In my teaching practice school, the teacher never controls the students and
force them to do something. The
students do
not have a boring pale classroom. Their
classroom is
colorful, full of students, artifacts and
projects. Their
classroom has science and investigating
center, math
center, literacy center, role play center,
art center and
blocks center. Each center is provided
with materials
that make students engaged while they
work in the
center. The teacher does not talk from
the beginning
to the end of the lesson. The teacher
has a
discussion with her students about the
topic they are
studying. She gives them basic
After that she prepares some activities in the centers to make students learn
more about the topic. Students become more active, and they like the
lesson. The teacher uses a variety of methods while teaching, she uses
different learning styles and materials.
I like how student-centered is the classroom. The students love learning and
coming to the school. The teacher balances between her role and students
role. Students are always motivated and interested. She does not interfere
while students are exploring in the centers only if she wants to guide them. I
would have a student centered classroom but I would like to integrate
technology more. Students can use IPads or computers to watch videos and
Behaviour is a way a person acts toward others. To encourage positive
behaviours, the teacher should have a good relationship with her students.
Building it needs time and patience. Other components are needed other
than praising students and awarding them. The classroom climate should be
comfortable for the students. Having a routine also helps in having positive
behaviour from the students. Students should also have agency which means
the freedom to choose the consequence of bad behaviour or the award they
would like.
Even so, the students behaviour cant be fully controlled by the teacher. She
can only influence their behaviour.
In my teaching practice classroom. The teacher has her daily routine for the
students. They gather on the mat at the beginning of the day and all of the
students discuss a topic or a question with the teacher. Then they start
taking attendance and having the lesson. When the teacher orders the
students to do something like sit in a circle or face the board. Most of the
students in the classroom listen to her and apply what she said. Some of the
students take more time while doing that but she never punishes them. She
waits for one to two minutes until they are all finished. At that time she
makes herself ready for the next activity or the lesson.
Students have the choice if they would like to sing some songs or play in the
centres. They get to choose what song would they like to sing and where
would they sit to have their lunch and then play. The teacher always praises
students by telling them to high five each other, give yourself a pat on the
back or even she tells them to kiss their brains.
By giving the students the priority to choose what would they like to do
makes students more confident about themselves and they would listen to
the teacher instructions more and they will act positively. The teacher does
not force students on doing something. She makes them choose what would
they like and that is as I think is a very important component in making them
respect her and encourage their positive behaviour.
In my teaching practice for this semester, I go to observe kindergarten
children. As I observed, children
love moving the
whole time. So their teacher uses
the bodily style
in some activities. While starting
their day in the
circle time, they do some simple
activities to prepare them for the
lesson. She also
uses the musical style to make
understand the lesson more. They
study letters so
she always shows a song and they
act the words in
the song that is about the letter
they studied.
Children in the kindergarten never
write, they only
draw and color and play but while doing these things they are learning. For
example while drawing they understand shapes even more and they draw
something that starts with the letter they had. Every day they have a picnic
in a place they choose to have their lunch and at the same time, they search
for things that start with the letter they are studying.
I like how the teacher varies using the learning styles. She uses almost all of
them while introducing a lesson to the students. By using them all, the
teacher will be sure that all of her students are understanding the lesson she
gave. She knows how to grab their attention by doing some activities that
she knows all of the students would like.
In my teaching practice school, I always see my teacher check some papers
before the school day starts. What is she exactly doing is checking her lesson
plan for the day to make sure that she would go on everything that she
needs to go through for this day. After doing that, she starts the lesson and
then in her break time she checks what have she done and what is left for
her. As it is for kindergarten she needs to be more with the students but still,
she has a student-centered classroom. Students are all involved in all of the
activities, and she is not only talking. Starting from the early morning from
the routine until they say goodbye. The teachers role is only explaining the
main idea of the lesson, and then she lets students explore the lesson. She
guides them to the right path to make sure that all of them are getting the
exact knowledge that they should get. Before going to the centers, the
teacher only gives instructions on what should they do, and she divides them
into the centers. She changes students between the centers so that she
makes sure each student had enough time everywhere. She observes them
to make sure they are using correct knowledge.
After doing that the teacher gathers the students back on the mat for five to
ten minutes to make sure students are understanding the main concept of
the lesson. If students couldnt answer her questions that means that they
didnt understand. By doing that, the teacher is evaluating students
understanding and progress.
I like the way my teaching practice teacher is organized while doing her daily
routine for the students. Because of her lesson plans she knows exactly what
will she do during the day. She tries to involve students the whole time. She
knows what they are interested at and she takes their opinion for what would
they like more. The classroom is never boring, students are active.
In my teaching practice school, the teacher draws the routine of the day
every morning on the board after taking attendance. Students
keep asking what they will be doing for the day until she writes it
on. When the teacher writes everything on the board the students
know how their day will go. If they need to stay on the mat they
do. If they need to go outside they do. They listen to their
teachers directions. She doesnt give so many directions because
they know what they should do. When she asks them to line up in
the corridor they know that they should line up and then sit down
on the floor until she comes and tells them to move.
I like how the students become more independent and organized
while transitioning. They do what was requested from their teacher and they
wait for her. Their routine is well organized and it helps in controlling them.
They have their snack times before they play so they wont be so active in
the class and uncontrollable.
In my teaching practice school, my teacher always teaches students the
moral and attitudes that they should have. If any student did a wrong
Behavior she guides him to the correct one. She makes sure all of the
students in her classroom are polite and punctual. They have to respect
everyone. When the teacher teaches them some moral and attitudes and
she does them in front of them, which means that they will do what she does
because she is their role model.
One day, I called a student with a wrong name. His friend came to me and
told me that this is not his name and that I dont do anything. The teacher
told him that he is not being respectful to me and that he have to say sorry
because I am working hard to memorize other students names. She made
him sit aside for two minutes to think about what he have done. After that he
came and apologized to me and said that he will not talk to me this way
As a teacher she is doing her role of making students polite and showing
them good morals. She didnt punish him very badly and in front of all of his
classmates. She made him think about what he did and this is a think that I
really liked about her. She didnt force him on apologizing. Because of her
teaching them that they have to be respectful and apologize if he did
something wrong. He came by himself and apologized to me.
Reflective statement.
Student centered classrooms are working very well as I observed while going
to teaching practice. To have a successful classroom management the
teacher should be organized and she has her routines and transitions. The
teacher should prepare lesson plans and include different activities that fit
different learning styles. The teacher encourages positive behavior when she
makes students more independent and responsible when she assigns them
to help her in doing her work.
I would like to have a student centered classroom because it would be more
interesting for me and my students. Making students explore and giving
them the priority to lead the classroom with the help of me. I learned that if
you want your encourage positive behavior in your classroom you should
praise your children and make them busy the whole time. If you want your
day to move smoothly generate your students interests and make them
always curious and eager to learn.