7th Grade Astronomy Unit Plan
7th Grade Astronomy Unit Plan
7th Grade Astronomy Unit Plan
Prescott College
9 Week Unit Plan
Unit Title: Celestial object evolution and processes
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Subject/Topic Area: Astronomy
Key Words: Solar system, planets, galaxy, Big Bang Theory,
constellation, gravitational pull, heliocentric, geocentric,
eclipse, tide, seasons
Designed by: Julie A. Soloman
Time Frame: 9 weeks
Unit Summary: This unit will cover the Earth and Space
Science portion of the Arizona standards as articulated for 7 th
grade learners. We will explore the ideas of early
astronomers, the identification and importance of
constellations, celestial objects, and a deeper look into the
characteristics and processes of the Sun, Moon, and Earth,
as well as the ways in which they interact with one another.