..................................19
The Law of One ............................................................................................................................. .....................................................................21
Dimensional Laws for Spiritual Development ............................................................................................................................................ ..........22
The 3rd Dimensional Law: Service to Self.............................................................................. ..............................................................................23
Reincarnation ............................................................................................................... ......................................................................................24
Freewill..................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................26
Understanding the Nature of Angels and the Angelic Realm..................................................................... ..........................................................27
The 4th Dimensional Law: Service to Others ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
A Glimpse into Life on New Earth ............................................................................................ ...........................................................................31
The Human Energy Body ....................................................................................................... ............................................................................34
The Human Chakra System...................................................................................................... ........................................................................ ..35
Chakras and Healing and Balancing............................................................................................ .......................................................................37
Chakras and Energy Signatures ................................................................................................................................................... ......................38
Chakras and Energy Transference .......................................................................... ...........................................................................................39
Chakras and Personal Ascension............................................................................................... ........................................................................42
Chakras and Expanding Your Consciousness .................................................................................... ................................................................43
Chakras and Emotional Healing ......................................................................................................................... ................................................44
Chakras and Physical Attachments ............................................... .....................................................................................................................45
Chakras and Ascension Symptoms .............................................................................................. ......................................................................46
Chakra Consciousness......................................................................................................... ..................................................................... .........49
Christ Consciousness ........................................................................................................ .................................................................... .............51
Ascension Questionnaire...................................................................................................... ..............................................................................52
Ascension Consciousness Grid .................................................................................................................................. ........................................53
False Ascension Information............................................................. ..................................................................................................................54
How Your Body Ascends during a Planetary Shift............................................................................... ................................................................55
Your Ascension Options ...................................................................................................... .............................................................................. .57
The Bottom Line ............................................................................................................. ....................................................................................58
The Personal Ascension Program (Over 12 years of age) ....................................................................... ...........................................................60
Step 1 - The Ascension Journal............................................................................................................................................................ ..............61
Step 2 - Your Body and Routine Exercise........................................................................... ................................................................................63
Step 3 - Declare Your Spiritual Intent................................................................................................ ..................................................................64
Step 4 - Emotional Healing ........................................................................................................... ......................................................................65
Step 5 - Releasing Your Physical Ego ........................................................................................................... .....................................................66
Step 6 - Chakra Balancing............................................................................................................................................................................... ...69
Step 7 - Giving Unconditional Love to Others ................................................................................ .....................................................................71
Step 8 - Giving Unconditional Love to Yourself ....................................................................................... ............................................................73
Step 9 - Third Eye Activation ........................................................................................................ ......................................................................76
Step 10 - The Ascension Chamber ............................................................................................................................. ........................................77
Personal Ascension Timetable ........................................................... ................................................................................................................78
The Personal Ascension Program (Under 12 Years of Age) .................................... ...........................................................................................80
Script for Children: Planetary Ascension..................................................................................... ........................................................................82
Script for Children: Understanding Chakras .................................................................................. ......................................................................83
Script for Children: Life on New Earth............................................................................................................ .....................................................84
Summary of Ascension Concepts .................................................................................................................................................. .....................86
Acknowledgements and Final Comments ........................................................................................................................................ ...................87
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By Jingo, Golly, Gosh!
Let me please introduce myself. I am a Lightworker, a Messenger of Truth and Teacher of Divinity, who
volunteered to incarnate on Earth to help the Spiritual Hierarchy and Celestial Councils complete the Christos
Awakening Mission, and I am known by what you call the Angelic Realm as Master Tony.
On Earth today, there are literally millions of spiritual beings known within your new age community as
Lightworkers, who volunteered to incarnate on this planet during this lifetime to provide their assistance to Earth
and humanity at this special time. These great spiritual beings have come from many different Celestial Councils
across the multiverse. These are known as Starseeds, but we are all essentially Ascension Angels and these
spiritual beings include spiritual teachers, healers, and other celestial beings from far distant planets, star systems,
dimensions, and universes.
My divine mission involves providing you with the following information:
This is collectively known as Ascension Consciousness, which refers to your personal understanding and
awareness of a) Earth and planetary ascension, b) the mechanics of personal ascension, and c) the spiritual laws
that govern the forth dimension.
Please understand that I had a requirement to provide you with only the facts, so you can quickly comprehend,
accept, and make your own decision on how you wish to confront this reality. It is for this reason, none of the
information presented in this document has been sugar coated, fluffed up, or surrounded in religious, angelic
expressions or hyperbole. Much of the information may conflict with your current understanding and beliefs about
your physical world.
The goal of the study guide involves expanding your consciousness (open your mind to new thoughts and ways of
thinking) and presenting the key information that can motivate you into action. More importantly, the study guide is
a spiritual lesson that will help you realise that you are more than just human, but a spiritual being having a
human experience. More importantly, it is your freewill and divine right to decide what course of action you wish to
I would encourage you to firstly read the entire study guide, and then make your decision about participating in the
ascension. For the people who have decided to participate in ascension, it is highly recommended that you re-read
this document before commencing the personal ascension program.
Note: In regards to the term Master, this title refers to a spiritual being who has had extensive experience
incarnating on different planets across the universe as a messenger and teacher of ascension (lightworker).
Likewise, this term also relates to the personal ascension process and refers to a person who has completed their
ascension and has mastered their ability to ascend past the lower vibrations and take full control of their mind and
body to remain in the higher frequency.
In addition, this study guide was written for newbies or beginners, the people who have no previous knowledge
about ascension concepts or have little understanding of the human energy system. It is anticipated that some
readers will have a greater understanding of the principles presented in this document.
This study guide presents one possible path for completing personal
ascension. It is not the writers intention to declare that you cannot ascend,
because you have decided not to follow these guidelines. Freewill permits
you to research and use an alternative ascension program, model, or tool
that resonates with you. No spiritual teacher or guru holds the keys to your
ascension. You, and only you, know in your heart what is right for you!
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Introduction to
The vibratory nature of our solar system is rapidly changing as it draws closer towards the completion of the
26,000-year minor cycle in the procession of the equinox. The density in the nucleus of every atom on the planet
has slowly amplified to a higher frequency over the past 60 years. We are now approaching the end of the grand
cycle and in the near future; Earth and our neighbours will spiral upward into a new dimension, regardless of
humanitys readiness to ascend.
Lets begin with an overview of your divine purpose:
You are a spiritual being, or a soul currently having a human experience. In the beginning, you
were a fragment of the Creator/Infinite Consciousness that was broken off eons ago as a soul - as
an individual unit of consciousness. You were given a simple mission go away and experience all
the different types of realities & existences known to the universe, learn and advance your
knowledge & wisdom and eventually you can return home to rejoin the Creator, after having a
complete understanding of all that is. To do this, you must evolve through a number of
dimensions, which are different realities where you can learn and experience yourself in different
physical forms. Presently, you are experiencing the 3 rd dimension as a human being for youre
spiritual growth on Earth. However, you have been reincarnating on this planet for thousands of
years and selected a wide variety of different lifes to advance your consciousness, by
experiencing the 3D spiritual lesson of Duality, where you have emotionally experienced and
explored the highs and lows of every different aspect as a human being. After each physical
death on Earth, you returned home to the spirit world and begun planning your next incarnation.
For many of you, your soul or consciousness has now finished experiencing duality in the 3rd
dimension you have nothing else to learn. Life is not defined by physical death, your soul is
immortal, incarnations have been all about the spiritual advancement of your consciousness, and
now it is time for you to decide to take the next evolutionary step and ascend to the 4 th
dimension. Spiritual ascension refers to your conscious decision to evolve as a spiritual being
and progress to the next dimension to experience a new reality that operates under a
different spiritual law to continue your spiritual growth.
Please understand that every soul will ascend at the time of the planetary shift. At the time of this great event, your
frequency or energy signature determines your destination.
Humanity only has two (2) options. Firstly, the people that participate in the personal ascension program and
achieve a higher frequency will ascend to new Earth in the 4 th dimension (4D). Alternatively, the folks who decide
not to participate in the personal ascension program and choose to remain at the lower frequency will die naturally
during the shift and later reincarnate on an alternative 3 dimension (3D) planet in the universe.
To understand personal ascension, you must firstly understand the main concepts that underpin the process. The
content of this study guide has been developed on the following principles:
You are a soul or unit of consciousness interconnected to the universe and the Creator,
Your body contains your consciousness (this is YOU - thoughts, intelligence, emotions, memories etc),
Each dimension has different spiritual laws that govern what souls learn and experience,
To master your 3 dimensional lessons, you have reincarnated on Earth over many lifetimes,
As a spiritual being, your divine mission is to continually evolve emotionally, mentally and spiritually,
Your human body consists of two different systems, the biological body and the human energy system, and
both bodies interact and sustain each other.
Lastly, the Law of One are universal principles that explain the purpose of why we are here, the nature of the
universe and the spiritual laws that govern what you experience in each dimension. In addition, the law explains the
purpose for your spiritual progress, how spiritual consciousness is interconnected in all things, and teaches the
divine truth that every soul is an essence of the Creator.
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Personal Ascension
Planetary ascension is different to personal ascension. Earth has been undergoing planetary ascension for
decades, where the planets magnetic fields have slowly adjusted to a higher frequency, which prepares the planet
for a planetary shift. Ascension means to move up, evolve, or progress. Earths ascension is a separate
evolutionary process to human souls, but we are all invited to accompany Lady Gaia. The possibility is that you can
complete the personal ascension program, before Earth moves into her new home.
Personal ascension is a full mind, body, and spiritual program. From a spiritually perspective, personal ascension
means the conscious decision to evolve as a spiritual being and progress to the next dimension within the
universe to experience a higher vibrational state of existence or new reality. This is your divine mission - to
experience different dimensions within the universe and advance your consciousness. Right now, you are invited to
release yourself from the lower vibrations of this dense, physical, 3 dimension and choose to rise up to a higher
frequency. Ascension is a personal choice. Many people will decline; some will ascend for spiritual reasons, whilst
others may wish to experience a new way of living on new Earth.
One of the aims of personal ascension involves increasing the vibrational configuration of your body, to ensure you
are compatible to live on Earths new frequency and to keep you vibrationally anchored to the planet during the
planetary shift. This is called physical ascension. To understand this, you need to perceive the physical body as
both biological and as energy. The first of your energy bodies is called the ethereal body, which is the invisible
clone of your biological body, it is an exact duplicate, and has its own specific frequency signature, which is
determined by the status and health of your seven primary chakras. Each of your primary chakras has a specific
frequency, so the overall number of fully functioning chakras determines your energy signature. For example, when
the lower chakras are blocked and not fully functioning, you would have a lower energy signature. That lower
energy signature is not compatible with new Earth.
Personal ascension is designed to help you gradually raise the frequency of your energy signature. There is a
direct energetic relationship between the ethereal body and your consciousness. How does this work? Your
thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviour, and emotions are commonly known as your consciousness. Your
consciousness is YOU. Therefore, your consciousness is simple conscious energy that feeds directly into your
chakra system. Currently, your 3D consciousness is not compatible with the higher frequency. The aim of personal
ascension involves expanding your consciousness, which means once you have consciously decided to release
yourself from the 3 dimension or this reality and decide to live on new Earth, you will need to begin making the
necessary changes in your life, such as changing your thoughts and emotions to align yourself with new 4D
consciousness. As a result of this process (new conscious energy), you automatically begin to increase your
energy signature to a higher level. An individual that can achieve the higher frequency and take steps to hold that
higher vibration is known as a Lightworker.
Personal ascension involves completing a number of activities. These are specific strategies that increase/amplify
the frequency of your consciousness, which will automatically raise the frequency of your energy signature. You
cannot fake ascension, because a persons energy signature determines the outcome at the time of the planetary
shift. The following table summarises the learning outcomes contained within the personal ascension program. It
simply involves using ascension activities to align the four (4) bodies into a unified MIND/BODY/SPIRIT body,
also known as your Light Body.
The relationship
between ethereal
body and energy
Understand the
principles of energy
The relationship
consciousness and
the ethereal body,
The difference
between Service to
Self and Service to
Understanding the
principles of Unity
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The purpose of
emotional clearing or
karmic cord cutting,
The purpose of
releasing the ego
from 3D physical
The principles of
(unconditional love
and Compassion)
Please note that the term Consciousness does not mean the same as Human Consciousness. This refers to our
conscious awareness and interaction with our environment using our physical senses and our ability to respond to
our physical surroundings. A human existence allows you to experience yourself, so you can acquire and develop
new intelligence, thoughts, and emotions during each incarnation. Therefore your Consciousness is twofold: it is
the total sum of wisdom that you have experienced from all your incarnational lives, and secondly, it allows you to
consciously experience yourself in the physical world, thus you are conscious or self aware of your reality.
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Vector 1
Vector 2
Vector 3
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Planetary Ascension
Planetary Ascension refers to the modulation of the planets frequency to a higher level. This process occurs when
our Sun receives varying densities of electromagnetic energy from specific locations in the cosmos, as it orbits
through the universe on its predestined cycles of time. Our Sun then modulates and transmits packets of frequency
across our solar system. The in streaming of electromagnetic energy enters the Earths outer electromagnetic field
or magnetosphere, which is the process that gradually increases or modulates the outer frequency. The
magnetosphere has a direct frequency relationship with the planets core or inner electromagnetic grid, which must
also modulate itself to remain synchronised with the outer frequency. Over decades, this natural symbiotic process
has prepared the entire planet for the ascension. The magnetosphere is located in the upper region of the earth's
ionosphere (1,000km above earths surface), which consists of charged particles of photons, and directly controls
the planets internal magnetic field.
Our Milky Way galaxy spirals around the universe like a cosmic clock, which
consists of a number of interconnected cycles of time. These cycles permit
planets to evolve from one density to next. There are 12 dimensions in our
universe. Each dimension is divided into twelve major cycles. These major
cycles are divided into twelve minor cycles. When all dimensions complete
their cycles at the same time, this cosmic synchronisation is collectively
known as a grand cycle. At this point, planetary objects in our dimension can
energetically shift from one dimension to the next. The major cycles
describe the entire galaxy orbiting around the great central sun, known as
Alcyone Sun, which is located in the galactic centre of the Pleiadian system.
It takes our galaxy some 16 billion years to complete that galactic cycle - a
single orbit around the great galactic centre. Each galaxy is connected
diagonally with an upper dimensional plane. At the completion of a grand
cycle, the lower dimensional plane diagonally eclipses the higher plane, and
all planetary objects within that galaxy can shift upward into the next density
or time/space matrix within the space/time continuum.
In other words, if you visualise our planet on a kind of railway track or band
of energy that moves through space, and comes into direct contact with
another band of energy that is vibrating at a higher frequency, a dimensional
shift will occur when both bands of energy eventually flow and pass through
each other. Now imagine that when these two different frequency bands
merge and pass through each other, the people existing on Earth will have
the option to switch to the other higher band. That dimensional shift means
people can elect to go into the higher dimensional frequency (4
with the planet, or decide to remain on the lower frequency band (3
density). This grand event literally represents the end of the planets evolution on the 3D timeline and the beginning
of the 4D timeline. It represents both a shift in the frequencies for humanities consciousness and the shift to the
planets position in the universe to a higher frequency.
The completion of the grand cycle is a major event, because there are number of cycles of time that will converge
and will synchronise at the same time. These include a) the solar system completing the minor cycle that takes
approximately 26000 years, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, b) the Milky Way galaxy completing the
cycle around the major Pleiadian system that takes 230 million years and c) the galaxy completing the cycle around
the Great Central Sun, which takes some 16 billion years. When all these precessional cycles are synchronised, it
completes the grand cycle (or grand procession). This is what will happen during 2012. All these cycles of time are
converging back to the original start position to reset this is zero time, the beginning of the next grand cycle. Just
as Earth is influenced by the electromagnetic energy from the Sun, our Sun is also directly influenced by the high
particle electromagnetic energy transmitted from the great central sun. The great central sun transmits pulsating
packets of highly concentrated electromagnetic energy across the universe via a chain of interconnected galactic
Suns, before finally arriving and entering our solar system. At this point, our Sun modulates and transmits that
electromagnetic energy across our solar system. The in streaming of electromagnetic energy or electrical charge
on the Earths outer electromagnetic field or magnetosphere is drawn into the planets core. As a result, the core
emits radiation at a higher spectrum, because it has modulated the inner planetary frequency grid to a higher level.
The entire galactic energy system of interconnected Suns operates exactly like the human chakra system. This
universal process allows the entire galaxy and all planetary spheres that reside within it, to progressively evolve
from one dimension to the next.
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21 Dec
A Dimensional shift refers to the intersection of two-dimensional spheres, which permits the entire solar system to
ascend into the next highest dimension or time/space matrix, and the term Planetary shift refers to a planetary
object (and its inhabitants) ascending to the next highest dimension. It is the dimensional shift that will actually
catapult Earth out of the 3 dimension (3 density) into the upper overtones of 4 dimension (4 density).
When will the dimensional shift occur? Anytime between the 22 nd September 2012, and the 21 st December 2012.
However, the timing for a planetary shift is not constrained by linear time, and nor will it occur on a specific
cosmological or astrological date. Please understand two important things influence the mechanics for a planetary
shift. Firstly, the intersection or the rotational eclipse of the two-dimensional planes automatically creates an
energetic gap that acts as a multidimensional gateway, which permits the entire solar system to spiral upwards to
the next density. However, Earth and our solar system will continue to remain orbiting the 3D timeline and
periodically eclipse the upper dimensional plane for the first few of months of 2013. Each eclipse will trigger a
gateway or dimensional opening to the higher galactic plane. That is why you need to appreciate that the planetary
shift will be a spontaneous event and will occur without warning, because any of those dimensional eclipses will
catapult Earth instantly into the 4
density. The folks that wish to join Earth must complete their ascension
beforehand, so when the wave of energy hits the planet, they will remain ethereally anchored to the planets
ethereal body.
Secondly, the frequency of the planetary grids must also be compatible with the frequency of the 4 dimension.
When a planetary sphere has not achieved the required frequency, the planet cannot shift across to the next
density. During each dimensional eclipse, the planet would essentially bounce out or deflect and return to its
normal orbit in the 3D timeline. After the completion of the grand cycle, the two galactic planes will separate and
assuming a planet did not ascend would remain on the 3D timeline to complete another 26,000-year cycle. More
importantly, after the September 2011 solstice, Earths planetary frequency grid officially moved into the higher
frequency. Right now, Lady Gaia is now only waiting for humanity to catch up! Without trying to weaken the
importance of dates or sound speculative, the remaining equinoxes, solstices and eclipses in 2012 are also
extremely powerful dates, each presenting the final codings for ascension, which will continue to raise the
vibrational frequency of the planet (and for those people undertaking personal ascension).
It is highly probable that Earth will shift at anytime after the last equinox cycle commences on the 22
2012 and before the next solstice commences on the 21st December 2012. More importantly, assuming the shift did
not occur on and before the 21 December 2012, this is a warning to humanity that the grand event is still
imminent. If you are still here on Earth celebrating New Years Eve (2013), you must understand that any days you
enjoy after that winter/summer equinox means that you are still officially on standby. Please remember that the
planetary shift does not officially mean the end of the planet; it signifies the end of the 3D timeline and the people
that ascend with Earth, will commence their lives on new Earth on the 4D timeline. The later half of 2012
represents the final codings to Earths frequency grid and the cosmic activation for the dimensional transition.
Please keep an open mind that the planetary shift can happen without warning
and there is no precise date when the grand event will occur. Please do not give
credence to dates from ancient prophecies and 2012 predictions, because
those dates have already been and gone & we are still here! Survival is not the
aim of personal ascension.
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From a spiritual point of view, the 4 dimension is the realm of intuition, also known as the astral plane. The astral
plane consists of the first seven layers or overtones of the 4 dimensional frequency band, which coexist or overlap
with the upper overtones of the 3 dimension (see diagram below).
The astral plane or the lower 4D overtones surrounding Earth are non-physical planes of existences but form part
of our physical world in the 3
density. The 4
dimension is a non-physical reality; it is where our collective
consciousness resides and the place where your thoughts and intentions can manifest. This is where human
mythology and cultural beliefs have come from. Within the lower overtones of the 4 dimension, this is the realm
where conscious energy (thought forms) can influence the body. For example, when you are angry and you walk
into a room, people can sense your anger or without noticing, they get angry themselves. Many people already
explore the mid overtones of the 4 dimension through different states of consciousness, such as astral travel, out
of body experiences, past lives therapy and during the night when dreaming. During sleep, we travel in our astral
body to various places within the astral realm. In this realm, we experience nightmares and disturbing dreams.
After we physically die, our consciousness/soul returns to the upper overtones of the 4
dimension, commonly
known as the spiritual world (a.k.a. heaven). Those of you who use their intuition and communicate with the
spiritual world, this is where our Master/Guides and the Angelic realm
are located. More importantly, the sum of all our incarnations has
meant that we have already explored and experienced everything in
both the 3D and 4D realities (not that most of us are conscious of our
present astral plane visits and from previous past lives).
In regards to the dimensional shift, the planet willrdshift out of the 3
density or from the upper
overtones of the 3
band (3.8) into 4
density or to the upper overtones of the 4
dimension (4.8). This means that we will energetically shift to the upper
levels of 4 dimension frequency
band in the 4 density, but we are
fact much closer to the 5
dimension. After the dimensional shift,
Earths physical environment will comprise of both 4D and 5D planes
of existence, which means we will be able to consciously interact with
the 5
dimension, which permits people to spiritually explore and
consciously interact in this reality (this is known as 5D consciousness).
For ease of understanding and to avoid any confusion, this study guide uses
the terms 4th Dimension, and 4th Density, rather than 5 th Dimension to
describe the mechanics of ascension.
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Law of One
Infinite Consciousness:
The Law of One is the universal law that acknowledges that all things that exist (All that is) within the
multiverse stem from the one source, known as Infinite Consciousness,
The Creator can also be called Infinite Creator, Supreme Being and the Source,
The Creator is the Infinite Intelligence behind creation,
There is only one supreme consciousness in the multiverse,
The Creator is Omni-intelligent (All knowing) Omnipresence (everywhere all at once) and Omnipotence (all
Individual Consciousness:
Each soul is an individual unit of consciousness that originated from the one source, known as Infinite
Each soul has a universal kinship with one another, because all things in the universe stem from the same
infinite consciousness,
Each soul has a divine purpose to evolve and experience all aspects of creation, learn everything that is,
and eventually rejoin the creator and become part of infinite consciousness.
The Souls Divine Mission:
Committed to the Law of One and the desire to evolve into the higher dimensional realms,
Embody the divine qualities of unity, love, compassion, and respect as part of your being,
Consciously practice and demonstrate divinity (unconditional love and compassion),
Respect yourself and others,
Awareness of the Creator in yourself and others,
Accept all experiences are lessons for spiritual growth,
To love, respect and honour all spiritual beings including Earth, nature, and all living things,
Accept that you are all connected and part of the human family, so what affects one, affects all,
Accept that each spiritual being has taken a different spiritual path to your own,
Advance ones own spiritual wisdom,
Dedicate yourself to the service of others by sharing and teaching your knowledge and wisdom, without
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8 -12 Dimension
Service to the Cosmos (Infinite Love and Infinite Light)
4 Dimension
3 rdDimension
Service to Self (Duality, Ego, Love, Divine Separation and Self Awareness)
2 nd Dimension
1 stDimension
7 Dimension
6 Dimension
5 Dimension
It should be noted that your household pets are sentient life forms with 2D consciousness (known as elementals),
which coexist in the 3D time/space continuum. They have not yet spiritually progressed to the level of 3D
consciousness. Elementals are destined to incarnate into 3D life forms (human), so they can explore and
experience 3D consciousness. New Earth will have animals and plants, but you need to spiritually understand that
elementals are spiritual beings and like humans, they also have their own spiritual path to follow. From a spiritual
point of view, household pets selected their owners for a reason. You already know deep within yourselves that
they have a soul. Animals do not have an ego; they live on love and instinct. They know no other way. Household
pets selected their owners for a spiritual reason - to learn the 3D law of unconditional love and friendship. In other
words, you agreed in this incarnation, to spiritually help every household pet you owned to evolve closer to 3D
consciousness. More importantly, if you have make the decision to participate in personal ascension, then you
have your answer your household pets will most likely be joining you, but you must prepare yourself in the same
manner as you would for friends and family who have decided not to participate in the ascension process.
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Service to Self (STS) governs the spiritual path for the 3 dimension. STS is a polarised reality created by the
collective consciousness of humanity, which permits souls to reincarnate and explore either positive or negative
human experiences. This dimensional law means that humankind collectively created a 3 dimensional negative
planet, which is based on the spiritual lesson of Duality and Ego.
Ego refers to pursuing human activities to support your human existence, such as materialism, wealth, status,
sabotage, and power preoccupation (power over overs, control & enslavement). Duality was created by humanity.
Duality means humanity created the polar opposite in human conditions that can be consciously experienced. For
example, living standards are polarised between poverty to wealth or public vs. private education. You have been
reincarnating to emotionally explore duality or a range of negative & positive human experiences including fear
(pain, remorse & guilt), judgment, greed, selfish, love, survival, etc.
Our civilisation existing here right now is the fourth root race that has existed on Earth to learn the same 3D
spiritual lessons (Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis & Humanity). Earth has always been used as a planet to seed infant souls.
Earth is a school for learning duality and understanding opposites, which has helped you fast track your spiritual
growth. Reincarnation and freewill have been the tools for 3D spiritual growth. For every fantastic lifetime of love,
joy, and happiness, there has been an equally strong and negative emotional experience of devastation, hardship,
pain, and suffering. This is the purpose of duality - to fast track spiritual development. There are no such things as
Hell, the Devil or Satan; these are false manmade beliefs, which were created for explaining away the unloving
attributes of pain, suffering, chaos, and destruction created by our early civilisation (infant souls). Most of humanity
thinks we are born; you live, and then die. This is incorrect! As souls, each one of you has had a multitude of
different lifetimes on Earth. Before each incarnational cycle, you decide exactly what lessons you want to learn, the
basic requirements for your life and the type of polarised experiences you want to explore on Earth.
Reincarnation has helped you master your lessons in duality. You have been killed and killed by others; you have
been male and female including a mother, father, son, uncle, grandmother etc. We have been a soldier, warrior,
villain, farmer, and artist. We have experienced suffering, disease, illness, poverty, pain, joy, love, freedom, and
fear. To learn from all the possible lessons of duality that has been possible on Earth, we have experienced
everything different human aspect available on the planet. Today, many souls have now come to the end of their
cycle of duality. After thousands of lifetimes, many of you have nothing more to learn on Earth. The major purpose
of reincarnation involves the clearing of uncompleted life lessons from previous lifetimes. However, after you have
mastered your lesson, you do not repeat them in another lifetime. The number of experiences or reincarnated lives
is completely a matter of choice for each soul. Some souls may choose to experience several hundred incarnations
or others may master that same lesson after five incarnations. There is only one rule it is all about spiritual
development. This is the purpose of your divine mission; you have put yourself through many lifetimes and
polarised experiences to acquire and progress your wisdom (intelligence and knowledge) and spiritual self.
Back home, before you incarnated from the spirit world, a group of 6D spiritual advisors helped you decide exactly
the lessons you wanted to experience in this lifetime. The term Heaven & Hell are human terms these places do
not exist. Between incarnations, all souls return to the Spirit World, which is located in the middle level overtones
of the 4D. Your spiritual advisors are known as your Council of Elders, which includes your best friend you
selected to manage your incarnational contract when you arrive on Earth. This spiritual being is known as your
Master (or primary guide). The Council reviewed your spiritual lessons and further refined those lessons. This is
known as your Incarnational Contract, which serves the purpose for each incarnation. Your contract also involved
the need to teach and/or learn from other individual/s or groups of souls, thus you established mutual contracts with
others. Situations/events were formulated, which would be the catalyst to bring the group of souls together to learn
these lessons. Once the soul contract was finalised, you then selected the secondary aspects such as the time and
place of your birth, your parents, siblings, sexuality, health status, etc and then you finally incarnated into the body
during gestation ready to begin a new incarnation. When you were born, you had amnesia (known as the Veil of
Forgetfulness). You started your new life without any recollection of previous incarnations or understood the
lessons you had to master in this lifetime.
Each spiritual being has taken a different spiritual path to your own. There is no right or wrong. Every good and bad
experience has been one step closer to perfection. Your spiritual development are been dependent on your ability
to consciously evaluate each human experience, understand those lessons, and accept the consequences of your
actions. Else, your soul will replay the same script using different actors during the next lifetime. Thats the purpose
of your life lessons you elect to have certain experiences that enable you to overcome your weaknesses, until
your perfect those lessons. Under duality, peace and unity was not the spiritual lesson for you. Duality was
designed to allow you (self) to explore polarised experiences. The question now is do you want to remain in duality
or graduate and continue your spiritual growth, advancement, and evolution in the 4 dimension.
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Reincarnation is a misunderstood concept. There is a segment within humanity that believes in the concept of one
life and body, whilst other believe in judgment/punishment, sin and hell. These concepts are false and incorrect.
Lets begin with some basic definitions:
Soul - consciousness that chooses to experience itself on the Earth plane in a human body,
Reincarnation - after the death of the physical body, the soul returns home to the spirit world and begins
planning for its next incarnational cycle,
Incarnation the rebirth of the soul on the Earth plane in a human body to continue developing or advancing
its consciousness,
Spirit World located in the mid level overtones of the 4 th dimension or the upper astral plane around the
Earth plane, were your soul or consciousness exists between each incarnational cycle (Note: Heaven is simply
another name that refers to a higher dimension).
Many people believe that nothing exists after each lifetime. Reincarnation does exist! It is the tool for developing
your consciousness and for learning a polarity of 3D human experiences. Your consciousness is YOU!
Reincarnation has defined who you are - your level of intelligence, wisdom, and morality. If you do not accept this,
then you do not know who you are! Each soul plans the experiences it needs to learn before it recommences a new
incarnational cycle on Earth. In the spirit world, your Council of Elders helped you develop your incarnational
contract and mapped out life experiences, lessons and events. According to your level of development, each of you
is positioned within the Hierarchy of Consciousness. Every soul has a singular and unique frequency (position)
that corresponds to a specific colour and overtone. Your rank has nothing to do with power struggle, privileges, or
special rights in the spirit world. Your frequency or soul song is the result of your personal achievement, selecting
difficult incarnational lessons, the number of incarnations, wisdom, and working with individuals on a lower level
have contributed to your spiritual development and position in the hierarchy. For example, a high rank means a
soul has a higher frequency. Reincarnation aims to increase the vibrational frequency of your consciousness. Your
rank is a measure of all your incarnational experiences in the 3
dimension. Thus, you are considered a
multidimensional being, because you have experienced many lifetimes on Earth and other 3D planets for your
spiritual advancement. Each incarnation is simply a way of exploring a range of frequencies (highly polarised
experiences create new wisdom and newer and intense emotions, which generates a higher frequency).
Souls are indigenous to this planet. You could say that your soul the conscious part of you is eternal and survives
beyond death, but the physical body is a vehicle for consciousness to experience itself, hence incarnations are
mortal, and this is the reason why souls create a new contract and repeat/learn a new human experience. The
number of lifetimes a soul needs is completely a matter of choice. There are no rules! Reincarnation is a tool for
spiritual development, because souls cannot fit all the possible lessons and experiences into one lifetime. This life
is only one of them! A souls rank is characterised by its personal character (emotional maturity and spiritual IQ),
wisdom (knowledge and level of intelligence) and moral standards that it is has acquired from its accumulated
incarnations. For example, celebrities, leaders, & royalty are not occupied by higher ranked souls. Older souls have
previously learnt their lessons in power over others, control, and greed from previous lifetimes. In addition, the
various religious ceremonies such as canonisation, papacy, clergyman, and ordinations are human belief systems,
and those religious titles do not exist in the spirit world. The success of those souls completing their incarnational
lessons in those roles would certainly influence their rank or position in the spiritual hierarchy.
Death is a human belief system that has been created to invoke fear and suggests that nothing exists after your
life, but ironically, many beliefs support the notion that a soul goes to heaven. Yes, there is an afterlife. It is known
as the spiritual world. There is no such thing as sin, judgement, punishment, or hell. These are again false
manmade beliefs. When you return to the spiritual world, you are not punished for any sin, and a soul certainly
does not cease to exist after a person dies. Regardless of what each soul has done on Earth, every soul returns to
the spirit world. Souls are only adored for selecting difficult life experiences, because those lessons have helped
them to advance their consciousness. From a spiritual viewpoint, sin really means selecting a human
experience(s), which lowers the frequency of your energy signature or avoided completing a particular experience
during your incarnation, which was designed by you for the purposes of increasing your frequency. More
importantly, never mourn the loss of a person, rather celebrate the release of their soul, so they can reincarnate
again on Earth and continue their spiritual development. How do you release your fear about death? The more you
learn and understand the nature of the spirit world, the more you will realise that your consciousness lives on after
death and your evolution continues. You can choose to reincarnate again on Earth, or remain behind and work as a
guide to assist your incarnated friends and family on Earth (Service to Others). The physical body dies, not your
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Your spiritual contract consists of two components. Lessons are new emotional experiences and situations,
including those not completed from previous incarnations, which help you increase your wisdom or knowledge
(frequency). A Trial means you interfered and changed the frequency of someones lesson during a previous
incarnation from your mental, body, or verbal actions & behaviour, which hurt, harmed, or caused pain to another
soul. That experience and situation will continue to be replayed in successive incarnations, until that energy you
created between you and that person has been healed. A trial is also known as Karma. Karma can only be healed
when you consciously realise that you caused the situation, and then forgive your actions, else the same people
and situation that caused the pain will be repeated in the next incarnation. Karma is simply emotional energy in
action that remains attached to you until healed, which stems from your actions and behaviour that affected the
welfare of another soul.
The key principle for Service to Others, means dedicating yourself (your soul) to assist other souls with their
spiritual advancement, by sharing and teaching any spiritual aspect from your accumulated wisdom. Therefore,
your spiritual contract incorporates both Service to Others and Service to Self components. This is why certain
people come into your life and later leave you have helped them with a specific lesson or visa versa. Service to
Self refers to ego and duality, which was previously discussed. In addition, Service to Others lesson are not
restricted to helping human souls. Household pets and/or other domestic animals that have been in your life were
for a spiritual reason. They selected you, so you could help them progress from 2D consciousness (instinct) and
learn the early lessons in 3D consciousness (love & compassion). Your spiritual service means these souls can
progress and eventually one day ascend and reincarnate into a third density body to fully experience 3D
consciousness. Every soul has a divine role to assist in the spiritual development of other souls.
When you look back and review all the terrible events in the history of humanity, please understand that all those
souls choose to participate in these shocking events. There is no such thing as bad people, villains, or victims
every single soul volunteered to participate in any given human experience for a particular spiritual reason. Every
soul agrees to have that situation happen to them. Polarised human experiences help souls evolve. Each soul will
select what it wants to experience on Earth during its incarnation. Souls may wish to experience being controlled by
another, being abandoned, feeling isolated, being dependent on others or killed. For example, lessons in Control
could include slavery, marriage with an abusive spouse, or being a member of a military organisation.
You carefully selected the details for your incarnation including your family, sexuality, place of birth, and
geographical events, and then established mutual contracts with other souls who would participate in the same
human experiences. One soul may undertake a simple lesson, while another will engage in all the possible
complexities of the same lesson. The polarisation of emotional experiences simply advances their frequency. On
the Earth plane, this concept is very important, because many people often judge and criticise others including
their friends and family, when those individuals make a bad mistake or suffer, but actually, those human
experiences are unique to that person. Those spiritual lessons were selected as pre-incarnational arrangements
that they wanted to consciously experience during this lifetime. Compassion means that no person has the right to
judge another persons decisions, choices, and wrongdoings, because you do not know what the spiritual lessons
and/or karma that those souls are here to experience.
It is very important before entering the next dimension that you understand and accept the following spiritual
Reincarnation is a tool that advances the frequency of your consciousness (soul),
The frequency of your consciousness determines your rank in the spiritual hierarchy,
Every human experience, situation, and new emotion helps your consciousness to evolve (new frequency),
A souls rank or level of spiritual development determines the individuals overall spiritual IQ or knowledge,
degree of wisdom (level of intelligence) and degree of morality,
During each lifetime, every soul has an incarnational contract, which determines what situations happen to
them, the people they will learn from, who they will assist and what experiences they wish to emotional learn,
Every soul can exercise freewill, which changes their incarnational parameters whilst existing on Earth,
The frequency of the planets consciousness determines the types of soul groups that can reincarnate. For
example, Earth can only support physical life forms that can reincarnate in the frequency range from 2D to 4D
levels of consciousness,
Before reincarnating, you carefully select your parents to ensure your souls frequency will be compatible with
the frequency of the babys ethereal body (energy signature),
The human conditions that exist on Earth (ego & duality) have been established for the purpose for souls to
firstly learn their 3D lessons (Service to Self) and later progress to learn 4D lessons (Service to Others),
You must never judge another soul's decision and what they wish to experience, because you do not
understand the full reasons, why a soul has made that incarnational decision.
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In accordance to the Law of One, you have the divine right to experience anything you choose. The Law of Freewill
means every individual can consciously decide to participate in any given human experience. In other words, you
have the right to do whatever you want, you are the boss of your mind and body, you have the right to feel any
emotion and participate in any event, activity or situation, as long as it does not violate the same right of others.
You have the right to suffer or feel happy.
Freewill encompasses the complete idea, that whatever it is that you want to pursue, you may do so. You can
decide the course of action you wish to take at any point in your human life. The path you choose is what you have
decided to experience. You are the boss of your freewill, unless you give it away! From a spiritual perspective,
because you are consciousness, your mission involves experiencing yourself in order to evolve. For this reason,
freewill is not a spiritual infringement; rather alternative life decisions create new emotions and experiences, which
generate new frequencies. This is the aim of your divine mission - to explore all possible 3D emotions and
Freewill refers to the rational mind deciding to consciously participate or not, in any given human experience eg:
responding to someones questions, having a relationship, etc. Of course, we are not talking about the small dayto-day decisions, like What will I eat for lunch. These are situational decisions that have little or no influence on
your incarnational contract. Freewill means you consciously accept or deny any positive or negative energy from
your physical reality. Freewill manifests as a thought and when you take action over your consciousness, you
recreate your reality and this brings about a new human experience. Freewill is your divine right to consciously
decide what energy you want to accept that you think is best for your life.
Many people often blame others or God for their bad experiences, misadventures, and mistakes. You and only you
have been fully responsible for creating your human life. You can choose to experience the infinite possibilities that
exist on Earth. Here is the truth your reality right now was created from your thoughts, beliefs, and actions, and
only you can take action to participate, stay, or stop experiencing a particular aspect that you are experiencing in
your life.
Freewill is not divine justice. This is intentional it is about spiritual progression. You have complete control over
everything. Until you discover and until you truly believe it, you are not powerless and nor are you a victim. You
have the creative potential to stop or undo any situation you are currently experiencing. You are the one that
consciously decides to participate or not in any given human experience. No person controls your freewill, unless
you consciously give it away. Each person is a master of ones existence.
Before you embarked upon this incarnation, you made mutual contracts with other souls to have them come into
your life to assist you at some point during your lifetime. You selected those souls as experts in specific areas of
learning. You also researched all the possible things you needed to experience for this incarnation. These
situations are called life lessons. Some of the incidents were positive and others were negative. The very purpose
you always incarnate has been to commence either new lessons or complete unfinished lessons. When people
exercise freewill, they make a choice and decide the course of action they take in any given situation. Every new
experience creates new conscious energy (thoughts, feelings, emotions etc) and this vibrationally adds to the
uniqueness of your consciousness. Freewill is totally honoured and spiritually respected, because the decisions
you make are for the purpose of your higher good you are 100% responsible for choosing what you want to
consciously experience.
Freewill is your divine power. It is your decision to feel fear, love, pain, or hurt. Freewill is also a reflection of
something you have manifested. This is not seen as judgment or criticism, but you are living by the law of service
to self. Regardless of what souls planned to experience during this incarnation, everyone has the freedom to
change his or her script in any given lifetime.
Your current and past experiences are unique lessons you created for your spiritual growth. More importantly, your
thoughts, dreams, and desires are not random or misguided; you have them for a spiritual reason. Those things are
what your soul wants you to consciously explore during this lifetime. However, when you decide not to consciously
act upon that energy, you have exercised your freewill. In addition, to exercise your freewill and release yourself
from any spiritual lesson, you need to consciously declare that you are finished with that human experience
(including the emotions you are feeling from that situation) and take the appropriate action to move on.
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As a soul, you now exist and work together in unity within a single group, or as one large sphere of consciousness,
with the shared understanding that you all agree to perform the same task, job description, and role together as
one. Within this group, you completely see and feel each others thoughts, feelings, and motives.
The sixth dimensional spiritual law known as Divine Wisdom and Divine Love, which means that the group have
chosen to all perform the same divine role and work together to guide, protect, and assist the spiritual hierarchy or
the souls that are incarnating on a particular planet such as Earth. It is the groups main focus to perform different
functional roles and tasks to simply support and help humanity evolve their consciousness. These higher
frequency souls have themselves completed the very same reincarnation process, which has assisted them to
achieve their higher frequency, so in return, their Service to Others now involves assisting younger souls (lower
frequency souls) with their spiritual progression.
The souls that have evolved and ascend above the planets spiritual hierarchy create for themselves their own
home around the spiritual hierarchy to undertake their contract of service. This sphere, which houses these higher
frequency souls or consciousness is known as the Celestial Council, or sometimes called the Cosmic Council of
Light. Just as there are many spiritual hierarchies across the multiverse, there are just as many Celestial Councils
located at around different planets and located at different galaxies, dimensions, and universes beyond the third
dimension. Celestial Councils are consciously and energetically connected with a number of spiritual hierarchies in
their own particular solar system and galaxy, and they are interconnected with all Celestial Councils across the
multiverse they are linked multi dimensionally with spheres above & below outside of their dimension. This
interconnected grid, gestalt, or Metatronic matrix of spheres (6D to 12D and beyond) represents Infinite
Each Council represents a single group complex or one sphere of consciousness and each Council is responsible
to function as the guardians, guides, and protectors for the souls that exist within any spiritual hierarchy. At this
special time, Earth has literally several galactic Celestial Councils supporting, protecting, and assisting Earth and
the spiritual hierarchy, including incarnated souls on the planet (human & elementals/animals), non incarnated
souls and disincarnated souls. This Family of Light is also known as the Confederation of Light, which simply is
a galactic cooperative of spiritual beings that operate under the Law of One, who work in service for the Creator
and follow one simple rule: All things, all life, all of the creation is part of one prime consciousness.
From a human perspective, the titles given to souls that have spent many lifetimes incarnating and have evolved to
a higher frequency have been termed Angels. These spiritual beings or Angels are without physical form and do
not exist on the Earth plane. They are fully integrated and coexist as a unified group consciousness in the higher
dimensions. They are androgynous, neither male nor female. They are our Brothers and Sisters, they are Beings
of Light, that exist in a vibration just outside of our own frequency, where they live as a one and assist humanity to
spiritually evolve.
Law of One states that there is no separation between you and any other spiritual being. There is no soul greater
than another, and no person greater than another. Therefore, the notion of a Higher Order of Angels denotes
hierarchy, superiority and rank. So, do Angels, Archangels and the Angelic Realm/Kingdom actually exist?
NO, they do not! Like the terms Heaven, and God, these are all simply human labels, names and descriptions,
which implies separation or the existence of something superior or divine entities greater than us. Any degree of
separation is a manifestation of the humanitys ego. When you truly accept and realise that every soul is equal and
a divine expression of the Creator, then you do not need to use labels to describe higher frequency spiritual
beings for the purpose of their identification. You, like every other spiritual being has their own single energetic
personality, but all of us are not separate, rather we are All One. Likewise, Angels do not have wings, feathers, or
have grandiose physical forms. Again, these images are a result of humanities misconceptions and the continuing
theme that everything Celestial should be portrayed as patriarchal males.
There is both a plural and singular aspect within the higher dimensions. In regards to the singular aspect, when you
call or invoke an Angel or Archangel for guidance, healing, and/or support, you are actually calling forward a single
energetic expression, an individual fragment, or totem from the source energy to assist you. You are invoking or
speaking to an individualised portion of consciousness with a distinct personality that matches your faith and
beliefs. The Angelic Realm is simply plural for the Source, or the divine consciousness. This energy is devoid of
ego and negative emotions. You may call these beings Angelic if you prefer, but their divine role is to support us,
and their fundamental purpose is to offer unconditional love at all times.
When you consciously summon an archangel by name, such as Michael, Ariel, or Gabriel, this energy comes to
you from the Celestial Council - the group consciousness from around the planet. Their energy can separate and
manifest as a distinct personality based on your faith and beliefs, but the energy is truly one and from the same
source. They manifest depending on the qualities you request, such as protection, healing, peace, and wisdom.
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Please understand that when you call on any higher entity by name, you are not summoning an individual, you are
summoning a particular aspect or quality you want from within this one soul, known as the Source (or Oneness.)
Just like you, and all other souls on this planet, you are simply Baby Angels, who are taking the same journey to
evolve to a higher frequency. You are destined to work within a 6D group/sphere to assist, protect and guide new
and infant souls on a planet, or work independently and incarnate as a Lightworker on a planet and become a
messenger of truth. A Lightworker is simply a higher frequency soul from a higher dimension, or what you call an
Angel. It should also be noted, that most lightworkers on Earth are from your future. In the past, several groups
of human souls previously ascended from Earth, or what humanity would understand as ancient civilisations. In
other words, those souls ascended off the 3D timeline (timeline or time/space matrix refers to a cycle you
experience for your growth, a.k.a. to expand or advance your consciousness), which humanity is currently
experiencing, and shifted to the 4D timeline to continue their spiritual path. Many souls decided to return to Earth
and reincarnate on their previous 3D timeline, and help humanity with their ascension, assist old friends who
missed the previous ascension express trains, and to help Lady Gaia shift to the fourth dimensional timeline.
Ascension requires you to move your thinking and beliefs to fifth dimensional consciousness. It requires you to start
thinking that everything is One. This Lightworker is not asking you to abandon your faith and beliefs about God
or Angels. Rather, it requires you to accept that different groups that humanity have labelled as angels, guardian
angels, ascended masters (eg: Jesus, Buddha, Merlin, Isis, Mary, etc) and archangels do not actually exist as
separate individuals. They are Beings of Light that are multi-dimensional forms of integrated conscious energy.
You are calling forward consciousness that manifests and takes the personality of an entity that is quite capable of
interacting with you in the form that you believe. To accept this concept of Oneness is frightening for many of you,
however it is your freewill to support, agree or deny the truth about the nature of Angels. Compassion means that
no person can judge you for your beliefs, because you are also responsible for your spiritual growth and you have
the divine right and total freedom of choice to follow the any beliefs from the mainstream religions.
In regards to spirit protectors and guardians, a powerful team of spiritual beings constantly surround you. Your own
spiritual team consists of your Master, (or primary guide). Your Master is your very best friend from within the
spiritual hierarchy that you selected to manage your incarnational contract before you came to Earth. Your Master
has been with you since birth and always with you night and day. They have many roles, but they really make sure
you accomplish the lessons that you agreed to complete, and they watch over you and act as Spirit Protectors
(known as Guardian Angels.) Your Secondary Guides include both specialist spiritual beings, and/or departed
family/friends who work along side your Master to mainly assist with healing (to give love & support). Every single
one of you will have different guides work with you, at different times during your life. Your Master and guides
reside from both the spiritual hierarchy and some guides come from the higher dimensions, which may be called
the Angelic realm. When you invoke the help from your spirit protector, you do not need to know their name. The
simple rule to follow: "Give them any name you please. Your Master or guides will answer your request. This rule
also applies to all spiritual beings within the family of light names and labels are irrelevant, because it is
everyones divine duty in the higher dimensions to assist.
The last point regards my own personal experience during ascension. At the beginning, I found it difficult to change
my old behaviour and break away from cultural programming, so this lightworker would like to provide you with
the following tip. When I needed help with aura healing, ethereal balancing, protection etc, I found it much easier to
summons the help from my brothers and sisters with a divine/angelic name that spiritually resonated with me, for
example A/A Gabriel. Later, they asked me to remove the formality (dont need to use a ritual or any complicated
prayer), but simply state Dear Brothers and Sisters, can you please help me with XYZ. Feel free to use any
divine name that gives you that spiritual feeling that you are personally connecting with them and your Creator.
When you declare your intent to undertake ascension, it will be important for you to
invoke and call on the higher dimensions to assist you. For that reason, when you
need protection, guidance, healing, etc dont be concerned about the
mechanics of the higher dimensions, you only need to call on an entity, which
resonates with your inner being, for example an archangel, guardian angel, guides
or your Master. There is no right or wrong. Follow this simple rule: use a name that
resonates with you, because you are simply connecting your Being and
conscious energy with the higher dimensions. In addition, the greatest gift you can
give your Brothers & Sisters is your actual personal acknowledgment that they do
actually exist and are always helping you. Remember, they are very happy to help
you at anytime, but you must have a genuine need for assistance, and secondly,
they can not interfere with your life, unless you consciously ask for help, because
freewill prevents them from interfering with your incarnation on Earth.
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New Earth will be a 4 dimensional positive planet. The spiritual framework that governs this dimension is called
Service to Others (STO). The basic principles of Service to Others include:
Every person is committed to experiencing the same positive reality (frequency) with others,
Each person is dedicated to their spiritual growth and helping others with their spiritual development,
Each person seeks to shares information and knowledge freely with others,
Each person has a complete lack of concern for satisfying their ego (materialism, power, judgement, control
over others, competition etc),
Each person acknowledges that every person is a spiritual being on their own path of spiritual growth,
Each person sees the love in all things and radiates unconditional love and compassion towards others.
New Earth will be founded on the spiritual lesson called Unity Consciousness. New humanity will be a
brotherhood of man, a united world, and every single person will experience the same living conditions, and
everyone demonstrates compassion and equality towards each another. We are moving from duality, inequality,
and diversity, to unity, freedom, and solidarity. New Earth will operate as a worldwide alliance, which functions on
love, peace, cooperation, equality, and harmony. New humanity will live as one family. The Confederation of Earth
will be a one-world government, consisting of democratic communities, councils, and regions. The new planetary
consciousness has only one charter: the common goal and shared understanding that everyone is responsible for
managing the welfare of every single person on the planet.
Lady Gaia is shifting into the green ray of the universal spectrum. STO is associated with green, which represents
the heart centre. To live on new Earth, you need to move into the higher vibrations of love and compassion and
dissociate yourself from the lower vibrations of ego and duality. Unity consciousness means everyone experiences
the same positive world and new humanity operates as one. World unity means everyone understands and
supports this goal. On new Earth, we are moving from the old 3D vibration of ego & duality consciousness, or I /
Me / My Needs, to We / Us It is a cultural shift, because we stop thinking in terms of whats good for me
(self/ego), but rather we function on what will be good for all of us.
STO means, desire to serve all. Everyone freely volunteers and without hesitation, shares their personal service
to help others. The best way of providing your service to others is constantly sharing your being. People work
together to find solutions that reflect the highest good for all concerned in every situation. The new Earth paradigm
means caring for the welfare of 1) Humanity, 2) Planet, and 3) You. There is no punishment or segregation
according to age or racism. It will be a heart centred world. You do not have to give unconditional love 24/7, but it
does mean that you are prepared to learn and practice divinity, for example you freely volunteer/barter your
expertise, knowledge and skills to help the good of all (the desire to serve others/self). All the things we associate
with anger, aggression, greed, hate, selfishness, poverty are ego inspired. These 3D experiences and the socioeconomic separation amongst humanity will cease. All the 3D things we associate with power preoccupation
including control, and enslavement will not exist, such as military/armed forces, police, legal/taxation systems,
religion or churches, multinational companies, and State or Federal governments. There will be no personal debts,
taxes, land ownership, mining, fisheries, deforestation, homelessness, nuclear devices, poor health care,
weapons/firearms, copyright restraints, banking and financial sector, etc. World unity is based on solidarity, which
means destroying prejudices of sects, elitism, castes, and discrimination.
Our 3D world was designed for you to explore the ego, which has resulted in the establishment of various 3D belief
systems and institutions that have been driven by gross materialism, exclusivity, domination, and greed. On new
Earth, none of that will exist. There will be no capitalism and commercialism, and no person works to earn a wage,
salary, or profit. Wealth will not exist, that is a form of selfishness! Money is a 3D illusion and only served the
spiritual purpose for learning duality. On new Earth, there will be no money system, because abundance is a
common right and everyone will be entitled to same luxuries. You are freely provided everything to support your
basic human needs, without having to buy or pay for things. Everyone is supplied what they want. Why would you
want to pay to live on new Earth that you have volunteered to experience? A world without money, impossible you
say? Imagine doing your current job without a wage, but your time and labour serves everyone. Trade is based on
the free exchange of goods & services without payment. New Earth means living in a positive based society, or
UNITY, PEACE and LOVE, and not DUALITY and FEAR. Everyone is equal! You freely give your time and
assistance without obligation and you lead without controlling others (no ego). You trust each other utterly and rely
on each other to assume the role they volunteered. Every person in the community takes responsibility for the
entire welfare of the community. Of course, new Earth does have some elements of duality, rather positive
duality, for example, different levels in education and training to cater for different age groups, for example children
and adults.
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Every individual has the right to express their freedom of thoughts, without ridicule, judgement or enslavement,
Every person will be freely provided food, clothing, housing, and education,
All life forms have a right to exist and no individual can physically, mentally or spiritually harm or injury another,
All acts of criminality, greed, violence, and aggression will be decided by the members of the community,
Every person must live in harmony with the environment and not abuse the natural resources of the planet,
Every person has the right to participate in all choices and possibilities available to the individual or community
without restriction,
Every person takes responsibility for their own behaviour and actions and must take personal responsibility to
resolve any conflict and grievance, and accept retribution without fault or blame,
Each person must not publicly judge or criticise the actions or behaviour of another individual or group,
Each community is responsible for their own agricultural and cultivation needs,
All land, property, buildings and infrastructure is the common property of everyone,
Each person has the right to live anywhere on the planet without restriction,
Each person must not devote their life to the acquisition of materialism or undertake acts of greed &
New Earth will utilise free energy, sciences, and technology in a manner that advantages all of humanity.
The Confederation of Earth operates on the charter of unity, peace, and love, so the need for establishing formal
political and administrative systems to regulate peoples lives will not be required. Instead, new Earth is a oneworld alliance, consisting of communities and regions. Each region will establish a local consultative council and/or
advisory group, which consists of people who volunteer to manage the welfare of the community at large, but this is
not a formal government structure with a formal leadership system.
Unity Consciousness
New Earth has no resemblance to your current life in any form, or
shape whatsoever.
Humanity living upon Earth operating
The greatest change for you will be spiritually accepting that you are
all one. New Earth will not have religions, church system, or temples.
Humanity only acknowledges and worships the Creator. Each
person is taught to seek the Creator through his or her own spiritual
development and to learn, demonstrate, and practice divinity. Joy,
love, abundance, health, happiness, peace, wisdom, enlightenment
are the social values on the New Earth. There, is but one law on
New Earth - the law of unconditional love, equality, and faith in the
Creator. We are switching from a separation-based societal mindset
to a spiritual based society that operates on divinity and unity
consciousness. There will be no nationalism and protectionism.
There will be no political parties, policymaker, rulers, or leaders;
rather the new social system will function on the universal law of
You will enjoy a longer life span, because you will experience a relaxed, stress free and healthier lifestyle, the
ability to heal, and a dietary shift away from low vibrational items (meat, seafood, alcohol, etc) are the main
reasons for longevity. Life spans in the next dimension will actually be tenfold. Please understand that we spiritually
respect the integrity of all souls, and for this reason humanity will not be dependent on farming animals as a main
food source. Living in the lower vibrations on this 3D Earth, has meant you become tired very easily. On new Earth,
you do not require long periods of sleep, because rest is sufficient for re-energising your mind and body.
The old 3D paradigm of greed, ego, material possessions, and building wealth, which determines your rank, elitism,
and social status, will not exist. Your new world will not operate on ego consciousness, where one person or group
has established themselves as superior over another, or were a person uses their talents for wealth, social prestige
or rank. In addition, no systems of power (rules, laws and institutions) will exist that differentiates people based on
status, physical attributes or other aspects that separate, judge, disadvantage or create divisions among people.
Intellectual property is free for everyone to use. It is for this simple reason that New Earth will not have Christmas,
monarchies, religions, taxes, gambling, professional sports, celebrities/movie stars, tabloids, patent & copyright,
privacy laws, stock markets, police, military, etc.
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On new Earth, there will be no need to "own" anything personally. Everybody has access to everything. There is no
need for personal possessions. Everything belongs to everybody. Everybody contributes their service or time freely
to benefit their community. All types of artists freely offer their gifts and talents, because they recognise the joy and
happiness they give others. The negativity that is rooted on fear, greed, dishonour, and violence will vanish. The
only vibration on new Earth will be love. The Law of Freewill will also continue to apply it is universal, so you still
have the freedom to choose whatever experience you want. You will not have human rights; rather you will have
universal rights. There will be no strict laws or rules for living. Peace, respect, self responsibility for ones actions,
and accepting everyone as equal, replaces the need for law enforcement agencies and legal institutions.
New Earth will have a worldwide supply system, which consists of immense warehouses located all around the
planet, to support multiple communities and larger regions. In addition, each community will establish their own
local distribution or supply depots, which operate as both a cooperative to supply local supermarkets. These supply
depots will be filled with a huge variety of products and goods including food, clothing, and other essential items
that everyone can freely access. Regions may specialise in the production and/or manufacturing of specific
products, articles, or materials. The entire race on new Earth is a cooperative. These items will be stored in
regional warehouses, which connect to the worldwide supply system. This global logistical system is the common
property of everyone. The simple law of supply and demand determines how regions measure how much they
need to produce at particular times of the year. When you need a particular commodity that your supply depot does
not have, it is supplied and transported from another depot or warehouse and delivered to your depot. New Earth
does not operate under a commercial system and as such, there will be no competitors, trade restrictions, tariffs, or
taxes. New technology and smarter food processing systems will ensure humanity will always have abundance.
Everything on new Earth is unified including architectural design, cultural values, and social order, clothing
products and technology.
Marriage is optional, but the Law of One states every individual has the right to enter into agreement to perform
and experience any relationship with another individual (freedom to experience any type of sexuality). To make an
agreement, the two individuals must consent; the relationship must be founded on mutual affection, acknowledge
the relationship will bring the highest form of happiness and joy to each being and the mutual understanding that
they wish to have that experience for a spiritual reason.
Until the age of six (6), the immediate family and/or other members of the family circle are directly responsible for
the spiritual development of children. After this, children begin primary education. The role of a teacher is not to
fully immerse a child in the teachings of a formal curriculum, but help bring out the wisdom or knowledge that
remains latent in the childs soul. School & work hours are based on a 4-day week/6 hour day. The rest is free time,
which can be devoted to studying, recreation, community work, and spiritual development.
Every child attends school until the age of 16, at which time they are formally recognised as an adult. At this point,
the individual can either enrol into university to commence a tertiary discipline, or undertake a vocational education
program. Each community offers a selected range of tertiary and vocational programs based on the industrial
requirements and workforce needs of the community and region. This is based on the simple principle that the
educational skills of the individuals will benefit the community and/or entire region. For example, the vocational
skills portfolio has a major benefit for the individual. This system offers them portability, which means they can
relocate to another community/region anywhere on the planet that may require the same vocational skills and
knowledge. So know matter where a person lives, they understand the importance of their vocational training,
because their role within humanity means that they are simply one unit of the whole, and no position is less
important than the rest!
Spiritual education for adults will also be very important. The ongoing development of a persons spirituality from
early childhood into adulthood, will prepare them for their entire life. People will be encouraged to learn and explore
5D consciousness (Law of Love), which includes advanced spiritism, telepathy, telekinesis, and ethereal healing.
New Earth is much like the third dimension without the concepts of duality, ego, and fear. New humanity will simply
operate like the top end of our 3D culture. There will homes, food, education, and jobs for everyone, but you no
longer have to focus on survival, because there is no money. Another person cannot rule you, or the old paradigm
of power over others and service to self, does not exist, because we are all ONE and work together as a united
world. Every individual on new Earth indisputably will have the same high quality of life, including housing, food,
employment, health care, education and recreation & leisure time, and no longer do you have to struggle to exist
and survive!
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Human Energy
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Chakra Chart:
Chakra Information Packet:
Chakra and the Mind/Body Interface:
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A Balanced chakra means its is fully functioning with no energy blockages or over energised,
A Blocked chakra means it is fully or partially closed from unwanted frequency that hinders the natural
mechanics of the chakra (the ability to receive & transmit and rotation),
An "Overactive" chakra means the rotation is highly stimulated or active when compared to the other chakras.
There is a difference between healing and balancing chakras. Chakra Healing are techniques that aim to remove
unwanted energy blockages or frequency (stored in the nadis channels) that hinder the flow of energy
(input/output) within a specific chakra. As a result, the chakra is capable of holding more energy and the circuitry
connection to the next upper chakra is restored. Chakra Balancing is the technique (eg: guided visualisation),
which restores their functioning and interconnectivity. This creates a new longitudinal axial current, thus the overall
frequency signature within the chakra system increases. Anything that influences the biological body, will manifest
instantly within the ethereal body, but any changes to your ethereal body (healing) can take 24 hours, a week or
longer to energetically filter and adjust the biological body. Research has found that a person, who regular
practices visualisation techniques and can mentally visualise their chakras rotating and flowing naturally, can
significantly increase the frequency of their energy signature. Chakras are centres of electromagnetic energy and
each chakra has its own specific frequency, so any direct change to one primary chakra changes the frequency
sine wave along the entire chakra system. Your energy signature directly corresponds to the overall condition and
health of each primary chakra.
You must keep your chakras working at peak efficiency; they need to always work together as a team. Chakra
balancing is something that should be done periodically. Chakra balancing is very important for keeping good
health. Think of chakra balancing as a sort of tune up of the human body. When one chakra begins to function
normally, the frequency in the ethereal body increases. Therefore, when all primary chakras are fully functional, the
energy system will work together as a complete circuit. For beginners, please do not worry about symbols, sounds,
or specific colours. A chakra is only an energy centre, so the power of visualising a constant smooth flow of golden
white light energy through them, will purify and stimulate the chakra system. Lastly, each part of the ethereal body
has its own specific frequency (low to high), ethereal healing means removing any unwanted or incorrect frequency
not belonging to a specific part of the body, in order to restore the original frequency. An understanding of the
ethereal frequency map can heal all physical alignments, diseases, and illnesses.
The following table identifies the various strategies to heal the primary chakras, which should be used to develop,
modify, and customise the structure of the personal ascension program (step one: heal the base chakra).
Learning & studying new spiritual knowledge, meditation, & the use of affirmations or prayer.
Meditation, creative arts, colouring & drawing, working with memory recall, hypnosis & guided
visualisation techniques and working with intuition & third eye training
Verbal communication skills, public speaking, debating, listening skills, story telling, singing,
humming, chanting and neck, throat & shoulder massages/exercises
Inner child work, hugging, push ups, personal journaling, deep breathing exercises and skills
development in unconditional love and compassion
Meditation, stress management, upper stomach exercises, belly dancing, hoola hoops, martial
arts, working on shame issues, risk taking, anger management training, self esteem exercises,
fear and rejection analysis, and ego detachment exercises
Healthy pleasures and indulgences, emotional release exercises, karmic cord cutting, lower
stomach exercises, pelvic exercises and body movement therapy
Physical activities, outdoor activities, massage, grounding exercises, swimming, yoga, walking,
sexual touching, & stimulation, and reviewing early childhood memories.
Page: 37
Values in NM
Values in HZ
179.51 - 243.61
158.63 - 174.90
142.11 - 148.29
128.70 - 139.21
117.61 - 124.02
106.58 -115.61
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Transference is simply the manipulation of your ethereal body from conscious energy (yours & other people) and
from within your reality. The vibrational frequency of conscious energy corresponds to the frequency of the lower
chakras. Energy transference means that there is a direct energetic relationship between the frequency of your
consciousness and the frequency of your ethereal body. When you understand this energetic relationship, you can
take steps to change your conscious energy (thoughts, beliefs, etc), which automatically changes the frequency of
your ethereal body. In other words, your mind and body are interconnected. Energy transference is the principle
behind chakra healing. Here are some examples of energy transference:
From your own mind or conscious energy (thoughts, emotions, attitude, feelings, behaviour, etc)
From another persons conscious energy such as their emotions, words, actions and behaviour
From cultural transference (unconscious energy) eg: belief systems, physical attachments, media, etc
Your conscious energy is simply brain wave energy. Your emotions and thoughts are polarised they have either a
negative or a positive vibration. Negative transference means that negative thoughts and emotions will instantly
be pulled into the south pole, whilst Positive transference means positive thoughts such as love and compassion
will transmute or remove negative energy from the south pole. This duality is the basis for understanding how
energy can heal your chakras. Negative transference is inharmonious thoughts, which creates an imbalance in
the functioning of the lower chakras. Positive transference refers to conscious energy that is positive in nature,
which removes the negative distortions in the chakras, to restore the frequency to those chakras. When you
manifest negative thoughts and emotions, this energy is transported down the spine to the south pole of the chakra
system, which directly filters into the base chakra and this energy instantly changes the frequency of the base
chakra. Your personality, lifestyle habits, thoughts, and beliefs are vibrational in nature, and because chakras have
their own unique frequency, this energetically means your consciousness currently determines the overall
frequency of your ethereal body. For example, a person whose character can be described as highly emotional
means that they have a over active or dominant sacral plexus (orange) chakra, because their character continually
feeds that chakra with negatively charged emotional energy. As a result, the physical body will express where that
frequency is mostly active and their physical health is a direct manifestation of the status of those lower chakras.
means you
filter negative
energy into the
south pole and
outwardly in
your physical
behaviour, and
state, creating
feedback loop.
This conscious
energy keeps
feeding the
south pole to
remain working
in constant
negative polarity. Conscious awareness of your thoughts and emotions can speed up the process to resolve the
imbalance. The above diagram shows the different brain wave frequencies that are energetically linked to the
primary chakras. When a person thinks and behaves from their heart centre, they are consciously transferring the
higher frequency (Hz) into the chakra system. Remember, a high-energy signature means blockages in the lower
chakras dissolve, because the lower vibrational energy is not compatible with the higher frequency energy flowing
through the chakras. Therefore, to achieve a higher frequency, your energy signature is dependent on the
progressive activation of each of the seven primary chakras. You can take simple yet powerful steps to change
your frequency by thinking positively. To ascend, you need to learn how to master your conscious energy and
avoid negative transference. Positive transference can drastically alter your frequency. Your energy signature will
spiral to higher frequency when you expand your consciousness by thinking and acting positively (love and
Page: 40
Her immune system is suppressed, making her more vulnerable to colds/flues and her
headaches have now escalated into migraine headaches. Any prolonged stress will mean Jill
would be more vulnerable to long-term illnesses, premature aging, heart disease, ulcers, and
Jills mental abilities become imbalanced and she starts to have problems concentrating. She
begins suffering from hea dac he s an d t h e i nability to focus on everyday issues.
Jill now suffers from feelings of alienation and has low self-esteem. She has no interest in wanting
to interact with people or speak to friends and family about her problem
Jills blood pressure rises and her pancreas releases more of the hormone glucagons and less
insulin, as a result of the decreased insulin, her blood sugar levels rise
Jill loses interest in eating and exercise and suffers from fatigue and physical exhaustion
The energy blockage in the base chakra is the main problem. To heal this chakra, the negative emotional energy
must be replaced with positive energy. Of course, had Jack apologised for his actions, his conscious energy or
positive transference (forgiveness) would instantly help Jills chakra system heal and naturally return to normal
state. Likewise, negative transference can also create karmic cords (this will be explained later). In regards to Jill,
she must take conscious steps to heal the negative transference from her body. You can visualise this negative
energy as black sticky syrup, which impedes the nadis channels and prevents the chakras from rotating. Chakra
healing simply involves the removal of negative energy, by modulating dark energy into light (negative into
positive frequency). For many people, damaged chakras and permanent blockages are caused from childhood
traumas, cultural conditioning, bad habits, and lifestyle choices and from physical and emotional injuries.
The key to healing the biological body is the ethereal body. All illnesses and diseases is simply an incorrect
frequency operating at a specific location in the ethereal body. This is why physical illnesses are a projection of
ones own psychological thinking, behaviour, and ego. Once you recognise that you are unconsciously projecting
negative energy into your ethereal body, you can repolarise your mental thoughts into a positive state of mind, and
this will automatically change the frequency or energy signature within the ethereal body. This is the key to
understanding energy transference once you control your thoughts, ego and mind, and begin to think positively,
you literally pump up that polarised energy out of the central nervous system into the ethereal body, which raises
the frequency of the energy signature. Remember this basic rule for ascension, when you expand your
consciousness (shift your conscious energy from negative to positive), you expand the frequency of your energy
In regards to ascension, Lady Gaia is shifting into the green band of the
universal spectra. The frequency of the 4
dimension corresponds
directly to the frequency of your heart chakra. For an individual to ascend
to new Earth, they need to demonstrate the qualities of unconditional
love and compassion (4D Law: Service to Others). The heart chakra is a
frequency bridge to the higher chakras, because they have the higher
frequencies. That is the reason why the personal ascension program has been designed to firstly heal the lower
chakras before opening the heart chakra. You cannot bypass the heart chakra to open the higher chakras. When
you achieve a higher frequency, you begin to have a deeper emotional understanding of oneself and others. For
the majority of humanity, they function at the negative polarity level or Service to Self mode. For many, the
red/orange/yellow/blue chakras and not the heart chakra are the most active and dominant energy centres. Anger
and hatred, irrational behaviour, unloving attitudes, unable to give/receive love, judging others, critical of others and
intolerance to opposing viewpoints are all classic signs of heart chakra defects, which is easily observed in
humanitys low energy signature.
Ascension means we are moving from Service to Self to Service to Others. The activation of your green ray
certifies your ascension to new Earth. That is the reason why the heart based qualities of love and compassion
are the most important attribute for ascension and why healing the lower chakras is the your first priority.
Our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and unloving emotions cause the lower chakras to be overcharged, closed, and
blocked. To energetically heal the imbalances in the lower chakras, we must remove two major types of energy
attachments, namely old emotions and the egos relationship to manmade/physical objects & beliefs. An
attachment is negative energy that energetically targets the two lower plexus chakras, or visualise an attachment
as unwanted frequency blocking those chakras. After we have healed the south pole, we can then start working on
the north pole. However, the process of opening the heart chakra can be very painful to both your ego and physical
body. When you undertake ascension, the lower frequency or the denser 3D energy that resides in the lower
chakras must be eliminated slowly, so the body can gradually adjust and function at a higher frequency. Likewise,
your conscious energy or how you think and feel generates frequency. You are the boss of your energy
(frequency), so you must begin to master your own thoughts, actions, and intentions. Right now, your frequency is
defined by your thoughts, attitudes, and belief systems. You must be prepared to take charge of your ascension
process and consciously transmute the lower 3D energy to achieve a 4D energy signature. At the time of the
planetary shift, your frequency will determine what dimension you are destined to experience.
To ascend, you must heal or clear out 51% > of the negative frequency
from the three (3) lower chakras, and attune your energy signature to the 4 th
dimensional frequencies (4D frequencies commence at the heart chakra).
Page: 42
Your body contains your consciousness (this is YOU - thoughts, intelligence, emotions, memories etc),
Your energy signature is the result of your consciousness,
The frequency of your consciousness is aligned to the frequency of this dimension or time/space reality,
Shifiting the frequency of your consciousness alters the version of reality you can consciously experience,
To shift the frequency of your consciousness, you must change your existing attitude & change your perception
about what human experience you want and then take steps to make it happen,
Only you are responsible for changing the frequency of your consciousness.
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8. After the second frequency expansion cycle, to compensate and manage the increasing amount of higher
frequency, the ethereal body starts the process of regulating and unifying the electromagnetic properties of the
emotional, mental, and biological bodies to energetically interact and communicate with each other. This
process will be accompanied with a number of physical symptoms. Emotional changes will leave you feeling
irritable and angry. Mental changes will make you feel exhausted and disorientated. Physical symptoms will
manifest in the locations of the primary chakras, but the type physical symptoms are directly related to the
health and status of those primary chakras, (thus its dependent on what chakras are opened, blocked &
balanced), and not everyone will experience the same symptoms.
9. In addition, after the second frequency expansion cycle commences, the auric field will receive the first
download or wave of high frequency astral energy entering the ethereal body. The cosmic energy enters
through the crown chakra, and travels down the spinal column to the base chakra. As a result, the lower
vibrational energy found in each of three lower chakras will be released. In regards to the base chakra, expect
to experience pain in the lower back, pressure around the urinary tract, fluid retention, swelling in the lower
abdomen, and a range of gastro-intestinal problems including diarrhoea.
10. You may also experience a physical reaction to the higher frequency filtering into the auric field, which can
manifest as a high pitch sound vibrating in the left ear,
11. Likewise, when the higher frequency astral energy enters the crown chakra, expect to experience intense
headaches around the head, some stiffness around the neck & shoulders and localised pressure or pain
around the left hemisphere of the brain.
12. In regards to the emotional body, your emotions have the lowest frequency, so this dense energy will be the
first energy to be released from the body. Expect to experience a variety of negative feelings and emotions
including anger, sadness, mood swings, and warning: intense rage that will suddenly come out of nowhere.
13. The release of emotional toxins will also start changing the electrical pathways in the brain. Since your
emotional and mental bodies are interwoven, your mental body (thoughts, ideas, memory, etc) will energetically
change and stay aligned with the emotional body. Expect to experience exhaustion, fatigue and lack of
14. The types of physical symptoms that will manifest in the body will be dependent on the health and status of the
upper chakras (opened, blocked & balanced). The most common symptom is body heat. Metabolic and
hormonal changes will increase the bodys temperature. During daytime, it is far easier to manage, because
can consciously regulate your temperature, but at night time, you will experience restlessness, hot & pulsating
legs/feet, and less deep sleep cycles.
There is some good news: when you finally ascend to a higher frequency, you
experience less physical symptoms during each cycle, although some symptoms
may reappear from time to time. From personal experience, this lightworker has
summarised the Four Stages for a Frequency Expansion Cycle, in the table
below. You can expect to experience a minimum of two (2) frequency expansion
cycles over a three (3) month period. It usually takes a minimum of two (2) weeks
for one frequency expansion cycle to finish and then the body enters into
transitional period. It takes time for your body adjust to the new frequency before
you begin to feel normal again. This may last for a month or so, before the next
frequency expansion cycle begins. Also remember, ascension means to keep
ascending your frequency. Therefore, your frequency or energy signature will be
different to another person. There are many factors that influence a persons
frequency including the health of the lower chakras or how much emotional
healing has been done, level of motivation and resistance, lifestyle habits, and
negative thoughts & attitudes.
The lack of interest in eating
Body aches and joint pain in the lower
Page: 47
All the above suggestions listed in the four stages are all
interwoven. To keep yourself balanced and centred, you will
discover through trial and error, what strategies work best for
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Chakra Consciousness
The term Chakra Consciousness refers to chakra self-awareness or your personal knowledge and
understanding of the human chakra system.
Chakra consciousness includes:
It is highly recommended that you research and invest your time to learn all you can about the human chakra
system. Options include undertaking a chakra workshop, purchasing a chakra DVD, or researching the vast
amount of online videos, tutorials, and websites that are available on the Internet.
A good website on Chakra Healing can be found at:
A simple Chakra Test that reports on the health of your chakra system can be found at:
A Visual Representation of the Chakra Body can be found at:
Page: 49
Additional Information
about Ascension
Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness means a person who outwardly embraces divinity (Law of One). Christ Consciousness
has nothing to do with Christ as a person. Christ refers to your understanding & awareness of divinity and your
primary purpose as a spiritual being. When you have found your own spiritual connection with the universe and
with the Creator, this will manifest outwardly as unconditional love, joy, and compassion. When an individual
consciously demonstrates these divine attributes, this is known as Christ Consciousness.
Spirituality is the process of proactively discovering your personal connection with the Creator, from a path of inner
seeking. It is a self assessment of your own thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs, the ability to consciously close off
some of those things you have previously accepted and open yourself to new spiritual concepts. This is known as
spiritual advancement. When a person is willing to learn and apply the principles of divinity in their life, they have
spirituality evolved. Divinity helps you outwardly perceive the love and compassion in others, you recognise that
each person is a spiritual being and understand that each person are at different levels of spiritual growth. When
you incorporate divinity as an integral part of yourself and begin to externalise this Christ energy, the very nature
of your reality changes. In regards to ascension, you do not have to be a master of Christ consciousness. It only
requires you to be open to a new way of living and your willingness to learn, incorporate, and practice divinity on
new Earth. This is the most important rule to remember when you enter your into the ascension program you only
need your conscious intent and a genuine desire towards wanting to experience a world that operates on unity,
love and compassion that will help you achieve the required frequency to shift to new Earth. Christ Consciousness
can include your own personal understanding of the Creator/God (I AM), your ability to connect to your higher
self, how you demonstrate the qualities of divinity and/or your ability to freely share your spiritual wisdom and
knowledge to help others with their spiritual growth.
Mastering Divinity
Divinity refers to the highest characteristics, personal qualities and attributes of Christ, and Christ Consciousness
refers to a person who consciously demonstrates and practices divinity. Therefore, a Divine person means an
individual that can demonstrate & project the attributes of unconditional love and compassion consciously
(thoughts, actions, behaviour) in all aspects of their human life. The term Christ means a person whose conscious
of their behaviour and actions, and can give and give/receive love and compassion without wanting anything back
in return. Are you a master of divinity? Consider the following questions: Can you freely assist others without
judging them? Can you easily communicate and interact with people that are labelled difficult? Can you confront a
person without thinking negatively of them? If a person made a bad mistake or wrong choice in their life, can you
avoid criticising & judging that person behind their back? Could you avoid reacting emotionally to a persons hurtful
comments? Can you accept a persons faith without arguing or criticising them or their belief system? Can you
apologise to another person for your bad behaviour, actions, or hurtful comments? A non-divine person would
criticise, argue, and judge and/or intentionally cause pain (verbal & non verbal) and unhappiness to others.
Mastering divinity means you can demonstrate the heart based qualities of unconditional love and compassion,
thus you have achieved Christ Consciousness. Lastly, had humanity mastered divinity, morality and duality would
not exist on our world today. Compassion is a state of emotional maturity and necessary for spiritual evolution.
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Ascension Questionnaire
The following questions will examine your current attitudes and beliefs against the principles of unity consciousness
and the Law of One. Please note that this is not a true and accurate assessment to measure your divinity, so feel
free to use your discretion. Please circle your responses for each statement.
11. I view spiritualism as a true path to follow for gaining immortal life
12. I view religion as a set of moral rules, which guide people's behaviour
14. I do not practice organised religion, but still view myself as spiritual
18. I believe my religion is the only path that people must follow
Page: 52
4D Positive (4D +)
4D Negative (4D -)
These people can openly express
their unconditional love and
compassion towards others, and
All seven
are either subject matter experts
primary chakras
or skilful masters in spirituality.
are active
They have highly advanced
including the
intuition and a strong
multidimensional energy. They
practice their spirituality through
These people
healing, mediumship, meditation
will easily
etc, and adept in the human
ascend to New
energy system. They easily
perceive all souls as equals and
understand the universal law of
These people are strongly oriented towards both
Service to Others (4D) and Service to Love (5D)
The red,
orange, yellow,
and blue
chakras are
active &
perhaps the
indigo chakra is
partially active.
These people
will ascend.
3D Positive (3D +)
These people do not actively take
interest in their spiritual growth.
The lower
They are conscience of their own
religious beliefs, but not
chakras are
concerned by other religious
dominant and
groups & their beliefs. They
the blue and/or
demonstrate a mix of love,
green chakras
compassion, and tolerance
maybe partially
towards others. They mostly
invest their personal energy in
This group have
technology, materialism, &
survival activities to generate
a choice.
financial security. They are
To ascend, they
unconsciously driven by their
physical ego to maintain their
need to shift into
career, social status, wealth, and
the 4D Negative
possessions. Some people would
group (4D-).
overlap into the 3D Negative
These people are equally oriented in
Service to Others (4D) and Service to Self (3D)
3D Negative (3D -)
Page: 53
The lower
chakras (red,
orange, &
yellow) are
dominant and
These people
will not ascend
to New Earth.
The information presented in the ascension study guide serves as the official
advice to humanity from the Angelic Realm. Please note that much of
the information found on the Internet is false, misleading, outdated, and
not sanctioned by the Celestial Council.
Page: 54
Several hours before the planetary shift, you will begin to witness a shift or a change in your mental, physical, and
emotional bodies. You will also certainly observe a visual phenomenon. This occurs when the two dimensional
planes begin to eclipse each other. You will know that the shift is close, because you will begin to see different
coloured objects appear and disappear around you. You will see different configurations of light frequencies that
you have never seen before. You will see shades of colours that are brilliant and much brighter. All the space
around you will begin to change and warp into different shapes and colours. The magnetosphere in the upper
levels of planets atmosphere is the key to understanding this process. This magnetic field is the mechanism for
what we see around us and how we think. We need an exterior magnetic field, so our brain can retain our
knowledge, memories etc. It is also known as the Planetary Consciousness Grid, Earths Auric Field, or
Morphogenetic Field. Our consciousness is connected to the magnetosphere, and when the planet starts to shift
across to the next dimension, the planets magnetosphere begins to shift into the new dimensional frequency band.
That will result in the visual phenomenon.
After the planetary shift, our old 3D world will not have a magnetosphere - it will completely dissolve and this is the
reason why life forms cannot exist on our old planet, because the electromagnetic field is the mechanism that
allows you to have a conscious experience (self-awareness and perception of this 3D reality). You need this outer
planetary field to create and store human memory patterns. Therefore, the people that complete their ascension,
means they are protected, because their human energy body is electrically compatible with the planets
magnetosphere, which is the reason why they will consciously experience the planetary shift. Think of the shift as a
simple carpet cleaner it will clear away the people that have the old vibration of consciousness, to allow the
people that have the new frequency of consciousness to remain behind. However, the days preceding this event,
you will start to witness the reaction from the people who did not participate in the ascension process. People may
begin to act out (mentally, emotionally and physically). Remember, everyones consciousness is connected to
Earths exterior magnetic field, so when it energetically starts shifting and fluctuating, expect a lot of chaos
occurring around the world.
It should take approximately a period of 20 to 26 hours for the planet to fully spiral upwards into the next dimension.
The dimensional shift is sort made up of mini shifts. The earliest indication will be the changes to the planets
magnetosphere or consciousness grid. In addition to the visual phenomenon, man made/synthetic objects will
begin to fade out and disappear from your view, but at the same time, new Earth will begin to appear and
materialise around you. Just remain calm and do not let your fear and ego try to take control.
During the final stages of the planetary shift, the physical process begins. A tidal wave of high energetic photons
will sweep across Earth. Earth and everyone upon the planet will physically shift into the new time/space
frequency. This is the moment of truthfulness for every living thing on the planet. Will they choose to allow
themselves to be fully emersed and flooded with this higher frequency or reject the energy and be swept away?
The bridge to the upper and lower vibrational levels will be in place to collect souls to their appropriate vibrational
levels of consciousness. The people, who say no, will ethereally spin off the planet and return to the spirit world.
Those of you consciously prepared and are ethereally anchored to the planet, will consciously think that your
physical body feels the same, but the subatomic structure has changed. It was converted into light energy, but you
will not realise that. You will not be hurt by the energetic tsunami that floods through your body. During the shift,
your ethereal body and crystalline bio plasmic light, (aura) will shift, but your biological body matter will not.
Remember, the wavelength for each dimension determines how matter vibrational exists in each reality. Within a
blink of a moment, the planet will be catapulted into the next dimension and then you will begin to consciously
perceive this new world around you, unless it happens during the night when youre asleep, but hopefully most of
you will retain the memory of consciously experiencing the dimensional shift.
The dimensional shift will be the catalyst for some major transmutations to the planet. It is a new timeline and a
new frequency level. You will notice that everything looks new and brighter. The new shapes and colours are a
result of the new dimensional frequency, which now defines our new plane of reality. For most of you, it is highly
probable that you will find yourself naked, because any synthetic clothing you were wearing will not make it through
the shift. The shift will act as a 3D filter, so any item or object that has a 3D frequency will spin off the planet and
disappear when we move into our 4D timeline. Likewise, you will probably notice that some family and friends are
not with you. Please understand that over 85% of the worlds population are classified as both 3D Positive, and
3D Negative spiritual beings, so for whatever reasons, a greater part of the worlds population from our 3D planet
will decide not to join new Earth. For example, the folks who could not maintain or raise their vibration to the higher
frequency level, or the people who decided not to participate in the ascension program.
Your knowledge and wisdom are the only permanent qualities you can
take with you to new Earth. Many of your worldly possessions will remain
behind when you shift to new Earth.
Page: 56
Earth in the
4 thDimension
For the first couple of years, you will participate in the New Earth
Project, where all of us will assist in the rebuilding and/or
construction of new communities. A number of Lightworkers have
incarnational roles to temporarily act as New Earth leaders.
Other lightworkers and other advanced souls who came to Earth
on a temporary assignment, will bypass 4D and return to home to
their families in the 5D or other dimensions and universes.
3D Planet in the
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There is absolutely no way to fake your ascension, and nor can you undertake ascension for the simple reason
of surviving the shift. You cannot suddenly pretend to wake up one morning and announce you now have a
"high frequency. You cannot falsify your energy signature, when it is riddled with fear. Personal ascension is
not automatic, and no person has a free pass. It requires effort on your behalf!
Are you prepared to expose, examine, heal, and release your deepest core issues? This may mean facing and
challenging your ego, releasing all forms of emotional baggage, resentments and old grudges you are holding
onto against people, your belief systems and moving out of your comfort zone. It may also mean that those in
your life will challenge your decision and your relationships with family and friends may change.
Are you prepared to release and give up many of your worldly possessions, money, and material things, which
have been important to you during this lifetime! It does not matter how much land or property you own,
because on new Earth, all land is the common property of everyone, whether you ascend or not and besides
many of your Earthly possessions will not exist after the planetary shift?
Can you truly live on new Earth without wealth, investment properties, personal debts, shares, monarchies,
religion, taxes, gambling, professional sports, sports/music/movie celebrities, antiques, pollution, guns, war,
terrorism, homelessness, poverty, famine, nuclear technology, etc?
Could you sincerely live in a world were humanity will be united and everyone is treated equal. Do you want
live on a world where every person will be provided free food, clothing, housing, and education?
Can you honestly move into a new life that follows one simple spiritual law the law of one, which is based on
love and faith in the Creator?
Are you happy with your life? Have you made some terrible mistakes during your lifetime? There is no such
thing as sin, punishment, or judgement, so ascension offers you the opportunity to start a new chapter in your
life on new Earth from scratch?
Your heart chakra is the key to the new kingdom. How much of yourself are you prepared to serve humanity
and share your time, knowledge, etc to help and support others?
Are you prepared to ascend without family members and friends who may decide not to participate in
Would you be prepared to foster and care for the welfare of any orphaned children who will ascend without
parents or other family members?
Ascension is open to everyone, regardless of your religion, faith, and beliefs. Are you prepared to live on new
Earth that operates on peace, love, and unity?
Ascension does not discriminate regardless of your age, race, disabilities, medical conditions, sexuality,
criminal history, or gender.
If you are unsure about your ascension decision, now is the time for each
one of you to invoke the help from the spiritual hierarchy. Please trust me
when I tell you that your Master, Guides, and Angels are very eager and
waiting to help you right now! They will answer you. Before you fall asleep,
mentally ask them the following question: Dear Master, I request your
guidance. Can you please tell me what I should do about personal
ascension? Within less than 24 hours, your divine team will provide you
with the answer you seek, for example, through a dream, a thought, or
some kind of a visual clue or subtle message may appear in your life. You
will know, because it will resonate with you!
Page: 58
Personal Ascension
For Adults
(For any person over the age of 12)
Verbal communication skills, public speaking, debating, listening skills, story telling, singing,
humming, chanting and neck, throat & shoulder massages/exercises
Inner child work, hugging, push ups, personal journaling, deep breathing exercises and skills
development in unconditional love and compassion
Meditation, stress management, upper stomach exercises, belly dancing, hoola hoops, martial
arts, working on shame issues, risk taking, anger management training, self esteem exercises,
fear and rejection analysis, and ego detachment exercises
Healthy pleasures and indulgences, emotional release exercises, karmic cord cutting, lower
stomach exercises, pelvic exercises and body movement therapy
Physical activities, outdoor activities, massage, grounding exercises, swimming, yoga, walking,
sexual touching & stimulation, family bonding activities and reviewing early childhood
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Step 1 - The Ascension Journal
Commence this activity in WEEK 1.
The aim of this ascension activity involves expanding your spiritual knowledge. You may wish to research and learn
more about some of the concepts covered in this document. This task is simply designed to help you begin the
path of expanding your consciousness. This self-exploration should help you realise that you are more than just a
human being, but a soul having a physical experience on Earth. As you begin to expand your spiritual knowledge
and start researching information on a range of spiritual topics, you start to reconnect with your true spiritual
identity. This personal growth is accompanied with a shift in your perception about who you really are, and you
attain a higher level of consciousness.
The purpose of the Ascension Journal will help you develop a better understanding of your spiritual self. Your aim
is to develop your own spiritual consciousness and find your god spark, your soul self or the Buddha that lies
hidden within you. This activity only requires you to research, regularly write down, and record any relevant
information in a spiral pad or notebook, which relates to different spiritual topics or themes that appeal to you.
All forms higher learning actually expand your consciousness. This is the purpose of the ascension journal. When
you expand your consciousness, you generate a higher frequency. Please remember, you need to consciously
detach yourself from your current 3D mindset, views, opinions, beliefs, and old ways of thinking and shift your mind
to embrace an entirely new set of beliefs and attitudes. Once you start understanding the various principles that
relate to Law of One, it is only then that you will accept and begin to practice and live by them. You must stop
thinking of yourself as just a human being with a distinct personality, hopes, dreams, and accomplishments. To
understand this, you must tear down the false and artificial boundaries that have been put up around you by your
world. It is an illusion, because your reality was created for learning duality and exploring the ego, therefore you are
not bound to accept or live anymore by your old 3D principles and beliefs. However, only you can make the inner
connection and truly accept that you are a spiritual being and have a divine mission to complete.
This activity asks you to keep an ascension journal such as a written notebook or electronic journal, etc. Perhaps
you may wish to research topics contained in this study guide, or spiritual topics that may appeal to you. In your
journal, summarise the key points, draw diagrams, use mind maps, criticise, argue, describe etc.
Meditation techniques, the human energy body, and the chakra system are suggested topics to begin your
research. Please revisit the page titled Chakra Consciousness, for some ideas. Knowledge of the primary chakras
and associated healing strategies will empower you to substitute and customise the activities outlined in this
ascension program, or feel free to develop a program for targeted groups or individuals, such as younger children.
You may want to revisit the page titled False Ascension Information. Remember the rule - use your discernment.
Feel free to attend any courses and workshops that teach meditation technique and/or chakra healing. The simple
objective to this activity is to help you expand your knowledge.
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This activity has been designed to help your mind (conscious energy) start thinking about the big picture! These
tasks directly relate to your personal reasons for participating in ascension, and help you remain motivated during
the ascension program. Firstly, revisit the pages called Glimpse into life on New Earth and then consider the
meaning of Service to Others and Unity Consciousness. Please spend some time thinking about your reasons
for undertaking ascension. Your conscious intent will create the outcome you want.
Task 1: Use an Internet search engine to research & download photos/images that relate to the principles of the 3 rd
dimension (duality and ego). For example, poverty, homelessness, greed, fear, starvation/famine,
millionaires, third world vs. private schools, deforestation, whaling, ghetto housing, child trafficking, animal
cruelty, war, nuclear weapons and so on. Reflect on those images and take notice of your thoughts &
feelings. Now think about these hard questions: Is this really how I want my world to function? Do I like
what humanity has created? Do I like my current life? Could I live in a united world? Am I prepared to do
what is necessary and change my mindset from Service to Self (3D) and embrace a new way of living and
accept the principles of Service to Others (4D)?
The reasons to ascend will mean something completely different for each one of you. Some people will choose to
ascend, because they wish to advance their spiritual being by exploring 5D consciousness on new Earth. The
majority of you will hopefully choose to ascend, because you do not want to be burdened anymore with your
current way of living and are prepared to do what is necessary to experience life on a new peaceful and united
Earth operating under the Law of One. Now ask yourself this question?
What will new Earth mean to me?
This question is important for your ascension, because it will help you start expanding your consciousness. The
greatest lesson here is for each one you to begin accepting and adopting a new belief structure and attitude that is
aligned with New Earth. Remember the main rule for ascension: Conscious energy (your thoughts & feelings) has
direct influence over the frequency of matter (your body). When you start thinking differently, and adopt a new
attitude, you will manifest your new frequency.
Consider the following examples:
World unity
A new social value system (based on love, harmony, and compassion)
Free food, housing, clothing and education
No currency system, debts and taxes
New technology
The abolishment of common and secular laws
People can live anywhere on the planet without restriction
No corruption, greed and wealth
No wars, poverty and homelessness
No ecological destruction
No world religions
All land and property is owned and the common property of all,
A longer life span
Please understand that a positive oriented society operates on the principles of Service to Others. All of new
humanity will equally live and experience the same positive frequency or reality (harmony, unity, love, &
compassion or LUCH).
Task 2: Reflect on the question What will new Earth mean to me? Now use your ascension journal to write a list
that identifies all the positive things you are looking forward to experiencing on new Earth and/or what is
your personal version of unity consciousness? The above list relates to your personal reasons and
motivations for undertaking ascension, but it will also keep your mind focused on the final reward the
version of new Earth that you and new humanity are going to create together.
How often:
In regards to your ascension journal, establish a regular study pattern that works best for you and develop your
New Earth list as soon as possible.
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The first chakra that we need to heal is the BASE CHAKRA (spine/rump), which means the physical body must
have a direct connection to the planet (land/nature). This activity requires you to undertake any type of physical
exercise in the great outdoors or just simply spend time in nature and connect with the planet. During ascension,
you will receive astral/cosmic energies through your crown chakra, which will travel down the spine and will exit
through the soles of our feet into your earth star chakra, which ethereally connects you to the planet. Your ethereal
body is connected to the planets ethereal body via the base chakra. This is why it is very important to heal the base
chakra, because it is the process of energetically strengthening the connection of your ethereal body with the
planets ethereal body (also known as grounding anchoring your magnetic feet to Earth).
The ascension process does not require you to have perfect health and fitness, and nor will ascension give you
perfect health. As previously stated, when you commence your personal ascension, you are going to release old,
negative, and toxic energy from the body, which will often manifest in a range of different symptoms. Therefore, it
will be beneficial for you to undertake any kind of outdoors exercise. Your human body was designed for physical
movement and exercise. Without exercising, your body and human energy system are dulled down. You must
reconnect your body with nature. Create an exercise routine that is compatible with the condition of your physical
body, age, and state of health. Do anything that makes you feel personally comfortable. Walking, gardening,
running, yoga are some examples. The primary lesson here is the need to establish a direct connection with Earth.
This is not about the use of exercise equipment. Those things only help with weight maintenance and maintaining
your fitness. This ascension activity does not apply to the people that already have occupations or work regular on
the land/nature, or undertake frequent recreational activities in the great outdoors.
Exercising assists in oxygenating and toning the body and will help transport Kundalini energy around the body. In
the early stages of the ascension process, the release of Kundalini energy should come naturally. Kundalini yoga
and meditation is not recommended for newbies. Swimming is also very useful. Water is an excellent tool for
increasing the flow of Kundalini energy around the bodys chakras, but it is a powerful agent for releasing emotional
energy and discharging electromagnetic energy, which has been absorbed into the body from household electrical
Alternatively, you can connect your body to the land by simply sitting or lying on the ground or walking barefooted
on the grass choose any activity that can connects your physical body to earth!
Please remember to drink plenty of fresh water, because this will assist to detox the body, which is necessary for
the transfer of the electromagnetic energy around the body. It is highly recommended that you discontinue from
drinking alcohol during the first four (4) weeks of the ascension program. In regards to your diet, consider the
following. Your ethereal body radiates a magnetic energy field. Therefore, the stronger the energy body, the more
frequency it can hold. A diet high in low vibrational foods and other lifestyle habits such as junk food, red meat,
alcohol, heavy drugs, etc will prevent your ethereal body from holding the higher frequency. As you progress
through your ascension, this will manifest more frequently as physical aches and pains and emotional outbursts
(highs & lows). When your physical body and mental state is dulled down, your energy body will suffer. High
vibrational foods have higher water content, they are raw, and unprocessed.
How often:
This activity should be undertaken four (4) days a week for the first two (2) weeks, and then feel free to establish a
regular pattern that works best for your life.
Page: 63
Now that you have made your conscious decision to undertake the ascension program, now is the time to call your
spiritual team to support and assist you during the ascension process. Before you begin this activity, please revisit
the information titled Understanding the Nature of Angels. Ascension begins with a basic affirmation that you are
willing to accept the help and light energy into your body from the higher dimensions. Freewill prevents them from
helping you, until you ask them to assist with your ascension. When you declare your spiritual intent, you instantly
attract the divine support and guidance of many spiritual beings from the Family of Light.
Your own spiritual team consists of your Master, (or Primary Guide). Your Master is your very best friend in the
spiritual hierarchy, who you selected to manage your incarnational contract before you came to Earth. Your Master
has been with you since birth and they are always with you night and day. They have many roles, but they mainly
guide you throughout your life to make sure you accomplish your incarnational lessons that you agreed to complete
and act as Spirit Protectors (known as Guardian Angels.) Your Secondary Guides include both specialist
spiritual beings (what you may call Angelic), and/or departed family/friends who work along side your Master to
mainly assist with healing (to give love & support). Every single one of you has several guides that work with you
day and night. Your guides or spiritual beings come from both the spiritual hierarchy and from the higher
dimensions. Never feel that you are alone. They are waiting for you to simply reach out and say hello!
This activity requires you to establish a regular spiritual discipline where you express your love and devotion to the
Creator/ Master/Angels, etc. This can be done through a simple affirmation, mantra, prayer, or meditation. The true
purpose of prayer is adoration, so please feel free to use your imagination or use other words to design your own
script (see below). It must be enjoyable to you and must come from your heart. Every time you meditate, prayer,
etc, you raise the frequency of your energy. The more you demonstrate your commitment, trust, and faith; more
cosmic light will transfer from the astral planes into your auric field. This energy will help heal and raise your
frequency. You have a powerful team of divine spiritual beings surrounding you at all times, so never think you are
alone! All angels are interconnected; they operate like a group consciousness. If you are unsure what angel to call
upon, just know that they are all listening and will come to your side when invoked and please trust me, everyone is
very eager to help you, but they are waiting for you to connect and ask them for their assistance. The greatest gift
you can give your brothers and sisters from the Family of Light, is your constant personal acknowledgement and
awareness of their presence. When you need to connect with your master, guardian angel, or archangel, find a
quite place, invoke them by name, and make a request (guidance, healing, energy balancing, protection, etc).
Please remember this rule when requesting any divine assistance: prayer plus conscious intent (the thing you
really want help with, must truly come from your heart). As a new lightworker, this is the most powerful tool you
need to use on a regular basis, but your team will always answer you.
Here is an example of a simple affirmation that you can use at anytime:
In the name of the Creator, Universe, my Master, Guides and beautiful Angels,
I call upon you to surround me with a protective shield of white light,
Please heal my aura and body as I sleep tonight,
I ask you to send me the highest vibration, which will help complete my personal ascension,
Thankyou Master and all my beloved Brothers and Sisters for your wonderful assistance.
God Bless, Jonnie
How often:
This activity should be undertaken every night for the first two (2) weeks, and then feel free to establish a ritual that
works best for you.
Page: 64
Step 4 - Emotional Healing
It is recommended that you commence this activity in WEEK 2.
This activity involves healing the SACRAL PLEXUS CHAKRA. Before you begin this activity, please revisit the
information titled Chakras and Emotional Healing. You need to repolarise the negative energy in this chakra with
positive energy (unconditional love). You need to clear away emotional wounds, including old grudges that you still
holding onto against people and the people you caused pain and grief. Karma is easy to identify. Think about
someone that was previously in your life, and ask yourself this question what feelings do I still have about XYZ?
Negative feelings are karma, which can only be healed by forgiveness. You must be willing to release your
prejudices and heal your emotional wounds by undertaking Karmic Cord Cutting.
1. Please do not undertake this exercise when you are tired, fatigued or exhausted,
2. To heal emotionally, you must be prepared to forgive and release bad & painful memories,
3. You will need to do a little soul searching before starting this activity. Use your ascension journal to create a list
that identifies the following:
The people you physically and verbally harmed or hurt (alive and deceased)
The people who physically and verbally harmed you (present and past)
Any bad childhood memories, traumas, events, misgivings, disagreements, grudges, resentment, and
bitterness that you experienced with family members eg: parents, siblings, etc
Any unfinished business with individuals that you have not yet apologised too?
4. Now you will need to use the following script for each person, event, and situation,
5. You must have a genuine and heart felt desire to release karmic or emotional energy from your mind & body,
6. To begin, sit yourself in a quite place and relax. Close your eyes for a moment and relax your breathing,
7. Now visualise the person in your mind or pretend they are sitting in front of you and make the following
declaration (feel free to modify the script):
I call upon Archangel Michael and my Master, to assist me today with the release of karmic energy
from my body.
I wish to forgive and apologise to [insert name] for any pain and suffering that I caused them, when I
did [insert event/situation or whatever you want to release or resolve] and,
I wish to say thankyou to [insert name] for coming into my life and I wish them all the best with their
I now call upon Archangel Michael to remove this karmic cord from my body (now visualise and feel
this energy being released from your heart chakra and your mind)
Thankyou for your assistance
8. Follow the above steps for each person that you have listed or repeat the above steps when you need to
release additional karmic cords between you and that person,
9. You must release only three (3) people in each session before starting the next session, because you need to
allow a few days for the body to adjust and energetically heal after releasing this emotional energy.
This activity will eliminate the ethereal cords connected to other people. As you continue to heal the sacral plexus,
your may notice your relationships with friends and family will begin to change, because you no longer want to
accept or get involved with their emotional dramas, thus you are taking steps to prevent creating new cords.
How often:
This is a very emotive exercise and only requires you to have the willpower and inner strength to keep working on
your emotional clearing during the ascension process.
Page: 65
This activity involves healing your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA. Before you start, please revisit the information
titled Chakras and Cultural Transference. A major part of personal ascension requires you to separate or release
the vast amount of emotional energy that your ego has attached to your 3D possessions, and start aligning your
consciousness (thoughts & beliefs) with the principles of new Earth.
We are ascending to a 4D positive world and everyone will be entitled to the same luxuries. Are you prepared to
change your attitude, beliefs, and current ways of living from Service to Self to Service to Others? More
importantly, manmade objects and items that were constructed from synthetic materials will not exist after the
planetary shift. How many of your Earthly possessions were manufactured from synthetic materials? For example:
plastics, rubber, polyester, acrylic, etc?
Are you prepared to sell, give away, detach and stop worrying about money, wealth, credit card, shares,
investments, properties, debts, antiques, motor vehicles, insurances, religions, celebrities, tabloids, Christmas,
technological gadgets & electronic items, favourite sports, and so on?
The process of expanding your consciousness means accepting the truth of Law of One, and more importantly
accepting the principles of Unity Consciousness. Your willingness to change your life comes from within. It begins
with an inner shift in consciously releasing old patterns of thinking and embracing the new. New thoughts create
new frequency. Try using a metaphor or analogy to change your way of thinking. Consider the following example:
Think of new Earth as a new luxury motor vehicle, but you cannot drive this new vehicle unless you abandon the
old road rules. Those old rules have not looked after your safety, survival, and welfare. Instead, you have decided
to embrace a new set of road rules, which has required you to learn and accept new knowledge and concepts. The
ultimate reward for your hard work, resisting the old ways of doing things, and remaining focused, is that you get to
experience and explore a brand new life.
Firstly, consider the meaning of Unity Consciousness, then imagine next month you are moving to new Earth, and
then reflect on the following questions:
Right now, what things are you prepared to release and let go from your life or go without?
Are you prepared to stop buying, consuming, and collecting unnecessary materialistic items?
Could you sell, give away, and let go any of your land, wealth, assets, and material possessions?
What personal bills, debts, deductions, and other payments are you prepared to release from your life and stop
paying right now?
Ask yourself Do I need XYZ in my life anymore, What purpose does it serve me, and Will I use it before
now and December 2012?
Your goal is not to abandon your life, nor create financial hardship for yourself or stop living altogether; rather it is
your recognition that it is no longer necessary to hold onto everything within your 3D reality, which includes your
material possessions and physical attachments. This activity is a gradual exercise of detaching your ego and
emotional dependence on materialism, possessions, old ways of doing things, and cultural beliefs within your 3D
life. In regards to selling or getting rid of your property, you only do what you feel is comfortable to you. It is strictly
a matter of personal choice. Please remember, on new Earth, it does not matter how much land or property you
own, because all land and infrastructure is the common property of everyone, whether you decide to participate in
ascension or not.
Task 1: To begin, set your conscious intention and decision to release yourself from your old ways of thinking &
doing things and your physical attachments. Now reflect on the questions on the previous page and then
use your ascension journal to create a short list, mission statement, or goal-setting plan of the things you
need to clear out of your life, and/or stop doing or supporting. Set yourself a 1/3/6 months timeframe and
then start the emotional preparation that you must detach yourself from those things. Physiologically, it will
take at least a month to change an old behaviour pattern, because of the level of emotions attached to an
Task 2: The next step is simply to modify your standard of living by de-cluttering and downgrading your
possessions, clearing out and/or simplify your home/living environment. Either way, you must make life
style changes that will help you release yourself from your 3D manmade attachments and move into
alignment with the new Earth energies. It could be as simple as having some kind of dejunking exercise,
like holding a garage sale or donating your things to charity. Perhaps you may want to hire a skip bin and
clearout physical objects and items that you have collected over the years that you do not need anymore.
For example, you may begin by clearing out a cupboard, bedroom, shed, garage, etc or identify the things
you do not need. Remember this rule: If you have not used XYZ in the last two years, then it know longer
serves a purpose in your life. It is clutter, so do away with it!
This activity is designed to help you start thinking about your cultural belief systems and begin the process of
adopting an attitude that is aligned with new Earth. You will need to be brave and consciously detach yourself from
your old patterns of thinking and old beliefs. It is a conscious choice on your part of how much you wish to release,
however your inner world or thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs do control your energy signature.
To begin, please review the table located on the next page titled Examining your 3D Cultural Beliefs, and then
reflect upon the following questions:
What are your personal beliefs regarding: billionaires, religions, monarchies, Vatican, celebrities, News/Media,
Christmas/Easter/Halloween, public vs. private education, pornography, professional sports, same sex
marriage, corporal punishment, honorary doctorates, gambling, national anthems, copyright & patents, gun
control, tabloids, illegal downloading, online privacy, whaling, birth control, Grammy/Emmy/Academy Awards,
public vs. private health care, nuclear power, income tax, smoking, illegal immigrants, etc?
How would you classify the nature of your 3D belief systems, for example duality, greed, ego, fear, selfish,
social prestige, power over others, freedom, judgement, cruelty, and so on?
In regards to cultural transference, are you supporting 3D belief systems that foster and promote duality,
inequality, and cultural division within humanity?
Are your belief systems equally available to the rest of humanity and/or supported by all other cultural groups
across the world?
Are you supporting belief systems that give an individual or group a particular rank, status, or superiority?
Could any of your cultural belief systems exist on new Earth and operate under the 4D principle of unity
Right now, are you prepared to release and live without certain beliefs, people, groups, and institutions?
Remember this rule: If I stop believing in XYZ, how much would it change my life? This will determine how much of
your personal energy you have invested in your cultural beliefs. To release your ego, it requires only your
conscious intent to release that belief and self-awareness. When you unplug yourself from allowing that thing to
control you and accept that your ego know longer needs to live and operate by that belief, that energy will stop
influencing you. It may also mean that when you see or hear any old 3D belief, you simply ignore it and say to
yourself those things are no longer are compatible to the new life I am creating.
In your ascension journal, develop a list of your cultural beliefs and then reflect on the above questions?
Please note: your inability to heal and remove the energy blockages from your orange and yellow chakras is an
indication that you have a difficulty consciously taking steps to accept & align yourself with unity consciousness.
How often:
In regards to Activity 5.1, you should develop a plan/schedule during Week 3, which can be implemented over
1/3/6 months. Regarding Activity 5.2, some of you may find this to be quite an emotive exercise and your freewill
governs what beliefs you wish to release during ascension.
Page: 67
I believe in God
& Jesus
I do not believe
in an afterlife or
I do not believe
in chakras
I believe
is morally
The Law of One states every individual has the right to enter into agreement to perform and experience any
relationship with another individual (any type of sexuality). To make an agreement, two individuals must
consent; it must be founded on mutual affection and acknowledge that the relationship will bring the highest
form of happiness and joy to each other and the mutual understanding that they wish to have this experience
for a spiritual reason.
I believe my
property and
determines my
status in
Society created the 3D negative belief system to limit and focus your human existence on physical survival,
materialism, and competition. The Law of One only requires a person to earn and work to support the basic
requirements of their physical life and maintain the well being of their family. To avoid the accumulation of
material things, every person must equally share their abundance with others, without causing hardship to
themself. A person that accumulates and indulgences in abundance, which only benefits oneself has carried
out a selfish act. On new Earth, a person cannot satisfy their ego, passions, and personal interests at the
expense of the welfare of others. Regardless of how much you own, all land and assets are the property of all.
The Law of One states that every individual has the right to exist, and no person has the right to take the life of
another person or do anything that may compromise the integrity of his or her personal existence. The law of
preservation means that every individual has the same right to exist without living in fear. This spiritual concept
means a person does not have to take measures to preserve his or her life, because there are no other
community members that could threaten, endanger or cause death to another.
I believe in
movie stars,
Halloween, etc
These things are called attachments, based on the 3D spiritual concept of duality & ego. Some of these things
are not equally available or supported by other cultural groups across the planet (duality). Your emotional
energy is heavily connected to those attachments (possessions, beliefs, etc). Beliefs only vibrational exist
in our world because of cultural transference, which means humanity as a collective consciousness keeps
supporting & accepting those belief systems, thus the belief remains active within your reality (what your feed
with grow, what you starve will fester & die). New Earth will not operate on ego consciousness - where one
person or group can establish himself or herself as superior over another, or were a person uses their natural
talents for personal gain (elitism, material wealth or prestige). The Law of One states that no person has
natural superiority over others. All people are equal. No person is more important than another! All human
belief structures (rules, laws and institutions) that create inequality and divisions among cultural groups, based
on elitism, sovereignty, fame, social status, physical attributes, and other cultural conditions will not exist. Ego,
pride, inequality, prejudice, and selfishness will disappear on new Earth, because new humanity will only
function on the universal laws of unity, love, and compassion.
Page: 68
Step 6 - Chakra Balancing
It is recommended that you commence this activity in WEEK 3.
The previous activities were designed to heal the energy blockages from the lower chakras. The next and most
important step now requires you to balance the chakras. This activity will use a simple visualisation technique. You
do not need years of chakra training to undertake this exercise, although meditation is really the best way to
balance your chakras. Remember, it is all about the power of your conscious intent, so do not worry about rotation,
specific colours, sounds, etc. In addition, ascension does not discriminate, so it does not matter that you have a
physical disability, spinal injury, lost a limb, etc, because chakra healing works on the ethereal body.
1. Please dont attempt this activity until you are
familiar with the locations of the primary chakras,
2. Please feel free to call upon your Master and
Angels for their support and help,
3. Close out all sounds and light as best as you can
to prevent any interruptions,
4. Arrange yourself in seated position or lie down so
that you are comfortable. Try not to cross your
legs and arms, because this blocks the flow of
energy down the spine,
5. Close your eyes, relax and control your breathing
until you find your body also feeling relaxed,
6. Now in your imagination, visualise a ball of golden
white light (see next page), about the size of a
tennis ball floating 40cm above the top of your
7. Now let that ball of light flow down through the top
of your head into your crown chakra,
8. Focus your mind on the ball and imagine the ball
is positioned about 5cm above the top of the body
or over the chakra location for 30 seconds.
Visualise this light dissolving any black sticky
syrup or energy blockages in the chakra,
9. Now mentally shift the ball of light down to the
brow/3rd eye chakra and then repeat Step 8,
10. Repeat step 8 for each of the remaining primary
11. After you have completed the base chakra, feel the ball of light flowing down your legs and release the energy
out of the soles of your feet into the ground or universe,
12. Please repeat this chakra balancing circuit (from crown chakra to feet) another four (4) times,
13. After you have completed your five (5) circuits, just remain in your relaxed position for another minute and then
count slowly from one to five. On the count of five, you will feel wide and awake,
14. This exercise should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. In addition, after you have mastered your
visualisation skills, feel free to increase the number of chakra circuits.
Please do not give up and stop this activity! Please keep practising. It will take sometime to master your
visualisation skills, but the results are worth it!
How often:
It is assumed before you commenced this activity, that you had undertaken your research on the chakra system
refer to page titled Chakra Consciousness. Please commence the chakra balancing activity in Week 3. You
should aim to undertake this task at least four (4) times a week for a minimum of four (4) weeks.
It is highly recommended that
you commit the colour of
Golden White Light to
memory (core of the Sun).
Learn to instantly visualise &
project this colour around
your body before undertaking
meditation, or aura protection
Tip: feel free to print this Sun
and use it as a memory recall
Cycle One
Cycle Two
Balanced and Centred refers to the state of your body when you feel
normal (emotionally, physically & mentally). When you undergo a
frequency expansion cycle, your body will be pushed & pulled away
from that baseline (normal). You need to recognise and know what to do
when you feel unbalanced. To stay balanced, your need to manage your
frequency, and take steps to keep yourself feeling normal during each
expansion cycle. The lesson here is not to consciously fight the frequency
changes or lush out to others, but find ways to remain emotionally calm,
still and comfortable. During ascension, expect to suffer and experience a
lot of sacral plexus exhaustion (emotional highs/lows, anger, mood
swings, etc). From my own personal experience, consider this part of
ascension as a personal test. Learning to balance your Mind and Body,
will help you understand the importance of managing and protecting your
energy signature from the lower vibrational energy or negative
transference. If you do not take steps to balance yourself, you will prolong
the physical distress and the emotional and mental chaos.
Page: 70
The aim of this activity involves opening up your HEART CHAKRA. The heart chakra is the gateway to the
higher frequencies. People who have blockages in the heart chakra generally have difficulty a) expressing & giving
love and b) accepting love & kindness from others. Therefore, this activity has been designed to help you start
practicing your divinity. Divinity refers to an individual who can demonstrate and project the attributes of
unconditional love and compassion consciously (thoughts, actions, behaviour) in all aspects of their life. These two
major heart based attributes are summarised below:
Unconditional love refers to positive transference you give others. You offer love to everyone, regardless
of a persons personality, behaviour, race, beliefs, or how they treat you. Love refers to your energy, time,
wisdom, and being. Unconditional love is not biased or conditional. Conditional refers to any self imposed
criteria that determines how much love you are prepared to offer, if those conditions are met. Unconditional
love means you have no expectations, it is offered freely and without hesitation, you do not request a personal
reward for your time/wisdom, and nor do you demonstrate favouritism, regardless of their age, sex or race.
Compassion refers to how you consciously respond to energy transferred at you, for example from people,
events, and situations. Demonstrating compassion requires you to be spiritually conscious. When you accept
that each person has taken a different spiritual path to your own, and people spiritually choose what they wish
to experience for an incarnational reason, you suspend all judgment. Compassion involves separating your
emotions from a persons emotions/behaviour/actions or from a situation or event. Spiritually Neutral means
avoiding the need to express your views, opinions, and judgments. From this viewpoint, you actually
understand what is happening, because a persons beliefs, behaviour, and actions are the incarnational
conditions they choose to experience during their lifetime. This also means you understand that every soul
volunteers to participate in every dreadful worldwide event or a tragic situation in their personal lives. To
practice compassion, you must listen, observe, and communicate with others, without ever openly or publicly
expressing your views, criticisms, opinions, and judgments. You respect their behaviour, actions, choices, and
decisions, regardless of your feelings and accept & acknowledge that everyone is a spiritual being.
Your task here it to simply find ways to demonstrate unconditional love towards others! This is not about learning a
new skill or behaviour, or making the task complicated, or trying to become someone new. To move into you heart
based qualities; it is simply about your awareness and doing what feels right for you. Each of you has this
goodness inside of you find it and use it! To live on new Earth, it is not about loving everyone 24/7, it is about
accepting everyone as a spiritual being, and your willingness to have a human experience that involves a new way
of living that operates on love, peace, unity and equality. Therefore, you need to find ways to direct your green ray
energy through your thoughts, words, and actions. Here are a couple of suggestions for demonstrating
unconditional love and compassion, however feel free to research other techniques that feel more suitable to your
1. Be someones Angel. Once a month (or less), select a person from your life and do something special for
them. It does not have to be something big or expensive. Keep it simple. Any kind of charitable service will do.
For example, cook someone a special meal or cake, offer to baby sit, help someone whose sick, or donate
your time to help him or her with something they need doing around the house, or make a special gift. All you
are doing here is simply expressing your inner love & compassion and outwardly showing to them that you
consider them to be a special and an important person in your life, without wanting anything back in return. The
power of giving unconditional love to others is that it also serves you.
Learn not to judge others. "Non judgmental" means that you do not say what you think is right or wrong, or
good or bad. You just listen. Learn to be emotionally neutral. Accept everyone as equal. Consciously learn to
see people as spiritual beings. Not every person may choose the same path as you. Many friends and family
will not participate in ascension for various reasons. A lightworker does not judge people and refuses to pay
attention to the media controversies and public opinion, so learn to set aside your emotions, anger, and ego. A
lightworker does not preach and nor do we have a need to constantly have an opinion or try to influence those
around him/her. We recognise that everyones has freewill and they have chosen their belief systems for a
reason. Constantly project your green ray energy on everyone! Remember, nothing else matters any more, it is
only about how much love you are prepared to share.
3. Practice smiling for no reason at all. Smile when you answer the phone, when doing the shopping, and at
work/school. Smile into the mirror each time you look at yourself. Practice smiling even while you are thinking.
Place your awareness in your chest/heart, each time you smile. The simple act of smiling from your heart will
attract more joy, bliss, and happiness into your life. When you express the vibration of joy, there is an upward
and energetic shift in your aura. This vibration means you are radiating your higher frequency. Master the skill
of smiling or use any technique that works best for you, that will help you outwardly express the emotional
frequency of joy, for example laughing, giggling, and radiating cheerfulness.
Offer your friends and family an Angel Hug. This is where you embrace and hug someone for 10 seconds
(who consented of course!). Why you ask? In regards to opening the heart chakra, any physical interaction
such as hugging, touching, kissing, massaging etc, between two consenting people actually acts as a potent
tool for the transfer of the higher frequency between the two bodies.
Take personal responsibility to clean the environment. Simply grab a garbage bag and go for a walk and collect
any rubbish. Organise a family or neighbourhood cleanup day. Earth is a living and sentient being. To show
your love and compassion towards the planet, do anything that demonstrates how wonderful and important you
think of Lady Gaia.
Service to Others
As a Lightworker, now is the time to start think about sharing your ascension knowledge with others. Service to
Others means freely sharing your wisdom (intelligence, knowledge, abilities, skills, etc) to help others with their
spiritual development.
Some people maybe struggling with their personal ascension and may require some one on one assistance.
Remember the lightworkers code, you cannot intervene in another persons freewill, but you can freely advise,
coach and mentor them on any part of the ascension process.
Seek out family and friends who need personal assistance or mentoring. For example, adults with reading and
writing difficulties, young children, a person with a disability, elderly, etc.
In addition, when you come across any online information, share this material/websites with your friends/family. In
regards to people with reading and writing disabilities, simply print out this information and read it to them.
You do not need to be qualified teacher/coach, the most important principle in regards to Service to Others is your
ability to teach and serve others, by simply providing the information you have learnt from your own personal
experiences, in a style that works best for you, thus you are expressing your spiritual wisdom based on originality!
Another suggestion involves organising some kind of Ascension Group, for example, every two weeks; you may
invite a small group of friends, family members, and neighbours to come along to discuss their progress/issues,
and more importantly, to share any relevant ascension and/or spiritual information (audio, video, books, periodicals
or electronic). It is all about sharing your love or time and wisdom to freely help others, in a friendly, relaxed, nonformal, and non-judgemental environment.
Your task is to simply find ways to offer any level of assistance to help adults and/or children with their ascension.
For example, develop different ascension scripts for children (refer to Ascension Program for Children), teaching
individuals the basics of meditation or chakra healing. If you are not comfortable with this activity, that is fine!
How often:
Develop a routine that works best for you.
Page: 72
This activity involves healing the THROAT CHAKRA, and additional tasks to raise your frequency and expand
your consciousness.
This is simple but powerful - do anything you personally enjoy doing! It is all about healthy pleasures and
indulgences. Do anything that makes you feel happy, relaxed, emotionally balanced and things that will lift your
personal energy into the higher frequency. For example: cooking, dancing, singing, painting, music, photography,
gardening, and pottery. When you listen to your favourite music, select something that really connects with your
heart and/or gets your body physically stimulated and moving, because any movement such as dancing assists in
the transport of Ka around the body and keeps the chakras open and active.
Activities such as singing, chanting, humming, etc will help stimulate the throat chakra. Do the things that make you
laugh? Laughing, giggling and humour stimulate the chakras, expands the lungs, clears the throat, and raises your
vibration. Learn to consciously engage in experiences that give you emotional pleasures. This is not selfish; rather
you are giving yourself the gifts that have been created for enjoying human experiences.
Start today! Look for something wonderful in your life and take the time to enjoy doing it. Feel it. That will be the
first step in your path towards having joy in your life every single day. In your spiritual journal, write a personal list
of the things that helps you lift your personal energy into the higher frequency. Use your ascension journal to
develop a weekly plan or timetable, which ensures you are personally committed to taking plenty of timeout to
recharge yourself on a regular basis, doing the things you enjoy.
You need to recognise the difference between negative and positive sources of energy that directly influence your
thoughts and emotions, because this energy filters into your human energy body. You must learn to consciously
transmute any negative energy transferred at you. Many of your friends and family may decide not to participate in
ascension, and occasionally they may outwardly direct those intense emotions, aggression, or anger at you from
time to time. Ascension dislocation will occur. Humanity will divide into the ascendees and non ascendees.
Please demonstrate compassion. Understand that everyone has freewill, and you have the divine right to participate
in ascension and no person has the right to judge or criticise your decision. Practice being emotionally neutral.
Use a simple and non judgemental defence mechanism refer back to Activity 1.2, so anytime someone attacks
your decision, have handy a couple of those 3D images/photos (wallet/pocket size) and confidently state, I know
longer want to be part of this horrible world, because duality can not give me unity, love and peace.
The term energy bleeding refers to your unconscious awareness of how another persons conscious energy
(words, actions, etc) influences your energy body. At the moment, we have not taken steps to strengthen your aura,
which would transmute negative energy directed at you. Instead, learn not to accept someones negative energy
and emotions (dont create new karmic cords). Likewise, when you generate a thought, it is accompanied by an
emotion - a feeling. Your conscious energy or how we think and feel generates frequency. You need to be
conscious of what your mind is thinking, and what how you respond to those emotions. If you do not consciously
repolarise your negative emotions or feelings, this energy filters into the base chakra and this ignites the feedback
loop to lower the frequency in the south pole. You then start to manifest a range of emotions: you begin to think you
are unimportant, self-trust issues, and general feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness in your beliefs. Remember,
what you feed will grow and what you starve will fester and die.
Your frequency will increase when you have full control over your mind & body or thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Meditation is the most effective technique for releasing negative energy. However, here is a method for clearing
away or transmuting negative transference your energy body:
When someone makes you feel sad or angry, walk away from him or her for a couple of minutes and
say to yourself: I did not like how there energy has made me feel. Now visualise how that ugly
energy is stuck to your body - it looks like black sticky syrup. To get this energy off your body, feel that
black soot flowing down your body into the ground, and mentally say to yourself that there energy
cannot hurt me anymore. I am the boss of my body, and I will not let them make me feel like a victim
of their emotions.
The throat chakra relates to self worth, self-expression, and communication. These chakra defects show up when
you have never connected with your inner child. Since you were a child, you have been programmed to accept that
you are a sinful creature and should not enjoy the pleasure of indulging your body, because it goes against family
beliefs, morality, cultural beliefs, etc. When you grew up, your relationship with yourself, other people, and life was
founded on these early childhood beliefs.
Your fantasies, dreams, and desires are the experiences your soul wants you to explore during this incarnation.
Those things are not random or misguided desires. When you act upon those thoughts, instincts and gut feelings,
you are truly connecting with your soul. If you feel ashamed to be yourself, then you are clinging to fear, and this is
holding you back from following your heart. This toxic shame has created the notion that there is something
inherently wrong with whom you are. Inner child work means thinking about how your personal beliefs are stopping
you from acting out on your fantasies, dreams, and desires. You incarnated on Earth to experience everything that
this planet has to offer you, so stop letting others judge you. Exercise your freewill. You can decide to have any
human experience you want - it is all about soul growth. Stop denying what your soul wants you to experience.
Now is the time to follow those feelings that is the real you! Take the time to enjoy being human. Now is time to
release your fears and just do it!
What are you going to do with the time you have remaining on this planet? What would you start doing differently
right now? Is there anything that you always wanted to do?
In your ascension journal, develop a list of the things that you want to personally complete before ascending to new
Earth. Develop a timeline and begin doing them now.
After the planetary shift, it will take a couple of years for us to rebuild our new communities/regions. All of us will be
involved in the new Earth project. Many of you who incarnated on Earth today are the cultural architects for new
humanity and have been given missions in this lifetime to help us create and achieve unity consciousness.
Now is the time to start thinking about what type of life you want on new Earth? Start to visualise the new world you
want to personally create for yourself and/or your children. What type of work, career, or role do you want to
pursue? What skills and knowledge could you teach/share with others? Where do you want to live? What would be
your perfect life? What type of things do you want to do? When you envision new Earth, please remember do not
attempt to compare your current 3D reality to life on new Earth, because your ideas, beliefs and understanding of
the 3rd dimension including governments, military/police, celebrities & tabloids, legal/taxation systems,
banking/financial sector, various institutions, etc will not exist in anyway, shape or form. This will be difficult for
many people, especially for those that have established careers that will not exist on new Earth.
Please spend some time thinking about all the new experiences and possibilities that you could create. Each one of
us are starting our lifes again from scratch, so never underestimate your power to manifest your visions, dreams,
and thoughts into reality! In your ascension journal, write your own personal wish list of the things that you want to
personally experience or explore when you ascend to new Earth.
Lastly, reflect on the following point. Many of the published books and literature on Earth today are composed of
synthetic materials (paper, dye, ink), which will not shift to new Earth. These books contain the written history and
culture of our 3D world, which will be lost. Your knowledge and wisdom are really the only two permanent qualities
that you can literally bring with you to new Earth. What knowledge or information from our 3D world are you taking
with you to new Earth that will be useful for new humanity?
A Lightworker is a spiritual being who can consciously take steps to keep themselves operating in a higher frequency.
Now is the time to start managing and protecting your energy signature. You need to start work on disconnecting yourself
from lifestyle and leisure activities that are vibrationally influencing the lower chakras. Negative transference means any
negative emotion, sensory stimulation, or human activity containing negative energy such as fear, violence, disasters,
suffering, brutality, tragedies, criticism, etc, which unconsciously filters into the mind and body.
For example, watching & playing violent/horror video/computer games & television shows/DVDs/movies, participating
and watching sports that are brutal/hard hitting and/or involve the use of animals, heavy punk rock music, the use of
weapons and firearms, watching the News, etc.
Consider this: How can you truly embrace and accept the new Earth code, when you constantly create an expanding
vortex of negativity in your aura. You keep consciously feeding your emotions with this negative energy from sources that
supply you this Anti Christ energy of aggression, pain, death, tragedy, war, suffering and violent emotions etc. These
sources keep teaching the mind game that you cannot come together as one, because the human experience is all about
fear and suffering, so you are kept in a cultural prison of the lower vibration. All those toxic things previously listed are
toxic, which have been deliberately designed to target and dumb down your energy signature. Your mind has been
hijacked with negative energy in your culture to lower the frequency of your brainwave signals. For some, your
personality, mind, and behavioural traits have become dependent on this lower energy, and as a result, your mind
becomes fixated on needing more of this lower energy, so you constantly keep thinking about the next computer game,
wanting to buy the next new gadget, buying a ticket for the big upcoming lottery contest, favourite sports team, etc.
You must be prepared to consciously detach and unplug yourself from these unhealthy cultural interests; else, you will fail
your ascension. The only approach you can take to release your ego from these low vibrational attachments is selfawareness. You must simply become more aware of how your thoughts and emotions react to these old 3D patterns.
When you begin to master this process of starving the lower energy, you become more aware of the stimuli from your
surroundings and this shift means you gain greater control over your mind. You can only transmute conscious energy
(thoughts, feelings & emotions) through self-awareness.
To help you begin thinking about detaching yourself from these old negative 3D patterns listed previously, try these two
simple exercises:
Task 1: Actively watch the nightly News for three (3) days. For each
news segment, write down the topic and then use one word to
classify/describe/define the overall theme for that news piece. For
example: suffering, survival, fear, greed, cruelty, violence, etc. After those
three days, reflect on the following questions:
Task 2: The next step - consciously avoid watching, listening, and reading the News for one (1) week, and then reflect on
how you feel after that period? Now you can begin the process of removing yourself from the other low
frequency activities that exist in your life (refer to the things that were listed at the start of this activity).
How often:
In regards to Activities 8.1 to 8.5, develop and implement your personal plans or lists as soon as possible.
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Step 9 - Third Eye Activation
It is recommended that you commence this activity in WEEK 7, and please still continue with the chakra balancing
This activity involves the activation of your THIRD EYE CHAKRA. The full or partial activation of this chakra will
instantly open the 7th chakra the crown chakra, which will immediately act as the gateway to trigger the opening
of the five external chakras that surround the body. The full interconnection of the twelve (12) chakras creates your
multidimensional chakra system. At the time of the planetary shift, this will guarantee you entry to new Earth.
The key to the activation of the third eye chakra involves developing your intuition. Each person was born with
intuition and without exception, everyone has some kind of psychic ability, but for many people they have closed
this gift off. There are many techniques that are involved in third eye training, so feel free to research and explore
those options, for example: guided visualisation, automatic writing, remote viewing, and simple meditation.
To help activate your third eye, try this simple exercise when you are meditating or sitting comfortably. Visualise a
beacon of light coming out of your third eye in the colour of indigo or pale violet-blue. This is the point between the
eyebrows when your eyes are closed. Just let that beam of light flow straight out of your third eye for a minute or
Alternatively, you may wish to consider using the following exercise, which uses guided visualisation:
Close your eyes and begin to relax,
Call upon your Master/Angel/etc that you require their assistance with your third eye activation by
giving you a visual clue for your question,
Concentrate on a basic question in your mind or imagine you are holding a card in your hand
that has a personal question written on it that you want answered,
Now ask them to send you a mental image, for example a Green or Red spot into your mind,
The colours represent a specific answer, eg: True/False or Yes/No,
Now focus on the image that was sent to you. You must learn not to reject or dismiss the
experience, because you are learning how to receive guidance from the Angelic realm, which
are located in the higher dimensions,
Record your results in the spiritual journal then repeat the exercise using different questions,
You may feel a little warm sensation around your third eye chakra. If you do not, that is fine!
Repetition will help open or partially activate the chakra. Just take your time and do not rush! After
you have undertaken this task for several weeks, and you begin to feel comfortable with the
results, please feel free to research other activities that can be used to fully activate or strengthen
your third eye chakra.
How often:
You should commence this activity at the start of Week 7 and aim to undertake this exercise at least four (4) times
a week for a minimum of two (2) weeks, and then establish a regular pattern that works best for you.
Note: The ascension activity to heal and activate the CROWN CHAKRA was incorporated in both the
Ascension Journal (study/learn new spiritual knowledge) and with the use of meditation and/or visualisation
techniques (refer to Chakra Balancing and the Ascension Chamber). Please note, that by default, your crown
chakra is open or activated at the time of birth.
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It is recommended that you commence this activity in WEEK 10. Likewise, feel free to use the ascension chamber
during any of the 2011/2012 solstice and equinox dates, because these are all powerful times that amplify the
ascension energies you receive through your auric field.
The previous ascension activities were designed to help you increase your energy signature, balance the chakra
system, and expand your consciousness. The final step involves reconstructing, strengthening, and balancing your
aura. The auric field is the energetic shield that surrounds your ethereal body and is responsible for holding the
higher frequencies in the ethereal body. It acts as an interface between the physical body and the higher
dimensions. When the chakras are not balanced, the aura will appear grey and weak. Once strengthened, your
aura will expand to hold more energy. The more light energy you can hold, the brighter the aura. You may wish to
use the chakra balancing activity before closing the session with the ascension chamber technique,
which is described below.
1. Firstly, you will need to practice this activity a couple of times before it becomes effective.
Please feel free to call upon your Master and Angels for healing and energy balancing,
2. In your mind, visualise a chamber, bubble, or egg in the colour of golden white light
surrounding your body. The chamber extends about 40cm above your head, in front, around
the body and under your feet into the ground,
3. Now fill the inside of the bubble with golden white light,
4. Feel this energy penetrating deep into the body, through the muscles and cells,
5. Now visualise this energy flowing down your crown, through the lower chakras to the base chakra, down the
legs and released through the soles of your feet,
Use golden
6. Repeat this circuit one more time,
white light to fill
7. Now we need to strengthen the outside of the chamber. Simply
the inside of the
visualise the outside shell consisting of a thick layer of the higher
shade of golden white light. This outer band has a different colour
than the inside of the chamber. The shell is stronger and has a
higher frequency.
Use the denser
8. For another couple of minutes, keep your mind focused on
golden light to
strengthening your auric field. Visualise this outer shell as a 3cm
protect the
thick layer of light.
chamber shell.
9. Now relax and concentrate on feeling the energy in your chamber
penetrating deep into your body,
10. Once you feel fully recharged, just remain in your relaxed position for another minute and then slowly open
your eyes,
11. This exercise should take 15 minutes to complete, however feel free to remain in your ascension chamber as
long as you desire.
How often:
Task 1: You should commence this activity at the start of Week 10 and aim to undertake this exercise at least three
(3) times per week for a minimum of two (2) weeks. The next frequency expansion cycle may take another
two weeks or so to manifest. From this point on, you must consciously protect and manage your energy
signature, which involves doing anything that keeps you in the higher frequency and keeping yourself
balanced and centred.
Task 2: Assuming you have previously completed the above task, it is recommended that you recommence this
activity, at least one week before the June and/or September 2012 solstices commence. You should aim to
undertake this activity at least four (4) times per week for two (2) weeks.
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A S a m p l e T i m e ta b l e
Please feel free to customise, modify, and enhance the following personal ascension timetable.
2012 >
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Personal Ascension
For Children
(For any person under the age of 12)
For this age group, you do not have to teach them any aspect about the ascension process, rather when you
expand your consciousness and begin to hold your higher frequency; your auric energy will filter into their aura
whilst you interact with them at home. This age group uses positive transference, which means that when you
commence your personal ascension, the children will begin to unconsciously feed off your new vibration (new
conscious thoughts, behaviour, self awareness and actions) and the process of energy transference will raise
the childs vibrational frequency,
When you are meditating, place your baby in close proximity to your auric field and let transference do the rest!
Mind you, children are also excellent sources of green ray energy or unconditional love, because energetically,
their heart chakras are very open and strong, so this transference will also help you,
Visualisation is another effective tool to help your childs auric field remain energetically strong. Refer to the
ascension chamber/cocoon of light exercise. Visualise a bubble of golden white light surrounding your child
and do not forget to call upon your angels and theirs for divine protection and healing!
In regards to grounding, ensure your child regularly plays outdoors or has some direct contact with
Earth/nature eg: play on the grass without shoes and socks.
In addition, you may wish to use the activities listed in the table below, and indirectly incorporate a number of
different healing strategies into your childs normal daytime activities. Obviously, the first task involves balancing
the base chakra.
Verbal communication skills such story telling, singing, chanting, humming, voice coaching
and neck, throat & shoulder exercises
Daily naps, breathing exercises, hoola hoops, dancing, kicking and upper stomach exercises
Sacral Plexus
Healthy pleasures and indulgences, emotional release exercises, lower stomach exercises,
swimming, pelvic/floor exercises and movement therapy
Physical exercises and regular outdoor activities, massage, swimming, walking and family
bonding activities
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It is recommended that school-aged kids commence their ascension program during school holidays,
Parents/Guardians/Family members need to take up the role of Ascension Supervisor and/or mentor. Now
that you have started your own ascension program, you can now share any relevant information and your
newly found wisdom with your children. For example, introduce your children to chakras or teach them basic
meditation techniques,
Introduce children to prayer. At bedtime, ask them to give thanks to the Creator and have them call upon their
Master and Angels to keep them safe and protected (no offence to those parents that already do this!),
At some point during the ascension program, parents will need to help their kids heal grief and release their
emotional attachments to fairytale and make-believe characters. New Earth will not have any kind of manmade
belief systems eg: Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, etc,
Allow your children to regularly use a quite spot in the house, and allow them to be alone to retreat without any
disruptions from others. During ascension, it is important that everyone spends time alone in their own energy
and this will help them energetically heal, rebalance and recharge their energy body,
You may wish to teach them a simple visualisation game called the Angel Halo. Tell your children that each
one of them is special angel and their Creator has asked them to activate their Angel Halo. Teach them to
visualise a ball of golden white light, about the size of tennis ball, entering the top of their head, and flows down
from one chakra to the next, until it is finally released through the soles of their feet into the ground. This subtle
activity will help heal and balance their chakras.
The following table provides a summary of the various strategies for healing the primary chakras for children, which
can be used to develop, modify, and customise the structure of the personal ascension program. Obviously, the
first step involves healing the base chakra.
Verbal skills such as speaking in front of a small group about a favourite topic, story telling,
singing, chanting, voice coaching, gargling water and neck, throat & shoulder exercises
Hugging, push ups, deep breathing exercises, personal journaling and games/skill
development in trust, forgiveness, unconditional love and compassion
Meditation, daily naps, breathing exercises, stress release, hoola hoops, belly dancing,
kicking, upper stomach exercises, self-esteem exercises, open discussion on their fears and
ego strengthening exercises
Sacral Plexus
Healthy pleasures and indulgences, emotional release exercises, lower stomach exercises,
games on empathy, swimming, pelvic exercises or movement therapy
Physical exercises and regular outdoor activities, body massage, swimming, walking and
family bonding activities
1. Personal ascension
3. Regular prayer
5. Ego detachment
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